/irc-logs / w3c / #css / 2015-10-27 / end


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  1. # Session Start: Tue Oct 27 00:00:00 2015
  2. # Session Ident: #css
  3. # [00:00] * Quits: sam (osamu@public.cloak) (Client closed connection)
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  25. # [00:51] <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-css-irc
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  28. # [00:51] <astearns> rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight
  29. # [00:51] <RRSAgent> ok, astearns; I will not start a new log at midnight
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  41. # [00:59] * Rossen_away is now known as Rossen
  42. # [01:00] * Joins: kokabe (~kokabe@public.cloak)
  43. # [01:01] * Joins: Florian (~Florian@public.cloak)
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  47. # [01:03] <Rossen> Zakim, remind us at 6am to tell you to go home
  48. # [01:03] <Zakim> You can go home any time you like, Rossen
  49. # [01:04] * Joins: murakami (~murakami@public.cloak)
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  57. # [01:08] <dino> ScribeNick: dino
  58. # [01:09] * Joins: brady_duga (~duga@public.cloak)
  59. # [01:09] <dino> Topic: Polar coordinates/issues and Round Display
  60. # [01:09] * Joins: Bobby (~Bobby@public.cloak)
  61. # [01:09] <dino> hyojin: Two issues. First polar issues.
  62. # [01:10] <dino> hyojin: proposed polar-origin property
  63. # [01:10] <dino> hyojin: anchor point in CSS is typically top left, where as in polar is it center/center
  64. # [01:11] <dino> hyojin: e.g. when you scale an element, it should resize from the center in all directions.
  65. # [01:11] <dino> Rossen: is there a document we can look at?
  66. # [01:11] <dino> hyojin: no. just a proposal.
  67. # [01:12] <jihye> http://www.w3.org/TR/css-round-display-1/
  68. # [01:12] <dino> Florian: we already have the existing transform-origin properties. if we can re-use that property rather than create a new one, it would be better.
  69. # [01:12] * skk Do I need to open the document above?
  70. # [01:13] * bkardell_ wonders can we open webex?
  71. # [01:13] <dino> SimonSapin: is it worth having separate properties for transform and polar origins?
  72. # [01:13] <zcorpan> s/SimonSapin/zcorpan/
  73. # [01:13] <Sangjo> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zbdvmix6505fquo/AADaG2-U42PZWYOw0Btad7t0a?dl=0
  74. # [01:13] <dino> oops!
  75. # [01:13] * zcorpan no prob duno :-)
  76. # [01:14] <dino> hyojin: I have a demo that I can maybe show.
  77. # [01:14] * dino zcorpan lol
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  80. # [01:15] <zcorpan> s/is it worth having separate properties for transform and polar origins/is there a use case for using different origins for transform and polar if you're using both at the same time?/
  81. # [01:15] <fantasai> Florian^: Having a new polar-origin property that affects both polar-origin and transform-origin seems weird. Reusing transform-origin for both would be better. fantasai: Or keeping them completely separate. Florian: yes/
  82. # [01:15] * Quits: glazou (~glazou@public.cloak) (Client closed connection)
  83. # [01:16] <dino> dino: the origin is center in transform origin
  84. # [01:16] <fantasai> ScribeNick: fantasai
  85. # [01:16] <fantasai> Rossen: So, going back to the question & proposal -- feedback from the room?
  86. # [01:16] <fantasai> Rossen: wrt having separate origin for polar coordinates and transform-origin
  87. # [01:16] * Joins: yubo_ (~yubo@public.cloak)
  88. # [01:17] <fantasai> rakow: transform-origin only applies to transformable elements, but seems like polar-origin might also apply to inlines?
  89. # [01:17] <fantasai> fantasai: positioned elements become blockified
  90. # [01:17] <fantasai> dbaron: that would be easy to fix in any case
  91. # [01:18] <fantasai> dbaron: So, is polar-origin that you want something that controls the positioning of the elements relative to the thing they're positioned in?
  92. # [01:18] <fantasai> dbaron: We had discussions about rotation of the polar-positioned elements, but this is about positioning of polar elements rather than rotation?
  93. # [01:18] <fantasai> ?: Just positioning elements
  94. # [01:18] <fantasai> ?: you could use ...
  95. # [01:18] <fantasai> ?: when we want to animate, shoudl refer to the transform origin
  96. # [01:18] <fantasai> ?: I shoudl think more about this topic, it's very brief idea for now
  97. # [01:18] <zcorpan> s/?/hyojin/
  98. # [01:19] * fantasai thanks
  99. # [01:19] <fantasai> dbaron: One other question is, the idea is you use the polar-origin property of the parent when you're positionng the polar items, or using their own polar origin property, relative to size of the parent
  100. # [01:19] <fantasai> ?
  101. # [01:19] * Joins: glazou (~glazou@public.cloak)
  102. # [01:19] <fantasai> hyojin: Relative to containing blocks... polar-origin would be if I usually center center, if some author could put a point in coordinate
  103. # [01:20] <fantasai> zcorpan requests the whiteboard to come into play
  104. # [01:20] * Joins: karl (~karlcow@public.cloak)
  105. # [01:20] <fantasai> dbaron: polar-anchor is position in child, and polar-origin is position in the parent?
  106. # [01:20] <fantasai> TabAtkins: yes, both defaulting to appropriate center
  107. # [01:21] <fantasai> hyojin draws diagrams:
  108. # [01:21] <fantasai> polar-origin diagram shows circle with dot in the middle, square along outside edge
  109. # [01:21] <fantasai> polar-anchor shows dot inside the square [positoined element]
  110. # [01:21] <fantasai> dbaron: That answers my first qustion
  111. # [01:22] <fantasai> dbaron: Second question is, if you have two elements here
  112. # [01:22] <fantasai> dbaron: containing block element, and positioned element
  113. # [01:22] <fantasai> dbaron: when you're positioning the child, are you referencing the 'polar-origin' value of the child or of the containing block?
  114. # [01:22] <fantasai> hyojin: I think the containing block
  115. # [01:23] <fantasai> dbaron: Might be reasons to consider other things
  116. # [01:23] <fantasai> Florian: Are there use cases for non-centered coords?
  117. # [01:23] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Totally. E.g. positioning around an arc
  118. # [01:23] <fantasai> TabAtkins: that surrounds one corner of the box
  119. # [01:23] <fantasai> Florian: But then where do you position it?
  120. # [01:23] <fantasai> TabAtkins: then you overflow
  121. # [01:24] <fantasai> dbaron: Percentage values of polar distance are an interesting case
  122. # [01:24] <fantasai> dbaron: They're relative from center to edge of containing block
  123. # [01:24] <fantasai> TabAtkins: you'd clamp it to zero, then
  124. # [01:24] <fantasai> dbaron: polar-distance needs to be clearer about what happens when the origin is not the center
  125. # [01:24] <fantasai> ACTION hyojin: Clarify polar-distance percentages when origin is not the center
  126. # [01:24] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION.
  127. # [01:24] * RRSAgent records action 1
  128. # [01:24] <trackbot> Created ACTION-731 - Clarify polar-distance percentages when origin is not the center [on Hyojin Song - due 2015-11-03].
  129. # [01:25] * Quits: myles (~Adium@public.cloak) ("Leaving.")
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  131. # [01:25] <fantasai> Florian: We discussed, and maybe this is the next topic, having a flag value to polar distance where 100% puts anchor at the edge vs. 100% puts the element at the edge without overflow
  132. # [01:26] <fantasai> fantasai: Wasn't that what the auto value of polar anchor was for?
  133. # [01:26] * Joins: plh (plehegar@public.cloak)
  134. # [01:26] <fantasai> Florian: It would be somewhat unintuitive in this case if your origin is at the corner, since you would position yourself neatively...
  135. # [01:26] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Yes, totally logical
  136. # [01:27] <fantasai> Rossen: First question is, should this be separate from tranform-origin
  137. # [01:27] <fantasai> fantasai: I think so, because transform-origin would be used for rollover effects and other animations of the item in its positioned place
  138. # [01:27] <fantasai> TabAtkins: agree with fantasai
  139. # [01:27] <hyojin> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Sep/0234.html
  140. # [01:28] <fantasai> RESOLVED: Add polar-origin, independent property from transform-origin, issue open on whether it is referenced off the item or the containing block
  141. # [01:28] <fantasai> hyojin: Next is polar-anchor
  142. # [01:29] <fantasai> hyojin: Current proposal is to prevent overflow on the display with 'auto', but alternative is modifying polar-distance with special value
  143. # [01:29] <fantasai> hyojin: I'm wondering whether polar-anchor is still necesary
  144. # [01:29] <fantasai> hyojin: Two issues open here.
  145. # [01:29] <Florian> "polar-distance: 100%" vs "polar-distance: 100% no-overflow"
  146. # [01:30] <fantasai> dbaron: polar-anchor still seems likely to be useful, even just to set two anchor points
  147. # [01:30] <fantasai> Florian, I'd suggest s/no-overflow/contain/ :)
  148. # [01:31] <hyojin> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Oct/0087.html
  149. # [01:31] <fantasai> astearns: That seems reasonable, but I'd like a stronger use case than preventing overflow here
  150. # [01:31] <fantasai> Florian explains how the auto value works on polar-anchor -- it automatically chooses the anchor based on the polar angle
  151. # [01:32] <fantasai> Florian: The problem with this is that it can shift you in weird ways [florian pls clarify]
  152. # [01:32] <fantasai> Florian: The no-overflow keyword does not have this problem
  153. # [01:32] <fantasai> Florian: This does not answer the question of whether polar-angle without 'auto' is also useful
  154. # [01:32] <fantasai> hyojin: Polar origin is in the containing block
  155. # [01:32] <fantasai> hyojin: polar-anchor is in the target element
  156. # [01:33] <fantasai> hyojin: I think there should be two points, define each
  157. # [01:33] <fantasai> Florian: The model makes sense to me. The argument from Alan is whether this is needed
  158. # [01:33] <fantasai> Rossen: You will always have two points.
  159. # [01:33] <fantasai> Rossen: The question is whether you can change on or the other from the default that we choose
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  162. # [01:35] <fantasai> fantasai: I can think of mayb the thing you're positioning is a box with contents that are not even, e.g. an icon and a label. You want to position the center of the icon, not including the label
  163. # [01:35] <fantasai> dbaron draws a case on the board: a circle with a long rectangle just above the center, and a small box just under the center
  164. # [01:36] <fantasai> dbaron: if you don't know the sizes of these items, you want to positoin them so that they don't ovelap, need to choose the bottom point on the top itme and the top point on the bottom point. Center won't work
  165. # [01:36] * Joins: adenilson (~anonymous@public.cloak)
  166. # [01:36] <fantasai> Florian: We seem to be agreeing that 'auto' is not needed on polar-anchor, and a no-overlfow value on polar-distance would be better.
  167. # [01:36] <fantasai> Florian: We agree on what it does, but how it works is tricky
  168. # [01:37] <astearns> I'm convinced by the two use-cases above that setting polar-anchor could be useful
  169. # [01:37] <fantasai> Florian: In particular, if we only want to make it work with rounded corners, but if we want to take into account shape-outside on the positioned element and shape-inside on the contianing block, this gets tricky
  170. # [01:37] <fantasai> Florian: human can do it, but algorithm much harder
  171. # [01:37] * fantasai thanks astearns
  172. # [01:37] <fantasai> Florian: if your contianing block is a star...
  173. # [01:38] * Joins: yeonsoo (~yeonsoo@public.cloak)
  174. # [01:38] <fantasai> Florian: Or arbitrary shapes, how do you deal with that? Do we even try?
  175. # [01:38] <fantasai> Florian: wrt watch face, rounded but neither circular nor elliptical, it's pretty common
  176. # [01:38] <fantasai> Florian: Traditional watch design has such curves
  177. # [01:38] <fantasai> Florian: We probably wnat no-overflow property should work with these as well
  178. # [01:38] <fantasai> Florian: Do we need to go further and work with non-convex shapes?
  179. # [01:39] <fantasai> TabAtkins: If you design a non-convex screen and expect it to do anything useful?
  180. # [01:39] <fantasai> Bert: I want to design a jigsaw puzzle! :D
  181. # [01:39] * astearns the internet of jigsaw-puzzle pieces
  182. # [01:39] <fantasai> Florian: Need to try to write out definition and see
  183. # [01:39] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Not convinced we need to worry about this.
  184. # [01:39] <fantasai> fantasai: I would change name of 'no-overflow' to 'contain'
  185. # [01:39] <fantasai> Florian: Sure
  186. # [01:40] <fantasai> Rossen: Okay?
  187. # [01:40] <fantasai> hyojin: We will gather use cases for polar-anchor
  188. # [01:40] * Quits: sam (osamu@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  189. # [01:40] <fantasai> hyojin: What is the best option of defining polar-distance's second value?
  190. # [01:41] <fantasai> hyojin: Previous ida as polar-center or outer or inner?
  191. # [01:41] <fantasai> fantasai: I would call it 'contain', like radial gradients
  192. # [01:41] <fantasai> Florian: polar-distance: <distance>; or polar-distance: <distance> contain;
  193. # [01:41] * Joins: lisongfeng (~lisongfeng@public.cloak)
  194. # [01:42] <fantasai> ACTION hyojin: work on polar-distance: contain; keyword proposal
  195. # [01:42] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION.
  196. # [01:42] * RRSAgent records action 2
  197. # [01:42] <trackbot> Created ACTION-732 - Work on polar-distance: contain; keyword proposal [on Hyojin Song - due 2015-11-03].
  198. # [01:42] <fantasai> hyojin: polar-orientation
  199. # [01:42] <jihye> http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-images-20110908/#radial-gradients
  200. # [01:42] <fantasai> hyojin: polar-orientation is to distinguish between center and counter-center
  201. # [01:42] <fantasai> hyojin: Proposal was to replace with rotate/transform
  202. # [01:43] <fantasai> hyojin: But useful to have center and counter-center
  203. # [01:43] <fantasai> Florian: I think the behavior we want, to turn and rotate positioned elements as a function of its polar angle, that makes sense
  204. # [01:43] <fantasai> Florian: But we raised two issues on the last tiem we talked about this, one is does it need to be a special property or is this a special keyword on rotate()?
  205. # [01:43] <hyojin> polar-orientation: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Oct/0199.html
  206. # [01:44] <fantasai> Florian: Or maybe it should be separate because polar-origin
  207. # [01:44] <jihye> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Oct/0177.html
  208. # [01:44] <fantasai> fantasai: I don't think it should be separate. You can have separate keywords if you want to, but there's no reason to have a separate property that I can tell at the moment.
  209. # [01:45] <fantasai> fantasai: For example, we could have transform: rotate(polar-center);
  210. # [01:45] <fantasai> fantasai: And if you want the same thing for transforms (because I don't think this is important), then you can have transform: rotate(transform-center);
  211. # [01:45] <fantasai> s/transforms/transforms later/
  212. # [01:46] <fantasai> fantasai: Is there any reason why this wouldn't work?
  213. # [01:46] <fantasai> Florian: If you do transform: rotate(polar-center); it rotates around which origin?
  214. # [01:46] <fantasai> Florian: What if the polar-anchor and transform-origin are not the same?
  215. # [01:47] <fantasai> fantasai: Is that what you really want? I'm not convinced.
