- # Session Start: Fri Mar 04 00:00:00 2011
- # Session Ident: #html5
- # [00:00] * Quits: felcom (~felcom@rrcs-71-43-19-2.se.biz.rr.com) (Quit: felcom)
- # [00:00] <danielfilho> paul_irish: this month I'll be giving a talk about "why you already can use HTML5", and html5 boilerplate, modernizr and yepnope are huge stars on the presentation ;)
- # [00:03] <paul_irish> danielfilho: woohooo
- # [00:03] <paul_irish> awes
- # [00:04] <danielfilho> :D
- # [00:05] <kataire> What about selectivizr? I mean, sure, it's CSS3, but now that HTML is just called HTML and the W3C uses the HTML5 brand to sell the whole package...
- # [00:06] <kataire> danielfilho: ^
- # [00:07] <cheilmann> well, that is the issue for some people
- # [00:07] <danielfilho> kataire: I mentioned those three, but will talk about more things. ;)
- # [00:07] <cheilmann> I am writing my talk for confoo right now and I am tired of these arguments
- # [00:08] <danielfilho> me too
- # [00:08] <cheilmann> we want to make the web better so let's concentrate on the future
- # [00:08] <danielfilho> btw Chris, saw a presentation of you talking about the term "html5" and "html"
- # [00:08] <danielfilho> loved that
- # [00:08] <cheilmann> its not as if we done things right in the past :)
- # [00:08] <cheilmann> thanks
- # [00:08] <danielfilho> it's like talking "web 2.0". gives me the impression that everything before it is obsolete. and it's not.
- # [00:08] * Quits: tktiddle (~tim@cpc1-hari12-2-0-cust76.hari.cable.virginmedia.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
- # [00:08] <kataire> Fair enough. I just found that it's become part of my default stack. I think I'll actually cut down on the amount of stuff I use from html5boilerplate and maybe use a few polyfills instead.
- # [00:09] <cheilmann> start with good markup and a server side control
- # [00:10] <cheilmann> then build on top
- # [00:10] <cheilmann> give that to ie6 and test and apply for the rest
- # [00:10] <kataire> Meh. I use the term HTML5 as a stand-in for Web 2.0 now, because that's what people expect. As for HTML -- I only specify the version when I talk about 4.01 and earlier.
- # [00:10] <cheilmann> the issue with polyfills is that you also then have to test for legacy browser and make sure they perform well
- # [00:10] <cheilmann> we shouldn't spend most of our time testing and not developing.
- # [00:11] <kataire> cheilmann: I have all my scripts and stylesheets in conditional comments. All IE6 sees is universal-ie6-css.
- # [00:11] <nimbupani> but you dont test for "legacy browsers"
- # [00:11] <danielfilho> last week I was in a meeting to take a job as freelancer, and the guy said: "I want it in html5". Then I: "but what specifically you want?". he said: "I don't want flash on it. And want it to work on mobile phones". :(
- # [00:12] <nimbupani> basically only test if a feature is available
- # [00:12] <danielfilho> html5 already is a buzz word.
- # [00:12] <cheilmann> nimbupani: you have to when you use a polyfill
- # [00:12] <nimbupani> its not about legacy.
- # [00:12] <cheilmann> if I use excanvas I should also test its performance
- # [00:12] <cheilmann> as I shouldn't give old tech things it chokes on
- # [00:12] <nimbupani> yeah i guess for some features browser sniffing is unavoidable.
- # [00:13] <cheilmann> there was an interesting post about forms about browser sniffing
- # [00:13] <kataire> cheilmann: I didn't say I'm using heavy duty polyfills. If I use canvas and can't provide a good fallback, no soup for you.
- # [00:13] <danielfilho> to provide the complete experience, not only to render it properly on older browsers.
- # [00:14] <cheilmann> http://united-coders.com/matthias-reuter/user-agent-sniffing-is-back
- # [00:14] <kataire> cheilmann: You mean the datepicker issue? I agree with that. My solution is not to use the relevant input types until Chrome supports it.
- # [00:14] <cheilmann> ^ has some very good points. If you want a popup calendar, the browser should do one
- # [00:14] <cheilmann> kataire: and that is the sad part - half implementations were what always made me not use Opera in the past
- # [00:15] <cheilmann> there were even stubs for some DOM methods in Opera5 which made it unsafe to use object detection.
- # [00:15] <kataire> danielfilho: But that's the thing. The web is not a static medium. In most cases I don't plan to deliver the same experience to everyone. That's what fallbacks and "feature sniffing" (e.g. @media rules) are for.
- # [00:15] * Quits: henrikkok (~henrikkok@3306ds3-amb.0.fullrate.dk) (Quit: Leaving.)
- # [00:16] <kataire> cheilmann: I traditionally ignore Opera except for the stuff it implements. I do test for it these days, but it has improved enough that I never have to touch anything for it.
- # [00:16] <cheilmann> as I said in a few talks before: If you expect your web site to look and work the same in every browser you are holding us back. The web's biggest feature is adaptability.
- # [00:16] <kataire> Exactly.
- # [00:16] <cheilmann> I call opera now the Douglas Crockford browser. If you do everything right but you could do one thing more correctly, Opera will moan about it
- # [00:17] <cheilmann> That's why it is a great browser to test with last
- # [00:17] * Joins: niftylettuce (~niftylett@h136.116.232.68.ip.windstream.net)
- # [00:17] <kataire> cheilmann: Then what is IE6? The grandma?
