/irc-logs / w3c / #css / 2015-02-21 / end


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  1. # Session Start: Sat Feb 21 00:00:00 2015
  2. # Session Ident: #css
  3. # [00:10] <hober> thanks
  4. # [00:11] <TabAtkins> Ooof, gradually greening all the specs.
  5. # [00:11] <fantasai> greening?
  6. # [00:11] <TabAtkins> This mostly involves fixing bugs in Bikeshed that have crept in.
  7. # [00:11] <TabAtkins> Turning them green, meaning they're building without warnings or errors.
  8. # [00:11] <fantasai> ah
  9. # [00:11] <fantasai> nice
  10. # [00:11] * fantasai digs into the Flexbox DoC
  11. # [00:15] * Joins: adenilson (~anonymous@public.cloak)
  12. # [00:21] <TabAtkins> What spec should define the CSS interface? It previously was *accidentally* defined by some random spec (whichever was the first one to be processed by Shepherd with a "partial interface CSS" in it), but it needs a central home.
  13. # [00:21] <TabAtkins> Maybe CSSOM?
  14. # [00:23] <Ms2ger> Probably
  15. # [00:23] <TabAtkins> Oh, apparently Conditional is the first one to define it, but it's not Bikeshedded, so it's harder to make that work right, and that's an arbitrary place to define it. CSSOM it is.
  16. # [00:24] <fantasai> We should Bikeshed Conditional
  17. # [00:24] <fantasai> But, yeah, not the right place for it :)
  18. # [00:26] <TabAtkins> fantasai: We should Bikeshed everything. ^_^
  19. # [00:26] <fantasai> :)
  20. # [00:26] <fantasai> Is the value ID thing fixed yet
  21. # [00:26] <fantasai> ?
  22. # [00:26] * fantasai left css-break under Bert's processor because of that issue
  23. # [00:26] <TabAtkins> Which one?
  24. # [00:26] <fantasai> The one where auto becomes valdef-auto<insert-integer-here>
  25. # [00:27] <TabAtkins> Yeah, that was fixed forever ago.
  26. # [00:27] <TabAtkins> I closed that issue.
  27. # [00:27] <fantasai> That's what I thought
  28. # [00:27] <TabAtkins> You probably got an email, if you had raised the issue.
  29. # [00:27] <fantasai> for whatever reason, it wasn't working last month
  30. # [00:27] <fantasai> maybe I had the wrong syntax somehow
  31. # [00:28] <TabAtkins> Yeah, temporary bug on my part.
  32. # [00:28] <fantasai> oh
  33. # [00:28] <TabAtkins> iirc
  34. # [00:28] <TabAtkins> But yeah, like display:flex is ID'd as #valdef-display-flex
  35. # [00:28] <fantasai> yeah
  36. # [00:29] <TabAtkins> Hmm, if something is for multiple properties, they all go in the ID. Good or bad?
  37. # [00:29] <TabAtkins> #valdef-align-items-align-self-flex-start
  38. # [00:29] <fantasai> verbose
  39. # [00:29] <TabAtkins> I can simplify that.
  40. # [00:29] <fantasai> maybe just pick the first one?
  41. # [00:30] <Ms2ger> Pick the first letters of each property
  42. # [00:30] <TabAtkins> Yeah, was gonna do the first one.
  43. # [00:31] <TabAtkins> Ms2ger: Go home, Trolly McTroll. ^_^
  44. # [00:31] <Ms2ger> I'm home, but I should go to bed
  45. # [00:31] <Ms2ger> 'night
  46. # [00:31] <TabAtkins> nn
  47. # [00:31] <fantasai> 'night!
  48. # [00:31] * Quits: Ms2ger (~Ms2ger@public.cloak) ("nn")
  49. # [00:41] <fantasai> :/ Have to edit sizing for this issue.
  50. # [00:45] <TabAtkins> All right, IDs now only generate from the first for value.
  51. # [00:46] <fantasai> cool
  52. # [00:46] <fantasai> So, question:
  53. # [00:47] <fantasai> what happens if the largest unbreakable word in a multicol is larger than 2*column-width and we want the max-content size?
