/irc-logs / freenode / #html5 / 2011-02-18 / end


  1. # Session Start: Fri Feb 18 00:00:00 2011
  2. # Session Ident: #html5
  3. # [00:00] * Quits: gattuso (~gattuso@93-36-218-0.ip62.fastwebnet.it) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  4. # [00:02] * Joins: jamesarosen (~jamesaros@
  5. # [00:03] <MrWax> anyone knows?
  6. # [00:04] <Peter`> The caching headers tell browsers not to update style.css, but rather cache it
  7. # [00:04] <Peter`> by appending ?v=2 you indicate that a new version has been uploaded
  8. # [00:04] <Peter`> which is a separate URL, thus will be re-downloaded and cached by user agents
  9. # [00:05] * Quits: henrikkok1 (~henrikkok@3306ds3-amb.0.fullrate.dk) (Quit: Leaving.)
  10. # [00:05] * danheberden|away is now known as danheberden
  11. # [00:05] * Quits: mike5w3c (~MikeSmith@EM114-48-31-200.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp) (Read error: No route to host)
  12. # [00:06] <BrianBlakely> It would appear that since I run Windows in a VM, IE9 does not utilize hardware acceleration
  13. # [00:06] * Quits: plh_ (~plh@30-5-5.wireless.csail.mit.edu) (Quit: always accept cookies)
  14. # [00:07] <BrianBlakely> But oddly enough the software rendering is still really fast, almost as fast as when I went to a modestly-powered PC that could use the GPU
  15. # [00:07] <BrianBlakely> Oh, IE9, if only you supported at least 100 more pieces of spec...
  16. # [00:09] <paul_irish> MrWax: https://github.com/paulirish/html5-boilerplate/wiki/Version-Control-with-Cachebusting
  17. # [00:11] * Quits: LongBeach (~mike@AFontenayssB-152-1-34-112.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr)
  18. # [00:13] * Quits: BrianBlakely (~Adium@ (Quit: Leaving.)
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  21. # [00:19] <frankstallone> @paul_irish didn't you mention somewhere that Cachebusting was not a good idea because it conflicts with something?
  22. # [00:20] <frankstallone> or Cachebusting in that way, as opposed to styles010211.css
  23. # [00:20] <dgathright> paul_irish peter: careful with querystring URLs and caching. Sometimes it can have adverse effects, such as not caching the file in the browser. See bottom of this post, http://derekville.net/2009/auto-versioning-javascript-and-css-files/ In my tests a while back, I did find that browsers did cache the files with a querystring more often than not, but if you have an option, it is better to obey the HTTP spec and put the version as par
  24. # [00:20] <dgathright> the filename.
  25. # [00:21] <paul_irish> so.. i asked souders about recently..
  26. # [00:21] <paul_irish> afaik, cachebusting means a proxy might not cache your shit
  27. # [00:21] <paul_irish> kinda like Cache-Control:private or whatever
  28. # [00:21] <paul_irish> so squid proxy or whathaveyou
  29. # [00:21] <frankstallone> but paul_irish I always cache my shit
  30. # [00:22] <paul_irish> yeah but the mystery machines between your server and your user may not
  31. # [00:22] <paul_irish> and that's what the querystring may affect
  32. # [00:23] <frankstallone> interesting my dear paul_irish, interesting indeed...
  33. # [00:23] * frankstallone strokes pointy beard
  34. # [00:23] <andrewjbaker_> I replaced calls to Math.floor(x) and Math.round(x) with ~~(x) and ~~(x + 0.5) respectively in my renderer and didn't see any noticeable improvement BTW. In fact, all it seems to have done is made my code less readable.^^
  35. # [00:23] * Quits: MattDiPasquale (~MattDiPas@rrcs-184-74-229-10.nyc.biz.rr.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
  36. # [00:24] <dgathright> I figured that rule was more likely to be obeyed server-side as opposed to clientside, as browsers do cache querystring files, but I've never entirely trusted the QS method if I have a choice.
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  40. # [00:25] <paul_irish> andrewjbaker_: for which canvas methods
  41. # [00:26] <paul_irish> oh also
  42. # [00:26] <paul_irish> the significant change will be from using round/floor or ~~ vs not at all
  43. # [00:26] * Quits: temp01 (~temp01@unaffiliated/temp01) (Read error: No route to host)
  44. # [00:27] <andrewjbaker_> paul_irish, fillRect() and drawImage() dude. Maybe it'll come in more useful when I add in 2D billboards (sprites).
  45. # [00:27] <paul_irish> aye
  46. # [00:28] * Joins: temp01 (~temp01@unaffiliated/temp01)
  47. # [00:28] <paul_irish> Math.floor is pretty fast :)
  48. # [00:28] <andrewjbaker_> And that's my plan for #screenshotsaturday. Then I can actually have plants and trees.
  49. # [00:29] * Quits: ericduran (~ericduran@173-203-243-241.static.cloud-ips.com) (Quit: ericduran)
  50. # [00:30] <andrewjbaker_> People have reported performance between 10 and 25 fps for the renderer now it's real-time. I'm quite pleased.
  51. # [00:33] * Quits: toinso (~toinso@unaffiliated/toinso) (Quit: Leaving)
  52. # [00:35] <paul_irish> chrome 10 just dropped into beta. \o/ http://chrome.blogspot.com/2011/02/faster-than-speeding-rabbit-speed-sync.html
  53. # [00:37] * Joins: Brodingo (~Brodingo@cpe-70-116-9-4.austin.res.rr.com)
  54. # [00:37] <paul_irish> and dev channel got bumped to 11!
  55. # [00:38] * danheberden is now known as danheberden|away
  56. # [00:51] <slide> I have 2 canvas elements on top of each other and Im drawing stuff on the lower one and then clearing the upper one but that is also clearing the bottom one
  57. # [00:51] <slide> and im really confused as to why
  58. # [00:53] * Quits: Thasmo (~thasmo@d86-32-70-59.cust.tele2.at)
  59. # [00:53] <andrewjbaker_> How are you clearing slide?
  60. # [00:53] * Quits: vyvea (~vyvea@ (Quit: Leaving)
  61. # [00:53] <slide> context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
  62. # [00:54] <andrewjbaker_> And you defo grab the correct context?
