/irc-logs / mozilla / #developers / 2015-01-05 / end


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  1. # Session Start: Mon Jan 05 00:00:01 2015
  2. # Session Ident: #developers
  3. # [00:01] * Quits: drno (nohlmeier@moz-225k7f.ca.comcast.net) (Client exited)
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  7. # [00:09] * Joins: jesup|laptop (chatzilla@moz-15n93u.fios.verizon.net)
  8. # [00:10] <Silne30> Hello, all. I am using the Contacts API for FXos and getting an error when the object returns.
  9. # [00:11] * Quits: alexbardas (alexbardas@moz-ini8p6.DB.idilis.net) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
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  14. # [00:18] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/0b4e473beaa5 - Ehsan Akhgari - Debugging patch for bug 1111137
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  24. # [00:26] <jez> when is bsmedberg usually around?
  25. # [00:27] * Joins: brendan (brendaneich@moz-ooj7cv.ca.comcast.net)
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  28. # [00:28] <Unfocused> jez: weekdays, work hours, california time
  29. # [00:29] <jez> ok, how about darin, or Christian Biesinger?
  30. # [00:29] <@smaug> they aren't really around anymore
  31. # [00:29] <@smaug> jez: what is your question?
  32. # [00:29] * Joins: Matti_away (Matti@moz-s9n9qr.iip5.7epi.4dd0.2001.IP)
  33. # [00:29] <jez> it's about this bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=299730
  34. # [00:29] * Quits: till (till@moz-h41nbd.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  35. # [00:29] <@smaug> oh, ancient one
  36. # [00:29] * Matti_away is now known as Matti
  37. # [00:29] <jez> i'm sort of wondering what CheckVersionFlag is about
  38. # [00:30] <jez> how it links in with getLocalesForPackage
  39. # [00:30] <@smaug> definitely something for bsmedberg
  40. # [00:30] <jez> let me ask a more general question: how can i enumerate available locales?
  41. # [00:30] <jez> i know one way is to use getLocalesForPackage("global") but that just returns a list of strings
  42. # [00:31] * Joins: ehugg (ehugg@moz-92l3r7.wa.comcast.net)
  43. # [00:31] <jez> i am wanting to marry up those strings with their respective language packs, so i can check the language pack version
  44. # [00:31] * @smaug has no idea
  45. # [00:31] <jez> i can get back locale addon types with AddonManager, but i don't see anything in the locales' JS objects that indicates what the locale string is
  46. # [00:32] <Unfocused> hm, indeed there isn't (regarding the addons manager)
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  50. # [00:36] <jez> is there a way i can access an addon's chrome.manifest?
  51. # [00:36] * Quits: mukilan (mukilan@moz-bej.lvk.164.122.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  52. # [00:36] <Unfocused> jez: as for CheckVersionFlag, i don't think that's useful for you. i believe that lets packages specify whether a resource should be available for a given app version or not
  53. # [00:36] <jez> maybe i could parse that for the locale addons, and grab their locale string that way
  54. # [00:36] * Joins: ehugg (ehugg@moz-92l3r7.wa.comcast.net)
  55. # [00:36] <jez> Unfocused: right
  56. # [00:36] * Joins: brendan (brendaneich@moz-ooj7cv.ca.comcast.net)
  57. # [00:36] <Unfocused> Addon.getResourceURI("chrome.manifest"), and read from that uri (can be file: or jar:)
  58. # [00:37] <Unfocused> and there's ChromeManifestParser.jsm to parse it for you
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  65. # [00:42] <jez> hmm
  66. # [00:43] <jez> these locale packs seem to have "manifest chrome/es-AR.manifest"
  67. # [00:43] <jez> their chrome.manifest links to a sub-manifest
  68. # [00:43] <jez> i need that parsed too
  69. # [00:44] <Unfocused> jez: i *think* the JSM does that for you
  70. # [00:44] * Joins: jrmuizel (jrmuizel@moz-3tbdip.cpe.teksavvy.com)
  71. # [00:44] <Unfocused> been awhile since i wrote/looked at the jsm, but i remember hitting that issue too and needing to solve it
  72. # [00:44] <jez> i'm seeing nearly no documentation on ChromeManifestParser
  73. # [00:44] * Quits: rednaks (rednaks@moz-5v2.lma.227.41.IP) (Quit: Leaving)
  74. # [00:45] <Unfocused> yes, i'm a bad person for not writing any
  75. # [00:45] <Unfocused> sorry :\
  76. # [00:46] <jez> you wrote it?
  77. # [00:46] <jez> the parser?
  78. # [00:46] <Unfocused> yep
  79. # [00:46] <Unfocused> it's used by the add-ons manager
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  81. # [00:46] <jez> so is it guaranteed to stay available long-term?
  82. # [00:46] <Unfocused> yep
  83. # [00:46] <jez> being undocumented, i'd be worried it would be unsupported
  84. # [00:48] * Quits: mikeratcliffe (Adium@moz-18u.as2.12.149.IP) (Quit: Leaving.)
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  87. # [00:49] <Unfocused> the lack of docs for it was solely due to lack of time. if anything, i'd like to expand what the parser can do (it could handle flags in a more automatic way, provide an async api, etc)
  88. # [00:49] <Unfocused> but... time
  89. # [00:49] <jez> so are we talking about this code? http://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/ChromeManifestParser.jsm
  90. # [00:49] <Unfocused> yep
  91. # [00:49] * Joins: ehugg (ehugg@moz-92l3r7.wa.comcast.net)
  92. # [00:50] <Unfocused> anything in that directory is considered public and supported. anything in /internal/ isn't
  93. # [00:50] <jez> ok so usage is something like: let manifest = ChromeManifestParser.parseSync(manifestURI);
  94. # [00:50] <jez> manifest[0].type
  95. # [00:50] <jez> etc.
  96. # [00:50] <Unfocused> sounds about right
  97. # [00:51] <jez> but what is hasType() about?
  98. # [00:52] * Quits: ehugg (ehugg@moz-92l3r7.wa.comcast.net) (Connection closed)
  99. # [00:52] <Unfocused> it's just a convenience method, to abstract away iterating over directives to check for a specific directive type
  100. # [00:53] <Unfocused> my use-case at the time was checking if an add-on contained any binary-component directives
  101. # [00:53] <Unfocused> don't think it will be useful for you
  102. # [00:53] <jez> ok
  103. # [00:54] * Joins: ehugg (ehugg@moz-92l3r7.wa.comcast.net)
  104. # [00:54] <jez> i guess i can assume that all language packs use chrome.manifest?
  105. # [00:54] <jez> i mean, there used to be an older mechanism of registering content
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  108. # [00:55] <Unfocused> we used to support install.js - but not for some time now
  109. # [00:57] <jez> not install.js
  110. # [00:57] <jez> i thought it was some .rdf or something
  111. # [00:57] <jez> i remember doing it years ago
  112. # [00:57] * Quits: givanica (Thunderbird@moz-g4j.rug.121.86.IP) (Client exited)
  113. # [00:58] <Unfocused> install.rdf? we use that still, but it can't be used to register resources
  114. # [00:58] * Joins: ehugg (ehugg@moz-92l3r7.wa.comcast.net)
  115. # [00:58] <Unfocused> there can be locale data in that, but only metadata about the add-on (name, author, description, etc)
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  121. # [01:04] <jez> here we go: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XUL/Tutorial/Manifest_Files
  122. # [01:04] <jez> "If you are creating applications for older versions of Mozilla software, that is, before Firefox 1.5 or Mozilla 1.8, the process is a bit more involved."
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  125. # [01:05] <jez> and then you had a contents.rdf
  126. # [01:06] <Unfocused> oh yea... wow, that's old
  127. # [01:06] <jez> technically i guess you could create a local addon using that method
  128. # [01:06] <jez> locale
  129. # [01:07] <jez> "The contents.rdf manifest format is no longer supported at all starting with Gecko 1.9.2; add-ons already installed using this format will continue to work but can no longer be installed. Be sure to remove your add-on and reinstall it to ensure that it installs correctly after updating it to use a plaintext manifest."
  130. # [01:07] <jez> that's good, so actually no they can't use that anymore
  131. # [01:08] <jez> ah well time for bed for me. thanks for the help.
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  133. # [01:09] * mattwoodrow is now known as mattwoodrow|away
  134. # [01:09] <Unfocused> n/p :)
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  139. # [01:13] <@njn> karlt: ping
  140. # [01:14] <karlt> njn: hi
  141. # [01:15] <@njn> karlt: hi! Have you had a chance to look at my patch in bug 1100738?
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  143. # [01:15] <karlt> njn: not yet, but i will look today
  144. # [01:15] <@njn> karlt: it's a huge win on one PDF
  145. # [01:15] <@njn> karlt: ok, thanks
  146. # [01:15] <karlt> yes, sounds great
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  150. # [01:18] <@njn> karlt: I suspect it's a win on any canvas that gets lots of text written to it
  151. # [01:19] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/95bf6a77e0c6 - Bas Schouten - Bug 1084450: Disable subpixelAA text when requested for header/footer drawing code. r=mattwoodrow
  152. # [01:19] * @njn notices that nobody but him has been filing bugs for the past 55 minutes
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  157. # [01:24] * Quits: ehugg (ehugg@moz-92l3r7.wa.comcast.net) (Connection closed)
  158. # [01:24] <jez> how come I can't access chrome://global/locale/alerts/alert.dtd
  159. # [01:25] <jez> looking at the structure of a language pack, you'd think it should be possible
  160. # [01:25] <jez> for example:
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  162. # [01:25] <jez> locale alerts es-AR es-AR/locale/es-AR/alerts/
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  164. # [01:25] <jez> ahh no
  165. # [01:25] <jez> it's chrome://alerts/locale/alert.dtd
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  235. # [02:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ca77252e50dd - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1116821 - Don't PokeGC in SetNewDocument. r=smaug
  236. # [02:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/21d807074550 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1110928, part 1 - Hoist the LOAD_END PokeGC out of nsJSContext::LoadEnd. r=smaug
  237. # [02:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/d68c75986335 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1110928, part 2 - Call PokeGC in nsDocumentViewer::PageHide before the call to OnPageHide. r=smaug
  238. # [02:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9d593597df5f - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1110928, part 3 - Try to pass a relevant zone to PokeGC. r=smaug
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  285. # [03:41] <@njn> anyone know what's involved with updating other-licenses/7zstub ?
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  337. # [04:47] <philor> I'm not surprised the web-platform-test for typed arrays OOMed, but I'm a little surprised by the privatebrowsing warning generated by it
  338. # [04:47] <philor> they're neither that secret nor that sexy
  339. # [04:48] <@njn> awesome: fprintf(stderr, "%p: //\n");
  340. # [04:48] <@njn> fscking ICU
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  345. # [04:59] <philor> oh, I see, OOM because mccr8 made us OOM more, err, I mean, GC less
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  378. # [05:55] <nigelb> morning
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  381. # [05:57] <nigelb> philor: another disastrous day?
  382. # [05:57] <philor> seems pretty normal to me
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  398. # [06:13] <mccr8> You win this time, Windows.
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  402. # [06:17] <philor> oh sure, now you're here, after I bravely decided what to back out ;)
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  407. # [06:20] <mccr8> yeah hard to know exactly.