- # [00:18] <cheilmann> the alcoholic abusive uncle at the party
- # [00:18] <kataire> Yay.
- # [00:18] * Quits: komputes (~komputes@ubuntu/member/komputes) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
- # [00:18] <cheilmann> or as I called it before "the turd in the punchbowl of the web development party"
- # [00:18] <danielfilho> HAHAHAHA
- # [00:18] * Joins: Evet (~Evet@
- # [00:18] * Quits: Evet (~Evet@ (Changing host)
- # [00:18] * Joins: Evet (~Evet@pdpc/supporter/active/evet)
- # [00:18] <cheilmann> http://apps.facebook.com/jszelda/ ZELDA in HTML5/JS!!!!
- # [00:18] <danielfilho> YEAH! Someone posted that link last night here.
- # [00:19] <danielfilho> was xonecas I think
- # [00:19] <jdalton> AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
- # [00:19] <jdalton> zelda
- # [00:19] <jdalton> gimmie
- # [00:19] <danielfilho> and, of course, we've trolled him telling we are "Super Mario" kind of people. lol :D
- # [00:19] <cheilmann> hehe
- # [00:19] <cheilmann> fairies!
- # [00:19] <kataire> I'm wondering whether I have rendering issues on a virtual WinXP with IE7 that don't exist in native IE7 and vice versa. It's not looking broken enough. Either that, or modernizr+selectivizr are better than I thought.
- # [00:20] <xonecas> danielfilho: nope thats the work of grantg
- # [00:20] <xonecas> I'm just a fan of t
- # [00:20] <xonecas> *it
- # [00:20] <danielfilho> oh, I'm old. memory fails sometimes.
- # [00:20] <xonecas> np :-)
- # [00:22] <kataire> Crap. It's getting late. The lady wants me to go to bed. I guess I better obey.
- # [00:22] <cheilmann> pfft
- # [00:22] <cheilmann> you talk to girls
- # [00:22] <cheilmann> you can't come into our fort
- # [00:22] <kataire> I even plan to marry 'em O_o
- # [00:22] <kataire> Well, not all of them.
- # [00:22] <danielfilho> girls? what is that?
- # [00:23] <kataire> danielfilho: like us but softer, squishier and they smell better.
- # [00:23] <danielfilho> some new polyfill?
- # [00:23] <danielfilho> oh. I thing I get it.
- # [00:24] <danielfilho> do they have wireless broadband connection?
- # [00:24] <danielfilho> ok. stopped.
- # [00:24] * kataire is now known as kataire|Zzz
- # [00:25] * Joins: grantg_ (42e5650f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
- # [00:25] <paul_irish> cheilmann, danielfilho, jdalton: grantg from this channel made it. :)
- # [00:25] <cheilmann> yeah http://www.grantgalitz.org/gtfo/zelda/
- # [00:25] * Quits: boaz (~boaz@75-150-66-254-NewEngland.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
- # [00:25] <paul_irish> oh hai grantg_
- # [00:26] <paul_irish> kataire|Zzz: ill help you tmw with it
- # [00:26] * Quits: figital (~figital@75-150-66-254-NewEngland.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
- # [00:26] <kataire|Zzz> kataire|Zzz: With what?
- # [00:27] <paul_irish> with your crazy VMs andor modernizr being amazing
- # [00:27] <kataire|Zzz> Oh, thanks.
- # [00:27] <daleharvey> yo so anyone using a sammy like js framework?
- # [00:28] <benv> i used sammy for something recently
- # [00:28] <benv> nothing huge
- # [00:28] * Quits: JKarsrud (~JKarsrud@ (Quit: Leaving.)
- # [00:29] <daleharvey> im trying to think of a nice way to teardown events
- # [00:29] <niftylettuce> smone please help me debug this in pre-IE (6-8) ... the dropdown doesn't work at all, I think it has something to do with positioning and z-index... argh @ http://jsfiddle.net/KfLwT/
- # [00:29] <daleharvey> like I have page x, page y, and they have different events on them
- # [00:29] <benv> and when you leave a page, something happens?
- # [00:29] <benv> like, said teardown event fires
- # [00:30] <daleharvey> nah, like I have a button or an onchange, that can only happen on page x
- # [00:30] <benv> o
- # [00:30] * Quits: vyvea (~vyvea@ (Quit: Leaving)
- # [00:30] <daleharvey> right now I just delegate to body, but that slow and pretty nasty
- # [00:31] <kataire|Zzz> paul_irish: Oh, just for reference: What GMT offset are you in?
- # [00:32] <benv> daleharvey: so, i wrapped like every button in a <form> and used POST routes w/ sammy
- # [00:32] <grantg_> cheilmann: oh noes
- # [00:32] <benv> daleharvey: instead of event handlers
- # [00:32] <grantg_> http://apps.facebook.com/jszelda/ for that
- # [00:32] <cheilmann> yeah
- # [00:32] <cheilmann> time to add a framebreaker
- # [00:32] <benv> i wouldn't say its the best way to go about it, but ... <shrug> was kind of fooling around
- # [00:34] <danielfilho> kataire|Zzz paul's got his own timezone. he works 62 hours each day.
