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# Session Start: Thu Feb 16 00:00:00 2012
# Session Ident: #html-wg
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# Session Close: Thu Feb 16 05:38:23 2012
# Session Start: Thu Feb 16 05:38:23 2012
# Session Ident: #html-wg
# [05:38] * Disconnected
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# [05:39] * Rejoined channel #html-wg
# [05:39] * Topic is 'High Tension Management Logistics'
# [05:39] * Set by dsinger on Fri Nov 04 16:56:40
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# [18:06] * Joins: Julian (chatzilla@
# [18:07] * Joins: adrianba (qw3birc@
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# [18:07] <Julian> Zakim, who's on the phone?
# [18:08] <adrianba> trackbot, start telcon
# [18:08] * trackbot is preparing a teleconference
# [18:08] * Joins: RRSAgent (rrs-loggee@
# [18:08] <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/02/16-html-wg-irc
# [18:08] <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs public
# [18:08] * Joins: Zakim (rrs-bridgg@
# [18:08] <trackbot> Zakim, this will be html_wg
# [18:08] <Zakim> ok, trackbot, I see HTML_WG()12:00PM already started
# [18:08] <trackbot> Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference
# [18:08] <trackbot> Date: 16 February 2012
# [18:08] <RRSAgent> I have made the request, trackbot
# [18:08] * Joins: rubys (rubys@
# [18:08] <Zakim> +glenn
# [18:08] <Zakim> +[Microsoft]
# [18:08] <Zakim> +[Microsoft.a]
# [18:09] <Julian> Zakim, who's on the phone?
# [18:09] <Zakim> On the phone I see Radhika_Roy, +1.619.846.aaaa, Julian, glenn, [Microsoft], [Microsoft.a]
# [18:09] <Julian> Zakim, mute me
# [18:09] <Zakim> Julian should now be muted
# [18:09] <adrianba> zakim, [Microsoft.a] is me
# [18:09] <Zakim> +adrianba; got it
# [18:09] <hober> Zakim, aaaa is me
# [18:09] <Zakim> +hober; got it
# [18:09] <paulc_> zakim, [Microsoft] has paulc
# [18:09] <Zakim> +paulc; got it
# [18:09] * hober is on the bus and can't scribe, sorry paulc
# [18:09] <Zakim> +Sam
# [18:10] <paulc_> Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-wg-announce/2012JanMar/0015.html
# [18:11] * Joins: Judy (jbrewer@
# [18:11] <rubys> topic: ACTION items due by Thursday, February 16
# [18:11] <rubys> paulc: none
# [18:11] <rubys> scribe: rubys
# [18:11] <MikeSmith> Zakim, call Mike
# [18:11] <Zakim> ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
# [18:11] <Zakim> +Mike
# [18:11] <Judy> zakim, code?
# [18:11] <Zakim> the conference code is 4865 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), Judy
# [18:11] <rubys> topic: New Issues This Week
# [18:11] <rubys> issue-204?
# [18:11] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-204
# [18:11] <trackbot> ISSUE-204 -- Exempt ARIA attributes from the rule that prohibits reference to hidden elements -- open
# [18:11] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/204
# [18:11] <rubys> paulc: split off issue 30
# [18:11] <rubys> issue-205?
# [18:11] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-205
# [18:11] <trackbot> ISSUE-205 -- Define what author guidance and/or methods should be provided to those that wish to create accessible text editors using canvas as a rendering surface. -- open
# [18:11] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/205
# [18:12] <Zakim> +Judy
# [18:12] <rubys> paulc: split off issue 131, simplifying that issue
# [18:12] <rubys> issue-80?
# [18:12] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-80
# [18:12] <trackbot> ISSUE-80 -- document conformance and device dependent display of title attribute content -- open
# [18:12] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/80
# [18:12] <rubys> reopened: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Feb/0105.html
# [18:13] <rubys> paulc: one tracker request (escallation on a non-last call item)
# [18:13] <paulc_> http://w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?product=HTML+WG&keywords=TrackerRequest
# [18:13] <Zakim> +mjs
# [18:13] <rubys> paulc: chairs are prioritizing last-call items first, we have not processed this request
# [18:13] <rubys> topic: Items Closed Last Week
# [18:13] <rubys> judy: I have comments on 204
# [18:13] <rubys> paulc: go ahead
# [18:14] <rubys> judy: Janina and I are requesting a co-ordination call with you (paulc) on the split of issue-30 and the timing
