/irc-logs / w3c / #xhtml / 2008-01-23 / end


  1. # Session Start: Wed Jan 23 00:00:00 2008
  2. # Session Ident: #xhtml
  3. # [00:42] * Quits: Lachy (Lachlan@ (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
  4. # [00:43] * Joins: Lachy (Lachlan@
  5. # [02:27] * Joins: gshults (gshults@
  6. # [02:45] * Parts: gshults (gshults@
  7. # [05:33] * Quits: Lachy (Lachlan@ (Ping timeout)
  8. # [05:38] * Joins: Lachy (Lachlan@
  9. # [05:50] * Quits: Lachy (Lachlan@ (Ping timeout)
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  11. # [08:19] * Quits: Lachy (Lachlan@ (Quit: Leaving)
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  13. # [09:35] * Quits: Lachy (Lachlan@ (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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  15. # [09:39] * Quits: Lachy (Lachlan@ (Ping timeout)
  16. # [10:17] * Quits: sbuluf (hrijsf@ (Quit: sbuluf)
  17. # [10:36] * Joins: Lachy (Lachlan@
  18. # [10:38] * Quits: Lachy (Lachlan@ (Quit: Leaving)
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  20. # [11:00] * Quits: Lachy (Lachlan@ (Ping timeout)
  21. # [11:01] * Joins: Lachy (Lachlan@
  22. # [11:14] * Joins: Steven (Steven_@
  23. # [12:12] * Quits: Steven (Steven_@ (Ping timeout)
  24. # [12:12] * Joins: myakura (myakura@
  25. # [12:12] * Joins: Steven (Steven_@
  26. # [14:22] * Joins: Roland (Roland@
  27. # [14:24] * Quits: ShaneM (ShaneM@ (Ping timeout)
  28. # [14:35] * Quits: myakura (myakura@ (Quit: Leaving...)
  29. # [14:46] * Joins: oedipus (oedipus@
  30. # [14:59] * Joins: ShaneM (ShaneM@
  31. # [15:02] * Joins: Zakim (rrs-bridgg@
  32. # [15:03] * Joins: RRSAgent (rrs-loggee@
  33. # [15:03] <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/01/23-xhtml-irc
  34. # [15:03] <Steven> rrsagent, make log public
  35. # [15:03] <RRSAgent> I have made the request, Steven
  36. # [15:03] <Steven> zakim, this will be xhtml
  37. # [15:03] <Zakim> Steven, IA_XHTML2()9:00AM is already associated with an irc channel; use 'move xhtml to here' if you mean to reassociate the channel
  38. # [15:03] * Joins: gshults (gshults@
  39. # [15:04] <Steven> Roland?
  40. # [15:04] <Roland> hi
  41. # [15:04] <Steven> I see you have zakim in another channel
  42. # [15:04] * oedipus aloha, everyone
  43. # [15:04] <Steven> OK if I move him/her/it here?
  44. # [15:04] <Roland> sure
  45. # [15:05] <Steven> zakim, move xhtml here
  46. # [15:05] <Zakim> I don't understand 'move xhtml here', Steven
  47. # [15:05] <Steven> zakim, move xhtml to here
  48. # [15:05] <Zakim> ok, Steven; that matches IA_XHTML2()9:00AM
  49. # [15:05] <Steven> zakim, who is on the call?
  50. # [15:05] <Zakim> On the phone I see ??P7, +1.858.354.aaaa
  51. # [15:05] * ShaneM loathes zakim
  52. # [15:05] <Steven> zakim, dial steven-617
  53. # [15:05] <Zakim> ok, Steven; the call is being made
  54. # [15:05] <Zakim> +Steven
  55. # [15:05] <Zakim> +ShaneM
  56. # [15:05] * Joins: rmerric (586f73cc@
  57. # [15:06] * Quits: rmerric (586f73cc@ (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
  58. # [15:07] <Steven> zakim, aaaa is gshults
  59. # [15:07] <Zakim> +gshults; got it
  60. # [15:07] <Steven> zakim, who is here?