- # [00:34] * Quits: mitch05 (~IanWizard@c-98-237-207-104.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
- # [00:34] <cheilmann> paul's in California
- # [00:34] * Joins: boaz (~boaz@75-150-66-254-NewEngland.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
- # [00:34] <cheilmann> GMT+8
- # [00:34] <cheilmann> err -8
- # [00:34] <paul_irish> ^
- # [00:34] <grantg_> Stop right-clicking to find out what's in the iframe!
- # [00:34] <grantg_> :/
- # [00:34] <grantg_> It's /gtfo/ for a reason.
- # [00:34] <cheilmann> ah :)
- # [00:35] <cheilmann> people told me off on twitter for not giving credit where its due
- # [00:35] * Joins: cgcardona (~cgcardona@c-24-5-146-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
- # [00:35] <cheilmann> maybe add a text to facebook :)
- # [00:35] <grantg_> cheilmann: http://apps.facebook.com/jspokemonred/
- # [00:35] <cheilmann> niftylettuce hover menus are the devil's work
- # [00:35] <grantg_> http://apps.facebook.com/supermariolandtwo/
- # [00:36] <cheilmann> not keyboard accessible and friggin annoying for everybody else
- # [00:36] <niftylettuce> xonecas: can you preeze help with that dropdown sh*t
- # [00:37] <niftylettuce> xonecas: ten dolla fo yo help preeze
- # [00:37] <paulrouget> paul_irish: is there a Chrome IRC channel?
- # [00:37] <grantg_> #chromium ?
- # [00:37] <grantg_> #chromium-support ?
- # [00:37] <paulrouget> ok :)
- # [00:38] * Joins: figital (~figital@75-150-66-254-NewEngland.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
- # [00:39] <grantg_> damnit yvg
- # [00:39] <grantg_> http://twitter.com/#!/yvg/status/43450799682093057
- # [00:39] <socialhapy> http://bit.ly/foSp3T @yvg: @F1LT3R even better without Facebook http://www.grantgalitz.org/gtfo/zelda/ :)
- # [00:40] <grantg_> the hammer comes down
- # [00:40] <grantg_> ...
- # [00:41] * Joins: jacine (~jacine@drupal.org/user/88931/view)
- # [00:42] <cheilmann> yeah your plan is buggered
- # [00:43] <cheilmann> unless you just redirect the folder and include the file in the iframe
- # [00:43] <cheilmann> sorry about this - I thought people nicked your work to be famous on facebook
- # [00:44] <xonecas> niftylettuce: whats up?
- # [00:44] <grantg_> lololol
- # [00:44] <niftylettuce> xonecas: hey can we chat on the phone real quick? quick CSS/JS question
- # [00:45] <grantg_> cheilmann: Stop haxing my iframes. :/
- # [00:45] <grantg_> heh
- # [00:45] <xonecas> nifty google talk, I can't talk on the phone right now
- # [00:45] <cheilmann> niftylettuce without your CSS being converted from whatever that is (SASS?) to CSS debugging is going to be guesswork
- # [00:45] <paulrouget> grantg_: when do write an article on hacks.mozilla.org about your work?
- # [00:45] * Quits: davidwalsh (~davidwals@75-135-74-55.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) (Quit: davidwalsh)
- # [00:46] <grantg_> nope
- # [00:46] <grantg_> not a single article
- # [00:46] <niftylettuce> cheilmann: that is SCSS -- so it's valid
- # [00:46] <paulrouget> grantg_: oh
- # [00:46] <grantg_> U Mad JS community?
- # [00:46] <grantg_> LO
- # [00:46] <grantg_> :P
- # [00:46] <xonecas> cmon grantg tell us your secrets ahah
- # [00:46] <cheilmann> it is valid but not applied in JSFiddle?
- # [00:47] <paulrouget> grantg_: ok :) I'm gonna have to write it myself and pretend I wrote that code.
- # [00:47] <grantg_> I'm gonna make you all reverse engineer the GB-Z80 to find out how it works. :P
- # [00:47] <paul_irish> hahaha
- # [00:47] <grantg_> lololololololol
- # [00:48] <xonecas> hahah
- # [00:48] * grantg_ forgot to put up kirby onto facebook
- # [00:48] <grantg_> sec
- # [00:50] * Quits: Erkan (thend@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
- # [00:50] <cheilmann> you do that and I hack ALL your iframes
- # [00:50] * Joins: Erkan (thend@
- # [00:50] <cheilmann> I got the mad h4xx0r skills
- # [00:51] <cheilmann> for $250 I will send you my s3cr3t t00lZ
- # [00:51] <cheilmann> .oO(firebug)
- # [00:51] <xonecas> grantg_: isn't nintendo gonna be pissed?
- # [00:51] <grantg_> it was supposed to be a small thing on FB
- # [00:52] <cheilmann> nah they got good lawyers
- # [00:52] <grantg_> not to leak the /gtfo/ dir
- # [00:52] <grantg_> damnit people, it was supposed to be private
- # [00:52] <grantg_> meanwhile, http://apps.facebook.com/kirbydreamlandtwo/
- # [00:52] * Quits: Erkan (thend@ (Client Quit)
- # [00:52] <cheilmann> now there is a sentence you hear a lot when it comes to publications on facebook
- # [00:53] <danielfilho> in one hand, grantg_ is complaining that it must be private... in other, he's on fire and can't stop publishing more and more things! :D
- # [00:53] <grantg_> lololol
- # [00:53] <grantg_> danielfilho: And jsNES still is up.
