/irc-logs / mozilla / #developers / 2016-01-21 / end


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  1. # Session Start: Thu Jan 21 00:00:00 2016
  2. # Session Ident: #developers
  3. # [00:00] <botond> ehsan: well, it sounds like we're defining precisely which privileges the page needs (the ability to call two specific APIs), and giving it only those privileges. what's evil about that?
  4. # [00:00] <@ehsan> botond: having to do an interface for that and write piles of code :)
  5. # [00:00] <botond> ehsan: ok, fair renough
  6. # [00:00] * Quits: janv (varga@moz-do6khp.dynamic.orange.sk) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
  7. # [00:01] * Quits: pcwalton (pcwalton@moz-l8ebtf.sfo1.mozilla.com) (Connection closed)
  8. # [00:01] <@ehsan> we could simplify doing this but so far we've needed this trick in one place
  9. # [00:01] <@ehsan> so...
  10. # [00:01] <@ehsan> (2 now)
  11. # [00:03] * Quits: sicking (sicking@moz-u3dg2t.sfo1.mozilla.com) (Client exited)
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  17. # [00:10] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/dacf3116c2de - Shane Caraveo - Bug 1240682 ensure a string version in social providers, r=markh
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  34. # [00:26] <@njn> mMesageHabits, yikes
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  54. # [00:50] * Quits: Aryx (Archaeopter@moz-4hvt4m.cust.telecolumbus.net) (Quit: Goodbye)
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  60. # [00:58] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/ef6dc593fccc - Felipe Gomes - Bug 1234673 - Avoid users from locales ar, fa, he, ur for e10s rollout to beta. r=jimm
  61. # [00:59] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/493d6820745e - Felipe Gomes - Bug 1241294 - Update E10S_AUTOSTART_STATUS telemetry probe (and rename it to E10S_STATUS). r=vladan
  62. # [00:59] * Joins: newbie (Abi@moz-djm.57l.158.65.IP)
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  64. # [01:00] * Quits: Swatinem (swatinem@moz-ijsnuu.dynamic.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  65. # [01:00] * coop|mtg is now known as coop|afk
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  69. # [01:07] * Quits: koda (koda@moz-jcd838.iac.com) (Client exited)
  70. # [01:08] <@dolske> is bugzilla being slow for anyone else again?
  71. # [01:09] * Quits: dragana (Instantbird@moz-b7jt23.dynamic.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  72. # [01:10] * khuey|away is now known as khuey
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  76. # [01:12] <sfink> you've figured out a way to make it do that? bastard
  77. # [01:12] * Joins: bgrins (bgrins@moz-cfhap5.mtv2.mozilla.com)
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  79. # [01:14] * AutomatedTester|AFK is now known as AutomatedTester
  80. # [01:14] <KWierso> dolske: homepage loaded just fine
  81. # [01:14] <KWierso> haven't tested beyond that
  82. # [01:16] * Quits: tantek (tantek@moz-u3dg2t.sfo1.mozilla.com) (Client exited)
  83. # [01:18] * Joins: darktrojan (geoff@moz-773h7a.ihug.co.nz)
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  88. # [01:21] <billm> KWierso: ping
  89. # [01:21] <KWierso> billm: pong
  90. # [01:21] <billm> KWierso: do you think the tree will open soon?
  91. # [01:21] * Quits: Abe_QA (Abi@moz-djm.57l.158.65.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  92. # [01:22] <KWierso> billm: likely. treeherder wasn't showing me that it was still closed. would've reopened sooner if it did...
  93. # [01:23] <billm> KWierso: thanks!
  94. # [01:23] <KWierso> billm: open now
  95. # [01:23] * AutomatedTester is now known as AutomatedTester|AFK
  96. # [01:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f13aab93f3a3 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1240372 - Don't OOM crash in nsDocumentEncoder::EncodeToStringWithMaxLength() when the string buffer allocation fails; r=bzbarsky
  97. # [01:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/bb6bfd172d6e - David Keeler - bug 1239455 - rework telemetry for SHA-1 certificates to reflect possible policy states r=Cykesiopka,mgoodwin,rbarnes
  98. # [01:25] <billm> KWierso: also, I have some stuff I just landed that I'd like to get in tomorrow's nightly. do you think there will be a merge tonight?
  99. # [01:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/fddcf8b3b088 - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - IPC glib deadlock fix (r=jld)
  100. # [01:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/34f87cc8ac24 - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Add some MessageChannel logging (r=dvander)
  101. # [01:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/12de76467424 - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Fix cancel during timeout (r=dvander)
  102. # [01:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/a7eecc68ca20 - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Fix bug where mAwaitingSyncReply can be overwritten in Send after Cancel (r=dvander)
  103. # [01:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/488690ba4c8f - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Check for cancellation during ProcessPendingRequests (r=dvander)
  104. # [01:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/3fcd50d83821 - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Return false when trying to Send while dispatching urgent (r=dvander)
  105. # [01:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b87f893bd6aa - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Stop returning MsgNotAllowed (r=dvander)
  106. # [01:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/26e6fe3875a5 - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Make sure to queue mDequeueOneTasks after cancellation (r=dvander)
  107. # [01:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/da2b12631132 - Andrew Halberstadt - Bug 1240875 - Register temporary addons with AddonPathService, r=mossop
  108. # [01:26] <KWierso> billm: not by me, and Tomcat|afk doesn't typically get merges in before nightlies get triggered
  109. # [01:26] <billm> KWierso: hmm, ok. anyone can do merges, right?
  110. # [01:27] * Joins: bbondy (bbondy@moz-ahsdem.home.cgocable.net)
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  112. # [01:27] <KWierso> technically
  113. # [01:27] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1e963938e988 - William Chen - Bug 717722 - Implement WebKitCSSMatrix. r=baku
  114. # [01:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b82e4d33ec28 - Christoph Kerschbaumer - Bug 1232901 - Use channel.asyncOpen2 within dom/browser-element/BrowserElementParent.js (r=sicking,aus)
  115. # [01:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e4454d27ef63 - Christoph Kerschbaumer - Bug 1239913 - Convert toolkit/ to use asyncOpen2 where loadingPrincipal is SystemPrincipal (r=sicking)
  116. # [01:28] * newbie is now known as Abe_QA
  117. # [01:28] <billm> KWierso: is it difficult?
  118. # [01:28] * Quits: aleth (instantb@moz-a7s.0ce.49.151.IP) (Quit: :tiuQ)
  119. # [01:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/7b5be83ccccf - Randall Barker - Bug 1231517 - part 1, Move GetBoundingContentRect to nsLayoutUtils r=botond
  120. # [01:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ab959594e900 - Randall Barker - Bug 1231517 - part 2, Add support for APZ ZoomToRectBehavior flags r=kats
  121. # [01:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/cfc568b890f8 - Randall Barker - Bug 1231517 - part 3, Add ZoomToRect function to nsIWidget classes r=kats
  122. # [01:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/55e6ed62772b - Randall Barker - Bug 1231517 - part 4, Add ZoomToFocusedInput function to nsDOMWindowUtils r=kats
  123. # [01:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2eff79b3a5a5 - Randall Barker - Bug 1231517 - part 5, Update scrollToFocusedInput in browser.js to use nsDOMWindowUtils.zoomToFocusedInput when APZ is enabled r=snorp
  124. # [01:29] <KWierso> billm: not usually
  125. # [01:30] <billm> KWierso: are there instructions somewhere?
  126. # [01:30] <KWierso> though we need to wait for tests to finish to make sure it (and the stuff underneath it) are green
  127. # [01:30] <billm> KWierso: yeah, of course
  128. # [01:30] <billm> KWierso: this would be around 9:30pm
  129. # [01:31] <KWierso> billm: if you have a unified repository, and you've pulled both inbound and central, it's as simple as | hg pull central && hg up central && hg pull inbound && hg merge <cset> && hg commit -m "Merge inbound to m-c a=merge" && hg push -r . central |
  130. # [01:31] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b6f7edabbf1e - Tanvi Vyas - Bug 1221206 - Turn on insecure password warning for dev edition. r=MattN
  131. # [01:32] * Quits: bbondy (bbondy@moz-ahsdem.home.cgocable.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  132. # [01:32] <billm> KWierso: how do all the bugzilla comments get made?
  133. # [01:32] * Quits: mchang (mchang@moz-94gnti.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
  134. # [01:33] <KWierso> once you push to central, go to the push in treeherder, click the menu button on that push and choose "bugherder"
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  137. # [01:34] <KWierso> and then go to the "fixes" step, make sure every push listed (that is editable) sets either "Firefox 46" or "mozilla46" set as the target milestone
  138. # [01:34] <KWierso> hit submit
  139. # [01:35] * Quits: ivan (dustinm@moz-n37j9e.cloud.scaleway.com) (Quit: ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs))
  140. # [01:35] <KWierso> and put in your bz credentials or an api key
  141. # [01:35] * Quits: @ehsan (ehsan@moz-n6b78p.3t38.sij7.f0c8.2607.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
  142. # [01:36] <KWierso> billm: I might actually be around long enough tonight to cheat and cherry-pick your stuff onto m-c
  143. # [01:36] <KWierso> avoiding the need to do another merge
  144. # [01:36] * Quits: richardus (richardus@moz-s8o.1uq.19.71.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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  146. # [01:36] <billm> KWierso: ok. reading the rules, it looks like topcrashes are a valid reason to cherry-pick, and that's what this bug is about.
  147. # [01:36] <billm> KWierso: so maybe I'll just land my bug on central once it's green on inbound.
  148. # [01:37] <KWierso> billm: how confident are you this won't break anything?
  149. # [01:37] * Joins: heycam (cam@moz-cqgqob.mcc.id.au)
  150. # [01:38] <billm> KWierso: uh, I dunno. the normal level, which is not terribly confident.
  151. # [01:38] <billm> KWierso: once it's green on inbound, though, I don't see the harm in landing it on central
  152. # [01:38] <KWierso> billm: okay. let me do it to make sure it gets done correctly and doesn't cause issues for the next person to do a merge
  153. # [01:38] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/93f5b1295ece - Nicholas Nethercote - Bug 1240921 - Use nsAutoTArray in nsStyleSet::RuleNodeWithReplacement. r=bz.
  154. # [01:39] <billm> KWierso: ok, thanks
  155. # [01:39] * Joins: dustinm (dustinm@moz-n37j9e.cloud.scaleway.com)
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  167. # [01:55] <KWierso> billm: I think those build failures might be you?
  168. # [01:55] <KWierso> c:/builds/moz2_slave/m-in-w32-000000000000000000000/build/src/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp(28) : error C2010: '.' : unexpected in macro formal parameter list
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  171. # [01:56] <mccr8> KWierso : He just left. Let me take a look to see if I can figure something out...