# [18:15] <rubys> paulc: can you put a link in the minutes to the concerns?
# [18:15] <rubys> judy: it would be valuable to have a call
# [18:16] <rubys> paulc: I will check my calendar
# [18:16] <rubys> judy: if you aren't available, I would appreciate meeting with at least one of the co-chairs
# [18:16] <rubys> paulc: send us an email, and we will find a slot that works
# [18:17] <rubys> topic: Items Closed Last Week
# [18:17] <rubys> issue-172?
# [18:17] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-172
# [18:17] <trackbot> ISSUE-172 -- restore <rb> as an optional element -- open
# [18:17] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/172
# [18:17] <rubys> issue-183?
# [18:17] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-183
# [18:17] <trackbot> ISSUE-183 -- Enhance and simplify the time element -- open
# [18:17] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/183
# [18:17] <rubys> issue-184?
# [18:17] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-184
# [18:17] <trackbot> ISSUE-184 -- Add a data element -- open
# [18:17] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/184
# [18:18] <rubys> three call for alternate proposals above closed on Feb 11
# [18:18] <rubys> issue-131?
# [18:18] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-131
# [18:18] <trackbot> ISSUE-131 -- Should we add a caret location API to canvas, or is the focus API sufficient? -- open
# [18:18] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/131
# [18:18] <rubys> issue-179?
# [18:18] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-179
# [18:18] <trackbot> ISSUE-179 -- {audio,video} require param child (or equivalent) -- open
# [18:18] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/179
# [18:18] <rubys> both call for proposals closed Feb 11
# [18:18] <rubys> paulc: this agenda doesn't cover items that closed yesterday (or today)
# [18:19] <rubys> paulc: if there are no change proposals, expect the issue to be closed. If there are no counters, expect a call for consensus
# [18:19] <rubys> topic: Items Closing This Week
# [18:19] <rubys> issue-193?
# [18:19] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-193
# [18:19] <trackbot> ISSUE-193 -- Remove CSS example that promotes inaccessible content -- open
# [18:19] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/193
# [18:19] <rubys> issue-194?
# [18:19] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-194
# [18:19] <trackbot> ISSUE-194 -- Provide a mechanism for associating a full transcript with an audio or video element. -- open
# [18:19] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/194
# [18:19] <rubys> issue-195?
# [18:19] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-195
# [18:19] <trackbot> ISSUE-195 -- Enhance http request generation from forms -- raised
# [18:19] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/195
# [18:19] <rubys> issue-196?
# [18:19] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-196
# [18:19] <trackbot> ISSUE-196 -- Define user agent http response handling behaviour -- raised
# [18:19] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/196
# [18:19] <rubys> issue-197?
# [18:19] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-197
# [18:19] <trackbot> ISSUE-197 -- Accept attribute should allow file extensions in addition to the current allowed values -- open
# [18:19] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/197
# [18:20] <rubys> paulc: all the above closed yesterday
# [18:20] <rubys> issue-182?
# [18:20] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-182
# [18:20] <trackbot> ISSUE-182 -- Advice in spec about annotations promotes inaccessible content -- open
# [18:20] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/182
# [18:20] <rubys> issue-185?
# [18:20] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-185
# [18:20] <trackbot> ISSUE-185 -- Drop the pubdate attribute -- open
# [18:20] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/185
# [18:20] <rubys> issue-188?
# [18:20] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-188
# [18:20] <trackbot> ISSUE-188 -- Text tracks in HTML should be defined in a way agnostic of the specific caption format -- open
# [18:20] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/188
# [18:20] <rubys> issue-189?
# [18:20] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-189
# [18:20] <trackbot> ISSUE-189 -- Prefix convention needs to be coordinated with IETF -- open
# [18:20] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/189
# [18:20] <rubys> issue-198?
# [18:20] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-198
# [18:20] <trackbot> ISSUE-198 -- Ensure innerHTML and related APIs are subject to the W3C patent policy -- raised
# [18:20] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/198
# [18:20] <rubys> issue-199?
# [18:20] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-199
# [18:20] <trackbot> ISSUE-199 -- Define complete processing requirements for ARIA attributes -- raised
# [18:20] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/199
# [18:20] <rubys> issue-200?
# [18:20] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-200
# [18:20] <trackbot> ISSUE-200 -- Allow wrapping LEGEND (or new iLEGEND) in non-FIELDSET elements -- raised
# [18:20] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/200
# [18:21] <rubys> issue-201?
# [18:21] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-201
# [18:21] <trackbot> ISSUE-201 -- Provide canvas location and hit testing capability to fallback content -- open
# [18:21] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/201
# [18:21] <rubys> issue-202?
# [18:21] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-202
# [18:21] <trackbot> ISSUE-202 -- Missing alt should not be considered conforming in the presence of figcaptions over 50 words in length -- raised
# [18:21] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/202
# [18:21] <rubys> issue-203?
# [18:21] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-203
# [18:21] <trackbot> ISSUE-203 -- All Media Elements should have the ability to have both short and longer textual descriptions associated to the element -- raised
# [18:21] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/203
# [18:21] <rubys> paulc: the above closes today
# [18:21] <Judy> With reference to agendum # 1 above, and the request to meet w/ Paul or another Co-Chair regarding procedural concerns about new issue #204, background is in Text Subteam minutes, with notes following "30: Longdesc" http://www.w3.org/2012/02/14-text-minutes.html#item01