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  425. # [06:57] * philor regrets reading the current xkcd
  426. # [06:57] <philor> or maybe I just regret owning a UV flashlight
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  464. # [08:06] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> good morning
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  473. # [08:11] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> nigelb: sounds you had fun the last hours :)
  474. # [08:12] <nigelb> Tomcat|sheriffduty: Oh, this weekend as been fun. I've been a spectator. philor|away has been doing all of it.
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  476. # [08:12] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> nigelb: so we need pmoore and friends i guess
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  501. # [08:45] <Ms2ger> Tomcat|sheriffduty, and a happy new year to you too :)
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  633. # [10:10] <baku> philor|away, pong?
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  636. # [10:11] <baku> Tomcat|sheriffduty|mtg, ping
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  643. # [10:13] <Tomcat|sheriffduty|mtg> baku: pong
  644. # [10:14] <baku> about bug 1018320 I have a fix, but try is closed.
  645. # [10:14] <nigelb> yeah, we have a releng issue
  646. # [10:14] <nigelb> (that's the meeting tomcat is in)
  647. # [10:14] <Tomcat|sheriffduty|mtg> baku: yeah completly tree closure
  648. # [10:14] * Joins: mahdi (mahdi@moz-5dg.vao.244.151.IP)
  649. # [10:15] <baku> Tomcat|sheriffduty|mtg, wondering if I can push using CLOSED TREE
  650. # [10:15] <baku> or I should just wait
  651. # [10:15] * glob is now known as glob|away
  652. # [10:15] <Tomcat|sheriffduty|mtg> baku: releng is doing some checks so maybe we can reopen soon
  653. # [10:17] <Tomcat|sheriffduty|mtg> baku: trees reopened
  654. # [10:17] <baku> ok... let me push something :) thanks
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  663. # [10:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/9e2c67539b5f - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  742. # [11:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/9ea579e3def5 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  752. # [12:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/6f64f1e85e7c - Cameron McCormack - Bug 1105596 - Simplify aboutNetError_alert.svg a little. r=gijs
  753. # [12:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/0b4e473beaa5 - Ehsan Akhgari - Debugging patch for bug 1111137
  754. # [12:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/95bf6a77e0c6 - Bas Schouten - Bug 1084450: Disable subpixelAA text when requested for header/footer drawing code. r=mattwoodrow
  755. # [12:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/d7405ceb19a2 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1088268 - Use a switch statement in DOMGCSliceCallback. r=smaug
  756. # [12:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/ca77252e50dd - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1116821 - Don't PokeGC in SetNewDocument. r=smaug
  757. # [12:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/21d807074550 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1110928, part 1 - Hoist the LOAD_END PokeGC out of nsJSContext::LoadEnd. r=smaug
  758. # [12:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/d68c75986335 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1110928, part 2 - Call PokeGC in nsDocumentViewer::PageHide before the call to OnPageHide. r=smaug
  759. # [12:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/9d593597df5f - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1110928, part 3 - Try to pass a relevant zone to PokeGC. r=smaug
  760. # [12:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/dcbe6ea33891 - Christoph Kerschbaumer - Bug 1116624 - Move CORS into dom/security (r=sicking)
  761. # [12:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/b9f40d0310d5 - Phil Ringnalda - Backed out 4 changesets (bug 1116821, bug 1110928) for Windows OOMs
  762. # [12:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/30bec23b21b3 - Cameron McCormack - Bug 1116427 - Remove unneeded nsCSSPropList.h include from AsyncCompositionManager.h. r=nrc
  763. # [12:07] * bbouvier|pto is now known as bbouvier
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  767. # [12:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6a4a22732aed - Brian Birtles - Bug 927349 part 22 - Make AnimationPlayer wait for animations to be rendered before starting; r=jwatt
  768. # [12:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/37343347ab6a - Brian Birtles - Bug 927349 part 23 - Wait on player.ready on test_running_on_compositor.html; r=jwatt
  769. # [12:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/413db6659fef - Brian Birtles - Bug 927349 part 24 - Add a test that empty animations still start; r=heycam
  770. # [12:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/48523f909ffb - Brian Birtles - Bug 927349 part 25 - Test cancelling of players; r=heycam
  771. # [12:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/0f50d69bc63f - Brian Birtles - Bug 927349 part 26 - Add a test for compositor animations with a delay; r=nical
  772. # [12:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6d6a57b25ad0 - Brian Birtles - Bug 927349 part 27 - Make DevTools actor wait on ready promise when playing; r=pbrosset
  773. # [12:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/650223edc2b4 - Brian Birtles - Bug 927349 part 28 - Call AddLayerChangesForAnimation after updating style; r=dbaron
  774. # [12:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/7d7ac60fb354 - Brian Birtles - Bug 927349 part 29 - Temporarily disable failing tests {browser_555547.js on Windows opt, test_animation-pausing.html on 10.8, test_deferred_start.html on mulet}; r=me (as discussed with jwatt)
  775. # [12:12] <Ms2ger> Part 29? Going for my record?
  776. # [12:12] <Ms2ger> Or mounir's, I don't recall
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  779. # [12:13] <birtles> Ms2ger: there's more to come
  780. # [12:13] * Parts: opnchaudhary (Thunderbird@moz-fm9.7f7.164.122.IP)
  781. # [12:13] <darktrojan> isn't the record somewhere in the 60s?
  782. # [12:13] * Quits: gcp (gpascutto@moz-5dbpmt.beqe.9i1r.1812.2a02.IP) (Connection closed)
  783. # [12:14] <padenot> I've got a 32 right there https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=848954
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  787. # [12:16] <Ms2ger> Bug 913953 has 28...
  788. # [12:17] <Ms2ger> Bug 674725 48
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  790. # [12:17] <Ms2ger> And 29 in bug 677079, so I guess mounir it is
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  793. # [12:20] <nigelb> I've seen 50+
  794. # [12:20] <nigelb> I cna't remember who
  795. # [12:21] <nigelb> It was in the last month.
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  803. # [12:27] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/379e016a9f05 - Mark Hammond - Bug 972196 - copy signedInUser.json on Firefox reset to keep sync working. r=MattN
  804. # [12:27] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/c094fd467a51 - Phil Ringnalda - Merge m-c to f-t
  805. # [12:27] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/dcf56ba0cac2 - Paul Rouget - Bug 1087877 - [timeline] User should be able to filter out any type of marker. r=vporof
  806. # [12:27] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/d4337ad821a0 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - merge fx-team to mozilla-central a=merge
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  816. # [12:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/1e7a11a1f230 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  817. # [12:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/da38656aa089 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
  818. # [12:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/eece95bdb7d1 - Phil Ringnalda - Merge m-c to b-i
  819. # [12:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/bed9ea907821 - Hsin-Yi Tsai - Bug 1116431 - mobileconnection.iccId should be null instead of an empty string when no sim. r=edgar
  820. # [12:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/ab97350f6a4a - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  821. # [12:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/c462b4376410 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
  822. # [12:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/912036eeb024 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - merge b2g-inbound to mozilla-central a=merge
  823. # [12:34] * AutomatedTester|AFK is now known as AutomatedTester
  824. # [12:34] <NeilAway> Ms2ger: what about jcranmer's record?
  825. # [12:34] <Ms2ger> What's that?
  826. # [12:34] <NeilAway> Ms2ger: didn't he start using Unicode and broke automation?
  827. # [12:36] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/pushloghtml?changeset=b9ba4d717f8a - 12 changesets
  828. # [12:36] <Ms2ger> I don't recall such a thing
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  831. # [12:40] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/pushloghtml?changeset=93d1be28c775 - 16 changesets
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  833. # [12:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/b5128f5b0876 - Gijs Kruitbosch - Bug 1096319
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  837. # [12:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/05c94b10be08 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  838. # [12:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/74f21cbfa1d5 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
  839. # [12:49] * Quits: RealRaven (Thunderbird@moz-l0r.u8j.125.109.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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  851. # [13:03] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/449da04b7dc9 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  852. # [13:03] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/b472f6831d15 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  858. # [13:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/5deadff8cf18 - Gijs Kruitbosch - Bug 1096319, a=lsblakk
  859. # [13:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/c061a8d7d529 - Gijs Kruitbosch - Bug 1096319, a=lsblakk
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  869. # [13:23] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/0c46b5e2d794 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  886. # [13:41] <birtles> I'm going to sleep, but if there are new intermittent failures in tests that involve animations in any way, my push is probably suspect
  887. # [13:41] <birtles> I've run in through try about 2 dozen times but there might still be something that crops up
  888. # [13:41] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> birtles: ok
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  890. # [13:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/012373bb552b - Andrea Marchesini - Bug 1018320 - RequestSync API - patch 1 - webIDL and basic logic, r=ehsan
  891. # [13:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/3e2e4d298e98 - Andrea Marchesini - Bug 1018320 - RequestSync API - patch 2 - Wifi Only, r=ehsan
  892. # [13:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/daf456b0a23a - Andrea Marchesini - Bug 1018320 - RequestSync API - patch 3 - a Promise return value from sendAsyncMessage, r=fabrice
  893. # [13:43] * birtles is now known as birtles|away
  894. # [13:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2df23c44ef44 - Andrea Marchesini - Bug 1018320 - RequestSync API - patch 4 - sendAsyncMessage used to schedule tasks, r=ehsan
  895. # [13:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6063a2463d6c - Andrea Marchesini - Bug 1018320 - RequestSync API - patch 5 - mozSetMessageHandlerPromise, r=fabrice
  896. # [13:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1aac4d23ccd2 - Andrea Marchesini - Bug 1018320 - RequestSync API - patch 6 - Manager API, r=ehsan
  897. # [13:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f60d4ad64070 - Andrea Marchesini - Bug 1018320 - RequestSync API - patch 7 - reject promise when an exception is thrown, r=fabrice
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  901. # [13:49] <padenot> Tomcat|sheriffduty: inbound tip is red locally here on linux
  902. # [13:49] <AutomatedTester> is registerElement a FirefoxOS only API?
  903. # [13:50] <padenot> AutomatedTester: you need to flip the webcomponent pref to use it
  904. # [13:50] <AutomatedTester> aha
  905. # [13:50] <AutomatedTester> thanks
  906. # [13:51] * Dexter is now known as Dexter|afk
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  908. # [13:51] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> padenot: oh baku ping!
  909. # [13:51] * Fallen is now known as Fallen|away
  910. # [13:51] <baku> Tomcat|sheriffduty, pong
  911. # [13:51] <padenot> baku: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/8162821
  912. # [13:51] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> baku: see padenot's comment
  913. # [13:52] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/pushloghtml?changeset=29a667ae339b - 19 changesets
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  916. # [13:55] <baku> Tomcat|sheriffduty, that is really strange, because that is implemented in patch number 5
  917. # [13:55] * Quits: alexbardas (alexbardas@moz-541m15.BV.idilis.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  918. # [13:55] <baku> https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2df23c44ef44 here
  919. # [13:55] <baku> and the idl UUID is changed too
  920. # [13:56] <padenot> maybe I just need to clobber?
  921. # [13:56] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> yeah
  922. # [13:56] <baku> padenot, could be.
  923. # [13:56] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> so far inbound is still building
  924. # [13:56] * Quits: jkitch (Thunderbird@moz-snn0r9.k4n0.vhij.44b8.2001.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  925. # [13:56] <baku> padenot, mach build should be enough actually.
