/irc-logs / mozilla / #developers / 2015-03-11 / end
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- # Session Start: Wed Mar 11 00:00:00 2015
- # Session Ident: #developers
- # [00:00] * Joins: bdahl (bdahl@moz-fet8bn.2rkg.9kg1.0101.2620.IP)
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- # [00:00] * killer sets mode: +o smaug
- # [00:01] * Quits: kentuckyfriedtakahe (ajones@moz-ilhusj.dqqd.b0fh.0cb0.2001.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [00:01] <gandalf> are there no more platform eng. Tuesday calls?
- # [00:01] <@khuey> gandalf: we shut it down
- # [00:01] <gandalf> bummer
- # [00:02] <dmajor> rillian: it's about:memory so the risk should be contained
- # [00:02] <gandalf> anything replaces them?
- # [00:02] * Quits: mwobensmith (mwobensmith@moz-75h484.2rkg.9kg1.0101.2620.IP) (Quit: Leaving.)
- # [00:02] * Joins: roc (chatzilla@moz-53a.fci.192.203.IP)
- # [00:02] * killer sets mode: +o roc
- # [00:03] * Joins: ckerschb_ (anonymous@moz-u3dg2t.sfo1.mozilla.com)
- # [00:03] <mccr8> gandalf: they are still going to put together the same kind of notes about what people are up to, just no actual meeting
- # [00:04] * Quits: shine (uid50849@moz-4m1m5b.ealing.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
- # [00:04] <@khuey> gandalf: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.platform/nz5b6nilo4w/e1cEgTY4dsIJ
- # [00:04] <gandalf> ok, I don't see notes from the last month except of some short notes from last week
- # [00:05] * Quits: DaveM (Dave@moz-5i3.51j.125.50.IP) (Connection closed)
- # [00:05] * Joins: jrmuizel (jrmuizel@moz-361ce8.cable.rogers.com)
- # [00:07] * Quits: shorlander (shorlander@moz-4lj2qn.lsvlky.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: )
- # [00:07] <Pike> so I have a site that doesn't work on https and I can't figure out how to get to it over http, any pointers?
- # [00:09] <Pike> interestingly enough, it works on release and that profie, but not on my nightly profile, https://www.nordicchoicehotels.se/clarion/clarion-hotel-amaranten/
- # [00:10] <@khuey> Pike: hmm, it works on my nightly
- # [00:11] <Mossop> WFM too. The site is probably not including the intermediate certs correctly
- # [00:11] <gandalf> works on my nightly, but looks like no CSS
- # [00:11] <Pike> yeah, no CSS. I also have my nightly with tracking protection, but switching that off didn't help
- # [00:12] * jlund|brb is now known as jlund|buildduty
- # [00:13] * Quits: jimb (user@moz-09a.i8g.126.207.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [00:13] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/pushloghtml?changeset=fd8e079d6335 - 104 changesets
- # [00:13] <@khuey> Pike: it seems to fail to load jquery
- # [00:13] <@khuey> ah
- # [00:13] <@khuey> https://nchwcdn02.choice.no/bundles/desktop/main-module.js?v=KCBDImVfh5tOo-cD9X3HZBXZocfQbVwoNoq487gzM001 fails to load
- # [00:14] <@khuey> ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap
- # [00:14] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/pushloghtml?changeset=f690c0bad51c - 80 changesets
- # [00:14] <@khuey> also the SSL labs report for this website is terrible
- # [00:14] * Quits: ednapiranha (ednapiranha@moz-09a.i8g.126.207.IP) (Quit: )
- # [00:15] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/pushloghtml?changeset=f36885f85922 - 125 changesets
- # [00:15] * Quits: sicking (sicking@moz-u3dg2t.sfo1.mozilla.com) (Client exited)
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- # [00:17] * Quits: beltzner (mike-beltzn@moz-4ddhea.off.net) (Quit: Changing server)
- # [00:17] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/63ccd6dfe60e - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 1 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [00:17] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/c29d7a6f5e4f - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
- # [00:19] * Joins: till (till@moz-6sd.jfj.172.73.IP)
- # [00:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9e174f63f46f - Chris Manchester - Bug 1096488 - Unskip marionette test navigating to non-remote pages.;r=automatedtester
- # [00:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/d6956145538b - Chris Manchester - Bug 1096488 - Test that switching browser remoteness leaves marionette in a usable state.;r=automatedtester
- # [00:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/bca6e36655a4 - Chris Manchester - Bug 1096488 - Detect and handle switching from remote to non-remote pages and back in marionette.;r=automatedtester
- # [00:21] * Joins: beltzner (mike-beltzn@moz-4ddhea.off.net)
- # [00:23] * Quits: till (till@moz-6sd.jfj.172.73.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [00:24] * Quits: givanica (Thunderbird@moz-oj0.83i.26.188.IP) (Client exited)
- # [00:25] * Quits: mt_ (mt@moz-1h1.0je.85.208.IP) (Quit: Leaving.)
- # [00:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/db5005bdc4be - Allison Naaktgeboren - Bug 1124895 part 1/2- Add password manager usage data to FHR.r=gps
- # [00:25] * Quits: mwu (mwu@moz-4qqnj0.hntd.7296.000c.2601.IP) (Quit: Leaving)
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- # [00:27] <rillian> dmajor: did you want me to nominate? seems to apply to 37.
- # [00:28] * Quits: @roc (chatzilla@moz-53a.fci.192.203.IP) (Connection closed)
- # [00:28] * Quits: rbarnes (rbarnes@moz-1h1.0je.85.208.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
- # [00:28] * yzen is now known as yzen_
- # [00:28] * Joins: mconley (mconley@moz-os98q9.cable.teksavvy.com)
- # [00:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/69c682891670 - Blake Kaplan - Bug 1134006 - Avoid IPC for domElement.QueryInterface(nsISupports) and nsIClassInfo. r=billm
- # [00:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6ee3e7424d3a - Xidorn Quan - Bug 1140264 part 1 - Avoid expanding auto-hidden ruby annotations. r=dbaron
- # [00:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/a71446331ce6 - Xidorn Quan - Bug 1140264 part 2 - Move and merge line breaking code in rbc reflow to reduce useless computation and fix undesired break point. r=dbaron
- # [00:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f672b2cd7a4f - Xidorn Quan - Bug 1140264 part 3 - Rename IsInlineDescendantOfRuby to ShouldSuppressLineBreak and exclude rbc/rtc from it. r=dbaron
- # [00:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/144ea3057b66 - Xidorn Quan - Bug 1140264 part 4 - Reftest for this bug. r=dbaron
- # [00:32] * Quits: yzen_ (yzen@moz-ql1r6k.cpe.pppoe.ca) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [00:34] * Quits: brendan (brendaneich@moz-0gq.0rd.102.38.IP) (Client exited)
- # [00:35] <Bas> There's no way to access preferences off the main thread, right?
- # [00:36] * Quits: badescunicu (Thunderbird@moz-ainmka.eregie.pub.ro) (Client exited)
- # [00:37] * Joins: ericjung__ (ericjung@moz-ne8iiv.7ch4.iin2.0006.2601.IP)
- # [00:37] <ericjung__> Someone ring?
- # [00:37] * Joins: DGMurdockIII (dgmurdockii@moz-0vqpbu.in.comcast.net)
- # [00:37] <glandium> RyanVM|afk: ping
- # [00:38] <glandium> Bas: iirc, no
- # [00:38] * Quits: mconley (mconley@moz-os98q9.cable.teksavvy.com) (Connection closed)
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- # [00:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/5fd2f893b4bc - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1139050 - Add moz.build BUG_COMPONENT metadata for xpcom/. r=froydnj
- # [00:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ba1cb75846f3 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1139050, part 2 - Move nsAlgorithm.h to xpcom/base. r=froydnj
- # [00:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1da20013ecf6 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1119482, part 1 - Use CycleCollectedJSRuntime::Get() in the various CC wrapper methods. r=smaug
- # [00:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/a91f48050ad1 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1119482, part 2 - Move HoldDropJSObjects.h from xpcom/glue to xpcom/base. r=froydnj
- # [00:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6efde76492ae - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1119482, part 3 - Move the Hold and DropJSObjects implementations to a new HoldDropJSObjects.cpp file. r=smaug
- # [00:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6df619aca839 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1119482, part 4 - Move IsJSHolder into HoldDropJSObjects. r=smaug
- # [00:42] * Quits: ehugg (ehugg@moz-en1.ucq.107.128.IP) (Client exited)
- # [00:43] * Quits: mreavy (chatzilla@moz-ec2133.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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- # [00:49] * Quits: oliverthor (oliverthor@moz-5i3.51j.125.50.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
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- # [00:51] * Quits: mccr8 (mccr8@moz-cfhap5.mtv2.mozilla.com) (Quit: computer sleep)
- # [00:51] * Quits: Rik (rik@moz-0lsg4k.rev.numericable.fr) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
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- # [00:53] <dholbert> How can I tell if a piece of JS gets jitted or not?
- # [00:53] * Quits: jrmuizel (jrmuizel@moz-361ce8.cable.rogers.com) (Connection closed)
- # [00:53] <dholbert> (this is a function on a script-implemented service, which I'm invoking from C++)
- # [00:53] * Quits: gsvelto_ (gsvelto@moz-4p2810.clienti.tiscali.it) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
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- # [00:54] <@smaug> dholbert: ask #jsapi?
- # [00:54] <dholbert> and it seems there are perf decisions about what happen in the script that may differ based on whether the script is jitted
- # [00:54] <dholbert> smaug, yup, I'll try over there
- # [00:54] * KWierso is now known as KWierso|afk
- # [00:56] * Quits: Archaeopteryx (Archaeopter@moz-l41382.cust.telecolumbus.net) (Quit: Goodbye)
- # [00:56] * Joins: h4writer (h4writer@moz-lcj9pu.access.telenet.be)
- # [00:57] <dmajor> rillian: sure
- # [00:57] * Quits: bajaj (bajaj_afk@moz-ql7cnq.mh2d.1ibb.0101.2620.IP) (Quit: Leaving.)
- # [00:58] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9e3bb49db815 - Daniel Holbert - Bug 1140917 followup: add missing MOZ_OVERRIDE annotations on new DocAccessibleChild method-decls. r=ehsan
- # [00:58] * Joins: edmorley|away (uid27002@moz-524haa.brockwell.irccloud.com)
- # [01:00] * Joins: ehugg (ehugg@moz-f04slc.cisco.com)
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- # [01:01] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ddf4960cda9a - Jed Davis - Bug 1034143: Step 1: Fix tests for bug 945152 and bug 1008126. r=smaug
- # [01:01] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/879c78ef29ec - Jed Davis - Bug 1043143: Step 2a: Add a class like nsDownloader but using memory instead of a file.
- # [01:01] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/66d2a14f0fb0 - Jed Davis - Bug 1034143: Step 2b: Add the ability to read jar files from arbitrary memory. r=honzab r=jduell
- # [01:01] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/3c316731c170 - Jed Davis - Bug 1043143: Step 3: Convert nsJARChannel from temporary files to temporary memory. r=honzab
- # [01:01] * Fallen|away is now known as Fallen
- # [01:01] <jld> Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee.
- # [01:01] * Joins: jrmuizel (jrmuizel@moz-nqe.37f.193.104.IP)
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- # [01:02] <jld> ...argh. I forgot to amend the r= into place on one of those.
- # [01:03] <jld> Interesting that the push didn't fail because of that.
- # [01:04] * Joins: billm (billm@moz-m1mvg5.ujol.1ibb.0101.2620.IP)
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- # [01:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/6567555dae6e - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [01:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/67a4f6acff23 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
- # [01:05] * Quits: gerv (Instantbird@moz-l8ebtf.sfo1.mozilla.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [01:06] * Joins: kentuckyfriedtakahe (ajones@moz-ilhusj.dqqd.b0fh.0cb0.2001.IP)
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- # [01:07] * khuey is now known as khuey|away
- # [01:07] * heycam is now known as heycam|away
- # [01:09] <sfink> jld: don't tell anyone, but there's no review hook. Not only that, but there's never been a review hook. Ever.
- # [01:09] * Quits: DGMurdockIII (dgmurdockii@moz-0vqpbu.in.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [01:09] * Joins: dgmurdock (dgmurdockii@moz-0vqpbu.in.comcast.net)
- # [01:09] <efaust> sfink: really?
- # [01:09] * Quits: dgmurdock (dgmurdockii@moz-0vqpbu.in.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
- # [01:09] * efaust pushes whatever he wants
- # [01:10] <sfink> there *is* an approval hook. And a revoke-efaust's-commit-access hook.
- # [01:11] * Quits: myk (myk@moz-u3dg2t.sfo1.mozilla.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [01:12] * Joins: catalinb (catalin@moz-gqj676.residential.rdsnet.ro)
- # [01:12] <efaust> sfink: checkin-needed; checkin?sfink it is
- # [01:12] * Quits: catalinb (catalin@moz-gqj676.residential.rdsnet.ro) (Quit: Leaving)
- # [01:13] <sfink> ...and that's why we don't use the revoke-efault's-commit-access hook.
- # [01:13] * Joins: Enn (enn@moz-pe6f5p.cable.rogers.com)
- # [01:14] * Parts: Snuffleupagus (chatzilla@moz-5hgc5j.bredband.comhem.se) ("")
- # [01:14] <dmajor> freudian slip?
- # [01:14] <sfink> oops!
- # [01:15] * Joins: bajaj (bajaj_afk@moz-6lou4i.ca.comcast.net)
- # [01:15] <efaust> sfink: it's OK, I hilight on that, also. It's my nick when my server that hosts my IRC session goes down >.>
- # [01:15] * Quits: &dbaron (dbaron@moz-opoj56.2rkg.9kg1.0101.2620.IP) (Quit: 8403864 bytes have been tenured, next gc will be global.)