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  174. # [02:01] <KWierso> mccr8: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=20161351&repo=mozilla-inbound is one of the failures
  175. # [02:01] <KWierso> pretty sure you can ignore the python ABI errors
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  364. # [02:07] <mccr8> Ok, I think I have something that will fix it...
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  366. # [02:08] <mccr8> KWierso : Can I land a patch to fix it? I think it will work... ;)
  367. # [02:08] <KWierso> mccr8: if you can. I'm hitting infra problems on various sites
  368. # [02:08] <mccr8> alrigth
  369. # [02:08] * Quits: yzen (yzen@moz-qlo.tc1.233.23.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  370. # [02:08] <KWierso> but you're welcome to try
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  374. # [02:10] <mccr8> KWierso : alright I landed something.
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  376. # [02:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1a5165c7be18 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1240985 - Fix variadic macro on Windows. r=bustage CLOSED TREE
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  380. # [02:17] <KWierso> mccr8: mmm, more bustage on your push
  381. # [02:17] <mccr8> fun
  382. # [02:17] <KWierso> so far only in the static build
  383. # [02:17] * Quits: bgrins (bgrins@moz-cfhap5.mtv2.mozilla.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
  384. # [02:17] <KWierso> https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=20162249&repo=mozilla-inbound
  385. # [02:18] <mccr8> oh nice I made it worse.
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  390. # [02:19] <KWierso> mccr8: unless you have any easy fixes, I'm tempted to just back it all out and have billm try again tomorrow
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  393. # [02:19] <mccr8> KWierso : yeah just do that.
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  395. # [02:20] <mccr8> KWierso : if I had a Windows build handy I could verify these changes on, or a build that was up to date with inbound at all, I might be more inclined to experiment...
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  400. # [02:21] <mccr8> KWierso : Thanks! Sorry for the hassle.
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  402. # [02:21] <KWierso> alright, backing out
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  451. # [02:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/10d4e8736dbb - Wes Kocher - Backed out 9 changesets (bug 1240985) for various Windows build failures CLOSED TREE
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  464. # [02:29] <KWierso|afk> philor: I'm closing trees because of the infra problems being discussed in #moc
  465. # [02:29] <KWierso|afk> the big one is that I've been unable to retrigger failures
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  467. # [02:30] <KWierso|afk> feel free to reopen if you think things are getting better
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  469. # [02:30] <KWierso|afk> have to run out for a bit, though
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  477. # [02:32] <@smaug> does tryserver have links to the place where one can download the builds?
  478. # [02:33] <@smaug> s/tryserver/treeherder/ perhaps
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  481. # [02:33] <RyanVM|afk> smaug: yes
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  483. # [02:33] <RyanVM|afk> smaug: click on the B in question
  484. # [02:33] <RyanVM|afk> bottom left pane
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  486. # [02:33] <RyanVM|afk> Build: <some linkified name>
  487. # [02:33] <RyanVM|afk> i.e. Build: x86_64 linux64 linux
  488. # [02:33] <RyanVM|afk> that'll take you to the build dir
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  490. # [02:33] <@smaug> thanks
  491. # [02:34] <RyanVM|afk> also, mozregression 2.2.0+ supports launching Try builds directly too
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  494. # [02:34] <RyanVM|afk> i.e. mozregression --repo try --launch <rev>
  495. # [02:35] <@smaug> this is for letting someone else to try a fix
  496. # [02:35] <RyanVM|afk> ah
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  498. # [02:35] <RyanVM|afk> if they're up for using mozregression, that method has the distinct advantage of not messing with their profile
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  722. # [05:10] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/fd6e7cab9f00 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 4 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  723. # [05:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/ac738c610cd3 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
  724. # [05:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/f9fcd6e794d4 - Mark Hammond - Bug 569295 - limit the number of bytes we attempt to upload to the storage servers. r=rnewman
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  730. # [05:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/f5f387359a34 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  731. # [05:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/13244ffeb616 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
  732. # [05:21] * Quits: pcwalton (pcwalton@moz-6kjabm.ca.comcast.net) (Client exited)
  733. # [05:21] <philor> busy little pushers, for people with a tree full of build failures
  734. # [05:23] * Quits: Irina_ (textual@moz-folkbd.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  735. # [05:26] * RyanVM|afk sits on some revs to push to inbound
  736. # [05:29] <philor> b2g ics debug mochitests on f13aab93f3a3 and bb6bfd172d6e, or if we don't luck out the build on 26e6fe3875a5, and Gij-19 on the tip
  737. # [05:30] <philor> max time of... say 2.5 hours from when I triggered the build
  738. # [05:33] * Quits: bwc (Adium@moz-ina4sl.51i5.2grm.0306.2602.IP) (Quit: Leaving.)
  739. # [05:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/7d1360284c1e - Valentin Gosu - Bug 802398 - Styling for about:networking. r=jaws
  740. # [05:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/4a4e84b327cb - Julian Descottes - Bug 1214177 - Restore pointer-events:normal in layout editor inputs. r=pbro
  741. # [05:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/b112cff0cede - Nick Fitzgerald - Bug 1233551 - Do not mark the allocations profiling as experimental. r=jsantell
  742. # [05:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/481ad00ddc82 - Nick Fitzgerald - Bug 1241221 - Part 0: Test retained size of nodes in dominmator trees. r=sfink
  743. # [05:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/e1f6239bfa33 - Nick Fitzgerald - Bug 1241221 - Part 1: Fix incorrect reporting of "moreChildrenAvailable". r=jdescottes
  744. # [05:35] * Quits: waffles (wafflespean@moz-hud.nk3.23.1.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  745. # [05:36] <RyanVM|afk> philor: billm's push seems like a pretty good candidate for those
  746. # [05:37] * Quits: dholbert_ (dholbert@moz-pnm275.static.fusionbroadband.com) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
  747. # [05:38] * ewong is now known as ewong|away
  748. # [05:40] <RyanVM|afk> mochitest runs on the push prior are still going after 40min too
  749. # [05:40] <philor> yeah, given the platform that's busted I'll probably just back him out if keeler comes up green
  750. # [05:41] <RyanVM|afk> he already was
  751. # [05:41] <RyanVM|afk> for windows bustage
  752. # [05:43] <nigelb> Morning.
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  756. # [05:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/57cd47c177f6 - Brian Grinstead - Bug 1239750 - Refactor DAMP openToolbox, closeToolbox, and reloadPage to mutate results state;r=fitzgen
  757. # [05:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/24afa30a759c - Brian Grinstead - Bug 1239750 - Add DAMP measurement for bulk console.log performance;r=fitzgen
  758. # [05:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/63e4b33812a9 - Brian Grinstead - Bug 1239750 - Add DAMP measurement for rAF performance during streaming console.log messages;r=fitzgen
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  762. # [05:52] <RyanVM|afk> philor: there's a green M4 on the push prior, good to open inbound?
  763. # [05:52] <philor> no, you didn't even do the speculative backout yet!
  764. # [05:53] <RyanVM|afk> wes already did
  765. # [05:54] <RyanVM|afk> b2g debug tests on the backout are already running for longer than the time to death on busted revs
  766. # [05:55] * Joins: Irina_ (textual@moz-folkbd.ca.comcast.net)
  767. # [05:55] <philor> oh, so he did, I didn't ever look at what it was a backout of
  768. # [05:56] <philor> open
  769. # [05:56] <philor> see if you can beat the auto-pushers
  770. # [05:56] <RyanVM|afk> won the push race \m/
  771. # [05:56] * RyanVM|afk <- still got it
  772. # [05:56] <RyanVM|afk> 8-)
  773. # [05:56] <philor> got that coveted first-after-closure position? nice, shall I back out your whole push now, or wait to see what the bustage looks like?
  774. # [05:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6957ada1d437 - Jim Mathies - Bug 1240164 - Avoid caching tab dimensions in taskbar preview init code. Improves sessionrestore by about 1.5%. r=Dao
  775. # [05:57] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c04144a61f3e - Bogdan Postelnicu - Bug 1241118 - Add gc = GetGeneralCategory(ch) when sc == MOZ_SCRIPT_COMMON. r=jfkthame
  776. # [05:57] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/0014798942e0 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1238427 - Avoid a strong reference from the timeout timer to nsGeolocationRequest. r=jdm
  777. # [05:57] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ddc6c387b2a1 - Tracy Walker - Bug 1240750 - Put add button in ContentTask and modernize the rest of the test case and remove relevant skip-if in layout/base/tests/browser.ini. r=mconley
  778. # [05:57] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/403d9fc6a136 - Kate McKinley - Bug 1213633 - Test childDocument prior to use. r=tanvi
  779. # [05:57] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/56582e4322f6 - Honza Bambas - Bug 1165256 - Make appcache fully work with OriginAttribues. r=jduell
  780. # [05:57] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b113b4874656 - Brad Kotsopoulos - Bug 1239488 - Add int/uint to vertex attrib data type. r=jgilbert
  781. # [05:57] <RyanVM|afk> philor: i'm feeling lucky
  782. # [05:58] <RyanVM|afk> philor: also FYI - https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&revision=a269105c5ab0
  783. # [05:58] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/pushloghtml?changeset=7b9c54abd2fe - 14 changesets
  784. # [05:59] * Quits: Irina_ (textual@moz-folkbd.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  785. # [05:59] <RyanVM|afk> anyway, good night and good luck
  786. # [05:59] * Joins: masayuki1 (Thunderbird@moz-fnk8p7.zaq.ne.jp)
  787. # [05:59] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1fc5f691e482 - Olivier Yiptong - Bug 1240245 - Disable data collection for new-tab page r=jaws
  788. # [06:00] * Quits: RyanVM|afk (Thunderbird@moz-um0fru.fios.verizon.net) (Client exited)
  789. # [06:00] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9e771bb631ce - J. Ryan Stinnett - Bug 1224751 - Use the window's console in BrowserLoader. r=jlongster
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  799. # [06:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f87d296b0528 - Phil Ringnalda - Back out 0014798942e0 (bug 1238427) for its bad implicit conversion constructor for 'TimerCallbackHolder'
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  814. # [06:37] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-esr38/rev/6451132e3d3d - ffxbld - Automated checkin: version bump for firefox 38.6.0esr release. DONTBUILD CLOSED TREE a=release
  815. # [06:37] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-esr38/rev/78d3632feb7b - ffxbld - Added FIREFOX_38_6_0esr_RELEASE FIREFOX_38_6_0esr_BUILD1 tag(s) for changeset 6451132e3d3d. DONTBUILD CLOSED TREE a=release
  816. # [06:37] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-esr38/rev/06b04c770c5e - ffxbld - Automated checkin: version bump for firefox 38.6.0esr release. DONTBUILD CLOSED TREE a=release
  817. # [06:41] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/a24d6c2b7525 - Sotaro Ikeda - Bug 1240659 - Add GonkNativeHandle::CreateDupNhObj() r=nical
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  832. # [06:58] <nigelb> lol, I think philor triggered a bugzilla bug.
