- # Session Start: Sat Feb 12 00:00:00 2011
- # Session Ident: #css
- # [00:18] * Joins: sylvaing (sylvaing@
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- # [00:38] <fantasai> TabAtkins: you're missing the case of having one dimension
- # [00:38] <fantasai> TabAtkins: and no ratio
- # [00:39] <TabAtkins> Oh, indeed I am. Hmm.
- # [00:39] <TabAtkins> Is that interoperable?
- # [00:39] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Typically, that would result in honoring the intrinsic dimension and defaulting to the default sizing area
- # [00:39] <fantasai> TabAtkins: In this case we copy the intrinsic dimension to the other one
- # [00:39] <fantasai> TabAtkins: I don't know
- # [00:40] <fantasai> TabAtkins: I'm don't think we have tests for that
- # [00:40] <TabAtkins> Let me do some testing.
- # [00:40] <TabAtkins> >_< I hate lack of test coverage.
- # [00:40] <TabAtkins> Anyway, I'll be back in a few.
- # [00:50] <TabAtkins> fantasai: Only webkit and opera allow svg images for list-style-image, and I don't know any other way to get an image with only a single intrinsic dimension, so I'm only going by their behavior.
- # [00:50] <TabAtkins> The answer is no, they follow the ordinary image sizing algorithm.
- # [00:50] <TabAtkins> In that the missing dimension is set to 1em.
- # [00:51] <TabAtkins> (Well, webkit fills in a weird value if 'height' is missing, which I think is related to the height of a normal bullet. But it definitely uses 1em for width.)
- # [00:51] <TabAtkins> I guess I'll bring this up on the list.
- # [01:21] * Quits: kennyluck (kennyluck@ (Quit: kennyluck)
- # [01:29] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Are we otherwise all set to publish?
- # [01:32] <TabAtkins> fantasai: Brad still hasn't given me his feedback, but he's aware of the need for it, and I've given him the deadline.
- # [01:32] <TabAtkins> So, yes.
- # [01:42] <fantasai> TabAtkins: you're missing the image-rendering values from SVG
- # [01:42] <fantasai> TabAtkins: they're already in the CSS space, right?
- # [01:43] <shepazu> anything I can do to help? anything to review?
- # [01:43] <shepazu> tests that need writing?
- # [01:44] <fantasai> you have "SVG" hooked to "summon shepazu" don't you
- # [01:45] <shepazu> I have :)
- # [01:45] <shepazu> my SVG-sense was tingling
- # [01:45] <fantasai> heh
- # [01:46] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Let me know when you're done editing and I'll generate the draft for Tuesday
- # [01:46] <fantasai> TabAtkins: note that Bert has to set up the draft on Monday, so Brad has to send his feedback in this weekend
- # [01:48] <fantasai> TabAtkins: what deadline did you give him?
- # [01:50] <fantasai> shepazu: I think you need an issue raised against the definition of image-rendering in css3-images, since it doesn't account for SVG's values and the new value is inconsistently named with them. Something to deal with later, though; I think I don't want Tab editing the draft substantively atm so we can actually publish the WD :)
- # [01:50] <fantasai> shepazu: It's probably fine to deprecate those values if they're no longer needed, but SVG1.1 impls will need to be able to support them
- # [01:52] <shepazu> I thought we decided to use a different name than image-rendering...
- # [02:38] <TabAtkins> fantasai: I have the SVG values. They're listed as aliases of "auto".
- # [02:47] <fantasai> cool
- # [02:48] <fantasai> TabAtkins: so, on the topic of use cases
- # [02:48] <fantasai> TabAtkins: how would you distinguish a line drawing from pixel art when scaling?
- # [02:48] <TabAtkins> What do you mean?
- # [02:49] <fantasai> TabAtkins: In the latter case, the ideal optimize-contrast would trace the lines and then scale up the vectorized image
- # [02:49] <fantasai> TabAtkins: but pixel art should be scaled by increasing the size of the "pixel"s
- # [02:49] <fantasai> TabAtkins: both are contrast-optimizing ways of scaling
- # [02:49] <TabAtkins> That's not true. Check out the EPX algorithm.
- # [02:49] <TabAtkins> Which would handle lineart pretty well, actually.
- # [02:50] <TabAtkins> I don't know if "treat this raster image as vector" is ever going to be a realistic solution, though.
- # [02:51] <fantasai> not expecting it to be :)
- # [02:52] <fantasai> just pointing out that if you pixellated art, you can't get that with optimize-contrast
- # [02:52] <fantasai> I don't expect it to be a major use case
- # [02:52] <fantasai> but I'm wondering if that's what the person on www-style wanted
- # [02:52] <TabAtkins> No, they wanted the ability to specify "nearest-neighbor" specifically.
- # [02:52] <TabAtkins> Which, in practice, is probably going to be what 'optimize-contrast' means.
- # [02:56] <TabAtkins> Most pixel-art scaling algorithms are only designed to handle integer resize factors, after all.
- # [02:59] <TabAtkins> I'm gonna bug Brad about giving me the feedback over the weekend.
- # [03:02] <fantasai> kk
- # [03:03] <fantasai> TabAtkins: but if optimize-contrast used EPX instead, then they'd get a different result. So if they want nearest-neighbor specifically, it won't be cross-platform
- # [03:04] <TabAtkins> Right. My point in the thread was that, if they *really* have need for nearest-neighbor specifically, they can do it themselves. The majority of authors would be happy to let their pixel art scale up with EPX or similar, because it's awesome.
- # [03:23] * Quits: sylvaing (sylvaing@ (Ping timeout)
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- # [22:17] * Quits: Martijnc (Martijnc@ (Quit: Martijnc)
- # Session Close: Sun Feb 13 00:00:00 2011
The end :)