/irc-logs / mozilla / #developers / 2014-12-29 / end


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  1. # Session Start: Mon Dec 29 00:00:00 2014
  2. # Session Ident: #developers
  3. # [00:00] * Joins: raniere_ (raniere@moz-l42j5l.telesp.net.br)
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  5. # [00:04] * heycam|away is now known as heycam
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  12. # [00:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/163080209ca9 - Gavin Sharp - Bug 1110420: need to not do geo-specific defaults for distribution builds. r=markh
  13. # [00:22] * Quits: jib (Jan-Ivar@moz-7o3g6p.dyn.optonline.net) (Client exited)
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  18. # [00:35] * Quits: drno (nohlmeier@moz-225k7f.ca.comcast.net) (Client exited)
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  23. # [00:42] * Quits: garvank (Garvan@moz-cpaagl.dsl.teksavvy.com) (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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  28. # [00:59] * Quits: Zupoman (mistrzmag@moz-qc3.esk.224.91.IP) (Quit: Plan B failed, time for Plan 9!)
  29. # [00:59] * Quits: Bas (chatzilla@moz-bbdigr.ftth.concepts.nl) (Connection closed)
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  33. # [01:06] <Delta706> does anyone know the javascript code?
  34. # [01:09] * Joins: jib (Jan-Ivar@moz-7o3g6p.dyn.optonline.net)
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  42. # [01:17] * Quits: Delta706 (xx@moz-55235l.as13285.net) (Quit: Leaving)
  43. # [01:19] * Quits: dark-knight (dark-knight@moz-ib8bp9.us.unmetered.com) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
  44. # [01:20] * Quits: jib (Jan-Ivar@moz-7o3g6p.dyn.optonline.net) (Client exited)
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  52. # [01:46] * Quits: garvank (Garvan@moz-cpaagl.dsl.teksavvy.com) (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
  53. # [01:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c7dde66a57bb - L. David Baron - Bug 1115999 - Call ApplyRelativePositioning properly for some table cells that we choose not to reflow. r=roc
  54. # [01:48] * Joins: garvank (Garvan@moz-cpaagl.dsl.teksavvy.com)
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  60. # [02:09] * Quits: ckitching (ckitching@moz-o4vv6i.plus.com) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
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  63. # [02:19] * heycam is now known as heycam|away
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  65. # [02:23] * Joins: bbondy (bbondy@moz-hchicl.home4.cgocable.net)
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  77. # [02:45] * ewong|away is now known as ewong
  78. # [02:47] * Joins: Bas (chatzilla@moz-bbdigr.ftth.concepts.nl)
  79. # [02:49] * Quits: rbarnes (rbarnes@moz-hdbvkj.fios.verizon.net) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
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  164. # [05:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/0fa01129897c - John Dai - Bug 952025: Rename EF_TYPE_TRANSPARENT|LINEAR_FIXED|CYCLIC type of file to structure of file. r=echen
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  173. # [05:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/005675051853 - Xidorn Quan - Bug 1103832 - Initialize mLineIsEmpty and mLineAtStart of ruby annotations to false. r=dbaron
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  210. # [06:52] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/8c58dd63b543 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  245. # [07:37] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/65a772c4c089 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  267. # [08:00] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/0ca2f419c34f - Phil Ringnalda - Merge m-c to m-i
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  270. # [08:01] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/a73ce3cb8b26 - Phil Ringnalda - Merge m-c to b-i
  271. # [08:01] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/8850aa0f5332 - Phil Ringnalda - Back out 9e126e97e347 (bug 1098700), a=backout
  272. # [08:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/e17eccb249d1 - Phil Ringnalda - Merge m-c to f-t
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  277. # [08:04] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> good morning
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  322. # [09:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/cfddd3baeb0b - Ben Hsu - Bug 1077075 - Part 2: Modify related dom implementations (DOM). r=aknow
  323. # [09:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/916a5e943388 - Ben Hsu - Bug 1077075 - Part 4: Internal architecture (TelephonyService.js). r=aknow
  324. # [09:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/d36a45163b69 - Ben Hsu - Bug 1077075 - Part 3: Add nsITelephonyCallback as a new parameter (IDL). r=aknow
  325. # [09:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/05880eb3e779 - Ben Hsu - Bug 1077075 - Part 5: Internal architecture (ril_worker.js). r=aknow
  326. # [09:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/69e5f05ade70 - Ben Hsu - Bug 1077075 - Part 6: Internal architecture (IPC). r=aknow
  327. # [09:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/b51678e8e5e8 - Ben Hsu - Bug 1077075 - Part 7: Update the related testcases. r=aknow
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  363. # [10:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/6bf93610034b - Jordan Santell - Bug 1056458 - Add backend for recording automation events in the web audio API for developer tools. r=vp
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  373. # [10:45] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/b53fc8b22dd6 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset 69e5f05ade70 (bug 1077075)
  374. # [10:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/46a36152ca47 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset 05880eb3e779 (bug 1077075)
  375. # [10:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/dfcb16f2e984 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset d36a45163b69 (bug 1077075)
  376. # [10:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/a66c84f06cfe - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset 916a5e943388 (bug 1077075)
  377. # [10:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/cded54c82fb1 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset cfddd3baeb0b (bug 1077075)
  378. # [10:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/9901b54d5ce7 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset 1cddaf8b16f4 (bug 1077075) for bustage
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  381. # [10:50] <kepta> What is pulsebot
  382. # [10:51] * Quits: karlt (karl@moz-d9sifc.xtra.co.nz) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  383. # [10:52] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> a bot from glandium
  384. # [10:56] <kepta> I am having trouble with hg qnew
  385. # [10:56] <kepta> unknown command
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  392. # [11:03] <Archaeopteryx> kepta: what operating system do you use?
  393. # [11:03] <kepta> mAac
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  398. # [11:14] <darktrojan> kepta, you might have to add the mq extension, this page shows you how https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mercurial_Queues
  399. # [11:14] * Quits: timdream (timdream@moz-aj9ejj.HINET-IP.hinet.net) (Client exited)
  400. # [11:14] <kepta> Thanks darktrojan: it fianlly worked
  401. # [11:14] <kepta> But entering that command doesnt open any text editor
  402. # [11:15] <Archaeopteryx> kepta: what command entered where?