- # [00:53] <grantg_> :P
- # [00:53] <xonecas> grantg_: I don't think the gtfo accro is working, you'll need to be more explicit :-p
- # [00:53] <grantg_> lol
- # [00:53] * Joins: IanWizard (~IanWizard@c-98-237-207-104.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
- # [00:54] * grantg_ 's favorite GB color palette for kirby is to do down + Z
- # [00:54] <grantg_> on startup when the logo is flashing
- # [00:54] <danielfilho> well, see you guys tomorrow.
- # [00:54] <grantg_> see yah
- # [00:55] * Joins: Erkan (thend@
- # [00:56] <xonecas> sleep good
- # [00:56] <xonecas> I miss Brazil
- # [00:56] <grantg_> damn I need to blog this
- # [00:56] <grantg_> Was supposed to back in september last year. :/
- # [00:56] * Quits: dpy (~Marcel@d66172.upc-d.chello.nl) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
- # [00:57] <paul_irish> yuppp
- # [00:57] <xonecas> do it on a single long scrolling page like, hum, paul_irish's project pages :-P He's even got a template for you to start with :-P
- # [00:58] <grantg_> heh
- # [00:58] <grantg_> xonecas: I haven't blogged about it at all
- # [00:58] <grantg_> Doing so would require me to shit out a zillion at once now
- # [00:58] <grantg_> audio + video + cpu + integration
- # [00:58] <grantg_> saves
- # [00:58] <grantg_> offline storage
- # [00:59] <xonecas> sounds like you got your work cut out
- # [00:59] <grantg_> memory subsystem
- # [00:59] <xonecas> did you comment your code?
- # [00:59] * Joins: ferrante (~ferr@114-54.echostar.pl)
- # [00:59] * Joins: ozten (~ozten@c-24-17-245-95.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
- # [00:59] <grantg_> a little
- # [00:59] <grantg_> oh
- # [00:59] <grantg_> and typed arrays
- # [00:59] <xonecas> throw the code as the docs :-P
- # [00:59] <xonecas> done!
- # [00:59] <BrianBlakely> paul_irish: Not sure if my PM reached you or if you're taken up, just letting you know :)
- # [00:59] <grantg_> not enough comments
- # [01:00] <grantg_> See https://github.com/grantgalitz/GameBoy-Online/blob/master/js/GameBoyCore.js
- # [01:00] <xonecas> well, be happy to know that tonight while you're writing the blog post, I'm playing mario on my 30" monitor at a wooping 2560x1600 resolution. Thank you grantg_, thank you!
- # [01:01] <grantg_> lololololololololololol
- # [01:01] <grantg_> Too many lols
- # [01:01] <xonecas> :-)
- # [01:02] <xonecas> man you're responsible for my recent lack of productivity in the evenings...
- # [01:02] <grantg_> too bad scaling it to 2560x1600 slows chrome the fuck down
- # [01:03] <grantg_> only firefox 4 handles that res ok with it
- # [01:03] <grantg_> :/
- # [01:03] <grantg_> at least for me
- # [01:03] <grantg_> xonecas: At least I didn't lose you to pokemon
- # [01:04] <grantg_> http://apps.facebook.com/jspokemonred/ and we'll see you in three months
- # [01:04] <xonecas> ahaha
- # [01:04] <xonecas> yeah must use ff4 for the big screen
- # [01:04] <xonecas> chrome works for about 5m
- # [01:04] <grantg_> heh
- # [01:04] <BrianBlakely> grantg_: Have you tried accelerating the canvas in about:flags (Chrome)?
- # [01:04] * Quits: hubble (~hubble@173-165-61-105-Illinois.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Quit: hubble)
- # [01:05] <grantg_> BrianBlakely: No diff
- # [01:05] <xonecas> aw :(
- # [01:05] <BrianBlakely> None too cool
- # [01:05] <grantg_> chrome slows down when computing putImageData for me
- # [01:05] <xonecas> are you using requestAnimationFrame?
- # [01:05] <grantg_> yes
- # [01:05] <grantg_> both moz and webkit
- # [01:06] <xonecas> damn
- # [01:06] <grantg_> ?
- # [01:06] <xonecas> I was hoping for better performance :-P
- # [01:06] * Joins: jochen___ (~jochen@nat/google/x-onrexqhjgdpbhxda)
- # [01:06] <xonecas> not that I have any complaints
- # [01:06] * grantg_ needs to land the webgl patch still
- # [01:07] <grantg_> everything is canvas 2d putImageData still
- # [01:08] <BrianBlakely> grantg_: Does using WebGL amount to an insane performance boost?
- # [01:08] <xonecas> How long have you been working on this?