  833. # [06:58] * Quits: m_kato (m_kato@moz-9rv9tl.dh-connect.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  834. # [06:58] <nigelb> The NI that you answered for me, somehow has bugzilla confused. It still thinks I have an NI.
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  837. # [06:59] <nigelb> philor: is there a bug for the TC issues?
  838. # [07:00] <nigelb> shall I file one and chase it up?
  839. # [07:00] <philor> isn't it still the same thing from... Monday morning, was it?
  840. # [07:00] <nigelb> ah, bug 1240477
  841. # [07:01] <nigelb> Going to star all the failures to it.
  842. # [07:03] <philor> came within two characters of being a starrable error message, th searches for "[taskcluster:error] HTTP code is 500 which indicates error: server error - Cannot start container 31"
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  844. # [07:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/64e3b3981d35 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 4 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  845. # [07:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/8150bbaade32 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  852. # [07:27] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b578a9def327 - JW Wang - Bug 1240419 - improve logging macros and include |this| in the log message. r=kinetik.
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  860. # [07:38] * @njn wonders if using nsDeque to store nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> elements is a bad idea
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  863. # [07:40] <@njn> hmm, MediaQueue is a type-safe wrapper around nsDeque that stores nsRefPtrs
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  872. # [07:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b5cfe7882973 - Morris Tseng - Bug 1233353 - Initialize rb correctly if rb bind to READ_FRAMEBUFFER. r=jgilbert
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  874. # [07:52] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/235d8796a279 - Morris Tseng - Bug 1240662 - Add max level check for framebufferTextureLayer. r=jgilbert
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  876. # [07:54] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/56626252ef75 - Morris Tseng - Bug 1230089 - If sampler is bound, use parameter of sampler. r=jgilbert
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  907. # [08:11] * nigelb is now known as nigelb|sheriffduty
  908. # [08:12] <MattN> hmm… my try pushes don't seem to be getting scheduled…
  909. # [08:12] <nigelb|sheriffduty> Huh
  910. # [08:13] <MattN> oh: "push id unknown
  911. # [08:13] <MattN> push user unknown
  912. # [08:13] <MattN> push date unknown"
  913. # [08:13] <nigelb|sheriffduty> you mean they don't have jobs scheduled in them?
  914. # [08:13] <MattN> https://hg.mozilla.org/try/rev/623a2dc067dc
  915. # [08:13] <MattN> ugh…
  916. # [08:13] <MattN> something weird is up
  917. # [08:13] <MattN> they don't even show on TH
  918. # [08:13] <MattN> probably because I'm filtering by my user
  919. # [08:14] <MattN> I also didn't get the email…
  920. # [08:14] <MattN> doesn't show on https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try either
  921. # [08:14] <MattN> probably related to this message I got on the first attempt to push: "error: changegroup.vcsreplicator hook raised an exception: ProduceResponse(topic='pushdata', partition=4, error=6, offset=241385)"
  922. # [08:14] * MattN files a bug
  923. # [08:15] <nigelb|sheriffduty> looks like the push before yours also doesn't show up.
  924. # [08:15] <nigelb|sheriffduty> so it's not just you.
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  927. # [08:19] <MattN> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1241406
  928. # [08:20] <MattN> feel free to flip flags as needed
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  930. # [08:22] <MattN> the day I really need try there are so many problems…
  931. # [08:22] <nigelb|sheriffduty> MattN: I think I'll close try.
  932. # [08:22] <nigelb|sheriffduty> until this is solved.
  933. # [08:22] <nigelb|sheriffduty> More people are going to push to try and fail.
  934. # [08:23] <nigelb|sheriffduty> Tomcat: Going to close try, it's broken :(
  935. # [08:23] <Tomcat> good morning nigelb|sheriffduty
  936. # [08:23] <Tomcat> yeah my irc connection got broken too :)
  937. # [08:24] * Quits: Ekho (Ekho@moz-8ccvfo.snantx.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  938. # [08:24] <nigelb|sheriffduty> Heh
  939. # [08:24] <nigelb|sheriffduty> bug 1241406
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  956. # [08:45] <Tomcat> nigelb|sheriffduty: i smell a general tree closure
  957. # [08:45] <Tomcat> gps: ping
  958. # [08:46] <Tomcat> nigelb|sheriffduty: can't push to inbound anymore :(
  959. # [08:46] <gps> wrong time for my irc connection to drop
  960. # [08:47] <gps> what's wrong?
  961. # [08:47] <Tomcat> gps: so i tried to push something to inbound (checkin-needed stuff) but hg told me
  962. # [08:47] <Tomcat> remote has heads on branch 'default' that are not known locally: d556ea474a82
  963. # [08:47] <Tomcat> but
  964. # [08:47] <Tomcat> there is no d556ea474a82
  965. # [08:47] <Tomcat> according to treeherder
  966. # [08:48] <Tomcat> and hg rebase says :
  967. # [08:48] <Tomcat> nothing to rebase - working directory parent is also destination
  968. # [08:48] <Tomcat> also try has also problems
  969. # [08:48] <Tomcat> bug 1241406
  970. # [08:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/1292ce950e07 - Panos Astithas - Bring Android's about:certerror and about:neterror closer to the desktop versions (bug 1238382). r=margaret
  971. # [08:49] * Quits: maurya (Mibbit@moz-u69.uo3.195.117.IP) (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
  972. # [08:49] <nigelb|sheriffduty> gps: maybe related to bug 1241406
  973. # [08:49] <Tomcat> nigelb|sheriffduty: i would say we should close the trees till we know whats going on
  974. # [08:49] <gps> i see an issue with try
  975. # [08:50] <nigelb|sheriffduty> on it.
  976. # [08:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2cd90b7d3dbd - Morris Tseng - Bug 1238865 - Part 1: Validate attachments before clearBuffer. r=jgilbert
  977. # [08:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/136001a011e8 - Morris Tseng - Bug 1238865 - Part 2: Add more format/type checks for WebGL2. r=jgilbert
  978. # [08:51] <Tomcat> gps: oh now there is that push on treeherder
  979. # [08:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/d556ea474a82 - Morris Tseng - Bug 1238865 - Part 3: Prevent IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT return SRGB_ALPHA. r=jgilbert
  980. # [08:52] <Tomcat> but that was an hour ago ?
  981. # [08:52] <gps> i just forced inbound to sync
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  983. # [08:52] <Tomcat> cool
  984. # [08:52] <gps> forcing a try sync now
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  986. # [08:54] <Tomcat> gps: is this due this vm problems that IT had ?
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  988. # [08:55] <gps> i don't know
  989. # [08:55] <gps> it is rather suspicious
  990. # [08:56] <gps> especially since my irc connection died tonight too
  991. # [08:56] <gps> i don't have irc backlog to see what alerts fired :/
  992. # [08:57] <Tomcat> yeah my people connection was terminated as well
  993. # [08:57] <gps> the server has been update for days too. weird
  994. # [08:58] <MattN> gps: did you see the error message I posted in the bug?
  995. # [08:58] <Tomcat> can we do a force refresh accross the trees ?
  996. # [08:58] <gps> MattN: yes, it is helpful
  997. # [08:58] <Tomcat> since i guess more trees are affected ?
  998. # [08:58] <MattN> ok
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  1001. # [09:00] <gps> the pushes all went through and no data was lost AFAICT. the replication just didn't happen :/
  1002. # [09:01] <Tomcat> gps: btw we closed trees for this now, so if you think its all good to reopen lets us know :)
  1003. # [09:01] <gps> Tomcat: it's good
  1004. # [09:01] <gps> if anything was lagging, it should be synced up within a few minutes
  1005. # [09:01] * vladC|afk is now known as vladC|byuildduty
  1006. # [09:02] <Tomcat> nigelb|sheriffduty: ^ :)
  1007. # [09:02] <Tomcat> feel free to reopen
  1008. # [09:02] * Quits: drno (nohlmeier@moz-vp31sp.ca.comcast.net) (Client exited)
  1009. # [09:02] <Tomcat> nigelb|sheriffduty: i have some pushes staged so we can try out it it works
  1010. # [09:03] <nigelb|sheriffduty> reopening now...
  1011. # [09:03] * Joins: rego (rego@moz-rhhdf1.dynamic.reverse-mundo-r.com)
  1012. # [09:03] <nigelb|sheriffduty> done.
  1013. # [09:03] * Quits: dzbarsky (Adium@moz-vq8ubg.82pc.j76f.0646.2601.IP) (Quit: Leaving.)
  1014. # [09:03] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ae02da0ca244 - Jorg K - Bug 301712 - Remove uncommon proper names, remove unneeded words. r=ehsan
  1015. # [09:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/5c5cdbfeb6a3 - Alastor Wu - Bug 1238906 - part1 : check whether audio data is audible. r=jwwang
  1016. # [09:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4d17eb993510 - Alastor Wu - Bug 1238906 - part2 : notify audible state from MDSM to ME. r=jwwang
  1017. # [09:05] * Quits: nattokirai (nattokirai@moz-9rv9tl.dh-connect.net) (Client exited)
  1018. # [09:05] <nigelb|sheriffduty> MattN: your try push should show up now
  1019. # [09:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b30c8c5d62ba - Masayuki Nakano - Bug 1240336 Setting same value to either <input> or <textarea> shouldn't cause committing existing composition r=ehsan
  1020. # [09:06] <MattN> yep, I saw
  1021. # [09:06] <nigelb|sheriffduty> :)
  1022. # [09:06] * MattN is going to bed now and hopes for good results in the morning…
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  1024. # [09:09] <nigelb|sheriffduty> Tomcat: all good, I think :)
  1025. # [09:10] * Quits: koda (koda@moz-61i1d5.res.rr.com) (Client exited)
  1026. # [09:10] <Tomcat> yeah
  1027. # [09:11] <nigelb|sheriffduty> Tomcat: can you join taskcluster?
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  1030. # [09:14] <gps> i think this was a blip. things should be recovered. i'm going to bed.
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  1033. # [09:17] <nigelb|sheriffduty> gps: thanks :)
  1034. # [09:25] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/0223b7135379 - Sotaro Ikeda - Bug 1006688 - Support capture screen via adb r=mwu
  1035. # [09:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/55f1fc505b88 - Nicholas Nethercote - Re-backout c216ff19d690 (bug 1059014 part 3) because the removed code is less dead than it first appears.