  216. # [01:47] <fantasai> Florian: Second thing we raised during telecon is based on the example
  217. # [01:47] <fantasai> Florian: the example didn't use polar-center all around the watch face. On the bottom half it used counter-center, and center on the top half
  218. # [01:48] * Quits: yubo_ (~yubo@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  219. # [01:48] <hyojin> polar orientation sample app: http://anawhj.github.io/jRound/demo/polar/rotate.html
  220. # [01:48] <fantasai> Florian: Having to choose between these seems a little bit problematic, since hte goal of these values is to be automatic
  221. # [01:48] <fantasai> Florian: If you need to adjust based on the angle anyway, might as well just do the math.
  222. # [01:48] * Quits: lisongfeng (~lisongfeng@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  223. # [01:48] <fantasai> fantasai: So you're suggesting there should be a third auto-center value
  224. # [01:48] <fantasai> Florian: I think we should rethink the set of values
  225. # [01:49] <fantasai> Florian: Do you ever wnat counter-center if you're positioned at the top?
  226. # [01:49] * fantasai thinks Florian is mostly repeating himself atm and has stopped minuting
  227. # [01:50] <fantasai> Florian: Lets have values for the use cases.
  228. # [01:51] <fantasai> Bert: The motion-path property has the same three values
  229. # [01:51] <fantasai> Bert: It has center, called auto.
  230. # [01:51] <fantasai> Bert: Also has reverse,
  231. # [01:51] <fantasai> Bert: and also has angle, which you can use for 0deg
  232. # [01:51] <fantasai> Bert: Corresponds exactly to the polar-orientation property, though different naming
  233. # [01:51] <fantasai> Bert: Seem to need these three values
  234. # [01:51] <astearns> https://drafts.fxtf.org/motion-1/#motion-rotation
  235. # [01:51] <fantasai> fantasai: We should keep the names consistent...
  236. # [01:52] <fantasai> fantasai: Though I'm not sure in which direction :)
  237. # [01:52] * Quits: murakami (~murakami@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  238. # [01:52] <fantasai> Rossen: So what's next?
  239. # [01:52] <fantasai> Florian: would like to hear from rest of WG what they think of the auto-center keyword idea
  240. # [01:52] <Sangjo> http://anawhj.github.io/jRound/demo/facebook/circle.html
  241. # [01:53] * birtles notes that naming is based on SVG which uses auto, auto-reverse, or <number>: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/animate.html#RotateAttribute
  242. # [01:54] <fantasai> Florian: If we look at use cases and see the values, I'm pretty sure these two will be part of it. If anything else is needed, could also add later
  243. # [01:55] <fantasai> hyojin projects example
  244. # [01:55] <fantasai> Bert: If you used no-overflow, it would not work nicely like this
  245. # [01:55] <fantasai> Florian: I'm okay with deferring a request for new values until later
  246. # [01:55] <fantasai> Rossen: Yours sounds like a superset, so can always add more
  247. # [01:58] <hyojin> CSS Round Display Demo: http://anawhj.github.io/jRound/demo/
  248. # [01:58] <fantasai> RESOLVED: Drop polar-orientation, add values corresponding to the two keyword values as additions to rotation() function. Bikeshed names on ML; nice to align with SVG, but also need to not be too vague.
  249. # [01:58] * Joins: hiro__ (~hiro@public.cloak)
  250. # [01:58] <fantasai> hyojin: Next topic is device-radius
  251. # [01:58] <hyojin> device-radius regarding percentages issue: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Oct/0193.html
  252. # [01:59] <fantasai> hyojin: Florian and Tab were discussing this topic, it was a little bit difficult
  253. # [01:59] * glazou would like to congratulate LG for their very effective and process-respectful participation into the CSS WG ; sincerely.
  254. # [01:59] * Joins: sam (osamu@public.cloak)
  255. # [01:59] <fantasai> Florian: I didn't explain well, and you didn't understand what I meant wrt inequalities...
  256. # [01:59] * fantasai agrees with that
  257. # [01:59] <fantasai> TabAtkins: I will object to anything where lengths and percentages are not comparable
  258. # [02:00] <fantasai> TabAtkins: and to anything where inequalities are not defined among these
  259. # [02:00] <fantasai> Florian: In my proposal, length and percentage are comparable per axis
  260. # [02:00] <fantasai> Florian: Wrt inequalities, you're not necessarily in an ordered spaced. A zigzag corner is not more, less, or equally rounded to a corner
  261. # [02:01] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Which is why I would object to it. Must be ordered. Must define inequality
  262. # [02:01] <fantasai> Florian: Some things don't match inequality or non-inequality is okay
  263. # [02:01] <fantasai> TabAtkins: No it's not
  264. # [02:02] <fantasai> Florian draws a circle within a square
  265. # [02:02] * glazou Florian trying to solve circle's quadrature?-)
  266. # [02:02] <fantasai> Florian: I don't think anyone disagrees that this matches device-radius: 100px and also device-radius: 50%
  267. # [02:02] <fantasai> (square is 200px wide)
  268. # [02:03] <fantasai> Florian: What if it's rectangular?
  269. # [02:03] <fantasai> Florian: Tab says you must evaluate always against a single axis, either width or height.
  270. # [02:04] <fantasai> Florian: But in this example (200px x 400px rectangle, portrait)
  271. # [02:04] <fantasai> Florian: I think this should not match device-radius: 200px or device-radius: 400px, becaus these would match a circle, and this is not a circle.
  272. # [02:04] <fantasai> Florian: but it would match device-radius: 50%;
  273. # [02:04] <fantasai> s/200px or device-radius: 400px/100px or device-radius: 200px/
  274. # [02:05] <fantasai> Florian: So no non-circlular ellips would ever match a length.
  275. # [02:05] <fantasai> Florian: but you can still do calc math meaningfully
  276. # [02:06] <fantasai> Florian adjusts the curve so that there's a 10px length of straight edge on each side (less than 50% curve)
  277. # [02:06] <fantasai> Florian: This shape would match device-radius: calc(50%-10px)
  278. # [02:06] <fantasai> Florian: Mixing percentage and length works. Separately per axis, but they work
  279. # [02:06] <fantasai> s/10px/5px/
  280. # [02:07] <fantasai> ish
  281. # [02:07] <jchiba> https://www.dropbox.com/s/8dj6ao4rurp5hdq/round-display-oval.jpg?dl=0
  282. # [02:08] <fantasai> dbaron: So device-radius is rounding of the entire screen, regardless of its size
  283. # [02:08] <fantasai> Florian: yes
  284. # [02:08] * Joins: anssik (~uid10742@public.cloak)
  285. # [02:08] <fantasai> dbaron: Sounds more like device-corner-radius.
  286. # [02:08] <glazou> +1 to what dbaron said
  287. # [02:08] <fantasai> TabAtkins: yes
  288. # [02:08] <fantasai> Florian: If you have one corner 10px and another corner 50px, then it wouldn't match device-radius: 10px anyway
  289. # [02:09] * Quits: yeonsoo (~yeonsoo@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  290. # [02:09] <fantasai> Florian: Any screen shape.
  291. # [02:09] * Joins: yeonsoo___ (~yeonsoo@public.cloak)
  292. # [02:09] <fantasai> Florian draws weird corners
  293. # [02:09] <fantasai> Florian: Any screen shape that does not cross this line (designated by device-radius) matches max-device-radius: 50%
  294. # [02:10] <fantasai> TabAtkins: I don't want to do this
  295. # [02:10] <fantasai> TabAtkins: It breaks inequality algebra
  296. # [02:10] <fantasai> TabAtkins: and there isn't a use case
  297. # [02:10] <fantasai> TabAtkins: I think we will need to support either round or beveled corners
  298. # [02:10] <jchiba> https://www.dropbox.com/s/t3pkq6syhvhzr9g/round-display-oval-weird-corners.jpg?dl=0
  299. # [02:10] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Figuring out rounded corner ish thing it would be in an ideal world
  300. # [02:11] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Just do an equality based on that that does normal math
  301. # [02:11] * astearns in general I'm against media queries that will take three months of engineering to evaluate
  302. # [02:11] <fantasai> Florian: I don't expect us to handle weird shapes, but the way you're saying this works then it's very confusing
  303. # [02:11] * Joins: hellojintae (~hellojintae@public.cloak)
  304. # [02:11] <fantasai> Florian: If you have one corner that's rounded, then it doesn't match 10px and doesn't match 0px
  305. # [02:12] <fantasai> dbaron: I think the case we'll run into those, but might run into non-elliptical rounded screens
  306. # [02:12] <fantasai> Florian: egg shape is reasonable
  307. # [02:12] <fantasai> Florian: leaf-shaped one is reasonable (top right and bottom left corners rounded, other two sharp)
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  309. # [02:13] <fantasai> TabAtkins: leaf-shaped one is imposible to design for anyway
  310. # [02:13] <fantasai> Florian: What query would match that?
  311. # [02:13] <fantasai> TabAtkins: device-radius: 100%
  312. # [02:14] <fantasai> Rossen: What are we changing based on this query anyway?
  313. # [02:14] <fantasai> TabAtkins: basically, it's how much do we avoid corners.
  314. # [02:14] * Joins: murakami_ (~murakami_@public.cloak)
  315. # [02:14] <jchiba> https://www.dropbox.com/s/gkyix2nx0on1uqp/round-display-variation.jpg?dl=0
  316. # [02:15] * dauwhe CSS can be defined only in the tangent space of a differentiable manifold
  317. # [02:15] <fantasai> Rossen: Can we just do three keywords?
  318. # [02:15] <fantasai> fantasai: No, I don't think so, because you wnat to know how much corner you have , it's a scale, so shoudl be a number
  319. # [02:15] <fantasai> different designs will have different thresholds they carea bout
  320. # [02:15] * skk In Japan, there were Tamagocchi (http://www.bandai.co.jp/catalog/item/4543112230416000.html), which shape is like an egg. Due to the technical reason, the display is rectangle. But, if egg style existed at that time, that might be used I think.
  321. # [02:16] <fantasai> fantasai: I really don't think keywords will cut it. It should be a number.
  322. # [02:17] <fantasai> fantasai: Can be a conservative number, so that you get the answer that represents the largest space that's definitely on the screen.
  323. # [02:17] <fantasai> Florian: There are two issues here -- one is curves that are not quite elliptical
  324. # [02:17] <fantasai> Florian: another is if different corners are different
  325. # [02:17] * MaRakow really wants a Tamogatchi web app now
  326. # [02:17] <fantasai> Florian: Example --
  327. # [02:17] <fantasai> Florian: If corners are slightly rounded, I might be okay in my design. But as it gets bigger, might get to a point where I need to re-evaluate my design.
  328. # [02:18] * dauwhe skk: best use case we've seen today :)
  329. # [02:18] <fantasai> Florian: You can evaluate a perfect ellipse, you can use that as a judge: if my design fits in that ellipse, I'm okay.
  330. # [02:18] * nulltask Free-form display: http://www.theverge.com/2015/1/7/7511317/sharp-free-form-display-nintendo-ces-2015
  331. # [02:18] <fantasai> Florian: If it doesn't, then I need to change my design
  332. # [02:19] <fantasai> Florian: For differnet-shaped corners,well maybe we need four media queries. But the single one should give the most conservative answer.
  333. # [02:19] <fantasai> Florian: That's how I would use my media query, as I explained it
  334. # [02:20] <fantasai> TabAtkins: There's a point at which we'll need to just return a path via JS
  335. # [02:20] <fantasai> TabAtkins: e.g. luminosity, we didn't expose lumens.
  336. # [02:20] <Rossen> http://w3cmemes.tumblr.com/image/131987363392
  337. # [02:22] <fantasai> fantasai: That's totally different. the threshold you care about depends a *lot* on the design, whereas for lumens you only need a few thresholds to choose high-contrast or nighttime theme
  338. # [02:22] * Quits: hwlee (~hwlee@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  339. # [02:24] <fantasai> glazou: I think in the CSSWG we have tried many times to restrict ourselves to something too simple, and then later we find we need to handle the more complicated cases. let's not reject anything as totally forever out-of-scope
  340. # [02:24] <dino> http://giphy.com/gifs/stephen-colbert-late-night-comedy-central-LFlT04CTtrwc
  341. # [02:24] <fantasai> Tab argues that three keywords for square, round, and kinda round is sufficient for all uses
  342. # [02:24] <fantasai> Florian argues that his proposal is perfectly simple for authors to use
  343. # [02:24] <fantasai> both of them argue back and forth.
  344. # [02:24] <glazou> I also think we should not reject, and do this as simple in L1 and expandable to a future L2
  345. # [02:24] <fantasai> Tab gets upset that his points aren't minuted
  346. # [02:24] <TabAtkins> TabAtkins: All of this is too complicated. Very unlikely that an author can reasonably work with "I need to do something if the screen is more than 5% rounded", esp since shapes can't *accurately* be boiled down to an ellipse anyway.
  347. # [02:25] * dauwhe maybe simpler to write media queries that only depend on the serial number of the screen or device
  348. # [02:25] <MaRakow> q+
  349. # [02:25] * Zakim sees MaRakow on the speaker queue
  350. # [02:25] * Joins: hwlee (~hwlee@public.cloak)
  351. # [02:25] * fantasai no, that's terrible dauwhe. Absolutely terrible
  352. # [02:25] <TabAtkins> TabAtkins: We have 3 semantic layout categories, I think: square (normal), round (use polar), and rounded-rect (avoid the corners).
  353. # [02:25] <SimonSapin> q+
  354. # [02:25] * Zakim sees MaRakow, SimonSapin on the speaker queue
  355. # [02:25] <jchiba> * Free-form display (2): http://image.itmedia.co.jp/l/im/news/articles/1406/18/l_yuo_sharp.jpg
  356. # [02:25] <shane> q+
  357. # [02:25] * Zakim sees MaRakow, SimonSapin, shane on the speaker queue
  358. # [02:26] <TabAtkins> TabAtkins: And we can expose the full shape via a JS API so you can do smart/complicated things if you care that much (which is reasonable).
  359. # [02:26] * hyojin Thanks a lot, Fantasai as the scribe
  360. # [02:26] * dino agrees with hyojin... thanks fantasai
  361. # [02:26] <fantasai> zcorpan: What I wanted to say, a way to get a number is to use the radius of the biggest corner.
  362. # [02:26] <fantasai> zcorpan: An if it's oval shaped, you use the line that goes from the center to the edge
  363. # [02:27] <fantasai> Rossen: So this is stil lin favor of numbers, not keywords
  364. # [02:27] <fantasai> zcorpan: Yes, using a number
  365. # [02:27] <fantasai> Florian: Question about this. I fyou say biggest corner, don't you want to switch biggest vs. smallest depending on whether you're checking greater-than or lesser-than?
  366. # [02:27] * glazou agrees with Florian
  367. # [02:28] <fantasai> zcorpan: The point of this media query is being able to tell how close to the corner you can put stuff
  368. # [02:28] <fantasai> zcorpan: Whether you use smaller than or greater than, I don't see why you would want to smallest corner.
  369. # [02:28] <fantasai> zcorpan: If you use the smallest corner, then you will put stuff that is hidden in the bigger corner. You should always use the biggest corner.
  370. # [02:28] <fantasai> Rossen: It might not be at the edge
  371. # [02:29] <fantasai> zcorpan: It will still be visible.
