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# Session Start: Thu Sep 20 10:47:53 2012
# Session Ident: #html-wg
# [10:47] * Now talking in #html-wg
# [10:59] * Quits: icaaq (Adium@ (Quit: Leaving.)
# [11:00] * Joins: nonge_ (nonge@
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# [12:15] * Quits: miketayl_r (miketaylr@ (Quit: Leaving...)
# [12:19] * Quits: glenn (gadams@ (Client exited)
# [12:46] * Joins: abarsto (abarsto@
# [12:46] * abarsto is now known as ArtB
# [12:48] * Joins: miketaylr (miketaylr@
# [13:19] * Joins: tinkster (tai@
# [13:43] * hiro is now known as hiro_away
# [13:46] * Joins: glenn (gadams@
# [14:16] * Joins: plh (plh@
# [14:59] * Joins: myakura (myakura@
# [15:03] * Joins: davidb (davidb@
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# [17:09] * Quits: miketaylr (miketaylr@ (Quit: Leaving...)
# [17:12] * Quits: karl (karlcow@ (Quit: :tiuQ tiuq sah woclrak)
# [17:14] * Joins: Stevef (chatzilla@
# [17:22] * Quits: icaaq (Adium@ (Quit: Leaving.)
# [17:35] * Joins: tinkster (tai@
# [17:57] * ArtB wonders if the HTMLWG calls are actually going to start having some technical discussions ...
# [18:02] * Joins: mjs (mjs@
# [18:02] * Joins: jaymunro (jaymunro@
# [18:08] * Joins: MartinSoukup (martin.sou@
# [18:08] * Joins: paulc (qw3birc@
# [18:09] * Joins: MFoladare (qw3birc@
# [18:10] * Joins: rubys (rubys@
# [18:10] <paulc> zakim, what is the code?
# [18:10] <paulc> Sam: I guess maybe Zakim is not here yet?
# [18:11] * Joins: Zakim (rrs-bridgg@
# [18:11] <rubys> rrsagent, start meeting
# [18:11] <RRSAgent> I'm logging. I don't understand 'start meeting', rubys. Try /msg RRSAgent help
# [18:11] <rubys> trackbot, start meeting
# [18:11] * trackbot is preparing a teleconference
# [18:11] <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs public
# [18:11] <RRSAgent> I have made the request, trackbot
# [18:11] <trackbot> Zakim, this will be html_wg
# [18:11] <Zakim> ok, trackbot, I see HTML_WG()12:00PM already started
# [18:11] <trackbot> Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference
# [18:11] <trackbot> Date: 20 September 2012
# [18:11] * Joins: ddorwin (ddorwin@
# [18:11] * Joins: Eliot (Eliot@
# [18:11] * Joins: MichaelC (Michael@
# [18:12] <Zakim> +ddorwin
# [18:12] * MichaelC zakim, call cooper-mobile
# [18:12] * Zakim ok, MichaelC; the call is being made
# [18:12] * Joins: JF (chatzilla@
# [18:12] <Zakim> +Cooper
# [18:12] <Zakim> +[Apple]
# [18:12] * Joins: Judy (jbrewer@
# [18:12] <Zakim> +Sam
# [18:12] <hober> Zakim, Apple is me
# [18:12] <Zakim> +hober; got it
# [18:12] <paulc> zakim, who is on the phone?
# [18:12] <Zakim> On the phone I see MartinSoukup, [Microsoft], Radhika_Roy, ddorwin, Cooper, hober, Sam
# [18:12] <Zakim> +[Microsoft.a]
# [18:12] * hober runs to get more coffee
# [18:12] <Eliot> zakim, microsofta has me
# [18:12] <Zakim> +Eliot; got it
# [18:12] * plh zakim, call plh-work
# [18:12] * MichaelC on phone listening but not in front of computer
# [18:12] * Zakim ok, plh; the call is being made
# [18:12] <Zakim> +Plh
# [18:12] <paulc> zakim, [Microsoft] has paulc
# [18:12] <Zakim> +[Microsoft.aa]
# [18:12] <Zakim> +paulc; got it
# [18:13] <Zakim> +Cynthia_Shelly
# [18:13] <jaymunro> zakim, [Microsoft.aaa] has me
# [18:13] <Zakim> sorry, jaymunro, I do not recognize a party named '[Microsoft.aaa]'
# [18:13] <ArtB> zakim, passcode?