  1036. # [09:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f405663b5570 - Blake Kaplan - Bug 1239122 - Make docshell browser-chrome tests e10s compatible. r=billm
  1037. # [09:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1ba31786ecfd - Ethan Lin - Bug 1239259 - Fix WebGL2 generateMipmap checking. r=jgilbert
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  1039. # [09:31] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9f34b95fa1d0 - Aaron Klotz - Bug 1240977 - DLL interceptor improvements for Windows 10 x64 ntdll APIs; r=ehsan
  1040. # [09:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c0be07690562 - Blake Kaplan - Bug 1241302 - Slightly modernize this code. r=jst
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  1118. # [10:58] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/d5df97e337b5 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
  1119. # [10:58] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-esr38/rev/c31c8a5a92b8 - Magnus Melin - Bug 1200567 - ensure shipped blocklist.xml doesn't affect the test_cert_blocklist.js (esr38 version). r=dkeeler, a=test-only
  1120. # [11:00] * Joins: fredw (Icedove@moz-fv4cpk.abo.wanadoo.fr)
  1121. # [11:01] <Tomcat> xidorn: ping
  1122. # [11:01] <xidorn> Tomcat: pong
  1123. # [11:02] <Tomcat> hey xidorn do you know who could take a look at bug 862624
  1124. # [11:02] <Tomcat> its 3 years old but still reproducible
  1125. # [11:03] <xidorn> Tomcat: probably ask the assignee?
  1126. # [11:03] <Tomcat> yeah will do
  1127. # [11:04] * Joins: gsvelto (gsvelto@moz-oc1api.clienti.tiscali.it)
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  1131. # [11:13] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/0ff0ab3c254a - Ting-Yu Lin - Bug 1241008 - Add preference to show or hide selection bars. r=mtseng
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  1166. # [11:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/pushloghtml?changeset=aa416d2a76fa - 30 changesets
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  1185. # [12:06] <nigelb|sheriffduty> Tomcat: I think we can re-open
  1186. # [12:06] <Tomcat> nigelb|sheriffduty: ok!
  1187. # [12:07] <Tomcat> nigelb|sheriffduty: all open
  1188. # [12:07] * Joins: mgoodwin (mgoodwin@moz-ubimfl.cable.virginm.net)
  1189. # [12:07] <nigelb|sheriffduty> \o/
  1190. # [12:08] <nigelb|sheriffduty> Tomcat: On that note, can you take over?
  1191. # [12:08] <Tomcat> yeah sure
  1192. # [12:09] * nigelb|sheriffduty is now known as nigelb
  1193. # [12:09] * Tomcat is now known as Tomcat|sheriffduty
  1194. # [12:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/3e8be31923a0 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  1195. # [12:09] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/77c14ffaf5f8 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
  1196. # [12:10] * Quits: ethan (ethan@moz-2hf62a.HINET-IP.hinet.net) (Client exited)
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  1199. # [12:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/963e6373d20a - Jon Coppeard - Bug 1241183 - Make nsScriptLoadRequest non-threadsafe now it's no longer used as a context for network loads r=sicking
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  1209. # [12:19] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/b2e729decd54 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset 91ba81f7207e (bug 1030318) for making browser_profiler_tree-abstract-02.js failing permanent on e10s
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  1211. # [12:21] * db48x sighs
  1212. # [12:21] * db48x occasionally wishes that JS had a type system
  1213. # [12:21] * Joins: flo-retina (Instantbird@moz-frdf7e.ip-37-59-48.eu)
  1214. # [12:21] <db48x> 100 is a nice time to wait if you're talking about milliseconds, not so much if it's seconds
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  1220. # [12:28] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/d5c2df6407e6 - Mark Goodwin - Bug 1232258 - Fix 'Learn More' link in aboutCertError.xhtml and aboutNetError.xhtml r=past
  1221. # [12:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/c0a8a74faf03 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset 8737105685f1 (bug 1003860)
  1222. # [12:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/2b9d095eccfd - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset 8d93e84979b5 (bug 1003860)
  1223. # [12:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/31648a75b668 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset 22d80ccb4626 (bug 1003860) for test failures in browser_storage_dynamic_windows.js
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  1225. # [12:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/pushloghtml?changeset=b39718d9ea3c - 68 changesets
  1226. # [12:34] * Quits: nattokirai (nattokirai@moz-5jjig6.asahi-net.or.jp) (Client exited)
  1227. # [12:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/541f217c62db - Thomas Zimmermann - Bug 1239979: Init and uninit all Bluetooth profile managers, r=shuang
  1228. # [12:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/c08aaa73c679 - Thomas Zimmermann - Bug 1239979: Uninitialized Bluetooth profile managers explictly to release refs, r=shuang
  1229. # [12:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/f632ea7d8d41 - Thomas Zimmermann - Bug 1239979: Close sockets when deinitializing Bluetooth profile managers, r=btian
  1230. # [12:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/cdf8c7c78c8b - Thomas Zimmermann - Bug 1239979: Add |BluetoothSocket::Accept| method, r=btian
  1231. # [12:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/bbdedc47cf6f - Thomas Zimmermann - Bug 1239979: Store pointer to Bluetooth socket interface in |BluetoothSocket|, r=btian
  1232. # [12:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/7be5a7820a66 - Thomas Zimmermann - Bug 1239979: Cleanup |BluetoothSocket|'s internals when connections close, r=btian
  1233. # [12:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/448d520ede25 - Thomas Zimmermann - Bug 1239979: Get pointers to Bluetooth managers during each shutdown, r=shuang
  1234. # [12:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/pushloghtml?changeset=bd50a0b3f94d - 202 changesets
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  1247. # [12:55] <bbouvier> why isn't my build triggered in https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&revision=3ac9f303b3d3 ? did i do something wrong?
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  1249. # [12:55] <bbouvier> oh boy, i wrote linunx
  1250. # [12:56] <padenot> bbouvier: linunx64
  1251. # [12:56] <bbouvier> that'd be so nice that try would reject a commit message that references unknown platforms
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  1253. # [12:57] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b8f68d046660 - aleth - Bug 1241306 - Disable services/fxaccounts/tests/xpcshell/test_accounts_device_registration.js for Thunderbird. r=markh
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  1262. # [13:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e9113fd6cdb8 - Dan Minor - Bug 1239939 - [mozsystemmonitor] Reduce poll interval on exit r=wlach
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  1274. # [13:27] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/a7b909eabadf - Patrick Brosset - Bug 1213651 - Avoid server round-trips when displaying animated dom nodes; r=tromey
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  1287. # [13:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/7698955aac90 - Jacek Caban - Bug 1239672 - Fixed symbols file support on mingw. r=glandium
  1288. # [13:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/be2e21c90fdd - Jacek Caban - Bug 1167248 - Cross compilation fixup.
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  1295. # [13:53] <nemo> http://www.newschannel5.com/news/newschannel-5-investigates/i-40-search-raises-new-policing-for-profit-questions
  1296. # [13:53] <nemo> oups
  1297. # [13:53] <nemo> sorry. wrong channel
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  1308. # [14:13] <chutten> db48x: a type system doesn't help you when the type is the same but the units aren't. That's when you want to use a project written in Apps Hungarian notation
  1309. # [14:13] <chutten> Though I suppose you could type-ify a double to be seconds in a lightweight and compile-time-checked manner in some languages...
  1310. # [14:14] <Ms2ger> Such as Rust :)
  1311. # [14:14] <chutten> Right. Great. Yet another language I've been meaning to try in my "copious" free time.
  1312. # [14:14] <chutten> Thanks, Ms2ger
  1313. # [14:14] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/16bb246db642 - Nicolas Silva - Bug 774689 - Make 632781-verybig.html allocate canvas big enough to test software rendering while being less likely to cause OOM. r=Bas
  1314. # [14:15] <padenot> we use the C++ type system to enfore time units in the media code
  1315. # [14:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/8cd99e9b6034 - Nicolas Silva - Bug 1180942 - Use cairo's image backend for drawing on linux. r=jrmuizel
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  1319. # [14:20] <chutten> padenot: do you have any numbers or analysis for whether it has runtime impact?
  1320. # [14:21] <chutten> (( I know the layout code also has type enforcement for points in the different coordinate systems, but they had to be types to begin with ))
  1321. # [14:22] <padenot> chutten: I don't think it has, considering it sits right next to very expensive stuff like resampling/decoding routines
  1322. # [14:22] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/57a473827179 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset a812bb3848d0 (bug 1237179) for test failures in VideoPuppeteer Media Tests
  1323. # [14:24] <padenot> considering number of unit mismatch bugs I've fixed over the years, it's certainly worth it
  1324. # [14:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ea9f039b70f1 - Jean-Yves Avenard - Bug 1240630: [ffvpx] P1. Add a FFVPX PDM. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe
  1325. # [14:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/163314b3e52a - Jean-Yves Avenard - Bug 1240630: [ffvpx] P2. Hook up FFVPX PDM to PDMFactory. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe
  1326. # [14:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/162aaf87ac45 - Jean-Yves Avenard - Bug 1240630: [ffmpeg] P3. Only build FFmpeg on mac and unixes. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe
  1327. # [14:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/082d96361ca8 - Jean-Yves Avenard - Bug 1240630: [ffmpeg] P4. Rename FFmpegH264Decoder into FFmpegVideoDecoder. r=kentuckyfriedtakahe
  1328. # [14:25] <Ms2ger> padenot, y'all interested in rewriting stuff in rust, btw?
  1329. # [14:25] <padenot> Ms2ger: the interest is not the problem :-)
  1330. # [14:25] <Ms2ger> What is.
  1331. # [14:25] <Ms2ger> ?
  1332. # [14:25] <padenot> Ms2ger: I'd rewrite you a web audio module in rust if I could
  1333. # [14:26] <padenot> well, time
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  1336. # [14:26] <padenot> that said, some bits of media are being written or rewritten in rust
  1337. # [14:27] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/276bf29a46c4 - Till Schneidereit - Bug 1240283 - Slim down JSDate instances by not caching cheaply-computed values. r=Waldo
  1338. # [14:28] <padenot> a lot of the media playback backbone just got massively improved, in C++, right before the rust-in-mozilla-central effort started, so it's all pretty modern and good code
  1339. # [14:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/95a25c159a0e - Olli Pettay - Bug 1241339 - ObserverService may keep Console object alive until shutdown, r=baku
  1340. # [14:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/a8b5e254799b - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1229399: Remove expression statements opcodes in wasm; r=luke
  1341. # [14:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/9809139812eb - Benjamin Bouvier - Bug 1229399: Allow to peek into the internal wasm IR; r=luke
  1342. # [14:32] <Ms2ger> padenot, how about the webrtc stack? Do you know anything about that?