  54. # [00:47] <fantasai> If it's less than the column-width, we have no conflict
  55. # [00:47] <fantasai> if it's more, we can stretch out to try to fit it
  56. # [00:47] <fantasai> if it's >= 2*column-width, though, it will clip
  57. # [00:47] <fantasai> So, what should the max-content width be?
  58. # [00:48] * fantasai doesn't know
  59. # [00:48] <TabAtkins> Columns refuse to stretch more than twice their size?
  60. # [00:48] <fantasai> Yes: you add another column if you have the space :)
  61. # [00:49] <TabAtkins> Oh, right.
  62. # [00:49] * fantasai sometimes wishes we had a web-authoring Council of Elders who would be willing to think through these types of questions
  63. # [00:50] <fantasai> BradK sometimes has time, but...
  64. # [00:51] <fantasai> I'll just mark it as an issue for now.
  65. # [00:51] <fantasai> There's no good answer, especially since it's <= and not just <
  66. # [00:52] <fantasai> Can't make the max-content size be 2*column-width - ε
  67. # [00:53] <TabAtkins> -1px
  68. # [00:53] <fantasai> It is still weird and arbitrary
  69. # [00:54] <TabAtkins> Completely agree.
  70. # [01:00] * heycam|away is now known as heycam
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  73. # [01:03] <fantasai> Found the case we were digging through that made us defined max-content the way we were
  74. # [01:03] <fantasai> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Oct/0017.html
  75. # [01:04] <fantasai> layout will end up a bit gappy if you wanted the multicol at its preferred size and it ends up at its super-max-content size
  76. # [01:04] <fantasai> or somewhere in between
  77. # [01:09] <TabAtkins> Ah, I remember that.
  78. # [01:10] <TabAtkins> Hot damn, the tree is entirely green except for Content.
  79. # [01:10] <TabAtkins> Let's see if I can fix that sufficiently to at least make it build clean.
  80. # [01:10] <fantasai> yay
  81. # [01:12] * Parts: mdmcginn (~mdmcginnis@public.cloak) (mdmcginn)
  82. # [01:13] * TabAtkins really likes having the entire CSSWG repo as build canaries. ^_^
  83. # [01:14] * fantasai is happy about this, too
  84. # [01:14] <fantasai> You get a real-world test suite!
  85. # [01:14] <TabAtkins> Between all the specs, we exercise pretty much all the features, and now I can tell when something is breaking without having to wait for someone to try and regen the spec months later.
  86. # [01:14] <TabAtkins> Yup.
  87. # [01:14] <fantasai> Of like 50% of all content tha tuses your product
  88. # [01:14] <fantasai> ^______^
  89. # [01:14] <fantasai> Just need to get fxtf on the same system
  90. # [01:14] <TabAtkins> Yeah.
  91. # [01:15] <fantasai> Do they still have like six heads in their repo?
  92. # [01:16] * fantasai rebuilds sizing
  93. # [01:17] <fantasai> I'm somewhat tempted to turn section 4.5 into a giant table
  94. # [01:17] * fantasai doesn't think that would format well, though
  95. # [01:27] * Quits: plh (plehegar@public.cloak) ("Leaving")
  96. # [01:32] * Quits: adenilson (~anonymous@public.cloak) (adenilson)
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  112. # [03:28] <TabAtkins> fantasai: https://drafts.csswg.org/bikeshed/css-flexbox/
  113. # [03:32] <fantasai> TabAtkins: you need to post about percentage margins
  114. # [03:32] <TabAtkins> Ah, thanks for the reminder. Will do.
  115. # [03:33] <fantasai> I think we should hold up publication for that.
  116. # [03:34] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Does Bikeshed have "Advisement" as a shortcut yet, or should I <p class="advisement"?
  117. # [03:35] <TabAtkins> Yes it does.