  61. # [15:07] <Zakim> On the phone I see ??P7, gshults, Steven, ShaneM
  62. # [15:07] <Zakim> On IRC I see gshults, RRSAgent, Zakim, ShaneM, oedipus, Roland, Steven, Lachy, krijn
  63. # [15:07] <Zakim> +Gregory_Rosmaita
  64. # [15:07] <Steven> zakim, mute ??P7
  65. # [15:07] <Zakim> ??P7 should now be muted
  66. # [15:08] <Steven> zakim, ??P7 is ROland
  67. # [15:08] <Zakim> +ROland; got it
  68. # [15:08] <Steven> zakim, ROland is Roland
  69. # [15:08] <Zakim> +Roland; got it
  70. # [15:08] <Steven> zakim ack Roland
  71. # [15:08] <Steven> ack ROland
  72. # [15:08] * Zakim unmutes Roland
  73. # [15:08] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
  74. # [15:08] * Joins: yamx (sample@
  75. # [15:08] <Roland> zakim, list
  76. # [15:08] <Zakim> I see Team_W3M()8:00AM, I18N_TS()9:00AM, IA_XHTML2()9:00AM, Team_(rifc)12:56Z active
  77. # [15:08] <Zakim> also scheduled at this time is WAI_ERTWG()8:30AM
  78. # [15:08] * Quits: ShaneM (ShaneM@ (Connection reset by peer)
  79. # [15:09] * Joins: ShaneM (ShaneM@
  80. # [15:09] * oedipus GJR is on mute because his earplug isn't working and his synthesizer tends to bother others...
  81. # [15:09] <Zakim> +??P13
  82. # [15:09] * ShaneM thinks he just dropped off
  83. # [15:10] <yamx> zakim, ??P13 is yamx.
  84. # [15:10] <Zakim> +yamx; got it
  85. # [15:10] <Steven> Chair: Roland
  86. # [15:10] <Steven> Regrets: Mark
  87. # [15:10] <Zakim> +??P14
  88. # [15:11] <Steven> Regrets+Rich
  89. # [15:11] <Steven> zakim, ??P14 is ShaneM
  90. # [15:11] <Zakim> +ShaneM; got it
  91. # [15:11] <Steven> Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Jan/0019
  92. # [15:11] * Steven changes topic to 'Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Jan/0019'
  93. # [15:12] <Steven> Scribe: Steven
  94. # [15:12] <Steven> Topic: Announcements
  95. # [15:12] * oedipus GJR welcomes gerry!
  96. # [15:12] <Steven> Gerry: I am in San Diego, and representing HP
  97. # [15:13] <Steven> ... been away from HP for 7 months, just back. Used to work with Melinda on XHTML Print, and other standards efforts
  98. # [15:13] <Steven> Steven: It is 6am with you?
  99. # [15:13] <Steven> Gerry: Yes
  100. # [15:13] <oedipus> it's even earlier for yam!
  101. # [15:13] <Steven> Steven: Sorry about that
  102. # [15:14] <Steven> ... it is really hard to find a time that is suitable for all
  103. # [15:14] * Joins: Tina (tina@
  104. # [15:14] <Steven> s/Gerry/Gerrie/G
  105. # [15:14] * Tina has no phone connection at the moment
  106. # [15:15] <Steven> Roland: One review is due by end of month, please finish it this week
  107. # [15:16] <Steven> Topic: Aria issues
  108. # [15:16] <Steven> Roland: Unfortunately no RIch today. Anyone know the status?
