/irc-logs / mozilla / #developers / 2015-01-31 / end


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  1. # Session Start: Sat Jan 31 00:00:00 2015
  2. # Session Ident: #developers
  3. # [00:01] * catlee is now known as catlee-away
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  8. # [00:07] <darktrojan> that should work a little better, Mossop :-)
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  17. # [00:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/c982c9de6d4a - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 4 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  18. # [00:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/b954aa903d8a - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
  19. # [00:13] <Mossop> darktrojan: Looks good, thanks
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  26. # [00:15] <aceman> hi, if in JS there is a function inside a function, will it need to be parsed/compiled by the JS engine every time the containing function is called?
  27. # [00:16] * miketaylr_ is now known as zz_miketaylr_
  28. # [00:16] <shu> aceman: no, parsing should only happen once
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  30. # [00:17] <bholley> RyanVM: yt?
  31. # [00:17] <aceman> shu: I mean, would it be any faster if the internal function is defined outside?
  32. # [00:17] <shu> aceman: could be, yes, but not due to parsing
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  34. # [00:18] <aceman> shu: the function does not change in any way, I just wonder if the engine sees that and does not reparse/recompile it each time
  35. # [00:18] <aceman> shu: so why could it be faster?
  36. # [00:19] <shu> aceman: short story is type inference
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  38. # [00:20] <RyanVM> bholley: yo
  39. # [00:20] <shu> aceman: we tend to track toplevel functions (i.e., those defined outside of any function) more carefully in the type profiling and inference, leading to things like easier inlining in the JITs, etc
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  41. # [00:21] * whimboo is now known as whimboo|afk
  42. # [00:21] <aceman> shu: what about functions as members of objects?
  43. # [00:22] <shu> aceman: what about them?
  44. # [00:22] <shu> aceman: are you asking calling them will be as fast?
  45. # [00:22] <aceman> shu: do you track those?
  46. # [00:22] <shu> err, if calling them*
  47. # [00:22] <shu> aceman: so, that depends on a few more variables
  48. # [00:22] <aceman> shu: yes, if they are also considered toplevel
  49. # [00:22] <shu> aceman: the usual pattern is something like, you a method 'm' on some object's prototype
  50. # [00:23] <shu> aceman: if i have such an object 'o', and call 'o.m()', it'll depend on how well the engine can figure out the types of 'o', and from there the functions that 'm' can possibly be
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  53. # [00:23] <shu> aceman: in the best case, it'll be just as fast
  54. # [00:24] <aceman> do I need to set it via prototype?
  55. # [00:24] <shu> aceman: but there's also a greater chance that the JIT can't generate the best case
  56. # [00:24] <aceman> or just var o = { m:function() {} }
  57. # [00:24] <shu> aceman: the engine should be able to figure out both cases
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  62. # [00:26] <aceman> shu: is there any difference if there is only a single instance of that object?
  63. # [00:27] <shu> aceman: most of the time no
  64. # [00:28] <aceman> ok, thanks
  65. # [00:28] * Parts: Snuffleupagus (chatzilla@moz-5hgc5j.bredband.comhem.se) ("")
  66. # [00:28] <shu> aceman: we have some specific heuristics for guessing if it's likely there will only be one value of some type, ever
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  69. # [00:29] <dholbert> I'm trying to use "rr" for the first time, but it's hanging on "Starting program: /path/to/firefox", when I try to replay an execution. Anyone else hit this before?
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  77. # [00:36] * Parts: aceman (inet@moz-7dsad9.dynamic.nextra.sk)
  78. # [00:36] <dholbert> never mind, I got it (by running replay with "-g" arg and an event number, to delay attaching the debugger)
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  95. # [00:45] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ce52eb68bc21 - Gary Kwong - Bug 1128097 - Unable to compile js 32-bit ARM-simulator shells on Mac. rs=jandem
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  144. # [01:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b4c5e8bcb819 - Tom Schuster - Bug 1100936 - Handle various operations on revoked proxies. r=efaust
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  159. # [01:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/10e9829d6d61 - JW Wang - Bug 1121332. Part 1 - add media key status to gmp-api. r=cpearce.