# [18:13] <Zakim> the conference code is 4865 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), ArtB
# [18:13] <Zakim> +John_Foliot
# [18:13] <jaymunro> zakim, Microsoft.aaa has me
# [18:13] <Zakim> sorry, jaymunro, I do not recognize a party named 'Microsoft.aaa'
# [18:13] <plh> scribe: plh
# [18:13] <jaymunro> zakim, Microsoft has me
# [18:13] <Zakim> +jaymunro; got it
# [18:13] <paulc> zakim, who is on the phone?
# [18:14] <Zakim> On the phone I see MartinSoukup, [Microsoft], Radhika_Roy, ddorwin, Cooper, hober, Sam, [Microsoft.a], Plh, [Microsoft.aa], Cynthia_Shelly, John_Foliot
# [18:14] * Joins: adrianba (adrianba@
# [18:14] <Zakim> [Microsoft.a] has Eliot
# [18:14] <Zakim> [Microsoft] has jaymunro
# [18:14] <Zakim> +Art_Barstow
# [18:14] * Joins: janina (janina@
# [18:14] * ArtB good idea
# [18:14] <Zakim> +Judy
# [18:14] <plh> Paul: let's switch to other business
# [18:14] <Zakim> +??P34
# [18:15] * Joins: dsinger (dsinger@
# [18:15] <janina> zakim, ??P44 is Janina
# [18:15] <Zakim> I already had ??P44 as Dom, janina
# [18:15] <Zakim> -Cooper
# [18:15] <plh> Topic: Adaptive Image Element Proposal
# [18:15] * MichaelC zakim, call cooper-mobile
# [18:15] * Zakim ok, MichaelC; the call is being made
# [18:15] <Zakim> +Cooper
# [18:15] <plh> Paul: I took an action item to create a bugzilla component for it
# [18:16] <plh> ACTION: Paul to create a bugzilla component for the Adaptive Image Element Proposal
# [18:16] * trackbot noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
# [18:16] * RRSAgent records action 1
# [18:16] <trackbot> Created ACTION-221 - Create a bugzilla component for the Adaptive Image Element Proposal [on Paul Cotton - due 2012-09-27].
# [18:16] <Zakim> +mjs
# [18:16] <plh> Topic: Evolving AppCache discussions
# [18:17] <plh> Paul: ongoing thread about mailing lists
# [18:17] <plh> ... we have people on both sides
# [18:17] <Zakim> +[Microsoft.aaa]
# [18:17] <adrianba> zakim, [Microsoft.aaa] is me
# [18:17] <Zakim> +adrianba; got it
# [18:17] <plh> ... the technical discussion aren't proceeding in the meantime
# [18:18] <plh> Maciej: I would suggest a preference poll to figure this out
# [18:18] <plh> ... this is not substantive
# [18:18] <plh> [no objection to the idea]
# [18:18] <plh> ACTION: Maciej to create a preference poll for the appcache mailing list
# [18:18] * trackbot noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
# [18:18] <trackbot> Created ACTION-222 - Create a preference poll for the appcache mailing list [on Maciej Stachowiak - due 2012-09-27].
# [18:18] * RRSAgent records action 2
# [18:19] * Quits: nonge_ (nonge@ (Quit: Verlassend)
# [18:19] <plh> Topic: Proposed rewording of ISSUE-204 text
# [18:19] <plh> Paul: can Ted or someone else give a status?
# [18:20] <plh> Ted: additional discussion in bugzilla. last spec edit was to put the new wording as of Thursday last week.