- # [01:08] <grantg_> for blitting
- # [01:08] <grantg_> xonecas: Late last july
- # [01:08] * Joins: _jdalton (~johndavid@cpe-75-187-124-204.insight.res.rr.com)
- # [01:08] <xonecas> man, amazing
- # [01:08] <grantg_> Same with JS GameBoy Advance
- # [01:08] * Quits: jdalton (~johndavid@cpe-75-187-124-204.insight.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
- # [01:08] <grantg_> :/
- # [01:09] * Quits: jochen__ (~jochen@nat/google/x-krlwxucrsexhndaq) (Ping timeout: 241 seconds)
- # [01:10] * Quits: themiddleman_itv (~robot@ (Quit: themiddleman_itv)
- # [01:10] * Joins: themiddleman_itv (~robot@
- # [01:10] * Quits: themiddleman_itv (~robot@ (Client Quit)
- # [01:10] <grantg_> xonecas: Chrome takes more time to blit my CanvasPixelArray than to run the CPU emulation
- # [01:11] <grantg_> Makes me sad
- # [01:11] <BrianBlakely> grantg_: You know what would be really fun? Making a PSone emulator? You should totally do that >_>
- # [01:11] <grantg_> lol
- # [01:11] * Parts: IanWizard (~IanWizard@c-98-237-207-104.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) ("Leaving")
- # [01:11] * Joins: jochen__ (~jochen@nat/google/x-afjkcwozqnvgridv)
- # [01:11] <cheilmann> fuck it - Xbox simulator
- # [01:11] * Quits: jochen___ (~jochen@nat/google/x-onrexqhjgdpbhxda) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
- # [01:12] * Joins: juniour_high (~IanWizard@c-98-237-207-104.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
- # [01:12] <grantg_> BrianBlakely: That's run people's computers out of memory.
- # [01:12] <grantg_> cheilmann: Wii?
- # [01:12] <cheilmann> then you also need to provide the arduino specs for controllers
- # [01:12] <cheilmann> :)
- # [01:13] <grantg_> heh
- # [01:13] <grantg_> I'd map every keyboard button
- # [01:13] <grantg_> you'd run out of room
- # [01:13] <cheilmann> A friend of mine goes around pubs and takes photos and videos of pinball machines and then converts them to mame roms
- # [01:13] <grantg_> lolwut
- # [01:13] <cheilmann> labour of love as the last company repairing them went bankrupt some time ago
- # [01:15] * Quits: daveluke (~davidluke@cpe-72-225-202-168.nyc.res.rr.com) (Quit: daveluke)
- # [01:15] <grantg_> paul_irish: The chrome guys gotta fix that "rendering taking longer than the damn CPU emulation in JS" situation going on.
- # [01:17] <juniour_high> paul_irish: aren't you one of the chrome guys?
- # [01:20] <xonecas> grantg_: I want wii emulator, I *need* mario galaxy
- # [01:20] <xonecas> think of it as medical research (for me)
- # [01:20] <grantg_> xonecas: Tell me when we get 1 thz CPUs
- # [01:20] <grantg_> [terahertz]
- # [01:21] <xonecas> eheh, na, you can do it, with webGL :-P
- # [01:21] <xonecas> you're a smart guy!
- # [01:21] <grantg_> The PowerPC CPU?
- # [01:22] <grantg_> It ain't all video
- # [01:22] <grantg_> It's video+audio+cpu
- # [01:23] <grantg_> xonecas: Though I do see Windows 95 in a JS emulator
- # [01:23] <grantg_> Or Windows 3.11
- # [01:23] <xonecas> yeah, they're out there :-)
- # [01:24] <paul_irish> juniour_high: yes
- # [01:24] <paul_irish> grantg_: did you try out requestAnimationFrame btw
- # [01:24] <grantg_> yeah
- # [01:25] <grantg_> paul_irish: Just calling putImageData takes more than 30 ms to render in chrome
- # [01:25] <juniour_high> paul_irish: I'm sorry, but you're just impressive :)
- # [01:25] <grantg_> chrome is slow as hell with rendering putImageData
- # [01:25] <grantg_> [insert no hardware acceleration for putimagedata complaint here]
- # [01:26] <BrianBlakely> Going to Asia for 2 weeks, see ya HTML5!
- # [01:26] <paul_irish> hapy hapy
- # [01:26] <grantg_> bye bye
- # [01:29] <paul_irish> juniour_high: ♥
- # [01:29] * Joins: escv (~anisotrop@ip-118-90-108-244.xdsl.xnet.co.nz)
- # [01:30] <paul_irish> grantg_: i dont really want to go into the optimization wormhole with you in particular but.. you're putting it to integer pixel values?
- # [01:30] <grantg_> yeah
- # [01:31] <paul_irish> k
- # [01:31] <paul_irish> i'm slowly compiling a bigass list of canvas optimizations
- # [01:32] <paul_irish> but i know that chrome is slower than FF with putimagedata to non-integer offsets
- # [01:34] <grantg_> How about adding a -webkit-crisp-edges to image-rendering
- # [01:34] <grantg_> for nearest-neighbor scaling
- # [01:34] <grantg_> like what firefox's -moz-crisp-edges does'
- # [01:35] * Quits: BrianBlakely (~Adium@ (Quit: Leaving.)