  372. # [02:29] * Quits: stakagi (~stakagi@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  373. # [02:29] <fantasai> zcorpan: If you want more accuracy then us the JS API
  374. # [02:29] * Quits: usuij (~usuij@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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  377. # [02:30] <fantasai> fantasai: It's important imo that greater-than and less-than operate o nthe same numbers, because authors should be able to say @media (device-radius > A) { ... } and @media (device-radius < A) {... } and catch all cases.
  378. # [02:30] <fantasai> Florian: I disagree with this.
  379. # [02:31] <dbaron> s/disagree/partly disagree/
  380. # [02:31] <fantasai> Florian: I agree that they should work on the same thing, but I think there are also screen shapes that will be niether less nor equal nor greater than this.
  381. # [02:31] <dbaron> I think MQ4 does make Florian's concept more practical than it was in MQ3 syntax, but it would still be a common author pitfall.
  382. # [02:31] <fantasai> Florian: Star-shaped screen [...]
  383. # [02:32] <dbaron> I wonder if it would be worth trying to use the time more effectively to understand each other even at the cost of not having every sentence minuted?
  384. # [02:32] <fantasai> zcorpan: For a corner that is not a circle or an ellipse, you pretend that it is a circle or ellipse, and you use the distance from the center to the edge.
  385. # [02:32] <astearns> q+
  386. # [02:32] * Zakim sees MaRakow, SimonSapin, shane, astearns on the speaker queue
  387. # [02:32] <fantasai> Florian: If a rounded circularly 30px corner would do this ...?
  388. # [02:32] <fantasai> Florian: Then any shape that starts hereand ends at the same point would match?
  389. # [02:32] <fantasai> zcorpan: No.
  390. # [02:33] <fantasai> zcorpan: What shape are you interested in?
  391. # [02:33] <fantasai> zcorpan takes the smallest distance.
  392. # [02:33] * Quits: murakami_ (~murakami_@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  393. # [02:33] <fantasai> zcorpan: Nothing will be hidden, that's fine.
  394. # [02:34] <fantasai> Florian draws an inverse curve
  395. # [02:34] <fantasai> zcorpan: I suppose you use an ellipse or a circle that fits inside.
  396. # [02:34] <fantasai> zcorpan: So if you wnat a sar shape, or whatever
  397. # [02:34] <fantasai> zcorpan: you use the circle that fits inside
  398. # [02:34] * Joins: fwtnb_ (~fwtnb@public.cloak)
  399. # [02:34] <fantasai> Florian: I believe your definition and mine are identical
  400. # [02:35] <fantasai> Florian: You compare the the shape of the screen, find the largest ellipse that would fit within it, and use that.
  401. # [02:35] <fantasai> Florian: ...
  402. # [02:36] <astearns> q-
  403. # [02:36] * Zakim sees MaRakow, SimonSapin, shane on the speaker queue
  404. # [02:36] <fantasai> fantasai: I think it's a reasonable model for comparison, but the information you've given the author in th estar case
  405. # [02:36] <fantasai> fantasai: is that you have a 200px wide screen with a 25px rounded corners, not a 25px radius circle
  406. # [02:37] <fantasai> Florian: This definition makes sense for [...]
  407. # [02:37] <fantasai> Florian: ...
  408. # [02:37] <fantasai> Florian: The arbitrary shapes bit isn't the point, it's just what falls out.
  409. # [02:37] <jchiba> https://www.dropbox.com/s/gnt82gfn3mq5vd2/round-display-variation-radius.jpg?dl=0
  410. # [02:38] <fantasai> Rossen takes a point of order.
  411. # [02:38] <zcorpan> q?
  412. # [02:38] * Zakim sees MaRakow, SimonSapin, shane on the speaker queue
  413. # [02:38] * Quits: myles (~Adium@public.cloak) ("Leaving.")
  414. # [02:39] <fantasai> <br end=10:59>
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  443. # [03:10] <dauwhe> scribenick: dauwhe
  444. # [03:11] <dauwhe> Topic: fragmentation
  445. # [03:11] * Joins: jchiba (~jchiba@public.cloak)
  446. # [03:11] <dauwhe> Topic: Round display media queries
  447. # [03:11] * Joins: jdaggett (~jdaggett@public.cloak)
  448. # [03:11] <dauwhe> Rossen: going back to the discussion
  449. # [03:11] * Joins: murakami (~murakami@public.cloak)
  450. # [03:12] <dauwhe> SimonSapin: (shows complex shape on screen)
  451. # [03:12] <dauwhe> ... content is designed for this device
  452. # [03:12] <fantasai> SimonSapin: In this nintendo case, there's a lot of content that is optimized for this device.
  453. # [03:12] <dauwhe> ... does this device has brother that shows arbitrary content
  454. # [03:12] * fantasai forgot not minuting >_<
  455. # [03:12] <dauwhe> Florian: it's a nintendo device, these things have brothers
  456. # [03:13] <jchiba> https://www.dropbox.com/s/dce7ho80zrqh5ur/round-display-variation-added-in-break.jpg?dl=0
  457. # [03:13] * Joins: shigemi (~shigemi@public.cloak)
  458. # [03:13] <dauwhe> glazou: everything is provided by third parties,
  459. # [03:13] <dauwhe> SimonSapin: does 3rd party software expected to show content on parts of the screen
  460. # [03:13] <dauwhe> Rossen: is the q should we handle this type of display?
  461. # [03:14] <tantek> present+ tantek
  462. # [03:14] <glazou> usually 3rd party providers don't control the device characteristics
  463. # [03:14] <dauwhe> SimonSapin: how much are random websites expected to adapt to arbitrary screeens
  464. # [03:14] * Joins: dyamada (~dyamada@public.cloak)
  465. # [03:14] <dauwhe> Rossen: as much as authors care
  466. # [03:14] * Joins: kurosawa (~chatzilla@public.cloak)
  467. # [03:14] <dauwhe> plinns: this is a job for shapes and exclusions
  468. # [03:15] <dauwhe> s/plinns/plinss
  469. # [03:15] * skk I think, in future, the web tech should deal with such device. Dealing with such will broaden the use of web. But currently, it takes too much time, and technically, we think about lots of things. So another place might be better to discuss this topic.
  470. # [03:15] <dauwhe> shane: we had discussion during break
  471. # [03:15] <dauwhe> Matt: should be clear instruction in script that shape is complex, that you'll need more than CSS
  472. # [03:15] <dauwhe> glazou: thinking out loud
  473. # [03:16] <dauwhe> ... having svg shape in doc tree and referring to selector in r side o media query
  474. # [03:16] <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-shapes/#supported-basic-shapes
  475. # [03:16] <dauwhe> ... this is doable in future
  476. # [03:16] <dauwhe> ... we should not reject immediately
  477. # [03:16] <fantasai> dbaron -- https://drafts.csswg.org/css-shapes/#supported-basic-shapes I would use the inset() syntax instead of points.
  478. # [03:16] <dauwhe> ... it may not be implementatble right now, but is valid solution
  479. # [03:16] <Rossen> q
  480. # [03:16] <dauwhe> Rossen: we're not doing anything to prevent it
  481. # [03:16] <Florian> q?
  482. # [03:16] * Zakim sees MaRakow, SimonSapin, shane on the speaker queue
  483. # [03:16] <astearns> q?
  484. # [03:16] * Zakim sees MaRakow, SimonSapin, shane on the speaker queue
  485. # [03:17] <TabAtkins> ack MaRakow
  486. # [03:17] * Zakim sees SimonSapin, shane on the speaker queue
  487. # [03:17] <astearns> ack MaRakow
  488. # [03:17] * Zakim sees SimonSapin, shane on the speaker queue
  489. # [03:17] <TabAtkins> ack SimonSapin
  490. # [03:17] <dauwhe> s/Matt:/MaRakow/
  491. # [03:17] * Zakim sees shane on the speaker queue
  492. # [03:17] <TabAtkins> ack shane
  493. # [03:17] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
  494. # [03:17] <astearns> ack SimonSapin
  495. # [03:17] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
  496. # [03:17] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: breakout discussion... can I put an element in a location without having it exluded by the screen
  497. # [03:17] <dauwhe> ... here's a point. is it inside the screen or not? with a few addressing schemes... cartesian, polar, etc
  498. # [03:18] <dauwhe> ... is this point 100% 0 in screen? media q true or false
  499. # [03:18] <dauwhe> fantasai: interesting direction
  500. # [03:18] <dauwhe> ... points are diminsionless
  501. # [03:18] <dauwhe> ... so use offsets
  502. # [03:18] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: you need more than boxes
  503. # [03:18] <dauwhe> ... points get you 90% and are super-trivial
  504. # [03:18] <dauwhe> ... do this as level one
  505. # [03:18] <dauwhe> ... expand to use path at this location
  506. # [03:19] <dauwhe> fantasai: it's simple for implementor
  507. # [03:19] <dauwhe> ... it's hard for author; they need to work in areas
  508. # [03:19] <dauwhe> ... using points to get areas is hard from authoring perspective
  509. # [03:19] <dauwhe> ... need to put lots of points to see if it's a curve or a notch etc
  510. # [03:19] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: no it's not
  511. # [03:19] <Florian> q+
  512. # [03:19] * Zakim sees Florian on the speaker queue
  513. # [03:19] * gsnedders as an author, I totally agree with fantasai, FWIW
  514. # [03:19] <dauwhe> ... it's not sufficeint to say I can put a rectangular box here
  515. # [03:19] * Joins: ctwochaev (~ctwochaev@public.cloak)
  516. # [03:20] <dauwhe> fantasai: better if we let them put the assumption into the syntax
  517. # [03:20] <tantek> q?
  518. # [03:20] * Zakim sees Florian on the speaker queue
  519. # [03:20] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: we want it to be easy to author; arbitrary shapes are difficult
  520. # [03:20] * tantek nobody puts css box in the corner.
  521. # [03:20] <dauwhe> Florian: I agree with tab you want arbitrary shapes
  522. # [03:20] <fantasai> I'm not saying that we should not do paths for arbitrary shapes at some point.
  523. # [03:20] * astearns when Florian mentioned consensus had been achieved over the break, I thought to make a joke about assigning someone to vehemently disagree
  524. # [03:20] * MaRakow tantek lol!
  525. # [03:20] <fantasai> But starting with a point is not author-friendly
  526. # [03:20] <dauwhe> ... but a box as bounding box of arbitrary shape is more useful than point
  527. # [03:21] <Bert1> q+ to suggest '@media (max-corner-radius: 20px) and (corner: simple)' = corner is an actual rounded corner; '(corner: complex)' = the corner-radius is just a safe approximation, but the actual shape is not a simple rounded corner.
  528. # [03:21] * Zakim sees Florian, Bert on the speaker queue
  529. # [03:21] <dauwhe> ... point approach will break on unexpeccted shapes
  530. # [03:21] <dauwhe> ... box fails in a better way
  531. # [03:21] * tantek tends to agree with Florian on this
  532. # [03:21] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: I'm fine with boxes, especially if they're optional
  533. # [03:21] <tantek> making it easier for the author to get something reliable tends to be good design
  534. # [03:21] * Joins: bro (~bro@public.cloak)
  535. # [03:22] <dauwhe> fantasai: we should reuse inset syntax from shapes module
  536. # [03:22] <dauwhe> dbaron: is that rounded boxes?
  537. # [03:22] <dauwhe> fantasai: it's an optional argument
  538. # [03:22] <dauwhe> ... gives users less new syntax to use
  539. # [03:22] * Joins: jincheol (~jincheol@public.cloak)
  540. # [03:22] <tantek> reusingsyntax++
  541. # [03:22] <dauwhe> dbaron: we want to specify points in multiple coordinate systems
  542. # [03:22] <dauwhe> ... as polar, as pixels across the box
  543. # [03:22] * Quits: hellojintae (~hellojintae@public.cloak) (Client closed connection)
  544. # [03:22] <dauwhe> ... does that work with inset
  545. # [03:22] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: yes, but has polar anchor problems
  546. # [03:23] <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-shapes/#supported-basic-shapes
  547. # [03:23] <dauwhe> fantasai: circle has positioning syntax
  548. # [03:23] <dauwhe> ... shapes syntax does everything you want
  549. # [03:23] <dauwhe> ... we can pick a necessary subset of this, like circles and inset rectangles
  550. # [03:23] <dauwhe> ... then authors don't have to come up with multiple syntax
  551. # [03:24] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: inset is off of the reference rectangle, bounding box of screen
  552. # [03:24] <dauwhe> ... i want to put an x in corner, you need to do big offsets
  553. # [03:24] <dauwhe> ... simpler to do 20x20 box
  554. # [03:24] <dauwhe> zcorpan: if we only do points, we can pretend it's a rectangle
  555. # [03:24] <dauwhe> ... for 20x20 box in corner, query lower left corner
  556. # [03:24] <dauwhe> ... gives you same info
  557. # [03:24] <dbaron> s/as polar/as polar, as percentage/
  558. # [03:25] <dauwhe> Florian: your box might be mostly obscured
  559. # [03:25] <dauwhe> dbaron: we should action someone to write a proposal
  560. # [03:25] <dauwhe> Rossen: good idea
  561. # [03:25] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: disagreeing on what the proposal should be
  562. # [03:25] <dauwhe> Steve: you have to know which corner you're asking for
  563. # [03:26] <dauwhe> ... if you're going for upper right, use upper right corner of rectangle, tells you most of what rectange would
  564. # [03:26] <dauwhe> Florian: the bounding box solves correctly, the point doesn't
  565. # [03:26] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: I don't care about this crazy screen
  566. # [03:26] <dauwhe> Florian: bounding box is more robust in error cases
  567. # [03:26] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: as soon as we go to square, we get complex behavioure with polar
  568. # [03:27] <Bert1> q+ to suggest instead '@media (is-visible: rect(0, 0, 10px, 10px)) {/* it's safe to put a 10x10 box in the top left corner */}
  569. # [03:27] * Zakim sees Florian, Bert on the speaker queue
  570. # [03:27] <dauwhe> ... points will be slightly less useful
  571. # [03:27] <dauwhe> ... but referencing scheme is simple
  572. # [03:27] <Rossen> ack Florian
  573. # [03:27] * Zakim sees Bert on the speaker queue
  574. # [03:27] <dauwhe> ... keep MQ as simple as possible
  575. # [03:27] <dauwhe> ... this is already above my threshold
  576. # [03:27] <Rossen> ack Bert1
  577. # [03:27] * Zakim sees Bert on the speaker queue
  578. # [03:27] <dauwhe> Bert1: listening about rectangles
  579. # [03:27] <dauwhe> ... ask is that rectangle visible
  580. # [03:27] <Rossen> q?