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  65. # [00:54] <slide> yea im logging which context im doing things to after every step, and im getting what i would expect, "Drawing to 'bottom' canvas" "Clearing 'top' canvas"
  66. # [00:55] <slide> bottom/top being the id of the canvas
  67. # [00:55] <slide> and if i remove the clearRect call to the top canvas, the bottom canvas doesnt get cleared anymore
  68. # [00:56] <slide> hrm
  69. # [00:56] * danheberden|away is now known as danheberden
  70. # [00:56] <andrewjbaker_> Accelerated canvas?
  71. # [00:56] <slide> although this is weird.... i just deleted the top canvas in chrome developer tools and the drawing disappeared to.....
  72. # [00:57] <slide> so it appears i am drawing to the top canvas? even though the context.canvas.id says its bottom!
  73. # [00:57] <slide> :(
  74. # [00:58] <andrewjbaker_> Maybe it's related to http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=70584
  75. # [00:59] <andrewjbaker_> Replace your call to clearRect() with fillRect() instead, see what happens.
  76. # [01:00] * Quits: cgcardona (~cgcardona@c-24-5-146-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  78. # [01:01] <slide> well whole screen becomes white
  79. # [01:01] <slide> ok wait hrm
  80. # [01:03] * Quits: hubble (~hubble@173-165-61-105-Illinois.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Quit: hubble)
  81. # [01:03] <slide> i fixed it, though im not 100% sure how some things were going wrong
  82. # [01:03] * Joins: Benvie (~Brandon@cpe-174-097-156-000.nc.res.rr.com)
  83. # [01:03] <andrewjbaker_> How did you fix it?
  84. # [01:04] <slide> my main problem was..... i somehow remove the "position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; " so that the bottom canvas was under the top one....... although chrome dev tools kept highlighting the top canvas
  85. # [01:04] <slide> ugh
  86. # [01:05] <slide> but i still dont see how anythings was being shown then b/c it was only being drawn on bottom canvas
  87. # [01:05] <slide> which was off screen
  88. # [01:06] <slide> thanks
  89. # [01:06] * Joins: jochen___ (~jochen@nat/google/x-spkoqviwgudrnhbp)
  90. # [01:06] <andrewjbaker_> Well, I didn't really do much. ;-)
  91. # [01:06] <slide> hehe
  92. # [01:06] <slide> still having someone to talk to and ask a few questions really helps me hehe
  93. # [01:07] <andrewjbaker_> It's good to talk stuff thru' sometimes, yeah.
  94. # [01:07] <slide> def
  95. # [01:07] <tw2113> paul_irish, i can use modernizr to test for features when in the markup right?
  96. # [01:09] * Quits: jochen__ (~jochen@nat/google/x-jfyhfaiyhsdwmpwo) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  97. # [01:09] <paul_irish> tw2113: yeah.
  98. # [01:11] * Joins: jochen__ (~jochen@nat/google/x-bwaryxiyxewpjevj)
  99. # [01:11] <tw2113> it's a js if statement though right?
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  102. # [01:14] <Trisox> good night
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  119. # [01:56] <paul_irish> antonkovalyov: \/
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  121. # [01:56] <antonkovalyov> paul_irish, hey
  122. # [01:56] * Quits: pellucid (~massartus@ (Quit: pellucid)
  123. # [01:57] <antonkovalyov> rgrove, hey
  124. # [01:57] <rgrove> Ahoy!
  125. # [01:57] <bot-t> (133 hours ago) <phiggins> tell rgrove DADT
  126. # [01:57] <antonkovalyov> lemme give you ip for the slice
  127. # [01:57] <paul_irish> hehehe
  128. # [01:57] <antonkovalyov> and then if you dont want to pay for the domain, i can take over
  129. # [01:57] <paul_irish> ?dadt
  130. # [01:57] <bot-t> Dojo Already Did That
  131. # [01:57] <rgrove> Oooh, what did Dojo Already Did this time?
  132. # [01:57] <rgrove> antonkovalyov: Cool
  133. # [01:58] <antonkovalyov> rgrove,
  134. # [01:59] <rgrove> antonkovalyov: Do you want the MX record to point anywhere?
  135. # [01:59] * Quits: benv (~benv@75-101-56-240.dsl.static.sonic.net) (Quit: Bye!)
  136. # [02:00] <rgrove> antonkovalyov: Updated the A names for jshint.com and .org, so you should be all set once that propagates.
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  138. # [02:00] <antonkovalyov> rgrove, nah i dont think we need MX now
  139. # [02:00] <rgrove> k
  140. # [02:00] <antonkovalyov> lemme setup the server real quick :)
  141. # [02:01] <paul_irish> hey devongovett :)
  142. # [02:01] <paul_irish> wanted to give you the SCOOP on a new community javascript project
  143. # [02:01] <paul_irish> that is launching soonly
  144. # [02:02] <devongovett> awesome, paul_irish
  145. # [02:02] * Quits: andrewjbaker_ (~ajb@ (Quit: Leaving)
  146. # [02:02] <paul_irish> Basically, it's a community-driven fork of JSLint
  147. # [02:02] <paul_irish> in the last 6mo iin particular, lost of people have felt that the direction of jslint has become a bit too opinionated
  148. # [02:03] <antonkovalyov> rgrove, btw i will implement the `fuzzy` option in jshint after i am done with the site
  149. # [02:03] <antonkovalyov> it will make messages warm and fuzzy :D
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  151. # [02:04] <paul_irish> :)
  152. # [02:04] <devongovett> paul_irish: sweet!
  153. # [02:04] <devongovett> community driven is good
  154. # [02:04] <rgrove> antonkovalyov: Nice! :)
  155. # [02:04] <paul_irish> and so, we're putting out jshint (with a name reappropriated from rgrove's earlier funny project)
  156. # [02:04] <paul_irish> ..with lots of ability for customization
  157. # [02:05] <devongovett> shweet. cant wait
  158. # [02:05] <paul_irish> and also a committment for jshint to run in node/rhino/build processes etc
  159. # [02:05] <devongovett> nice
  160. # [02:05] <paul_irish> right now the beta site is here http://jshint.github.com/site/ (no sharing yet) but it'll be going live at jshint.com soonly
  161. # [02:05] * Quits: jamesarosen (~jamesaros@ (Remote host closed the connection)
  162. # [02:05] <paul_irish> and since badassjs is the new ajaxian, we thought you should know :D
  163. # [02:06] <devongovett> I'm flattered. :-)
  164. # [02:07] <paul_irish> and when i say 'we' i mostly mean antonkovalyov, who is lead of it.
