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# Session Start: Fri Apr 04 00:00:00 2014
# Session Ident: #css
# [00:00] <TabAtkins> With a <dfn>.
# [00:00] <TabAtkins> <dfn><foo></dfn>
# [00:01] <TabAtkins> You can define anything anywhere with a dfn, though sometimes you have to specify the type <https://github.com/tabatkins/bikeshed/blob/master/docs/definitions-autolinks.md#definition-types >.
# [00:01] <TabAtkins> It's just that property definitions tend to have a lot of additional info, so our propdef block syntax exists to streamline that.
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# [00:05] <sylvaing_> ok. will play with it. it's for all these oddball <single-animation-*> productions we have all over the spec
# [00:05] <TabAtkins> Yeah, just put <dfn><single-animation-foo></dfn> somewhere for each, then you can link to it with <<single-animation-foo>>.
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# [00:08] <sylvaing_> definitely works. thx!
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# [00:45] <sylvaing_> if I check-in my in-progress Overview.bs, it won't screw up the current ED, right? Peter's autogen only works if Overview.html is not present I believe?
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# [00:54] <TabAtkins> I think so, yeah.
# [00:55] <sylvaing_> cool. any issues with figures inside .example?
# [00:55] <TabAtkins> Nope.
# [00:55] <TabAtkins> Nothing has any nesting problems.
# [00:56] <TabAtkins> (Bikeshed doesn't actually do anything to figures or examples.)
# [00:58] <sylvaing_> never mind...I was mostly wondering if the stylesheet might have some restrictions but nope, I was doing it wrong.
# [01:08] <heycam> you know I wonder if var(background-color) might be ok to support, since we would do the substitution at computed value time
# [01:08] <heycam> it's the same issue as cyclic variable dependencies
# [01:09] <heycam> you'd need to define that when doing var(background-color) you serialize background-color in a particular way and then substitute that in
# [01:09] <heycam> so you don't need to store the token stream after the "background-color: "
# [01:10] <TabAtkins> That's an important drawback - the computed value doesn't serialize in a predictable way.
# [01:10] <heycam> otoh var(background-color) doesn't give you that much
# [01:10] <heycam> you can always just use a variable
# [01:10] <TabAtkins> Yeah.
# [01:10] <TabAtkins> All the use-cases I've seen *so far* can be dnoe just as well by just defining a custom prop and using it in both places, rather than directly reffing a non-custom property.
# [01:11] <heycam> yeah, I think that's right
# [01:11] <heycam> I am allured by having bare --name on the rhs of properties
# [01:11] <astearns> if there are bits of the cascade you want to use, you need to replicate the prop and custom prop in each place in the cascade
# [01:11] <heycam> but then if we want to allow say animation of custom property names, it's not going to be obvious whether you need to escape it
# [01:12] <TabAtkins> heycam: We *do* allow animation. I removed the issue about it. ^_^
# [01:12] <heycam> TabAtkins, orly?
# [01:13] <heycam> did you define how to interpolate between two token streams?
# [01:13] <TabAtkins> (Custom properties aren't interpreted, so you can't use any interpolation technique, and have to always use the "flip at 50%" behavior.)
# [01:13] <heycam> oh
# [01:14] <heycam> TabAtkins, does "Animatable: no" in the prop definition table mean "Animatable: yes, but interpolation behaviour is flip at 50%"?
# [01:14] <TabAtkins> Yes.
# [01:14] <heycam> that is a bit confusing ;)
# [01:14] <TabAtkins> I know. ^_^
# [01:14] <TabAtkins> It's not great.
# [01:15] <heycam> it would be good if there was some explicit words about custom properties being animatable
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# [01:19] <TabAtkins> I can add that.
# [01:23] <TabAtkins> And, done.
# [01:23] <TabAtkins> (Note that the "flips at 50%" behavior still isnt' specified in Animations, despite being resolved on a year ago.)
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# [01:25] <heycam> ok, cheers
# [01:26] <heycam> oh, the table of contents looks weird
# [01:28] <TabAtkins> lolwut
# [01:28] <TabAtkins> wow, dunno what's happening there.
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# [01:29] <TabAtkins> Ah, forgot that Bikeshed is kinda fragile if you mess up your section nesting.
# [01:29] <TabAtkins> Putting an <h4> after an <h2> with no intervening <h3> makes it angry.
# [01:30] <TabAtkins> Should probably fix that at some point with an error.
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# [01:37] <plinss> sylvaing_: you are correct, auto-bikeshed only happens if there is no .html file in the repo
# [01:38] <sylvaing_> no .html or no .src.html
# [01:38] <sylvaing_> never mind.
# [01:39] <sylvaing_> so it only cares about .html extensions. as I'm going to store the in-progress file as a .bs, looks like no side effects will occur. thanks.
