/irc-logs / mozilla / #accessibility / 2015-05-04 / end
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# Session Start: Mon May 04 00:00:00 2015
# Session Ident: #accessibility
# [01:02] * Joins: newtron (newtron@moz-vd0.fgg.175.184.IP)
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# [03:39] <@firebot> kechen@mozilla.com changed the Assignee on bug 1144516 from kechen@mozilla.com to eitan@monotonous.org.
# [03:39] <@firebot> https://bugzil.la/1144516 — NEW, eitan@monotonous.org — [ScreenReader] Wrong position of highlight box in content process' iframe member
# [05:00] * Joins: newtron (newtron@moz-vd0.fgg.175.184.IP)
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# [08:06] * Tomcat|Afk is now known as Tomcat|sheriffduty
# [09:05] * Quits: Yakulu (Yakulu@moz-8a4.fkm.194.78.IP) (Quit: WeeChat 1.1.1)
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# [09:17] * Joins: smaug (chatzilla@moz-dtr1st.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
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# [10:03] * Joins: icaaq (icaaq@moz-man.k9c.137.94.IP)
# [10:06] * Joins: Aleksej (Aleksej@moz-s7bcsu.broadband.corbina.ru)
# [11:13] * Quits: SteveF (chatzilla@moz-80j6qs.cable.virginm.net) (Connection closed)
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# [11:25] <@firebot> New Core - Disability Access APIs bug 1160983 filed by tbsaunde+mozbugs@tbsaunde.org.
# [11:25] <@firebot> https://bugzil.la/1160983 — NEW, nobody@mozilla.org — handle IA2_TEXT_BOUNDARY_ALL in generic code
# [11:31] * Quits: icaaq (icaaq@moz-man.k9c.137.94.IP) (Quit: 10-79 Notify coroner, over and out)
# [11:36] * Quits: yliao (yliao@moz-2hf62a.HINET-IP.hinet.net) (Connection closed)
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# [11:36] * Joins: yliao_ (yliao@moz-aj9ejj.HINET-IP.hinet.net)
# [11:50] <@firebot> sledru@mozilla.com set status-firefox38 to wontfix on bug 606080.
# [11:50] <@firebot> https://bugzil.la/606080 — NEW, tbsaunde+mozbugs@tbsaunde.org — (64bit) fix unique id casting to NS_PTR_TO_INT32 issue
# [12:01] * Quits: icaaq (icaaq@moz-man.k9c.137.94.IP) (Quit: 10-79 Notify coroner, over and out)
# [12:39] * Quits: yliao_ (yliao@moz-aj9ejj.HINET-IP.hinet.net) (Connection closed)
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# [15:37] * Joins: yliao (yliao@moz-2hf62a.HINET-IP.hinet.net)
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# [16:08] * wlach|afk is now known as wlach
# [16:20] * Joins: smaug (chatzilla@moz-dtr1st.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
# [16:35] * Tomcat|sheriffduty is now known as Tomcat|Afk
# [17:10] * Joins: davidb (davidb@moz-i5m.05u.207.66.IP)
# [17:10] * ChanServ sets mode: +qo davidb davidb
# [17:10] <~davidb> heyo
# [17:15] <&MarcoZ> Heyo davidb!
# [17:21] <~davidb> hi hi hi
# [17:21] * ~davidb yawns, new leadership changes.
# [17:32] * Quits: icaaq (icaaq@moz-man.k9c.137.94.IP) (Quit: 10-79 Notify coroner, over and out)
# [17:38] <&MarcoZ> davidb: LOL!
# [17:40] <&MarcoZ> davidb: Did you count the numbers the word "strategic" or "strategy" was in that one sentence alone? ;)
# [17:40] <~davidb> i did not.
# [17:41] <&MarcoZ> It was one of those instances where I thought that everybody should have the mail they write read to them by either a person or a screen reader to make them listen to what they write. ;)
# [17:58] * Quits: ioanachiorean (ioanachiore@moz-q23.52n.2.5.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
# [18:02] * davidb is now known as davidb|afk
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# [18:39] * Quits: smaug (chatzilla@moz-dtr1st.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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# [19:23] * davidb is now known as davidb|afk
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# [19:51] * Joins: satdav (uid15780@moz-0t6277.uxbridge.irccloud.com)
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# [19:56] * davidb|afk is now known as davidb
# [20:26] * davidb is now known as davidb|afk
# [20:27] * davidb|afk is now known as davidb
# [20:31] <@tbsaunde> smaug: ping on bug 1156964 ;-)
# [20:31] <@firebot> https://bugzil.la/1156964 — NEW, nobody@mozilla.org — orca reads window title on every tab in e10s
# [20:31] <smaug> yup :)
# [20:31] <smaug> let me think...
# [20:31] <@tbsaunde> smaug: anything I can do that'd be useul?
# [20:31] <smaug> hey, I could try to look at that perhaps even today
# [20:33] * Quits: jongund (chatzilla@moz-hht6bu.il.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
# [20:38] * Joins: Ryuno-Ki (Ryuno-Ki@moz-4kh6pu.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
# [20:52] * Joins: yzen (yzen@moz-ql1r6k.cpe.pppoe.ca)
# [20:52] * ChanServ sets mode: +o yzen
# [20:53] * yzen is now known as yzen_
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# [20:56] * davidb is now known as davidb|afk
# [21:13] * davidb|afk is now known as davidb
# [21:16] * Joins: jongund (chatzilla@moz-5medd6.rehab.uiuc.edu)
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# [21:39] * Quits: Ryuno-Ki (Ryuno-Ki@moz-4kh6pu.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: WeeChat 1.1.1)
# [21:48] <~davidb> tbsaunde, i hear there is an e10s meeting at 4 today... dunno if you need to go but thought I'd mention it.
# [21:49] <@tbsaunde> davidb: huh, wonder why
# [21:50] <~davidb> i think it is a rollout go/no-go thing
# [21:50] <~davidb> you could ping jimm if curiosu
# [22:32] * Quits: Aleksej (Aleksej@moz-s7bcsu.broadband.corbina.ru) (Quit: Leaving.)
# [22:39] * Quits: satdav (uid15780@moz-0t6277.uxbridge.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
# [23:34] * Quits: newtron_ (newtron@moz-6lh.c31.71.199.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
# Session Close: Tue May 05 00:00:00 2015
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