# [18:20] <plh> ... I don't think we've gone to a conclusion on how to tweak the wording further
# [18:20] <plh> Paul: do we have outstanding bugs?
# [18:20] <plh> ... are we moving towards consensus?
# [18:21] <plh> Ted: when I made the edit on Thursday I called for people to file bugs on that text
# [18:21] <janina> q+
# [18:21] * Zakim sees janina on the speaker queue
# [18:21] <plh> ... didn't see any coming so far
# [18:21] <plh> ack janina
# [18:21] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
# [18:21] <plh> Janina: apologizes if I didn't catch you wanted additional bugs for that
# [18:22] <plh> ... I'm happy to do that and will do today
# [18:22] <plh> ... I think it's one bug
# [18:22] <plh> ... we have two use cases and we need the language to support them
# [18:22] <plh> Paul: it might be useful to follow up in email as well
# [18:23] <plh> ... is the bugzilla good enough?
# [18:23] <plh> s/bugzilla/bugzilla message/
# [18:23] <plh> Ted: getting as many people involved sounds good to me
# [18:24] <plh> ... so bugs and email is fine
# [18:24] <plh> Topic: Information on TPAC F2F meeting
# [18:24] <plh> Paul: sent a reminder
# [18:24] * Quits: Stevef (chatzilla@ (Ping timeout)
# [18:24] <plh> ... we received a request for a coordination meeting
# [18:24] <plh> ... from MLW-LT
# [18:25] <plh> ... we'll start building some sort of agenda
# [18:25] <paulc> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Sep/0255.html
# [18:25] * Joins: erikadoyle (erikadoyle@
# [18:25] <plh> ... I'll remind people that there is a daily meeting fee, with exceptions for the TPAC sponsors
# [18:26] <plh> ... fee increase after a day in October. It triples!
# [18:26] * Joins: karl (karlcow@
# [18:27] <plh> --> http://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2012 Schedule
# [18:27] <plh> http://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2012/SessionIdeas
# [18:27] <plh> put your proposals for TP breakout sessions there
# [18:28] <plh> Topic: ISSUE-30 change proposal status
# [18:28] <plh> Paul: giving the proposed plan, wasn't sure what to do.
# [18:29] <plh> Janina: the consensus poll has continued to draw a traffic on the list
# [18:29] <Judy> q+
# [18:29] * Zakim sees Judy on the speaker queue
# [18:29] <plh> ... the ongoing discussion isn't raising new information
# [18:29] <plh> ... it's a fruitful discussion though
# [18:29] <plh> ... not sure if it's important conversation
# [18:29] <plh> ... one of the key contributors is upset by the proposed plan
# [18:30] <Judy> q-
# [18:30] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
# [18:30] <plh> ... I support the new approach mindful of the fact that it delays the resolution further
# [18:30] <Judy> q+
# [18:30] * Zakim sees Judy on the speaker queue
# [18:30] <plh> Paul: maybe the best thing to do is to skip over this for the moment
# [18:30] <plh> ... and talk about the proposed plan
# [18:31] <plh> Judy: the consensus poll was done on schedule and the results were summarized
# [18:31] <plh> ... it supported the earlier consensus
# [18:31] <plh> ack Judy
# [18:31] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
# [18:31] <plh> ... there is a discussion going on with some good give and take
# [18:31] <janina> Text Subteam minutes at:
# [18:32] <plh> ... given the proposed plan, it makes sense to figure out how the discussion would be moving from here
# [18:32] <janina> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-a11y/2012Sep/0282.html
# [18:32] * Quits: tinkster (tai@ (Ping timeout)
# [18:32] <plh> ... but the action was complete and reported
# [18:33] <plh> Topic: Getting HTML5 to Recommendation in 2014
# [18:33] <rubys> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Sep/0243.html
# [18:33] <plh> --> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Sep/0243.html proposed plan
# [18:33] <rubys> http://dev.w3.org/html5/decision-policy/html5-2014-plan.html
# [18:34] * plh zakim, who is on the phone?
# [18:34] * Zakim sees on the phone: MartinSoukup, [Microsoft], Radhika_Roy, ddorwin, Cooper, hober, Sam, [Microsoft.a], Plh, [Microsoft.aa], Cynthia_Shelly, John_Foliot, Art_Barstow, Judy, ??P34,
# [18:34] * Zakim ... mjs, adrianba
# [18:34] * Zakim [Microsoft.a] has Eliot
# [18:34] * Zakim [Microsoft] has jaymunro
# [18:34] <rubys> http://www.w3.org/QA/2012/09/getting_html5_to_recommendatio.html
# [18:34] <plh> Sam: there is a plan, a blog entry...
# [18:34] <plh> ... the plan emphasizes modularity. gives 2014 for 5.0 and 2016 for 5.1
# [18:35] <plh> ... looking for a call for consensus when the major comments die down
# [18:35] <rubys> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Sep/0269.html
# [18:35] <plh> ... there is indeed at least on bug in the plan since pubdate is not in the spec
# [18:35] <plh> ... we'll be updating the plan based on feedback
# [18:36] <ArtB> s/at least on bug/at least one bug/
# [18:36] <plh> Sam: for 185, the proposed plan says we retain pubdate but the spec doesn't have it. it's a bug in the plan.