- # [01:16] <RyanVM|afk> glandium: pong
- # [01:17] * heycam|away is now known as heycam
- # [01:18] * Quits: AaronMT (AaronMT@moz-5e6tl2.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
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- # [01:18] <glandium> RyanVM|afk: ni?ed you
- # [01:18] <RyanVM|afk> k, replied :P
- # [01:18] * Quits: juanb (jbecerra@moz-cfhap5.mtv2.mozilla.com) (Client exited)
- # [01:18] <@smaug> dholbert: ah, clang 3.4 here
- # [01:19] * chmanchester|lunch is now known as chmanchester
- # [01:19] <dholbert> smaug, gotcha. yeah, clang 3.6 isn't the default version anywhere yet AFAIK
- # [01:19] * Quits: gandalf (zbraniecki@moz-cp7c4m.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
- # [01:20] <jld> sfink: ...oh. Maybe I was thinking of the bug number check.
- # [01:21] * Joins: lsblakk_ (lsblakk@moz-ugruel.PUBLIC.monkeybrains.net)
- # [01:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/a0f18594c0de - Josh Matthews - Bug 1141260 - Null-check the responsive selector in images. r=jst
- # [01:21] <jld> (Which IIRC whitelists "no bug", so maybe don't use that locally to mean "don't push me yet".)
- # [01:21] <glandium> RyanVM|afk: huh
- # [01:23] * Joins: jduell_ (jduell@moz-vpt83s.tukw.qwest.net)
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- # [01:23] <RyanVM|afk> glandium: maybe it was a one-off, but there was enough mozalloc/mozglue involved to perk up my ears :)
- # [01:23] * Quits: Mossop (dtownsend@moz-lf113l.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
- # [01:24] * Quits: hurley (hurley@moz-odug9h.ip6.sonic.net) (Quit: MUTEX!)
- # [01:24] <glandium> RyanVM|afk: all the others are linux, though
- # [01:24] <glandium> RyanVM|afk: and likely all the same
- # [01:24] <RyanVM|afk> glandium: I'm not sure I understand the significance of that
- # [01:25] * Joins: Mossop (dtownsend@moz-lf113l.fios.verizon.net)
- # [01:25] <glandium> RyanVM|afk: 1141759 is on windows
- # [01:25] <glandium> and thus unrelated to a linux kernel bug
- # [01:25] <RyanVM|afk> did you patch not affect Windows or something?
- # [01:25] <glandium> RyanVM|afk: no, the thing is that all the others on linux are a linux kernel bug
- # [01:25] <RyanVM|afk> glandium: oh, ouch
- # [01:25] * ewong|away is now known as ewong
- # [01:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/d8ced7e7e76c - Xidorn Quan - Bug 1088489 followup - Remove accidentally nested <rbc> from box-generation-4-ref.html. rs=dholbert DONTBUILD
- # [01:26] <glandium> RyanVM|afk: the best part is that we were supposed to be using the fixed kernel, except we aren't
- # [01:26] <RyanVM|afk> lolwut
- # [01:26] <glandium> RyanVM|afk: bug 1141339
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- # [01:30] <RyanVM|afk> ugh, messy
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- # [01:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9000e74fa1fe - Stephen Pohl - Bug 1140522: Ensure proper use of appDisabled and userDisabled in GMPProvider.jsm. r=mossop
- # [01:33] * Quits: Mnyromyr (Mnyromyr@moz-g32cve.ejss.mv3s.0908.2a02.IP) (Connection closed)
- # [01:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/pushloghtml?changeset=0e360d3f690b - 11 changesets
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- # [01:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e80be1e1d166 - Byron Campen [:bwc] - Bug 1140089: Call SetPullEnabled on all streams in PCMedia when offer/answer concludes. r=jesup
- # [01:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e2f404ba1adf - Byron Campen [:bwc] - Bug 1140635: Remove |magic_num| fields from sipcc.
- # [01:35] * Quits: drno (nohlmeier@moz-ec0bb5.ca.comcast.net) (Client exited)
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- # [01:38] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/7e279cc6cb7a - Nathan Froyd - Bug 1141689 - use services::GetObserverService more; r=ehsan
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- # [01:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/14fda1809043 - Stephen Pohl - Backout 9000e74fa1fe because it requires test updates. r=me
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- # [01:47] <seth> argh
- # [01:48] <seth> try: -b do -p android,android-x86 -u all -t none
- # [01:48] * KWierso|afk is now known as KWierso
- # [01:48] <seth> should that not run some tests?!
- # [01:48] * Quits: drno (nohlmeier@moz-ec0bb5.ca.comcast.net) (Client exited)
- # [01:48] <seth> i consistently have the problem where that does not run tests for android
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- # [01:48] <RyanVM|afk> seth: your syntax is out of date
- # [01:48] <seth> RyanVM|afk: that'd be the syntax spit out by the 'hg trychooser' extension =(
- # [01:49] <RyanVM|afk> try: -b do -p android-api-9,android-api-11,android-x86 -u all -t none
- # [01:49] <RyanVM|afk> not sure who maintains that
- # [01:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9fa04d97fb6d - Jeff Muizelaar - Bug 1141864. Replace a bunch nsAutoPtr.h includes with nsRefPtr.h
- # [01:49] <RyanVM|afk> ^ is what you get from the trychooser site
- # [01:49] <seth> sfink: ^
- # [01:49] * seth tries to find the site for the extension
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- # [01:50] * Fallen is now known as Fallen|away
- # [01:50] * bc is now known as bc|afk
- # [01:50] <xidorn> why does a DONTBUILD still triggers a Mulet Linux x64 opt build?
- # [01:51] <froydnj> hm, does inbound need to be closed to let things catch up a little?
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- # [01:51] <xidorn> it seems that most pushes trigger an additional Mulet Linux x64 opt build
- # [01:52] <RyanVM|afk> xidorn: it's running on taskcluster
- # [01:52] <RyanVM|afk> which apparently doesn't know what to do with it
- # [01:52] <RyanVM|afk> lightsofapollo: ^
- # [01:53] <lightsofapollo> xidorn: serious problem or just annoying ?
- # [01:53] <seth> apparently someone fixed the trychooser extension a few days ago
- # [01:53] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1f34ebc9eb00 - Mike Hommey - Bug 1141660 - Fix bustage from bug 868814 with --disable-replace-malloc. r=njn
- # [01:53] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ff08cf105def - Mike Hommey - Bug 1141731 - Avoid problems caused by the inclusion of mozmemory.h in mozalloc.cpp by including mozmemory_wrap.h instead. r=njn
- # [01:53] <xidorn> lightsofapollo, just curious
- # [01:53] <lightsofapollo> xidorn: can I see your push?
- # [01:53] <lightsofapollo> we probably are not implementing something the same way ...
- # [01:53] * Quits: billm (billm@moz-m1mvg5.ujol.1ibb.0101.2620.IP) (Quit: Leaving)
- # [01:53] <xidorn> lightsofapollo, https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=mozilla-inbound&revision=d8ced7e7e76c
- # [01:53] <RyanVM|afk> lightsofapollo: DONTBUILD is a magic keyword to tell buildbot not to schedule any jobs on the push
- # [01:53] * Quits: bnicholson (bnicholson@moz-cfhap5.mtv2.mozilla.com) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
- # [01:54] <RyanVM|afk> for things like comment-only changes where it'd only be wasting resources
- # [01:54] <lightsofapollo> gotcha- I don't think we implement this one but easy thing..
- # [01:55] <lightsofapollo> RyanVM|afk: does it always just short circuit ?
- # [01:55] <RyanVM|afk> not sure I understand the question?
- # [01:55] * lightsofapollo will look at logic in bb first but off hand curious
- # [01:55] <lightsofapollo> RyanVM|afk: i.e. if I push to try with DONTBUILD it won't build ?
- # [01:55] <RyanVM|afk> I believe so, yes
- # [01:55] <xidorn> but why nearly every push without DONTBUILD has two Mulet Linux x64 opt build?
- # [01:56] <RyanVM|afk> xidorn: one's running on buildbot, one's on taskcluster
- # [01:56] <RyanVM|afk> buildbot ones will be getting shut off soon
- # [01:57] <lightsofapollo> xidorn: filed bug 1141872
- # [01:57] <xidorn> RyanVM|afk, oh, okay
- # [01:57] <lightsofapollo> xidorn: some new in tree logic deals with scheduling TC (taskcluster) stuff that is not identical to the buildbot logic
- # [01:57] * Quits: ericjung__ (ericjung@moz-ne8iiv.7ch4.iin2.0006.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [01:57] <lightsofapollo> looks like we never implemented this one...
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- # [01:57] <lightsofapollo> will add it in day or so (assuming it's not really killing anyone today)
- # [01:58] <xidorn> what's the difference between buildbot and TC?
- # [01:58] <RyanVM|afk> lightsofapollo: nah, it's not hurting anything besides resource utilization
- # [01:58] <lightsofapollo> xidorn: I have some stuff here http://lightsofapollo.github.io/ ... and also see testing/taskcluster ... it's entirely new CI system for our linux/b2g stuff
- # [01:59] <RyanVM|afk> it's the future, man!
- # [01:59] <xidorn> lightsofapollo, thanks!
- # [01:59] <lightsofapollo> faster/bigger machines / docker based / in tree logic
- # [01:59] <RyanVM|afk> xidorn: if you were in Portland, remember that time gal made all those guys get up on stage during his talk? :P
- # [01:59] <lightsofapollo> xidorn: feel free to bug me if you see any other weird stuff.. we are replacing bb jobs now but might be some bumps along the way...
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- # [02:00] <RyanVM|afk> lightsofapollo: which reminds me, we need to decide roughly how many chunks we want for the emulator tests so I can start filing bugs for the tests that need "assistance"
- # [02:00] <xidorn> RyanVM|afk, oh, probably yes, so that was for TC?
- # [02:00] <RyanVM|afk> xidorn: yeah
- # [02:01] <xidorn> cool
- # [02:01] <xidorn> lightsofapollo, ok, thanks
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- # [02:19] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/bdbdf7c42859 - David Burns - NO BUG: correct import in marionette about_pages tests r=me DONTBUILD
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- # [02:20] * killer sets mode: +o dveditz
- # [02:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1413670f7387 - Wes Kocher - Backed out changeset bdbdf7c42859 for pushing extra files that weren't supposed to be pushed
- # [02:21] * philor|away is now known as philor
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- # [02:23] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/aaa300e55f61 - David Burns - NO BUG: correct import in marionette about_pages tests r=me DONTBUILD
- # [02:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/pushloghtml?changeset=fd8e079d6335 - 17 changesets
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- # [02:27] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/cd0ee062c7db - Steven Michaud - Bug 1137229 - Fix breakage in IMEInputHandler::OnDestroyWidget(). r=masayuki
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- # [02:32] <KWierso> glandium: bustage
- # [02:33] <glandium> KWierso: sigh. thanks try for being so slow on osx
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- # [02:33] <glandium> KWierso: can you backout 1141731?
- # [02:33] * Joins: clokep (Instantbird@moz-ivrdpu.cable.rcn.com)
- # [02:33] <KWierso> sure
- # [02:33] * AutomatedTester is now known as AutomatedTester|AFK
- # [02:33] <glandium> thanks
- # [02:34] * Quits: evanxd (Adium@moz-tqu74o.dynamic.hinet.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [02:34] <glandium> KWierso: actually, wait a sec
- # [02:34] * Quits: fubar (fubar@moz-1gfn51.electric-mayhem.org) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [02:34] <KWierso> too late
- # [02:34] * nsm is now known as nsm|away
- # [02:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ae0468972de2 - Wes Kocher - Backed out changeset ff08cf105def (bug 1141731) for osx bustage
- # [02:35] * Quits: Pike (chatzilla@moz-9bccf3.pool.mediaways.net) (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 36.0.1/20150305021524])
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- # [02:36] <glandium> seriously... I pushed to try 2.5 hours ago, osx builds still pending
- # [02:37] <glandium> that's totally common these days, it usually takes more than 4 hours for osx builds to even start
- # [02:37] <glandium> which means it's actually faster to crash and burn inbound than use try
- # [02:39] * Quits: jdm (jdm@moz-ak9a3r.ckpj.s0pt.0450.2001.IP) (Quit: )
- # [02:39] * heycam is now known as heycam|away
- # [02:39] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/24872a839d9d - Wes Kocher - Backed out 9 changesets (bug 1141710)
- # [02:39] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f8076d7dcfcb - Wes Kocher - Backed out 2 changesets (bug 1141498) for mochitest-1 bustage
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- # [03:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/1677ee4551b7 - Wes Kocher - Backed out 3 changesets (bug 1126184) for causing a spike in new tab bc1 test failures CLOSED TREE
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- # [03:13] <cpearce> do we support any compilers now that don't support the "override" keyword?
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- # [03:14] <cpearce> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Using_CXX_in_Mozilla_code seems to indicate so...
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- # [03:14] <RyanVM|afk> cpearce: dev-platform says that gcc 4.7 is very soon to become the minimum-supported gcc version, fwiw
- # [03:15] <cpearce> yeah, "real soon" now.
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- # [03:15] * Quits: brendan (brendaneich@moz-gpqelf.public.wayport.net) (Client exited)
- # [03:15] <RyanVM|afk> I would assume that MOZ_OVERRIDE will die shortly after the switch is made
- # [03:15] * Quits: jcj (jcj@moz-tl1.3a2.133.66.IP) (Quit: goodnight, night vale. goodnight.)
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- # [03:21] <efaust> tree ETA?
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- # [03:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/70aa1e881a09 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [03:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/73a714937a55 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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- # [03:36] <KWierso|afk> RyanVM|afk: any chance you
- # [03:36] <KWierso|afk> 're still around?