  109. # [15:16] <Steven> Gregory: Yes, some documents have been combined
  110. # [15:16] <Steven> ... awaiting approval to Wednesday to be made public
  111. # [15:16] <Steven> s/RIch/Rich/
  112. # [15:17] <Steven> Gregory: Go to PF home page, to see status
  113. # [15:17] <oedipus> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group
  114. # [15:17] <oedipus> under "Current Work"
  115. # [15:18] <oedipus> roles document and states and properties docment been combined
  116. # [15:18] <Steven> Gregory: Roles and states and properties have been combined
  117. # [15:18] <Steven> ... no links here becuase they are member confidential
  118. # [15:18] <Steven> s/cua/cau/
  119. # [15:19] <oedipus> 1. ARIA Specification (combined Roles plus States and Properties)
  120. # [15:19] <oedipus> 2. ARIA Best Practices
  121. # [15:19] <oedipus> 3. ARIA Primer
  122. # [15:19] <oedipus> 4. ARIA Roadma
  123. # [15:19] <Steven> s/ma/map/
  124. # [15:20] <Steven> Gregory: THere is a remaining issue of getting ARIA into HTML5
  125. # [15:20] <Steven> s/TH/Th/
  126. # [15:20] <Steven> ... HTML5 was released yesterday, without ARIA in it
  127. # [15:21] <Steven> Roland: Note that issue Caption positioning & binding example using WAI-ARIA markup
  128. # [15:21] <Steven> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Jul/0012 has been closed
  129. # [15:22] <Steven> Gregory: There were two formal objections to the publication, but it went ahead anyway
  130. # [15:23] <Steven> Topic: FtF Venice
  131. # [15:23] <Steven> Roland: Who is attending?
  132. # [15:23] <Steven> Steven: I am
  133. # [15:23] <Steven> Roland: I am
  134. # [15:23] <yamx> Yam: I will.
  135. # [15:24] <oedipus> GJR waiting to "see" if impending contract work will allow him to travel at that time -- remote participation?
  136. # [15:24] <gshults> I likely will not
  137. # [15:25] <Steven> Steven: There will be a skype conference for remote participation
  138. # [15:25] <oedipus> skype would be ideal -- even just IRC -- worked at TPAC 2008
  139. # [15:25] <Steven> Topic: M12N Transition
  140. # [15:25] <oedipus> GJR's post that closes action item: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Jul/0012.html
  141. # [15:25] <Steven> Roland: Status?
  142. # [15:26] <oedipus> reply to GJR's post by Gez Lemon with alternate syntax: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Jul/0012.html
  143. # [15:27] <Steven> Steven: Shane produced a new draft, I made a draft 'implementation' report
  144. # [15:27] <Steven> Shane: Why not list the W3C Validator?
  145. # [15:27] <Steven> Steven: Good idea!
  146. # [15:27] <oedipus> lol
  147. # [15:28] <Steven> http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/m12n-11-implementation.html
  148. # [15:29] <oedipus> GJR thought on Selectors API: from an accessibility standpoint, an advantage of using such an API for applications that need access to the live DOM (as opposed to the DOM that results from parsing the document). currently such applications use query languages like XPath, which dictate extra dependencies for that application and which do not support querying the live DOM; therefore, because the Selectors API would be integrated into the user agent, it would
  149. # [15:30] <Steven> Steven: At the call we will be asking for CR, but arguing we might as well go straight to PR.
  150. # [15:30] <Steven> Shane: We should look at Jabber, XMPP
  151. # [15:31] <Steven> Roland: CDF, DIAL
  152. # [15:33] <oedipus> my left or yours?
  153. # [15:33] <Steven> Shane: THe style sheet is wrong, it says PR
  154. # [15:33] <Steven> Steven: Thanks!
  155. # [15:33] <Steven> s/THe/The/
  156. # [15:34] <Steven> Yam: OMA refers to M12N, and we will have a meeting in February, and hope we will be able to refer to 1.1 by then
  157. # [15:35] <Steven> Topic: CURIEs
  158. # [15:35] <Steven> Roland: We talked about going to last call
  159. # [15:35] <Steven> ... Shane did an update
  160. # [15:35] <Steven> ... are we ready to go to last call?
  161. # [15:35] <Steven> Shane: It's a shame that Mark's not here.
  162. # [15:35] <Steven> ... Mark indicated that he felt that some text about processing rules should be in the CURIE spec
  163. # [15:36] <Steven> ... I disagree, I have not put it in, and think we should consider it as a last call comment
  164. # [15:36] <Steven> ... there is an issue about RtL languages
  165. # [15:36] <Steven> ... I'm sure we discussed this
  166. # [15:36] <ShaneM> http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-curie-20080122/#s_syntax
  167. # [15:37] <ShaneM> end of that section has an embedded issue about RTL languages
  168. # [15:39] <Steven> Steven: Doesn't seem to be a blocking factor for last call
  169. # [15:40] <Steven> ... we do the same as QNames
  170. # [15:40] <Steven> Roland: Resolve to go to last call?