# [18:22] <rubys> topic: Items Closing Next Week
# [18:22] <rubys> issue-187?
# [18:22] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-187
# [18:22] <trackbot> ISSUE-187 -- Document conformance has to be stable over the time -- open
# [18:22] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/187
# [18:22] <rubys> issue-190?
# [18:22] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-190
# [18:22] <trackbot> ISSUE-190 -- Replace poor coding example for figure with multiple images -- open
# [18:22] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/190
# [18:22] <rubys> issue-191?
# [18:22] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-191
# [18:22] <trackbot> ISSUE-191 -- Replace/complement <ins> and <del> elements by a cleaner wysiwyg-safe attribute-based solution -- open
# [18:22] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/191
# [18:22] <rubys> issue-192?
# [18:22] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-192
# [18:22] <trackbot> ISSUE-192 -- title attribute definition does not match reality -- open
# [18:22] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/192
# [18:22] <rubys> paulc: these four close Feb 23
# [18:23] <rubys> topic: New Calls this week
# [18:23] <rubys> issue-80?
# [18:23] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-80
# [18:23] <trackbot> ISSUE-80 -- document conformance and device dependent display of title attribute content -- open
# [18:23] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/80
# [18:23] <rubys> paulc: this was reopened, and as we got a change proposal, we have issued a call for alternate or counter proposals closing March 14
# [18:23] <rubys> issue-131?
# [18:23] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-131
# [18:23] <trackbot> ISSUE-131 -- Should we add a caret location API to canvas, or is the focus API sufficient? -- open
# [18:23] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/131
# [18:23] * Joins: JVoracek (J_Voracek@
# [18:23] * Quits: J_Voracek (J_Voracek@ (Ping timeout)
# [18:24] <rubys> paulc: we have proposals, so we have issued a call for alternate or counters, also closing on march 14th
# [18:24] <rubys> issue-158?
# [18:24] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-158
# [18:24] <trackbot> ISSUE-158 -- HTML4's content-model for <object> should continue -- open
# [18:24] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/158
# [18:24] <Zakim> +??P6
# [18:24] * Joins: J_Voracek (J_Voracek@
# [18:24] <rubys> paulc: also closed on March 14th
# [18:24] * Joins: janina (janina@
# [18:24] <rubys> issue-204?
# [18:24] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-204
# [18:24] <trackbot> ISSUE-204 -- Exempt ARIA attributes from the rule that prohibits reference to hidden elements -- open
# [18:24] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/204
# [18:24] <rubys> paulc: we granted until March 10th to provide a proposal
# [18:24] <rubys> issue-205?
# [18:24] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-205
# [18:24] <trackbot> ISSUE-205 -- Define what author guidance and/or methods should be provided to those that wish to create accessible text editors using canvas as a rendering surface. -- open
# [18:24] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/205
# [18:25] <rubys> paulc: call for alternate or counter proposals closes march 14th
# [18:25] <janina> zakim, who's here?
# [18:25] <Zakim> On the phone I see Radhika_Roy, hober, Julian (muted), glenn, [Microsoft], adrianba, Sam, Mike, Judy, mjs, ??P6
# [18:25] <Zakim> [Microsoft] has paulc
# [18:25] <Zakim> On IRC I see janina, J_Voracek, JVoracek, Judy, rubys, Zakim, RRSAgent, paulc_, adrianba, Julian, MFoladare, myakura, shepazu, dveditz, drublic, davidb, anne, glenn, ArtB, nonge__,
# [18:25] <Zakim> ... tantek_, krijnh, mjs, arronei, tantek, Hixie, [tm], gavin, MikeSmith, rektide, Jedi, webben, heycam|away, johndrinkwater, ed, pingo, Dashiva, jgraham, inimino, CIA-1, trackbot,
# [18:25] <Zakim> ... lgombos, hiro, hober, hsivonen, gsnedders, paul___irish, Philip, jmb
# [18:25] <rubys> topic: New Surveys this week
# [18:25] <rubys> paulc: there are none
# [18:25] <rubys> topic: Decisions this week
# [18:25] * Joins: plh (plh@
# [18:25] <rubys> paulc: there are none
# [18:25] * Quits: plh (plh@ (Client exited)
# [18:25] <rubys> topic: Other Business
# [18:25] <rubys> http://www.w3.org/QA/2012/02/openweb-weekly-27.html
# [18:26] <rubys> paulc: this is nearly two weeks old, there may be a more recent one
# [18:26] <rubys> topic: re-open request for issue 31
# [18:26] <rubys> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Feb/0139.html
# [18:26] * Joins: plh (plh@
# [18:26] * Quits: JVoracek (J_Voracek@ (Ping timeout)
# [18:26] <rubys> paulc: we originally could not find new information, and the a11y task force is working on a revised version
# [18:27] <rubys> janina: we have a strong interest in having this taken up again; the proposal has significantly been beefed up.