# [18:36] <plh> q?
# [18:36] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
# [18:37] <rubys> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Sep/0284.html
# [18:37] <plh> Sam: we got input from Steve that it would prefer that the Techniques for providing useful text alternatives remains in the HTML WG for now
# [18:38] <plh> .. we'll respect the wish from the editor
# [18:38] <plh> Judy: for now
# [18:38] <plh> Janina: the language in section 4.8 is still a concern for Steve
# [18:38] <Judy> q+
# [18:38] * Zakim sees Judy on the speaker queue
# [18:38] <plh> ... 4.8 is a problem for a11y
# [18:39] <plh> Paul: we talked about this and didn't put anything in the plan since it talks about open issues
# [18:39] <plh> ... but we understand it's an important concern
# [18:39] <plh> ... maybe it would be better if we can identify how we plan to process this concern
# [18:39] <plh> Janina: indeed, we're still trying to figure out the best process path
# [18:39] <paulc> ack judy
# [18:39] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
# [18:40] <plh> s/for now/keeping in HTML WG for now/
# [18:40] <plh> Judy: [corrected minutes]
# [18:40] <plh> ... for issue 30, the summary of the feedback on the decision got truncated in the minutes of the html a11y tf
# [18:40] <plh> ... will need to recreate that
# [18:41] <rubys> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Sep/0283.html
# [18:41] <plh> Sam: concern regarding validation. we do believe that Mike will be responsive to adding stuff in the w3c validator
# [18:42] <rubys> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Sep/0282.html
# [18:42] <plh> ... if there is a problem with that, we should discuss further
# [18:42] <plh> ... Steve created a new spec on how to resolve the hgroup issue
# [18:42] <Judy> s/Judy: for now/Judy: the comment was that the location was a concern for now/
# [18:42] <plh> ... he would prefer we make change the main spec to make it easier for someone to create an extension spec for hgroup
# [18:43] <plh> Paul: the first one requires a correction. second requires a description about section 4.8 and alt techniques. third one needs more discussion. the validator may cause a plan update.
# [18:44] <plh> Sam: it sounds that people are ok to leave the alt techniques in the html wg for now
# [18:44] <plh> Paul: we still need to deal with the underlying concern
# [18:44] <plh> sam: agreed
# [18:44] <plh> q?
# [18:44] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
# [18:44] <plh> Paul: any discussion in PF?
# [18:45] <plh> Janina: an topic is the importance of messaging around this and the fact that extensions are first class citizen in the environment