  581. # [03:27] * Zakim sees Bert on the speaker queue
  582. # [03:27] <dauwhe> ... put 20x20 box in corner
  583. # [03:27] <Rossen> ack Bert
  584. # [03:27] <Zakim> Bert, you wanted to suggest '@media (max-corner-radius: 20px) and (corner: simple)' = corner is an actual rounded corner; '(corner: complex)' = the corner-radius is just a safe
  585. # [03:27] <Zakim> ... approximation, but the actual shape is not a simple rounded corner. and to suggest instead '@media (is-visible: rect(0, 0, 10px, 10px)) {/* it's safe to put a 10x10 box in the
  586. # [03:27] <Zakim> ... top left corner */}
  587. # [03:27] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
  588. # [03:28] <dauwhe> ... don't need to know the shape, only if the box is visible
  589. # [03:28] <dauwhe> ... get true or fals
  590. # [03:28] * Joins: hellojintae (~hellojintae@public.cloak)
  591. # [03:28] <dauwhe> Steve: that's fantasai's proposal
  592. # [03:28] <dauwhe> ... it's still iterative, so you have to keep sampling into you get true
  593. # [03:28] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: or switch to JS
  594. # [03:28] <dauwhe> Florian: or use polar coordinates with contain
  595. # [03:28] <dauwhe> fantasai: most layouts won't be this simple
  596. # [03:29] <dauwhe> ... need to have some idea of what layout you're in
  597. # [03:29] <dauwhe> ... you don't get reasonable results by using that in square
  598. # [03:29] <dauwhe> Florian: then you can use shapes
  599. # [03:30] * Quits: bro (~bro@public.cloak) ("Page closed")
  600. # [03:30] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: harder to use different addressing schemes with Bert's proposals
  601. # [03:30] <Florian> s/shapes/shape-inside:display/
  602. # [03:30] <dauwhe> fantasai: this is fine for lots of complex cases
  603. # [03:30] <dauwhe> ... harder for simple cases... is this thing square?
  604. # [03:30] <dauwhe> ... you can't ask that simply
  605. # [03:30] <dauwhe> ... for ellipse or circle or rectangle
  606. # [03:30] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: need version for yea/nay on rectangle
  607. # [03:31] <dauwhe> fantasai: adv. of rounded rects gives you common cases
  608. # [03:31] <dauwhe> Florian: I'm not sure... are you proposing circle/rectange
  609. # [03:31] <dauwhe> fantasai: I'm suggesting what Bert did
  610. # [03:31] <dauwhe> ... rectangles get you a lot of the way
  611. # [03:31] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: then you can't do polar coordinates
  612. # [03:31] <dauwhe> fantasai: you could do points and rectangles
  613. # [03:31] <dauwhe> ... you get is this visible very quickly
  614. # [03:32] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: that sounds fine
  615. # [03:32] <dauwhe> ... rect using cartesion
  616. # [03:32] * leaverou_away is now known as leaverou
  617. # [03:32] <dauwhe> ... points with whatever
  618. # [03:32] <dauwhe> fantasai: then we can add more shapes; we have a functional notation
  619. # [03:32] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: are people ok with that
  620. # [03:32] <dauwhe> Rossen: can you summarize
  621. # [03:33] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: an "is visible" media query that takes rect (cartesiaon) or polar point
  622. # [03:33] <dauwhe> ... and is either true or false
  623. # [03:33] <dauwhe> ... slight complification of what we agreed on
  624. # [03:33] <dauwhe> .... solves rect cases better
  625. # [03:33] <dauwhe> Rossen: ok
  626. # [03:33] <dauwhe> fantasai: inset would also be useful
  627. # [03:33] <dauwhe> ... if I go inset by 5px do I clear all the rectangles
  628. # [03:33] * Joins: jeff (Jeff@public.cloak)
  629. # [03:34] <fantasai> s/rectangles/screen boundaries/
  630. # [03:34] <dauwhe> Florian: this solves much better than everything else, "can I put this in the corner"
  631. # [03:34] <dauwhe> ... therefore I'm in favor
  632. # [03:34] <dauwhe> Rossen: anything else?
  633. # [03:34] <dauwhe> Florian: what it doesn't solve is having a very different design on round
  634. # [03:34] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: sure it does, try lots of points to show it's round
  635. # [03:34] <dauwhe> Rossen: if becomes a prime use case we'll deal
  636. # [03:34] <dbaron> I wrote up a summary of the discussion that happened over the break to explain some of the things we considered and ruled out: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Oct/0220.html
  637. # [03:35] * Joins: sangwoo (~sangwoo@public.cloak)
  638. # [03:35] <dauwhe> zcorpan: shouldn't be "is visible", which implys wouldn't be visible if scrolled
  639. # [03:35] <dauwhe> Florian: fits in screen
  640. # [03:35] <dbaron> "in display"?
  641. # [03:35] <dauwhe> hyojin: is this enough for you to go write spec
  642. # [03:35] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: I can help
  643. # [03:35] <dauwhe> Florian: you should get help
  644. # [03:35] <dauwhe> hyojin: i think this is reasonable technology
  645. # [03:35] <Bert1> q+ to mention one other issue: relative to device or to viewport? or both?
  646. # [03:35] * Zakim sees Bert on the speaker queue
  647. # [03:35] * Joins: ChrisLilley (clilley@public.cloak)
  648. # [03:36] <dauwhe> ... if I have some trouble I will ask for help
  649. # [03:36] <dauwhe> Rossen: sounds great
  650. # [03:36] <dauwhe> Steve: responding to florian
  651. # [03:36] <dauwhe> ... since you can already get bounding rect in MQ
  652. # [03:36] <MaRakow> positioning of the shape in question is relative to AABB of the display?
  653. # [03:36] <dauwhe> ... querying for ellipse, major an dminor axis that covers shape
  654. # [03:36] <dauwhe> ... take the intersection of those two as defining points in the area
  655. # [03:36] * Joins: sena (~sena@public.cloak)
  656. # [03:37] <dauwhe> ... then you can discover if circle or ellipse
  657. # [03:37] <dauwhe> ... just like border radius
  658. # [03:37] <dauwhe> ... those two values would give you most of the shapes we care aobut
  659. # [03:37] <dauwhe> ... you would have to do calculations
  660. # [03:37] <dauwhe> Florian: every single definition of device radius is doable in JS
  661. # [03:37] * Joins: hwlee (~hwlee@public.cloak)
  662. # [03:38] <dauwhe> ... it's not convienent to write that JS, but its possible
  663. # [03:38] <dauwhe> Steve: with the four values you can do everything
  664. # [03:38] * Quits: sangwoo (~sangwoo@public.cloak) ("Page closed")
  665. # [03:38] <dauwhe> ... four values, not infinite :)
  666. # [03:38] <dauwhe> fantasai: that's very simple
  667. # [03:38] <dauwhe> ... i think this is cool
  668. # [03:38] <dauwhe> ... let's write proposals, but let's investigate steve's idea
  669. # [03:38] <dauwhe> ... which is good for reasonable cases
  670. # [03:39] <dauwhe> Rossen: can you summarize in an email and send to list
  671. # [03:39] <dauwhe> dbaron: I sent summary of break discussion to list
  672. # [03:39] <dauwhe> Rossen: OK. let's move on
  673. # [03:39] <dauwhe> Bert1: one question
  674. # [03:39] * Joins: YusukeNakayaAndroid (~YusukeNakayaAndroi@public.cloak)
  675. # [03:39] <dauwhe> ... should we talk about viewport instead of device?
  676. # [03:39] <dauwhe> ... might not be the same
  677. # [03:39] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: yes
  678. # [03:40] <dauwhe> Bert1: viewport is enough, you don't need device
  679. # [03:40] <fantasai> Steve's proposal is, roughly, device-radius-x/device-radius-y, where the radii are from the center of the device to the edge of the smalles ellipse that covers the screen
  680. # [03:40] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: device is irrelevant
  681. # [03:40] <dauwhe> dino: resolution we made before, dropping polar orientation
  682. # [03:40] <fantasai> (This is different from device-corner-radius-x/y, which are just defining the curve of the corners.)
  683. # [03:40] <dauwhe> ... adding more grammars to ???
  684. # [03:40] <TabAtkins> s/???/rotate()/
  685. # [03:40] <dauwhe> Florian: yes, that's correct
  686. # [03:40] <dauwhe> dino: I don't like changing transforms for this use case
  687. # [03:41] <MaRakow> +1 to dino
  688. # [03:41] <dauwhe> ... we can move on, but want to discuss later
  689. # [03:41] <dauwhe> astearns: fragmentation was in morning
  690. # [03:41] <Bert1> q-
  691. # [03:41] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
  692. # [03:41] <dauwhe> fantasai: issue raised by ted
  693. # [03:41] <dauwhe> dino: can you link to that point?
  694. # [03:41] <Rossen> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-break/issues-lc-2015#issue-24
  695. # [03:41] <dauwhe> ... Issue 24
  696. # [03:42] <dauwhe> ... hober can't remember; he denies it happened
  697. # [03:42] <dauwhe> ... was it cut and paste
  698. # [03:42] <fantasai> "hober: I liked the compound names with force."
  699. # [03:42] <dauwhe> astearns: hober liked the names with dash
  700. # [03:42] <dauwhe> Florian: that's my understanding
  701. # [03:42] <dauwhe> dino: I don't think this is worth ... . he didn't raise objection
  702. # [03:43] <dauwhe> fantasai: the question is, we have break-before which has values column, page, region, auto
  703. # [03:43] <fantasai> break-before: auto | page | column |avoid-page | avoid-column
  704. # [03:43] <dauwhe> ... we have avoid-page
  705. # [03:43] <astearns> s/dash/force-/
  706. # [03:43] <dauwhe> ... it's a bit unclear what break-before-page means, it means a page break before the element
  707. # [03:43] <fantasai> break-before: page
  708. # [03:43] <fantasai> break-before: force-page
  709. # [03:43] <dauwhe> ... maybe having force- is clearer
  710. # [03:43] * Quits: jh (~jh@public.cloak) ("Page closed")
  711. # [03:44] <dauwhe> dino: I don't think hober feels strongly
  712. # [03:44] <dauwhe> Rossen: I like shorter
  713. # [03:44] <fantasai> astearns: I prefer shorter
  714. # [03:44] <dauwhe> Resolved: no change on issue 24
  715. # [03:44] <dauwhe> fantasai: we need transition request
  716. # [03:45] <dauwhe> Rossen: we have two staff contacts in room
  717. # [03:45] <dauwhe> fantasai: transition request for fragmentation to CR
  718. # [03:45] <dauwhe> Rossen: Chris, you'll do this?
  719. # [03:45] <dauwhe> astearns: do we have tests
  720. # [03:45] <dauwhe> Rossen: some
  721. # [03:45] <dauwhe> ... more would be better
  722. # [03:45] <dauwhe> astearns: nice to have a test for every section, just one, when we make transition to cr
  723. # [03:45] * Joins: YusukeNakayaJP (~YusukeNakayaJP@public.cloak)
  724. # [03:45] <dauwhe> Rossen: I think that's the case
  725. # [03:46] <dauwhe> astearns: nice to have slight coverage
  726. # [03:46] <dauwhe> Rossen: that's all on fragmentation
  727. # [03:46] <dauwhe> ... we've exhausted the morning session
  728. # [03:46] <dauwhe> ... fourteen minutes before noon
  729. # [03:46] <dauwhe> ... any quick topics?
  730. # [03:46] * Quits: YusukeNakayaAndroid (~YusukeNakayaAndroi@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  731. # [03:46] <dauwhe> fantasai: some short scroll snapping
  732. # [03:46] <astearns> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap/issues-by-issue
  733. # [03:46] <dauwhe> Topic: scroll snapping issues
  734. # [03:47] <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap/issues-by-issue
  735. # [03:47] <dauwhe> fantasai: let me find an issue that is not long
  736. # [03:47] <dauwhe> dino: we were up to 28
  737. # [03:47] <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap/issues-by-issue#issue-54
  738. # [03:47] <dauwhe> ... 28 is simple
  739. # [03:47] <dauwhe> fantasai: we planned to defer 28
  740. # [03:47] <dauwhe> ... i haven't updated
  741. # [03:47] <dauwhe> dino: we talked about 28
  742. # [03:47] <dauwhe> fantasai: we should do 54
  743. # [03:48] <dauwhe> ... determine whether mandatory or proximity per element rather than per scroll container
  744. # [03:48] <dauwhe> ... so q is we don't know how this works
  745. # [03:48] <dauwhe> ... should we investigate or close as no change
  746. # [03:48] <dauwhe> Rossen: thats the model where half elements mandatory, half proximity
  747. # [03:48] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: it's mandatory, but some don't have wide attraction radius
  748. # [03:49] <dauwhe> ... that's dumb
  749. # [03:49] <dauwhe> astearns: one with very large radius
  750. # [03:49] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: don't put in author's control
  751. # [03:49] <dauwhe> Rossen: this is something we can push to level 2
  752. # [03:49] * Quits: liam (liam@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  753. # [03:49] <dauwhe> fantasai: raised florian
  754. # [03:49] <dauwhe> Florian: I disagree with old florian
  755. # [03:49] <dauwhe> fantasai: closed as no change
  756. # [03:49] <dauwhe> ... next is issue 60
  757. # [03:50] <dauwhe> ... scroll jumping discreet snapping spreadsheet thing
  758. # [03:50] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: some spreadsheets scroll only by whole rows
  759. # [03:50] <dauwhe> ... I'm ok with deferring
  760. # [03:50] <dauwhe> ... unless wg thinks this is crucial
  761. # [03:50] <dauwhe> Steve: how do you make cut for level 1
  762. # [03:50] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: simplest possible thing that robustly solves interesting cases
  763. # [03:51] <dauwhe> Rossen: let's record a resolution
  764. # [03:51] <dauwhe> Resolved: defer to level 2
  765. # [03:51] <dauwhe> fantasai: can inertial scrolls skip snap positions
  766. # [03:51] <dauwhe> ... MS has distinction between single and multiple mandatory
  767. # [03:52] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: the initial windows version had mandatory an dproximity, and a separate axis, single and multiple
  768. # [03:52] <dauwhe> ... single meant that inertia captured next point
  769. # [03:52] <astearns> (issue 64)
  770. # [03:52] <dauwhe> ... safari is mandatory multiple
  771. # [03:52] <dauwhe> ... MS is mandatory single (???)
  772. # [03:53] <dauwhe> MaRakow: the biggest problem with single is ??? entities
  773. # [03:53] <fantasai> s/??? entities/home and end keys/
  774. # [03:53] <dauwhe> ... that's a too-strict interpretation of mandatory
  775. # [03:53] <fantasai> MaRakow: Those should go directly to the start and end
  776. # [03:53] <dauwhe> ... there's no distinction in windows impl
  777. # [03:53] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: what should we default on
  778. # [03:53] <dauwhe> ... if we need both, what behviour is mandatory, and what call the other
  779. # [03:53] <dauwhe> Florian: both makes sense
  780. # [03:54] <dauwhe> Florian: I can't calibrate my fling, so I just want the next one
  781. # [03:54] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: it's a separate axis
  782. # [03:54] <dauwhe> Florian: multiple and single doesn't sound great
  783. # [03:54] <dauwhe> fantasai: "this scroll point captures all inertia" might not make sense by element
  784. # [03:55] <fantasai> s/I can't calibrate/Suppose I have a set of articles on one page, and I want to go to the next one. I don't want to force to always be on a snap position, but also I can't calibrate/
  785. # [03:55] <fantasai> [Florian was talking about proximity single]
  786. # [03:55] <fantasai> s/might not/might/
  787. # [03:56] <fantasai> fantaai: For example, in Florian's case, you might want snap positions within the article, don't want those to trap all inertia
  788. # [03:56] <fantasai> fantasai: but want the snap points between articles to trap all inertia
  789. # [03:56] <fantasai> s/aai/asai/
  790. # [03:56] <dauwhe> dino: I don't think that use case is valid
  791. # [03:56] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: articles arranged vertically
  792. # [03:57] <dauwhe> dino: I still think navigation to next one; it's hard to distinguish between scrolling and swiping
  793. # [03:57] <dauwhe> MaRakow: there's a lot of nuance
  794. # [03:57] <dauwhe> ... two ways of describing single
  795. # [03:57] <dauwhe> ... at least one vs no more than one
  796. # [03:57] <dauwhe> ... make single gesture, article is very long
  797. # [03:57] <dauwhe> ... there's 2 way s of interpreting
  798. # [03:57] <dauwhe> Florian: not incompatible with what you say
  799. # [03:58] <dauwhe> ... if you have recognized gesture that does that; there's no detection on my mouse wheel
  800. # [03:58] <dauwhe> MaRakow: we're trying to define default action for certain inputs
  801. # [03:58] <dauwhe> ... no spec says arrow down should doing something specific
  802. # [03:58] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: we're just sorting out your two behaviours
  803. # [03:58] <fantasai> Discussing https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap/issues-by-issue#issue-64
  804. # [03:59] <dauwhe> MaRakow: there's some potential leniency here
  805. # [03:59] * fantasai notes ppl might want to reload, anchors are broken on the previous, sorry!