  926. # [13:57] <padenot> yeah
  927. # [13:57] <padenot> i did a mach build binaries
  928. # [13:57] <padenot> without really thinking
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  933. # [14:00] * killer sets mode: +o Cwiiis
  934. # [14:00] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> baku: yeah seems fine :) and not thankfully another tree closure today :)
  935. # [14:01] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/597b1585ab72 - Ting-Yu Lin - Bug 1090682 - Do not consume NS_MOUSE_MOZLONGTAP if SelectWord failed. f=mtseng, r=roc
  936. # [14:01] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e7edb75d2deb - Dave Huseby - Bug 1107681 - fix up the dom uses of WrapptedJSToDictionary to use the cx-less interface. r=bholley
  937. # [14:01] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2db5144ae9f3 - Martin Stransky - Bug 1110211 - a11y update for Gtk3. r=glandium
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  979. # [14:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/24dae3ce853d - Jon Coppeard - Bug 1099152 - Call gcSlice() or gc() depending on whether we want a incemental GC or not r=terrence
  980. # [14:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/8b891ebcd21f - Jon Coppeard - Bug 1099152 - Separate out methods to start and continue incrmental GC r=terrence
  981. # [14:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9192d432d87e - Jon Coppeard - Bug 1099152 - Separate out external APIs to start and continute an incremental GC r=terrence r=mccr8
  982. # [14:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/168e5b9bf198 - Jon Coppeard - Bug 1099152 - Make external GC APIs take invocation kind as a parameter r=terrence r=mccr8
  983. # [14:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4feee07c34ad - Jon Coppeard - Bug 1117098 - Move definition of external GC API methods out of jsfriendapi.cpp r=terrence
  984. # [14:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/8f85d78f6890 - Jon Coppeard - Bug 1116306 r=sfink s=abillings
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  1011. # [14:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/3ae2161027a6 - Paul Adenot - Bug 1106649 - Use band-limited wave tables to implement basic waveforms. r=karlt
  1012. # [14:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/187fa323cec6 - Paul Adenot - Bug 997870 - Optimize OscillatorNodeEngine::ComputeCustom a little. r=karlt
  1013. # [14:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/99d7aacbdd3b - Paul Adenot - Bug 916285 - Make OscillatorNode handle negative frequencies. r=karlt
  1014. # [14:49] * Quits: kapy_ (kapy@moz-p2r.cgs.64.182.IP) (Connection closed)
  1015. # [14:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c4ea7a2518fc - Paul Adenot - Bug 1113925 - Don't return null in AudioContext.decodeAudioData. r=bz
  1016. # [14:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/0c9f97ebf7ea - Paul Adenot - Bug 937718 - Output frames to the MediaElementAudioSourceNode when an <audio> has labeled the resource has CORS-cross-origin. r=roc
  1017. # [14:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/bcbc64d97fbf - Paul Adenot - Bug 937718 - Test for MediaElementAudioSourceNode and cross-origin resources. r=roc
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  1028. # [14:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c66197902d87 - Liz Henry - Bug 1116802: closes the WebIDE a second time. r=paul
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  1050. # [15:14] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> padenot: hm there seems to be a bustage
  1051. # [15:14] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> padenot: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=5070619&repo=mozilla-inbound
  1052. # [15:14] <padenot> ahh
  1053. # [15:15] <padenot> Tomcat|sheriffduty: warning as error, can I fix in place?
  1054. # [15:15] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> yeah sure, closing m-i for your
  1055. # [15:15] <padenot> thanks
  1056. # [15:15] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> s/your/you
  1057. # [15:15] * Tomcat|sheriffduty need cola
  1058. # [15:15] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> or coffee or so :)
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  1062. # [15:17] <nigelb> Tomcat|sheriffduty: you have a holiday tomorrow!
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  1064. # [15:17] <nigelb> I'm jealous
  1065. # [15:17] * Quits: Honza (Honza@moz-tiq.7ku.62.176.IP) (Client exited)
  1066. # [15:17] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> nigelb: yep public holiday in bavaria and 2 other states
  1067. # [15:17] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> and also in austria
  1068. # [15:19] <froydnj> individual german states have their own separate holiday schedules?
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  1070. # [15:20] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> froydnj: yep
  1071. # [15:20] <froydnj> TIL
  1072. # [15:20] <nigelb> froydnj: best thing ever
  1073. # [15:20] <nigelb> (from afar, at least)
  1074. # [15:20] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> froydnj: also different count of days - from 13 to 9 public holidays
  1075. # [15:21] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Germany :)
  1076. # [15:21] <AutomatedTester> I believe it's just an excuse to drink beer
  1077. # [15:21] * mgerva|brb is now known as mgerva
  1078. # [15:22] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> heh
  1079. # [15:23] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> yeah i guess we need octoberfest public holiday too ;)
  1080. # [15:23] * Quits: surkov (surkov@moz-v8g78c.cpe.teksavvy.com) (Client exited)
  1081. # [15:23] <nigelb> basically, you guys have the most holidays!
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  1084. # [15:25] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> nigelb: yeah but in return bavaria is the most expensive state at least in terms of living in the munich area
  1085. # [15:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/967c2c33bcbe - Geoff Brown - Bug 1114655 - Increase robocop WaitHelper default wait time. r=mcomella, a=test-only
  1086. # [15:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/c99650ee50b0 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1116669 - Wait for focus before running test_offlineNotification.html. r=dao, a=test-only
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  1090. # [15:27] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> nical: yt ?
  1091. # [15:28] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> is http://tomcat.pastebin.mozilla.org/8162998 a known build failure ?
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  1094. # [15:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/7777266ef58b - Geoff Brown - Bug 1114655 - Increase robocop WaitHelper default wait time. r=mcomella, a=test-only
  1095. # [15:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/5328098d2931 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1116669 - Wait for focus before running test_offlineNotification.html. r=dao, a=test-only
  1096. # [15:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/4c70d76342e9 - Hiroyuki Ikezoe - Bug 1115440 - Don't rely on preference values for firefox. r=markh, a=test-only
  1097. # [15:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/4ac0321ec756 - Steve Fink - Bug 1103957 - Prevent phase nesting. r=terrence, a=sledru
  1098. # [15:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/a59bc1e935f8 - Aaron Klotz - Bug 1100360 - Convert ChromeHang annotations to use UniquePtr. r=vladan, a=sledru
  1099. # [15:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/e26d31752fd7 - Ryan VanderMeulen - Bug 1115219 - Remove unnecessary RELEASE_BUILD check from GetAddrInfo.h. r=mcmanus, a=sledru
  1100. # [15:34] <padenot> Tomcat|sheriffduty: pushed, thanks
  1101. # [15:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f33f5ff9d956 - Paul Adenot - Bug 916285 - Fix bustage on windows, on a CLOSED TREE.
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  1131. # [15:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/735b444e45cb - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  1132. # [15:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/7f951755ac49 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  1135. # [15:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/5c86509a11bc - Timothy B. Terriberry - Bug 1117571 - Check mode index in vorbis_packet_blocksize(), r=kinetik
  1136. # [15:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6b9c81a8c081 - Brian Smith - Bug 1117003 - Backout cset ca3c73188295 (Bug 1115903, Part 2), r=ehsan
  1137. # [15:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/d8bdb31fcf9c - Ekanan Ketunuti - Bug 1116914 - Add hijab to the en-US dictionary. r=ehsan
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  1140. # [15:54] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/74e0fa90d54c - Mark Banner - Bug 1117138 - Move incoming call views from conversation.jsx to conversationViews.jsx. r=nperriault
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  1144. # [15:54] <Ms2ger> What's .jsx supposed to be?
  1145. # [15:54] <Standard8> Ms2ger: react file
  1146. # [15:54] * Parts: opnchaudhary (Thunderbird@moz-fm9.7f7.164.122.IP)
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  1148. # [15:55] <Standard8> http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/jsx-in-depth.html
  1149. # [15:55] <Ms2ger> Come again?
  1150. # [15:55] <Ms2ger> "a JavaScript syntax extension that looks similar to XML"
  1151. # [15:55] * Ms2ger backs away quickly
  1152. # [15:56] * froydnj pokes Ms2ger in the back with an XML tag
  1153. # [15:56] <till> Facebook got big enough to build a time machine. They used it to go back to the 90s.
  1154. # [15:56] * Quits: ddahl (ddahl@moz-40a6g5.il.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  1155. # [15:56] <Gijs> nobody ever realized e4x was not a great idea
  1156. # [15:57] * till did. On more than one occasion
  1157. # [15:57] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> padenot: there seems a different issue also - https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=5072303&repo=mozilla-inbound
  1158. # [15:58] <mwargers_> is <element> removed from the html5 spec?
  1159. # [15:58] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/pushloghtml?changeset=db860c3d4f45 - 15 changesets
  1160. # [15:58] <Fallen> I liked e4x, it was just not well documented
  1161. # [15:58] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> padenot: at least this time its linux
  1162. # [15:58] <padenot> yeah
  1163. # [15:58] <Gijs> till: I'm sorry, I'm back in the UK and today is my first day back at work. I need to adjust my sarcasm appropriately still. ;)
  1164. # [15:58] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> padenot: do you want to fix again ?
  1165. # [15:58] <till> Gijs: :D
  1166. # [15:59] <Ms2ger> mwargers_, eh?
  1167. # [15:59] <till> Fallen: I liked some kernel of the underlying idea. E4X though: just no. So many problems with it
  1168. # [15:59] * Quits: jrmuizel (jrmuizel@moz-3tbdip.cpe.teksavvy.com) (Connection closed)
  1169. # [16:00] <till> and I'm not just saying that because I have to implement it right now
  1170. # [16:00] <Ms2ger> ... you what?
  1171. # [16:00] * Quits: ggp (ggp@moz-usr1pq.telesp.net.br) (Connection closed)
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  1173. # [16:00] <Fallen> what? I thought it was thrown out?
  1174. # [16:00] <till> it is the truth, sadly
  1175. # [16:00] <till> yes, but not in Flash
  1176. # [16:00] <mwargers_> Ms2ger: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/element . But it is still supported in Mozilla?
  1177. # [16:00] <padenot> Tomcat|sheriffduty: I'm looking at it right now
  1178. # [16:00] * Joins: ggp (ggp@moz-fnl.sq1.205.191.IP)
  1179. # [16:01] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> ok inbound is closed
  1180. # [16:01] * Quits: trevorh (trevor@moz-29pfj5.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving.)