  403. # [11:15] <kepta> hg qnew some.patch
  404. # [11:16] * Quits: Morris (Morris@moz-2hf62a.HINET-IP.hinet.net) (Client exited)
  405. # [11:16] <kepta> on the doc page it says it should open a text editor for me to comment the patch
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  407. # [11:16] <Archaeopteryx> that's hg qref -e
  408. # [11:17] <gaston> qnew should also open an editor for a new patch...
  409. # [11:17] <darktrojan> doesn't for me
  410. # [11:18] <kepta> same here
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  414. # [11:24] <gaston> or maybe i'm too used to type qnew -e
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  419. # [11:28] <Ms2ger> gaston, you can make it the default in your hgrc
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  423. # [11:32] <gaston> oh right
  424. # [11:32] <gaston> $grep qn .hgrc
  425. # [11:32] * Quits: rbarnes (rbarnes@moz-hdbvkj.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  426. # [11:32] <gaston> qnew = -Ue
  427. # [11:32] <gaston> :)
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  441. # [11:58] <@roc> hmmmm
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  444. # [12:02] * Ms2ger waves at roc
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  448. # [12:06] * Tomcat|sheriffduty waves at roc and Ms2ger :)
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  455. # [12:18] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/eb15e3f89345 - Robert O'Callahan - Bug 1107508. Disable stylesheets in <use>-cloned subtrees for now. r=heycam
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  460. # [12:21] <Ms2ger> Well dammit
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  462. # [12:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/eeeba6f2f1e1 - Trevor Saunders - bug 1113407 - cleanup wrappers on doc shutdown r=davidb
  463. # [12:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1c5b4332e2f1 - Trevor Saunders - bug 1113845 - allow OuterDoc Accessible proxies to be shutdown while they own a document r=davidb
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  475. # [12:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/9e3807e58e6a - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  476. # [12:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/7cbc4affbd30 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  478. # [12:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/724f0a71d621 - Michal Novotny - Bug 792831 - WebSocket permessage compression extension, r=jduell
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  521. # [13:36] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/bb24f0be1bcb - Paolo Amadini - Bug 1115364 - Downloads Panel code style refresh. r=jaws
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  524. # [13:41] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/09606692e154 - Neil Deakin - Bug 1083269, handle windows in a different process within waitForFocus, r=jmaher
  525. # [13:41] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/4e494ede6c2d - Paolo Amadini - Bug 875648 - Use Downloads.jsm functions to get download directories in Firefox for Desktop. r=jaws
  526. # [13:44] <gerv1> Anyone know why I get "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'linux_sysinfo'" when trying to "mach build"?
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  528. # [13:44] <gerv1> (mozilla-inbound)
  529. # [13:44] <gerv1> I'm not the only person:
  530. # [13:44] <gerv1> http://fpaste.org/162857/
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  532. # [13:47] <gerv> NM, briefly building the ordinary way and aborting made it work again. Some quirk of the Python setup, no doubt.
  533. # [13:47] <gerv> (make -f client.mk, for anyone finding this IRC log in a search.)
  534. # [13:50] <gaston> gerv: known bug
  535. # [13:51] <gaston> gerv: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=930808#c30
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  538. # [13:54] <gaston> that psutil situation is a shame..
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  596. # [14:58] <jez> What's the best way to stop JavaScript navigation for a particular domain? Not the other JavaScript, just like window.location.href = "xxx"
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  600. # [15:00] <Ms2ger> You don't
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  604. # [15:06] <Delta706> Is there documentation for "hg bzexport"?
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  607. # [15:07] <Fallen> Delta706: There is the repo that has a little bit of documentation https://bitbucket.org/sfink/bzexport/
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  609. # [15:07] <Fallen> oh that might not be the main repo
  610. # [15:08] <Delta706> how do I get hg export to post to a bug?
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  612. # [15:09] <Delta706> ah, bzexport must do that
  613. # [15:09] <Fallen> here is the updated readme: https://hg.mozilla.org/hgcustom/version-control-tools/file/tip/hgext/bzexport/README
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  615. # [15:09] <Delta706> thanks
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  618. # [15:11] <Fallen> Delta706: see also http://blog.mozilla.org/ted/2010/09/07/bzexport-a-mercurial-extension/
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  621. # [15:13] <Delta706> Fallen: thanks
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  625. # [15:18] <Delta706> Once I have sent the patch, do I then use #developers to get someone to review and commit it?
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  627. # [15:20] <Fallen> Delta706: I usually pick a reviewer from the suggested reviewers box in bugzilla, I don't actually use bzexport so I don't know if it shows that. What bug are you looking at?
  628. # [15:21] <Delta706> I have not opened it yet but jorendorff suggested I do so
  629. # [15:22] <Delta706> I suspect bzexport just posts the patch
  630. # [15:22] <Fallen> you need to have a bug open for bzexport to post the patch. It reads the bug id from the commit message
  631. # [15:22] <Fallen> or tries to do so
  632. # [15:22] <Fallen> I'd suggest creating the bug first. When you have that open you can easily see which reviewers are available for it
  633. # [15:23] <Fallen> do you know which component to open it in or do you need help on that?
  634. # [15:23] <bbouvier> anybody who could help with debugging android reftests?
  635. # [15:23] <bbouvier> i'm trying to print stuff with android_log_printf, but nothing shows up in the TBPL reports
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  637. # [15:25] <till> Delta706: I would strongly recommend using the web interface to post your first few patches. Using bzexport is convenient once you really know your way around; before that, it'll make things more confusing.
  638. # [15:26] <Delta706> till: okay I will use "bz export" to begin with
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  640. # [15:26] <Fallen> ?
  641. # [15:26] <Delta706> hmm, I will use "hg export" to begin with
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  643. # [15:27] <till> Delta706: you mean to create a patch file you can then post to bugzilla? You can also just use `hg qshow > my.patch` for that. Or `hg qshow
  644. # [15:27] <Delta706> Fallen: my plan is to add comments to the code as I find out what it does
  645. # [15:27] <till> err
  646. # [15:28] <till> Delta706: ignore that dangling half-sentence :)
  647. # [15:28] <Fallen> Delta706: I guess I'm not quite sure at what stage you are. Are you still working on your patch and would just like to know what to do when done, or are you done and would like to have it reviewed and pushed now?