- # [03:36] <RyanVM|afk> sorta
- # [03:36] <KWierso|afk> I'm seeing things like https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=7434570&repo=mozilla-inbound on inbound
- # [03:37] <RyanVM|afk> lovely
- # [03:37] <RyanVM|afk> just OSX?
- # [03:37] <KWierso|afk> nope https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=7435454&repo=mozilla-inbound
- # [03:38] <RyanVM|afk> bug 1116605 and bug 1118774 make it seem like an infra issue
- # [03:39] <RyanVM|afk> Jlund: still around?
- # [03:39] * Quits: KaiRo_away (robert@moz-b3uqkb.highway.telekom.at) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
- # [03:39] <KWierso|afk> efaust: "maybe eventually" :)
- # [03:40] <Jlund> RyanVM|afk: maybe. :) on phone right now
- # [03:40] * Joins: fabrice (fabrice@moz-r84lgh.ca.comcast.net)
- # [03:40] <RyanVM|afk> KWierso|afk: all the failures were in pretty close proximity timewise
- # [03:40] <RyanVM|afk> so I'm leaning infra
- # [03:41] <RyanVM|afk> no further instances in 20min now
- # [03:41] <KWierso|afk> RyanVM|afk: any chance fox2mike's "yay, now I broke puppet" from #releng is at fault?
- # [03:41] <RyanVM|afk> could very well be, does the timing line up?
- # [03:41] <RyanVM|afk> ~19:15 PT
- # [03:41] <KWierso|afk> 18:15
- # [03:41] <KWierso|afk> er, 18:25
- # [03:42] <RyanVM|afk> seems unlikely then unless other instances were starred away already
- # [03:42] * RyanVM|afk is in onlyunstarred mode
- # [03:42] <KWierso|afk> none that I starred
- # [03:42] * Joins: ckerschb_ (anonymous@moz-5ri35j.ca.comcast.net)
- # [03:43] <RyanVM|afk> oh awesome, SM(ggc) on windows is permafailing too
- # [03:43] <RyanVM|afk> ...since yesterday
- # [03:43] <RyanVM|afk> *sigh*
- # [03:44] <efaust> KWierso|afk: I feel kinda guilty for asking now. I didn't realize you guys were sifting through so much :/
- # [03:44] * Joins: Edgar (Thunderbird@moz-aj9ejj.HINET-IP.hinet.net)
- # [03:44] <RyanVM|afk> KWierso|afk: bustage from https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=mozilla-inbound&revision=9c405f41e3e7
- # [03:44] <RyanVM|afk> ok, technically that made it in today still
- # [03:44] <RyanVM|afk> albeit barely :P
- # [03:45] <RyanVM|afk> KWierso|afk: anyway, I'd be OK calling those others infra and getting on with life
- # [03:46] * Jlund is now known as jlund
- # [03:46] <KWierso|afk> RyanVM|afk: you sure? there's similar failures on prior pushes
- # [03:46] <RyanVM|afk> may be worth filing a RelEng bug on them, though CCing the actors from the last one
- # [03:46] * Quits: ddahl (ddahl@moz-40a6g5.il.comcast.net) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
- # [03:46] <RyanVM|afk> KWierso|afk: windows SM(ggc)?
- # [03:46] <RyanVM|afk> the asserts sure look new
- # [03:46] <RyanVM|afk> and they sure look related to lth's push
- # [03:47] <RyanVM|afk> and the run before his push was green, and then they're permafail
- # [03:47] <KWierso|afk> oh, okay
- # [03:47] <RyanVM|afk> Assertion failure: byteRegs.has(oldval), at c:\builds\moz2_slave\m-in_w32-d_sm-ggc-000000000000\src\js\src\jit/shared/MacroAssembler-x86-shared.h:732
- # [03:47] * sheppy is now known as sheppy-offline
- # [03:47] <KWierso|afk> it's only mostly permafail before that :P
- # [03:47] * Quits: drno (nohlmeier@moz-ec0bb5.ca.comcast.net) (Client exited)
- # [03:47] <RyanVM|afk> KWierso|afk: and let me say how awesome we are that no less than 3 of us missed the permafail on those :P
- # [03:47] * Joins: arasbm (zooby@moz-3rmc9b.ok.shawcable.net)
- # [03:47] <RyanVM|afk> \m/
- # [03:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/08b41d22b89b - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [03:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/91b2d52f2f65 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
- # [03:49] <KWierso|afk> okay, I'll back out lth and then file that build thing, then reopen and gtfo
- # [03:49] <RyanVM|afk> sgtm
- # [03:49] <RyanVM|afk> sfink: FML, seriously, 3 of us missed that windows SM(ggc) had gone permafail all day today
- # [03:50] <RyanVM|afk> (as Wes mentioned, they weren't exactly great to begin with)
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- # [03:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/8e261a74f350 - Wes Kocher - Backed out 2 changesets (bug 1138348)
- # [03:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/587824864860 - Wes Kocher - Backed out changeset 449fc5e20299 (bug 1141067) for making windows ggc permafail CLOSED TREE
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- # [04:02] <KWierso|afk> efaust: you
- # [04:02] <KWierso|afk> 're up
- # [04:03] <efaust> KWierso|afk: much obliged
- # [04:03] * KWierso|afk |afk's harder
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- # [04:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/98df83a157cb - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1140767 - Build more files in security/manager in unified mode; r=dkeeler
- # [04:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e0e0f46790de - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1141274 - Allocate shared workers and service workers from separate namespaces; r=nsm
- # [04:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/pushloghtml?changeset=d5c21f24c2c8 - 11 changesets
- # [04:05] * Quits: Jerry_Mac (hshih@moz-aj9ejj.HINET-IP.hinet.net) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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- # [04:10] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/86c3fb9ff541 - Shu-yu Guo - Bug 1140643 - JitcodeGlobalMap marking must participate in iterative weak reference marking. (r=terrence)
- # [04:13] * Joins: Jerry_Mac (hshih@moz-2hf62a.HINET-IP.hinet.net)
- # [04:13] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/d971715592f0 - Hsin-Yi Tsai - Bug 1069186 - determine LTE signal level based on rsrp and rssnr. r=edgar
- # [04:13] * Quits: bbondy (bbondy@moz-hchicl.home4.cgocable.net) (Connection closed)
- # [04:15] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/8949ff85977e - Xidorn Quan - Bug 1141842 - Add LastOptionalBreakPriority to nsLineLayout to simplify some code. r=roc
- # [04:15] <kk1fff> khuey: ping
- # [04:17] * Quits: surkov (surkov@moz-v8g78c.cpe.teksavvy.com) (Client exited)
- # [04:18] <@khuey> kk1fff: hi
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- # [04:20] <kk1fff> khuey: hi. I have a question about queuing pblob.
- # [04:20] * Quits: RyanVM|afk (Thunderbird@moz-97pjjt.fios.verizon.net) (Client exited)
- # [04:21] <@khuey> kk1fff: is this the same question you asked bent in that bug?
- # [04:21] <kk1fff> khuey: yeah
- # [04:22] <@khuey> kk1fff: yeah, it's on my list to do tomorrow
- # [04:22] * Quits: atsai (atsai@moz-tqu74o.dynamic.hinet.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [04:22] <@khuey> kk1fff: bent has been out for a while, so I'm covering for him
- # [04:22] <kk1fff> khuey: I guess he is too busy to answer.
- # [04:22] <@khuey> kk1fff: need to reread the code to answer your question though
- # [04:22] <kk1fff> khuey: great!
- # [04:22] <@khuey> kk1fff: he was on PTO last week, then his grandmother died this past weekend
- # [04:22] <jlund> KWierso|afk: here officially, anything still needed from releng?
- # [04:23] <@khuey> kk1fff: so he's out this week too
- # [04:23] <kk1fff> khuey: oh.
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- # [04:23] <kk1fff> khuey: okay.
- # [04:24] <@khuey> kk1fff: anyways, I'm trying to make sure that things don't get ignored too long
- # [04:24] <kk1fff> khuey: it's good to know that you will look the question.
- # [04:24] <kk1fff> khuey: thanks!
- # [04:25] * Quits: automata (automata@moz-jo2.0eg.34.177.IP) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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- # [04:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/73f4dd8f8d97 - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Part 1: Parser support for 'extends' in ES6 Classes. (r=jorendorff)
- # [04:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/478d797266b1 - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Part 2: Implement JSOP_CLASSHERITAGE. (r=jorendorff)
- # [04:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f6b44a3c3c6f - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Part 3: Refactor js::CloneFunctionObject to take a proto argument. (r=jorendorff)
- # [04:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/a40045b47bba - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Part 4: Implement JSOP_FUNWITHPROTO. (r=jorendorff)
- # [04:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/99933582c7d8 - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Part 5: Implement JSOP_OBJWITHPROTO. (r=jorendorff)
- # [04:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e06ad6b69b25 - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Part 6: Emitter support for 'extends' in ES6 Classes. (r=jorendorff)
- # [04:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ce28663e61d4 - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Tests. (r=jorendorff)
- # [04:29] <efaust> if any of that goes wrong, I'll be back in a few hours. Nuke the stack, and I'll take care of it ^
- # [04:30] * Joins: ehugg (ehugg@moz-63sj5i.wa.comcast.net)
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- # [04:32] <@khuey> glandium: ping
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- # [04:40] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/583d27938297 - Sotaro Ikeda - Bug 1141311 - Add async mode support to GonkNativeWindow on Lollipop Gonk r=pchang
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- # [04:43] * killer sets mode: +ao dbaron dbaron
- # [04:44] <KWierso|afk> jlund: I don't think so
- # [04:44] <jlund> k
- # [04:44] * Joins: tonymec (tonymec@moz-27p.nui.128.109.IP)
- # [04:45] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b43067fa81e7 - Phil Ringnalda - Backed out 7 changesets (bug 1066234) for bustage
- # [04:46] <@khuey> well that didn't take long
- # [04:46] <KWierso|afk> jlund: filed bug 1141893 for it, but it seems isolated to just those three builds
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- # [04:51] <jld> sheriffs: I typo'ed the bug number in a commit that I pushed to m-i. Is that going to cause bad things to happen at uplift time?
- # [04:51] * Joins: ehugg (ehugg@moz-63sj5i.wa.comcast.net)
- # [04:51] <jld> s/uplift/m-c merge/
- # [04:51] <@khuey> jld: the comment will end up in the wron bug
- # [04:52] * Joins: btulchinsky (btulchinsky@moz-c6uik4.dsl.bell.ca)
- # [04:52] <@khuey> you should probably just CC yourself to the wrong bug and fix things up once it happens
- # [04:52] <@khuey> and leave a comment in the wrong bug pointing to the right one
- # [04:54] <jld> khuey: The wrong bug is already RESOLVED. Does that change anything, do you know?
- # [04:54] * Quits: mib_Febbe (Mibbit@moz-fd5net.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
- # [04:54] <@khuey> jld: mcmerge will still leave comments in the bug
- # [04:54] <@khuey> it just won't change the status
- # [04:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/08e456ba9fa4 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [04:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/4f1bce63af68 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
- # [04:55] <@khuey> jld: you could also email the sheriffs alias asking them to manually override mcmerge
- # [04:55] <@khuey> to put the comment in the right bug
- # [04:56] <@khuey> although there probably should still be a comment in the wrong bug forwarding people who look the # up from version control
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- # [05:01] <jld> Yes, yes, if I'd used the magic of checkin-needed then this might not have happened.
- # [05:01] * Quits: vicamo (vicamo@moz-8o1.p7n.41.175.IP) (Client exited)
- # [05:03] <jld> khuey: sheriffs at m.o?