  160. # [01:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/d65558816f0d - JW Wang - Bug 1121332. Part 2 - expose media key status from CDMCaps. r=cpearce.
  161. # [01:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b3db757e1445 - JW Wang - Bug 1121332. Part 3 - export MapObject from JS. r=jorendorff.
  162. # [01:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/455407ddfe43 - JW Wang - Bug 1121332. Part 4 - implement MediaKeySession.keyStatuses and remove MediaKeySession.getUsableKeyIds. r=bz.
  163. # [01:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/cc87f9a19451 - JW Wang - Bug 1121332. Part 5 - update EME mochitests for webidl changes. r=cpearce.
  164. # [01:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/5a172ae82ff1 - JW Wang - Bug 1121332. Part 6 - update test_interfaces.html. r=bz
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  197. # [01:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4b6586cc875f - Dan Gohman - Bug 1125236 - SpiderMonkey: Verify that asm.js heap loads and stores can be correctly disassembled r=jandem
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  264. # [02:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e5591b1c4d64 - Bobby Holley - Bug 1127203 - Be more consistent about when and how we apply the fuzz factor. r=mattwoodrow
  265. # [02:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/99994b4a3682 - Bobby Holley - Bug 1127203 - Use the tolerance value in TrackBuffersContainTime so that seeking operates with tolerance too. r=mattwoodrow
  266. # [02:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/320b02bd690c - Bobby Holley - Bug 1127203 - Disable mediasource-play-then-seek-back.html.ini. r=me
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  329. # [03:36] <philor> okay, that's unacceptable. we claim that https://www.graywolfpress.org/sites/default/files/Percy%20-%20Goodnight%20moon.mp3 can't be played because it's corrupt, while both Safari and Chrome will play its absolutely lovely and wonderful self
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  687. # [10:58] <Ms2ger|docs> So much for reliable wifi
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  715. # [11:37] <Ms2ger|docs> OH: "tinderbox"
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  717. # [11:37] <darktrojan> never heard of it
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  724. # [11:49] <Ms2ger|distros> lsblakk, so, ready for your talk? :)
  725. # [11:50] <Ms2ger|distros> darktrojan, sounded like it was still in active use at libreoffice
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  728. # [11:54] <daleharvey> So the latest nightly 1. seemed to wipe my profile, and 2. is crashy as, like every other click crashes the tabs
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  731. # [11:57] <darktrojan> Ms2ger, having used libreoffice, I can believe that
  732. # [11:57] <Ms2ger|distros> Ha
  733. # [11:57] <Ms2ger|distros> Hey, they use C++11 now
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  735. # [11:57] <darktrojan> it's not what you use, it's if you do anything useful with it
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  746. # [12:14] <xidorn> https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=mozilla-inbound&filter-platform=B2G%20Desktop%20Linux%20x64%20opt&filter-job_type_symbol=Gu
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  781. # [12:57] <daleharvey> is nightly crashy for anyone else or just me?
  782. # [12:59] * Fallen|away is now known as Fallen
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  803. # [13:22] <Utal> hi i want to work on mozilla can anyone tell me where to start on any project to start
  804. # [13:23] <Sander> Utal: have you seen https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/contribute/signup/ ?
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  806. # [13:24] <Utal> ya am looking for a new project to work on
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  923. # [15:18] <padenot> jandem-away: yes ?
  924. # [15:18] <jandem-away> padenot: hey, i was looking at crash-stats last week and i noticed you got some
  925. # [15:18] <jandem-away> padenot: is that right?
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  929. # [15:21] <padenot> jandem-away: don't know, you have a link ?