  165. # [02:07] <paul_irish> i'm just here for moral support and sweetass css3 skillz :D
  166. # [02:08] * Quits: Brodingo (~Brodingo@cpe-70-116-9-4.austin.res.rr.com) (Quit: Brody's Computer used Hypnosis. It's super effective!)
  167. # [02:09] <devongovett> I like that it works with multiple server side engines and not just node... looks sweet!
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  169. # [02:13] <antonkovalyov> =)
  170. # [02:13] <antonkovalyov> paul_irish, http://jshint.com/
  171. # [02:13] <antonkovalyov> booom
  172. # [02:13] <antonkovalyov> BOOOOM
  173. # [02:13] <paul_irish> wow that was quick
  174. # [02:14] <antonkovalyov> ya
  175. # [02:15] <devongovett> antonkovalyov, paul_irish suggestion: use embedded bespin (or whatever they call it now) instead of a textarea so you get code highlighting and line numbers. makes it easier to see where errors are...
  176. # [02:16] <antonkovalyov> devongovett, i think it is called Ace now and it is more stable now.
  177. # [02:16] <antonkovalyov> i'll look into it
  178. # [02:16] * Joins: daveluke (~davidluke@cpe-24-193-131-50.nyc.res.rr.com)
  179. # [02:17] <devongovett> ya, first it was bespin then skywriter and now ace. sheesh
  180. # [02:17] <devongovett> :-)
  181. # [02:18] <antonkovalyov> we actually plan to use it for our theme editor at disqus
  182. # [02:18] <antonkovalyov> so we test it from time to time :)
  183. # [02:19] <devongovett> seems to work pretty good: http://ace.ajax.org/
  184. # [02:19] <paul_irish> antonkovalyov: updated the top text.. http://oksoclap.com/0lIZ59ARPO
  185. # [02:19] <antonkovalyov> paul_irish, looks good
  186. # [02:19] <antonkovalyov> lemme update it real quick
  187. # [02:20] <paul_irish> wait a sec
  188. # [02:20] <antonkovalyov> i was ready to push :)
  189. # [02:20] <antonkovalyov> wat?
  190. # [02:21] <paul_irish> antonkovalyov: okay i deleted a letter
  191. # [02:21] <paul_irish> otherwise it's good
  192. # [02:21] <paul_irish> devongovett: do you think this would work well for a badassjs post?
  193. # [02:22] <devongovett> paul_irish: certainly. let me know when you're ready, and I'll write something up! great work, guys. excited :D
  194. # [02:22] <paul_irish> i think we're about ready
  195. # [02:22] <antonkovalyov> ty
  196. # [02:23] <paul_irish> antonkovalyov: are you thinking of a launch tmw morning?
  197. # [02:23] <antonkovalyov> i have a friend checking the text now for typos and shit
  198. # [02:23] <antonkovalyov> but overall we're ready to launch whenever
  199. # [02:24] <antonkovalyov> i am okay with tomorrow morning
  200. # [02:24] * Quits: skqr (~skqr@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
  201. # [02:24] <devongovett> If either of you want to write something to be included in the post, you can send that to me as well... if you want
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  205. # [02:26] <otherpaul> cool. that works
  206. # [02:28] * Parts: MrWax (waxboy@mail.midegro.com)
  207. # [02:32] <devongovett> so tomorrow morning? I'll write a post tonight and set it to publish then. Thanks guys!
  208. # [02:32] * Quits: gaurang (~gaurang@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  209. # [02:32] <antonkovalyov> devongovett, ya sounds good
  210. # [02:32] <antonkovalyov> thanks!
  211. # [02:33] <devongovett> sure thing
  212. # [02:33] <antonkovalyov> oh btw devongovett at disqus we already use jshint :)
  213. # [02:34] <devongovett> awesome.
  214. # [02:34] <antonkovalyov> paul_irish, we need favicon
  215. # [02:34] <antonkovalyov> do you have anything in mind?
  216. # [02:34] <otherpaul> inorite
  217. # [02:34] <otherpaul> um
  218. # [02:35] * otherpaul is now known as _paul_
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  220. # [02:35] <_paul_> (using a diff user account so i can commit not under my paulirish github )
  221. # [02:35] <_paul_> i got an idea for a favicon. gimme a sec
  222. # [02:36] <_paul_> antonkovalyov: also in no place do we say "yes this is a fork of jslint"
  223. # [02:36] <_paul_> which probably needs to be said
  224. # [02:37] <_paul_> i know. in the footer..
  225. # [02:37] * Joins: Killman (~killman@unaffiliated/killman)
  226. # [02:39] <devongovett> so you guys took down http://jslint.com/ too? ddos attack? ;-)
  227. # [02:39] <_paul_> hahaha
  228. # [02:39] <devongovett> its been down for a few days according to twitter
  229. # [02:40] <rgrove> Works fine for me...
  230. # [02:40] <rgrove> downforeveryone says it's down. Interesting.
  231. # [02:42] <_paul_> works fine here
  232. # [02:43] <_paul_> antonkovalyov: i pushed some changes
  233. # [02:43] <devongovett> nope doesnt work for me
  234. # [02:44] * Joins: tw2113 (~tw2113@fedora/tw2113)
  235. # [02:49] <antonkovalyov> haha
  236. # [02:49] <antonkovalyov> devongovett, it was working before
  237. # [02:51] <antonkovalyov> i assume _paul_ is paul_irish
  238. # [02:51] <_paul_> YUP
  239. # [02:51] <_paul_> i'm writing some code to core.js that i doubt would pass jshint
  240. # [02:51] * Joins: LynnMWallenstein (~Lynn@pool-74-107-70-172.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net)
  241. # [02:51] <_paul_> (save your checkbox preferences)
  242. # [02:54] <antonkovalyov> _paul_, we got a push request for jshint/site :)
  243. # [02:54] * Quits: LynnWallenstein (~Lynn@pool-74-107-70-172.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds)
  244. # [02:54] <antonkovalyov> brb
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  257. # [03:21] <IanWizard> So, funny question... Is there any way to directly communicate with a USB device via the browser? I thought that I'd heard of an HTML5 spec for this, but upon turning to Google, I have found nothing.
  258. # [03:23] <digitalfiz> sounds dangerous
  259. # [03:23] <_paul_> nothing yet no.
  260. # [03:26] <daleharvey> anyone going form mountain view to sf pub meetup?