  171. # [15:40] <oedipus> GJR: plus one to going to LC
  172. # [15:40] <Steven> ... Any objections?
  173. # [15:40] <Steven> RESOLUTION: Take CURIE spec to last call
  174. # [15:42] <Steven> ACTION: Roland to negotiate last call period for CURIEs with HCG
  175. # [15:42] * RRSAgent records action 1
  176. # [15:43] <oedipus> regrets+ Alessio
  177. # [15:43] * oedipus from alessio: "This afternoon firewall doesn't let Skype to connect properly... so I'm going to give up."
  178. # [15:44] <Steven> http://www.w3.org/2005/08/online_xslt/xslt?xmlfile=http://www.w3.org/2005/08/01-transitions.html&xslfile=http://www.w3.org/2005/08/transitions.xsl&docstatus=lc-wd-tr
  179. # [15:44] <Steven> Topic: Second last call for role
  180. # [15:44] <Steven> Shane: I will work on this
  181. # [15:44] <Steven> ... I need to integrate a couple of comments
  182. # [15:44] <Steven> Roland: And it can refer to the CURIE doc
  183. # [15:44] <Steven> Shane: Which adds a constraint on its progress
  184. # [15:45] <Steven> ACTION: Shane to produce new draft of role for second las tcall
  185. # [15:45] * RRSAgent records action 2
  186. # [15:45] <Steven> Shane: By CoB Monday
  187. # [15:45] <Steven> Topic: XHTML 1.1
  188. # [15:46] <Steven> Roland: So when M12N is moved, we can move XHTML 1,1, forward
  189. # [15:46] <Steven> Comments (PR#9715)
  190. # [15:46] <Steven> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2007JanMar/0027
  191. # [15:47] <Steven> Shane: THis is all fixed
  192. # [15:47] <Steven> s/TH/Th/
  193. # [15:48] <Steven> Shane: And it says so in the issue tracker
  194. # [15:48] <Steven> Roland: Media types (PR#9716):
  195. # [15:48] <Steven> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2007JanMar/0029
  196. # [15:49] <ShaneM> http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2007/ED-xhtml11-20070416/
  197. # [15:49] <Steven> Shane: Checking draft
  198. # [15:50] <oedipus> quote XHTML 1.1 documents SHOULD be labeled with the Internet Media Type application/xhtml+xml as defined in [RFC3236]. They SHOULD NOT be labeled with the Internet Media Type text/html as defined in [RFC2854]. For further information on using media types with XHTML, see the informative note [XHTMLMIME]. unquote
  199. # [15:50] <Steven> Steven: "XHTML 1.1 documents SHOULD be labeled with the Internet Media Type "application/xhtml+xml" as defined in [RFC3236]." is in the spec
  200. # [15:50] * oedipus shane, if ifs were fifths, we'd all be drunk....
  201. # [15:52] <oedipus> sounds good to me
  202. # [15:52] <ShaneM> The working group agreed that the media type SHOULD be application/xhtml+xml. The group did NOT agree that we add the restriction about the document type text/html not being used because a document author may need to make that compromise.
  203. # [15:52] <Steven> Roland: Anyone with a problem with this wording?
  204. # [15:52] <Steven> Steven: ... and we don't believe we should prevent an author doing that
  205. # [15:53] <Steven> Roland: DOCTYPE
  206. # [15:53] <Steven> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-wg/2007JanMar/0082
  207. # [15:53] * Tina does think we should specify that it SHOULD NOT
  208. # [15:53] <oedipus> are we "looking" at: http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xhtml2-issues/DocType?id=7336
  209. # [15:56] * oedipus there's a lot that's daft with the html5 draft...
  210. # [15:58] <Steven> Shane: Some people say that you can't get to the DOCTYPE in the DOM
  211. # [15:58] <Steven> Roland: You should be able to, but not all browsers accept it.
  212. # [15:59] <oedipus> <?xml version="1.1" ?>
  213. # [15:59] <Steven> Steven: Why don't we use @version to distinguish family members?