  118. # [03:35] <fantasai> cool
  119. # [03:35] <TabAtkins> It's in the docs. ^_^
  120. # [03:35] * fantasai needs to bookmark them
  121. # [03:35] <fantasai> Or make myself a homepage kinda like hixie's
  122. # [03:35] <fantasai> with links to all the important spec-related things
  123. # [03:39] * fantasai switches the warnings about the flex longhands to use Advisement
  124. # [03:41] <fantasai> TabAtkins: I have no idea what I was talking about wrt https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2014Nov/0066.html
  125. # [03:41] <fantasai> TabAtkins: If you can figure it out, let me know (or edit something into the spec)? :)
  126. # [03:42] <TabAtkins> Okay. ^_^
  127. # [03:42] <fantasai> I just closed off all the other issues that weren't raised recently
  128. # [03:42] <fantasai> i.e. since I left for Sydney
  129. # [03:46] * fantasai decides to start compiling a post-publication DoC just so some things can be deferred
  130. # [03:58] * Joins: estellevw (~estellevw@public.cloak)
  131. # [04:05] * Quits: jdaggett (~jdaggett@public.cloak) (jdaggett)
  132. # [04:05] * fantasai waves to estellevw
  133. # [04:06] <estellevw> hi
  134. # [04:34] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Okay, DoC is updated. We have two issues open, one is the editorial one from me I can't remember what it means; the other is the percentage margin issue you need to file.
  135. # [04:35] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Try to file that one soon so we can resolve it next week and publish. ^_^
  136. # [04:35] * fantasai wants to publish before dholbert piles on more issues ;)
  137. # [04:44] * Joins: thinkxl (~thinkxl@public.cloak)
  138. # [05:02] * leaverou_away is now known as leaverou
  139. # [05:14] <TabAtkins> Haha, k.
  140. # [05:15] <TabAtkins> fantasai: Wait, did you resolve that max-width one that I haven't read through yet?
  141. # [05:28] <fantasai> which one?
  142. # [05:28] <fantasai> oh, that one.
  143. # [05:28] <fantasai> no
  144. # [05:29] <fantasai> It was a request for clarification and I posted a question
  145. # [05:29] * fantasai gotta run
  146. # [05:29] * fantasai will be back once home
  147. # [05:33] * leaverou is now known as leaverou_away
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  151. # [06:29] * fantasai back
  152. # [06:36] * leaverou_away is now known as leaverou
  153. # [06:36] * Quits: estellevw (~estellevw@public.cloak) ("Snuggling with the puppies")
  154. # [06:39] * fantasai wonders why Overview.html generation takes so long on the server
  155. # [06:45] * Joins: estellevw (~estellevw@public.cloak)
  156. # [06:47] * fantasai munches on some popcorn while waiting for the page to load
  157. # [06:49] <fantasai> Okay, this has been 10 minutes
  158. # [06:49] <fantasai> The CSSWG spec publication system fails my success criterium for /TR.
  159. # [06:50] <fantasai> That is very much not okay.
  160. # [06:51] * Quits: jdaggett (~jdaggett@public.cloak) (Client closed connection)
  161. # [06:51] <liam> fantasai, on dev.w3.org?
  162. # [06:51] <fantasai> also drafts.csswg.org
  163. # [06:51] <fantasai> It's not a W3C problem, it's plinss's problem
  164. # [06:51] <liam> ah
  165. # [06:52] <liam> well, we have lots of problems, blame W3C, go on, it's easy! :-)
  166. # [06:53] <fantasai> Well, insofar as we are all W3C, it's W3C's fault :)
  167. # [06:53] <liam> :D
  168. # [06:54] * leaverou is now known as leaverou_away
  169. # [06:56] <fantasai> Still not building
  170. # [06:56] <fantasai> plinss: Something's broken on drafts.csswg.org
  171. # [06:56] <fantasai> plinss: Flexbox is inaccessible
  172. # [07:09] * fantasai checks in a hard copy
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  196. # [23:42] * leaverou is now known as leaverou_away
  197. # [23:43] * leaverou_away is now known as leaverou
  198. # Session Close: Sun Feb 22 00:00:00 2015

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