  261. # [03:26] <daleharvey> *from
  262. # [03:28] <IanWizard> digitalfiz, well, it would be, but I kinda need it for an app I'm building. I'd like direct interface to any joystick, mouse, keyboard, usb headset, etc
  263. # [03:29] <IanWizard> any suggestions on what my best option would be? flash, java, anything else...
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  273. # [04:12] <Neiluj> Backbone.js rocks
  274. # [04:14] <daleharvey> IanWizard: its the html5 devices api, which is very very early
  275. # [04:15] <IanWizard> daleharvey, ahh, that's what it was, so I can get USB access?
  276. # [04:15] <Neiluj> IanWizard: not yet
  277. # [04:15] <daleharvey> no, by very very early I mean "a twinkle in someones eye"
  278. # [04:16] <Neiluj> the probably first thing implemented would be webcam
  279. # [04:18] <IanWizard> I guess I'll have to use Java or something else like that.
  280. # [04:18] <IanWizard> Thanks :)
  281. # [04:18] <Neiluj> IanWizard: if you can control the browser for the user, I would suggest to use something qt & webkit
  282. # [04:18] <Neiluj> if you want something on the web for everybody...
  283. # [04:18] <Neiluj> ?gl
  284. # [04:18] <bot-t> http://goodluckwiththatdude.com
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  289. # [04:34] <grantg> paulrouget: IE9 isn't modern until it can run my javascript gameboy color emulator fullspeed with stereo audio. :)
  290. # [04:35] <grantg> Biggest IE9 fail yet
  291. # [04:38] * danheberden is now known as danheberden|away
  292. # [04:39] <grantg> IE9 fails and doesn't support half of the tech I squeezed into the gameboy color emulator.
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  295. # [04:44] <grantg> paulrouget: http://people.mozilla.com/~prouget/woooot/i.jpg
  296. # [04:44] <grantg> ಠ_ಠ
  297. # [04:46] <paulrouget> grantg: :)
  298. # [04:46] <grantg> :/
  299. # [04:47] <tw2113> hola
  300. # [04:47] <grantg> hey
  301. # [04:48] <tw2113> paulrouget did you have fun the other day with IE9? :)
  302. # [04:48] <grantg> tw2113: My mom's dog was banished to the tiki table in the middle of the pool tonight: http://i.imgur.com/UtmG4.jpg
  303. # [04:48] <paulrouget> tw2113: :)
  304. # [04:48] <tw2113> however, i disagree with the general tech media associating the whole thing with Mozilla in general, unless that was the intent, represent Mozilla
  305. # [04:49] <paulrouget> grantg: if you see any better way (not involving crazy data parsing + re-construiction), I'm interested
  306. # [04:49] <tw2113> how rude to the dog
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  308. # [04:49] <grantg> video that loops?
  309. # [04:49] <grantg> </troll>
  310. # [04:49] <paulrouget> grantg: move your mouse over the element
  311. # [04:49] <tw2113> they don't even give him alcohol to serve guests
  312. # [04:50] <grantg> set video position and pause/play?
  313. # [04:51] <paulrouget> grantg: oh oh :) This is not something possible :)
  314. # [04:52] <grantg> If you're using a canvas element for something that should be done with a video element, something is very amiss.
  315. # [04:52] <paulrouget> grantg: yeap, controling frames is not something possible (only with quicktime)
  316. # [04:52] <grantg> :/
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  323. # [04:55] <grantg> I "accidentally" a canvas instead of video. ಠ_ಠ
  324. # [04:56] <grantg> hehe
  325. # [04:56] <grantg> haters gonna hate
  326. # [04:57] <daveluke> is it possible to make a real-time multiplayer game in html5?
  327. # [04:58] <paulrouget> daveluke: websockets
  328. # [04:58] <paulrouget> but can't be P2P
  329. # [04:59] <daveluke> so like if i just want a map for a simple top-down view kinda game and have multiple people live in the map, thats possible with websockets?
  330. # [05:04] <paulrouget> yeap
  331. # [05:04] <daveluke> cool :)
  332. # [05:04] <daveluke> reading about them now
  333. # [05:14] <grantg> WTF: http://files.droplr.com/files/8168122/1GAcK.UP.jpg
  334. # [05:14] <grantg> DreamWorks: Too real!
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  336. # [05:17] <grantg> paulrouget: Don't feel bad, I derped and made another youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jplt96dM1xc
  337. # [05:19] <grantg> tw2113: Too many pokemon in firefox 4 videos. :/
  338. # [05:20] <tw2113> i never caught pokemon fever and i'm proud of that
  339. # [05:20] <grantg> heh
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  341. # [05:28] <IanWizard> tw2113, I'm with ya
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  351. # [06:11] <tw2113> i want to know how another RC in over a week + final release a few weeks after that is the home stretch for FF4
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  421. # [09:55] <beevi7> paul_irish modernizr: do you test for standards compliant browser functionality only?
  422. # [09:57] <beevi7> guess so
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  433. # [10:29] <alcuadrado> jsTestDriver, anyone?
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  443. # [10:59] <cheilmann> Wow - this is open tech, not Flash! http://bit.ly/dd6Bdy
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  445. # [11:00] <nimbupani> thats like really old cheilmann :|| afaik
  446. # [11:01] <cheilmann> how come nobody features it in talks then?
  447. # [11:02] <cheilmann> we need to show more of these real implementations
  448. # [11:02] <nimbupani> maybe coz its not canvas :))
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  451. # [11:04] <cheilmann> you might very much have a point there
  452. # [11:04] <cheilmann> what is the time at your end?
  453. # [11:04] <nimbupani> i am in Oslo :)
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  455. # [11:05] <nimbupani> but leaving tomorrow morning for seattle
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  463. # [11:16] <cheilmann> ah
  464. # [11:16] <cheilmann> did you get your viking helmet yet?
  465. # [11:16] <cheilmann> You'd look awesome in a Norwegian Dress
  466. # [11:17] <nimbupani> hahaha
  467. # [11:17] <nimbupani> nooo i didnt!
  468. # [11:17] <nimbupani> i have been trying to survive walking on the icy pavements!
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  472. # [11:34] <cheilmann> hehe
  473. # [11:34] <cheilmann> the most brutal about Norway is the prices for everything!