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  649. # [15:29] <Delta706> I am still working on the patch
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  651. # [15:29] <Delta706> but I am trying to understand the process
  652. # [15:30] <Delta706> strange the documentation covers qnew, but not qshow
  653. # [15:30] <Fallen> I think its hg qdiff, not qshow
  654. # [15:30] <Fallen> unless there is yet another extension I don't know of
  655. # [15:31] <Delta706> okay I will use "hg qdiff"
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  657. # [15:32] <Fallen> Delta706: Usually, the process is 1) file a bug 2) discuss anything that needs to be discussed on the bug 3) write the patch 4) upload to said bug 5) request review using suggested reviewers 6) when you have review+, your reviewer will push the patch for you
  658. # [15:32] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> or you can request checkin like with the checkin-needed keyword
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  660. # [15:33] <Fallen> you can postpone filing the bug until after step 3 if its a simple issue and you know exactly what needs to be done.
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  662. # [15:34] <Fallen> about the uploading part, with hg qdiff you can get a snapshot of your current patch, which you can pipe to a file as mentioned above, then you can use that for the upload
  663. # [15:34] <Fallen> and as mentioned, we'd suggest using the web version of bugzilla to actually do the upload the first time around
  664. # [15:34] <bbouvier> what's a nice channel for firefox for android development?
  665. # [15:35] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> bbouvier: #mobile
  666. # [15:35] <bbouvier> Tomcat|sheriffduty: thanks
  667. # [15:36] <Delta706> Yes, I will use the web. I already have an account on bugzilla
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  672. # [15:37] <Fallen> Delta706: great! Feel free to ask again if you have questions or need help finding the right component to file the bug in
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  674. # [15:40] <Delta706> Fallen: at this point I am still learning about what style of patch might be acceptable. My changes are only likely to be adding comments to help me understand the code. I guess I could upload one change and see the reaction it gets
  675. # [15:41] <Fallen> Delta706: I'd suggest discussing the details with someone who actually works on the code that you will be adding comments to, but for that case you can use the "feedback" flag instead of the review flag.
  676. # [15:42] <kepta> Hi, will metrics.GetCriticalDisplayPort().IsEmpty() work?
  677. # [15:42] <Delta706> so I should add the diff, then request feedback?
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  684. # [15:50] <Fallen> Delta706: yes. File the bug, add your diff as an attachment, then request feedback on that attachment.
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  693. # [16:03] <mikedeboer> Question: How could I create an HTMLAudioElement instance from C++? I do have a reference to a global element, nsCOMPtr<nsIGlobalObject> global, but HTMLAudioElement:Audio wants a `const GlobalObject* global`, which I'm having trouble finding a cast/ conversion to...
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  697. # [16:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/163080209ca9 - Gavin Sharp - Bug 1110420: need to not do geo-specific defaults for distribution builds. r=markh
  698. # [16:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/e17eccb249d1 - Phil Ringnalda - Merge m-c to f-t
  699. # [16:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/45e273192680 - Tim Nguyen - Bug 891258 - Use Australis styling for the findbar buttons. r=jaws
  700. # [16:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/6bf93610034b - Jordan Santell - Bug 1056458 - Add backend for recording automation events in the web audio API for developer tools. r=vp
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  706. # [16:11] <@ehsan> mikedeboer: hi
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  708. # [16:14] <kepta> can any one help me with getter setter
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  713. # [16:16] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> good morning philor
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  723. # [16:25] <mikedeboer> ehsan: hi! I hope you have an answer for this thing I'm trying to do:
  724. # [16:25] <mikedeboer> ehsan: How could I create an HTMLAudioElement instance from C++? I do have a reference to a global element, nsCOMPtr<nsIGlobalObject> global, but HTMLAudioElement:Audio wants a `const GlobalObject* global`, which I'm having trouble finding a cast/ conversion to...
  725. # [16:27] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/47185628a395 - Jan de Mooij - Bug 1113643 - Optimize |x instanceof function| in Baseline and optimize more in Ion. r=bhackett
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  728. # [16:28] <@ehsan> mikedeboer: you need to create a GlobalObject on the stack
  729. # [16:29] <@ehsan> mikedeboer: and for that you need a JSContext* and a JSObject* belonging to the compartment from which you'd like to create the audio element
  730. # [16:30] <@ehsan> mikedeboer: if you have an nsIGlobalObject*, you can call GetGlobalJSObject() from it to get the latter
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  735. # [16:33] <mikedeboer> ehsan: Thanks!!! ok... do you think there's an example of this in the tree already somewhere?
  736. # [16:34] <@ehsan> mikedeboer: you can grep -w GlobalObject to find some examples
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  739. # [16:35] <Delta706> ehsan: what is nsCOMPtr?
  740. # [16:36] * Quits: yliao (yliao@moz-2hf62a.HINET-IP.hinet.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  741. # [16:36] <@ehsan> Delta706: it's a smart pointer class used to deal with XPCOM interface pointers
  742. # [16:36] <@ehsan> Delta706: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Using_nsCOMPtr
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  746. # [16:38] <Delta706> ehsan: thanks
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  793. # [17:34] <NeilAway> something is wrong with cycle collection when I have to click "minimise memory usage" to actually get anything to happen
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  799. # [17:40] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/169e19d13daa - chrishood@eagles.ewu.edu - bug 903456: Enforce failure if search service is initialized from a child process, r=gavin
  800. # [17:40] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/244edcd88c06 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  801. # [17:40] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/eca51bb6c77e - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
  802. # [17:40] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/da15e3989bb9 - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1115043: Ensure that range analysis takes size of element into account when removing bounds checks of AsmJS{Load/Store}Heap; r=luke
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  829. # [18:08] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/a207bb51ae07 - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1110164: Rename MSimdTernaryBitwise into MSimdSelect; r=sunfish
  830. # [18:08] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f3e8355e9830 - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1110164: Extend MSimdSelect to also handle element-wise select; r=sunfish
  831. # [18:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f13a3dcc5d0f - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1110164: Rename Select into BitSelect in the interpreter and implement Select in the interpreter; r=till
  832. # [18:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/769c68cc95a3 - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1110164: Add bitselect to asm.js; r=luke
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  841. # [18:12] <@ted> hrmph
  842. # [18:12] <@ted> trying to use navigator.registerProtocolHandler in the web console, it spews out a JS exception in some chrome code
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  844. # [18:12] <@ted> oh, busted in e10s
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  852. # [18:16] <@gavin> for XHR, is it garanteed that only one ontimeout/onerror/onload will fire per send()?
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  863. # [18:24] <SSE4> hi everybody, can somebody tell me who is the module owner for DirectShowReader?