  806. # [03:59] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: which behaviour should we default to
  807. # [03:59] <dauwhe> MaRakow: leave it up to ua
  808. # [03:59] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: single vs multple changes behavour a lot
  809. # [03:59] <dauwhe> ... does fling go really far, or to next page
  810. # [04:00] <Florian> scroll-snap-stop: always | inertial
  811. # [04:00] <dauwhe> ... too different for it to be UA default
  812. # [04:00] <dauwhe> MaRakow: UA could have smart default
  813. # [04:00] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: the two interpretations are not equally good
  814. # [04:00] <dauwhe> MaRakow: it can vary on whether UA has animation support, etc
  815. # [04:00] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: none of them do
  816. # [04:00] <dauwhe> ... you have an amount of inertia
  817. # [04:01] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: that's a minor detail for users
  818. # [04:01] <dauwhe> MaRakow: there's some that will accelerate based on number of gestures, etc
  819. # [04:01] <dauwhe> ... lots of ua-specific inputs that don't exist in all uas
  820. # [04:01] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: the fling gesture is universal
  821. # [04:01] <fantasai> s/that's a minor/the amount of inertia calculated is a minor/
  822. # [04:01] <dauwhe> ... gives you same basic behaviour across all devices
  823. # [04:02] <dauwhe> ... they are distinct and separate behavours that authors will either want or not want
  824. # [04:02] <dauwhe> Florian: there's a bigger variation on author use cases
  825. # [04:02] * Quits: adenilson (~anonymous@public.cloak) (adenilson)
  826. # [04:02] <dauwhe> ... in slide show you mean go to next slide no matter how hard
  827. # [04:02] <fantasai> s/they are distinct/single vs multiple are distinct/
  828. # [04:02] <dauwhe> ... in carousel a big fling should go farther
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  831. # [04:03] <dauwhe> ... we need to know if inertial fling means go to next thing or go far
  832. # [04:03] <fantasai> single = inertia cannot take you past one snap position
  833. # [04:03] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: nothing else in spec gives such a gulf in behaviour
  834. # [04:03] <Florian> scroll-snap-stop: always | inertial
  835. # [04:03] <fantasai> multipe = inertia, however it's calculated, can take you past one snap position; you go until the nearest snap position to your landing position
  836. # [04:03] <dauwhe> Florian: just pasting into irc a proposed name
  837. # [04:04] <dauwhe> fantasai: given that you might want diff. behav. per snap point in same scroller, either way we're going to have a separate switch because it's on item instead of behaviour
  838. # [04:04] * Quits: ymasao (~masa@public.cloak) ("Leaving...")
  839. # [04:04] <dauwhe> ... both prox. and mand. can have single behaviour
  840. # [04:04] <dauwhe> ... default for prox and mand. is to allow for multiple
  841. # [04:05] <dauwhe> ... can consider adding switch for single for element inside of scroll container
  842. # [04:05] <dauwhe> Florian: the property would apply to element not container
  843. # [04:05] <dauwhe> fantasai: call it auto
  844. # [04:05] * Quits: AndreyR (~AndreyR@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  845. # [04:05] <dauwhe> ... it means multiple
  846. # [04:05] <dauwhe> ... from author perspecitvve these are all methods of scrolling
  847. # [04:06] * SimonSapin Rossen, ChrisLilley: following up yesterday’s wide gamut discussion, agenda+ what should we do with https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-correction/ ?
  848. # [04:06] <dauwhe> Florian: you and i are bikeshedding
  849. # [04:06] <dauwhe> MaRakow: do you have proposal
  850. # [04:06] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: florians scroll-snap-stop, naming tbd
  851. # [04:06] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Can be deferred to next level, keep multiple (Safari behavior) for L1
  852. # [04:07] * glazou in W3C, IE does not mean MSFT browser any more, it's only Invited Expert
  853. # [04:07] <dauwhe> dino: I'm happy with default safari behavour
  854. # [04:07] * astearns SimonSapin we'll try to add that in this afternoon
  855. # [04:07] <dauwhe> ... I think there is a case for full screen don't use inertia
  856. # [04:07] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: happy to do that
  857. # [04:07] <fantasai> dino: so would prefer not to defer
  858. # [04:07] <dauwhe> ... for majority use case we don't need
  859. # [04:07] <dauwhe> Florian: it belongs in level 1
  860. # [04:07] <dauwhe> fantasai: proximity is multiple
  861. # [04:07] <dauwhe> ... that's least intrusive for useful
  862. # [04:08] <dauwhe> Florian: I still want switch in level1
  863. # [04:08] <fantasai> s/useful/users/
  864. # [04:08] <dauwhe> MaRakow: I want to see a proposal
  865. # [04:08] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: I'll write up what florian posted
  866. # [04:08] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: can resolve on default behaviour
  867. # [04:08] * Quits: hellojintae (~hellojintae@public.cloak) (Client closed connection)
  868. # [04:08] <dauwhe> Florian: that's what they want a written proposal for
  869. # [04:09] <dauwhe> Rossen: proposed resolution as is, multiple always for both prox and mandatory
  870. # [04:09] <dauwhe> fantasai: looking to adding a switch
  871. # [04:09] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: proximity doesn't force you to land
  872. # [04:09] <dauwhe> ... you can scroll around
  873. # [04:09] <dauwhe> fantasai: (drawing at white board)
  874. # [04:09] * Quits: katashin (~katashin@public.cloak) (katashin)
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  876. # [04:10] * astearns "...like Mario..."
  877. # [04:10] * Quits: sam (osamu@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  878. # [04:10] <dauwhe> Florian: in proximity you can stop anywhere
  879. # [04:10] * Joins: katashin (~katashin@public.cloak)
  880. # [04:11] <dauwhe> ... but you cannot scroll past on an inertial fling
  881. # [04:11] <dauwhe> ... a fling will stop you
  882. # [04:11] * Quits: karl (~karlcow@public.cloak) ("This computer has gone to sleep")
  883. # [04:11] <dauwhe> MaRakow: I have no troulbe understanding
  884. # [04:11] <dauwhe> ... what does it mean for compat, etc. There's more thought needed
  885. # [04:12] <dauwhe> TabAtkins: compat wise it won't matter as you are prefixed/flagged
  886. # [04:12] <dauwhe> ... behaviour-wise, definitions are already in API guide
  887. # [04:12] * Quits: stakagi (~stakagi@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  888. # [04:12] <dauwhe> Rossen: let's move on
  889. # [04:12] <dauwhe> dino: lunch line is an issue
  890. # [04:12] <dauwhe> Rossen: lunch break
  891. # [04:12] * Quits: brady_duga (~duga@public.cloak) (brady_duga)
  892. # [04:13] <dauwhe> ... given Matt wants a week, we have a proposed resolution in a week
  893. # [04:13] * Quits: shigeya (~shigeya@public.cloak) (shigeya)
  894. # [04:13] <dauwhe> fantasai: there's two more short issues; after lunch
  895. # [04:13] <dauwhe> Rossen: 3pm we have joint meeting
  896. # [04:14] <dauwhe> astearns: we'll resume after joint meeting
  897. # [04:14] <jchiba> https://www.dropbox.com/s/g3fwj38z8kagx01/snap-point-multiple.jpg?dl=0
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  906. # [04:14] <dauwhe> break type=lunch
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  957. # [05:09] <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap/issues-by-issue#issue-69
  958. # [05:09] <astearns> resuming, continuing on snap points
  959. # [05:09] <fantasai> fantasai: Define what happens when there's no snap points
  960. # [05:10] <fantasai> fantasai: Do you snap to somethng, or don't snap or what?
  961. # [05:10] <fantasai> fantasai: Tab and I figured if there's no snap positions defined, scroll freely
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  964. # [05:11] <MaRakow> If a valid, reachable snap point exists, you must snap to it (for mandatory)
  965. # [05:11] <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap/issues-by-issue#issue-72
  966. # [05:11] <fantasai> If there isn't, you don't snap to anything
  967. # [05:11] * Quits: ChrisLilley (clilley@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  968. # [05:12] * Quits: katashin (~katashin@public.cloak) (katashin)
  969. # [05:12] <fantasai> RESOLVED: If no snap positions defined, no snapping happens; scroll freely
  970. # [05:12] <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap/issues-by-issue#issue-82
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  974. # [05:13] <fantasai> fantasai: [summarizes]
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  982. # [05:15] <fantasai> MaRakow: This is way outside scenarious that I've ever ooked at.
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  984. # [05:16] <fantasai> MaRakow: Happy to go to with simpler one
  985. # [05:16] * Parts: katashin (~katashin@public.cloak)
  986. # [05:16] <fantasai> Rossen: Yeah, seems to agree with what I remember
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  988. # [05:16] <fantasai> RESOLVED: 'overflow: auto | scroll' captures snap positions in both axes, regardless of scroll-snap-type value
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  991. # [05:17] <fantasai> fantasai: Someone mentioned that it would be nice to trap descendant snap points even if not a scroller
  992. # [05:18] <fantasai> fantasai: original suggestion was to use snap-points-x/y lack of elements value
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  994. # [05:19] <fantasai> fantasai: Tab and I thought that's weird, snap-points-x/y are about coordinates.
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  996. # [05:20] <fantasai> fantasai: But scroll-snap-type is about processing descendant snap positions, so thought that a non-none value, or perhaps a special "trap" value, would apply to all elements and capture snap positions inside
  997. # [05:20] <fantasai> MaRakow: So snap positions are associated to nearest ancestor with overflow: scroll | auto or scroll-snap-type: non-none
  998. # [05:20] <fantasai> MaRakow: That seems reasonable.
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  1000. # [05:21] <fantasai> fantasai: Variations on proposal is, non-none values, or do we want a special keyword
  1001. # [05:21] <fantasai> MaRakow: I would prefer non-none
  1002. # [05:21] <fantasai> fantasai: Seem reasonable to others?
  1003. # [05:21] <astearns> ...general head-nodding...
  1004. # [05:22] <fantasai> Rossen: Yeah, similar to how position traps things
  1005. # [05:22] * Quits: Florian (~Florian@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1006. # [05:22] <fantasai> RESOLVED: scroll-snap-type applies to all elements, non-none values trap snap positions of descendants
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  1010. # [05:26] <fantasai> Topic: All Spec Review
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  1012. # [05:28] <fantasai> glazou: I took all the documents in our web space, w3.org, and look at the last TR publication for that spec and the last dev.w3.org publication
  1013. # [05:28] <fantasai> glazou: Some of our documents are really old, meaning that both the official and the ED are old
  1014. # [05:28] <fantasai> glazou: These ones are endangered
  1015. # [05:28] <fantasai> glazou: Some have an old pubdate on TR, or the draft is not recently updated, and there's some action needed
  1016. # [05:28] <fantasai> glazou: And some in perfect state
  1017. # [05:29] <fantasai> SimonSapin: Wrt color correction, we decided to remove yesterday the section that contains the exact same content as this draft
  1018. # [05:29] <fantasai> SimonSapin: Should we just remove this draft?
  1019. # [05:30] <fantasai> SimonSapin: It's just an ED
  1020. # [05:30] <fantasai> RESOLVED: Redirect color correction to css-color-4, remove draft
  1021. # [05:30] <fantasai> glazou: Basic Box Model
  1022. # [05:30] <SimonSapin> s/the section/the section of css-color-4/
  1023. # [05:30] <fantasai> glazou: These documents give a fals image of our WG
  1024. # [05:30] <fantasai> glazou: Another example is Speech
  1025. # [05:30] * Rossen the WebApps joint meeting just got moved to back to 3pm
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  1027. # [05:31] <fantasai> glazou: It was activiely maintained by dweck, but he moved to something else
  1028. # [05:31] <fantasai> glazou: we have a CR that is now 3.5 years old
  1029. # [05:31] <fantasai> glazou: But the last ED is same date
  1030. # [05:31] <fantasai> fantasai: There's nothing to change, we're waiting for implementations.
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  1033. # [05:31] * tantek is in joint Social Web WG / Annotations WG meeting.
  1034. # [05:32] <fantasai> fantasai: I think in some cases we just need to wait. In others, if we think it's no longer a good idea, remove it.
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  1036. # [05:32] <fantasai> glazou: Let's add a note explaining its status then
  1037. # [05:32] <fantasai> glazou: Orange drafts, just require a new WD
  1038. # [05:32] <fantasai> glazou: Yellow ones, list is pretty ong
  1039. # [05:33] <fantasai> glazou: Just needs publication
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  1041. # [05:33] <fantasai> glazou: font loading L3, almost at hte bottom. LC from 2014, but we have an ED from this month.
  1042. # [05:33] <fantasai> glazou: So we should republish
  1043. # [05:33] <fantasai> glazou: to let public know that document is still active, still maintaining.
  1044. # [05:33] <fantasai> glazou: Then we have green ones, which are perfectly safe
  1045. # [05:33] <fantasai> glazou: If someon has no knowledge of our group, goes to that docuemnt, seems perfectly normal
  1046. # [05:33] <fantasai> glazou: This list is too long
  1047. # [05:34] * leaverou_away is now known as leaverou
  1048. # [05:34] <fantasai> glazou: We have a committment problem to republish. We should republish more often
  1049. # [05:34] <fantasai> glazou: Semi-official rules of W3C want us to republish every 3 months
  1050. # [05:34] <fantasai> zcorpan: 6 months per spec
  1051. # [05:34] <fantasai> jdaggett: For specs that are in CR, even though they're in CR, we should publish?
  1052. # [05:34] <fantasai> glazou: CR document is a little bit different, need to finish test suite and move on
  1053. # [05:35] <fantasai> glazou: CR that remains 5 years in CR, this is not normal
  1054. # [05:35] <fantasai> glazou: COnditional Rules is CR since 2013, have ED from 2015
  1055. # [05:35] <fantasai> glazou: We need to do something
  1056. # [05:35] <fantasai> glazou: Either republish because technical change, or need to finish the spec
  1057. # [05:35] <fantasai> glazou: I'm saying we have too many documents of that kind in this WG
  1058. # [05:35] * Joins: Florian (~Florian@public.cloak)
  1059. # [05:35] <fantasai> glazou: We are roughly 30 ppl, 60+ documents on the radar
  1060. # [05:35] <fantasai> glazou: our goal is not t submit more and more proposals
  1061. # [05:36] <fantasai> glazou: Our goal is to submit proposals and make sure they become a standard
  1062. # [05:36] <fantasai> glazou: Shouldn't tkae 5 years to reach rec
  1063. # [05:36] <fantasai> jdaggett: Practically speaking, this group has for the most part, 2 major contributors
  1064. # [05:36] * Joins: murakami (~murakami@public.cloak)
  1065. # [05:36] <fantasai> glazou: If someone looks at our work, what does that person see?