- # [01:36] * Quits: juniour_high (~IanWizard@c-98-237-207-104.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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- # [01:38] * Quits: Evet (~Evet@pdpc/supporter/active/evet) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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- # [01:39] * Quits: grantg_ (42e5650f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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- # [01:41] * Quits: ferrante (~ferr@114-54.echostar.pl) (Quit: Get MacIrssi - http://www.sysctl.co.uk/projects/macirssi/)
- # [01:41] <paul_irish> bot-t: tell chriseppstein https://github.com/paulirish/html5-boilerplate/pull/354#issuecomment-832423
- # [01:41] <bot-t> paul_irish, Okay.
- # [01:42] * Quits: cheilmann (~cheilmann@ (Quit: cheilmann)
- # [01:45] * Quits: wizL (~wizl@93-103-189-50.dynamic.t-2.net)
- # [01:47] <mikesusz> hrm i want to ask chriseppstein to add IE filter gradients to compass-style :)
- # [01:48] <paulrouget> paulrouget: Does it work for you now ? https://mozillademos.org/demos/remixingreality/demo.html
- # [01:48] <paul_irish> lol
- # [01:48] * Quits: Senix (~look@unaffiliated/look) (Remote host closed the connection)
- # [01:49] <paul_irish> WORKS!!!!
- # [01:50] * Joins: tw2113 (~tw2113@fedora/tw2113)
- # [01:51] <xonecas> YY
- # [01:51] <xonecas> so cool too!
- # [01:53] * Parts: escv (~anisotrop@ip-118-90-108-244.xdsl.xnet.co.nz)
- # [01:56] <paul_irish> paulrouget: what was it?
- # [01:56] <paul_irish> also your /dashboard is soooo good
- # [01:56] <paul_irish> love it
- # [01:57] <paulrouget> paul_irish: great
- # [01:57] <paulrouget> paul_irish: My guess (@rem' guess actually) is a bad-encoded ogg video
- # [01:57] <paulrouget> paul_irish: now I use WebM. Works better.
- # [01:59] <paul_irish> hooray for webm
- # [01:59] <xonecas> hooray :-P
- # [02:00] * Evet_ is now known as Evet
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- # [02:02] <paulrouget> :)
- # [02:04] * Joins: grantgalitz (42e5650f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
- # [02:04] <grantgalitz> Is codepo8 here or something?
- # [02:05] <grantgalitz> paul_irish: I think I'm getting pranked.
- # [02:05] <xonecas> grantgalitz: are your apps exploding on fb?
- # [02:05] <grantgalitz> :/
- # [02:05] <grantgalitz> possibly
- # [02:05] <grantgalitz> http://twitter.com/#!/codepo8/status/43475488261423105
- # [02:05] <socialhapy> http://bit.ly/g9l1HL @codepo8: Nobody every check out the stuff @grant_galitz is doing. He is terrible and you shouldn't check his website! .oO(talented b*stard)
- # [02:05] <grantgalitz> oh god oh god
- # [02:05] * grantgalitz waits for the flood
- # [02:06] * foca_ is now known as foca
- # [02:06] <xonecas> what a nice compliment
- # [02:06] <grantgalitz> In response to http://twitter.com/#!/grant_galitz/status/43475115589111808
- # [02:06] <grantgalitz> and
- # [02:06] <socialhapy> http://bit.ly/e3XAPB @grant_galitz: @codepo8 heh [insert Reddit okay guy face]
- # [02:07] <grantgalitz> http://twitter.com/#!/grant_galitz/status/43474430965465088
- # [02:07] <xonecas> the guy has 10 000 followers, yeah open the flood gates :-P
- # [02:07] <socialhapy> http://bit.ly/geQ30l @grant_galitz: @codepo8 Not helping with keeping this Zelda thing on the down-low. :/
- # [02:08] <grantgalitz> "There's a storm brewing"
- # [02:08] <paul_irish> grantgalitz: haahha
- # [02:08] <grantgalitz> wait
- # [02:08] <paul_irish> grantgalitz: cheillman is codepo8
- # [02:08] <grantgalitz> oh god
- # [02:08] <xonecas> lol
- # [02:08] * grantgalitz waits for the foodgates from hell to open
- # [02:09] <grantgalitz> wait
- # [02:09] <grantgalitz> someone is using @grantg?
- # [02:09] <grantgalitz> ugh
- # [02:10] <grantgalitz> cheilmann == codepo8, damn I'm slow
- # [02:11] * Quits: cgcardona (~cgcardona@c-24-5-146-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: zzzzz)
- # [02:11] <grantgalitz> what ever
- # [02:11] <grantgalitz> People can be anything online
- # [02:11] <grantgalitz> heh
- # [02:11] <grantgalitz> those people who say they're women on IRC are really men
- # [02:12] <paul_irish> nimbupani is a woman.
- # [02:12] <grantgalitz> that's an internet rule I think. :P
- # [02:12] <paul_irish> so is jacine.
- # [02:12] <grantgalitz> paul_irish: guilty until proven innocent
- # [02:12] <grantgalitz> lol
- # [02:12] <nimbupani> umm?
- # [02:12] <jacine> heh.
- # [02:12] <nimbupani> you know what turns off women from IRC?
- # [02:12] <grantgalitz> An internet joke
- # [02:12] * jacine is not a man :P
- # [02:12] * Quits: antonkovalyov (~antonkova@75-101-56-240.dsl.static.sonic.net) (Quit: Leaving...)