  474. # [11:34] <cheilmann> :)
  475. # [11:35] <cheilmann> I have a friend from Norway I used to have a lot of letter/floppy disk contact with in 1994-5 then lost contact for 4 years. Turns out he by then became a lady :)
  476. # [11:36] <cheilmann> She proudly sent me this photo of her wearing the national dress you get when you are 9 - 16 years later :)
  477. # [11:36] <nimbupani> O MAI
  478. # [11:36] <nimbupani> :)))
  479. # [11:37] <nimbupani> ha yes I sorta avoid that by eating at the canteen in opera :))
  480. # [11:39] <cheilmann> I guess your last sentence was related to the prices :)
  481. # [11:39] <cheilmann> took me a while there
  482. # [11:39] <nimbupani> HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA
  483. # [11:39] <nimbupani> GOOD LORD
  484. # [11:40] <nimbupani> No i am very very happy being female. thnx.
  485. # [11:43] <cheilmann> good to hear
  486. # [11:44] <nimbupani> :))))
  487. # [11:44] <cheilmann> weird to find you in the US again after that chance encounter we had in Singapore
  488. # [11:44] <nimbupani> i know rite
  489. # [11:44] <nimbupani> but we have never met since!
  490. # [11:44] <cheilmann> such a small worlld
  491. # [11:44] <cheilmann> world
  492. # [11:44] <nimbupani> totes
  493. # [11:44] <cheilmann> you still based in Seattle?
  494. # [11:45] <nimbupani> yep!
  495. # [11:46] <cheilmann> that's the reason :)
  496. # [11:46] <nimbupani> hahahaha
  497. # [11:46] <cheilmann> did you move over with the boyfriend?
  498. # [11:46] <nimbupani> yepp
  499. # [11:46] <cheilmann> but you have both cameras now, right?
  500. # [11:46] <cheilmann> :)
  501. # [11:46] <nimbupani> HAHAHHAHA
  502. # [11:46] <nimbupani> he doesnt use it :D
  503. # [11:47] <cheilmann> most confusing flickr ever :)
  504. # [11:47] <nimbupani> lawls.
  505. # [11:47] <nimbupani> sorry :)
  506. # [11:47] <nimbupani> its usually mostly me, he is a good lurker.
  507. # [11:51] <cheilmann> I cannot believe I spoke for 3 hours yesterday
  508. # [11:51] <cheilmann> with Q&A
  509. # [11:52] <nimbupani> omg thats quite a bit :|||
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  569. # [15:12] <daveluke> hi, is websockets supported by enough browsers to be a viable solution?
  570. # [15:13] <daveluke> or maybe a better question is... when html5 is all implemented, will all browsers have websockets
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  575. # [15:24] <codepo8> right now most browsers have it disabled as there is a security issue with the websockets protocol
  576. # [15:24] <codepo8> once this is fixed it will be turned on again - you can turn it on as a developer (in Firefox at least)
  577. # [15:24] <codepo8> so to be safe you can also use a polyfill like socket.io which patches with flash and uses the same API
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  587. # [15:43] <daveluke> codepo8, is there a php implementation for the serverside stuff for socket.io
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  590. # [15:43] <codepo8> not that I know
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  592. # [15:44] <codepo8> also doesn't really make sense as you'd have to HTTP to the PHP somehow
  593. # [15:45] <daveluke> i see
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  595. # [15:48] <daveluke> what is the serverside implementation coded in?
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  600. # [16:00] <codepo8> there is none
  601. # [16:00] <codepo8> socket.io uses Flash instead of native websockets
  602. # [16:01] <codepo8> http://socket.io/
  603. # [16:01] <codepo8> the server component is node ja
  604. # [16:01] <codepo8> js
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  606. # [16:01] <maninthemiddle> hi
  607. # [16:02] <maninthemiddle> is it ok to put <dd>'s and <dt>'s inside <a> ? (semantically-wise)
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  615. # [16:06] <codepo8> in HTML5 it is
  616. # [16:07] <codepo8> you need a DL, too of course
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  626. # [16:24] <tw2113> paul_irish, if I utilize modernizr-server, am i am to just disregard the javascript include that i'd normally put in <head>?
  627. # [16:24] <tw2113> able to*
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  633. # [16:28] <sander^work> What content type has hdml5?
  634. # [16:28] <sander^work> In the header.
  635. # [16:29] <obert-> got headerache today
  636. # [16:30] <cgcardona> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <---- is that what you mean sander^work ?
  637. # [16:30] <sander^work> cgcardona, No, in the header.
  638. # [16:30] <obert-> :)
  639. # [16:30] <obert-> gor headerache in my server side
  640. # [16:30] <cgcardona> text/html
  641. # [16:31] * Quits: pratz (~quassel@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  642. # [16:31] <cgcardona> Content-Type:text/html
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  644. # [16:31] <obert-> :Pff
  645. # [16:33] <obert-> nobody is laughin :(
  646. # [16:33] <cgcardona> :)
  647. # [16:34] <obert-> are you happy using html5?
  648. # [16:35] * Quits: nicksergeant (~anonymous@dwaiter.rit.edu) (Quit: nicksergeant)
  649. # [16:35] <cgcardona> of course - but the smile was for your headerache joke
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  651. # [16:36] <obert-> yup..i was just asking opinions about html5 rendering in production ;)
  652. # [16:37] <obert-> didnt got almost its benefits..except the ability to write unsemantic markup like div inside a :)
  653. # [16:38] * Quits: jgv (~jgv@ (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
  654. # [16:38] <obert-> and that html5shiv.js thingy makes me feel weird
  655. # [16:38] <obert-> html4 looks more eternal. that's it
  656. # [16:39] <cgcardona> gasp
  657. # [16:39] <obert-> didnt explored html5 benefits though
  658. # [16:39] <obert-> i hope the irc chan would be helpfull to get an idea from other,isnt it?
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  660. # [16:41] <obert-> maybe not?
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  662. # [16:44] <cgcardona> sorry - my attention is on another project
  663. # [16:44] <cgcardona> obert-: have you seen diveintohtml5?
  664. # [16:46] <obert-> no
  665. # [16:46] <cgcardona> http://diveintohtml5.org/
  666. # [16:46] <cgcardona> check it out when you have time - thats a good place to see the benefits of html5
  667. # [16:47] <obert-> verybody knows about web forms, right? Make a <form>, a few <input type="text"> elements, maybe an <input type="password">, finish it off with an <input type="submit"> button, and you’re done. -> no fieldset? no legend? no sections separation? mmmah
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  669. # [16:50] <obert-> mm but is that all done in pure html and it would be good to do that in that way?