  930. # [15:22] <jandem-away> padenot: hm not offhand, also don't remember which branch. I think it crashed when using the debugger
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  933. # [15:23] <Ms2ger|docs> Hmm, I haven't run into MarcoZ yet
  934. # [15:23] <padenot> jandem-away: there are some crashes I know, but they are fixed in some branches
  935. # [15:23] <jandem-away> padenot: we have no leads so far so i'm grasping at straws ;)
  936. # [15:23] <padenot> jandem-away: any specific platform ?
  937. # [15:24] <jandem-away> padenot: don't think so; signature is EnterBaseline
  938. # [15:24] <jandem-away> padenot: thanks, i'm just looking for somebody with STR :)
  939. # [15:24] <padenot> how did you link it to me ? :-)
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  941. # [15:25] <jandem-away> i think it had your mail address, or name in the url, not sure
  942. # [15:25] <padenot> ahh
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  944. # [15:26] <padenot> ok I understand, I thought it was a crash in my code
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  946. # [15:26] <padenot> I usually put my mozilla email adress in crash reports for this reason, yeah
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  948. # [15:27] <padenot> but looking at about:crashes on this machine does not yield anything interesting, sorry
  949. # [15:28] <jandem-away> padenot: oops sorry, i realize that was confusing
  950. # [15:28] <jandem-away> padenot: thanks
  951. # [15:28] <padenot> I'll have a look on other machine, but I'm at FOSDEM atm, so I only have this laptop
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  961. # [15:42] <wkn> hello
  962. # [15:42] <Ms2ger|docs> padenot, where are you, btw?
  963. # [15:43] <padenot> Ms2ger|docs: performance track, in Janson, there is a guy from the CERN talking about a cool profiler
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  965. # [15:43] <Ms2ger|docs> About to head there
  966. # [15:43] <padenot> he actually used it on Firefox, and it has cool features, I want to give it a try
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  968. # [15:44] <wkn> i have a little problem by mach. When i run ./mach run fifefox don't launch but when i type in terminal firefox it launch whai is the problem ?
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  972. # [15:45] <padenot> heh, the guy on stage is thanking cjones for some reay
  973. # [15:46] <padenot> reason*
  974. # [15:46] <Ms2ger|docs> cjones does lots of cool stuff
  975. # [15:46] <padenot> yeah
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  986. # [15:54] <Ms2ger|janson> padenot, still here?
  987. # [15:55] * Ms2ger|janson wishes janson had power outlets
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  991. # [15:58] <Ms2ger|janson> I'll probably be off after this talk
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  994. # [16:00] <padenot> Ms2ger|janson: yep, I've spotted you
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  996. # [16:01] <Ms2ger|janson> padenot, now I just need to spot you back
  997. # [16:01] <padenot> we are a down the room, on the left with nical and bbouvier
  998. # [16:01] * padenot waves with a black hat a beard
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  1011. # [16:19] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/5c4b7be30f7d - Tom Schuster - Bug 1127443 - Don't mark objects created by JS_NewObjectWithGivenProto as having unknown properties.
  1012. # [16:19] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/87f2bd784f41 - Tom Schuster - Bug 1127443 - Move some JS_NewObject callers to JS_NewObjectWithGiveProto
  1013. # [16:19] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/3f806794d466 - Tom Schuster - Bug 1127443 - Remove JS_NewObject proto argument.
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  1033. # [16:42] <Ms2ger|janson> padenot, sorry I ran, had to take a call
  1034. # [16:43] * ttaubert is now known as ttaubert|fosdem
  1035. # [16:45] <Ms2ger|janson> smaug, still around?
  1036. # [16:45] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/a20a539ac610 - Victor Porof - Bug 1127472 - RecordingUtils.getSamplesFromAllocations should include the function name in the frames' location, r=jsantell
  1037. # [16:45] <ttaubert|fosdem> yeah I can see him :P
  1038. # [16:46] * philor|away is now known as philor
  1039. # [16:46] <Ms2ger|janson> ttaubert|fosdem, oh, where?