  1066. # [05:36] <fantasai> glazou: Documents that stay out of rec forever
  1067. # [05:36] * gsnedders TabAtkins and fantasai aren't committed enough. That's what we should take away, right?
  1068. # [05:36] <fantasai> glazou: We have to do something
  1069. # [05:37] <fantasai> glazou: First republish documents that need republication
  1070. # [05:37] <fantasai> glazou: Too many documents need republishing
  1071. # [05:37] <fantasai> jdaggett: i'm still confused, e.g. for Fonts, there are some minor edits, but what does that mean about this list?
  1072. # [05:37] <fantasai> jdaggett: Are we taking that back to WD?
  1073. # [05:38] <fantasai> fantasai: New process doesn't require that, can just republish CR.
  1074. # [05:38] <fantasai> Florian: Have multiple problems
  1075. # [05:38] <fantasai> Florian: We have some documents with changes that need republication, that we just have to do.
  1076. # [05:38] <fantasai> Florian: But reaching REC, it's not something we can do. We need implementations.
  1077. # [05:38] * Quits: yeonsoo_ (~yeonsoo@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1078. # [05:38] <fantasai> glazou: Let's take 1 concrete example, used worldwide by everyone, Transitions and Transforms.
  1079. # [05:38] <fantasai> glazou: These are WDs from 2013
  1080. # [05:39] <fantasai> glazou: The whole world is relying on theses. We have a problem.
  1081. # [05:39] <fantasai> dbaron: I'm editor of Transitions
  1082. # [05:39] <fantasai> dbaron: My biggest issue is good issue tracking software
  1083. # [05:39] <fantasai> dbaron: to create disposition of comments
  1084. # [05:40] <fantasai> dbaron: I'm not very good at telling people, you made a comment on this spec, I don't think it's actionable therefore I'm acting on it.
  1085. # [05:40] <fantasai> TabAtkins: We just send such an email. Just do it.
  1086. # [05:40] <fantasai> glazou: Multicol layout is CR since 2011
  1087. # [05:40] <fantasai> glazou: Implemented everywhere
  1088. # [05:40] * liam notes there's issue tracking software (e.g. tracker, bugzilla, github) that can produce an automatic disposition of comments
  1089. # [05:40] <fantasai> Florian: It's not implemented everywhere to the point that it can go to REC.
  1090. # [05:41] <fantasai> glazou: There's a core featureset that works
  1091. # [05:41] <fantasai> fantasai: Minus miscellaneous bugs, there's a lot of misc bugs
  1092. # [05:41] <fantasai> glazou: implemnted, not implemented
  1093. # [05:41] <fantasai> Florian: multicol is implemented, but very buggy
  1094. # [05:41] <fantasai> Florian: multicol is very different from [?]
  1095. # [05:41] * Joins: Jeff_Xu (~zhengxu@public.cloak)
  1096. # [05:41] <fantasai> glazou: I want to have this session where 7 years ago we had similar problem.
  1097. # [05:41] <astearns> s/[?]/transitions/
  1098. # [05:42] <fantasai> glazou: We had some CRs, some WDs, but not publishing RECs
  1099. # [05:42] <fantasai> glazou: Got signal from staff, this is th wrong way to work
  1100. # [05:42] <fantasai> glazou: here we have CRs that remain CRs forever
  1101. # [05:42] <fantasai> glazou: I suspect we're going to have the same problem
  1102. # [05:42] <fantasai> glazou: We have a problem with tst suites that we are never able to complete
  1103. # [05:42] <fantasai> glazou: We have problems with tools, I can gree with that, but we have to do something.
  1104. # [05:42] <fantasai> Florian: Wrt test suites, we have multipile problems on test suites
  1105. # [05:42] <fantasai> Florian: Not enough people write, not enough people review
  1106. # [05:42] <fantasai> Florian: I have tests pending review for months
  1107. # [05:42] * tantek is bummed to be missing this conversation :/
  1108. # [05:43] <fantasai> Florian: If I can't get tests reviewed, not sure how to move forward
  1109. # [05:43] <fantasai> Florian: There's a problem of tooling, but not only.
  1110. # [05:43] <fantasai> Florian: Should we find a different way to find ppl to review tests?
  1111. # [05:43] <fantasai> Florian: Tests that remainunreviewed for months don't encourage writing more tests
  1112. # [05:43] <tantek> or find a different way to allow *anyone* to review tests and approve/comment
  1113. # [05:43] <tantek> and have that logged
  1114. # [05:43] <fantasai> glazou: Shouldn't work on all tests together. Prioritize, do a few specs per quarter or semester
  1115. # [05:43] * fantasai we do
  1116. # [05:43] <fantasai> glazou: Then it's done
  1117. # [05:43] <tantek> it's a bit opaque
  1118. # [05:43] * fantasai tantek, anyone can review
  1119. # [05:44] * Joins: kurosawa_ (~chatzilla@public.cloak)
  1120. # [05:44] <tantek> fantasai: the word "review" does not exist on this page: http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/
  1121. # [05:44] * Joins: skk (~skk@public.cloak)
  1122. # [05:44] <tantek> if you have to know where to look, then no, not anyone can review. it's not discoverable.
  1123. # [05:45] * fantasai yeah docs suck, need to fix them
  1124. # [05:45] * Joins: sam (osamu@public.cloak)
  1125. # [05:45] <fantasai> fantasai: We should audit specs and republish as necessary yes, testing is a bigger topic.
  1126. # [05:45] <fantasai> glazou: days of 100 tests per spec are over...
  1127. # [05:45] <fantasai> glazou: I'm not sure old way of making tests is going to survive
  1128. # [05:46] <fantasai> fantasai: We have a break-out session on testing tomorrow, with gsnedders . Suggest we discuss that then.
  1129. # [05:46] <fantasai> fantasai: What do you want to do now?
  1130. # [05:46] <fantasai> glazou: Update the outdated drafts
  1131. # [05:46] <fantasai> glazou: That's all for these documents.
  1132. # [05:46] * Joins: dbaron (~dbaron@public.cloak)
  1133. # [05:46] <fantasai> glazou: For list of red documents, if we can move to attick, let's do it,
  1134. # [05:46] <fantasai> glazou: If some need strong warnting, let's do it
  1135. # [05:46] <fantasai> glazou: For the others we, make decisions
  1136. # [05:47] <dino> I can see the Press Release: Today the CSS Working Group released new Working Drafts of Speech, Text Decoration 3, Masking 1, Exclusions, ....
  1137. # [05:47] <fantasai> fantasai: Speech I think we just need to leave there, no implementations, alternative is to rescind the recommendation
  1138. # [05:48] * Quits: kurosawa (~chatzilla@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1139. # [05:48] * Joins: sena (~sena@public.cloak)
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  1141. # [05:48] * kurosawa_ is now known as kurosawa
  1142. # [05:48] <fantasai> fantasai: Speech has two options: stay as is, or rescind
  1143. # [05:48] <fantasai> liam: Or republish just to refresh the date
  1144. # [05:49] <fantasai> Florian: Status saying that no changes, just waiting for implementations
  1145. # [05:49] <fantasai> RESOLVED: Republish speech with updated status
  1146. # [05:49] <fantasai> ACTION Bert: Republish speech
  1147. # [05:50] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION.
  1148. # [05:50] * RRSAgent records action 3
  1149. # [05:50] <trackbot> Created ACTION-733 - Republish speech [on Bert Bos - due 2015-11-03].
  1150. # [05:50] <fantasai> Text Decoration - fantasai to review if any substantive changes
  1151. # [05:50] <fantasai> Masking - 1 year old
  1152. # [05:50] <fantasai> astearns: Getting some implementation
  1153. # [05:50] <fantasai> glazou: Needs work on tests
  1154. # [05:50] <fantasai> MaRakow: Deal with this by identifying what it needs, different for each one, e.g. tests for this, republication for that.
  1155. # [05:51] <fantasai> MaRakow: We can't force implementations, but if need a push push it
  1156. # [05:51] <fantasai> Masking nees tests
  1157. # [05:51] <fantasai> glazou: Exclusions, need a WD update?
  1158. # [05:51] <fantasai> Rossen: Nothing needs to be edited
  1159. # [05:51] <fantasai> Rossen: One implementation of it
  1160. # [05:52] <fantasai> Rossen: There are some tests
  1161. # [05:52] <fantasai> Florian: What's blocking CR?
  1162. # [05:52] * Quits: shigemi (~shigemi@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1163. # [05:53] <fantasai> fantasai: Consensus that it's a good model?
  1164. # [05:53] <fantasai> fantasai: There were concerns about collisions
  1165. # [05:53] * Joins: ymasao_ (~masa@public.cloak)
  1166. # [05:54] * skk Text Decoration is often used in e-book domain(It is referenced from EPUB). We thought that this is very stable. (I'm not sure but) can it transit to next step? (not enough tests?) I heard that we have slight issues not told to WG.
  1167. # [05:55] <fantasai> fantasai: Seems to me 6 months is too strict, we have specs not changing for a year
  1168. # [05:55] * dino skk i think you should propose that as an agenda topic for a coming meeting.
  1169. # [05:55] <fantasai> Steve: Just want to update the status, that's the goal.
  1170. # [05:55] <fantasai> Florian: Update the date is fine, thing that's blocking is not the same.
  1171. # [05:55] * Joins: hiro__ (~hiro@public.cloak)
  1172. # [05:56] <fantasai> Florian: We're waiting either for everyone to agree to implement, or a solution to the problem that's blocking.
  1173. # [05:56] <fantasai> glazou: So let's republish, then decide what to do.
  1174. # [05:56] <fantasai> astearns: I say we keep it as WD and republish
  1175. # [05:57] * skk dino, thanks. I'll hear from my colleagues, and (at first) post it to the list. (after, I want to discuss in the coming meeting if needed)
  1176. # [05:57] <fantasai> fantasai: I need to rewrite a section, then publish
  1177. # [05:58] <dbaron> fantasai: republishing a spec is an hour's work; consider the value of republishing relative to other work
  1178. # [05:58] <fantasai> glazou: Just republish first
  1179. # [05:58] <fantasai> glazou: Motion Path, maybe refresh, but not sure, is there any progress on motion path?
  1180. # [05:58] <fantasai> dino: 2 implementations
  1181. # [05:58] <fantasai> shane: what it needs is tests
  1182. # [05:58] <fantasai> glazou: It's an FPWD
  1183. # [05:58] <fantasai> glazou: but it's almost ready
  1184. # [05:58] <fantasai> s/ready/REC/
  1185. # [05:59] <fantasai> dino: Let's publish a second WD
  1186. # [06:01] * Joins: jeff (Jeff@public.cloak)
  1187. # [06:01] <fantasai> fantasai: This is just busywork. Publish an update with fixes to issues.
  1188. # [06:01] <fantasai> shane: publish issues
  1189. # [06:01] <fantasai> s/publish/5/
  1190. # [06:01] <fantasai> fantasai: Then solve the issues, and then publish a WD
  1191. # [06:01] <fantasai> glazou: Basic box model
  1192. # [06:01] <fantasai> Bert: It's in very bad shape
  1193. # [06:01] <fantasai> SimonSapin: Before ai joine dWG, people said, "Don't look at this, it's wrong. Look at CSS2."
  1194. # [06:01] <fantasai> SimonSapin: Maybe we shoudl replace it with a document that says "Look at CSS2, we will rewrite it later"
  1195. # [06:01] <fantasai> Florian: The ED has a warning, but not the TR
  1196. # [06:01] <fantasai> Bert: My preference would be to remove a lot of the content that's strange ideas
  1197. # [06:01] * Quits: xidorn (~xidorn@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1198. # [06:01] <fantasai> Bert: Cut it down a lot, just keep description of properties and maybe lots of issues
  1199. # [06:02] <fantasai> Florian: If we have time to do that, do that, otherwise delete all content. It remains in source control.
  1200. # [06:02] * Joins: xidorn (~xidorn@public.cloak)
  1201. # [06:02] * Quits: AndreyR (~AndreyR@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1202. # [06:02] <fantasai> ACTION Bert Publish update WD to Box Model in 4 weeks
  1203. # [06:02] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION.
  1204. # [06:02] <trackbot> Created ACTION-734 - Publish update wd to box model in 4 weeks [on Bert Bos - due 2015-11-03].
  1205. # [06:02] <fantasai> glazou: box alignment
  1206. # [06:03] <fantasai> fantasai: A couple issues ot discuss with dbaron, but can publish in November
  1207. # [06:03] <fantasai> dbaron: color correction deleted from repo 2 minutes ago
  1208. # [06:03] <fantasai> glazou: Mobile tet size adjustment
  1209. # [06:03] <fantasai> s/tet/text/
  1210. # [06:03] <fantasai> dbaron: I'm not quite ready to say we should abandon the spec, but we might want to.
  1211. # [06:04] <fantasai> glazou: Then maybe add a warning to it
  1212. # [06:04] <fantasai> glazou: OM values
  1213. # [06:05] <fantasai> zcorpan, TabAtkins: We should drop that.
  1214. # [06:05] <fantasai> TabAtkins: This is an incomplete proposal from anne, being superceded by Houdini work
  1215. # [06:05] <fantasai> TabAtkins: We should just kill it
  1216. # [06:05] * Joins: jeff_ (Jeff@public.cloak)
  1217. # [06:06] <fantasai> ACTION plinss Remove cssom-values and redirect to Houdini Typed OM
  1218. # [06:06] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION.
  1219. # [06:06] <trackbot> Created ACTION-735 - Remove cssom-values and redirect to houdini typed om [on Peter Linss - due 2015-11-03].
  1220. # [06:06] <fantasai> glazou: Line Grid 1
  1221. # [06:07] <fantasai> astearns: Koji had a proposal for simplifying, should look at that before updating
  1222. # [06:07] <fantasai> glazou: Animations needs a republish at least
  1223. # [06:07] <fantasai> birtles: Can republish, but want to discuss this afternoon first
  1224. # [06:08] <fantasai> glazou: text L3?
  1225. # [06:08] <fantasai> fantasai: I have an outstanding action to finish edits and republish, have been avoiding the last 2 years
  1226. # [06:08] * Quits: tzviya (~tsiegman@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1227. # [06:08] * Joins: YusukeNakaya (~YusukeNakaya@public.cloak)
  1228. # [06:08] <fantasai> glazou: Fragmentation
  1229. # [06:08] <fantasai> fantasai: Need to update DoC and go to CR
  1230. # [06:08] <fantasai> glazou: Transforms and Transitions are 2 years old
  1231. # [06:09] <fantasai> glazou: Need to do something about that.
  1232. # [06:09] * Joins: YusukeNakayaJP (~YusukeNakayaJP@public.cloak)
  1233. # [06:09] <fantasai> dbaron: Transitions is lcose neough to CR that I'd rather just get to CR
  1234. # [06:09] <fantasai> dbaron: I'm not an editor of transforms, I think there are some bits that are not ready for CR.