- # [05:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4e5181bfe1e3 - Chris Pearce - Bug 1141883 - Add more logging to help debugging EME. r=edwin
- # [05:05] <@khuey> jld: idk if its com or org
- # [05:05] <@khuey> blast both :P
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- # [05:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/172eb08eb395 - Valentin Gosu - Bug 1135354 - Crash/Hang when clicking URL with a huge length r=mcmanus
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- # [05:58] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/f9d960d4b159 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [05:58] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/f9c4abd9f2b4 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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- # [07:18] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/ed7f8e7ab386 - Matthew Noorenberghe - Bug 1140242 - Convert nsILoginInfo to vanilla JS objects before trying to send them in messages. r=dolske
- # [07:18] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/179c0dd9eead - Tom Tromey - Bug 1141553 - Give function name the devtools-monospace class in the profiler r=vporof
- # [07:18] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/3b20eb16d138 - Jennifer Fong - Bug 1126432: Set preference toggle to switch to new WebIDE project listing layout r=jryans
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- # [07:40] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/a84f2773ca6f - Blair McBride - Bug 1136570 - Pre-land strings for initial set of pages in ReadingList. r=Gijs
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- # [08:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/22aea188dac5 - Mike Hommey - Bug 1141731 - Avoid problems caused by the inclusion of mozmemory.h in mozalloc.cpp by including mozmemory_wrap.h instead. r=njn
- # [08:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/80555e0558a3 - Mike Hommey - Bug 1141660 - Always export memalign from jemalloc, even on Windows. r=njn
- # [08:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/84f6168fbf03 - Mike Hommey - Bug 1063880 - Do not emit Linkable-derived objects when COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT is not set. r=mshal
- # [08:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/98d0c08747c1 - Mike Hommey - Bug 1063880 - Allow a --disable-compile-environment to go through a full mach build. r=mshal
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- # [08:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/5bfaed9ef2d0 - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Part 1: Parser support for 'extends' in ES6 Classes. (r=jorendorff)
- # [08:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b049159001f8 - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Part 2: Implement JSOP_CLASSHERITAGE. (r=jorendorff)
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- # [08:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/bbff49b06fad - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Part 3: Refactor js::CloneFunctionObject to take a proto argument. (r=jorendorff)
- # [08:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/bf7a3ed34a20 - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Part 4: Implement JSOP_FUNWITHPROTO. (r=jorendorff)
- # [08:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/73afc3f3890c - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Part 5: Implement JSOP_OBJWITHPROTO. (r=jorendorff)
- # [08:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4f3e48c28f4b - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Part 6: Emitter support for 'extends' in ES6 Classes. (r=jorendorff)
- # [08:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/94a0b2bdf4de - Eric Faust - Bug 1066234 - Tests. (r=jorendorff)
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- # [08:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c4f66ce3b461 - Jonathan Watt - Bug 1141710, part 10 - Update some assertion text and comments. r=birtles
- # [08:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1ea7a6646027 - Jonathan Watt - Bug 1141710, part 11 - Assert that seeking over the before and active phases worked. r=birtles
- # [08:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b791fa5fdf39 - Jonathan Watt - Bug 1141710, part 12 - Check that the hold time is updated when the startTime is set to null. r=birtles
- # [08:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/3d5e8e18f74a - Jonathan Watt - Bug 1141710, part 13 - Wrap all lines at the 80 column mark. r=birtles
- # [08:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/685afe4932f7 - Jonathan Watt - Bug 1141710, part 14 - Get rid of the checks at 90% through the active duration. r=birtles
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- # [08:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/dd4f47fa2113 - Szu-Yu Chen [:aknow] - Bug 1140330 - Clear JSHint warning in RILContentHelper.js. r=hsinyi
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- # [08:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/8ec511e8f40a - Eric Faust - Bug 1066233 - Part 1: Parser suppoert for ES6 ClassExpressions. (r=jorendorff)
- # [08:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ffd61b0194f1 - Eric Faust - Bug 1066233 - Part 2: Emitter support for ES6 ClassExpressions. (r=jorendorff)
- # [08:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/7c8cb8a753c6 - Eric Faust - Bug 1066233 - Part 3: Reflect.parse support for ES6 ClassExpressions. (r=jorendorff)
- # [08:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f2eb8a8f407a - Eric Faust - Bug 1066233 - Tests. (r=jorendorff)
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- # [09:06] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2550379cff3c - Kearwood Gilbert - Bug 969250 - Part 2: Tests for scroll snapping for scrollbars. r=roc
- # [09:06] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1ce25752becd - ziyunfei - Bug 1108949 - RegExp(RegExp object, flags) no longer throws. r=till
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- # [09:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/c6fc46892109 - Florian Quèze - Bug 1140440 - Mouse chooses options when search menu pops out under it, r=Gijs.
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- # [09:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/a9b586aeae23 - Brian Birtles - Bug 1134487 - Remove delegated constructors in GMP{Audio,Video}Decoder since they're not supported by GCC 4.6. r=cpearce
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- # [09:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f3b9a2f9d6e4 - Tooru Fujisawa - Bug 1141748 - Do not use non-standard flag argument of String.prototype.replace in CSSUnprefixingService.js. r=dholbert
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- # [09:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c10169673a77 - Jonathan Kew - Bug 1141676 - Fix the sizing of synthetic sub-/superscript glyphs. r=jdaggett
- # [09:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2c27d800d485 - Jonathan Kew - Bug 1141676 - Reftest for sizing of synthetic sub/superscript glyphs. r=jdaggett
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- # [09:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/639e26343d10 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [09:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/f6259882882b - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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- # [09:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/048ac1585bb6 - Ting-Yu Chou - Bug 1137906 - Shutdown cached children when shutdown the document. r=surkov
- # [09:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/35e0cd86eb83 - Jed Davis - Bug 1140714 - Pass through remote NS_OpenAnonymousTemporaryFile failure to caller. r=billm
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- # [09:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/3fb409fdb1ea - Julien Pagès - Bug 1141129 - BaseMarionetteTestRunner.__init__ should initialize self.prefs as dictionary. r=dburns
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- # [10:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/3f483283a086 - Chris Pearce - Bug 1141241 - Add nullcheck for mDecoder in WMFMediaDataDecoder::ProcessDrain(). r=mattwoodrow
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- # [10:14] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/db2100a8eb16 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [10:14] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/ce41227222ea - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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- # [10:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/c854fe96a8a1 - Thomas Zimmermann - Bug 1134821: Detect default Bluetooth backend, r=shuang
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- # [10:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/002bfc3800f2 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset 2550379cff3c (bug 969250)
- # [10:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/7f766feee3a7 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset fdd33ef9606e (bug 969250) for m5 test failures
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- # [10:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/a8e070c7f67c - Yoshi Huang - Bug 1141457 - Part 1: Move SendFile to gMessageManager. r=dimi
- # [10:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/13a7f7c81a18 - Yoshi Huang - Bug 1141457 - Part 2: add isP2P for writeNDEF. r=dimi
- # [10:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/dd4a99b9a08f - Yoshi Huang - Bug 1141457 - Part 3: add a CommandMsgTable. r=dimi
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- # [10:50] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ab217757fb89 - Ms2ger - Bug 1141190 - Remove docshell/test/moz.build; r=mshal
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- # [11:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/b45e3dcb5c44 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [11:33] * Quits: zz_miketaylr (miketaylr@moz-gi5.jjj.241.192.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [11:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/ed105941dde6 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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- # [11:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/35827fc86c80 - Mark Banner - Bug 1140481 - Use the StoreMixin in some of the Loop conversation views. r=dmose
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- # [11:51] <markh> hmm - macbook, yosemite, up-to-date nightly - regular crash opening http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/mar/11/mainstream-left-silencing-sympathetic-voices and scrolling to the bottom. Anyone else?
- # [11:52] <markh> and crash report without anything useful I can see - https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/0b3d5385-cc0c-44c2-94a3-69bce2150311
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- # [11:57] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/8e42150ade7d - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1140709: Add a second bounds check for checking that the index is actually positive; r=bhackett
- # [11:59] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/594fc93e0ae2 - Jan de Mooij - Bug 1090583 part 2 - Fix the property count check in MonitorAssign to check the actual count instead of the capacity. r=bhackett
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- # [12:05] <gsvelto> my try runs are all red on MacOS X 10.6 because of harness failures, anybody else seeing this?
- # [12:06] <markh> firebot: bug 1141260
- # [12:06] <firebot> https://bugzil.la/1141260 — NEW, josh@joshmatthews.net — Crash [@ mozilla::dom::ResponsiveImageSelector::Content() ]
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- # [12:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/fb64168bf663 - Tim Taubert - Bug 1128928 - Fix intermittent browser_social_chatwindow_resize.js failures with ASAN builds by increasing the number of tries used by waitForCondition() r=markh
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- # [12:18] <darktrojan> ttaubert, while you're fixing social stuff, wanna fix this typo? https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/file/fb64168bf663/browser/base/content/browser.css#l913
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- # [12:18] <ttaubert> darktrojan: fun. I'm just fixing random intermittent failures though :) wonder why no one noticed that one yet
- # [12:19] <darktrojan> because nobody looks at console spew these days?
- # [12:20] <ttaubert> well I mean either that rule has no effect or it looks wrong
- # [12:20] <ttaubert> apart from the console spew
- # [12:20] <darktrojan> no idea
- # [12:20] <darktrojan> which is also why I've done nothing about it
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- # [12:21] <darktrojan> must reboot, bbiab
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- # [12:39] * Gijs grumbles
- # [12:39] <Gijs> I should really fix that css parsing test, shouldn't I :(
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- # [12:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/pushloghtml?changeset=052ffb4ebc6d - 20 changesets
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- # [13:02] <Tomcat|Sheriffduty> edmorley: thanks :)
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- # [13:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/1223d5ae2281 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [13:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/1a2257c4cbe3 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
- # [13:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/pushloghtml?changeset=7d8480f35a22 - 39 changesets
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- # [13:14] * darkowlzz is now known as darkowlzz|afk
- # [13:14] <nemo> hm. I don't have a microphone on this computer... https://danielrapp.github.io/doppler/ is this really chrome only?
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- # [13:15] <nemo> firefox seems to prompt for privs for the non-existent mic
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- # [13:33] <pbrosset> Tomcat|Sheriffduty: Hi. All tests on macosx10.6 (opt and debug) have been failing for me in my last 2 try pushes (runtests.py | Certificate integration failed). Is this known?
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- # [13:34] <Tomcat|Sheriffduty> hm pbrosset always the same slave ?
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- # [13:35] <pbrosset> Not sure how to check this in fact :( here is the link to the last build https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&revision=edbe974de944
- # [13:35] <pbrosset> Is slave the same as Machine Name?
- # [13:36] <Tomcat|Sheriffduty> yeah
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- # [13:36] <Tomcat|Sheriffduty> pbrosset: hm seems its also failing here 03:44:44 INFO - dyld: Symbol not found: _strndup
- # [13:37] <Tomcat|Sheriffduty> pbrosset: maybe thats something for #releng ?
- # [13:37] <Tomcat|Sheriffduty> haven't seen the error before
- # [13:37] <pbrosset> ok
- # [13:37] <pbrosset> thanks
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- # [13:42] <froydnj> pbrosset: bug 1142006, perhaps?
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- # [13:44] <pbrosset> froydnj: thanks, philor mentioned bug 1141745, they seem to be dupe
- # [13:46] <nemo> hm... tried that page in FF nightly on my Nexus 5 and I saw mic input briefly, then it stopped ☹
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- # [13:53] <mjrosenb> c.c there's a page that brings down 35.0 in i965 code.
- # [13:53] * mjrosenb wonders if this is a graphics driver issue, or we're giving it bogus data
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- # [14:01] <philor> pbrosset: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1142006#c6
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- # [14:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/bc6aeea72290 - Ben Hearsum - bug 1141633: bug 1140437 broke flame kitkat nightlies. r=me, a=bustage
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- # [14:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e01978dace09 - Josh Matthews - Bug 1142032 - Add a crashtest.
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- # [14:36] <bkelly> can anyone here confirm my understand of NS_ASSERTION in treeherder results? my understanding is that NS_ASSERTION will not trigger an instant failure, but we instead have some limit on maximum number of allowed assertion failures before declaring failure
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- # [14:37] <sewardj> heycam|away: ping
- # [14:39] <padenot> bkelly: it depends on the test
- # [14:39] <padenot> bkelly: tests can state that they "tolerate" between x and y assertion
- # [14:39] <bkelly> padenot: is it configurable in the mochitest.ini?
- # [14:39] <padenot> in the test themselves
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- # [14:39] <bkelly> ok, thanks
- # [14:39] <padenot> tests, even
- # [14:40] <padenot> if there are less or more asserts than the specified range, it oranges out on tbpl
- # [14:40] <nemo> Say. Anyone here running Firefox Nightly on a machine with a functioning microphone? I'm curious if https://danielrapp.github.io/doppler/ works for you. It seems to work briefly for me on my nexus 5, then stop.
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- # [14:41] <nemo> And I don't know how to open web console on mobile to see if there's a bit more detail there (assuming web console exists on mobile)
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- # [14:41] <padenot> nemo: it doesnot work
- # [14:41] <nemo> padenot: you don't get it working even briefly?
- # [14:41] <padenot> nemo: the reason is outlined in the README.me on github
- # [14:41] <padenot> it can work by chance, yeah
- # [14:41] <nemo> ah
- # [14:42] * nemo RTFMs
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- # [14:42] <nemo> hm
- # [14:42] <nemo> padenot: ok. that's a bit different
- # [14:43] <nemo> padenot: that would explain why it wouldn't work properly, but bit confused why I'd get it working for a second then not do anything at all.
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- # [14:43] <nemo> unless it is due to attempting to call this property causing an undefined error or something
- # [14:43] <nemo> oh well. whatever.
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- # [14:44] <nemo> I see you duped a bug against that already
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- # [14:54] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1e27d15a42ff - Sotaro Ikeda - Bug 1139935 - Re-enable RemoveTextureFromCompositableTracker r=nical
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- # [15:03] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/79eab0a3960e - Nicolas Silva - Bug 1125848 - Consolidate PCompositor's creation-destruction logic. r=sotaro
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- # [15:13] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/95bec5828ef3 - Eddy Bruël - Bug 1136146 - Merge version 0.4.0 of the source-map library with fx-team;r=fitzgen
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- # [15:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/7d7ad83edfe7 - Eddy Bruël - Bug 1131646 - Clean up the breakpoint code;r=jlongster
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- # [15:19] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/fad66e8fe874 - Sotaro Ikeda - Bug 1137515 part 2 - Change to media r=jesup
- # [15:19] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/cd5ec762afa1 - Sotaro Ikeda - Bug 1137515 part 1 - Change to configure.in r=mwu
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- # [15:22] <tromey> mrbkap: for bug 1135731, does your r+ cover the spidermonkey bits as well? initially I hadn't realized that you are a js peer...
- # [15:24] * ehsan|mtg is now known as ehsan_
- # [15:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9d8115c1906a - James Willcox - Bug 1084441 - Test for ability to play MP4 on Android Jelly Bean and higher r=cpearce
- # [15:25] * benfrancis|away is now known as benfrancis
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- # [15:34] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> Enn: can you please nominate bug 1015617 for aurora/beta when you get a chance? :)
- # [15:34] <Enn> ok
- # [15:34] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> thanks!
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- # [15:34] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> Enn: I'm holding off on uplifting bug 1002232 around until the OSX issues are sorted
- # [15:35] <Enn> I am testing a fix now
- # [15:36] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> sweet :0
- # [15:36] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> thanks for fixing that one, talk about a thorn in the side :P
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- # [15:42] <sheppy> I love when I run an app installer that offers a Firefox add-on to improve integration, and when it goes to install the add-on, it launches an instance of a different build of Firefox than the one that’s already running.