- # [02:12] <nimbupani> men claiming there are no women on IRC
- # [02:12] <nimbupani> pls its a joke that is dead and boring
- # [02:13] <jacine> tell 'em nimbupani! :D
- # [02:13] <grantgalitz> nimbupani: Some rules are still relevanty
- # [02:13] <nimbupani> and i am really tired of explaining myself really. grantgalitz
- # [02:13] <grantgalitz> *relevant
- # [02:13] <grantgalitz> rule 34
- # [02:13] <grantgalitz> It's a joke
- # [02:13] <grantgalitz> :P
- # [02:13] * Joins: vanmik (~derek@
- # [02:13] <nimbupani> its not a joke that is funny any more. like black face jokes.
- # [02:14] <nimbupani> so please stop making them.
- # [02:14] * grantgalitz thinks half the IRC users on here are cats secretly pretending to be people.
- # [02:14] <grantgalitz> must explain all the lols
- # [02:14] <grantgalitz> nimbupani: heh
- # [02:15] <paul_irish> nimbupani: did you see https://mozillademos.org/demos/dashboard/demo.html in minefield?
- # [02:15] <paul_irish> it is hawtttt
- # [02:15] <nimbupani> nooo
- # [02:15] * nimbupani downloads
- # [02:15] * grantgalitz wants to fork it
- # [02:15] <grantgalitz> and add the emulator under the perf section
- # [02:18] <grantgalitz> paul_irish: Best tweet yet: http://twitter.com/#!/grant_galitz/status/43479119169716224
- # [02:18] <socialhapy> http://bit.ly/fpFEK6 @grant_galitz: Please wait while fart loads: ███████████████████████████░
- # [02:18] <paul_irish> fart jokes.
- # [02:19] <nimbupani> "Submited! Thank you."
- # [02:21] <grantgalitz> zarro boogs with the fart, proceed to release candidate
- # [02:21] <xonecas> lol nice grantgalitz
- # [02:21] <nimbupani> its pretty okay paul_irish but its not mindblowing
- # [02:22] <paul_irish> iloveit
- # [02:22] <nimbupani> i dont. its too much text.
- # [02:22] <paul_irish> its a lot of hoverint
- # [02:22] <paul_irish> hovering. who reads?
- # [02:22] <paul_irish> you dont have minefield installed?
- # [02:22] <grantgalitz> fart has crashed, setting harblocker on fart JIT
- # [02:22] <nimbupani> I AM ON MINEFIELD
- # [02:22] <nimbupani> and hovering
- # [02:22] <paul_irish> so much hover
- # [02:22] <nimbupani> i see the cool shit but its not that impressive >_>
- # [02:23] <nimbupani> funny the contenteditable has no contenteditable
- # [02:24] <nimbupani> multiple bgs has no multiple bgs
- # [02:24] <grantgalitz> nimbupani: Trolling at its finest
- # [02:24] <tw2113> i had a lot of those work, but some definitely didn't
- # [02:24] <nimbupani> well there needs to be some consistency
- # [02:25] <tw2113> even with beta 12, but linux may be a bit funky
- # [02:25] <nimbupani> whats the point of making the user hover everytime if there is no reward?
- # [02:25] <grantgalitz> bot-t: tell cheilmann Zelda 4 lyfe
- # [02:25] <bot-t> grantgalitz, Okay.
- # [02:25] <grantgalitz> heh
- # [02:25] <nimbupani> or make the demos default and provide the text on hover coz nobody is reading the text anyway
- # [02:25] <grantgalitz> nimbupani: Multiple levels of trolling
- # [02:26] <nimbupani> o good i can fork it on github.
- # [02:28] <grantgalitz> lol
- # [02:28] <grantgalitz> got kicked from #reddit
- # [02:28] <paul_irish> you? kicked? nahhhh
- # [02:33] * Quits: niftylettuce (~niftylett@h136.116.232.68.ip.windstream.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
- # [02:35] <grantgalitz> paul_irish: Don't underestimate the power of being bored with sugar at hand.
- # [02:37] * Quits: grantgalitz (42e5650f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)
- # [02:38] <paul_irish> bro's got a lot of sugar.
- # [02:39] * Joins: Greko (~Greko@
- # [02:41] * Quits: toinso (~toinso@unaffiliated/toinso) (Quit: Leaving)
- # [02:46] <paul_irish> bot-t: tell Michael http://eu.techcrunch.com/2011/03/03/disney-acquires-gaming-engine-startup-to-build-html5-games-outside-of-app-stores/ woowoo!
- # [02:46] <bot-t> paul_irish, Okay.
- # [02:51] <Greko> Hey, how to set meta charset to utf-8?
- # [02:52] <Greko> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> does not validate :(
- # [02:53] <paul_irish> <meta charset="utf-8">
- # [02:53] <Greko> nice
- # [02:53] <Greko> thanks
- # [02:54] <paulrouget> I love how we mange to make things "shorter" in html5
- # [02:54] <Greko> yep
- # [02:54] <Greko> but I don't really like that html5 warn you when using align on divs
- # [02:54] <paul_irish> you use align?
- # [02:55] <Greko> yes
- # [02:55] <Greko> why not?