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  865. # [18:26] <mccr8> SSE4: I'm not sure who is the module owner, but cpearce should be able to answer questions about it
  866. # [18:26] <mccr8> it looks like he has written the most patches for it: http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/log/476074a21761/content/media/directshow/DirectShowReader.cpp
  867. # [18:27] <SSE4> how can I contact him? I don't see cpearce in user list in that chat room
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  869. # [18:28] <mccr8> SSE4: He's probably on vacation at the moment, but you can try emailing him at cpearce@mozilla.com
  870. # [18:28] <@gavin> he was online earlier today
  871. # [18:28] <SSE4> okay, if he is on vacation and will not reply, is there any backup?
  872. # [18:28] <mccr8> SSE4: yeah his bugzilla id says he is on PTO until Jan 5.
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  874. # [18:29] <mccr8> SSE4: you can try asking in #media. if you have a security-related issue, you can email security@mozilla.org or file a security-sensitive bug.
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  876. # [18:31] <SSE4> thank you mccr8
  877. # [18:31] <mccr8> SSE4: if you have some issue you want to file a bug for, Core Video/Audio is probably the right component.
  878. # [18:32] <mccr8> well, product Core, component Video/Audio
  879. # [18:34] <SSE4> no, I have a fix for bug and need to discuss with module owner according to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Developer_guide/How_to_Submit_a_Patch
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  882. # [18:36] <mccr8> SSE4: ah, well, probably the best thing to do would be to attach the patch to the bug and then ask somebody for feedback? on the patch, either :cpearce or :kinetik and then just wait.
  883. # [18:36] <mccr8> SSE4: unfortunately at this time of year you may have to wait a bit for a response, but with the feedback? flag it will be on their queue of things to do when they get back.
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  888. # [18:38] <SSE4> okay, thank you mccr8, I will do that
  889. # [18:38] <SSE4> I know many people have public holidays right now
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  891. # [18:41] <till> SSE4: also note that most media people live in New Zealand, so that'll be a factor in when you can reach them even when they're not on PTO
  892. # [18:42] <SSE4> that's ok, till
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  916. # [19:01] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/87fe5bc1233f - Jon Coppeard - Bug 1032750 - Don't update GC triggers on uncollected zones r=terrence
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  929. # [19:06] <ferjm> hello! I am getting a build error on try that I am not getting locally. It is something related to webidl bindings. I have a "[Cached, Pure, Frozen] readonly attribute sequence<bar> foo" in a webidl that seems to be generating a "_ClearCachedFooValue" function and the build error says that this function is never used. The try build is https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&revision=b9790a70940a Any idea about what I am doing
  930. # [19:06] <ferjm> wrong?
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  938. # [19:12] <@ted> ferjm: #content might be a better place to ask bindings questions
  939. # [19:12] <@ted> ferjm: but also a lot of people are off for the holidays right now
  940. # [19:12] <mrbkap> Has anybody else seen build errors in mach "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'linux_sysinfo'
  941. # [19:12] <mrbkap> "
  942. # [19:12] <mrbkap> ?
  943. # [19:12] <@ted> mrbkap: there are like a zillion bugs filed on this
  944. # [19:12] <@ted> gps broke it
  945. # [19:12] <@ted> happy holidays
  946. # [19:12] <mrbkap> thanks
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  948. # [19:13] <@ted> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1115538
  949. # [19:13] <ferjm> mrbkap https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1115538
  950. # [19:13] <ferjm> :)
  951. # [19:13] <mrbkap> ted: ferjm: thanks!
  952. # [19:13] <@ted> > `rm python/psutil/*.so` and try again.
  953. # [19:13] <ferjm> ted, yeah, that's true, I'll try in content, thanks
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  958. # [19:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/47d9e690f4a9 - Martin Thomson - Bug 1052610 - Disabling non-PFS cipher suites, r=ekr
  959. # [19:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/f22a23413c54 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
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  965. # [19:24] <SSE4> is it expected that plugin-container crashes on close in d2d1debug2.dll?
  966. # [19:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/39e02863f481 - Tooru Fujisawa - Bug 1115986 - Fix JS_GetLatin1InternedStringChars identifier. r=terrence
  967. # [19:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ade74ec9427c - Tooru Fujisawa - Bug 1115996 - Fix comment for JS_GetExternalStringFinalizer. r=luke
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  969. # [19:26] <SSE4> that seems like crash is triggered by internal memory leaks checks, there is output like : D2D DEBUG ERROR - Memory leaks detected.
  970. # [19:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4e513b69ee91 - Philipp Kewisch - Bug 1084066 - plugins and extensions moved to wrong directory by mozharness - correct in-tree config. r=ted
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  1020. # [20:17] <lsblakk> janv: ping on bug 1083852
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  1023. # [20:19] <lsblakk> jst: would you be able to land the patch in bug 1079141 to beta branch? looking to get that into today's build
  1024. # [20:20] <jst> lsblakk: I think so, give me a sec
  1025. # [20:20] <lsblakk> jst: thanks
  1026. # [20:21] <jst> lsblakk: just to be clear, that'd be on hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta ?
  1027. # [20:22] <lsblakk> jst: correct
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  1029. # [20:22] <jst> lsblakk: ok, I'll make sure it applies and then push it
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  1032. # [20:23] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/8656f5cdba46 - Gregory Szorc - Bug 1115278 - Move Sphinx build scanning into moztreedocs; r=glandium
  1033. # [20:23] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/01ece2e26ef9 - Gregory Szorc - Bug 1115278 - Store docs directory in a variable; r=glandium
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  1035. # [20:23] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6e708bf5daab - Gregory Szorc - Bug 1115278 - Move Sphinx documentation staging into Sphinx extension; r=glandium
  1036. # [20:23] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/245bebb9e0d2 - Gregory Szorc - Bug 1115278 - Add virtualenv to Sphinx environment; r=glandium
  1037. # [20:23] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9acf0e1ecae6 - Gregory Szorc - Bug 1115278 - Fix mach documentation issues; r=glandium
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  1041. # [20:27] <KWierso|sheriffduty> lsblakk: ping?
  1042. # [20:27] <lsblakk> KWierso|sheriffduty: pong
  1043. # [20:28] <KWierso|sheriffduty> lsblakk: I'm working on uplifting bug 1084025, but it's not clear to me which patches still need to end up on aurora/beta
  1044. # [20:28] <KWierso|sheriffduty> or if there's even anything needing uplift at this point
  1045. # [20:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/4609c458fb91 - James Willcox - Bug 1097116 - Remove accidental debug spew. r=snorp, a=sledru
  1046. # [20:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/dbc18960a3a1 - Bobby Holley - Bug 1092025 - Hold the lock for the entire duration of MediaSourceReader::ReadMetaData. r=karlt, a=sledru
  1047. # [20:28] <lsblakk> looking
  1048. # [20:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/d8fd7efe9ea6 - Richard Newman - Bug 1095278 - Allow new tablet UI to ride the trains. r=mfinkle
  1049. # [20:28] <lsblakk> also KWierso|sheriffduty can you land bug 1096319 to trunk so i can get it approved for uplift if it lands ok?