- # [15:42] <sheppy> Either I wind up with the add-on in the wrong profile, at best, or at worst I get an error about multiple sessions.
- # [15:44] * Quits: jrmuizel_ (jrmuizel@moz-nqe.37f.193.104.IP) (Connection closed)
- # [15:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/59b0fffc8724 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [15:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/0471951bd1b6 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
- # [15:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e677e55b96c2 - Ms2ger - Bug 1134791 - Show the testharness.js output when the browser remains open after running the test; r=bz
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- # [15:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/d2747e260b68 - Lars T Hansen - Bug 1138348 - byte ops on x86_64. r=h4writer
- # [15:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/fbe97de16996 - Lars T Hansen - Bug 1138348 - byte array test cases. r=h4writer
- # [15:46] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4b16b2a84ec4 - Lars T Hansen - Bug 1141067 - byte operations on x86/x64. r=sunfish
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- # [15:56] <Fallen> has anyone tried to set up distcc + cross compiling so I can start a build on my mac machine, make the linux machine on my network do the heavy work and then run the finished build on my mac?
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- # [15:58] <froydnj> Fallen: the cross-compiling part yes, I guess the distcc part would be a small modification on top of that
- # [15:58] <jib> So does ac_add_options --disable-unified-compilation on .mozconfig really do anything? I still see lots of Unified_cpp_js_src5.o etc. during a build
- # [15:59] * nsm|away is now known as nsm
- # [15:59] <Fallen> froydnj: so how do I set it up? crosstool-ng ?
- # [15:59] <froydnj> Fallen: that's probably the easiest way, yeah...I don't know if there are any other modifications required to mozilla code
- # [16:00] <@ted> Fallen: googlers did that
- # [16:00] * Joins: ProgramFOX (ProgramFOX@moz-leg.cce.180.91.IP)
- # [16:01] <@ted> https://code.google.com/p/toolwhip/
- # [16:01] * Quits: milan (milan@moz-vqppm7.ckpj.s0pt.0450.2001.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [16:02] <Fallen> ooh pretty cool. My mac is getting old and builds are taking longer than I want :-/
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- # [16:02] <Fallen> thanks for the link
- # [16:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/7d4d1f4e9b72 - Gijs Kruitbosch - Bug 1111967 - honor browser.casting.enabled pref for casting on desktop, r=mconley
- # [16:02] * Quits: Morris (Morris@moz-8t2qvl.dynamic-ip.hinet.net) (Client exited)
- # [16:02] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> nical: did you mean to push a release approval request on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=8574720 ?
- # [16:02] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> put*
- # [16:03] * Joins: kapy (kapy@moz-fni.phu.68.182.IP)
- # [16:03] <nical> RyanVM|sheriffduty: I will when it makes it to central (previous attempt got backed out so I am taking the more cautious route there)
- # [16:03] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> nical: mozilla-release, though?
- # [16:04] <Gijs> RyanVM|sheriffduty: so... this browser_change_app.js thing :'(
- # [16:04] * Quits: milan_ (milan@moz-n4lmo6.ckpj.s0pt.0450.2001.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [16:04] <Gijs> RyanVM|sheriffduty: looks like it's back even with the new incantations for the subdialog back/unload stuff :(
- # [16:04] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> doh
- # [16:04] <Gijs> or am I misreading your stars (are they old or something) ?
- # [16:04] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> no, they're recent
- # [16:04] <Gijs> that is kind of shit :)
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- # [16:05] <Gijs> esp. post-trypush-retrigger-armageddon-and-baking-on-fx-team
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- # [16:05] <Gijs> "surprise, you merged this, and now it starts breaking again"
- # [16:05] <Gijs> sigh
- # [16:05] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> heh, I feel for ya
- # [16:05] <Gijs> RyanVM|sheriffduty: it's on my todo list, but it's a long list. Equally... I have now written patches that rely on the refactoring that was part of that change.
- # [16:06] <Gijs> so would prefer not to back out unless the frequency starts killing us
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- # [16:06] <Gijs> jaws is on PTO today and tomorrow, IIRC
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- # [16:06] <nical> RyanVM|sheriffduty: oh my bad, no that's a screwup
- # [16:06] <Gijs> we're both in SF next week
- # [16:06] * nical fixes it
- # [16:06] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> Gijs: ok
- # [16:07] <Gijs> RyanVM|sheriffduty: so I'm reasonably confident that if this does start acting up even more than it already does, we'll attack it either the end of this or beginning of next week
- # [16:07] <Gijs> RyanVM|sheriffduty: let me know if, from your PoV, it acts up so much that you need something sooner
- # [16:07] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ok
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- # [16:13] <ehsan_> anyone knows what's up with the failures in https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&revision=3fc95c909ab2 ?
- # [16:13] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/916ad7df95fd - Nathan Froyd - Bug 1140509 - remove the unused Infinity keyword from the xpidl parser; r=bsmedberg
- # [16:13] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/421e7047df36 - Nathan Froyd - Bug 1141692 - use an actual Atomic for nsThreadPoolNaming::mCounter; r=bsmedberg
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- # [16:18] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/70f0148af7f1 - dannyliang - Bug 1116368 - Implementation of battery charging remaining time. r=dhylands
- # [16:18] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/6f6ff7993a81 - Alexandre Lissy - Bug 1136784 - Add screenshot to LogShake produced data. r=ochameau, r=gwagner
- # [16:18] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/1a02c68523da - Andrew Osmond - Bug 1139027 - Permit running of camera mochitests on B2G desktop. r=mikeh
- # [16:18] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/ebd64d539f30 - Alexandre Lissy - Bug 1141511 - Disable some gtk2Widget-dependant reftests on Mulet. r=ahal
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- # [16:20] * Quits: mastizada (Thunderbird@moz-815.0hc.9.161.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [16:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/f8e958814354 - Sebastian Kaspari - Bug 1135111 - Add test to ensure that the toolbar in reader mode displays the original page url. r=mcomella
- # [16:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/d2c728f2df6b - Richard Marti - Bug 1141649 - In-content pages: Add the -moz-margin-start: 0 also to the radio on OS X. r=jaws
- # [16:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/26ce6ccb4162 - Jonathan Watt - Bug 1073379, part 7 - Tests for the effect of setting a CSS transition's AnimationPlayer.startTime. r=birtles
- # [16:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c482c88b0393 - Jonathan Watt - Bug 1070744, part 1 - Implement web-animations proceedure to 'set the current time' and make AnimationPlayer.startTime writeable. r=birtles, r=smaug
- # [16:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c5d5202c3d72 - Jonathan Watt - Bug 1070744, part 2 - Tests for the effect of setting CSS animation's AnimationPlayer.currentTime. r=birtles
- # [16:21] * Joins: Shrooms (Shrooms@moz-j3eu1b.ga.charter.com)
- # [16:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/87bd80f421e7 - Andreas Pehrson - Bug 1081819 - Let the output stream itself process input data from MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode::mStream. r=roc
- # [16:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b9ebf1da748d - Andreas Pehrson - Bug 1081819 - Add mochitest for piping WebAudio in and out of PeerConnection. r=jesup,padenot
- # [16:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/05d937916cc8 - Andreas Pehrson - Bug 1081819 - Handle InMutedCycle() in TrackUnionStream::ProcessInput. r=roc,padenot
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- # [16:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/78506bbeb2ef - Brian Grinstead - Bug 1030357 - Enable devtools/projecteditor tests with e10s. r=ejpbruel
- # [16:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/d3cf2d70afa5 - Tom Tromey - Bug 1140569 - Show async stacks attached to timeline markers. r=vporof
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- # [16:26] <vlad> Do we have any way to get the current frame number or frame timestamp from the refresh driver?
- # [16:26] * Joins: davidb (davidb@moz-i5m.05u.207.66.IP)
- # [16:26] <vlad> Ideally within an arbitrary JS callback.. basically I want to find out what frame is currently being laid out/rendered/etc.
- # [16:27] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e83423491683 - Alexandre Lissy - Bug 1141029 - Disabling mochitests on Mulet with parity to B2G Desktop for taskcluster. r=ahal
- # [16:27] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c8c50bb29db7 - Ethan Lin - Bug 1141926 - Check nsCaret visibility when NotifySelectionChanged. r=roc
- # [16:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/68f8bcc7e478 - Ryan VanderMeulen - Backed out changeset e677e55b96c2 (bug 1134791) for test bustage.
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- # [16:29] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan_: known issue
- # [16:29] * Joins: jcj (jcj@moz-tl1.3a2.133.66.IP)
- # [16:30] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan_: apparently we're having difficulties clobbering on Try at the moment
- # [16:30] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> hilarity ensues
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- # [16:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/74715356fdf2 - Jonathan Watt - Bug 1070744 - Backout c482c88b0393 and c5d5202c3d72 for being attributed to this bug instead of bug 1072037. r=me, and faking r=smaug since backout
- # [16:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2aff6dae3c68 - Jonathan Watt - Bug 1072037, part 1 - Implement web-animations proceedure to 'set the current time' and make AnimationPlayer.startTime writeable. r=birtles, r=smaug
- # [16:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/7e4d37bd4e41 - Jonathan Watt - Bug 1072037, part 2 - Tests for the effect of setting CSS animation's AnimationPlayer.currentTime. r=birtles
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- # [16:35] <ehsan_> RyanVM|sheriffduty: thanks
- # [16:35] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ehsan_: sorry for the hassle
- # [16:36] <ehsan_> np
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- # [16:38] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/9cfd185f1ff8 - Mike de Boer - Bug 1139907: show WebRTC screen sharing notification icon in Hello conversation window and globally when tab sharing is active. r=jesup,florian
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- # [16:55] <nemo> hm. I just noticed a ton of:
- # [16:55] <nemo> [GFX1-]: Failed to allocate a surface due to invalid size Size(0,0)
- # [16:55] <nemo> [GFX1-]: Failed to allocate a surface due to invalid size Size(0,1)
- # [16:55] <nemo> in console.
- # [16:55] <nemo> unfortunately have a ton of tabs open and just noticed it now
- # [16:55] <nemo> maybe e10s related
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- # [16:58] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> 6 pushes on inbound with no mochitest coverage - what could possibly go wrong
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- # [17:05] <Fallen> In C++ xpcom code, if I have nsCOMPtr<nsIExtendsFoo> mStart and want to clone it from something that is nsIFoo, how do I do it? I tried if (other.mStart) { nsCOMPtr<nsIExtendsFoo> start = do_QueryInterface(mStart); other.mStart->Clone(getter_AddRefs(start)); } but after that mStart is null.
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- # [17:07] <Mossop> Fallen: What do you mean by clone? Do you mean create another reference?
- # [17:07] * wlach is now known as wlach|mtg
- # [17:08] <Mossop> Also what is "other" there?
- # [17:08] <Fallen> Mossop: nsIFoo has a Clone() method that creates a copy. Before my changes there was just nsIFoo, which had a clone method, so I could just do other.mStart->Clone(getter_AddRefs(mStart)); but now I had to split up the interfaces into nsIFoo and one that extends nsIFoo
- # [17:09] * jimm is now known as jimm-lunch
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- # [17:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/e026b87b725e - Abhishek Bhattacharya - Bug 1120111 - Adds key listeners to highlighter pick mode to traverse DOM and submit/cancel selection; r=pbrosset
- # [17:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/a5f54d3827d5 - Abhishek Bhattacharya - Bug 1120111 - Tests for the highlighter pick mode key listeners; r=pbrosset
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- # [17:09] <Fallen> Mossop: If you would like to see real code, I want to change http://mxr.mozilla.org/comm-central/source/calendar/base/backend/libical/calPeriod.cpp#24 to be able to handle calIDateTime and calIDateTimeLibical (which is new and extends calIDateTime)
- # [17:10] * glob is now known as glob|away
- # [17:11] <Mossop> Fallen: Will and cpt.mStart is an nsCOMPtr<calIDateTimeLibical> ?
- # [17:11] * Quits: DGMurdockIII (dgmurdockii@moz-0vqpbu.in.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [17:11] <Fallen> yes
- # [17:11] * Quits: till (till@moz-6sd.jfj.172.73.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
- # [17:11] <Fallen> but the Clone method takes a calIDateTime
- # [17:11] * Joins: till (till@moz-6sd.jfj.172.73.IP)
- # [17:12] <Mossop> Fallen: I think what you want is: nsCOMPtr<calIDateTime> start; cpt.mStart->Clone(getter_AddRefs(start)); mStart = do_QueryInterface(start);
- # [17:12] <Fallen> ok, let me try
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- # [17:13] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f257cfba6686 - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1140317: Make sure chars created by DecompileValueGenerator won't ever leak; r=Waldo
- # [17:15] <Fallen> Mossop: thanks so much, it works!
- # [17:15] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/065292b91f8e - Jason Orendorff - Bug 1141154 - Fix crashes with Ion and proxy set failure cases, caused by rev 0712a3d4b79c. r=efaust.
- # [17:15] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/83199a9b218c - Jason Orendorff - Bug 1141329, prelude - Make ObjectOpResult pointer-sized to fix amazingly bogus code and assertions in IonCaches, introduced by rev 0712a3d4b79c. r=efaust.
- # [17:15] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6430a8556bb0 - Jason Orendorff - Bug 1141329 - Fix crash [@ JSObject::getGroup] or [@ js::jit::SetPropertyIC::update]. r=efaust.
- # [17:15] * Quits: till (till@moz-6sd.jfj.172.73.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [17:16] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> jesup: you want to look at this before I backout bug 1137515? https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=7469553&repo=mozilla-inbound
- # [17:16] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> probably a missing inclue
- # [17:16] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> include*
- # [17:18] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/512454694cc4 - Nicolas Silva - Bug 1123080 - Use Cairo's image backend with canvas fallback on Windows. r=Bas
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- # [17:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/cc4786da89db - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1135039: Throw on non-int32 or out-of-bounds lanes arguments to swizzle/shuffle; r=sunfish
- # [17:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/18c84fcee487 - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1135039: Apply swizzle type policy changes in Ion too; r=sunfish
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- # [17:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f2a7b760ad5c - Jason Orendorff - Bug 1132522, part 1 - Treat false return from proxyHandler.defineProperty() as strict mode failure. r=efaust.
