- # Session Start: Mon Dec 14 00:00:00 2009
- # Session Ident: #html-wg
- # [00:01] * Joins: karl (karlcow@
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- # [00:53] <pimpbot> planet: Callback, return value and HTML5 executeSql function <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1898178/callback-return-value-and-html5-executesql-function> ** WebGL Spec Initial Public Draft Released <http://blog.chromium.org/2009/12/webgl-spec-initial-public-draft.html>
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- # [05:51] * Parts: dsinger (dsinger@
- # [06:39] * Joins: MikeSmith (MikeSmithX@mcclure.w3.org)
- # [06:55] <pimpbot> planet: WebSocket for HTML5 <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1253683/websocket-for-html5>
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- # [07:55] <pimpbot> planet: Who would you cast in a movie about the web? <http://commonspace.wordpress.com/2009/12/14/webmademovie/> ** WebGL Spec Initial Public Draft Released <http://blog.chromium.org/2009/12/webgl-spec-initial-public-draft.html>
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- # [10:04] * Quits: MikeSmith (MikeSmithX@mcclure.w3.org) (Quit: Tomorrow to fresh woods, and pastures new.)
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- # [11:08] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 8489] New: before the page loaded, so maybe the head section.. <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2009Dec/0153.html>
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- # [12:56] <pimpbot> planet: Text to Speech via HTML5 Audio <http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ajaxian/~3/EtSDHqMiBvg/text-to-speech-via-html5-audio>
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- # [14:09] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 8490] New: Shouldn't postMessage throw SYNTAX_ERR when targetOrigin is a relative URL (e.g. '/')? [sp] <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2009Dec/0154.html>
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- # [14:29] <Hixie> i keep seeing messages be received by the working group and not get a reply... are the chairs tracking input to the group?
- # [14:35] * tlr-bbiab is now known as tlr
- # [14:47] <hsivonen> Hixie: on -comments?
- # [14:57] <Hixie> and on the wg-tracker one, yeah
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- # [15:57] <pimpbot> planet: Dojo 1.4 is out with Significant Improvements to Performance, Stability, and Features. <http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ajaxian/~3/G4KRn_VjCUk/dojo-1-4-is-out-with-significant-improvements-to-performance-stability-and-features>
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- # [17:57] <pimpbot> planet: WebGL Spec Initial Public Draft Released <http://blog.chromium.org/2009/12/webgl-spec-initial-public-draft.html>
- # [18:01] * tlr is now known as tlr-bbiab
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- # [19:10] <pimpbot> changes: hixie: Require that <noscript> contents be conforming in <head> too. (whatwg r4442) <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-diffs/2009Dec/0029.html>
- # [19:10] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 8139] In #the-section-element the graduation programme example code formatting is strange—closing brackets have been moved to the subsequent line, elements have been first-letter capitalised <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2009Dec/0157.html> ** "[Bug 8137] In the scripting-enabled case, noscript outside head has to be conforming if replaced by its parsed text, but noscript inside head doesn't (so <noscript><me
- # [19:21] * Joins: weinig (weinig@
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- # [20:10] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 8491] Using "Window" for this interface is very unfortunate. That word is heavily overloaded and it is already "taken" by javascript. The API documentation here illustrates the issue: note the attribute 'window' of type WindowProxy. In all kinds of discussions <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2009Dec/0159.html> ** [Bug 8491] New: Using "Window" for this interface is very unfortunate. That word is heavily overload
- # [20:13] * Quits: sbublava (sbublava@ (Quit: sbublava)
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- # [23:52] * Attempting to rejoin channel #html-wg
- # [23:52] * Rejoined channel #html-wg
- # [23:52] * Topic is 'Pursuing conformance solutions for the N-body gravitational system known as "the Web", and in general, collectively performing various acts of unparalleled hubris (This channel is logged: http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/)'
- # [23:52] * Set by MikeSmith on Thu Jun 18 06:02:08
- # [23:59] <pimpbot> planet: HTML5 <video> element on Android <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1711078/html5-video-element-on-android> ** HTML5 Video and degradation? <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1903779/html5-video-and-degradation>
- # Session Close: Tue Dec 15 00:00:00 2009
The end :)