  1235. # [06:10] <fantasai> dbaron: I don't know what's happened since last time
  1236. # [06:10] <fantasai> dino: We've got one outstanding issue on 3D transforms, waiting for feedback from MSFT
  1237. # [06:10] * Quits: hiro__ (~hiro@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1238. # [06:10] <fantasai> fantasai: Then let's solve it, and then publish
  1239. # [06:11] * fantasai not in favor of publishing fo the sake of publishing
  1240. # [06:11] * fantasai suggests to chairs to put Transforms on the telecon agenda in 2 weeks, to pressure ppl to solve the "one remaining issue"
  1241. # [06:11] <fantasai> glazou: Variables?
  1242. # [06:11] <fantasai> ACTION ChrisL Publish Variables as CR
  1243. # [06:11] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION.
  1244. # [06:11] <trackbot> Created ACTION-736 - Publish variables as cr [on Chris Lilley - due 2015-11-03].
  1245. # [06:11] <fantasai> ACTION ChrisL Publish Will Change as CR
  1246. # [06:11] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION.
  1247. # [06:11] <trackbot> Created ACTION-737 - Publish will change as cr [on Chris Lilley - due 2015-11-03].
  1248. # [06:12] <fantasai> glazou: Device Adaptation 4 years old, with edits this september
  1249. # [06:12] * gsnedders suggests tomorrow among other things it's probably worthwhile to go through all the specs and look at the number of tests and such like
  1250. # [06:12] <MaRakow> marakow: msft has given some feedback on 3d transforms but still outstanding issues that need resolving. ED has new language that needs to be resolved on before republishing
  1251. # [06:12] * Joins: shigemi (~shigemi@public.cloak)
  1252. # [06:12] <fantasai> Florian: I'm a co-editor. Not actively working. But in discussions with ppk about two things
  1253. # [06:12] * Quits: jeff (Jeff@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1254. # [06:12] <fantasai> Florian: What spec says is mostly correct, but very hard to understand
  1255. # [06:12] <fantasai> Florian: So there is a need for significant editorial work
  1256. # [06:12] <fantasai> Florian: major rewrite before anyone can understand the spec
  1257. # [06:12] <fantasai> Florian: I still think it's a useful concept, but have no time to work on it.
  1258. # [06:13] <fantasai> Florian: Don't think we shoudl drop it.
  1259. # [06:14] <fantasai> fantasai: If there are changes, we should republish and mark an issue for editorial update
  1260. # [06:14] <fantasai> Florian: I can review the content of the changes and see if we need to republish
  1261. # [06:14] <fantasai> jdaggett: Date bump is not actually useful unless someone is actually working on it
  1262. # [06:14] <fantasai> Florian: There are two partial implementations
  1263. # [06:15] * Joins: karl (~karlcow@public.cloak)
  1264. # [06:15] <fantasai> fantasai: Can Msft help with editing, given you have an implementation?
  1265. # [06:15] <fantasai> Florian: I can take an action to review the changes.
  1266. # [06:15] <fantasai> ACTION Florian Review status of device adaptation
  1267. # [06:15] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION.
  1268. # [06:15] <trackbot> Created ACTION-738 - Review status of device adaptation [on Florian Rivoal - due 2015-11-03].
  1269. # [06:16] * Joins: atai_ (~atai@public.cloak)
  1270. # [06:16] <fantasai> RESOLVED: Matt Rakow added as co-editor on device adaptation
  1271. # [06:16] * Joins: AndreyR (~AndreyR@public.cloak)
  1272. # [06:16] <fantasai> glazou: Filter effects
  1273. # [06:17] <fantasai> TabAtkins: dirk schulze
  1274. # [06:17] <fantasai> TabAtkins: No issues
  1275. # [06:17] <Florian> action Florian to review changes in device-adaptation to see if we need a new WD or just a date bump
  1276. # [06:17] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION.
  1277. # [06:17] <trackbot> Created ACTION-739 - Review changes in device-adaptation to see if we need a new wd or just a date bump [on Florian Rivoal - due 2015-11-03].
  1278. # [06:17] <fantasai> fantasai: Is it ready for CR?
  1279. # [06:17] <fantasai> glazou: GCPM
  1280. # [06:17] <fantasai> dauwhe: Moving most to generated content, others have interoperable implementations
  1281. # [06:18] <fantasai> Rossen: republish what you have?
  1282. # [06:18] <fantasai> Florian: What's left?
  1283. # [06:18] <fantasai> dauwhe: footnotes and running head string-set
  1284. # [06:18] <fantasai> Florian: WD, yes, CR, less sure
  1285. # [06:18] <fantasai> RSOLVED: WD of GCPM
  1286. # [06:19] <fantasai> fantasai: sizing, need to review
  1287. # [06:19] <fantasai> s/RSOL/RESOL/
  1288. # [06:19] <fantasai> glazou: Lists?
  1289. # [06:19] <fantasai> TabAtkins: That needs dramatic cuts
  1290. # [06:19] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Need to trim a lot, then republish
  1291. # [06:19] <fantasai> glazou: positioned layout
  1292. # [06:19] <fantasai> Rossen: Ready to republish
  1293. # [06:19] <fantasai> glazou: Regions?
  1294. # [06:20] <fantasai> astearns: could repulbish
  1295. # [06:20] * Joins: xiaoqian (xiaoqian@public.cloak)
  1296. # [06:20] * Quits: ymasao_ (~masa@public.cloak) ("Leaving...")
  1297. # [06:20] <fantasai> fantasai: can review to see if can republish, but has tons of issues open
  1298. # [06:20] <fantasai> glazou: Overflow 3
  1299. # [06:21] <fantasai> Florian: There's a mix of boviously usful things and experimental stuff in that draft.
  1300. # [06:21] <fantasai> Rossen: Can we republish?
  1301. # [06:21] <fantasai> Florian: For experimental things... doesn't feel WD-worthy
  1302. # [06:21] <fantasai> fantasai: It's an early WD, doesn't need to be stable to publish.
  1303. # [06:22] <fantasai> dbaron: Could split stuff into L4
  1304. # [06:22] <fantasai> Rossen: What's the holdup?
  1305. # [06:22] <fantasai> Florian: fragmentation , overflow pagination, not quite at the rest of the spec.
  1306. # [06:22] <fantasai> fantasai: Unless you're actively pushing for CR, don't need to cut things.
  1307. # [06:22] <fantasai> glazou: Font Loading 3
  1308. # [06:22] <fantasai> jdaggett: A few minor issues
  1309. # [06:23] <fantasai> TabAtkins: Can drive that to CR
  1310. # [06:23] <fantasai> glazou: Scoping L1
  1311. # [06:23] <fantasai> fantasai: on the agenda today
  1312. # [06:23] <fantasai> glazou: MQ4?
  1313. # [06:23] <fantasai> Florian: Shoudl republish
  1314. # [06:23] <fantasai> ACTION Florian republish MQ4
  1315. # [06:23] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION.
  1316. # [06:23] <trackbot> Created ACTION-740 - Republish mq4 [on Florian Rivoal - due 2015-11-03].
  1317. # [06:24] <fantasai> glazou: Non-element Selectors 1
  1318. # [06:24] <fantasai> TabAtkins: It's not ours, we were just the appropriate group
  1319. # [06:24] <fantasai> TabAtkins: have no idea what implementations are supposed to exist for this
  1320. # [06:25] * Joins: tzviya (~tsiegman@public.cloak)
  1321. # [06:25] <fantasai> ACTION astearns figure out status of non-element selectors
  1322. # [06:25] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION.
  1323. # [06:25] <trackbot> Created ACTION-741 - Figure out status of non-element selectors [on Alan Stearns - due 2015-11-03].
  1324. # [06:25] * Joins: masato_ (~masato@public.cloak)
  1325. # [06:25] <fantasai> glazou: selectors 4
  1326. # [06:26] <Rossen> Rossen: zcorpan, CSSOM editor Glenn Adams should be moved to the former editors section
  1327. # [06:26] <fantasai> fantasai: On my to-do list, right under scroll snap
  1328. # [06:26] <fantasai> issues
  1329. # [06:26] <fantasai> Topic: Scroll Snap
  1330. # [06:27] <dauwhe> Zakim, pick a victim
  1331. # [06:27] <Zakim> Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose koji
  1332. # [06:27] <fantasai> Topic: Scroll Snap
  1333. # [06:28] <TabAtkins> ScribeNick: not elika
  1334. # [06:28] <dbaron> ScribeNick: dbaron
  1335. # [06:28] * gsnedders FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!
  1336. # [06:28] <dbaron> Tab: Element-based issues
  1337. # [06:28] <dbaron> fantasai: yeah, the change proposal
  1338. # [06:28] <dbaron> Tab: Did we talk about the one about element-based snapping?
  1339. # [06:29] <dbaron> fantasai: Yeah, accepted. Want overlarge elements and independent ????.
  1340. # [06:29] <TabAtkins> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap/
  1341. # [06:29] <dbaron> Dino: We are mostly happy with everything.
  1342. # [06:29] <dbaron> Dino: the new spec
  1343. # [06:29] <dbaron> Dino: A little confused about ... maybe like to defer 2d thing to next level, struggle to understand it.
  1344. # [06:29] <dbaron> Dino: the 2d snapping
  1345. # [06:30] <dbaron> Tab: There's double-1d-snapping and there's 2d-snapping. This is 2d snapping.
  1346. # [06:30] <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap/issues-by-issue#issue-45
  1347. # [06:30] <dbaron> fantasai: This is issue 45. You can snapi in one axis or both axes. If you snap in both axes you might snap independently or simultaneously.
  1348. # [06:31] <fantasai> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Oct/0213.html
  1349. # [06:31] <dbaron> Tab: i.e., in the separate axis thing, 2 different elements could be snapped, one in the horizontal and one in the vertical
  1350. # [06:31] <dbaron> Tab: If you want only a single element to be snapped in both axes.
  1351. # [06:31] <dbaron> Florian: cities on a map
  1352. # [06:31] <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap/issues-by-issue#issue-67
  1353. # [06:31] <fantasai> (both issues here are relavant)
  1354. # [06:31] <dbaron> Tab: Or images in a photo gallery where you want one centered.
  1355. # [06:31] <dbaron> Dino: We want to push 2d to level 2.
  1356. # [06:31] <dbaron> Tab:The photostrip case was one of the original usecases from Matt. That needs 2d snapping to do well.
  1357. # [06:32] * Joins: kikuchiharuma (~kikuchiharuma@public.cloak)
  1358. # [06:32] <dbaron> fantasai: Aren't they all laid out in a line?
  1359. # [06:32] <dbaron> Dino: I thought 2d usecases were flowchart diagram
  1360. # [06:32] <dbaron> MaRakow: spreadsheet maybe?
  1361. # [06:32] <dbaron> Tab: No, that's 2x-1d-snapping
  1362. # [06:33] <dbaron> fantasai: In a strict grid, the 2 types are indistinguishable.
  1363. # [06:33] <dbaron> MaRakow: So you're splitting 2d scrollers into 2 categories?
  1364. # [06:33] <dbaron> TabAtkins: yes
  1365. # [06:33] <dbaron> TabAtkins: Once you have 1d snapping, doing it twice is not a problem, but actual 2d snapping is a separate use case.
  1366. # [06:33] <dbaron> Tab: I'm curious what was confusing to y'all (Dino) about it.
  1367. # [06:34] <dbaron> Dino: We'll have to give that as feedback.
  1368. # [06:34] <dbaron> Dino: We spent time with people in a room and couldn't work out...
  1369. # [06:34] <dbaron> hober: think it was editorial in nature
  1370. # [06:34] <dbaron> hober: The English prose.
  1371. # [06:34] * Quits: jeff_ (Jeff@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1372. # [06:34] <dbaron> hober: please use small words
  1373. # [06:34] * Quits: tzviya (~tsiegman@public.cloak) ("")
  1374. # [06:35] * Quits: fantasai (~fantasai@public.cloak) ("Lost terminal")
  1375. # [06:35] <dbaron> Tab: The proposal now, simplified from previous, is just 'scroll-snap-type' (proximity | mandatory | none) and what axis you're snapping to (x-axis, y-axis, point (2d))
  1376. # [06:35] * Joins: fantasai (~fantasai@public.cloak)
  1377. # [06:35] <dbaron> Tab: That way no weird confusing about mixing 1d and 2d
  1378. # [06:35] <dbaron> Tab: which way you snap is declared on container now
  1379. # [06:35] * Joins: tzviya (~tsiegman@public.cloak)
  1380. # [06:35] <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap/#snap-type
  1381. # [06:35] * Quits: dholbert (~dholbert@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1382. # [06:35] <dbaron> Tab: scroll-snap-padding is padding ont he container to limit the area that you're consiering for snap stuff
  1383. # [06:35] <fantasai> scroll-snap-type: none | [ proximity | mandatory | trap ] || [ x | y | block | inline | both | point ]
  1384. # [06:36] <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap/#snap-padding
  1385. # [06:36] * Quits: tzviya (~tsiegman@public.cloak) ("")
  1386. # [06:36] <fantasai> scroll-snap-padding: [ <length> | <percentage> ]{1,4}
  1387. # [06:36] * Joins: tzviya (~tsiegman@public.cloak)
  1388. # [06:36] <dbaron> Tab: Say you're doing a map and want to center cities on map, but have sidebar overlaid a bit. So centered on screen looks off-center, so set scroll-snap-padding to block out part that's sidebar'd.
  1389. # [06:36] <dbaron> Florian: Agree with that, but have issues yet to raise about that; will raise shortly.
  1390. # [06:36] * Quits: tzviya (~tsiegman@public.cloak) ("")
  1391. # [06:36] <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap/#scroll-snap-areas
  1392. # [06:36] <dbaron> fantasai: Agreed to drop scroll-snap-point-x/y
  1393. # [06:36] <fantasai> scroll-snap-area: [ border-box | margin-box ] || <length>{1,4}
  1394. # [06:37] <dbaron> Tab: scroll-snap-areas allows ... ... ... , to put a margin top or bottom on the scroll snap area, to let you see what's past it.
  1395. # [06:37] <dbaron> Fantasai: Important thing is this gives you an area that you're snapping rather than a point. Advantage is for handling overlarge elements. Because UA knows that, when screen is smaller than area, it can allow the user to pan around that area. When you only have one point you're snapping to, you can align that point but can't see rest of element with mandatory snapping.
  1396. # [06:38] <dbaron> fantasai: Author hasn't said what stuff is to bevisible in snapped position.
  1397. # [06:38] <dbaron> fantasai: Thus we went to scroll-snap-area to set area and scroll-snap-align to align that area in the viewport.
  1398. # [06:38] * Quits: YusukeNakayaJP (~YusukeNakayaJP@public.cloak) ("Page closed")
  1399. # [06:38] <dbaron> MaRakow: The issue about splitting x and y into separate snap types?
  1400. # [06:38] <dbaron> fantasai: No, this is a different issue.
  1401. # [06:39] <dbaron> fantasai: B/c we're not using position syntax, the position syntax requires a position in both axes, but sometimes you want to snap only in the vertical axis; this syntax allows to specify wanting snapping only on the top edge but don't care about left/right sides, per box.
  1402. # [06:39] <dbaron> fantasai: Higher-level switch earlier: specify axis scroll container cares about snapping to. But on element level, element might not want to define snap position in both axes.
  1403. # [06:39] <dbaron> MaRakow: Diagram?
  1404. # [06:40] <dbaron> Tab: I can draw.
  1405. # [06:40] <dbaron> Florian: Is switching to element-based snapping the motivatiion for this entire rewrite?