- # [17:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/911612d952e6 - Jason Orendorff - Bug 1132522, part 2 - Treat false return from proxyHandler.set() as strict mode failure. r=efaust.
- # [17:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1d5e0ae90498 - Jason Orendorff - Bug 828137, part 1 - Make Object.defineProperty fail on window elements. r=bz.
- # [17:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/68f9f9c4868b - Jason Orendorff - Bug 828137, part 2 - Make [[Set]] always fail on window elements. With this change, `window[0] = null;` is a TypeError in strict mode code. r=bz.
- # [17:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/8ca34e768b42 - Jason Orendorff - Bug 1137616 - Restore ReferenceError when a proxy is on the global object's prototype chain, regressed by rev 615f118f2787. r=jandem.
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- # [17:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ff5ddf743796 - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1140317: include more UniquePtr and more using mozilla::UniquePtr in a CLOSED TREE; r=bustage
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- # [17:41] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ae42a2adeebd - Ryan VanderMeulen - Backed out changesets cd5ec762afa1 and fad66e8fe874 (bug 1137515) for Nexus 5-L bustage.
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- # [17:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/3f28ce99ab61 - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1140317: and even more using mozilla::UniquePtr in a CLOSED TREE; r=bustage
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- # [17:49] <froydnj> UniquePtr ALL THE THINGS
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- # [17:53] <bbouvier> \o/
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- # [18:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/abce8eb1a75e - J. Ryan Stinnett - Bug 1128027 - Clean up protocol.js pools after connection close. r=bgrins a=lsblakk
- # [18:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/f21e8fa80469 - J. Ryan Stinnett - Bug 1128027 - Repair sourceeditor test after protocol.js cleanup change. r=bgrins a=lsblakk
- # [18:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/fa9b1bfa9f0e - J. Ryan Stinnett - Bug 1128027 - Inspector destroy error was holding document alive. r=bgrins a=lsblakk
- # [18:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/fbef1b8d36e0 - J. Ryan Stinnett - Bug 1128027 - Record protocol.js request headers for debugging. r=bgrins a=lsblakk
- # [18:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/9fb666f03801 - J. Ryan Stinnett - Bug 1128027 - Rework Console tests that click links. r=bgrins a=lsblakk
- # [18:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/7e2e728297e6 - J. Ryan Stinnett - Bug 1128027 - Wait for inspector link in Web Console test. r=bgrins a=lsblakk
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- # [18:14] <jesup> RyanVM|sheriffduty: very likely... I was eating lunch
- # [18:15] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> jesup: oh well, backed out already
- # [18:15] * Quits: ProgramFOX (ProgramFOX@moz-leg.cce.180.91.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [18:15] <ckerschb> RyanVM|sheriffduty: ping - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1140431#c42
- # [18:15] * ProgramFOX_ is now known as ProgramFOX
- # [18:15] <ckerschb> RyanVM|sheriffduty: Anything I can assist you with?
- # [18:15] * Quits: fabrice (fabrice@moz-r84lgh.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
- # [18:16] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> ckerschb: i don't know at this point
- # [18:16] <ckerschb> RyanVM|sheriffduty: it seems my patch is not directly related to the problem
- # [18:16] <ckerschb> RyanVM|sheriffduty: let me know if I can be of any help
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- # [18:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6039462e84b0 - Chris Manchester - Bug 1141679 - Ignore the server's response when quitting the application with marionette.;r=jgriffin
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- # [18:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/91198711cb73 - Tooru Fujisawa - Bug 1141752 - Do not use non-standard flag argument of String.prototype.replace in battery-interface-idlharness.html. r=Ms2ger
- # [18:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/9fcc27e72f78 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [18:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/d23ab4eb5420 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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- # [18:36] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/14d19980f27d - Nicolas Silva - Bug 1142143 don't early return in TextureClientD3D11::Unlock if readback fails. r=jrmuizel
- # [18:38] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/24ce2aa557c6 - Kartikaya Gupta - Bug 1130982 - Ensure the clip rect is appropriately adjusted for multi-framemetrics layers. r=botond
- # [18:38] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6455f1515958 - Kartikaya Gupta - Bug 1130982 - Ensure the clip rect on a multi-metrics layer belongs to the bottommost layer. r=botond
- # [18:38] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/344d28f3a625 - Kartikaya Gupta - Bug 1130982 - Reftest for this bug. r=mattwoodrow
- # [18:38] * jaoo is now known as jaoo|afk
- # [18:38] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9b1012f97e00 - Botond Ballo - Bug 1130982 - Fix a reftest so an element that's supposed to be scrollable actually is. r=kats
- # [18:38] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/174bde941610 - Botond Ballo - Bug 1130982 - With multi-FrameMetrics on APZ platforms, do not apply clips to scroll ports of frames other than the bottom-most one on the layout side. r=kats,mattwoodrow
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- # [18:39] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/95c828d771d2 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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- # [18:44] <Ms2ger> RyanVM|sheriffduty, N
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- # [18:44] <Ms2ger> ?*
- # [18:45] * Quits: tomer (tomer@moz-to490c.012.net.il) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [18:45] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> Ms2ger: ?
- # [18:45] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> you blew up mochitests
- # [18:45] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> completely
- # [18:46] <Ms2ger> Woops
- # [18:46] * davidb is now known as davidb|afk
- # [18:46] <Ms2ger> I thought bz tested it
- # [18:46] <sfink> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqz5dbs5zmo
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- # [18:50] <nigelb> Ms2ger: congrats
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- # [18:50] <Mossop> RyanVM|sheriffduty: I assume OSX is still hosed on try?
- # [18:50] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> afaik, yes
- # [18:51] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> bug 1141745 is tracking it
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- # [18:54] <Enn> RyanVM|sheriffduty: feel free to disable that tooltip test on 10.10 if it gets too much. my fix attempts haven't worked out so far
- # [18:55] * Quits: davidb (davidb@moz-i5m.05u.207.66.IP) (Connection closed)
- # [18:55] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> Enn: ok
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- # [18:56] <jesup> man does reviewboard mess with my workflow...... I'm sure there's an easy way to do what I want. I just have to find it. Already sunk 45 min into searching for docs and reconfiguring things. And now that this is done, I just have to figure out how to update all the commit messages and land it, which I could do in my sleep with the mq/bugzilla workflow. ANd the docs tell you how to review,...
- # [18:56] <jesup> ...not how to update & land...
- # [18:56] * jesup grouses
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- # [19:00] <padenot> jesup: hg histedit ?
- # [19:00] * Quits: ehugg_ (ehugg@moz-63sj5i.wa.comcast.net) (Client exited)
- # [19:01] <jesup> Perhaps; never used it before.
- # [19:02] <jesup> and I haven't enabled it
- # [19:02] * jandem is now known as jandem-away
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- # [19:03] <jesup> seems like a dangerous footgun compared to "hg qref -e" on the patch
- # [19:03] * coop is now known as coop|mtg
- # [19:04] <padenot> no it's cool
- # [19:04] * Quits: botond (botond@moz-5288ms.ckpj.s0pt.0450.2001.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
- # [19:04] <padenot> it's like git's rebase -i
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- # [19:08] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/961205421a71 - Christoph Kerschbaumer - Bug 1036399 - Multiple CSP policies should be combined towards an intersection (r=sstamm)
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- # [19:10] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/ef9af1bfe1a3 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 4 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [19:10] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/413641c76ba8 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
- # [19:10] * Quits: Jerry_Mac (hshih@moz-drv154.kbronet.com.tw) (Quit: Leaving)
- # [19:10] <jesup> padenot: I know the absolute minimum about git to update webrtc-landing (git add, git commit, git push is about it)
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- # [19:13] <jesup> I love how "hg histedit --help" barely describes *what* it does "interactively edits history between x and y" - ok, could guess that from "histedit". I guess it's "invoke powerful tool and just see what it does"! :-)
- # [19:13] <@ted> jesup: "hg commit --amend" will let you update the message
- # [19:13] * Quits: mcomella (mcomella@moz-ps8n7n.2rkg.9kg1.0101.2620.IP) (Quit: Leaving)
- # [19:13] <jesup> ted: I presume only for the tip
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- # [19:13] <@ted> right
- # [19:13] * Joins: lizzard (ehenry@moz-ueqta1.static.fusionbroadband.com)
- # [19:14] <@ted> if you want more than that you either need to use histedit or evolve
- # [19:14] <tessarakt> sounds like git rebase --interactive
- # [19:14] <jesup> ted: doesn't help when there's a queue of 5 patches to land
- # [19:14] <@ted> tessarakt: pretty much exactly
- # [19:14] <@ted> jesup: yeah, you want histedit
- # [19:14] <@ted> which is powerful but tricky
- # [19:14] <tessarakt> ted: no, I want git ;-)
- # [19:14] * Joins: rbarnes (rbarnes@moz-pir483.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
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- # [19:14] <@ted> tessarakt: i meant "jesup wants"
- # [19:15] <@ted> jesup: basically you enable it, then "hg histedit <oldest revision you want to edit>"
- # [19:15] * Joins: abr (anonymous@moz-uaf.97t.233.46.IP)
- # [19:15] <@ted> then change all the "pick" to "mess"
- # [19:15] <@ted> then it'll let you edit each commit message in turn
- # [19:15] * bemjb_ is now known as bemjb
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- # [19:16] <@ted> you can obviously do a lot more with it, but that's how to do what you want to do
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- # [19:19] <jesup> ted: yeah, like I said, a bit overkill/over-powerful for my usecase/workflow, though it'll do the job. Not mentioned anywhere in the docs for mozreview (which is all focused on reviewing the patches, not what you do once that's done, especially as a 3rd-party trying to land them).
- # [19:19] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/469a0c3d1eb1 - Steven Michaud - Bug 1130435 - Mouse cursor doesn't disappear over Flash object when it should. Works in non-e10s. r=josh a=lsblakk
- # [19:19] * Quits: capella-s3 (capella-s3@moz-a6lqme.res.rr.com) (Quit: Talk atcha later)
- # [19:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/d19e46e19d3d - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 3 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [19:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/2b8dbd011d54 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
- # [19:20] <@ted> jesup: indeed
- # [19:20] * Quits: jcj (jcj@moz-tl1.3a2.133.66.IP) (Quit: goodnight, night vale. goodnight.)
- # [19:21] * Joins: pcwalton (pcwalton@moz-l8ebtf.sfo1.mozilla.com)
- # [19:22] <jesup> I can learn any workflow, of course (helps if it's documented of course). it seems somewhat overcomplicated is all (and uses Big Gun tools which can be mis-used). But mostly it's just the "touch a lot more things to do something simple" aspect.
- # [19:22] * Quits: pcwalton (pcwalton@moz-l8ebtf.sfo1.mozilla.com) (Client exited)
- # [19:22] <mccr8> RyanVM|sheriffduty: so the good news is I seem to be able to reproduce this big OSX leak easily on my own machine.
- # [19:22] * merike|away is now known as merike
- # [19:22] * Joins: pcwalton (pcwalton@moz-l8ebtf.sfo1.mozilla.com)
- # [19:23] * jesup admits "simple" is because he's done it a million times, though the process with mq didn't involve a lot of tools
- # [19:23] * Quits: mccr8 (mccr8@moz-cfhap5.mtv2.mozilla.com) (Connection closed)
- # [19:23] <smacleod> jesup: the tools you need are built into hg, just like mq is
- # [19:23] <smacleod> histedit is pretty standard
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- # [19:24] <ehsan_> mak: ping
- # [19:24] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> mccr8: cool :)
- # [19:25] <jesup> smacleod: yes, though with an mq workflow I've never had a need for it. And it does appear to be able to screw yourself up pretty royally if misused, which is fairly hard with mq
- # [19:25] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> mccr8: yeah, I didn't think the 10.10 finding was particularly encouraging, but at least it says that the leaks probably don't block getting 10.10 debug enabled
- # [19:26] <mccr8> yeah
- # [19:26] * jesup is still wondering how pulling the review patchset from reviewboard ended up with "hg out" showing a patch by bhearsum that's unrelated....
- # [19:27] * Quits: ddahl (ddahl@moz-40a6g5.il.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [19:27] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> jesup: for checkin-needed at least, I use hg transplant for reviewboard changesets
- # [19:28] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> but dunno, I find that system to be a bit opaque overall
- # [19:28] * pbrosset is now known as pbrosset|afk
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- # [19:28] <smacleod> jesup: what's up for review on reviewboard can have commits under it which haven't landed
- # [19:28] * Joins: bgrins (bgrins@moz-31ufu8.ujol.1ibb.0101.2620.IP)
- # [19:29] <smacleod> the author probably based there code ontop of unlanded commits
- # [19:29] * Joins: raniere_ (raniere@moz-mti.0op.220.177.IP)
- # [19:29] <jesup> smacleod: no, the patch was from someone else it appears (doubt they imported it, but who knows)
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- # [19:30] * bobowen|afk is now known as bobowen
- # [19:30] <smacleod> yes, they could have been based ontop of someone elses unlanded commits
- # [19:30] * raniere_ is now known as raniere_laptop
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- # [19:31] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/04c022de147f - Nicholas Nethercote - Bug 1134030 - Add WindowsAddressSpaceReporter. code=njn,dmajor. r=dmajor,njn. a=lsblakk.