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  672. # [16:51] <obert-> or is it like substitute some classic js stuff with html5 properties?
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  680. # [17:03] <masondesu> html5 izzzzzzz BUMPIN this morning.
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  684. # [17:08] <cgcardona> bump bump
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  689. # [17:12] <tw2113> it'd be bumpin if it was conversation, not logins and logouts
  690. # [17:14] <tw2113> i'm trying to figure out some way to mix modernizr js with conditional markup output
  691. # [17:18] <cgcardona> bump bump
  692. # [17:18] <tw2113> stop acting like you're from the jersey shore
  693. # [17:19] <tw2113> :D
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  698. # [17:25] <felcom> what is the best way to define an input height without using the css height property?
  699. # [17:25] <felcom> font size, padding?
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  706. # [17:36] <paul_irish> tw2113: can you describe what problem you're solving
  707. # [17:38] <tw2113> i need a way to detect if multi columns are supported by the browser, and then output some divs based on that. If it is, then output 1 div that i apply the columns to, if not, output a couple divs that I populate another way to mimic
  708. # [17:38] * Quits: Evet (~Evet@pdpc/supporter/active/evet) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
  709. # [17:38] <paul_irish> tw2113: always output both
  710. # [17:39] <tw2113> and then hide with css?
  711. # [17:39] <paul_irish> yeah hide with .no-csscolumns
  712. # [17:39] <tw2113> might have to, given that modernizr-server isn't working for me
  713. # [17:40] <tw2113> and probably wouldn't be the worst option either, other than duplicate content
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  728. # [18:04] <nimbupani> ?tell antonkovalyov pushed some changes, can u push it to site? thnx!
  729. # [18:04] <bot-t> nimbupani, Okay.
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  731. # [18:05] <maninthemiddle> can you tell css3 to summarize, say, width of the containers inside given parent, and set this summary as parent's width?
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  763. # [18:41] <maninthemiddle> you gotta help me
  764. # [18:41] <maninthemiddle> damn #html channel is useless
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  766. # [18:41] <maninthemiddle> what is the maximum possible height css understands?
  767. # [18:42] <tw2113> have you tried #css given that it's actually a css question?
  768. # [18:42] <maninthemiddle> uh, I'm so dumb, thanks for the tip
  769. # [18:43] <tw2113> i won't hold it against you
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  772. # [18:56] <davidmurdoch> anyone know if jsfiddle accounts were reset? I can't log in anymore.
  773. # [18:56] <davidmurdoch> ah. nevermind
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  775. # [18:58] <davidmurdoch> Anyone feel like helping me out with a memory leak problem?
  776. # [18:59] <davidmurdoch> http://jsfiddle.net/musicisair/GJnjW/5/embedded/result/
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  778. # [19:00] <vsmith> does anyone here have familiarity with the HTML5 boilerplate for wordpress
  779. # [19:00] <davidmurdoch> The leak is in Chrome, btw
  780. # [19:01] <vsmith> I am actually having problems with setting up a theme using it. Getting 500 errors on all my static files i.e. .css .js
  781. # [19:01] <davidmurdoch> sorry, can't help ya there
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  783. # [19:03] <paul_irish> http://badassjs.com/post/3364925033/jshint-an-community-driven-fork-of-jslint woo woo
  784. # [19:03] <cheilmann_> sweet
  785. # [19:04] <davidmurdoch> so, does this jslint still hurt feelings?
  786. # [19:04] <cheilmann_> you now need to grow a beard
  787. # [19:04] <Moo-_> what's the modern way of dynamically load javascript and perform something when Js has been loaded?
  788. # [19:05] <cheilmann_> this is going to be big
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  790. # [19:06] <cheilmann_> Moo-_: lots of libraries do that In essence it is a onload handler on the generated script node.
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  792. # [19:06] <Moo-_> cheilmann_: lovely
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  794. # [19:06] <Moo-_> cheilmann_: does jquery do it out of the box? :)
  795. # [19:07] <paul_irish> $.getScript ?
  796. # [19:07] <paul_irish> it has a callback.
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  799. # [19:07] <paul_irish> Moo-_: here ya go http://pastie.org/1066655
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  801. # [19:08] <Moo-_> yay life indeed!
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  804. # [19:09] <cheilmann_> tempting to write a JSFuckYou that simply tells you your code is bad
  805. # [19:09] <paul_irish> hahah
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  807. # [19:10] <davidmurdoch> doit.
  808. # [19:10] <davidmurdoch> your logo should be a pic of crockford
  809. # [19:10] <davidmurdoch> :-)
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  812. # [19:11] <paul_irish> heh. ajpiano came up with a good slogan for jshint:
  813. # [19:11] <paul_irish> JSHint: Just Because Crockford Is The "Father Of JavaScript" Doesn't Mean He's Your Dad And Can Tell You What To Do
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  815. # [19:12] <ajpiano> \o/
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  817. # [19:12] <nimbupani> a+ for effort b- for brevity
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  819. # [19:13] <davidmurdoch> haha
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  821. # [19:14] <davidmurdoch> JBCI"TFOJ"DMHYDACTYWTD = brevity?
  822. # [19:15] <nimbupani> not quite
  823. # [19:15] <vsmith> Is there anyone here who colud help me with an HTML5 Boilerplate for wordpress question?
  824. # [19:15] <nimbupani> Crock talks crock is
  825. # [19:15] <vsmith> Please.
  826. # [19:15] <nimbupani> ask away
  827. # [19:16] <vsmith> OK
  828. # [19:17] <vsmith> Nothing is showing up for my site . somehow the CSS, js and even images dont show up
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  830. # [19:18] <vsmith> I've checked the paths but they seem to be ok
  831. # [19:18] <vsmith> here is the site: http://www.abigailministries.com/
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  835. # [19:19] <vsmith> think it me have something to do with the $GLOBALS function
  836. # [19:20] <vsmith> here is the header http://wordpress.pastebin.com/pgJZayVq
  837. # [19:20] <nimbupani> http://abigailministries.com/wp-content/themes/amTemplate/html5-boilerplate/css/960.css?v=1297993191
  838. # [19:20] <nimbupani> server error
  839. # [19:22] <vsmith> yes but i am unsure about what is causing the 500 error. it worked on my testing server but when i switched it over it stopped working. host is 1&1
  840. # [19:22] <nimbupani> i think you should file a ticket with ur host.