  1181. # [16:02] <Ms2ger> mwargers_, I'm pretty sure that never was in the HTML spec
  1182. # [16:02] <padenot> also android, apparently, I'll back out the offending patches
  1183. # [16:02] <mwargers_> Ms2ger: ok, well, I see it used in gaia quite a bit
  1184. # [16:02] * Joins: Edgar (Thunderbird@moz-5rg9e4.dynamic.hinet.net)
  1185. # [16:03] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> padenot: ok thanks
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  1191. # [16:06] <padenot> Tomcat|sheriffduty: voilà
  1192. # [16:07] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/58388db74dfb - Paul Adenot - Backed out changeset f33f5ff9d956 (bug 916285)
  1193. # [16:07] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/12b91d597b54 - Paul Adenot - Backed out changeset 99d7aacbdd3b (bug 916285)
  1194. # [16:07] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/7978b241bf5e - Paul Adenot - Backed out changeset 187fa323cec6 (bug 997870)
  1195. # [16:07] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9d72b8315f65 - Paul Adenot - Backed out changeset 3ae2161027a6 (bug 1106649) on a CLOSED TREE
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  1208. # [16:11] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> m-i reopen
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  1218. # [16:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/790d52784837 - Richard Newman - Bug 1115075 - Part 0: Rename HistogramAdd -> addToHistogram. r=mfinkle, a=sledru
  1219. # [16:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/0ac83d90d977 - Richard Newman - Bug 1115075 - Part 1: Add telemetry for DBUtils.ensureDatabaseIsNotLocked. r=mfinkle, a=sledru
  1220. # [16:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/8aa1f6c304b9 - Jean-Yves Avenard - Bug 1111328 - Add H264 SPS NAL decoder. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe, a=sledru
  1221. # [16:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/16b5293c6dde - Jean-Yves Avenard - Bug 1111328 - Retrieve video dimensions from H264 SPS when possible. r=rillian, a=sledru
  1222. # [16:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/74eed8eb1ce5 - Jean-Yves Avenard - Bug 1111328 - Add H264 SPS NAL decoder part #2 (VUI and HDR). r=kentuckyfriedtakahe, a=sledru
  1223. # [16:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/f92070ac5632 - Jean-Yves Avenard - Bug 1111319 - Reorder video frames with respect to decoding sliding window. r=rillian, a=sledru
  1224. # [16:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/aaa8e2cd46e4 - Richard Newman - Bug 1095278 - Allow new tablet UI to ride the trains. r=mfinkle, a=sledru
  1225. # [16:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/ce13de5c49b4 - Michael Comella - Bug 1095278 - Part 1: Assume new tablet UI. r=rnewman, a=sledru
  1226. # [16:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/2c0fdd936e83 - Michael Comella - Bug 1095278 - Part 3: Do not test for tracking protection on non-nightly builds. r=rnewman, a=sledru
  1227. # [16:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/db56e49069f4 - Michael Comella - Bug 1095278 - Part 4: Disable testGetUserMedia on release builds. r=rnewman, a=sledru
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  1271. # [16:38] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/7c15e189d452 - Ryan VanderMeulen - Backed out changeset f92070ac5632 (bug 1111319), and changesets 74eed8eb1ce5, 16b5293c6dde, and 8aa1f6c304b9 (bug 1111328) for bustage.
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  1281. # [16:40] <mwargers_> how can I get this <link rel="import"> thing working?
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  1284. # [16:41] * davidb is now known as davidb|afk
  1285. # [16:41] <Gijs> mwargers_: you need to enable web components, I think
  1286. # [16:42] <mwargers_> Gijs: ah, thanks, apparently: dom.webcomponents.enabled
  1287. # [16:42] <mwargers_> oh, it's already true here
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  1292. # [16:43] <mwargers_> maybe this stuff doesn't work locally?
  1293. # [16:43] <Ms2ger> There may be another pref for those
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  1295. # [16:44] <Ms2ger> We don't really like all that stuff
  1296. # [16:44] * Quits: jrmuizel (jrmuizel@moz-3tbdip.cpe.teksavvy.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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  1298. # [16:46] <@ted> hah
  1299. # [16:46] <mwargers_> Ms2ger: well, it's used all over the place in the gaia apps
  1300. # [16:46] <mwargers_> http://people.mozilla.org/~mwargers/tests/webcomponents/template.htm
  1301. # [16:47] <mwargers_> er, I meant: http://mxr.mozilla.org/gaia/search?string=%3Celement
  1302. # [16:47] <mwargers_> http://people.mozilla.org/~mwargers/tests/webcomponents/template.htm doesnt't work and I don't know why
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  1304. # [16:48] <Ms2ger> Sadly
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  1311. # [16:51] <mwargers_> if we don't want it to get used, then we shouldn't enable it
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  1318. # [16:54] <@bsmedberg> gps: yt? I'm confused about mozext versus firefoxtree... what should I be using?
  1319. # [16:54] <Ms2ger> mwargers_, agreed, but gaia
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  1321. # [16:55] <KWierso|afk> bsmedberg: my understanding is firefoxtree
  1322. # [16:55] <KWierso|afk> is the newer one
  1323. # [16:56] * @bsmedberg grumps about change ;-)
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  1325. # [16:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4905820af20d - Benjamin Smedberg - Bug 1115040 - Record experiment branch in crash reports, r=gfritzsche
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  1328. # [16:58] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> oh hai KWierso|afk :)
  1329. # [16:58] <KWierso|afk> Tomcat|sheriffduty: hi
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  1334. # [16:59] <overholt> mwargers_, https://hacks.mozilla.org/2014/12/mozilla-and-web-components/ is perhaps of interest to you if you haven't seen it
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  1340. # [17:02] <mwargers_> overholt: thanks, according to that doc, there is no HTML Imports support. Then I wonder what the gaia apps use to get that working? They use that thing that's called Polyfill?
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  1342. # [17:03] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c3569fd75d4e - Phil Ringnalda - Backed out 7 changesets (bug 1018320) because the debug M12 is still from this
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  1349. # [17:06] <Delta706> how does the make system decide which symbols to export from libxul?
  1350. # [17:07] <@bsmedberg> Delta706: the make system is unrelated to symbol export
  1351. # [17:07] <Delta706> I think I need to get a symbol exported somehow
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  1353. # [17:10] <Delta706> I am getting a symbol lookup error
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  1355. # [17:10] <overholt> mwargers_, I assume they just flip a pref
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  1359. # [17:10] <overholt> mwargers_, sorry, in a meeting now so I can't check
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  1362. # [17:12] <overholt> mwargers_, yeah, imports are behind dom.webcomponents.enabled
  1363. # [17:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/3b57b2bd26eb - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  1364. # [17:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/601030c64b70 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  1367. # [17:14] <Honza> I am facing syntax error when building fx-team: fx-team\security\pkix\include\pkix/Input.h(127) : error C2059: syntax error : ';'
  1368. # [17:14] <Honza> Any tips?
  1369. # [17:15] <Honza> (just updated from the repo)
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  1374. # [17:18] <evilpie> Honza: what compiler are you using?
  1375. # [17:19] <evilpie> oh probably msvc
  1376. # [17:19] <Honza> evilpie: I am on win8, yes
  1377. # [17:19] <Honza> sorry win7
  1378. # [17:19] <evilpie> try 2013
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  1380. # [17:20] <Honza> evilpie: ah, I see, support for 2012 is already gone?
  1381. # [17:20] <@ted> Honza: not technically
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  1384. # [17:20] <@ted> but apparently we're not doing a good job of actually supporting it
  1385. # [17:20] <evilpie> see dev-platform, it mentions this problem
  1386. # [17:20] * RyanVM|brb is now known as RyanVM|sheriffduty
  1387. # [17:21] <evilpie> I still don't understand why pkix doesn't use mfbt
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  1391. # [17:22] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> Honza: the fix for that just landed on inbound
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  1393. # [17:22] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> see dev-platform, though
  1394. # [17:22] <Honza> RyanVM|sheriffduty: ok
  1395. # [17:22] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> with any luck, 2012 support will be officially dead soon
  1396. # [17:22] * Tomcat|mtg is now known as Tomcat|away
  1397. # [17:22] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> evilpie: according to briansmith, licensing issues?
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  1400. # [17:23] <evilpie> pkix is MPL/Apache?
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  1402. # [17:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2bc8c8329b21 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1117038 - Mark virtual overridden functions as MOZ_OVERRIDE in Web Audio; r=padenot
  1403. # [17:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4861deb41e66 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1116202 - Destroy the destination node's media stream when XPCOM is being shut down; r=padenot
  1404. # [17:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/36c28e5f5d0a - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1112970 - Increase the slack value for TestExpirationTracker to 30ms; r=froydnj
  1405. # [17:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c3fc371864af - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1117035 - Mark virtual overridden functions as MOZ_OVERRIDE in XPCOM; r=froydnj
  1406. # [17:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/359485b8b583 - Martyn Haigh - Bug 936849 - Tablet tabs tray seems to get stuck in some kind of selection mode (r=mfinkle)
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  1415. # [17:29] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> evilpie: "mozilla::pkix cannot depend on MFBT for licensing and build independence reasons (e.g. so it can be put into NSS)" was what he said about it
  1416. # [17:30] <evilpie> RyanVM|sheriffduty: thanks for digging this up
  1417. # [17:30] <evilpie> unfortunate though
  1418. # [17:30] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> yeah
  1419. # [17:31] <@bsmedberg> Delta706: symbols are typically exported using a macro like NS_EXPORT
  1420. # [17:31] <@bsmedberg> Delta706: but in general we're trying to export fewer/no symbols from libxul, so you may be trying to accomplish something that isn't a good idea
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  1422. # [17:32] <Honza> Do I have to uninstall MS Visual Studio 11.0 before installing Visual Studio Community 2013 ?
  1423. # [17:32] <Honza> Does it run side by side?
  1424. # [17:32] <padenot> Honza: it worked for me on windows 8
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  1426. # [17:33] * geekboy is now known as geekboy|afk
  1427. # [17:33] <@ted> Honza: you don't need to
  1428. # [17:33] <@ted> they can run side by side without problems
  1429. # [17:34] <Honza> ok, thanks!
  1430. # [17:34] <@ted> the mozillabuild batch file you run chooses the version you'll use
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  1434. # [17:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/58f7805a959f - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1117036 - Make it possible to optionally mark functions defined by MOZ_DECLARE_REFCOUNTED_VIRTUAL_TYPENAME as MOZ_OVERRIDE; r=froydnj
  1435. # [17:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/8afa48feba29 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1117211 - Move the XPCOM gtests temporarily placed in xpcom/glue/tests/gtest into xpcom/test/gtest now that it exists; r=froydnj
  1436. # [17:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/36233e18f670 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1116622 - Give TemporaryRef a take() method semantically equivalent to already_AddRefed::take(); r=froydnj
  1437. # [17:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/69c16464fa30 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1117772 - Return false from PluginInstanceParent::CreateBackground; r=baku
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  1440. # [17:36] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/bb82ebe52d92 - Andrea Marchesini - Bug 1112054 - Disable WebSockets in workers on Fx36. r=smaug, a=sledru
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  1442. # [17:36] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/f4731857554d - Andrea Marchesini - Bug 1115678 - Explicitly set dom.workers.websocket.enabled for websocket tests in workers. rs=RyanVM, a=test-only
  1443. # [17:36] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/fb22c46ce316 - Jim Chen - Bug 1078304 - Call GeckoAppShell.setLayerView early. r=snorp, a=sledru
  1444. # [17:37] <Delta706> bsmedberg: this is just for testing purposes. I am trying to add a function to Telemetry.h but it is not visible
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  1450. # [17:38] <Delta706> and since it is not visible, firefox crashes at the moment, it tries to call the function
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  1452. # [17:42] <Delta706> Do I need to change nsBrowserApp.cpp?
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  1456. # [17:43] <@ted> Delta706: does nsBrowserApp.cpp call any other telemetry stuff?
  1457. # [17:43] <Delta706> yes, it does
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  1459. # [17:44] <Delta706> line 105
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  1466. # [17:47] <@ted> then presumably you just need to do whatever that other code is doing
  1467. # [17:48] <Delta706> so write my own wrapper function, and add it to Telemetry.cpp with the hook in nsBrowserApp.cpp
  1468. # [17:48] <Delta706> I will give it a go
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  1470. # [17:49] <gps> bsmedberg: firefoxtree for tree management. mozext still does things like pushlog replication
  1471. # [17:49] <Delta706> ted: if I get stuck, do you know anyone on irc who knows this embedding/exporting stuff well?