# [01:41] <TabAtkins> Yes.
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# [01:42] <TabAtkins> heycam: I now look for that situation and throw an error. ^_^ Problem is that when the heading level jumps back *up* (such from h4 to h2), I generate </ul>s equal to the level difference.
# [01:43] <TabAtkins> If you didn't put an h3 between them, I never opened a second ul, so the </ul> ends up closing the ToC itself.
# [01:43] <heycam> kk
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# [13:29] <krit> plinss: auto-bikeshedding? We don't need to spend conference time on it anymore?
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# [14:47] <sylvaing_> auto-bikeshedding *is* a telcon
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# [17:40] <abucur> fantasai: Hi! A short question about the paragraph @ http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-break-3/#break-between . When talking about propagating the break values to the containers, do the terms of "first-child box" and "last-child box" include the case of self-collapsing blocks? If the first child is a block with top and bottom margins touching and the next sibling
# [17:40] <abucur> box specifies a forced break before, will that propagate to the container as well? Or will the break apply after the self-collapsing block and there will be... just margins :) between the break and the container?
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# [17:47] <sylvaing_> TabAtkins: minor bikeshed question; what would be the better dfn type for a list of event types. enum?
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# [18:03] <hober> sylvaing_: AbstractEventTypeListFactoryObserver
# [18:03] <hober> OBVIOUSLY
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# [18:27] <TabAtkins> A list of event types? What do you mean?
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# [18:33] <sylvaing_> I have a dfn list of event types like animationstart, animationend etc. wasn't sure what type to put on this. (doesn't really matter to bikeshed but wanted to use the right one, if there is such a thing)
# [18:34] <sylvaing_> hober: for you it's AbstractEventTypeListFactoryManagerObserverHelperImpl
# [18:36] <hober> sylvaing_: oh, right, sorry
# [18:36] * hober can never keep this stuff straight
# [18:36] <sylvaing_> got to have a HelperImpl
# [18:37] <sylvaing_> most importantly, if it starts with Abstract it must end with Impl. Duh.
# [18:37] <TabAtkins> sylvaing_: Each event should be a <dfn event>.
# [18:37] <TabAtkins> Put it wherever those events are actually defined.
# [18:37] <sylvaing_> TabAtkins: ah, so there is no dfn-type at the dl level. kk.
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# [18:40] <TabAtkins> sylvaing_: Oh, no, but:
# [18:40] <TabAtkins> You can declare the type *once* at the <dl>.
# [18:41] <TabAtkins> <dl dfn-type="event"><dt><dfn>animationstart</dfn><dd>...</dl>
# [18:41] <sylvaing_> oh, so the event type names are also dfn-type event. that works.
# [18:41] <TabAtkins> Whenever a <dfn> without an explicit type is encountered, it looks up the tree to try and find a dfn-type attribute.
# [18:41] <TabAtkins> Also?
# [18:41] <TabAtkins> What were you trying to define as events previously?
# [18:42] <sylvaing_> I suppose I thought of these names are string enums
# [18:42] <TabAtkins> Nah, they're event names. Enums are for string args and such.
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# [18:58] <sylvaing_> Cool. Moving on to the last section and calling all this bikeshedded.
# [18:58] <TabAtkins> Excellent. Want me to give it a look-over at the end?
# [18:59] <sylvaing_> yeah I wouldn't mind you giving it a look before I fully flip the switch in hg. Ping you later.
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# [20:25] <sylvaing_> TabAtkins: css-animations/Overview.bs content is complete and ready for review...
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# [20:42] <Ms2ger> sylvaing_, overview dot bullshit?
# [20:42] <Ms2ger> ... Oh, bikeshed
# [20:42] <Ms2ger> Never mind me
# [20:43] <TabAtkins> sylvaing_: Cool, I'll review.
# [20:43] <TabAtkins> Ms2ger: Bikeshed's file extension was chosen on purpose.
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# [21:12] <sylvaing_> the line between bullshitting and bikeshedding can be very thin
# [21:16] <sylvaing_> TabAtkins: minor issue report: though starting a paragraph with 'Note:
# [21:17] <sylvaing_> ..begins a note as advertised, 'Issue:' did not work for me.
# [21:17] <TabAtkins> sylvaing_: I just pushed the issue update yesterday; you may need to update your bikeshed
# [21:18] <TabAtkins> git pull again.
# [21:19] <TabAtkins> (Any time something doesn't work as advertised, try pulling bikeshed again. It's usually been fixed already.)
# [21:21] <SimonSapin> sylvaing_: until recently bikeshed was updated more frequently than I used it
# [21:22] <sylvaing_> SimonSapin: at some point bikeshed's source will come out of bikeshed.
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# Session Close: Sat Apr 05 00:00:01 2014
The end :)