  1406. # [06:40] <dbaron> Tab: correct
  1407. # [06:40] <dbaron> Tab: [Draws]
  1408. # [06:41] * Joins: dholbert (~dholbert@public.cloak)
  1409. # [06:42] <dbaron> Tab: says he'll put the diagram, or similar, in the spec
  1410. # [06:42] <dbaron> [dbaron takes photo of diagram]
  1411. # [06:43] <fantasai> Tab explains what all the properties mean
  1412. # [06:43] <dbaron> Tab: [in response to MaRakow] if you want to center, set scroll-snap-align to center center; probably scroll-snap-area: border-box (initial value) is fine
  1413. # [06:43] <dbaron> MaRakow: How different from existing properties?
  1414. # [06:44] <dbaron> Tab: Translating the concepts well; big difference is that destination and coordinate are point-based which is difficult to talk about well when handling error cases (large elements)...
  1415. # [06:44] <dbaron> MaRakow: splitting X and Y?
  1416. # [06:44] <dbaron> Tab: Yes, splitting apart so only have to worry about one side if youwant. And it's talking about aligning rectangles in other rectangles, and CSS knows how to do that well and handle errors well.
  1417. # [06:45] <dbaron> Tab: Aligning rectangles is something easy to handle.
  1418. # [06:45] <dbaron> Florian: Maybe not obvious what to do, but you have the information that something is overflow. If you went by points, you don't know about overflow so you can't act on it.
  1419. # [06:46] <dbaron> Tab: scroll-snap-padding and scroll-snap-area are to modify the default boundaries; defaults often good
  1420. # [06:47] <dbaron> Florian: With nested elements... tops are a identical points, but with areas, you can distinguish overflow, you have enough information to act on it.
  1421. # [06:47] * dbaron thinks Florian was repeating what was already said
  1422. # [06:47] * Quits: Chris_Lilley (clilley@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1423. # [06:47] <dbaron> Tab: an example was blog posts, where you want to show a bit of the previous one
  1424. # [06:47] * Quits: AndreyR (~AndreyR@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1425. # [06:47] <dbaron> Tab: leave scroll-snap-padding: initial value
  1426. # [06:48] <dbaron> Tab: scroll-snap-type proximity y (or could omit y if only scrollable in one axis)
  1427. # [06:48] * Quits: dholbert (~dholbert@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1428. # [06:48] <dbaron> Tab: scroll-snap-area: border-box 20px 0 0 0
  1429. # [06:48] <dbaron> Tab: scroll-snap-align: start
  1430. # [06:48] * Quits: nulltask (~nulltask@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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  1432. # [06:49] * Quits: glazou (~glazou@public.cloak) (glazou)
  1433. # [06:49] <dbaron> MaRakow: scroll-snap-align is what's saying that it's the top edge that's snapping
  1434. # [06:49] <dbaron> Tab: yes
  1435. # [06:49] * Quits: bkardell_ (~uid10373@public.cloak) ("Connection closed for inactivity")
  1436. # [06:49] <dbaron> Tab: so you could just say scroll-snap-area: 20px 0 0 0;
  1437. # [06:50] <dbaron> fantasai: or might want 20px on both edges... if you're only snapping to one edge, easier to drop 0s
  1438. # [06:50] <dbaron> Tab: [response to Dino] scroll-snap-area: margin-box 4px grows the area by 4px outside the margin
  1439. # [06:50] <dbaron> Rossen: used margin? collapsed margin?
  1440. # [06:51] <dbaron> Tab: youstill have a well-defined margin-box with margin-collapsing
  1441. # [06:51] <dbaron> fantasai: same as you use for shapse
  1442. # [06:51] <fantasai> dbaron: Shapes happen on things that don't collapse margins...
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  1444. # [06:52] <dbaron> Alan: can use margin-box on shapes for masking
  1445. # [06:52] <dbaron> Tab: so maybe need to define it
  1446. # [06:52] <dbaron> Tab: border-box most common; don't recall why we had margin-box
  1447. # [06:52] <dbaron> Rossen: try to drop it
  1448. # [06:53] <dbaron> Tab: drop box kewyord entirely, just use the offsets
  1449. # [06:53] <dbaron> fantasai: sounds good
  1450. # [06:53] * Quits: hyojin (~hyojin@public.cloak) ("Page closed")
  1451. # [06:53] <dbaron> RESOLUTION: drop the box keyword
  1452. # [06:53] <dbaron> Rossen: so... not having 2 competing specs?
  1453. # [06:53] <dbaron> Tab: yes, getting to that
  1454. # [06:53] <dbaron> Tab: so we have a spec that we think is ready for WD, we even have a DoC for CR
  1455. # [06:54] <dbaron> fantasai: This in an unofficial draft.
  1456. # [06:54] <dbaron> fantasai: We made the changes to propdef tables, took all text from Matt's spec and incorporated into this spec
  1457. # [06:55] <dbaron> fantasai: Added all additional things based on issues in issues list
  1458. # [06:55] <dbaron> fantasai: we went and addressed all issues; have a DoC
  1459. # [06:55] * Quits: kurosawa (~chatzilla@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1460. # [06:55] <dbaron> fantasai: Spec now is different in the ways just discussed, and a superset of text in both specs
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  1463. # [06:55] <dbaron> fantasai: This is effectively the merged spec; we'd want to use this as the master copy, but want Matt to look in depth and make sure it's correct, and keep working together on it.
  1464. # [06:56] <dbaron> Tab: roc is fine with doing this, we (Chrome) are fine with it; haven't heard from Apple though previously think smfr said fine to switch over, so the issue is clarification from Apple, and from IE if this is all right
  1465. # [06:56] <dbaron> MaRakow: a lot to take in here
  1466. # [06:56] <dbaron> Tab: We were told in no uncertain terms that if we wanted to change it had to be quick
  1467. # [06:56] <dbaron> Tab: by Apple and Mozilla
  1468. # [06:57] * Quits: Florian (~Florian@public.cloak) (Client closed connection)
  1469. # [06:57] <dbaron> Tab: We went through 2 years of mailing list feedback, went trhough and addressed all feedback
  1470. # [06:57] <dbaron> MaRakow: Other large issues other than large element?
  1471. # [06:58] <dbaron> Tab: Anything that says "Accepted by TF" is stuff that wase addressed only in our draft and not in yours
  1472. # [06:58] <dbaron> Tab: MaRakow, we'd be happy to go through them with you
  1473. # [06:58] <dbaron> fantasai: Many were fallout of switching to this model; others were editorial or minor fixes
  1474. # [06:58] <dbaron> fantasai: The major issues were handful accepted by switching to this model.
  1475. # [06:59] <dbaron> fantasai: Solves overly large elements, solves issues with syntax, issues with bad naming of destination/coordinate, axis-specific scrolling.
  1476. # [06:59] * Quits: YusukeNakaya (~YusukeNakaya@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1477. # [07:00] <dbaron> TabAtkins: we know 2 browsers fine with this. MS implementation fine with the spec since we agreed to drop x/y and remaining pieces in MS implementation are subset of this.
  1478. # [07:00] <dbaron> TabAtkins: Is the WG fine with this and can we accept this as the scroll snap model?
  1479. # [07:00] <dbaron> Alan: How long will it take for you to come up with answer?
  1480. # [07:00] <dbaron> MaRakow: Can talk with Tab and fantasai and find out what's changed here.
  1481. # [07:01] <dbaron> Dino: We already gave our feedback
  1482. # [07:01] <dbaron> hober: if people want this to go to CR soon...
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  1489. # [07:02] <fantasai> [meeting is breaking up]
  1490. # [07:02] <fantasai> [fantasai wants to know whether we're switching over, pending MaRakow's approval]
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  1494. # [07:03] <fantasai> [Rossen is concerned that this is a major change and wants everyone to discuss it more]
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  1500. # [07:03] <fantasai> [dbaron notes that a lot of feedback wasn't handled, and implementers, under pressure to implement somehting, implemented something they didnt like that was what was in the spec previously, which was a problem]
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  1503. # [07:04] <fantasai> [meeting closed to dicuss further, MaRakow to discuss changes with Tab and fantasai to understand them better]
  1504. # [07:04] <fantasai> [revisit topic later]
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  1507. # [07:06] <astearns> Shadow DOM discussion is happening in the Web Platform room - down the escalator and to the left
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  1538. # [07:17] <dbaron> what's the IRC for the shadow dom meeting?
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  1540. # [07:18] <dbaron> #webapps
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  1542. # [07:19] <fantasai> Florian: How do we make mobile browsers not do Viewport Voodoo and just display the page like CSS says to?
  1543. # [07:19] <fantasai> (like, currently, what's the best syntax for this)
  1544. # [07:20] * Quits: hitsujiwool (~hitsujiwool@public.cloak) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  1545. # [07:23] <Florian> fantasai, you do "@viewport { width: auto; }"
  1546. # [07:24] <Florian> (which is the initial value, but not the UA stylesheet value in mobile browsers)
  1547. # [07:24] <MaRakow> in the Edge implementation it's @-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }
  1548. # [07:25] * Parts: ymasao (~masa@public.cloak) (Leaving...)
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  1551. # [07:27] <Florian> MaRakow: this is not a valid value in the spec. Also, it would cause problems on desktop: you want window-width (which is called auto, module details not relevant here), not device width.
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  1553. # [07:32] <fantasai> Florian: What works right now?
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  1559. # [07:35] <zcorpan> q?
  1560. # [07:35] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
  1561. # [07:36] <gsnedders> what were the tests in before hg? svn?
  1562. # [07:37] * astearns man, I was going to make a *joke* about needing more semicolons
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  1564. # [07:38] <gsnedders> yeah, svn.
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  1569. # [07:44] <JonathanC> Anyone read my proposed DataSheets? https://www.w3.org/community/groups/proposed/ ? need some input here - please, if anyone can spare some time
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  1571. # [07:45] <MaRakow> fantasai: viewport meta tag is the only thing that works across all phones
  1572. # [07:45] <MaRakow> currently at least
  1573. # [07:46] <MaRakow> you might have some limited success with MobileOptimized or HandheldFriendly if you're looking for a challenge though
  1574. # [07:47] <plinss> gsnedders: and before svn, they were in CVS, the repo history was preserved all the way back
  1575. # [07:47] <MaRakow> Florian: we have device-width referring to the window-width kind of -- though it's modified for base zoom and user zoom setting, etc.
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  1577. # [07:47] <MaRakow> aww
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  1579. # [07:48] <gsnedders> plinss: thx
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  1585. # [08:00] <fantasai> MaRakow: okay... what's the appropriate meta then?
  1586. # [08:00] <fantasai> MaRakow: I want to suggest to the W3C webmaster to add it to the specs
  1587. # [08:00] <fantasai> :)
  1588. # [08:03] <MaRakow> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
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  1592. # [08:14] <astearns> reconvening to talk about css-animations issues, if we can get a quorum to come back to the room
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  1595. # [08:16] * glazou you guys have missed a very nice direct attack from alex russell against the CSS WG _on stage_ during AC meeting
  1596. # [08:18] * astearns the substance of which was?
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  1600. # [08:23] <tantek> why did variables take so long?
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  1604. # [08:24] <birtles> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Oct/0222.html
  1605. # [08:25] <birtles> https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/css-animations-issues-list
  1606. # [08:26] <astearns> (notes will be taken on the etherpad as we go)
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  1609. # [08:28] <dbaron> G was relative to http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2014Aug/0132.html
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  1611. # [08:32] <dbaron> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/41
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  1622. # [08:40] * gsnedders just send long email to public-css-testsuite which is mostly asking for opinions
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  1626. # [08:41] <TabAtkins> fantasai: Ah, yeah, I was planning to discuss adding a meta-viewport with you later today.
  1627. # [08:41] <TabAtkins> JonathanC: There's nowhere near enough detail in that proposal for us to understand what's actually being proposed.
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  1632. # [08:45] <glazou> astearns: alex russell claiming we rejected his ideas
  1633. # [08:45] <glazou> astearns: and basically we did not work on stuff that were important to google
  1634. # [08:46] <glazou> astearns: I replied, of course ; as I told you, attending AC meeting at TPAC does matter and one of two CSS WG co-chairs at least should always attend
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  1636. # [08:46] <TabAtkins> glazou: You're in public IRC
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  1638. # [08:47] <glazou> thanks
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  1646. # [08:58] <JonathanC> TabAtkins: hi. did you see the lionk http://www.developer.web.za/News/Read/4036/datasheets-a-proposed-w3c-working-group ?
  1647. # [08:58] <JonathanC> *link
  1648. # [08:59] <TabAtkins> No, I only saw what was in the CG proposal.
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  1650. # [09:00] <JonathanC> it has a coding example as well: with some proposed DSS language features working
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  1652. # [09:03] <slightlyoff> glazou: happy to correct your misrepresentation here or someplace else
  1653. # [09:04] <glazou> fine, but you should really stop your "csswg sucks" leitmotiv, it's a bit painful after so many years
  1654. # [09:06] <dbaron> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2014Apr/0373.html
  1655. # [09:07] <fantasai> tantek: It took so long because for awhile Tab put off edits, and then for awhile ChrisL put off transition requesting, and the combined time was one year
  1656. # [09:07] <fantasai> tantek: It might've gone back and forth once or twice, but I think that's what happened. Nobody was sure whose turn it was to do something mabye :)
  1657. # [09:08] <tantek> fantasai: that's even sadder than the reasons offered in the meeting :(
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  1659. # [09:11] <fantasai> dbaron: "Interpolate as:" ?
  1660. # [09:11] <dbaron> fantasai, no, "Animation type:" or something like that
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  1662. # [09:14] * fantasai liks Interpolate as, makes it clearer that it applies to transitions
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  1664. # [09:17] * gsnedders plinss: are you still around SORA anywhere?
  1665. # [09:17] * plinss gsnedders: in the AC meeting
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  1669. # [09:20] * gsnedders plinss: oh right, of course
  1670. # [09:22] * gsnedders plinss: I want to talk about Shepard at some point with you, but I guess we can do that tomorrow or later in the week at some point
  1671. # [09:23] * plinss gsnedders: whenever you want, I’m here all week
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  1731. # [13:53] <dbaron> Tab's whiteboard drawing from today's meeting: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2015Oct/att-0062/img_0237-Meeting-Whiteboard-CROPPED-CONTRAST.jpg
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  1888. # [23:43] <TabAtkins> SimonSapin: Am I crazy, or do we need to insert a comment between a <number-token> and a % <delim-token>, and that's not reflected in the Syntax table?
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  1897. # [23:51] * SimonSapin looks
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  1900. # [23:52] <SimonSapin> TabAtkins: you're not crazy
  1901. # [23:53] <TabAtkins> kk. Looks like we don't use the ? column anymore, I'll just replace it with %.
  1902. # [23:53] <SimonSapin> And I'm not confident it's the only bug in this table. We should fuzz it or something
  1903. # [23:53] <SimonSapin> Anymore? When did that change?
  1904. # [23:54] <TabAtkins> When we dropped the unicode-range token, I presume?
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  1906. # [23:55] <SimonSapin> fantasai TabAtkins: was it css-align that's blocked on review? Should we run a group review today in the style of flexbox workshops?
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  1908. # [23:56] <TabAtkins> Yeah, that one. Sounds decent.
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  1918. # Session Close: Wed Oct 28 00:00:00 2015

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