/irc-logs / mozilla / #accessibility / 2014-05-20 / end


  1. # Session Start: Tue May 20 00:00:00 2014
  2. # Session Ident: #accessibility
  3. # [00:01] * Quits: brambles (xymox@moz-969AAE9B.barwen.ch) (Ping timeout)
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  40. # [01:31] <@firebot> m-wada@usa.com changed the Resolution on bug 646362 from DUPLICATE to ---.
  41. # [01:31] <@firebot> m-wada@usa.com changed the Status on bug 646362 from RESOLVED to REOPENED.
  42. # [01:31] <@firebot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=646362 nor, --, ---, nobody, REOP, Mac keyboard shortcut overriding doesn't work properly
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  57. # [02:05] <@firebot> myk@mozilla.org cancelled needinfo?(myk@mozilla.org) on bug 938303.
  58. # [02:05] <@firebot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=938303 nor, --, ---, nobody, UNCO, Can't disable cmd-q in Firefox on Mac OS X 10.9
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  71. # [02:34] <@firebot> m-wada@usa.com changed the Resolution on bug 457973 from DUPLICATE to ---.
  72. # [02:34] <@firebot> m-wada@usa.com changed the Status on bug 457973 from RESOLVED to REOPENED.
  73. # [02:34] <@firebot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=457973 nor, --, ---, nobody, REOP, Command-Q quits Firefox regardless of what the "Quit Firefox" keyboard shortcut is set to
  74. # [02:35] <@firebot> New Core - Disability Access APIs bug 1013006 filed by eitan@monotonous.org.
  75. # [02:35] <@firebot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1013006 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, [AccessFu] isFlatSubtree returns false when there is an ancestor with a click listener
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  132. # [04:48] <@firebot> m-wada@usa.com changed the Status on bug 938303 from UNCONFIRMED to NEW.
  133. # [04:48] <@firebot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=938303 nor, --, ---, nobody, UNCO, Can't disable cmd-q in Firefox on Mac OS X
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  227. # [16:35] <@davidb> yzen, yeah "open ~/firefoxos.sparseimage" is all that is needed
  228. # [16:35] <@yzen> yep
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  232. # [16:52] <@davidb> tbsaunde, did you notice the good stack posted in bug 1011736 ?
  233. # [16:52] <@firebot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1011736 cri, --, ---, nobody, NEW, crash in mozilla::a11y::Accessible::Description(nsString&)
  234. # [16:54] <@davidb> well good/true
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  241. # [17:24] <tbsaunde> davidb: its in the queue to look at
  242. # [17:25] <@davidb> awesome
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  248. # [18:07] <@firebot> m-wada@usa.com requested needinfo from myk@mozilla.org on bug 938303.
  249. # [18:07] <@firebot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=938303 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Can't disable cmd-q in Firefox on Mac OS X
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  275. # [20:43] <@firebot> New Firefox - Keyboard Navigation bug 1013503 filed by etrapani@gmail.com.
  276. # [20:43] <@firebot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1013503 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Pressing alt+tab to switch applications hides menu (Linux/Windows)
  277. # [20:48] <@davidb> clown_mtg, are we meeting today?
  278. # [20:50] <clown_mtg> davidb, yes
  279. # [20:50] <clown_mtg> in about 10 minutes
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  284. # [20:51] <@davidb> clown_mtg ok ty
  285. # [20:53] <clown_mtg> davidb: yw
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  294. # [22:23] <@firebot> eitan@monotonous.org changed the Assignee on bug 1013006 from nobody@mozilla.org to eitan@monotonous.org.
  295. # [22:24] <@firebot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1013006 nor, --, ---, eitan, NEW, [AccessFu] isFlatSubtree returns false when there is an ancestor with a click listener
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  310. # [23:11] <@firebot> New Core - Disability Access APIs bug 1013584 filed by jdiggs@igalia.com.
  311. # [23:11] <@firebot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1013584 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, [ATK] Children of tables and lists with role='presentation' should each be exposed as if they were d
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  319. # [23:51] <@firebot> eitan@monotonous.org changed the Assignee on bug 1004294 from nobody@mozilla.org to eitan@monotonous.org.
  320. # [23:51] <@firebot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1004294 nor, --, ---, eitan, NEW, [AccessFu] Explore by touch in B2G is sluggish
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  322. # Session Close: Wed May 21 00:00:00 2014

The end :)