  1472. # [17:49] <gps> the remote refs foo in mozext has moved to firefoxtree
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  1474. # [17:50] <gps> you can use them both simultaneously
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  1477. # [17:50] <@ted> Delta706: glandium would be a good person to ask
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  1480. # [17:52] <mstoykov> Hello, possible FDE regression: a site with certificate with a non matching CN is opening on firefox 34 but not on FDE - the same profile - it looks like I can't make a connection. Kind of looks like https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=313946 but js is enabled - possibly a NoScript BUG on FDE. maybe ?
  1481. # [17:52] <Delta706> ted: thanks and noted
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  1490. # [17:54] <mwargers_> smaug, ping?
  1491. # [17:54] <@smaug> mwargers_: pong
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  1497. # [17:56] <mwargers_> smaug, hey, do you happen to know if <link rel="import" is supported? (when dom.webcomponents.enabled = true) I can't get it working at: http://people.mozilla.org/~mwargers/tests/webcomponents/template.htm
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  1499. # [17:56] <mwargers_> smaug, and happy New Year, btw!
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  1503. # [17:57] <@smaug> mwargers_: I thought import was still supported but won't be in the future, http://hacks.mozilla.org/2014/12/mozilla-and-web-components/
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  1505. # [17:58] <mwargers_> smaug, well, it's used a lot in the gaia apps
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  1507. # [17:59] <mwargers_> and I thought it was temporarily not in the spec
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  1509. # [17:59] <mwargers_> but who knows
  1510. # [17:59] <@smaug> mwargers_: used in gaia?
  1511. # [18:00] <@smaug> I thought gaia is using some script library to do import-like things
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  1513. # [18:00] <mwargers_> smaug, see http://mxr.mozilla.org/gaia/search?string=%3Clink%2Brel%3D%22import
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  1515. # [18:00] <mwargers_> smaug, ok, do you happen to know what they're using?
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  1520. # [18:02] <@smaug> I don't
  1521. # [18:02] <@smaug> wchen or gabor would know better the current situation
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  1526. # [18:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9a92d9af40ae - James Willcox - Bug 1110271 - Make GMPInstallManager default prefs available everywhere r=blassey
  1527. # [18:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1a932cff0528 - James Willcox - Bug 1110271 - Enable GMPInstallManager on Android r=mfinkle
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  1534. # [18:06] <wchen> mwargers_: Gaia doesn't use the native imports implementation. I think this is what does the magic: http://mxr.mozilla.org/gaia/source/shared/js/html_imports.js#15
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  1539. # [18:08] <mwargers_> wchen, thanks!
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  1544. # [18:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e7d6c779dc48 - Stephen Pohl - Bug 1117765: Disable OpenH264 module download when media.gmp-gmpopenh264.enabled is set to false. r=bsmedberg
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  1547. # [18:12] <mwargers_> wchen: how is html_imports.js included in every app that uses it?
  1548. # [18:12] <mwargers_> I guess here? http://mxr.mozilla.org/gaia/source/shared/js/lazy_loader.js#47
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  1559. # [18:16] <wchen> mwargers_: I'm not sure
  1560. # [18:16] <mwargers_> ok
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  1564. # [18:19] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/c98966220fd6 - Mark Finkle - Bug 1117746 - Share asset is intermittently missing from recent nightlies r=rnewman
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  1585. # [18:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/dd46ca13fe75 - Boris Zbarsky - Bug 1117162. Give DOMEventTargetHelper a constructor taking nsIGlobalObject. r=smaug
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  1596. # [18:32] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=5075960&repo=mozilla-inbound is looking pretty bad starting with your first inbound push
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  1598. # [18:32] <@ehsan> looking
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  1602. # [18:33] <@ehsan> RyanVM|sheriffduty: give me a sec please...
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  1609. # [18:34] <@ehsan> backing out I guess
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  1612. # [18:36] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/db47b360e898 - Ehsan Akhgari - Backed out changeset 4861deb41e66 (bug 1116202) because of test failures
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  1616. # [18:39] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/06ec26af14f3 - Ryan VanderMeulen - Backed out 5 changesets (bug 1099152, bug 1117098) for causing frequent B2G debug timeouts.
  1617. # [18:40] * ahal|lunch is now known as ahal
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  1620. # [18:40] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/010c93a343d2 - Anurag Chaudhury (anuragchaudhury@gmail.com) - Bug 1097150 - Added getAllUsedFontFaces to styles.js retrieve fonts from all windows;r=pbrosset
  1621. # [18:40] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/4793ea3d1a21 - Tom Tromey - Bug 1113706 - move TimelineMarker to a new header; r=smaug
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  1635. # [18:47] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/cc758fb885a3 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  1636. # [18:47] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/1aea3d19c613 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  1643. # [18:52] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: I'm assuming that this is fixed by your backout as well - https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=5076411&repo=mozilla-inbound
  1644. # [18:52] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> but FYI anyway :)
  1645. # [18:52] <@ehsan> RyanVM|sheriffduty: I'm doing a local build to verify...
  1646. # [18:52] * Quits: tedders1_ (tedders1@moz-vltpu3.fnjk.s0pt.0450.2001.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
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  1648. # [18:53] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: I'll go digging now on the CTP3 question
  1649. # [18:53] * RyanVM|sheriffduty can't remember if he saw that in a bug or newsgroup discussion
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  1662. # [19:06] <Ms2ger> nsCOMPtr<T> is implicitly constructible from T*
  1663. # [19:06] <Ms2ger> Wat
  1664. # [19:07] <padenot> what was this extension that would post the links in the bugs when one pushes patches to inbound?
  1665. # [19:07] <Ms2ger> padenot, one of hps's
  1666. # [19:07] <Ms2ger> gps
  1667. # [19:07] <padenot> that's for sure, but which one, heh?
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  1669. # [19:07] <Ms2ger> bzpost?
  1670. # [19:08] <froydnj> Ms2ger: I wonder how many things break if that goes away
  1671. # [19:08] * Quits: emtwo (Adium@moz-vfev0l.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
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  1679. # [19:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/d7f308cbcbeb - Nathan Froyd - Bug 1117853 - remove duplicate mozilla/Attributes.h #include; r=bsmedberg
  1680. # [19:12] * catlee-lunch is now known as catlee
  1681. # [19:13] * bz wishes people hadn't decided to appropriate his nick to refer to the bug database.... ;)
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  1683. # [19:14] * Ms2ger checks bz
  1684. # [19:14] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/a2b0a16b8898 - Paul Adenot - Bug 1106649 - Use band-limited wave tables to implement basic waveforms. r=karlt
  1685. # [19:14] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b7303f56216b - Paul Adenot - Bug 997870 - Optimize OscillatorNodeEngine::ComputeCustom a little. r=karlt
  1686. # [19:14] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/011c2f2f5899 - Paul Adenot - Bug 916285 - Make OscillatorNode handle negative frequencies. r=karlt
  1687. # [19:14] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/43e2d930ba6f - Paul Adenot - Bug 916285 - Fix bustage on windows, on a CLOSED TREE.
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  1691. # [19:17] <Ms2ger> Dammit ehsan
  1692. # [19:17] <@ehsan> Ms2ger: ?
  1693. # [19:17] <Ms2ger> You managed to bitrot my configure change :)
  1694. # [19:17] * Joins: florent (Thunderbird@moz-pkrcj8.abo.wanadoo.fr)
  1695. # [19:18] <@ehsan> it's a race man checking stuff in!
  1696. # [19:18] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ed93bb1527eb - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1115043: Off-by-one fix in check; r=luke
  1697. # [19:18] * Quits: Boriss (Boriss@moz-tk8.nnf.245.162.IP) (Client exited)
  1698. # [19:19] * Ms2ger pushraces
  1699. # [19:20] * Ms2ger pokes pulsebot
  1700. # [19:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/bd703663a952 - Ms2ger - Bug 1117068 - Part a: Remove an obsolete opt-out to the Perl version check; r=mshal
  1701. # [19:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/61fb6a19f9ac - Ms2ger - Bug 1117068 - Part b: Remove checks for GCC PR 39608; r=mshal
  1702. # [19:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2d323b539934 - Ms2ger - Bug 1117068 - Part c: Remove NEED_CPP_UNUSED_IMPLEMENTATIONS; r=mshal
  1703. # [19:21] <Ms2ger> Now I just need gps to make it onto his plane :)
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  1725. # [19:37] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/cffdee8c23ad - Chris Pearce - Bug 1114867 - Revert c29ebd2b4a10. r=dmajor
  1726. # [19:37] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e573fcf60968 - Chris Pearce - Bug 1114867 - Manually inline RtlSecureZeroMemory in GMPLoader, to ensure it doesn't wipe its own stack while running. r=dmajor
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  1731. # [19:38] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> jimm: I suspect I could do a rough attempt at setting the WinSDK min version to 603 (8.1), but I'm afraid I'd break Metro along the way
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  1739. # [19:43] <jimm> hmm?
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  1741. # [19:44] <jimm> probably not
  1742. # [19:44] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> gavin: I'm about to push to fx-team, mind if I take bug 1115696 while I'm at it? I'll make the info() change requested by mak if the answer is yes
  1743. # [19:44] <jimm> or if you did, I'm sure I could fix it.
  1744. # [19:44] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> jimm: OK, basically 603 is the only version we're going to support shortly
  1745. # [19:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c7fdb9bfb672 - Roshan Vidyashankar - Bug 1058921 - Disable unsafe Window APIs in prerendering; r=jst
  1746. # [19:44] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> so that makes life easy I guess :)
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  1748. # [19:44] <jimm> RyanVM|sheriffduty: no complaints here :)
  1749. # [19:45] * Parts: jib (Jan-Ivar@moz-7o3g6p.dyn.optonline.net)
  1750. # [19:45] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> sure makes life easy when we only support one MSVC and WinSDK version
  1751. # [19:45] * Joins: aklotz1 (Thunderbird@moz-1jtcvi.cg.shawcable.net)
  1752. # [19:45] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> but thanks, I'll try to cook up the patch then
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  1756. # [19:45] <@gavin> RyanVM|sheriffduty: I have my own queue of patches built up, that one included
  1757. # [19:46] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ah, ok the
  1758. # [19:46] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> then
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  1767. # [19:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/9e27809d4438 - Ryan VanderMeulen - Bug 1117757 - Update pdf.js to version 1.0.1040. r=yury, r=Mossop
  1768. # [19:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/724554c093a8 - Luca Greco - Bug 980481 - DirectorRegistry, DirectorManager, DirectorScript and MessagePort RemoteDebuggerServer actors. r=ochameau
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  1774. # [19:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/8f91a31d4cec - Gavin Sharp - Bug 575918: enable IPC tests on Mac since they work now, r=bsmedberg
  1775. # [19:49] * Quits: TYLin (TYLin@moz-aj9ejj.HINET-IP.hinet.net) (Client exited)
  1776. # [19:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/07317d58d433 - Gavin Sharp - Bug 1115696: fix browser_aboutHome.js to work correctly with inContent prefs enabled/disabled, r=mak
  1777. # [19:49] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> gavin: thanks :)
  1778. # [19:49] * jet|pto is now known as jet
  1779. # [19:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/20dd052812f8 - Gavin Sharp - Bug 1117158: move search service prefs to all.js, r=markh/margaret/fabrice
  1780. # [19:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/222e426541b9 - Gavin Sharp - Bug 1116287: SEARCH_SERVICE_INIT_SYNC should not expire, r=rvitillo
  1781. # [19:50] * RyanVM|sheriffduty will be firing off new Try runs today once fx-team merges over
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  1786. # [19:51] <vlad> in a generated webidl binding cpp file, I'm getting "cannot convert parameter 2 from JS::Rooted<JS::Value> to const mozilla::dom::Optional<JS::Handle<JS::Value>>>&
  1787. # [19:52] <vlad> when it's trying to forward the call to my implementation.. I thought 'optional any' arguments were passed as Optional<JS::Handle<JS::Value>> ?