  1343. # [14:32] <padenot> I don't know of any ongoing effort on rewriting bits of it in rust, but it's also nice and decoupled
  1344. # [14:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/939930dcd555 - Andreas Tolfsen - Bug 1240576 - Use Preferences.jsm throughout Marionette; r=automatedtester
  1345. # [14:33] <padenot> not all of it, but parts of it would be good candidates
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  1348. # [14:33] <padenot> we talked with jdm and ehsan about rewriting a Web Audio API node (the convolver node) in rust as well, in Orlando
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  1353. # [14:37] <jesup> Ms2ger: well, webrtc.org upstream was around 500K lines... and upstream likely doesn't want to buy into Rust. Some of the parts we add around it could be in theory - PeerConnectionImpl/Media/etc, mtransport (the parts outside the imported ICE stack - though redoing that in Rust could be interesting/possible). SIgnaling code we wrote to replace imported SIP code (JSEP - media/webrtc/signaling/sr
  1354. # [14:37] <jesup> c/jsep, perhaps interface code to webrtc.org - media-conduit, mediapipeline)
  1355. # [14:38] <jesup> Some of these pieces are highly asynchronous and use threads a fair bit
  1356. # [14:39] <Ms2ger> I'm sort of interested in reimplementing webrtc.org upstream things too
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  1359. # [14:41] <jesup> There are a lot of interesting bits there (and tons of sub-modules within it, some of which do a lot of cross-thread stuff (witness the crit_sects and GUARDED_BY's). You could do a portion as a proof-of-concept and talk to them (i can get you in touch). Upstream is part of google, note
  1360. # [14:42] <jesup> Showing them a part that surrounds upstream redone might help to, especially if it adds some real improved safety or other benefits
  1361. # [14:42] <Ms2ger> I don't necessarily care about getting it into upstream
  1362. # [14:42] <Ms2ger> Then again, I'm not very likely to actually do anything here :)
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  1364. # [14:42] <padenot> heh
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  1368. # [14:45] <chutten> Wait, chatting on #developers isn't actually doing anything?!
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  1370. # [14:46] <Ms2ger> It's how I earn my paycheck, so...
  1371. # [14:47] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/18e7baac03ce - Jean-Yves Avenard - Bug 1241062: [opus] P1. Properly calculate decoded audio sample timestamps. r=kinetik
  1372. # [14:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/69b695ad6d43 - Jean-Yves Avenard - Bug 1240201: [vorbis] P1. Properly determine sample duration and time in webm demuxer. r=kinetik
  1373. # [14:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b06a049cafb7 - Jean-Yves Avenard - Bug 1240201: [opus] P2. Properly determine sample duration and time in webm demuxer. r=kinetik
  1374. # [14:51] <jesup> Some bits in those surrounding parts could get used in gecko. Making changes to upstream will only last until the next import with real changes to that section, probably, even if we land it (since merging the changes at an import won't be a pretty option)
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  1376. # [14:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/7f5fb063029b - Edgar Chen - Bug 1233940 - Enable xpcshell on production as Tier-2; r=garndt
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  1380. # [14:58] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/97503acd6658 - Ryan VanderMeulen - Bug 1241121 - Upgrade SQLite to version 3.10.2. r=mak
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  1383. # [14:59] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/036360e2c9cd - Gregory Arndt - Bug 1236655 - Use builder 0.5.11 image for decision tasks r=wcosta
  1384. # [15:00] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> Sylvestre: thanks for the approvals :)
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  1395. # [15:06] <kats> philor: ping
  1396. # [15:07] <kats> or Tomcat|cloud: ping
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  1398. # [15:07] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> kats: pong
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  1400. # [15:08] <kats> Tomcat|sheriffduty: so R34 on android 4.3 debug seems to be permafailing
  1401. # [15:08] <kats> https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=mozilla-inbound&tochange=10d4e8736dbb&fromchange=52b41d0b5edb&filter-searchStr=Reftest%20R%28R34%29
  1402. # [15:08] <kats> Tomcat|sheriffduty: it's been getting mis-starred I think
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  1404. # [15:08] * killer sets mode: +o ehsan
  1405. # [15:08] <kats> there's a clear regression range, I triggered some jobs to narrow it down
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  1409. # [15:10] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> thanks kats
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  1414. # [15:13] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> kats: hm bug 1239861 had a green try run at least
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  1418. # [15:14] <kats> Tomcat|cloud: the one in comment 1? that was a different patch from the one that landed
  1419. # [15:14] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> ah ok
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  1425. # [15:18] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e780ca0bc68d - Kartikaya Gupta - Bug 1238040 - Update telemetry measures for checkerboarding. r=botond,vladan
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  1427. # [15:19] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/7a3b839f4a8e - Kartikaya Gupta - Bug 1238040 - Add a telemetry probe for potential checkerboarding duration. r=botond,vladan
  1428. # [15:19] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> kats: hm then i think its that bug
  1429. # [15:19] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> the other from jya only touches media
  1430. # [15:19] <kats> Tomcat|cloud: it might very well be. i'm wondering if somehow rail's patch might have done it. unlikely but you never know
  1431. # [15:20] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> yeah
  1432. # [15:20] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> lets wait for the retrigger then :)
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  1434. # [15:20] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/07f847a16bf1 - Dave Townsend - Bug 1232274 - Make installing or enabling an add-on require a restart if e10s is on and a pref is set. r=rhelmer, a=sylvestre
  1435. # [15:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/2308a996a554 - Edwin Flores - Bug 1207958 - Fix heuristic for choosing which ICO sub-image to render - r=tn, a=sylvestre
  1436. # [15:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/01b93573f9d4 - Chris H-C - Bug 1235908 - measure total event wait and process time. r=smaug, a=sylvestre
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  1447. # [15:33] <@smaug> how does one get something to be printed to the log from tests
  1448. # [15:33] <@smaug> when pushing to tryserver
  1449. # [15:33] <Gijs> smaug: requestCompleteLog() or whatever the magic incantation is?
  1450. # [15:33] <RyanVM> that sounds right
  1451. # [15:33] <Gijs> I mean, that and info(), at least from mochitest
  1452. # [15:34] <Gijs> yeah, SimpleTest.requestCompleteLog()
  1453. # [15:34] <Gijs> should work for mochitest-*
  1454. # [15:34] * Gijs doesn't know much about other tests
  1455. # [15:34] <Gijs> I keep meaning to find out more about marionette and getting waylaid by other stuff
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  1458. # [15:35] <@smaug> thanks
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  1461. # [15:36] <@smaug> hey, I have again a Win10 question... anyone want to try http://mozilla.pettay.fi/moztests/worker_limit.html on Edge
  1462. # [15:37] <@smaug> mbrubeck: pretty please :)
  1463. # [15:37] <RyanVM> smaug: i can
  1464. # [15:37] <@smaug> thanks
  1465. # [15:37] <@smaug> just load and say what it reports
  1466. # [15:37] <RyanVM> 25
  1467. # [15:37] <@smaug> thanks
  1468. # [15:37] <RyanVM> np
  1469. # [15:39] <Gijs> RyanVM: there used to be this test that checked for chrome layers overlapping content, or something... do you remember offhand what that was called?
  1470. # [15:39] * Gijs is trying to find it and having no luck
  1471. # [15:39] <RyanVM> m-oth test IIRC
  1472. # [15:39] <RyanVM> yeah, that rings a bell
  1473. # [15:40] <Gijs> probably https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/layout/base/tests/chrome/test_leaf_layers_partition_browser_window.xul
  1474. # [15:40] <Gijs> thanks
  1475. # [15:40] <RyanVM> that the one!
  1476. # [15:40] <RyanVM> yeah
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  1484. # [15:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/cf165d1764d6 - Tom Tromey - Bug 1231963 - handle top-level "this.mumble" assignments in eslint; r=mikeratcliffe
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  1491. # [15:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/27b47b5ed8f3 - Lee Salzman - Bug 1240177 - part 1 - add helper function to make Skia image info, r=jrmuizel
  1492. # [15:57] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/166723c9c3e3 - Lee Salzman - Bug 1240177 - part 2 - cleanups of DrawTargetSkia and SourceSurfaceSkia creation for GPU contexts, r=jrmuizel
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  1494. # [15:57] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/58f157683d4b - Lee Salzman - Bug 1240177 - part 3 - make DrawTargetSkia::OptimizeSourceSurface directly upload to GPU textures, r=jrmuizel
  1495. # [15:57] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/36bd96c1cd13 - Lee Salzman - Bug 1240177 - part 4 - avoid GPU readbacks in SourceSurfaceSkia::DrawTargetWillChange, r=jrmuizel
  1496. # [15:58] * Quits: luke (luke@moz-fk7pee.tx.charter.com) (Connection closed)
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  1498. # [15:58] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/3543f727e23a - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1240916 - Update the en-US dictionary to SCOWL 2016.01.19
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  1507. # [16:03] <jesup> smaug: ping
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  1509. # [16:04] <jesup> smaug: bug 987186 - you likely know, but we'd like to land this in 46 before the uplift. Should be simple reviews; jib's already looked at the patchset. (from an external contributor). Thanks!
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  1520. # [16:09] <edwin> Is orangefactor bung for anybody else?
  1521. # [16:10] <edwin> I get " 500: Internal Server Error loading https://brasstacks.mozilla.com/api/count?startday=2016-01-14&endday=2016-01-21&tree=trunk "
  1522. # [16:10] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/a9c04b82ab35 - Ben Kelly - Bug 1237455 P1 Make file_CrossSiteXHR_server.sjs check headers on redirects. r=ehsan
  1523. # [16:10] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/ac748438a039 - Ben Kelly - Bug 1237455 P2 Test headers on redirects in fetch mochitests. r=ehsan
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  1525. # [16:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/575375f87cd5 - Ben Kelly - Bug 1237455 P3 Add a version of test_fetch_cors that reroutes through an empty service worker. r=ehsan
  1526. # [16:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/2f82acb4895f - Ben Kelly - Bug 1237455 P4 Create helper method to set fetch request headers. r=ehsan
  1527. # [16:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/c018fbb65ecb - Ben Kelly - Bug 1237455 P5 Set headers on fetch() redirects. r=ehsan a=sylvestre
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  1530. # [16:12] <@smaug> jesup: pong
  1531. # [16:12] <@smaug> looking
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  1534. # [16:12] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> edwin i will ping emorley in #treeherder
  1535. # [16:13] <jesup> smaug: thanks
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  1538. # [16:15] <@smaug> jesup: the API starts to look rather bizarre with these ConstrainBooleans
  1539. # [16:15] <@smaug> but since it is in the spec...