  1050. # [20:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/30a8e30cf31b - Michael Comella - Bug 1095278 - Part 1: assume new tablet UI. r=rnewman
  1051. # [20:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/a32868881bc7 - Michael Comella - Bug 1095278 - Part 2: Disable testAboutPasswords on non-Nightly builds. r=rnewman
  1052. # [20:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/92e3d07b6721 - Michael Comella - Bug 1095278 - Part 3: Do not test for tracking protection on non-nightly builds. r=rnewman
  1053. # [20:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/3e5f3d222e21 - Michael Comella - Bug 1095278 - Part 4: Disable testGetUserMedia on release builds. r=rnewman
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  1055. # [20:30] <lsblakk> KWierso|sheriffduty: so i don't see anything left for beta on 1084025 - just aurora for patch https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=8535930
  1056. # [20:30] <KWierso|sheriffduty> lsblakk: okay
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  1058. # [20:32] <KWierso|sheriffduty> lsblakk: bug 1096319 is just for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=8523923 yes?
  1059. # [20:32] <lsblakk> KWierso|sheriffduty: yes
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  1062. # [20:33] <KWierso|sheriffduty> lsblakk: can do
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  1065. # [20:38] <@ted> it's probably not okay to put a nsTArray<nsRefPtr< inside a struct, is it?
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  1068. # [20:38] <@ted> rather, inside something that's not itself refcounted, is probably the problem
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  1071. # [20:40] <sicking> ted: that doesn't seem like a problem to me
  1072. # [20:40] <@ted> sicking: hm
  1073. # [20:40] <@ted> i have this patch floating around in my queue that i had problems with in the past
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  1075. # [20:40] <@ted> it was crashing on android
  1076. # [20:40] <@ted> i think because of the goofy event stuff it uses
  1077. # [20:41] <sicking> ted: you have to make sure to manage the lifetime of that struct correctly. But that's true independent of if it contains nsRefPtrs or not
  1078. # [20:41] <@ted> yeah
  1079. # [20:42] <@ted> http://hg.mozilla.org/users/tmielczarek_mozilla.com/mq/file/6c3c64fbd3fa/android-gamepad-setstate#l493
  1080. # [20:43] <@ted> http://hg.mozilla.org/users/tmielczarek_mozilla.com/mq/file/6c3c64fbd3fa/gamepad-state#l153
  1081. # [20:43] <@ted> is the definition of the struct
  1082. # [20:44] <@ted> i just never quite figured out what was going wrong there
  1083. # [20:44] <@ted> presumably some sort of ownership issue
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  1086. # [20:44] <jst> lsblakk: almost done, my beta tree was *way* out of date and it took a while to sort that out
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  1090. # [20:46] <jst> lsblakk: done
  1091. # [20:47] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/73145d9c6bde - Gabor Krizsanits - Bug 1079141 - mDocument null check in nsScriptLoader::ReadyToExecuteScripts, r=bz, a=lsblakk
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  1093. # [20:48] <lsblakk> jst: awesome
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  1095. # [20:49] <KWierso|sheriffduty> lsblakk: hrm, 1084025's patch isn't applying cleanly...
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  1103. # [20:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/d20b8f15b5a4 - Mark Hammond - Bug 1109120 - use a geoip xhr request for more reliable country detection for search. r=gavin a=gavin
  1104. # [20:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/1e0280e6ad24 - Gavin Sharp - Bug 1110420: need to not do geo-specific defaults for distribution builds. r=markh a=gavin/lsblakk
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  1106. # [20:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/a91703c279ec - Wes Kocher - Backed out changeset 169e19d13daa (bug 903456) for S4 bustage
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  1114. # [21:08] <Delta706> when I do "hg diff", it always seems to compare with the last patch
  1115. # [21:08] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/11e3df6283a0 - James Willcox - Bug 1062758 - Try to shutdown gracefully on Android r=mfinkle
  1116. # [21:09] <gps> Delta706: |hg diff| will compare working copy against its parent
  1117. # [21:09] <gps> essentially "changed I haven't committed yet"
  1118. # [21:09] <Delta706> and the parent is the previous patch?
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  1120. # [21:09] <gps> use |hg diff -c <rev>| to see changes made by a specific commit
  1121. # [21:09] <gps> i prefer |hg export <rev>| for that use case - it will show commit message as well
  1122. # [21:10] <gps> parent is whatever you have |hg update|d to
  1123. # [21:10] * Parts: marco (marco@moz-9tj9ef.retail.telecomitalia.it) ("")
  1124. # [21:10] <Delta706> which should match mozilla-central?
  1125. # [21:11] <gps> depends on what you've done
  1126. # [21:11] <gps> if you've just cloned, yes
  1127. # [21:11] <Delta706> perhaps it is a bug in my hg, but I get hg qdiff just giving changes since patch1
  1128. # [21:11] <gps> |hg log -r .| will tell you what your working copy is
  1129. # [21:11] <Delta706> and I am currently on patch2
  1130. # [21:12] <gps> "please don't use MQ"
  1131. # [21:12] <Delta706> I have mq yes
  1132. # [21:12] <gps> http://mozilla-version-control-tools.readthedocs.org/en/latest/hgmozilla/bookmarks.html
  1133. # [21:13] <gps> if you are just starting with hg, please avoid mq
  1134. # [21:13] <Delta706> it was recommended to me
  1135. # [21:13] <Delta706> but I can turn it off now
  1136. # [21:13] <gps> lots of neckbears around these woods
  1137. # [21:13] <gps> beards
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  1139. # [21:13] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/b6c3d0131066 - Gijs Kruitbosch - Bug 1096319
  1140. # [21:13] <gps> lots of mozillians still use mq because it is what they used 5 years ago
  1141. # [21:13] <Delta706> I just remove "mq = " from .hgrc?
  1142. # [21:13] <gps> it shouldn't be used by new mercurial users
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  1145. # [21:15] <Delta706> if I remove mq, do I need to clone again?