  214. # [16:00] <Steven> Shane: It's there already, not deprecated, but we've never used it
  215. # [16:00] <Steven> ... it is CDATA, and we always produce a fixed value for it
  216. # [16:00] <Steven> ... maybe
  217. # [16:00] * oedipus TWO MINUTE WARNING
  218. # [16:01] * Steven ack
  219. # [16:01] <Steven> Shane: To remove my objection, with regard to XHTML 1.1 the spec, let us say that the version attribute is avail;able
  220. # [16:01] <ShaneM> The DTD implementation contains the following: >
  221. # [16:01] <ShaneM> <!ENTITY % XHTML.version "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" >
  222. # [16:02] <Steven> s/avail;/avail/
  223. # [16:02] * Steven notes top of houir
  224. # [16:03] <Steven> Shane: We can use that convention
  225. # [16:03] <Steven> Steven: So we make the DOCTYPE a should, and add a note abuit version (also a SHOULD)
  226. # [16:03] <Steven> ACTION Shane: Add DOCTYPE stuff to XHTML 1.1
  227. # [16:03] * RRSAgent records action 3
  228. # [16:03] <Steven> [ADJOURN]
  229. # [16:04] <Zakim> -gshults
  230. # [16:04] <Zakim> -ShaneM.a
  231. # [16:04] <Zakim> -Steven
  232. # [16:04] <Zakim> -Roland
  233. # [16:04] <Zakim> -yamx
  234. # [16:04] <Zakim> -Gregory_Rosmaita
  235. # [16:04] <Steven> zakim, who is here?
  236. # [16:04] <Zakim> On the phone I see ShaneM
  237. # [16:04] <Zakim> On IRC I see Tina, ShaneM, yamx, gshults, RRSAgent, Zakim, oedipus, Roland, Steven, Lachy, krijn
  238. # [16:04] <Steven> zakim, drop Shane
  239. # [16:04] <Zakim> ShaneM is being disconnected
  240. # [16:04] <Zakim> IA_XHTML2()9:00AM has ended
  241. # [16:04] <Zakim> Attendees were +1.858.354.aaaa, Steven, ShaneM, gshults, Gregory_Rosmaita, Roland, yamx
  242. # [16:04] <Steven> rrsagent, make minutes
  243. # [16:04] <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/23-xhtml-minutes.html Steven
  244. # [16:05] * Parts: ShaneM (ShaneM@
  245. # [16:05] <Steven> Meeting: Weekly XHTML2 Teleconference
  246. # [16:05] <Steven> rrsagent, make minutes
  247. # [16:05] <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/23-xhtml-minutes.html Steven
  248. # [16:06] * Quits: yamx (sample@ (Quit: CHOCOA)
  249. # [16:08] * Parts: gshults (gshults@
  250. # [16:09] * Joins: gshults (gshults@
  251. # [16:09] * Parts: gshults (gshults@
  252. # [16:23] * Quits: Tina (tina@ (Quit: leaving)
  253. # [17:08] * Quits: Lachy (Lachlan@ (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
  254. # [17:11] * Quits: oedipus (oedipus@ (Quit: Ping Timeout)
  255. # [17:38] * Joins: Lachy (Lachlan@
  256. # [18:09] * Quits: Lachy (Lachlan@ (Connection reset by peer)
  257. # [18:09] * Joins: Lachy (Lachlan@
  258. # [18:10] * Quits: Lachy (Lachlan@ (Quit: Leaving)
  259. # [18:12] * Joins: Lachy (Lachlan@
  260. # [18:19] * Quits: Lachy (Lachlan@ (Quit: Leaving)
  261. # [18:30] * Zakim excuses himself; his presence no longer seems to be needed
  262. # [18:30] * Parts: Zakim (rrs-bridgg@
  263. # [18:33] * Joins: Lachy (Lachlan@
  264. # [21:02] * RRSAgent excuses himself; his presence no longer seems to be needed
  265. # [21:02] * Parts: RRSAgent (rrs-loggee@
  266. # [22:03] * Quits: Steven (Steven_@ (Ping timeout)
  267. # [23:13] * Joins: sbuluf (oyvgksk@
  268. # Session Close: Thu Jan 24 00:00:00 2008

The end :)