  1540. # [16:15] <@smaug> fine
  1541. # [16:16] * Joins: agowa338 (Thunderbird@moz-au3.rsr.145.84.IP)
  1542. # [16:16] <@smaug> but super weird API
  1543. # [16:16] <@smaug> unlike anything else in the platform
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  1545. # [16:18] <Ms2ger> smaug, being unlike anything else in the platform , at least, is very much like everything else in the platform
  1546. # [16:18] <@smaug> ha
  1547. # [16:18] * Quits: Swatinem1 (swatinem@moz-mddkaj.static.inode.at) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  1548. # [16:18] <@smaug> Ms2ger: the core DOM isn't that inconsistent
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  1551. # [16:19] <jesup> The whole constraint stuff is ... unfortunate. it's messy trying to effectively provide a flexible set of preferences and limits on what will be obtained. A more direct query/set interative API might have been better than trying to anticipate every possibility and write a "constraint language", but c'est la vie
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  1553. # [16:19] <Ms2ger> There's NodeFilter and EventListener that are both unlike anything else in the platform :)
  1554. # [16:19] <@smaug> Ms2ger: what is wrong with EventListener?
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  1556. # [16:19] <froydnj> Ms2ger: "inconsistency is our consistency"?
  1557. # [16:20] <Ms2ger> smaug, handleEvent, arguably
  1558. # [16:20] <@smaug> totally fine. That is how it all worked for a long time for other callbacks too
  1559. # [16:20] <jib> constraints were way overkill, and they tried to make it a pattern to boot. At least we got the worst of it shoved under advanced, the rest works mostly like a dictionary at least, but we weren't able to kill it entirely
  1560. # [16:20] <@smaug> but sure
  1561. # [16:20] <@smaug> these days EventListener is a bit unusual
  1562. # [16:21] * maja_zf is now known as maja_zf|brb
  1563. # [16:21] * jib wonders if the list would be open to drop advanced this late in the game
  1564. # [16:22] <Ms2ger> jib, better today than tomorrow
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  1566. # [16:22] <jib> maybe not worth the bother, few will support it, and being the edge-case that it is, it's likely not to work well in all browsers anyway
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  1568. # [16:22] <jib> so it can die a slow death that way
  1569. # [16:23] <Ms2ger> Can't you accidentally ifdef it out in Gecko?
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  1575. # [16:25] <jesup> Ms2ger: Ssssssh! ;-)
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  1588. # [16:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/f47f4fc24cd5 - Armen Zambrano Gasparnian - Bug 1241277 - Enable more green jobs for TaskCluster Linux64 debug jobs. r=jmaher
  1589. # [16:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e44eb7d3eaba - Armen Zambrano Gasparnian - Bug 1240770 - Change splitting for more TC Linux64 debug jobs. r=jmaher
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  1592. # [16:36] <tromey> what do I need in .mozconfig to get a "release build"?
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  1594. # [16:36] <padenot> nothing
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  1597. # [16:40] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> edwin: emorley will fix it :)
  1598. # [16:40] <edwin> Tomcat|sheriffduty: thanks :D
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  1602. # [16:41] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> kats: ok its confirmed its 415f713d58b0
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  1607. # [16:42] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> kats: will back this out from central and merge it down to the other trees to fix this
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  1609. # [16:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/19ab70a7137c - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - IPC glib deadlock fix (r=jld)
  1610. # [16:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6d7dd1de5dd5 - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Add some MessageChannel logging (r=dvander)
  1611. # [16:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/5a2a8262a368 - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Fix cancel during timeout (r=dvander)
  1612. # [16:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2020b3de24bc - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Fix bug where mAwaitingSyncReply can be overwritten in Send after Cancel (r=dvander)
  1613. # [16:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e7ce9369ddb6 - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Check for cancellation during ProcessPendingRequests (r=dvander)
  1614. # [16:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/908c5be531ae - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Return false when trying to Send while dispatching urgent (r=dvander)
  1615. # [16:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/cda5277636b6 - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Stop returning MsgNotAllowed (r=dvander)
  1616. # [16:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/aac985c60052 - Bill McCloskey - Bug 1240985 - Make sure to queue mDequeueOneTasks after cancellation (r=dvander)
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  1627. # [16:48] <philor> kats: so calling Timestamp::Now() makes that reftest chunk run for significantly more than 20 minutes longer? ouch
  1628. # [16:48] <philor> there's also a crashtest chunk
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  1634. # [16:51] <kats> philor: it could be the crash that's taking 20 minutes to process
  1635. # [16:51] <kats> like symbolicating it or something
  1636. # [16:51] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/66e07ef46853 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset 415f713d58b0 (bug 1239861) to fix perma-busted Android 4.3 debug R34
  1637. # [16:52] <Aryx> does anybody develop on Windows with MozillaBuild and maintains a modified start script so it can be invoked in custom locations?
  1638. # [16:53] <Tomcat|sheriffduty> kats: done
  1639. # [16:53] <RyanVM> Aryx: no....?
  1640. # [16:53] * Quits: @ehsan (ehsan@moz-p4qct9.fibre.fibrestream.ca) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
  1641. # [16:53] <RyanVM> Aryx: what are you looking to do?
  1642. # [16:54] <Aryx> create a shortcut to e.g. launch three shells (source directory, object directory, locale directory)
  1643. # [16:54] <Aryx> but afaik the home directory is hardcoded
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  1646. # [16:54] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/66e07ef46853 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset 415f713d58b0 (bug 1239861) to fix perma-busted Android 4.3 debug R34
  1647. # [16:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/ba6b0a9497ee - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Merge mozilla-central to b2g-inbound
  1648. # [16:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/66e07ef46853 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset 415f713d58b0 (bug 1239861) to fix perma-busted Android 4.3 debug R34
  1649. # [16:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b9b9318b8aef - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Merge mozilla-central to mozilla-inbound
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  1651. # [16:55] <philor> kats: timestamps don't look like it, though it might be asserting like mad, burning time getting stacks for assertions that will never be seen
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  1653. # [16:55] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/66e07ef46853 - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Backed out changeset 415f713d58b0 (bug 1239861) to fix perma-busted Android 4.3 debug R34
  1654. # [16:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/f36a4a4ff73f - Carsten "Tomcat" Book - Merge mozilla-central to fx-team
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  1658. # [16:57] <philor> and the failures *is* "took another 20+ minutes"
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  1661. # [16:58] <philor> that's what "application ran for longer than allowed maximum time" is, isn't it, the android flavor of what on other platforms would be a red "7200 seconds elapsed running..."
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  1664. # [16:59] <@smaug> jib: btw, do you know if there is a bug open about the mozreview issue that you couldn't set r? in bug 987186
  1665. # [17:00] <jib> smaug: is that a bug? I guess I assumed only the review submitter could do that.
  1666. # [17:00] <@smaug> well, it sure feels like a bug
  1667. # [17:00] * rail-mtg is now known as rail
  1668. # [17:01] <@smaug> this was an actual case where it clearly showed up
  1669. # [17:01] <jib> true, I can file one if you like
  1670. # [17:01] * Quits: dholbert (dholbert@moz-pnm275.static.fusionbroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  1671. # [17:01] <@smaug> please
  1672. # [17:01] <jib> will do
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  1676. # [17:02] <@smaug> jib: another case when this can be useful when a reviewer wants to move the review to someone else
  1677. # [17:02] <jib> true
  1678. # [17:02] * Quits: bbondy (bbondy@moz-ahsdem.home.cgocable.net) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  1679. # [17:03] <jib> smaug: just doublechecking, are you able to add a reviewer to this? https://reviewboard.mozilla.org/r/31649/
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  1683. # [17:03] <jib> maybe I'm doing it wrong
  1684. # [17:03] <@smaug> let me check
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  1687. # [17:03] <@smaug> I think so
  1688. # [17:04] <@smaug> jib: yes
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  1691. # [17:04] <jib> yes?
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  1694. # [17:04] <@smaug> jib: the first patch should have now ship-it from me
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  1698. # [17:05] <jib> smaug: oh, yes anyone can seemingly do Ship it!, that's not what I meant, but can you flag yourself for review in it?
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  1703. # [17:06] <@smaug> jib: ah, hmm. I wonder where in the UI there would be such option
  1704. # [17:06] <jib> (I'm the only one listed)
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  1706. # [17:06] <jib> normally when I create one, the fields are editable, at least from the Review Summary
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  1709. # [17:06] <jib> I'll file
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  1713. # [17:07] <@smaug> I've never uploaded anything to mozreview
  1714. # [17:07] <@smaug> only doing reviews there
  1715. # [17:08] <jib> smaug: looks like a fix is forthcoming: bug 1161230
  1716. # [17:08] <@smaug> ah, thanks
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  1719. # [17:09] <jib> or perhaps not in a while, looks like it's dragging
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  1745. # [17:22] <Gijs> jib: might be worth flagging it up in #mozreview and asking?
  1746. # [17:22] * Gijs has run into this before, too
  1747. # [17:23] <jib> will do
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  1762. # [17:33] <ejpbruel> !seen BenWa
  1763. # [17:33] <firebot> benwa was last seen 21 hours and 19 minutes ago, saying 'plus no need to ship to 100M’s of users' in #apz.
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  1771. # [17:41] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/c3b294d17ea4 - Mike Conley - Bug 1233803 - Register RemoteWebNavigation as a standard js-implemented XPCOM component. r=felipe, a=sylvestre
  1772. # [17:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/67d28b544a8b - Mike Conley - Bug 1233803 - Outlaw usage of sessionHistory CPOW in browser code. r=felipe, a=sylvestre
  1773. # [17:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/5f103cbb7ad1 - Mike Conley - Bug 1233803 - Add RemoteWebNavigation sessionHistory shim for addons. r=krizsa, a=sylvestre
  1774. # [17:42] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/8d81327764e1 - Mike Conley - Bug 1233803 - Add sessionHistory shim for gBrowser and remote browsers. r=krizsa, a=sylvestre
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  1784. # [17:49] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/737f3b6e93c6 - Kit Cambridge - Bug 1234054 - Only enable service worker notifications on Desktop and non-release B2G/Android. r=ehsan; a=sylvestre
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  1794. # [17:57] * Bas is now known as Bas_
  1795. # [17:57] <jesup> smaug: I got bit by the "can't move a review" last night; I did it in bugzilla instead
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  1804. # [18:00] <jorgk> KWierso: Hi, where is the sheriff on duty?
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  1815. # [18:03] <jorgk> any sheriff here?
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  1818. # [18:03] <jorgk> nigelb: hi, any sheriff here?