  1788. # [19:52] <@smaug> bz: ^
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  1791. # [19:53] <@smaug> I think it is const JS::Handle<JS::Value> aTime
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  1793. # [19:54] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4ed5726c356b - Ben Turner - Bug 1116640, fix TestUrgentHangs on windows, r=billm. Not tested on current infra so DONTBUILD
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  1795. # [19:54] <@smaug> but if not passed, value is isUndefined()
  1796. # [19:54] <vlad> smaug: yeah, I was just looking at that code too
  1797. # [19:54] <vlad> hmm
  1798. # [19:54] <vlad> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/WebIDL_bindings#any is wrong then?
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  1800. # [19:54] <vlad> and how do I know if it was passed or not? undefined vs null, I guess?
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  1803. # [19:55] <@ehsan> what if the page passes undefined?
  1804. # [19:55] <@smaug> I think you can't know whether it is passed if one passes undefined
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  1807. # [19:55] <@smaug> oh, mdn says Optional
  1808. # [19:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/ea9e532e6b0f - Mark Finkle - Bug 1095671 - Limit Fennec search engine change to Beta. r=margaret, a=lsblakk, l10n=en-us-only
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  1811. # [19:55] <@smaug> Optional would make sense imo
  1812. # [19:56] * Quits: kgrandon (Adium@moz-p2dhv7.rgd2.9kg1.0101.2620.IP) (Quit: Leaving.)
  1813. # [19:56] <vlad> smaug: yeah; though that's not what's being geerated atm
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  1816. # [19:57] <@smaug> yeah, all the code uses const JS::Handle<JS::Value>
  1817. # [19:57] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> padenot: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=5080115&repo=mozilla-inbound
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  1820. # [19:59] <bz> vlad: in ES6 "not passed" and "undefined" are generally treated identically
  1821. # [19:59] <bz> vlad: That's what our bindings do as well, for most purposes.
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  1825. # [20:00] <bz> vlad: I'll update the docs to make it clear that "optional" when used with "any" doesn't lead to any Optional bits
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  1830. # [20:01] <bz> vlad: In any case, you should just treat undefined as the dictionary, I'd think
  1831. # [20:01] <vlad> bz: cool, thanks :) fixing the fullscreen thing now.
  1832. # [20:02] <@smaug> it is still a bit odd inconsistency on C++ side that optional isn't always handled with Optional
  1833. # [20:02] <bz> vlad: So basically, init the dictionary with the value if the value is isObjectOrNull() or isUndefined()
  1834. # [20:02] <bz> well
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  1836. # [20:02] <bz> So for a while we had completely dropped support for "optional any"
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  1839. # [20:02] <bz> or rather treated "any" as always optional
  1840. # [20:02] <vlad> bz: actually... is there any way that I can call RequestFullscreenOptions::Init and have it not throw if the object passed in can't be converted?
  1841. # [20:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/edabb01e0db7 - Mark Finkle - Bug 474464 - Fennec should be using the browser status filter r=margaret
  1842. # [20:02] <bz> But there are other cases in which optional is not handled with Optional
  1843. # [20:02] * Quits: milan (milan@moz-j4ddvu.ckpj.s0pt.0450.2001.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  1844. # [20:02] <bz> void foo(optional long x = 5);
  1845. # [20:02] <vlad> I guess I need to check that it's at least a dictionary
  1846. # [20:02] <bz> So basically, "any" always has "undefined" as default value.
  1847. # [20:02] <vlad> bz: yeah but that has a default
  1848. # [20:03] * Quits: tedders1 (tedders1@moz-i5m.05u.207.66.IP) (Quit: )
  1849. # [20:03] <bz> Heck, void foo(optional SomeDictionary x) doesn't use Optional in the C++
  1850. # [20:03] <bz> becase SomeDictionary always has null as default value...
  1851. # [20:03] <bz> er, because
  1852. # [20:06] <@smaug> oh, I think optional any foo should actually require default value. Would make things easier to read. (but don't care about this edge case too much)
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  1854. # [20:06] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> karlt: ping?
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  1856. # [20:06] <bz> vlad: You can't do that with Init() proper
  1857. # [20:06] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: I guess it was MSVC 2013 Update 3 I was thinking of (which is what we use on the build slaves too) - not sure if it's worth trying to enforce that or not
  1858. # [20:06] <bz> vlad: but you can just check the same predicate it does: mozilla::dom::IsConvertibleToDictionary
  1859. # [20:06] * coop|lunch is now known as coop|mtg
  1860. # [20:06] <bz> vlad: in BindingUtils.h
  1861. # [20:06] <@ehsan> RyanVM|sheriffduty: hmm, might be worth checking with dmajor, I don't remember why we had to use this
  1862. # [20:06] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> OK, I'll ni? him
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  1864. # [20:06] <bz> Oh
  1865. # [20:06] <bz> And the example code in the docs is totally wrong
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  1867. # [20:06] <vlad> bz: yup, that's what I just settled on
  1868. # [20:06] * bz fixes
  1869. # [20:07] <karlt> RyanVM|sheriffduty: hi
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  1873. # [20:07] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> karlt: hey, https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=mozilla-inbound&revision=43e2d930ba6f caused e10s mochitest-3 failures
  1874. # [20:07] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> padenot's not around and I'm trying to figure out if I need to backout the entire push or just one specific cset
  1875. # [20:07] <@ehsan> RyanVM|sheriffduty: I still think you should file another bug, fwiw ;)
  1876. # [20:07] <nc_1207> Hello developers! One question: Is there a way to completly disable "Hello" in future versions?
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  1878. # [20:07] * karlt looks
  1879. # [20:08] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: fair enough - just another detail to hammer out before next week hopefully :)
  1880. # [20:08] <Standard8> nc_1207: loop.enabled
  1881. # [20:08] * Joins: Fallen|away (Fallen@moz-ebdjih.ch)
  1882. # [20:08] <Standard8> nc_1207: but you can also remove it from the toolbar
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  1885. # [20:09] <Standard8> nc_1207: depending on your use case
  1886. # [20:09] <@ehsan> RyanVM|sheriffduty: agreed
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  1894. # [20:11] <karlt> RyanVM|sheriffduty: i think you need to back out padenot's whole push
  1895. # [20:11] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ok, that's what I was afraid of
  1896. # [20:11] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> thanks :)
  1897. # [20:12] <karlt> RyanVM|sheriffduty: i'm not sure; i'm a bit surprised any of them cause the failure
  1898. # [20:13] <karlt> but that means backing them all out for now
  1899. # [20:13] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> e10s-only is interesting
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  1902. # [20:13] <karlt> yes, perhaps something uninitialized somewhere
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  1909. # [20:16] <karlt> RyanVM|sheriffduty: looks like it is probably https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b7303f56216b
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  1913. # [20:21] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> karlt: guess it wasn't e10s-only after all
  1914. # [20:21] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> oh well
  1915. # [20:21] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> I'm going to play it safe and backout the entire push
  1916. # [20:22] <karlt> RyanVM|sheriffduty: that's fine; i know there's a bug in b7303f56216b though
  1917. # [20:23] * lmandel is now known as lmandel_afk
  1918. # [20:23] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/72d7ae169b09 - Ryan VanderMeulen - Backed out 4 changesets (bug 1106649, bug 916285, bug 997870) for test_periodicWave.html failures.
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  1926. # [20:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/72801b8f0e60 - Gavin Sharp - Bug 1115696: fix browser_aboutHome.js to work correctly with inContent prefs enabled/disabled, r=mak, a=gavin
  1927. # [20:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/745866ba4694 - Gavin Sharp - Bug 1116287: SEARCH_SERVICE_INIT_SYNC should not expire, r=rvitillo, a=gavin
  1928. # [20:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/fdcd5874a93d - Gavin Sharp - Bug 1117158: move search service geoIP prefs to all.js, and disable the geoIP request for fennec, r=markh, r=margaret, a=gavin
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  1946. # [20:37] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/11ceda7438b4 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 4 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  1947. # [20:37] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/f10a6f127df3 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  1954. # [20:42] <lsblakk> mconnor: can i get your input on bug 1102323 so we know before gtb on 35 finals?
  1955. # [20:42] <mconnor> lsblakk: looking
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  1961. # [20:44] <mconnor> lsblakk: you are clear to gtb
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  1963. # [20:44] <mconnor> lsblakk: commented on bug, but status quo until there's been a lot more discussion
  1964. # [20:44] <lsblakk> excellent, ty mconnor
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  1975. # [20:52] <lsblakk> bdahl: can i get your input on the question in bug 1102063?
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  1979. # [20:54] <bdahl> lsblakk: let me check with yury
  1980. # [20:54] <vlad> it's a little sad that I'm using chrome now for mozilla stuff mainly because of their better multi-profile story
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  1982. # [20:54] <rhelmer> vlad: profilist addon is pretty ok, but still rough sometimes
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  1986. # [20:56] <yury> lsblakk: we just landed a fix in bug 1117757
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  1990. # [20:57] <yury> lsblakk: shall we wait for it to be tested or just create uplift for beta/aurora
  1991. # [20:57] <lsblakk> yury: i'm interested in potential uplift to beta, asap
  1992. # [20:58] <lsblakk> yury: if we have enough testing to feel confident in this bump
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  1996. # [20:59] <yury> it's css one line -- worst can happen it will looks bad as it was
  1997. # [21:00] <bz> The worst thing that will happen with one line of CSS is crashes sometimes on some graphics cards
  1998. # [21:00] <yury> good point
  1999. # [21:00] * Quits: milan (milan@moz-i5m.05u.207.66.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  2000. # [21:00] <yury> bz: it's actually removing a CSS line
  2001. # [21:00] <yury> :)
  2002. # [21:00] <lsblakk> ok ok, let's get it up :)
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  2010. # [21:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/5a4f5d698c2d - Mike Conley - Bug 1117867 - Disable e10s by default for a week of non-e10s testing on Nightly. r=felipe.
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  2026. # [21:12] <vlad> bz: fixing and adding tests (both for non-dict arg and for vrDisplay: null)
  2027. # [21:13] <vlad> bz: I can also just do a backout on aurora and fix on trunk -- do you have a preference?
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  2031. # [21:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/be63a11242a7 - Ben Hsu - Bug 1077075 - Part 1: Change the return types to promises (WebIDL). r=hsinyi
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  2034. # [21:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/ae350b46932a - Ben Hsu - Bug 1077075 - Part 3: Add nsITelephonyCallback as a new parameter (IDL). r=aknow
  2035. # [21:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/935a27452433 - Ben Hsu - Bug 1077075 - Part 4: Internal architecture (TelephonyService.js). r=aknow
  2036. # [21:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/f05cb6eb5ff8 - Ben Hsu - Bug 1077075 - Part 5: Internal architecture (ril_worker.js). r=aknow
  2037. # [21:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/f2f7dc02d217 - Ben Hsu - Bug 1077075 - Part 6: Internal architecture (IPC). r=aknow
  2038. # [21:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/621cf332663d - Ben Hsu - Bug 1077075 - Part 7: Update the related testcases. r=aknow
  2039. # [21:17] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/8768e1f8108e - Ethan Tseng - Bug 1111978 - RTSP error in browser app blocks playing video in other apps. r=bechen
  2040. # [21:17] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/67ea86c1f2e9 - Henry Chang - Bug 1116458 - Introduce a queue for command chain to avoid running simultaneously. r=dlee
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  2045. # [21:19] <Delta706> !seen glandium
  2046. # [21:19] <firebot> I've never seen a 'glandium', sorry.