# [18:28] <rubys> janina: unclear that this was dealt with appropriately originally
# [18:29] <rubys> janina: we are now pointing to the original decision to justify the reopening
# [18:29] <paulc_> Revised request is in: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/ChangeProposals/movealt
# [18:29] <rubys> janina: we should have a email to the chairs and wg by monday
# [18:29] * Quits: drublic (drublic@ (Ping timeout)
# [18:30] <rubys> topic: Request to Reconsider Meta Generator Alt Exception
# [18:30] <rubys> paulc: the chairs have reviewed this request and will be responding today
# [18:30] <rubys> topic: i18n WG position on Issue-172 "restore <rb> as an optional element"
# [18:30] <rubys> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Feb/0103.html
# [18:30] <rubys> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Feb/0197.html
# [18:31] <rubys> paulc: chairs want to make it clear what the next status is
# [18:31] <rubys> topic: Change proposal reviews
# [18:31] <rubys> issue-30?
# [18:31] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-30
# [18:31] <trackbot> ISSUE-30 -- Should HTML 5 include a longdesc attribute for images -- open
# [18:31] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/30
# [18:31] <rubys> paulc: we have having a dialog with Laura on 30
# [18:31] <rubys> issue-170?
# [18:32] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-170
# [18:32] <trackbot> ISSUE-170 -- make URIs valid link relations -- open
# [18:32] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/170
# [18:32] <rubys> paulc: we are having dialogs with the authors of the proposals on 170
# [18:32] <rubys> issue-134?
# [18:32] * trackbot getting information on ISSUE-134
# [18:32] <trackbot> ISSUE-134 -- Provide tablist and tab states for menu and command elements respectively -- open
# [18:32] <trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/134
# [18:32] <rubys> paulc: the chairs are having dialogs with the various authors and the WG can expect more
# [18:33] * nonge__ is now known as nonge
# [18:33] <rubys> janina: Thanks for 134, I am concerned about recent developments around longdesc, this is not just Laura's proposal but a TaskForce backed proposal
# [18:34] <rubys> janina: we are disappointed that a split off happened based on ARIA, it would have been helpful to have been coordinating that more closely
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# [18:34] <rubys> paulc: janina is repeating judy's concerns about issue 204
# [18:35] <Judy> q+
# [18:35] * Zakim sees Judy on the speaker queue
# [18:35] * Quits: adrianba (qw3birc@ (Ping timeout)
# [18:35] <rubys> paulc: the feedback on 30 was to put the material relevant to the change proposal in the proposal itself
# [18:35] <rubys> ack judy
# [18:35] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
# [18:35] <rubys> judy: there appears to have been changes in the advice over time over this
# [18:36] <rubys> judy: in the past, we were advised to put in links; perhaps we could get more uniform guidance?
# [18:37] <rubys> paulc: the underlying principle is to help the CP authors to make their case as possible; in this case we found some arguments that we thought the author could use to make their proposal stronger; if the authors don't wish to make their proposal stronger, that's their choice.
# [18:38] <rubys> judy: I'm hearing that you prefer all of the text to be a single page?
# [18:39] <rubys> paulc: we review each on their merits, and in this case we thought this particular proposal would be improved by making this specific text into the base text.
# [18:39] <rubys> paulc: any other business to raise?
# [18:39] <rubys> topic: Chair and Scribe for next meeting
# [18:40] <rubys> paulc: Maciej likely will be the chair
# [18:40] <rubys> glenn: I can scribe
# [18:40] <rubys> topic: Adjournment
# [18:40] <rubys> rrsagent, publish minutes
# [18:40] <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/02/16-html-wg-minutes.html rubys
# [18:40] <Zakim> -Mike
# [18:40] <Zakim> -Julian
# [18:40] <Zakim> -glenn
# [18:40] <Zakim> -adrianba
# [18:40] <Zakim> -Sam
# [18:40] <Zakim> -Judy
# [18:40] <Zakim> -??P6
# [18:40] <Zakim> -hober
# [18:40] <Zakim> -Radhika_Roy
# [18:40] * Parts: janina (janina@
# [18:40] <Zakim> -mjs
# [18:40] <Zakim> -[Microsoft]
# [18:40] <Zakim> HTML_WG()12:00PM has ended
# [18:40] <Zakim> Attendees were Radhika_Roy, +1.619.846.aaaa, Julian, glenn, adrianba, hober, paulc, Sam, Mike, Judy, mjs
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# [20:51] * Zakim excuses himself; his presence no longer seems to be needed
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# Session Close: Fri Feb 17 00:00:01 2012
The end :)