  1146. # [21:15] <gps> no
  1147. # [21:15] <Delta706> so I just alter .hgrc
  1148. # [21:15] <gps> mq provides a different workflow for managing patches
  1149. # [21:15] <gps> unless you ran |hg qnew|, you won't need to do anything
  1150. # [21:16] <Delta706> yes, I did qnew
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  1152. # [21:16] <Delta706> I have two patches currently, patch1 and patch2
  1153. # [21:16] <gps> you'll want to do something like: |hg import --exact .hg/patches/<file>|
  1154. # [21:17] <gps> do patch1 first, then patch2
  1155. # [21:17] <gps> that will import the patches into Mercurial as if mq were not involved
  1156. # [21:17] <gps> alternatively, qpush both, then disable mq
  1157. # [21:19] <Delta706> okay I tried push on patch1 but it complained about going to a previous patch
  1158. # [21:20] <Delta706> it thinks patch2 is already applied
  1159. # [21:20] <Delta706> so perhaps just disable mq?
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  1161. # [21:20] <gps> yes
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  1165. # [21:22] <Delta706> hg diff is giving nothing
  1166. # [21:23] <gps> that means you have no uncommitted changes
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  1169. # [21:24] <Delta706> I do have changes (just fprintf) but perhaps it thinks they are locally committed?
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  1172. # [21:25] <gps> what does |hg log| say?
  1173. # [21:25] * Quits: tantek (tantek@moz-6s2vd2.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) (Client exited)
  1174. # [21:26] <kats> gps: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Developer_guide/How_to_Submit_a_Patch#Creating_a_patch still refers to mq, as does https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mercurial_FAQ#How_can_I_generate_a_patch_for_somebody_else_to_check-in_for_me.3F - these are the pages I send new contributors to for learning how to make their first patch
  1175. # [21:26] <kats> just sayin'
  1176. # [21:26] <Delta706> tag: tip
  1177. # [21:26] <gps> kats: i'm currently going through MDN, applying napalm where appropriate
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  1179. # [21:26] <kats> gps: excellent :)
  1180. # [21:26] <gps> lots of pages in developer guide contain hg references but aren't tagged "Mercurial" :/
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  1182. # [21:29] <Delta706> hg log -r . says changeset
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  1184. # [21:32] <Delta706> perhaps it would be simplest just to do a clone
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  1195. # [21:39] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/685c246ce3e0 - Gregory Szorc - Bug 1116194 - Catch errors calling psutil; r=ted
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  1199. # [21:43] <KWierso|sheriffduty> glandium: ping?
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  1208. # [21:49] <sfink> Delta706: you did qnew, which does a commit. hg log should show your formerly qnew'ed patch, then whatever it was on top of. hg diff should be empty, since you have no uncommitted changes. Everything sounds like it's fine to me.
  1209. # [21:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/cf04310e7cba - Christoph Kerschbaumer - Bug 1087730: Make JS callers of ios.newChannel call ios.newChannel2 in extensions/ (r=mmc)
  1210. # [21:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/24997b35fe64 - Christoph Kerschbaumer - Bug 1087731: Make JS callers of ios.newChannel call ios.newChannel2 in image/ (r=seth)
  1211. # [21:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/698b114bc2ed - Christoph Kerschbaumer - Bug 1087733: Make JS callers of ios.newChannel call ios.newChannel2 in intl/ (r=smontagu)
  1212. # [21:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ca497d0e75e8 - Christoph Kerschbaumer - Bug 1087735: Make JS callers of ios.newChannel call ios.newChannel2 in layout/ (r=dbaron)
  1213. # [21:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b60d7b975e9d - Christoph Kerschbaumer - Bug 1087739: Make JS callers of ios.newChannel call ios.newChannel2 in netwerk/ (r=sworkman,tanvi)
  1214. # [21:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2cd9d9cbf404 - Christoph Kerschbaumer - Bug 1087742: Make JS callers of ios.newChannel call ios.newChannel2 in testing/ (r=jmaher)
  1215. # [21:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2366ffec564e - Christoph Kerschbaumer - Bug 1093948: Make JS callers of ios.newChannel call ios.newChannel2 in xpcom/ (r=bsmedberg)
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  1218. # [21:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/0c531e14936b - Hannes Verschore - Bug 1115665: Don't do beta optimizations for Compare_Value compares, r=jandem
  1219. # [21:51] <Delta706> sfink: how do I uncommit?
  1220. # [21:51] * Quits: tromey (tromey@moz-2d91tj.hlrn.qwest.net) (Quit: ERC (IRC client for Emacs
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  1223. # [21:52] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4d6fbaef529c - Alexandre Poirot - Bug 1047571 - Blacklist mulet's failing tests. r=ahal
  1224. # [21:52] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/97ccac9529a6 - Johannes Schulte - Bug 1007631 - Enable the innerize-window optimization for getters; r=jandem
  1225. # [21:53] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/063babcbcbcc - Gervase Markham - Bug 1114762 - New TLD additions for TLDs contracted with ICANN through 12/22/2014
  1226. # [21:53] <gps> Delta706: define "uncommit"
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  1228. # [21:53] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/a275c8158e78 - Wes Johnston - Bug 1064669 - Use a Viewless Fragment for managing MediaPlayer lifecycle. r=mfinkle
  1229. # [21:54] <Delta706> well I know they are not committed on central
  1230. # [21:54] <Delta706> I just want to go back, so I can do a diff again and get the real results
  1231. # [21:54] <@ted> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1094013#c22
  1232. # [21:54] <@ted> users
  1233. # [21:54] <@ted> what are you going to do
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  1236. # [21:54] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/de7d50fd87f8 - wesj - Bug 1100100 - "Downloaded file can't be opened from "Downloads" page" [r=wjohnston]
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  1238. # [21:57] <sfink> Delta706: you can see the changes in that commit with |hg export .|. You can make further changes, then merge them into that commit with |hg commit --amend|.
  1239. # [21:57] <gps> Delta706: |hg up <rev>| will update to a previous version
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  1241. # [22:00] <Delta706> ah I see, export is another kind of diff. all is clear
  1242. # [22:00] <gps> export shows the commit in a human and machine readable form
  1243. # [22:00] <gps> diff shows just the diff
  1244. # [22:00] <gps> commit == diff + metadata
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  1247. # [22:01] <gps> export is more powerful. you should always be using that format when sharing data
  1248. # [22:01] <gps> e.g. export tells you what the parent commit is. so someone else can apply that commit on top of exactly what you applied it on. no guessing necessary.