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  2049. # [21:20] <Delta706> glandium: ping
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  2062. # [21:25] <@ehsan> RyanVM|sheriffduty: any ETA for reopening?
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  2064. # [21:25] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: when I finish starring up your mess ;)
  2065. # [21:25] <@ehsan> oh what did I do?
  2066. # [21:25] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> still cleaning up from the earlier backout (turns out you broke a *lot* of shit)
  2067. # [21:25] <@ehsan> sorry
  2068. # [21:26] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> also, this https://treeherder.mozilla.org/ui/logviewer.html#?job_id=5077278&repo=mozilla-inbound appears to be from something in https://treeherder.mozilla.org/ui/#/jobs?repo=mozilla-inbound&revision=69c16464fa30
  2069. # [21:26] * froydnj considers a "your shit is NOT part of my tree" shirt for RyanVM|sheriffduty
  2070. # [21:26] * Quits: kepta (kepta@moz-bgt.6kh.139.14.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
  2071. # [21:26] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: though it's possible the M12 is still bustage from the other push
  2072. # [21:26] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> it was green @ 116min
  2073. # [21:27] <@ehsan> RyanVM|sheriffduty: o_O that's an HTTP 404 error
  2074. # [21:27] <@ehsan> how can I possibly cause such a thing?
  2075. # [21:27] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> further down
  2076. # [21:27] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> command timed out: 7200 seconds elapsed running ['/tools/buildbot/bin/python', 'scripts/scripts/b2g_emulator_unittest.py', '--cfg', 'b2g/emulator_automation_config.py', '--test-suite', 'mochitest', '--this-chunk', '12', '--total-chunks', '20', '--blob-upload-branch', 'mozilla-inbound', '--download-symbols', 'true'], attempting to kill
  2077. # [21:27] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> M12 already sucked to begin with
  2078. # [21:27] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> but it got even slower
  2079. # [21:27] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> sort of like how opt M6 started timing out with the push for bug 1116202
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  2081. # [21:28] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> so anyway, I'm waiting to see what debug M12 does post-backout
  2082. # [21:28] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> if it greens up, I can reopen
  2083. # [21:28] <@ehsan> RyanVM|sheriffduty: that's probably correlation not causation
  2084. # [21:28] <philor> RyanVM|sheriffduty: the correct answer to "any ETA for reopening?" is "dunno, what time are you done with work for the day?"
  2085. # [21:28] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: hence the "i'm waiting to see what happens post-backout" comment
  2086. # [21:28] <@ehsan> makes sense
  2087. # [21:28] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: I just know it's been failing for 3 straight pushes
  2088. # [21:29] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> and it had otherwise been running ~100min vs. 120min
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  2092. # [21:31] <@ehsan> RyanVM|sheriffduty: the green run right before my push says 116min
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  2094. # [21:31] <@ehsan> so it totally makes sense for that job to start failing :)
  2095. # [21:31] * @smaug doesn't understand crash-stat ui anymore
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  2097. # [21:31] <@ehsan> RyanVM|sheriffduty: but there is nothing in my push that affects the runtime of anything, fwiw
  2098. # [21:32] <@gavin> RyanVM|sheriffduty: I'm looking into the aurora xpcshell bustage
  2099. # [21:32] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: linux/osx debug M3 would like to say otherwise
  2100. # [21:32] <@smaug> how does one see the trend for a crash these days
  2101. # [21:32] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> gavin: k
  2102. # [21:32] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: 10.8 debug M3 went permafail on your push and greened up post-backout
  2103. # [21:33] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> see the log link in the bug
  2104. # [21:33] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> linux32 debug intermittently also hit the same issue
  2105. # [21:34] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> philor: any idea what to make of these hitting across multiple trees around the same time? https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=1096963&repo=b2g-inbound
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  2108. # [21:35] <@ehsan> RyanVM|sheriffduty: don't know what to tell you, please back me out if you think my patches have done something
  2109. # [21:35] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: I'm saying that your backout *already* fixed ^
  2110. # [21:35] <@ehsan> RyanVM|sheriffduty: and I'm saying that is impossible :)
  2111. # [21:36] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> I suspect it'll fix the M12 as well, just waiting on results to confirm
  2112. # [21:36] <@ehsan> that is also impossible!
  2113. # [21:36] <philor> RyanVM|sheriffduty: "search" "location" "multiple trees" smells like hitting the network
  2114. # [21:36] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> welp, all I can say is to verify that assertion on Try before re-breaking inbound
  2115. # [21:36] <@ehsan> the patch I backed out only does something during shutdown, so if we get killed before it, it's a no-op
  2116. # [21:36] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: because I've got a pile of empirical evidence that says otherwise
  2117. # [21:37] * Quits: Mano (mano@moz-a4joat.red.bezeqint.net) (Connection closed)
  2118. # [21:37] <@ehsan> I'm just trying to help!
  2119. # [21:37] <@ehsan> not planning to reland without a try run
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  2121. # [21:37] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/1ab03636659f - Nicolas B. Pierron - Bug 1114569 - Discard RInstructionResults while handling exceptions. r=h4writer a=lsblakk
  2122. # [21:37] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/587c2fdd0c3b - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 4 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  2123. # [21:37] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/cc9fadc9ee99 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  2141. # [21:50] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: M12 is back to green and ~100min post-backout
  2142. # [21:50] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> multiple runs confirm now
  2143. # [21:50] <@ehsan> o_O
  2144. # [21:51] * @ehsan wonders if https://hg.mozilla.org/try/rev/78f811a938d3#l1.30 is the cause...
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  2147. # [21:54] <gaston> woot redone my buildbot setup from scratch, much cleaner now, readded an openbsd/i386 slave, and added a netbsd/amd64 slave.. expect more bsd nagging in the coming weeks :)
  2148. # [21:55] * Quits: mt (mt@moz-bligus.ujol.1ibb.0101.2620.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
  2149. # [21:55] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: actually, I may be wrong on the M12 one after all
  2150. # [21:56] * RyanVM|sheriffduty forgot about jonco's backout
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  2153. # [21:56] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan: actually no, that was a different failure
  2154. # [21:56] <@ehsan> RyanVM|sheriffduty: I posted the pristine patch to try... we'll see
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  2156. # [21:56] <@ehsan> (off of m-c tip)
  2157. # [21:56] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ok
  2158. # [21:57] <@ehsan> _if_ we collect memory reports during test runs, there may be a sensible explanation
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  2160. # [21:57] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> we measure memory usage after every test, if that matters
  2161. # [21:58] * Quits: Jackneill (Jackneill@moz-9i75uh.pool.digikabel.hu) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
  2162. # [21:58] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> i.e. 11:03:15 INFO - 647 INFO MEMORY STAT vsize after test: 210137088
  2163. # [21:58] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> 11:03:15 INFO - 648 INFO MEMORY STAT residentFast after test: 70672384
  2164. # [21:58] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> 11:03:15 INFO - 649 INFO MEMORY STAT heapAllocated after test: 82331424
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  2167. # [21:59] <Delta706> RyanVM|sheriffduty: do you understand the code that export symbols from libxul.so?
  2168. # [21:59] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> no
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  2175. # [22:01] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> Delta706: might be better asked in #build
  2176. # [22:01] * mgerva|afk is now known as mgerva|mtg
  2177. # [22:01] <Delta706> thanks I will join #build
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  2186. # [22:08] <lsblakk> RyanVM|sheriffduty: so i've approved everything for beta that can land - the only thing remaining is a backout in but 1073554 which I believe blassey will do - however if you're able to, that might be a better option for timing
  2187. # [22:08] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ok
  2188. # [22:08] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> will jump on them in a few min
  2189. # [22:08] <lsblakk> RyanVM|sheriffduty: i'll wait a little for you to uplift and then will send the go to merge in maybe an hour?
  2190. # [22:08] <lsblakk> does that work for you?
  2191. # [22:08] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> k
  2192. # [22:08] <lsblakk> cool
  2193. # [22:08] * lsblakk -> dogpark
  2194. # [22:09] * NeilAway wonders what sort of multi-profile story vlad needs
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  2201. # [22:11] <@bsmedberg> aklotz: oh, so you have NP_ASFILE working with asynchronously delivering NPP_NewStream?
  2202. # [22:12] <aklotz> bsmedberg: All the stream types should be working asynchronously
  2203. # [22:12] * aklotz knocks on wood
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  2205. # [22:12] <@bsmedberg> aklotz: heh cool, so the plugin-container caches the file to disk in that case?
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  2208. # [22:13] <aklotz> bsmedberg: I suppose that is one thing that my patches didn't address -- that I/O is still performed the same way as before.
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  2212. # [22:16] <@bsmedberg> aklotz: oh I see you're sending stype back to the parent, just asynchronously?
  2213. # [22:16] <aklotz> bsmedberg: yes
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  2216. # [22:16] <aklotz> bsmegberg: So I guess there's another avenue to explore there...
  2217. # [22:17] <aklotz> bsmedberg: ^
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  2225. # [22:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/58b98d462dd9 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
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  2227. # [22:23] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> gavin: I'm leaning towards backing out for now so I can reopen fx-team and aurora
  2228. # [22:23] <jimm> bsmedberg: we have a fully locked down chromium sandbox for gmp on release?
  2229. # [22:23] <@bsmedberg> jimm: that's my understanding
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  2233. # [22:26] <blassey> lsblakk: sorrt, been distracted by a few things
  2234. # [22:26] <blassey> do you want me to land the backout?
  2235. # [22:26] <blassey> https://hg.mozilla.org/try/raw-rev/4893d9de121b
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  2237. # [22:27] <blassey> jimm: yes
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  2239. # [22:28] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> blassey: i can if you want
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  2242. # [22:29] <vlad> NeilAway: just a nice way to switch between profiles, ideally via some kind of UI dropdown
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  2246. # [22:29] <vlad> NeilAway: ability to identify different profiles in windows, instead of all of them getting stacked under one generic firefox logo (chrome has the emblems, and they show up as different instances in the taskbar)
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  2248. # [22:30] <@gavin> RyanVM|sheriffduty: pushing a fix
  2249. # [22:30] <blassey> RyanVM|sheriffduty: sure
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  2251. # [22:30] <blassey> RyanVM|sheriffduty: so your aware, there is a patch and then a ws change patch on that bug
  2252. # [22:30] <blassey> the backout I pushed to try has both
  2253. # [22:30] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ok
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  2257. # [22:31] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/e9fe9b0078ec - Gavin Sharp - Bug 1117158 followup: disable GeoIP lookup in services/healthreport/tests/xpcshell/test_provider_searches.js, a=gavin
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  2262. # [22:33] <gaston> hmmm 35.0beta7 was skipped ?
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  2264. # [22:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/851d1c8b3d6f - Chris Jones - Bug 1085599: Enable NEON intrinsics for C files when even when building for ARMv6. r=rillian,ted a=lsblakk
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  2266. # [22:34] <NeilAway> vlad: what happens when you try to pin those chrome instances to the taskbar, does it remember to start them with the correct profile?