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  1821. # [18:04] <RyanVM> jorgk: maybe not, but you can ask your question anyway
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  1826. # [18:05] <jorgk> well, I'd like something to be backed out from mozilla-inbound
  1827. # [18:05] <jorgk> or at least stop it from being merged to M-C
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  1831. # [18:06] <Gijs> jorgk: what's the something and why? :)
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  1833. # [18:06] <jorgk> OK, https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=mozilla-inbound&revision=3543f727e23a
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  1835. # [18:07] <jorgk> Ehsan sadly got it wrong in bug 1240916. Let me complete the comment there.
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  1837. # [18:07] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e1480e6b2451 - David Burns - Bug 1241067: Handle Invalid Selector values when finding elements r=ato
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  1840. # [18:08] <kats> jorgk: the merge probably won't happen for many hours, so you can probably get ehsan to back it out
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  1842. # [18:08] <jorgk> kats: Thanks. I'll let him know on the bug.
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  1845. # [18:08] <ejpbruel> BenWa: ping
  1846. # [18:09] <ejpbruel> BenWa: I've been told you're the person to ask questions about the SPS profiler, is that correct?
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  1848. # [18:10] <BenWa> ejpbruel: yes
  1849. # [18:11] <ejpbruel> BenWa: i have a few questions wrt profiling worker threads. do you have a few minutes?
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  1851. # [18:11] <BenWa> yes
  1852. # [18:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/272fda7c1b72 - Ben Kelly - Bug 1241020 Disable test_fetch_cors_sw_empty_reroute.html on android debug. a=testonly
  1853. # [18:12] <ejpbruel> BenWa: my understanding is that when we start the SPS profiler, you tell it what threads it should profile
  1854. # [18:12] * Quits: marco (marco@moz-i6u.sut.111.217.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
  1855. # [18:12] <BenWa> yes
  1856. # [18:12] <ejpbruel> BenWa: apparently, some threads have well-known names
  1857. # [18:13] <ejpbruel> how do these thread names get assigned? using what API?
  1858. # [18:13] <ejpbruel> do worker threads also have names? if not, could we give them well-defined names using the same API
  1859. # [18:13] <BenWa> yea, something like profiler_register_thread
  1860. # [18:13] <BenWa> workers already get a thread name. DOM Worker (url) IIRC
  1861. # [18:13] <ejpbruel> would you happen to have a dxr link?
  1862. # [18:13] <ejpbruel> right, what im trying to figure out is how those thread names get assigned
  1863. # [18:14] <ejpbruel> also, if were going to profile worker threads, we need to know which worker has what thread name ofc
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  1865. # [18:14] <ejpbruel> nm, i found the function in dxr
  1866. # [18:14] <BenWa> ejpbruel: http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/workers/RuntimeService.cpp#2682
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  1870. # [18:14] <ejpbruel> BenWa: yes, this is perfect
  1871. # [18:15] <ejpbruel> this is exactly what I was looking for
  1872. # [18:15] <ejpbruel> BenWa: one more question
  1873. # [18:15] <ejpbruel> BenWa: once the profiler starts running, its apparently not possible to add additional threads to profile, is that correct?
  1874. # [18:15] <ejpbruel> so if a worker gets created while were profiling, were out of luck
  1875. # [18:16] * Quits: m_gol (m_gol@moz-2dge06.netia.com.pl) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  1876. # [18:16] <BenWa> you can specify the thread name DOM which is really DOM*
  1877. # [18:16] <BenWa> and that will match all DOM Worker threads
  1878. # [18:16] <ejpbruel> BenWa: even when those worker threads do not yet exist when the profiler is started?
  1879. # [18:16] <BenWa> yea, should work just fine
  1880. # [18:16] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/cb26c997b8c5 - Vladan Djeric - Bug 1241507 - Enable BHR reporting on 100% of the Beta population. r=rvitillo
  1881. # [18:17] <BenWa> if not it should be fixed
  1882. # [18:17] <ejpbruel> BenWa: ok! that answers all my questions for now
  1883. # [18:17] <ejpbruel> thank you for your time
  1884. # [18:17] * Quits: alexsurkov (uid139969@moz-m4e9p9.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  1885. # [18:17] <BenWa> np
  1886. # [18:18] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6ce8e6c5364c - Eugen Sawin - Bug 1205649 - [1.1] Use relative orientation for DOM DeviceOrientation events by default. r=vlad
  1887. # [18:19] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/94904a47150f - Eugen Sawin - Bug 1205649 - [2.4] Add AbsoluteDeviceOrientation DOM event for compass heading orientation data. r=smaug
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  1897. # [18:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/30d486237af3 - Vladan Djeric - Bug 1228437 - Add BHR stats from e10s child process. B2G fix by Ting-Yu Chou. r=nchen,a=sylvestre
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  1900. # [18:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/8df98e9a4baf - Gijs Kruitbosch - Bug 1239748 - add a user-facing preference to turn off the on-screen keyboard functionality completely, r=jaws
  1901. # [18:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/cca4dbb52c8d - Gijs Kruitbosch - Bug 1200726 - part 0: remove all large icons, r=florian
  1902. # [18:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/d1b0d8428d6d - Gijs Kruitbosch - Bug 1200726 - part 1: change google icon, r=florian
  1903. # [18:27] * Joins: jayeshsolanki (jayeshsolan@moz-i5n.sgo.201.123.IP)
  1904. # [18:28] <Yoric> Actually, let's ask here.
  1905. # [18:28] <Yoric> sheriff: Can BugHerder uplift things automatically these days?
  1906. # [18:30] * Parts: ejpbruel (ejpbruel@moz-85djl2.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
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  1911. # [18:32] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/c7ca88c57386 - David Rajchenbach-Teller - Bug 1224374 - Profiler labels for the 100 top chrome hangs (Aurora uplift edition);r=benwa,a=sylvestre
  1912. # [18:34] * ahal is now known as ahal|afk
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  1918. # [18:38] * kats is now known as kats-afk
  1919. # [18:38] <MattN> Yoric: BugHerder marks the bugs, it doesn't actually do the uplifts AFAIK…
  1920. # [18:39] <MattN> are you asking if it properly marks bugs for uplift?
  1921. # [18:39] * Quits: developers701 (bzlandfill@moz-d1tjfu.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
  1922. # [18:39] <MattN> s/for/after/
  1923. # [18:39] <MattN> I believe the answer to that is "yes" as I use it for that
  1924. # [18:39] * Quits: rego (rego@moz-rhhdf1.dynamic.reverse-mundo-r.com) (Connection closed)
  1925. # [18:40] <Yoric> MattN: Ah, I meant er... autolander? pulsebot? Some other robotic overlord?
  1926. # [18:40] <MattN> I don't think autolander is supported for uplifts yet
  1927. # [18:40] <MattN> and pulsebot doesn't auto-comment for uplifts
  1928. # [18:41] * Joins: marco (marco@moz-i80.2gj.225.143.IP)
  1929. # [18:41] <MattN> I push with hg myself then use the dropdown on the push in TreeHerder to open BugHerder to mark the bug approperiately
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  1936. # [18:43] <Yoric> Ah, there is a dropdown in Treeherder?
  1937. # [18:43] <Yoric> Well, next time, I guess.
  1938. # [18:43] * Quits: dholbert (dholbert@moz-pnm275.static.fusionbroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  1939. # [18:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/f3b2d6aea00c - Jason Duell - Bug 1199841 - Restructure private browsing to remember status after OnStopRequest. r=jdm, a=sledru
  1940. # [18:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/f4b8cf2401fd - David Rajchenbach-Teller - Bug 1214158 - New module StartupPerformance to monitor the duration of restoration of initial tabs. r=mconley, a=sledru
  1941. # [18:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/0af430379682 - David Rajchenbach-Teller - Bug 1198898 - Determining number of tabs/windows restored by Session Restore. r=mconley
  1942. # [18:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/939ba6d07b69 - Milan Sreckovic - Bug 1237770 - Disable D3D9 on XP with E10S. r=jrmuizel, a=sledru
  1943. # [18:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/7e0840a72f79 - Felipe Gomes - Bug 1234673 - Avoid users from locales ar, fa, he, ur for e10s rollout to Fx45. r=jimm, a=sledru
  1944. # [18:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/2a9e0a7c1029 - Daniel Holbert - Bug 1186405 - Annotate reftest inline--display-inline--01.xhtml as having a few barely-fuzzy pixels, on OS X. a=test-only
  1945. # [18:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/41159a21b1aa - Kate McKinley - Bug 1213633 - Test childDocument prior to use. r=tanvi, a=test-only
  1946. # [18:44] <MattN> Yoric: yeah, on the right side of the push. I flips the appropriate flags on BMO
  1947. # [18:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/b937d5a18598 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 4 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  1948. # [18:44] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/ea55ec460718 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
  1949. # [18:44] <MattN> "Mark with BugHerder"
  1950. # [18:45] * Quits: paolo_ (paolo@moz-i6u.sut.111.217.IP) (Quit: )
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  1952. # [18:45] <eeejay> mixedpuppy: ping?
  1953. # [18:45] <mixedpuppy> eeejay: pong
  1954. # [18:46] <eeejay> mixedpuppy: howdy. i am working on a reader feature, and i am trying to mimic the work you did to make pocket an addon
  1955. # [18:46] <eeejay> mixedpuppy: bug 1166365
  1956. # [18:48] <Ms2ger> Dexter, hey, is there a good android app for public transport within the city?
  1957. # [18:48] <eeejay> mixedpuppy: i am trying to decide how to implement, i need something more expressive than Reader:AddButton and a message callback. I need to add a dropdown with controls that affect content. The easy path is to simly load a frame script, but I am wondering if investing in more extension API would be more welcome
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  1961. # [18:50] <mixedpuppy> eeejay: I see. I think easy path may be the best path.