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  1252. # [22:03] <Delta706> But for me, there is no need to commit at all, prior to the export
  1253. # [22:03] <gps> well, you should commit to save your code
  1254. # [22:03] <Delta706> well I mean, I can do them both on the same day
  1255. # [22:03] <gps> strictly speaking, diffs only don't conform to the firefox patch submission rules
  1256. # [22:04] <gps> lots of people will let that slide, however
  1257. # [22:04] <sfink> I don't really understand why there isn't an option to add to |hg commit --amend| to get it to amend the commit to an empty change or something, just so you can futz with your local changes in peace.
  1258. # [22:04] <gps> but it is more work for whoever needs to push your code
  1259. # [22:04] <sfink> seems like -I or -X ought to do it, but I can't get them to work
  1260. # [22:04] <sfink> I guess hg hates empty commits for some reason
  1261. # [22:04] <gps> evolve has |hg uncommit|
  1262. # [22:04] <lsblakk> gavin markh for bug 1106150 is that going to land on inbound today? we're going to build the final desktop beta this aft
  1263. # [22:04] <sfink> ah, so it does!
  1264. # [22:05] <gps> you can |hg uncommit --all| to get an empty commit
  1265. # [22:05] <gps> then use |hg record| to stage your commits
  1266. # [22:05] <Delta706> gps: that would be better
  1267. # [22:05] * Quits: kgrandon (Adium@moz-tmqq60.dc.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  1268. # [22:05] <gps> if you are a new hg user, you shouldn't use evolve. it is experimental and still a bit complicated
  1269. # [22:06] <gps> YMMV
  1270. # [22:06] * Quits: brendan (brendaneich@moz-3b440c.sub-70-197-6.myvzw.com) (Client exited)
  1271. # [22:06] <Delta706> The advantage of commit is that it stops complains when I next "hg update". Is that right?
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  1273. # [22:06] <gps> yes
  1274. # [22:06] <Delta706> *complains
  1275. # [22:06] <Delta706> *complaints
  1276. # [22:07] <gps> |hg up| when you have uncommitted changes is dangerous
  1277. # [22:07] <gps> because it could result in data loss
  1278. # [22:07] <Delta706> my version of hg spots that (I think)
  1279. # [22:07] <Delta706> and forces me to resolve it
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  1281. # [22:08] <sfink> there's always |hg update -r 'p1(.)'; hg export tip | patch -p1| I guess, if you want to roll your own uncommit. But you'll leave an extra head behind. (And using "tip" for anything gives me the creepy crawlies.)
  1282. # [22:08] <Delta706> definitely a good idea to update the web site
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  1284. # [22:09] <jez> Is there any mechanism that Gecko provides for code in, say, a "beforeunload" event to tell whether the unload was caused by JS or by user navigation?
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  1287. # [22:11] <Delta706> okay, I just did a pull and update. It complains because of my latest changes
  1288. # [22:11] <Delta706> (which makes sense)
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  1290. # [22:13] <Delta706> and is nice and safe for me
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  1301. # [22:21] <&dbaron> is try broken?
  1302. # [22:22] <&dbaron> I pushed 12 minutes ago
  1303. # [22:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/2c12736f741f - Robert Strong - Bug 1090535 - Add Windows Firewall whitelist entry. r=bbondy, a=lsblakk
  1304. # [22:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/a349c33ba810 - Robert Strong - Bug 1090535 - Add Windows Firewall whitelist entry. r=bbondy, a=lsblakk
  1305. # [22:22] <&dbaron> and I haven't gotten email, nor has my push shown up in treeherder
  1306. # [22:23] <KWierso|sheriffduty> markh, gavin: ping?
  1307. # [22:23] <&dbaron> oh, wait, I *just* got the email
  1308. # [22:23] <@gavin> KWierso|sheriffduty: hi
  1309. # [22:23] <&dbaron> 12 minute delay for things to show up seems a little odd...
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  1311. # [22:24] <KWierso|sheriffduty> gavin: so I uplifted bug 1109120 to aurora and now talos is failing there with https://treeherder.mozilla.org/ui/logviewer.html#?job_id=479470&repo=mozilla-aurora
  1312. # [22:24] <KWierso|sheriffduty> did I also need to uplift the other patch in that bug?
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  1315. # [22:25] <jmaher> KWierso|sheriffduty: hmm, we updated talos on trunk to support this- we should update it on aurora as well
  1316. # [22:26] <seth> does anyone know if we have an equivalent of std::array in the tree? i.e., mutable elements, but fixed size?
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  1319. # [22:26] <glandium> KWierso|sheriffduty: pong
  1320. # [22:27] <mccr8> seth: nsTAutoArray and don't call any appending methods? ;) I guess that's not really what you are looking for.
  1321. # [22:27] <seth> mccr8: yeah, i was hoping to make it impossible to mess it up
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  1324. # [22:28] <KWierso|sheriffduty> glandium: for bug 899126, what parts need checked in?
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  1326. # [22:28] <KWierso|sheriffduty> looks like part 1 landed, unsure if I need 1.5 and 2 or just 2
  1327. # [22:28] <KWierso|sheriffduty> jmaher: how quickly can that happen?
  1328. # [22:29] <jmaher> KWierso|sheriffduty: I am trying to determine what revision of talos is on aurora
  1329. # [22:29] <jmaher> my hg pull is taking a long time
  1330. # [22:29] <KWierso|sheriffduty> naturally :)
  1331. # [22:30] <glandium> KWierso|sheriffduty: only part 1 landed
  1332. # [22:30] <glandium> KWierso|sheriffduty: both 1.5 and 2 are needed
  1333. # [22:30] <seth> also, do we have channels or a similar construct anywhere in the tree for convenient communication between threads?
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  1336. # [22:32] <jmaher> KWierso|sheriffduty: we can update aurora talos.json to be what is on inbound
  1337. # [22:32] <jmaher> KWierso|sheriffduty: let me update a patch
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  1339. # [22:34] <jmaher> KWierso|sheriffduty: r? on you: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1109120
  1340. # [22:35] <KWierso|sheriffduty> jmaher: looks good to me :)
  1341. # [22:35] <jmaher> KWierso|sheriffduty: thanks
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  1344. # [22:37] <jmaher> KWierso|sheriffduty: can you r+ in bugzilla: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1109120 ?
  1345. # [22:37] * Quits: avih (quassel@moz-8fl.sud.210.192.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  1346. # [22:37] <KWierso|sheriffduty> jmaher: boo
  1347. # [22:37] <KWierso|sheriffduty> m
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  1350. # [22:41] <jmaher> KWierso|sheriffduty: landed- yay for greener pastures
  1351. # [22:41] <KWierso|sheriffduty> whee!