  2267. # [22:35] <vlad> NeilAway: yeah, they're launched via a shortcut that chrome creates
  2268. # [22:35] <vlad> that passes --profile-directory=...
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  2270. # [22:35] <vlad> I'm assuming that since the shortcut has a custom icon (with the emblem) that that's what windows keys off of
  2271. # [22:36] <vlad> maybe? not sure how that works
  2272. # [22:36] <NeilAway> vlad: I know pinning creates a shortcut
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  2274. # [22:36] <NeilAway> vlad: maybe jimm would know more about that
  2275. # [22:36] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/fa14cd998e39 - Gavin Sharp - Bug 1117158 followup: disable GeoIP lookup in services/healthreport/tests/xpcshell/test_provider_searches.js to fix xpcshell bustage on CLOSED TREE
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  2281. # [22:39] <jesup> RyanVM|sheriffduty: speed issue seems to be gone
  2282. # [22:39] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> jesup: yeah, been OK here for a few weeks now
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  2285. # [22:40] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> blassey: just to confirm - you were talking about the original patch (which landed around July) and the follow-ups that landed later for tabs/spaces?
  2286. # [22:41] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> (in bug 1023473)
  2287. # [22:41] <blassey> RyanVM|sheriffduty: I'm just saying that a strait backout of the original patchis complciated by the follow ups
  2288. # [22:41] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ok, np
  2289. # [22:41] <jimm> vlad: splitting firefox up on the taskbar based on profiles?
  2290. # [22:42] <vlad> jimm: just making profiles actually be first-class citizens overall
  2291. # [22:42] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> blassey: blech
  2292. # [22:43] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> blassey: if you have a ready-made patch, that's probably a better option that me having to rebase it again
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  2295. # [22:43] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> though I suppose I can just grab the raw diff of https://hg.mozilla.org/try/rev/4893d9de121b as well
  2296. # [22:43] <jimm> vlad: in the past I've been told profiles are a developer feature only, and shouldn't be exposed.
  2297. # [22:43] <jimm> vlad: but there is a pref for grouping on the taskbar based on the profile loaded... lemmie find the code
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  2300. # [22:44] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> blassey: the raw diff from your Try push doesn't apply to beta anymore :(
  2301. # [22:45] <blassey> lovely
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  2304. # [22:46] <jimm> vlad: taskbar.grouping.useprofile
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  2307. # [22:47] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/bb209fcdbcdc - Mark Finkle - Bug 1072997 - Check for a disabled System Download Manager before trying to use it. r=margaret, a=lsblakk
  2308. # [22:47] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/6261f53e018f - Jim Chen - Bug 1078304 - Call GeckoAppShell.setLayerView early. r=snorp, a=lsblakk
  2309. # [22:47] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/fb06fa0600ab - Jonas Jenwald - Bug 1102063 - PDF.js: Prevent the arrows from overlapping text in the zoom box. r=yury, a=lsblakk
  2310. # [22:47] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/3e875e5a648d - Jonas Jenwald - Bug 1102063 - PDF.js: Prevent the arrows from overlapping text in the zoom box. r=yury, a=lsblakk
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  2313. # [22:49] <vlad> jimm: but that's not on by default, making it less than useful.. any reason why it's not?
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  2320. # [22:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/78098039e9c1 - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1102643 - [e10s] Prefetching for add-on shims (r=mconley)
  2321. # [22:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/deee031b754a - Nick Alexander - Bug 956444 - Migrate from Old Sync to Firefox Accounts based on meta/fxa_credentials migration sentinel. r=rnewman
  2322. # [22:52] <jimm> vlad: by default we group based on the install location since multiple installs are pretty common. there was a long discussion about this in various bugs way back when we worked on win7 integration.
  2323. # [22:52] <jimm> profiles were considered to be a power user / dev tool feature so we put that behind a hidden pref.
  2324. # [22:53] <vlad> yep, I remember
  2325. # [22:53] <jimm> i wanted to add the profile manager to the jump listy at one point
  2326. # [22:53] <vlad> but then chrome came and beat us on it :/
  2327. # [22:53] <jimm> that got shot down by somebody in the front end
  2328. # [22:53] <jimm> (team)
  2329. # [22:53] <jimm> I haven
  2330. # [22:53] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/378c4ef30784 - Mason Chang - Bug 1117870. Compositor unobserve vsync after configurable number of notifications. r=benwa
  2331. # [22:53] <jimm> 't used chrome much..
  2332. # [22:53] <jimm> feel free to file a bug to discuss! :)
  2333. # [22:54] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9035e4de3c03 - Bobby Holley - Bug 1117851 - Make GetCallingLocation take an nsA{,C}String. r=smaug
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  2335. # [22:55] <jimm> vlad: what do chrome users use profiles for?
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  2337. # [22:55] <vlad> jimm: for different users sharing a computer, or to keep work/personal separate
  2338. # [22:55] * RyanVM|sheriffduty is now known as RyanVM\
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  2340. # [22:56] <jimm> feels kinda corner case
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  2342. # [22:57] <vlad> maybe, not that we have to copy google for everything, but they made it fairly top level
  2343. # [22:57] <vlad> they also tie it in to google accounts.. like your chrome profile can be tied to one google account that you can log in with
  2344. # [22:57] <jimm> hmm, interesting.
  2345. # [22:57] <vlad> (and when you log in it does bookmarks/tabs/etc. syncing unless you turn it off)
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  2351. # [23:00] <jimm> so multiple browser instances + up front Sync + individual profiles matched to your sync account.
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  2353. # [23:00] <jimm> wish I had some free time :)
  2354. # [23:00] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/7866b505b059 - Aaron Klotz - Bug 1116825: Ensure StreamNotifyChild does not contain a dangling pointer if BrowserStreamChild::StreamConstructed fails; r=jimm
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  2391. # [23:20] <mrbkap> mikedeboer: Did you mean to only r+ one of my patches in bug 1055508 ?
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  2393. # [23:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/5f96dee075de - Mats Palmgren - Bug 1117538 part 1 - [css-grid] Remove 'grid-auto-flow: stack'. r=dholbert
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  2396. # [23:23] <botond> jrmuizel: djvj: this is what people have to say about implementing a move-assignment operator in terms of a destructor and move constructor: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27786781/implementing-move-assignment-in-terms-of-destructor-and-move-constructor
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  2403. # [23:27] <seth> sfink: you maintain the trychooser extension, right?
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  2406. # [23:27] <sfink> seth: which one? :-|
  2407. # [23:28] <sfink> Mossop has been filing some great bugs recently that I should pay attention to
  2408. # [23:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/73eadfc19bba - Eric Faust - Bug 1113139 - Don't attach stubs in NameIC if the lookup would throw. (r=shu)
  2409. # [23:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/0dd788e4b214 - Brian Grinstead - Bug 1116199 - Fix web console backwards compatibility with pre 37 servers that are missing evaluateJSAsync;r=jryans
  2410. # [23:28] <Mossop> sfink: Had I had more spare time I'd have probably attempted to file some patches too
  2411. # [23:29] * Quits: Sander (chatzilla@moz-f4egml.direct-adsl.nl) (Quit: And back he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky.)
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  2414. # [23:30] <seth> sfink: the mercurial one. is there more than one? =)
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  2416. # [23:30] <seth> sfink: i wanted to tell you about a dream feature for the trychooser extension. no idea whether this is feasible
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  2418. # [23:31] <sfink> seth: there are 2 mercurial extensions named trychooser, sadly. (And that's 100% my fault.) One is pbiggar's, the other is mine.
  2419. # [23:31] <seth> sfink: sometimes i don't care about which platform the tests get run on (or maybe only desktop vs mobile). what i *do* care about is getting the results back as quickly as possible. so if the trychooser extension could look at the current load for the various platforms and choose for me, that'd be amazing
  2420. # [23:31] * Quits: Gijs (chatzilla@moz-goo.q6m.80.5.IP) (Quit: sleep)
  2421. # [23:31] <sfink> but anyway, go ahead
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  2424. # [23:32] <seth> sfink: this would also have the effect, if lots of people used it, of evening out the load on our infra a bit, which seems like it could be a good thing
  2425. # [23:32] <Mossop> Oooh that's a neat idea
  2426. # [23:32] <seth> sfink: does this seem like something that could reasonably be implemented?
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  2428. # [23:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/8ef1de3364d7 - Andrea Marchesini - Bug 1112307 - Use a thread-safe ChannelEventQueue. r=jduell
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  2430. # [23:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/0dfb8c9e7e64 - Nils Ohlmeier [:drno] - Bug 1112382 - Remove DataChannelTest wrapper. r=bwc
  2431. # [23:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f09bfc814171 - Andrew Bartlett - Bug 423758 - Add NTLMv2 to internal NTLM handler. r=keeler
  2432. # [23:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/64988a48dea9 - Ethan Lin - Bug 1103258 - Prevent an empty container from creating a render target. r=BenWa, r=jmuizelaar
  2433. # [23:32] <sfink> the related thing has been suggested, where there's actual try syntax for "least loaded platform" or something
  2434. # [23:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9a84c3fd8d99 - Ethan Lin - Bug 1103258 - Add reftest for assertion crash. r=jmuizelaar
  2435. # [23:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c963d611da18 - ziyunfei - Bug 1116390 - Implement %TypedArray%.prototype.{every, some}. r=evilpie
  2436. # [23:33] <seth> sfink: heh, if we had that i guess that'd make it pretty easy =)
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  2438. # [23:34] <sfink> seth: there's probably yet another mapping of try platforms <-> load platforms required (the trychooser web UI contains such a mapping, and I'm not sure it's 100% correct). But other than that, it seems straightforwardish.
  2439. # [23:35] * Quits: emtwo (Adium@moz-vfev0l.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
  2440. # [23:35] <sfink> then again, it's not something I have the bandwidth for at the moment
  2441. # [23:35] <sfink> might be worth filing a bug for
  2442. # [23:35] <sfink> I guess I'd be willing to mark it as [mentor=sfink] even
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  2463. # [23:54] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/7070c9621457 - Ben Turner - Bug 1116697 - Fix nsScriptError::InitWithWindowID to work better off the main thread, r=mrbkap.
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  2465. # [23:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e89d431543ae - Andrea Marchesini - Bug 1113062 - FileImpls are kept alive when a blob URI is generated from them, r=smaug
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  2467. # [23:56] <@smaug> baku: I gave r-
  2468. # [23:57] <@smaug> sorry
  2469. # [23:57] <@smaug> I first gave r+ but then r-
  2470. # [23:57] <baku> smaug, ... yeah... but too late :) I have to backout it!
  2471. # [23:57] <@smaug> yeah
  2472. # [23:57] <@smaug> sorry!
  2473. # [23:57] <baku> np
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  2476. # [23:57] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/8b2440db87a5 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
  2477. # [23:58] <baku> smaug, can I fix it in a follow up? acutally this issue is not related to this bug
  2478. # [23:58] <baku> and it already exist before, right?
  2479. # [23:58] <@smaug> no, this is critical issue
  2480. # [23:58] <@smaug> true
  2481. # [23:59] <@smaug> baku: it probably is related to this bug actually
  2482. # [23:59] <@smaug> we end up unlinking something too early
  2483. # [23:59] <baku> k
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  2486. # Session Close: Tue Jan 06 00:00:00 2015

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