# [18:45] * Joins: miketaylr (miketaylr@
# [18:45] <rubys> tf minutes: http://www.w3.org/2012/09/20-html-a11y-minutes.html
# [18:46] <plh> Paul: one question regarding the schedule for the CR exit criteria and the CfC for the plan itself
# [18:46] <plh> ... we don't have a firm plan
# [18:46] <plh> ... and people are wondering how long they have to absorbe the plan and give feedback
# [18:47] <plh> Maciej: imho, we could have a CfC on the CR exit criteria next week.
# [18:47] <plh> ... for the plan itself, we need to let it go further for now
# [18:48] <Judy> q+
# [18:48] * Zakim sees Judy on the speaker queue
# [18:48] <paulc> ack judy
# [18:48] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
# [18:48] <Zakim> -Cynthia_Shelly
# [18:48] <plh> Paul: some people in the html a11y didn't pay attention to the CR exit criteria
# [18:48] <rubys> exit criteria: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Sep/0215.html
# [18:48] <Zakim> +Cynthia_Shelly
# [18:49] <plh> Judy: the update on the CR exit criteria didn't go to the tf
# [18:49] <plh> ... concern about allowing the vertical stacks
# [18:49] <JF> +1 to Judy's comment
# [18:49] <mjs> q+
# [18:49] * Zakim sees mjs on the speaker queue
# [18:49] <plh> ... I do believe that Maciej's update did take this into account
# [18:50] <plh> q?
# [18:50] * Zakim sees mjs on the speaker queue
# [18:50] <paulc> ack mjs
# [18:50] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue
# [18:50] <plh> Paul: if there is feedback friom the a11y tf, we might delay the cfc for the cr exit criteria
# [18:51] <plh> Maciej: indeed, if we get new feedback, we'll wait
# [18:51] * Joins: icaaq (Adium@
# [18:52] * ArtB preliminary scan/feedback -> looks good so far ;-)
# [18:53] <adrianba> +1
# [18:53] <plh> Maciej: I like that the plan results in shipping soon
# [18:53] <Zakim> -Cynthia_Shelly
# [18:53] <Zakim> +Cynthia_Shelly
# [18:54] <plh> Topic: Chair and Scribe for next meeting
# [18:54] <plh> Paul: Maciej is on deck to chair
# [18:54] <plh> ... anyone interested in scribing?
# [18:54] <plh> ... I'm at risk for next week
# [18:54] <plh> [adjourned]
# [18:54] <Zakim> -Art_Barstow
# [18:55] <Zakim> -Cynthia_Shelly
# [18:55] <Zakim> -John_Foliot
# [18:55] <Zakim> -Plh
# [18:55] <Zakim> -[Microsoft.a]
# [18:55] <Zakim> -adrianba
# [18:55] * Quits: jaymunro (jaymunro@ (Quit: jaymunro)
# [18:55] <Zakim> -Cooper
# [18:55] * Quits: paulc (qw3birc@ (Quit: Page closed)
# [18:55] <Zakim> -Judy
# [18:55] <Zakim> -??P34
# [18:55] <Zakim> -hober
# [18:55] <Zakim> -Sam
# [18:55] <Zakim> -[Microsoft.aa]
# [18:55] <Zakim> -mjs
# [18:55] <Zakim> -Radhika_Roy
# [18:55] * plh zakim, who is on the phone?
# [18:55] * Zakim sees on the phone: MartinSoukup, [Microsoft], ddorwin
# [18:55] * Zakim [Microsoft] has jaymunro
# [18:55] * Quits: MFoladare (qw3birc@ (Quit: Page closed)
# [18:55] <plh> zakim, drop ddorwin
# [18:55] <Zakim> ddorwin is being disconnected
# [18:55] <Zakim> -ddorwin
# [18:55] <plh> zakim, drop Martin
# [18:55] <Zakim> MartinSoukup is being disconnected
# [18:55] <Zakim> -MartinSoukup
# [18:55] <plh> zakim, drop Microsoft
# [18:55] <Zakim> [Microsoft] is being disconnected
# [18:55] <Zakim> HTML_WG()12:00PM has ended
# [18:55] <Zakim> Attendees were MartinSoukup, Radhika_Roy, ddorwin, Cooper, Sam, hober, Eliot, Plh, paulc, Cynthia_Shelly, John_Foliot, jaymunro, Art_Barstow, Judy, mjs, [Microsoft], adrianba
# [18:55] * plh rrsagent, generate minutes
# [18:55] <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/09/20-html-wg-minutes.html plh
# [18:56] * Quits: ddorwin (ddorwin@ (Quit: Leaving)
# [19:00] * Quits: mjs (mjs@ (Quit: mjs)
# [19:00] * Joins: gitbot (gitbot@
# [19:00] <gitbot> [html] travisleithead pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/w3c/html/commit/6c55b5b94ab78e600080ac3957a7441cfc4ecda2
# [19:00] <gitbot> [html/master] [HTML5 Bug 11204] Update DOM Parsing spec ref to FPWD - Travis Leithead
# [19:00] * Parts: gitbot (gitbot@
# [19:02] * Quits: ArtB (abarsto@ (Quit: Leaving.)
# [19:12] * Joins: gitbot (gitbot@
# [19:12] <gitbot> [html] travisleithead pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/w3c/html/commit/7ab1ac615fcda5a342b52d7d866c5c5c41ee9952
# [19:12] <gitbot> [html/master] Revert "[HTML5 Bug 18224] Update to the quirksmode styles" - Travis Leithead
# [19:12] * Parts: gitbot (gitbot@
# [19:14] * Quits: adrianba (adrianba@ (Quit: Leaving)
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# [19:33] * abarsto is now known as ArtB
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# [20:19] * abarsto is now known as ArtB
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# Session Close: Fri Sep 21 00:00:01 2012
The end :)