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  844. # [19:26] <vsmith> yeah i' giving tech support a call
  845. # [19:26] <tw2113> personally if it was me, i'd just remove the globals part completely
  846. # [19:26] <tw2113> yes i'm in here too vsmith
  847. # [19:26] <vsmith> ok
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  849. # [19:26] <vsmith> cool
  850. # [19:26] <tw2113> but that's just me and how i'd handle using that
  851. # [19:27] <vsmith> Just not totally sure what benefit id be losing by removing the GLOBALS and the versioning
  852. # [19:28] <tw2113> the globals part is just the way the guy who converted it decided to retrieve wordpress paths
  853. # [19:28] <tw2113> the versioning is more for caching
  854. # [19:28] <tw2113> that'd be the thing to retain first, the versioning
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  867. # [19:39] <BrianBlakely> Yay, new website launch
  868. # [19:39] <BrianBlakely> www.bit.ly/oswich
  869. # [19:39] <BrianBlakely> SVG and CSS3 used in marketing, blasting through your screen on desktop and mobile
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  872. # [19:41] <cheilmann_> that seems to be very .NET CMS driven
  873. # [19:41] <cheilmann_> mootools and jquery :)
  874. # [19:41] <davidmurdoch> "community" is a little off.
  875. # [19:43] <cheilmann_> and flash video
  876. # [19:43] <nimbupani> BrianBlakely: div#prinav li {
  877. # [19:43] <nimbupani> padding-right: 22px;
  878. # [19:43] <nimbupani> } would help the menu to not drop down in opera instead of padding-right: 24px
  879. # [19:44] * tty234_ is now known as tty234
  880. # [19:44] <shepazu> BrianBlakely: I didn't see any SVG
  881. # [19:45] <nimbupani> also why is it calling same css twice once for print and once for screen?
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  885. # [19:46] <nimbupani> antonkovalyov: !!!!
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  887. # [19:47] <BrianBlakely> nimbupani: Kraft uses Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server to manage their massive infrastructure. It does shit like that
  888. # [19:47] <antonkovalyov> yo
  889. # [19:47] <bot-t> (1 hour 42 mins ago) <nimbupani> tell antonkovalyov pushed some changes, can u push it to site? thnx!
  890. # [19:47] <bot-t> (1 hour 42 mins ago) <nimbupani> tell antonkovalyov pushed some changes, can u push it to site? thnx!
  891. # [19:47] <bot-t> (1 hour 41 mins ago) <nimbupani> tell antonkovalyov pushed some changes, can u push it to site? thnx!
  892. # [19:47] <bot-t> (30 mins 10 secs ago) <nimbupani> tell antonkovalyov i pushed some changes to gh-pages (merged paul's changes too), pls pls push to site? thnx
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  894. # [19:47] <nimbupani> oops
  895. # [19:47] <nimbupani> soz
  896. # [19:47] <paul_irish> hey anton.
  897. # [19:47] <BrianBlakely> There are a lot of wild fucked-up things that needed to be done
  898. # [19:47] <antonkovalyov> paul_irish, good job showing up yesterday :P
  899. # [19:47] <nimbupani> inline IE8 styles?
  900. # [19:47] <paul_irish> antonkovalyov: get my gtalk IMs?
  901. # [19:47] <nimbupani> inorite antonkovalyov?
  902. # [19:48] <BrianBlakely> cheilmann_: MOSS is the biggest piece of crap ever
  903. # [19:48] <antonkovalyov> deploying changes
  904. # [19:48] <antonkovalyov> paul_irish, no
  905. # [19:48] <nimbupani> shepazu: there is some raphel going on
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  908. # [19:48] <BrianBlakely> davidmurdoch: That "community" thing is actually an issue with the KraftFoods template that Outstandwich was plopped inside of. We didn't have access to fix it, it's on all of their sites.
  909. # [19:48] <cheilmann_> yeah, it is actually more impressive that you managed to release this on sharepoint :)
  910. # [19:49] <BrianBlakely> cheilmann_: Thank you for acknowledging that, I could hug you
  911. # [19:49] <davidmurdoch> ah, ok.
  912. # [19:49] <cheilmann_> I worked on Tridion for a few years
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  915. # [19:51] <antonkovalyov> nimbupani, changes life
  916. # [19:51] <antonkovalyov> live*
  917. # [19:51] <nimbupani> WOO
  918. # [19:51] <nimbupani> i thought u were a bit philo there antonkovalyov
  919. # [19:51] <BrianBlakely> nimbupani: If we didn't inline the conditional comments, instead including them externally, they would be included intermittently by Sharepoint, or not at all
  920. # [19:51] <antonkovalyov> philo?
  921. # [19:51] <antonkovalyov> what's that? :)
  922. # [19:52] <nimbupani> philosophical
  923. # [19:52] <nimbupani> geez i gotta spell out WHOLE WORDS
  924. # [19:52] <cheilmann_> yes
  925. # [19:52] <cheilmann_> :)
  926. # [19:53] <BrianBlakely> The SVG elements on the site: Loading jogger, and hotspot reticles when you click "Sandwich Details"
  927. # [19:53] <antonkovalyov> nimbupani, oh, you got my hidden message to crock? :)
  928. # [19:53] <nimbupani> is it the nietzsche quote?