- # [19:31] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/19443ff644bd - Jean-Yves Avenard - Bug 1132342: Handle race should operation be aborted while reading metadata. r=karlt a=lsblakk
- # [19:32] * Quits: ehugg (ehugg@moz-f04slc.cisco.com) (Client exited)
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- # [19:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4f5c077c2831 - Mason Chang - Bug 1137905. Enable the vsync compositor on OS X. r=kats
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- # [19:45] * Joins: jcj (jcj@moz-tl1.3a2.133.66.IP)
- # [19:45] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> nical: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=7486995&repo=mozilla-inbound
- # [19:45] * Quits: loveless (loveless@moz-37s.t7p.56.172.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
- # [19:45] * Quits: rbarnes (rbarnes@moz-pir483.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
- # [19:45] <djvj> is try down?
- # [19:46] <djvj> or hg.mozilla.org/try down?
- # [19:46] <djvj> trying to push and it's hanging for me
- # [19:46] * Joins: rstrong (rstrong@moz-g8cmj4.bjuq.3rti.0306.2602.IP)
- # [19:46] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> djvj: nothing I'm aware of, try asking in #vcs
- # [19:48] * Joins: rbarnes (rbarnes@moz-pir483.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
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- # [20:01] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b6184f34860c - Josh Matthews - Bug 1134194 - Disable intermittently failing test pending further investigation.
- # [20:01] * Joins: amoghbl1 (Thunderbird@moz-9i1.k6o.139.14.IP)
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- # [20:07] <Standard8> RyanVM|sheriffduty: may I push a NPOTB DONTBUILD patch to fx-team?
- # [20:07] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> sure
- # [20:07] <Standard8> thanks
- # [20:08] * jlund is now known as jlund|buildduty
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- # [20:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/pushloghtml?changeset=bb6535c6211b - 13 changesets
- # [20:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/c4d7c9f94f61 - Mark Banner - Follow-up to bug 1140481 - Fix Loop's ui-showcase. rs=dmose over irc NPOTB DONTBUILD CLOSED TREE
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- # [20:13] * Quits: mt_ (mt@moz-1h1.0je.85.208.IP) (Quit: Leaving.)
- # [20:14] * Quits: jcj (jcj@moz-tl1.3a2.133.66.IP) (Quit: goodnight, night vale. goodnight.)
- # [20:14] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/758a094c8b7e - Kai Engert - Bug 1137470, landing NSS_3_18_RC0 minus bug 1132496, r=nss-confcall, a=lsblakk
- # [20:14] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/1adf44fcb513 - Sami Jaktholm - Bug 1140739 - Don't expect any specific TLS version or cipher suite in browser_net_security-details.js. r=vporof, a=test-only
- # [20:15] * Joins: fabrice (fabrice@moz-agvtmf.ujol.1ibb.0101.2620.IP)
- # [20:15] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/pushloghtml?changeset=7949e470a547 - 12 changesets
- # [20:17] * Quits: bdahl (bdahl@moz-4c1nek.2rkg.9kg1.0101.2620.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
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- # [20:20] <jld> ...oh. I mistyped *two* of the bug numbers.
- # [20:20] * Quits: ProgramFOX (ProgramFOX@moz-leg.cce.180.91.IP) (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 36.0.1/20150305021524])
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- # [20:22] * jaoo|afk is now known as jaoo
- # [20:22] <jld> Serves me right for trying to write commit messages after spending an uncertain time gazing into the abyss of libjar and abandoning the frail pretense of sanity in order for xpcom/io to make sense.
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- # [20:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1a5e4a1bba36 - Ryan VanderMeulen - Backed out changeset 512454694cc4 (bug 1123080) for Windows crashtest failures.
- # [20:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b79d608ca174 - Ryan VanderMeulen - Backed out changesets 18c84fcee487 and cc4786da89db (bug 1135039) for Linux32 jit-test assertion failures.
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- # [20:27] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/de19c60e56bd - David Anderson - Don't use APZ for selection carets on Desktop. (bug 1141855, r=kats)
- # [20:27] * Joins: milan (milan@moz-i9llf0.ckpj.s0pt.0450.2001.IP)
- # [20:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/d17c40c263c2 - David Anderson - Backed out changeset de19c60e56bd
- # [20:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6bd5b08c6ff4 - dvander@alliedmods.net - Don't use APZ for selection carets on Desktop. (bug 1141855, r=kats)
- # [20:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6ebb5fddda8f - Byron Campen [:bwc] - Bug 1136871 - Part 2: Clear up some inconsistencies with ReplaceTrack r=jib,smaug
- # [20:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/d318975b8a35 - Mark Banner - Bug 1136871: replaceTrack testcase r=jib
- # [20:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/189fef0922c6 - Jan-Ivar Bruaroey - Bug 1136871 - test invalid replaceTrack arg r=standard8
- # [20:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/eed5b92642ef - Jan-Ivar Bruaroey - Bug 1136871 - cleanup RtpSenders accounting to not rely on streams r=mt
- # [20:31] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> dvander: ping
- # [20:31] * jimm is now known as jimm-apt
- # [20:31] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> dvander: the branch patch from bug 1135883 has Werror bustage - https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=660437&repo=mozilla-aurora
- # [20:32] <kats> and here i was waiting for a comment on dvander's name turning into an email address
- # [20:32] * nsm is now known as nsm|away
- # [20:32] * Quits: hitlin37 (uid16371@moz-d9fdni.uxbridge.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
- # [20:32] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> kats: no comment
- # [20:32] * Joins: karlt (karl@moz-f9av6r.xtra.co.nz)
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- # [20:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ebcfd00277da - Sotaro Ikeda - Bug 1137515 part 1 - Change to configure.in r=mwu
- # [20:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6058c65ec299 - Sotaro Ikeda - Bug 1137515 part 2 - Change to media r=jesup
- # [20:36] * Joins: mahdi (mahdi@moz-sa5.a9p.244.151.IP)
- # [20:38] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> kats: *sigh* nothing crappier than backing things out over likely-trivial Werror bustage
- # [20:38] * Joins: aceman (inet@moz-fsp6mk.dynamic.nextra.sk)
- # [20:38] <aceman> hi, how can a <menulist> be focused/
- # [20:38] <kats> RyanVM|sheriffduty: want me to take a look?
- # [20:39] <kats> i thought dvander was around
- # [20:39] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> kats: if you have some free time
- # [20:39] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> otherwise I have the backouts ready to push
- # [20:39] <kats> let me see
- # [20:41] <aceman> I mean, how can I focus it via JS. It does have a focus() method (at least in mdn docs), but it does nothing (does not get the dotted outline)
- # [20:41] <kats> wtf, why did he use size_t?
- # [20:41] * Quits: Enn (enn@moz-pe6f5p.cable.rogers.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [20:42] <kats> RyanVM|sheriffduty: go ahead and push the backout, it's not clear to me why he used size_t in some places and uint32_t in others. it looks like it was on purpose
- # [20:42] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> kats: ok
- # [20:42] * Joins: Enn (enn@moz-pe6f5p.cable.rogers.com)
- # [20:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/b526678ba6d2 - Ryan VanderMeulen - Backed out changeset 096b8eb2590d (bug 1135883) for bustage.
- # [20:43] * nsm|away is now known as nsm
- # [20:45] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/115d3d727f45 - Ryan VanderMeulen - Backed out changeset 6d66dccc94f8 (bug 1135883) for bustage.
- # [20:46] * Joins: rbarnes (rbarnes@moz-pir483.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
- # [20:47] <billm> dveditz: ping
- # [20:47] * benfrancis is now known as benfrancis|away
- # [20:47] <@dveditz> billm: pong
- # [20:47] <billm> dveditz: I have some questions about security of our pointer locking code. do you know who would be the best person to talk to?
- # [20:48] * Quits: marco (marco@moz-5rbqqr.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Client exited)
- # [20:48] <billm> dveditz: not the implementation of it, but the theory, I guess
- # [20:48] * Quits: givanica (Thunderbird@moz-oj0.83i.26.188.IP) (Client exited)
- # [20:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/pushloghtml?changeset=30916c9ca768 - 44 changesets
- # [20:48] <@dveditz> you mean compiler pointers, or the web PointerLock feature?
- # [20:48] <@dveditz> for the former maybe bsmedberg could point you in the right direction?
- # [20:48] <billm> dveditz: the DOM PointerLock API
- # [20:49] * Joins: ehugg (ehugg@moz-f04slc.cisco.com)
- # [20:49] <@dveditz> oh ok.
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- # [20:50] * Quits: gsvelto (gsvelto@moz-4p2810.clienti.tiscali.it) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [20:50] <@dveditz> billm: I'm not sure, actually.
- # [20:51] * Quits: reed (reed@tech.monkey) (RecvQ exceeded)
- # [20:51] <billm> dveditz: ok, thanks. maybe I'll ask cpearce when he comes online.
- # [20:51] * Joins: reed (reed@tech.monkey)
- # [20:51] <cpearce> billm: hmm?
- # [20:52] * cpearce hasn't worked on pointer lock for some time...
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- # [20:52] * Quits: bgrins (bgrins@moz-31ufu8.ujol.1ibb.0101.2620.IP) (Quit: Leaving.)
- # [20:52] <billm> cpearce: oh, you're here. I'll ask in #e10s.
- # [20:52] * Quits: ferjm (textual@moz-6tov0c.user.ono.com) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
- # [20:52] * cpearce gets a bad feeling...
- # [20:53] * Parts: aceman (inet@moz-fsp6mk.dynamic.nextra.sk)
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- # [20:57] <dvander> RyanVM|sheriffduty: sorry back, was in a meeting. is it just aurora?
- # [20:57] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> dvander: both
- # [20:57] <RyanVM|sheriffduty> already backed out, so take your time
- # [20:57] * Joins: nhirata_ (nhirata_@moz-5b2rpj.ca.comcast.net)
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- # [20:58] <dvander> RyanVM|sheriffduty: ok ill get a new one up later today
- # [20:58] * Parts: nhirata_ (nhirata_@moz-5b2rpj.ca.comcast.net)
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- # [20:58] * Joins: Jamie_ (chatzilla@moz-0c8rps.fios.verizon.net)
- # [20:58] <Jamie_> is there someone in here than can give me a hand with a webapp question
- # [20:59] * Joins: sicking (sicking@moz-u3dg2t.sfo1.mozilla.com)
- # [20:59] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9a2e34bd13e9 - Mike Conley - Bug 1141797. r=smaug.
- # [20:59] * khuey|away is now known as khuey
- # [21:00] * Quits: bbondy (bbondy@moz-hchicl.home4.cgocable.net) (Connection closed)
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- # [21:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/bc6aeea72290 - Ben Hearsum - bug 1141633: bug 1140437 broke flame kitkat nightlies. r=me, a=bustage
- # [21:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b93b505b3e7d - Ryan VanderMeulen - Merge inbound to m-c. a=merge
- # [21:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/30916c9ca768 - Jordan Lund - Bug 1094364 - Bump mozharness json rev to 8dc154c5a136. r+a=RyanVM
- # [21:02] * chmanchester is now known as chmanchester|lunch
- # [21:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b3f6827c435c - Ryan VanderMeulen - Merge m-c to inbound. a=merge
- # [21:02] * jimm-apt is now known as jimm
- # [21:03] * Joins: secretrobotron (secretrobot@moz-8e0m7n.dsl.teksavvy.com)
- # [21:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/42406a61f30d - Brian Hackett - Bug 1139466 - Watch for strict scripts with lazy arguments when marking Ion frames, r=jandem.
- # [21:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/pushloghtml?changeset=4b2908bd15df - 46 changesets
- # [21:04] * Joins: dbaron (dbaron@moz-8gc34k.rgd2.9kg1.0101.2620.IP)
- # [21:04] * killer sets mode: +ao dbaron dbaron
- # [21:04] <@dveditz> Jamie_: this is mostly about Firefox/Gecko internals, tree mgmt, etc. what kind of webapp, what kind of question?
- # [21:05] <Jamie_> dveditz: https://github.com/1Jamie/firefoxos-facebook
- # [21:06] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/pushloghtml?changeset=c9c617f4a8ea - 46 changesets
- # [21:06] * AutomatedTester is now known as AutomatedTester|AFK
- # [21:06] <@dveditz> I think #openwebapps looks like a popular channel that could help better than the folks here
- # [21:06] <Jamie_> dveditz: I have the base of the project setup its rather simple... I just need to find a way to use a addeventlistener to trigger when a node appears after facebook is loged in then when the node appears to trigger a mutation observers
- # [21:07] * Joins: davidb|afk (uid12418@moz-qedo4v.ealing.irccloud.com)
- # [21:08] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/66a25d172295 - Brian Hackett - Bug 1141379 - Remove unboxed layouts from the per-compartment list they are threaded through while we are still on the main thread, r=jandem.
- # [21:09] * Joins: mt_ (mt@moz-1h1.0je.85.208.IP)
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- # [21:14] <jib> Anyone else getting “Couldn’t load XPCOM” on inbound? https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8825346
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- # [21:16] <Jamie_> anyone have any clue on what i was asking
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- # [21:17] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/020ba765ef44 - Sean Stangl - Bug 1141268 - Install js-config.h for standalone builds. r=glandium a=lsblakk
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- # [21:31] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/7983f12270d1 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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- # [21:39] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/cb71097c142a - Jeff Muizelaar - Bug 1130978. Fix VisitEdges. r=kats
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- # [21:40] <@khuey> ehsan_: ping
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- # [21:41] <ehsan_> khuey: hi
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- # [21:43] <@khuey> ehsan_: any particular reason you starred a bunch of other stuff as bug 1128926?
- # [21:43] <bz> Browser Chrome Test Summary
- # [21:43] <bz> Passed: 0
- # [21:43] <bz> Failed: 0
- # [21:43] <bz> Todo: 0
- # [21:43] <bz> expected for dt?