  1962. # [18:51] <eeejay> mixedpuppy: so frame scripts it is! thanks
  1963. # [18:51] <mixedpuppy> eeejay: let me know how it goes
  1964. # [18:51] <eeejay> sure thing
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  1984. # [19:01] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/952331e23d98 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1240958 - Don't test showModalDialog in test_bug414291.html if it isn't defined. r=mrbkap
  1985. # [19:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ddc78894cf28 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1241252, part 1 - Use pushPrefEnv in test_bug61098.html. r=mrbkap
  1986. # [19:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/65d4e80be3e3 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1241252, part 2 - Don't run the showModalDialog parts of the test if it isn't defined. r=mrbkap
  1987. # [19:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/1849d5f04ddc - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1241252, part 3 - Misc. cleanups in test_bug61098.html. r=mrbkap
  1988. # [19:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b09c86460959 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1238427 - Avoid a strong reference from the timeout timer to nsGeolocationRequest. r=jdm
  1989. # [19:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/d28b1c4a6882 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1226052, part 1 - Remove trailing whitespace in test_mozfiledataurl.html. r=baku
  1990. # [19:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/66a382d1bc52 - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1226052, part 2 - Don't name every file 'file' in test_mozfiledataurl.html. r=baku
  1991. # [19:02] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/7e98a23b710f - Andrew McCreight - Bug 1226052, part 3 - Create File objects in test_mozfiledataurl.html using a frame script. r=baku
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  2016. # [19:15] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/429e6d01ae22 - Sebastian Hengst - Backed out changeset e1480e6b2451 (bug 1241067) for failing Marionette tests. r=test-failure
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  2022. # [19:19] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/7c56c933b75b - Gregory Arndt - Bug 1237987 - Update mulet mochitests to use tester image r=wcosta
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  2027. # [19:21] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/05d3068b8573 - Ehsan Akhgari - Backout bug 1240916 because the update from upstream seems to be broken
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  2029. # [19:23] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b9aad3c0e80e - David Keeler - bug 1240173 - improve nsIX509Cert.dbKey r=Cykesiopka
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  2036. # [19:31] <armenzg> kats-afk, thanks for letting me know that adding jobs to TH is working for you
  2037. # [19:32] <tux> hi, quick question : I have the sources of a C library, do you happen to know the name of a tool, under linux/unix, that it is able to just list the names of all the functions provided by the sources of a C library ?
  2038. # [19:32] * Joins: bgrins (bgrins@moz-0bmbl2.ca.comcast.net)
  2039. # [19:33] <nalexander> tux: ctags and cscope can do this stuff.
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  2041. # [19:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/4974e781925f - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  2042. # [19:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/2155aa176b08 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  2045. # [19:35] <tux> that's the name of the thing that I keep forgetting about . thanks nalexander
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  2052. # [19:42] <tux> thanks, bye
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  2058. # [19:45] <nalexander> How do I make jobvite remember my login details longer?
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  2099. # [20:10] <Gijs> Aryx: fix pushed.
  2100. # [20:10] <Gijs> Aryx: sorry. :(
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  2103. # [20:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/b60cae69c6fd - Gijs Kruitbosch - Bug 1200726 - followup: fix failing test for google search provider icon change, rs=bustage
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  2106. # [20:12] <Aryx> thank you for fixing it so fast
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  2112. # [20:14] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b4328eb7bc5f - Jan de Mooij - Bug 1234845 part 10 - Remove ExecuteType and InitialFrameFlags enums. r=luke
  2113. # [20:14] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c1fbfe097769 - Jan de Mooij - Bug 1234845 part 11 - Remove HAS_SCOPECHAIN InterpreterFrame flag, repack flags. r=luke
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  2117. # [20:17] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e7a439abc3b9 - Josh Matthews - Bug 1239463 - Do not assert when notifying an inactive document about changed content from the plugin crash notification. r=bz
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  2131. # [20:26] <@smaug> miketaylr: could you test still something in Edge (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1236979#c29) What happens if you set window.onwebkit* handler, does it get called?
  2132. # [20:27] <@smaug> just wondering if they somehow hide the properties, but still let them to be set
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  2142. # [20:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/1811920d9a20 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
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  2153. # [20:43] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e1208d0c3551 - Ehsan Akhgari - Bug 1240916 - Part 2: Update the en-US dictionary to SCOWL 2016.01.19
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  2156. # [20:45] <KWierso> jya: ping
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  2170. # [20:56] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/3cd42a5570c5 - Margaret Leibovic - Bug 1234335 - Remove shortcut to add an item to your reading list from long tapping on reader view icon. r=ahunt
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  2193. # [21:11] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b11b3a3c7c1b - Paul Kerr [:pkerr] - Bug 1237630 - Part 1: Video freeze from WebRTC sender. r=rjesup
  2194. # [21:12] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/b756dd7e492a - Paul Kerr [:pkerr] - Bug 1237630 - Part 2: remove LOG statement generating a now defunct error condition. r=rjesup
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  2207. # [21:24] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/94daabff223d - Chenxia Liu - Bug 1241591 - Switch onboarding to A version only. r=margaret
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  2214. # [21:30] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/5dbf390b7afa - Andreas Tolfsen - Bug 1239373 - Infrastructure for Marionette xpcshell unit tests; r=automatedtester
  2215. # [21:31] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/73f9ba910ce2 - Andreas Tolfsen - Bug 1239373 - Tests for testing/marionette/error.js; r=automatedtester
  2216. # [21:31] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/faa5b203149a - Andreas Tolfsen - Bug 1239373 - Tests for testing/marionette/message.js; r=automatedtester
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  2221. # [21:33] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/fa6b5ffdd329 - Wes Kocher - Backed out changeset 18e7baac03ce (bug 1241062) for windows wpt bustage
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  2233. # [21:44] <whimboo> francois: hi! are you around? might be interested to join #automation?
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  2237. # [21:47] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/468638b88f3c - Henrik Skupin - Bug 1237600 - Ensure Python packages for firefox-ui-tests are installed from in-tree. r=jlund a=testonly
  2238. # [21:47] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora/rev/ec2bd9b72622 - Henrik Skupin - Bug 1238014 - Improve code of firefox-ui-tests module based on marionette.py. r=ahal a=testonly DONTBUILD
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  2277. # [22:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/23c1056a5187 - Mike Conley - Bug 1241424 - Show the about:tabcrashed form if the send report checkbox is checked by default. r=felipe
  2278. # [22:29] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/3a4be7fa824f - Mike Conley - Bug 1241424 - Regression test. r=felipe
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  2284. # [22:35] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/ebaf5066ddd3 - Tom Tromey - Bug 1241437 - remove workaround from StyleSheetEditor.jsm; r=pbrosset
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  2320. # [22:58] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/485b9de85b9d - Yura Zenevich - Bug 1241562 - replacing logger error with debug when logging accessibility issues. r=ato
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  2327. # [23:03] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/c345486a8f51 - Henrik Skupin - Bug 1241061 - [firefox-ui-tests] Workaround for bug 1237706 to use ZipFile if unzip command is not available. r=maja_zf DONTBUILD
  2328. # [23:03] <glandium> will people stop pushing stuff, I lost the race twice already
  2329. # [23:04] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/fa5e60f6adaa - Luke Wagner - Bug 1241581 - Put back null filename checks (r=bbouvier)
  2330. # [23:04] <glandium> finally
  2331. # [23:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/3fac4d023eaf - Mike Hommey - Bug 1241398 - Don't purge install manifests from the recursive make backend. r=gps
  2332. # [23:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/2c23d572349e - Mike Hommey - Bug 1241398 - Remove the FilePurger class. r=gps
  2333. # [23:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/ff9243624046 - Mike Hommey - Bug 1241398 - Show the diff for created and deleted files in `mach build-backend --diff`. r=gps
  2334. # [23:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/61577ee97921 - Mike Hommey - Bug 1241398 - Allow to pass the --verbose flag down to config.status from `mach build-backend`. r=gps
  2335. # [23:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/012e4a864921 - Mike Hommey - Bug 1241398 - Add a dry-run mode to `mach build-backend`. r=gps
  2336. # [23:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/abd3c51d6eb1 - Mike Hommey - Bug 1241416 - Create a tier for things happening before export. r=gps
  2337. # [23:05] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/38c6162cefb9 - Mike Hommey - Bug 1241421 - Remove jar.mn with no JAR_MANIFESTS check in config/rules.mk. r=mshal
  2338. # [23:05] * Quits: dzbarsky (Adium@moz-0majn6.82pc.j76f.0646.2601.IP) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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  2353. # [23:13] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/efa0471875af - David Burns - Bug 1241067: Handle Invalid Selector values when finding elements r=ato
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  2367. # [23:23] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/6a0f2536c407 - Jeff Gilbert - Bug 1239187 - Use the GLFeature instead. - r=jrmuizel
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  2373. # [23:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/e658250c40a6 - Cameron McCormack - Bug 1241373 - Make nsStyleSet::GetAuthorStyleDisabled const. r=dholbert
  2374. # [23:26] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/436d69e34651 - Cameron McCormack - Bug 1241378 - Stop uselessly getting the style set from nsStyleSet::ResolveAnonymousBoxStyle. r=dholbert
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  2390. # [23:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/39a6f5d3e59f - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping gaia.json for 4 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
  2391. # [23:34] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/1db8c128bda1 - B2G Bumper Bot - Bumping manifests a=b2g-bump
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  2395. # [23:36] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/77b033798079 - Masatoshi Kimura - Bug 1211243 - Do not swallow exceptions if the URI is not an instance of a standard URL. r=florian
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  2400. # [23:40] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/1aed451f1502 - Brian Grinstead - Bug 1237368 - Set inline style width to console output node so output scrolls faster;r=vporof
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  2403. # [23:40] <@njn> fabrice: ping?
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  2407. # [23:40] <fabrice> njn: pong
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  2409. # [23:41] <@njn> fabrice: is bug 1212321 likely to go anywhere? In other words, is pausePainting/resumePainting needed?
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  2411. # [23:42] <@njn> fabrice: I reinstated it yesterday, but maybe that wasn't necessary
  2412. # [23:42] <fabrice> njn: this was needed for Vivien's patch
  2413. # [23:42] <@njn> fabrice: yes; do you know if Vivien's patch is going to land eventually?
  2414. # [23:43] <fabrice> njn: hm.. yes I'll land it myself
  2415. # [23:43] <@njn> fabrice: ok, good. So I don't need to re-remove those functions :)
  2416. # [23:43] <@njn> thank you
  2417. # [23:43] <fabrice> yw
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  2421. # [23:46] <@njn> fabrice: I've updated bug 1059014 accordingly. Hopefully I got it right this time :)
  2422. # [23:46] <fabrice> yeah, sorry for the mess! I blame :vingtetun
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  2424. # [23:48] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/mozilla-inbound/rev/4f5d63ec3097 - Patrick McManus - Bug 366023 - Allow h/1.0 chunked encodings r=bagder
  2425. # [23:49] <@njn> erahm: does dev-memory get spam like dev-power does?
  2426. # [23:50] <shu> is there a #define of a Gecko version number anywhere?
  2427. # [23:50] <erahm> njn: russia reeeeeallllly loves dev-memory
  2428. # [23:50] <shu> i'd like a codepath to blow up after it's been on release for a few cycles
  2429. # [23:51] * Quits: till (till@moz-u51.21q.19.178.IP) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
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  2437. # [23:57] * @njn references a year-old comment on his blog to fix DMD's slow starting on Windows
  2438. # [23:59] <pulsebot> Check-in: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/b2g-inbound/rev/a95b36044ed8 - Vivien Nicolas - Bug 1212321 - Stop painting on app launch. r=fabrice
  2439. # [23:59] <@njn> fabrice: thank you
  2440. # Session Close: Fri Jan 22 00:00:00 2016

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