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# Session Start: Sun Dec 05 00:00:01 2010
# Session Ident: #html-wg
# [00:10] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 10692] Fix coercion to Infoset for HTML5 to correctly preserve xmlns attributes <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0156.html >
# [00:26] * Joins: MikeSmith_ (MikeSmith@
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# [00:41] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 11472] Add height property for TextMetrics <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0158.html > ** [Bug 11472] New: At the moment I am writing a wordwrap to place text above some boxes and to make them fit in there. I need text-height for that for not running above the box on the vertical axis. There is no exposed API to do get that. I expected TextMetrics to have a he <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/publi
# [00:52] * Quits: kennyluck (kennyluck@ (Ping timeout)
# [01:11] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 11431] should mention that .toDataURL() for image/jpeg acts as if the image was composited against black <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0159.html >
# [01:41] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 11471] afwer awer wer afwer awer wer afwer awer wer afwer awer wer fd qjwoeiuroeqwiru oieqw uroiqwer <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0161.html > ** [Bug 11467] abbreviating navigation tag to "nav" is inconsistent with spec <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0160.html >
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# [04:21] <thugbot> [localhost] MikeSmith: bugzilla problem: HTTP error 502
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# [09:43] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 10827] i18n comment 23 : script dialog text direction <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0162.html >
# [10:35] * Quits: Julian (chatzilla@ (Ping timeout)
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# [11:13] <pimpbot> bugmail: "[Bug 10660] use < and > and not ← and → to indicate previous and next" (2 messages in thread) <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0165.html > ** [Bug 11473] New: Clairfy proper tabindex usage <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0163.html >
# [11:43] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 11474] New: col and colgroup should have global attributes applied <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0166.html >
# [11:59] * Quits: shepazu (schepers@ (Client exited)
# [12:26] * Joins: MikeSmith_ (MikeSmith@
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# [12:43] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 11474] col and colgroup should have global attributes applied <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0167.html >
# [13:36] <CIA-1> htmlr: Michael(tm) Smith gh-pages * r75cdcdf / (27 files in 9 dirs): removed some junk - http://bit.ly/g1TxmQ
# [13:36] <pimpbot> Title: Commit 75cdcdfb9203ec89c55313bfad946f7a89e6b322 to sideshowbarker's htmlr - GitHub (at bit.ly)
# [13:50] <CIA-1> htmlr: Michael(tm) Smith gh-pages * r96371f5 / (4 files in 4 dirs): removed more junk - http://bit.ly/elllgE
# [13:50] <pimpbot> Title: Commit 96371f55c90eab421512a0e17c5f3cbefe0d7961 to sideshowbarker's htmlr - GitHub (at bit.ly)
# [13:56] <CIA-1> htmlr: Michael(tm) Smith gh-pages * rc372601 / (8 files in 4 dirs): still more junk removal - http://bit.ly/hnwUc2
# [13:56] <pimpbot> Title: Commit c372601010f8f48520b9204a541b8698bb596892 to sideshowbarker's htmlr - GitHub (at bit.ly)
# [14:04] <CIA-1> htmlr: Michael(tm) Smith gh-pages * rb102728 / (tools/.#chunker.xsl.1.12 tools/.#specgen.xsl.1.81): and a little bit more junk removal - http://bit.ly/fcKcHw
# [14:04] <pimpbot> Title: Commit b102728f58871c779cd2b20c7e61ce1054d4859a to sideshowbarker's htmlr - GitHub (at bit.ly)
# [14:14] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 11475] New: closing <li> tags are missing ? <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0170.html > ** "[Bug 11473] Clarify proper tabindex usage" (2 messages in thread) <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0169.html >
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# [17:16] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 11477] New: #the-section-element test:0 demos:0 <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0172.html > ** [Bug 11476] New: #outlines test:0 demos:0 <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0171.html >
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# [19:06] * Quits: mjs (mjs@ (Quit: mjs)
# [19:17] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 10489] Use or @role is not mentioned as single time in the draft <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0174.html > ** [Bug 10168] Please consider adding a section on role="presentation" <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0173.html >
# [19:47] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 11474] col and colgroup should have global attributes applied <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0175.html >
# [20:17] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 10489] Use or @role is not mentioned as single time in the draft <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0176.html >
# [20:25] * Joins: shepazu (schepers@
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# [20:48] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 11478] dddddddddddddddddddddddddddded wer werwe rwe r we rwe r we rwe <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0178.html > ** [Bug 11478] New: dddddddddddddddddddddddddddded wer werwe rwe r we rwe r we rwe <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0177.html >
# [21:32] * Quits: mjs (mjs@ (Quit: mjs)
# [21:48] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 11477] #the-section-element test:0 demos:0 <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0180.html > ** [Bug 11476] #outlines test:0 demos:0 <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0179.html >
# [21:50] * Joins: anne (annevk@
# [22:18] <pimpbot> bugmail: [Bug 11475] closing <li> tags are missing ? <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0182.html > ** [Bug 11474] col and colgroup should have global attributes applied <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2010Dec/0181.html >
# [23:00] <pimpbot> planet: XML versus the Web again <http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ajaxian/~3/15m0m8kifI4/xml-versus-the-web-again >
# Session Close: Mon Dec 06 00:00:00 2010
The end :)