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  1360. # [22:46] <Delta706> what happens when something goes in aurora?
  1361. # [22:46] <Delta706> *into
  1362. # [22:47] <markh> recently, talos breaks! ;)
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  1364. # [22:47] <KWierso|sheriffduty> markh: eh?
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  1368. # [22:48] <markh> KWierso|sheriffduty: trying to be smart ;) q: "what happens when something goes in Aurora" a: "today it means that talos breaks"
  1369. # [22:48] <markh> jmaher, KWierso|sheriffduty: thanks for fixing that
  1370. # [22:49] <Delta706> what is talos?
  1371. # [22:49] <markh> Delta706: talos is one of our test environments
  1372. # [22:49] <KWierso|sheriffduty> Delta706: aurora is one release further in the development cycle from Nightly and mozilla-central
  1373. # [22:49] <KWierso|sheriffduty> so it's somewhat more stable than Nightly, but possibly less stable than beta and release
  1374. # [22:49] <jmaher> Delta706: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Buildbot/Talos
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  1377. # [22:51] <Delta706> KWierso|sheriffduty: so aurora has smaller changes than central?
  1378. # [22:51] <KWierso|sheriffduty> Delta706: yes
  1379. # [22:51] <KWierso|sheriffduty> for the most part, only stabilizing patches can land on aurora
  1380. # [22:51] <Delta706> okay I see
  1381. # [22:52] <Delta706> it seems that there is a lot to know about firefox but most of it is pretty simple
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  1384. # [22:56] <markh> lsblakk: just pushed the patch in bug 1106150 to inbound
  1385. # [22:56] <lsblakk> great, thanks
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  1387. # [22:56] <lsblakk> KWierso|sheriffduty: ^ should get onto beta - will you be able to do an inbound->central merge today?
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  1390. # [22:56] <lsblakk> markh: can you nom it for aurora/beta?
  1391. # [22:56] <markh> sure
  1392. # [22:57] <KWierso|sheriffduty> lsblakk: it likely won't be until after end of day for most people in the americas if we need to get that patch merged over
  1393. # [22:57] <KWierso|sheriffduty> but I can do that
  1394. # [22:58] <lsblakk> hm. if it looks good on inbound we can take the beta uplift out of order
  1395. # [22:58] <lsblakk> will check back in a couple hours
  1396. # [22:59] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/52bd73aa6e00 - Joel Maher - Bug 1109120 - [talos rev bump] implement more reliable geoIP-based search defaults. r=kwierso a=test-only
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  1398. # [22:59] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/510646bc5a99 - Guilherme Goncalves - Bug 899126 - Part 1.5 - Implement bookkeeping for jemalloc3. r=glandium
  1399. # [22:59] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/d2a8dd910577 - Guilherme Goncalves - Bug 899126 - Part 2 - Measure bookkeeping in jemalloc3. r=glandium.
  1400. # [22:59] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9688ae38ccc4 - Hiroyuki Ikezoe - Bug 1115440 - Don't rely on preference values for firefox. r=markh
  1401. # [22:59] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/927ca48b5f29 - Jordan Lund - Bug 1113460 - test jobs that use minidump stackwalk should get it from tooltool - add minidump manifests, r=jgriffin, a=testing DONTBUILD
  1402. # [22:59] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/beba124659ca - Gavin Sharp - Bug 1106150: fix condition="defaultEngine" MozParam. r=markh
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  1407. # [23:01] <&dbaron> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'linux_sysinfo'
  1408. # [23:01] <&dbaron> (running mach build)
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  1410. # [23:01] <kats> dbaron: bug 1116194
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  1415. # [23:02] <&dbaron> kats, thanks
  1416. # [23:03] <gaston> and its dozens of duplicates.;
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  1428. # [23:10] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/pushloghtml?changeset=2c0ef7315830 - 12 changesets
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  1430. # [23:12] <Delta706> if I clone nightly at the wrong time, can I get a non-building set of files?
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  1432. # [23:13] <Delta706> or does locking prevent that?
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  1435. # [23:13] <mccr8> Delta706: you should always get a consistent clone. mozilla-central should generally build, but not always, if somebody makes a mistake.
  1436. # [23:14] <mccr8> people generally don't land directly on mozilla-central so it is usually fine.
  1437. # [23:14] <Delta706> that is what inbound is for
  1438. # [23:14] <mccr8> yeah
  1439. # [23:15] <Delta706> I guess there is a single command to commit a batch of changes, all or nothing
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  1441. # [23:16] <mccr8> yeah mercurial should ensure that the entire change set lands.
  1442. # [23:16] <gaston> or if you're on an exotic platform... you can get non-building things :)
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  1447. # [23:17] <sicking> jduell: ping
  1448. # [23:18] <lsblakk> rillian: ping on bug 1080995 which still needs to get landed - looks like you need to disable some tests?
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  1450. # [23:18] <lsblakk> KWierso|sheriffduty: ^^ heads up on that bug too - will need beta uplift
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  1454. # [23:20] <Delta706> 1080995 should go in beta?
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  1464. # [23:27] <rillian> lsblakk: that's correct. Between mozflu and holidays I haven't been able to get to it.
  1465. # [23:27] <rillian> don't expect to be able to land until next week
  1466. # [23:27] <rillian> which should still be in time for release
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  1478. # [23:37] <lsblakk> rillian: that depends...might have to wontfix for 35
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  1485. # [23:42] <rillian> lsblakk: :(
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  1487. # [23:43] <lsblakk> commenting in bug - considering that it will also impact playback for users until linux distros update it seems like 6 more weeks isn't a terrible idea
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  1511. # [23:56] <Delta706> hmm, I am getting output from "hg export" even without any local changes
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  1515. # [23:57] <sfink> Delta706: that's expected. export shows committed changesets. |hg diff| is what shows local changes.
  1516. # [23:57] <Delta706> I have no committed anything
  1517. # [23:57] <Delta706> I have a clean clone
  1518. # [23:58] <Delta706> the hg manual says it can get confused however
  1519. # [23:58] <sfink> I'm not just talking about your commits. The clone is a big pile of commits.
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  1522. # [23:59] <sfink> no, this isn't about hg getting confused
  1523. # [23:59] <sfink> you're doing |hg export .|?
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  1526. # [23:59] <Delta706> "hg export"
  1527. # Session Close: Tue Dec 30 00:00:00 2014

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