  1040. # [16:46] <ttaubert|fosdem> view from the stage... top left corner
  1041. # [16:46] <ttaubert|fosdem> *viewed
  1042. # [16:46] <Ms2ger|janson> Doh
  1043. # [16:47] <Ms2ger|janson> Back to janson it is, then :)
  1044. # [16:47] <ttaubert|fosdem> yeah
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  1051. # [16:50] <Ms2ger|janson> Alright, coming by there as I'm leaving :)
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  1072. # [17:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/fff54c008d7d - Jeff Muizelaar - Bug 1099074. Don't enable D2D1.1 with non-OMTC. r=bgirard,a=sylvestre
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  1093. # [18:05] <hodor> I am new to software development. Till now I have done only competative coding. I would love to start development with Mozilla. Any help would be appriciated
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  1095. # [18:08] <till> hodor: welcome!
  1096. # [18:08] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/pushloghtml?changeset=426bc5ee47d9 - 18 changesets
  1097. # [18:08] <till> hodor: a good place to start is https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Introduction
  1098. # [18:08] <Archaeopteryx> hodor: hi, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Introduction has an introduction and http://www.joshmatthews.net/bugsahoy/ lets you choose bugs and filter them by programming language, project, and if the bug is owned
  1099. # [18:08] <till> hodor: also, #introduction is a good channel, though it might be pretty deserted right now, weekend and all that
  1100. # [18:08] <Archaeopteryx> hodor is already there
  1101. # [18:09] <till> heh
  1102. # [18:09] <till> ah
  1103. # [18:09] <hodor> I know c++, so what would be good for me to start with?
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  1138. # [18:48] <@smaug> anyone recalls if menus-being-placed-incorrectly in non-e10s has been filed?
  1139. # [18:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/a2e2e25e3587 - Chris Pearce - Bug 1123535 - Run MediaDecoderReader::ReleaseMediaResources on decode task queue. r=jwwang a=sledru
  1140. # [18:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/864660ce7095 - Chris Pearce - Bug 1123535 - Make MP4Reader and WMFMediaDataDecoder support going dormant. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe a=sledru
  1141. # [18:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/e41e13cff724 - Chris Pearce - Bug 1123535 - Enable dormant heuristic for MP4Reader. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe a=sledru
  1142. # [18:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/533ac462e0e5 - Chris Pearce - Bug 1123535 - Don't hold decoder monitor while calling PreReadMetadata. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe a=sledru
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  1148. # [19:01] <Archaeopteryx> smaug: related to the current status / a regression of bug 1075670?
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  1151. # [19:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/030744f8ef5a - Andrea Marchesini - Bug 1127885 - Console API should display blobs when used in workers, r=smaug
  1152. # [19:14] <@smaug> Archaeopteryx: hmm, that shouldn't have affected non-e10s
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  1161. # [19:30] <NeilAway> glandium: does @xpidl_rules@ contain dependency information? it looks as if the xpt generation process is duplicating effort, and thus breaking in the rename/delete idl file case
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  1345. # [23:39] <kaie> in 2011 I created webm videos using ffmpeg, which at that time had worked fine in Firefox. They no longer work. Videos that I create today using ffmpeg don't play either.
  1346. # [23:39] <kaie> Are you aware this broke?
  1347. # [23:40] <kaie> e.g. http://video.fosdem.org/2011/devrooms/mozilla/mozilla_sun1300__fighting_i_o__hommey.webm
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  1351. # [23:41] <kaie> in firefox 17 video works, but audio doesn't (audio works in latest ff) - strange world :-( --- I wish I knew ffmpeg settings that worked in all firefox versions, but cannot find good info
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  1358. # [23:44] <kaie> please ignore my comments. Must be something with my addons. Videos work fine in Firefox 35 with a default profile.
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  1377. # Session Close: Sun Feb 01 00:00:00 2015

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