- # [21:43] <ehsan_> khuey: yes: treeherder is broken ;)
- # [21:44] <ehsan_> will file a bug
- # [21:44] <@khuey> ehsan_: I was suspecting something like that
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- # [21:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/98cfaf5f3907 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1140658 - Part 1: Create a mini-framework for running tests in the worker, service worker and window contexts; r=bkelly
- # [21:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/bfef86393692 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1140658 - Part 2: Merge test_cache.js and test_cache_frame.html; r=bkelly
- # [21:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/5b73358e99de - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1140658 - Part 3: Port test_cache.html to the new mini-framework; r=bkelly
- # [21:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/93b30945b980 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1140658 - Part 4: Port test_cache_add.html to the new mini-framework; r=bkelly
- # [21:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e7a721743ffd - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1140658 - Part 5: Remove test_cache_quick_close.html because it makes no sense after bug 1131353; r=bkelly
- # [21:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1b071963e442 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1140658 - Part 6: Randomize the URL of the ServiceWorker script in order to work around bug 1141256 for now
- # [21:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2c612012a232 - Ben Kelly - Bug 1140658 - Part 7: Close underlying file stream in ReadStream before reporting closed; r=ehsan
- # [21:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e6c20c565d00 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1140658 - Part 8: Disable the service worker part of these tests on b2g while bug 1137683 gets fixed; r=bkelly
- # [21:48] * Quits: hunboy (hunboy@moz-neohdk.pool.invitel.hu) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [21:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/beb831c0028b - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1142195 - Remove some unused class declarations in the DOM Cache code; r=bkelly
- # [21:48] * Quits: rniwa (rniwa@moz-gbj.cag.245.17.IP) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
- # [21:48] * hunboy_ is now known as hunboy
- # [21:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/00e720a4b7ae - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [21:48] <sicking> anyone know if ipdl types can be recursive?
- # [21:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/48f2390a1712 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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- # [21:54] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/cff616142313 - Boris Zbarsky - Bug 1140737. Fix Ion setter cache to reserve the register the value being set lives in as needed, so other things don't stomp on that register. r=jandem
- # [21:55] * Parts: ckerschb (ckerschb@moz-pf4c64.ujol.1ibb.0101.2620.IP)
- # [21:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/e76ef30e2931 - Jonathan Kew - Bug 1135622 - The number-control.css stylesheet should be treated as a UA sheet when loaded, so that the inline-size property is recognized. r=heycam, a=lizzard
- # [21:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/a76195f874de - David Keeler - Bug 1049740 - Implement telemetry to measure compatibility impact of 2048-bit-minimum RSA keys. r=briansmith
- # [21:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/7a9812f7da3f - Nicholas Nethercote - Bug 1138770 - Make memory reporters that have been stashed for testing eligible for unregistration. r=mccr8, a=lsblakk
- # [21:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/441dc7e17651 - Kannan Vijayan - Bug 1130367 - Ensure profiler stack sampling is disabled when spsProfiler is disabled. r=shu, a=lsblakk
- # [21:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/36de3260f657 - David Keeler - Bug 1085506 - Gather telemetry for TLS handshake certificate verification errors. r=rbarnes, a=lsblakk
- # [21:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/0d1531a43a58 - Gijs Kruitbosch - Bug 1134513 - Shaky eme icon on first play. r=sevaan, a=lizzard
- # [21:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/5405ed0953e7 - Matthew Gregan - Bug 1136107 - Handle reconfiguring audio device if it went away while the stream was stopped. r=padenot, a=lsblakk
- # [21:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/78a8634d4ee9 - Xidorn Quan - Bug 1138092 - Add sanity check before checking ruby-align in TextAlignLine. r=dbaron, a=lsblakk
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- # [21:58] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/abd759f41a6d - David Anderson - Fix APZ using incorrect scroll wheel deltas. (bug 1141728, r=kats)
- # [21:58] * Quits: jcj (jcj@moz-tl1.3a2.133.66.IP) (Quit: goodnight, night vale. goodnight.)
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- # [21:58] <ehsan_> khuey: bug 1142245 if you're interested
- # [21:59] <@khuey> ehsan_: ty
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- # [22:01] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/5625edb0f035 - Ethan Hugg - Bug 1140648 - WebRTC check codec config max frame rate is set before using r=jesup a=lsblakk
- # [22:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/187d5f6e0b03 - Andrew Halberstadt - Bug 1131098 - Make mochitest use manifestparser's chunking algorithms and remove JS based ones, r=jmaher
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- # [22:03] <Jamie_> is there anyone in here that can aid me with a .js file
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- # [22:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/754dc4e06df6 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [22:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/48dd24f35d12 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
- # [22:04] * Quits: shine (uid50849@moz-4m1m5b.ealing.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
- # [22:04] * Quits: jcj (jcj@moz-tl1.3a2.133.66.IP) (Quit: goodnight, night vale. goodnight.)
- # [22:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/851347e26940 - Sean Stangl - Bug 1038839 - Use type information for alias analysis. r=jandem
- # [22:05] * Quits: rbarnes (rbarnes@moz-pir483.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
- # [22:06] <Ms2ger> ahal, you have a bug filed for those TODO comments? :)
- # [22:08] * Quits: Enn (enn@moz-pe6f5p.cable.rogers.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [22:08] <ahal> Ms2ger: there is a bug tracking removing the usage of json manifests, I don't have it handy
- # [22:08] <Ms2ger> ahal, wfm, thanks
- # [22:08] <ahal> jmaher says it might land soon
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- # [22:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/392c688134bd - Sotaro Ikeda - Bug 1142071 - Re-add WaitForBufferOwnership() r=jgilbert
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- # [22:23] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/0f7490955a26 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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- # [22:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/245598f10dcd - Mark Banner - Bug 1106941 - Part 1: Firefox Hello doesn't work properly when no video camera is installed - fix rooms and outgoing conversations. r=mikedeboer, a=lsblakk
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- # [22:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/9e52698fd237 - Mark Banner - Bug 1106941 - Part 2: Firefox Hello doesn't work properly when no video camera is installed - fix incoming conversations. r=mikedeboer, a=lsblakk
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- # [22:30] <jya> hi.. Seen some weird try failure on mac: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&revision=4fc3747b72cd
- # [22:30] <jya> TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | runtests.py | Certificate integration failed
- # [22:30] <@khuey> jya: it's an infra issue
- # [22:30] <jya> looking at the log: it’s the _strndup symbol not loading
- # [22:31] <jya> khuey: ok cool..
- # [22:31] <jya> as I was making new use of string.h/ cstring I had chased that for several hours
- # [22:31] <KWierso|sheriffduty> ehsan_: could this be you? https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=7497129&repo=mozilla-inbound
- # [22:31] <ehsan_> KWierso|sheriffduty: no
- # [22:31] <jya> khuey: are you aware of a bug # for this?
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- # [22:33] <@khuey> jya: 1142006
- # [22:33] <@khuey> and the linked stuff
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- # [22:34] <ehsan_> KWierso|sheriffduty: looks like this times out:
- # [22:34] <ehsan_> wget -c -nv "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/b2g/nightly/2015/03/2015-03-05-16-02-02-mozilla-central/b2g-39.0a1.multi.linux-x86_64.tar.bz2"
- # [22:34] <KWierso|sheriffduty> yeah
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- # [22:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/3d83240bc6bb - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [22:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/73bb04d8ea09 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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- # [22:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/38ea2ada9791 - Edwin Flores - Bug 1140933 - Handle empty subsample encryption information in SampleIterator - r=cpearce a=lsblakk
- # [22:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/9ce0cda926df - Jean-Yves Avenard - Bug 1139380: Ensure all queued tasks are aborted when shutting down. r=cpearce a=lsblakk
- # [22:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/3e97a869fd1f - Chris Pearce - Bug 1140778 - Disable test_eme_obs_notification since it's testing functionality we're going to remove. r=test-only a=test-only
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- # [22:47] <jesup> Anyone seen something like this when building ASAN? Since I upgraded from Fedora 21 (from 19) and it updated gcc to 4.9 from 4.8.*, I'm seeing this: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.9.2/../../../../include/c++/4.9.2/cstddef:51:11: error: no member named 'max_align_t' in the global namespace\n 1:01.97 using ::max_align_t;
- # [22:48] <jesup> I'm using the llvm/etc as mentioned on the mdn page
- # [22:48] * whimboo|brb is now known as whimboo
- # [22:48] <jesup> fresh rebuild
- # [22:48] * jesup double-checks the mozconfig
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- # [22:52] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4bdf782dda82 - Wes Kocher - Backed out changeset 851347e26940 (bug 1038839) for spidermonkey failures CLOSED TREE
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- # [22:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/5103dd4b20f2 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 4 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
- # [22:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/957fe7c88cc9 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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- # [23:02] <Mossop> KWierso|sheriffduty: What's the story with fx-team?
- # [23:02] <KWierso|sheriffduty> Mossop: waiting on retriggers to figure out the Wr orange before backing it and ejpbruel out
- # [23:03] * wlach is now known as wlach|afk
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- # [23:07] <nsm> KWierso|sheriffduty: do we support checkin-needed where the patch is on mozreview?
- # [23:08] <KWierso|sheriffduty> nsm: I believe so
- # [23:08] <nsm> awesome!
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- # [23:09] <geoffroy> I need help about a bug, should I ask here or on #introduction ?
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- # [23:10] <jesup> So, working with bwc, I've realized that the instructions on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Testing/Firefox_and_Address_Sanitizer are out of date -- that clang rev doesn't have max_align_t, which is needed on Fedora 21 at least
- # [23:11] * Quits: @roc (chatzilla@moz-2a2l69.orcon.net.nz) (Connection closed)
- # [23:12] <KWierso|sheriffduty> nsm: though it's not all that common, so I don't even know if it's documented anywhere how to do it on behalf of someone else
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- # [23:13] <nsm> KWierso|sheriffduty: ok, i am not setting it right now
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- # [23:13] <nsm> geoffroy: either channel is fine
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- # [23:17] <Ms2ger> KWierso|sheriffduty, can I land https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&revision=c7aa0059006b ? :)
- # [23:17] <KWierso|sheriffduty> Ms2ger: sure
- # [23:18] <jesup> decoder: mccr8: gps: ^ ASAN build instructions, FYI. Is there a new "blessed" rev to use?
- # [23:18] <Ms2ger> (RyanVM shouted at me for an earlier version :))
- # [23:19] <jesup> I think we need rev 201729 or later. bwc reports the default clang on Fedora21 works as best he can tell
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- # [23:21] <geoffroy> I've got some TypeError in gcli while trying to do cookie list (working on bug 1042859): this.window is null
- # [23:22] <geoffroy> in CommandUtils.createEnvironment/<.document@resource:///modules/devtools/DeveloperToolbar.jsm:224:9
- # [23:22] <geoffroy> any idea where this might come?
- # [23:22] <mccr8> jesup: hmm, does adding ac_add_options --enable-stdcxx-compat to your mozconfig help?
- # [23:22] <mccr8> jesup: I'm using clang version 3.5.0 (tags/RELEASE_350/final)
- # [23:22] <mccr8> I don't know what the builders are using
- # [23:23] <mccr8> oh wait no that's not what I'm using
- # [23:23] <Ms2ger> KWierso|sheriffduty, oh look, a closed tree
- # [23:23] <mccr8> jesup: I'm using clang version 3.4.2 (branches/release_34 217973)
- # [23:23] <geoffroy> (the result is the same with or without my patch)
- # [23:23] * Quits: sicking (sicking@moz-u3dg2t.sfo1.mozilla.com) (Client exited)
- # [23:24] <jesup> mccr8: that's after the rev in question, I htink
- # [23:24] <jesup> mccr8: page recommends 200213
- # [23:24] <mccr8> jesup: ah. well the official blessed version is going to be whatever the builders use. I don't know what that is.
- # [23:25] <jesup> mccr8: though my rev reports as clang version 3.5 (200213) after following the build instructions
- # [23:25] * Quits: abwillis (abwillis@moz-glb.ujr.97.32.IP) (Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.21/20141102091357])
- # [23:25] <mccr8> the release version of 3.5 wasn't working for me IIRC
- # [23:25] <jesup> ted: ^ any idea?
- # [23:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/16d5174d38bc - Wes Kocher - Backed out changeset 95bec5828ef3 (bug 1136146) for devtools test failures CLOSED TREE
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- # [23:31] <KWierso|sheriffduty> Mossop: and now we have a ridiculously high pending backlog on the platform I need for those retriggers
- # [23:32] <KWierso|sheriffduty> so it could be a while
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- # [23:37] <jgilbert> man, I should add a warning if a checkout is going to change my merge-base with master :\
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- # [23:40] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/402718baddf5 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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- # [23:46] <Mossop> KWierso|sheriffduty: Did we spin a new round of nightlies today?
- # [23:46] * Fallen is now known as Fallen|away
- # [23:46] <KWierso|sheriffduty> Mossop: no?
- # [23:46] * Quits: jfkthame (jfkthame@moz-2a7.i06.29.2.IP) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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- # [23:51] <&dbaron> why is try closed?
- # [23:51] * Quits: rniwa (rniwa@moz-n2o.c2c.114.17.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
- # [23:52] <&dbaron> I mean, I understand that if there's a big backlog it'll take a while
- # [23:52] <&dbaron> but it would be nice to be able to push so that I'm in the queue...
- # [23:53] <&dbaron> I guess I can just use CLOSED TREE?
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- # [23:54] <@ted> jesup: no idea, i'd maybe ask ehsan
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- # [23:54] <dholbert> dbaron, looks like Try is open now
- # [23:55] <&dbaron> well, I'm pushing to try with CLOSED TREE now, so it doesn't matter anymore...
- # [23:55] <ehsan_> jesup: what's up?
- # Session Close: Thu Mar 12 00:00:00 2015
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