  929. # [19:54] <BrianBlakely> antonkovalyov: How much of your motivation on this project is powered by the desire to playfully poke Douglas Crockford in the ribs? ;)
  930. # [19:54] <antonkovalyov> like 1%
  931. # [19:55] <BrianBlakely> 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration :D
  932. # [19:55] <antonkovalyov> BrianBlakely, the project started because jslint became unusable at disqus
  933. # [19:55] <BrianBlakely> I'm just joshing ya :)
  934. # [19:55] <antonkovalyov> and i really like code checking
  935. # [19:55] <antonkovalyov> we have forked pyflakes at disqus :)
  936. # [19:55] <BrianBlakely> Well, it's a sweet project
  937. # [19:55] <antonkovalyov> BrianBlakely, https://github.com/dcramer/pyflakes
  938. # [19:56] <BrianBlakely> Cool, so JSHint isn't a new field for you
  939. # [19:56] <BrianBlakely> You've been rocking this stuff
  940. # [19:57] <antonkovalyov> dcramer is not me ;)
  941. # [19:57] <antonkovalyov> he just sits next to me
  942. # [19:57] <BrianBlakely> Ah-ha
  943. # [19:57] <cheilmann_> I am flying over to the valley on tuesday, should get a statement from crock about it
  944. # [19:57] <BrianBlakely> I thought perhaps you were contributing to the proj
  945. # [20:00] <vsmith> finally got my problem resolved. it was a .htaccess file in a sub folder that was causing all the trouble
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  948. # [20:07] <cheilmann_> chatting with the vid.ly guys about also offering audio conversion
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  951. # [20:09] <nimbupani> woot vsmith
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  955. # [20:11] <BrianBlakely> Learn your pin-fu
  956. # [20:11] <BrianBlakely> http://windowsteamblog.com/ie/b/ie/archive/2011/02/17/economics-of-the-web-ie9-users-that-pin-huffington-post-spend-49-more-time-on-site.aspx
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  961. # [20:16] <cheilmann_> ..."because it loads really slowly"
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  966. # [20:20] <BrianBlakely> Here's a gist containing the Pin stuff and some other <head> goodies: https://gist.github.com/581868
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  968. # [20:21] <BrianBlakely> Huh, there are a lot of forks of that, I didn't see that
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  970. # [20:24] <cheilmann_> very cool list BrianBlakely
  971. # [20:24] <BrianBlakely> Glad you find it helpful :)
  972. # [20:24] <vsmith> Thanks nimbupani & thanks tw2113 for all the help
  973. # [20:25] <paul_irish> heavy forkage.
  974. # [20:25] <BrianBlakely> I'm worried some people might read it as a list of things to always throw in… not good in the case of something like… <meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
  975. # [20:25] <BrianBlakely> paul_irish: Thanks for encouraging me to throw it up
  976. # [20:25] <paul_irish> omg this userscript for gist diffing is amazing
  977. # [20:25] <paul_irish> so useful
  978. # [20:25] <BrianBlakely> paul_irish: WTF I was just thinking gists needed a diffing feature
  979. # [20:25] <BrianBlakely> Where is this "user" "script"
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  982. # [20:26] <paul_irish> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ekibhngllckenihijddjkmehiocljcpc
  983. # [20:26] <BrianBlakely> Thank you :)
  984. # [20:26] <cheilmann_> you can join paul then in the league of misunderstood helpers
  985. # [20:26] <cheilmann_> "OMG HTML5 IS SOOOOO BIG - LOOK AT BOILERPLATE!"
  986. # [20:26] <paul_irish> :)
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  988. # [20:27] <cheilmann_> annoying that my download is around 730k/sec and upload 40k/sec
  989. # [20:27] <cheilmann_> need to check if another provider does better speeds
  990. # [20:27] <cheilmann_> or only upload at techhub
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  994. # [20:32] <BrianBlakely> cheilmann_: FiOS is more than hype, check it if you're in America and your area is wired up for it
  995. # [20:33] <cheilmann_> I am in the UK :)
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  1001. # [20:39] <Michael> Does anyone have an excel or word or indesign template for agile feature analysys?
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  1004. # [20:49] <BrianBlakely> cheilmann_: You need to compete with Japan's network for island-nation dominance ;l
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  1006. # [20:49] <cheilmann_> yeah I've been in Taiwan and Korea, too
  1007. # [20:49] <cheilmann_> *drool*
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  1009. # [20:50] <BrianBlakely> cheilmann_: I can only imagine. Only been to China for extended periods… not the same thing >_>
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  1012. # [20:50] <cheilmann_> "what's that clicking sound?"
  1013. # [20:51] <BrianBlakely> a-heh
  1014. # [20:52] <BrianBlakely> Think 5 apartments using the same DSL connection
  1015. # [20:53] <BrianBlakely> Hey, #html5: If you had your druthers, how would you like <select> width to work? Locked at initial width, bouncing around with the currently selected <option>'s content, or other?
  1016. # [20:53] <tw2113> cheilmann_, is just a regular jetsetter...the joys of being an ambassador of awesome shit
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  1019. # [20:55] <niftylettuce> paul_irish: headed south down the coast today, if I throw up what i have on github you think you might have time to take a stab at it?
  1020. # [20:58] <cheilmann_> BrianBlakely: locked at initial width and ellipis...
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  1032. # [21:05] <tw2113> drule's back
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  1081. # [23:01] <BrianBlakely> cheilmann_: (two hours later) Thanks for the feedback!
  1082. # [23:03] <cheilmann_> :)
  1083. # [23:04] <cheilmann_> I gave a zipcast in between
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  1091. # [23:18] <paul_irish> cheilmann_: yeah the zipcast is really nice isnt it!
  1092. # [23:18] <cheilmann_> I need to see the recording of it
  1093. # [23:19] <cheilmann_> I am always a bit wary of syncing
  1094. # [23:19] <paul_irish> i was trying it out yesterday and the slideshare guys came into the room while i was presenting
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  1096. # [23:19] <cheilmann_> I've been on too many webcasts where stuff got out of sync
  1097. # [23:19] <paul_irish> was giving them feedback and said "i need to show my screen.. so i can do demos and stuff"
  1098. # [23:19] <cheilmann_> Slideshare are lovely lovely people
  1099. # [23:19] <paul_irish> and he goes "hold up a mirror"
  1100. # [23:19] <cheilmann_> from the beginning I had a great connection with them
  1101. # [23:19] <paul_irish> A+ way to handle a feature request
  1102. # [23:19] <cheilmann_> haha - actually that could work
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  1105. # [23:20] <paul_irish> cheilmann_: i need left/right keyboard bindings for your slides thing thing
  1106. # [23:20] <cheilmann_> except mirrored code
  1107. # [23:20] <cheilmann_> not easy ;)
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  1109. # [23:20] <paul_irish> come onnnnnn
  1110. # [23:20] <paul_irish> i always think i can do it
  1111. # [23:20] <cheilmann_> you mean the html version?
  1112. # [23:20] <paul_irish> yeah
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  1118. # [23:25] <cheilmann_> will add some
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  1120. # [23:25] <cheilmann_> why?
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  1124. # [23:31] <Greko> if &nbsp; is a space what is the *
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  1127. # [23:33] <tw2113> &#042;
  1128. # [23:34] <Greko> nice. th
  1129. # [23:34] <Greko> anks
  1130. # [23:34] <tw2113> wel
  1131. # [23:34] <tw2113> come
  1132. # [23:34] <tw2113> :D
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  1134. # [23:34] <Greko> :D
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  1141. # Session Close: Sat Feb 19 00:00:00 2011

The end :)