- # [02:55] <paul_irish> awww
- # [02:55] <Greko> :D
- # [02:55] <Greko> text-align; margin; doesn't work sometimes
- # [02:55] <Greko> who know why
- # [02:55] <nimbupani> they should
- # [02:56] <paulrouget> It's funny, because I started writing HTML 2 years ago. So I started with HTML5 and CSS3. So I don't really know these stuff (align attribute for example)
- # [02:56] <Greko> but don't
- # [02:56] <paulrouget> I think I'm lucky :)
- # [02:56] <nimbupani> if they dont you should find out why rather than use align
- # [02:57] <paulrouget> Greko: if you have a test case...
- # [02:57] <Greko> yeah-yeah kill dozen of time to just find a meanless leak..
- # [02:57] <Greko> paulrouget - you're lucky for sure
- # [02:57] <Greko> but no cases at this moment
- # [02:58] <Greko> tthx for help
- # [02:58] <nimbupani> it usually should take about 15 mins at the most.
- # [02:58] * Quits: daveluke (~davidluke@cpe-72-225-202-168.nyc.res.rr.com) (Quit: daveluke)
- # [02:58] <nimbupani> if you have an example i can take a look
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- # [03:03] <retlehs> paulrouget: so i guess table layouts and ie6 were never issues for you either? :) you are lucky.. i tell that to people i know that have started recently as well all the time
- # [03:05] <Greko> retlehs. We seems to be the guru
- # [03:05] <Greko> )
- # [03:05] * Joins: themiddleman_itv (~robot@c-67-186-244-162.hsd1.ut.comcast.net)
- # [03:06] <paulrouget> retlehs: no, not really :)
- # [03:06] * Joins: boaz_ (~boaz@c-24-128-79-120.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
- # [03:06] <paulrouget> I'm a cheater. A lot of people consider me as an expert. Today, I looked on gogle how to do an anchor link.
- # [03:07] <retlehs> ahah
- # [03:07] <paul_irish> :P
- # [03:07] <Greko> rolf
- # [03:07] * Quits: ben_h (~ben@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
- # [03:07] <retlehs> Greko: text-align: margin doesn't exist
- # [03:07] <retlehs> you mean justify?
- # [03:07] * Joins: ben_h (~ben@
- # [03:08] * Joins: cgcardona (~cgcardona@c-24-5-146-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
- # [03:08] <Greko> yeah I use justify:text-align; to make it all work
- # [03:10] <chromedFiz> 0.o
- # [03:10] <Greko> and it do when I drink more wisky than i should
- # [03:14] * Quits: Greko (~Greko@ (Quit: all #msg all bye bye)
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- # [03:28] * Joins: Erkan (thend@
- # [03:30] <shichuan> is Peter` ppk?
- # [03:30] * Quits: boaz (~boaz@75-150-66-254-NewEngland.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Disconnected by services)
- # [03:30] * boaz_ is now known as boaz
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- # [03:50] * Quits: bentruyman (~bentruyma@li159-104.members.linode.com) (Quit: bentruyman)
- # [03:50] <paul_irish> nope. but they're both dutch!
- # [03:50] <paul_irish> peter` is http://peter.sh
- # [03:51] * Joins: themiddleman_itv (~robot@166-70-144-226.ip.xmission.com)
- # [03:51] <shichuan> lol, ok :)
- # [03:53] * Joins: grantg_ (42e5650f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
- # [03:54] <grantg_> figitial: your nick became f|i|g|i|t|a|l to me after watching http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV-7J5y1TQc&feature=related
- # [03:55] <grantg_> DEC FTW
- # [03:58] * Joins: techrush (~techrush@rrcs-173-198-32-146.west.biz.rr.com)
- # [03:59] <grantg_> paul_irish: I need to head over to #vba-m and help them out
- # [03:59] <grantg_> VisualBoyAdvance needs a few accuracy and optimizations patches
- # [04:07] <grantg_> cgcardona: Going over the machine code of pokemon red
- # [04:07] <grantg_> lol sprite update procedure
- # [04:08] <grantg_> they used mode 0 wrong
- # [04:08] <grantg_> game freak: UR doing it wrong
- # [04:08] * Quits: techrush (~techrush@rrcs-173-198-32-146.west.biz.rr.com) (Read error: Operation timed out)
- # [04:11] <cgcardona> nice
- # [04:12] <grantg_> they didn't fix their routines it seems until silver/gold
- # [04:12] <grantg_> lol
- # [04:12] <grantg_> LCD Controller STAT Mode CPU IRQs: Game Freak, you're clearly doing it wrong.
- # [04:22] * Quits: benv (~benv@75-101-56-240.dsl.static.sonic.net) (Quit: Bye!)
- # [04:29] <grantg_> brb
- # [04:29] <grantg_> metroid coming up
- # [04:30] <grantg_> wario land as well
- # [04:30] * Quits: ozten (~ozten@c-24-17-245-95.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
- # [04:30] * Quits: grantg_ (42e5650f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)
- # [04:32] <tw2113> woot
- # [04:38] * Joins: digitalfiz (~digitalfi@96bus106.tampabay.res.rr.com)
- # [04:51] * Quits: Neiluj (~Julien@ (Quit: Neiluj)
- # [04:59] <paul_irish> http://blog.aleksandarrodic.com/?p=60
- # [05:00] <paul_irish> :o
- # [05:02] <paul_irish> http://www.mangrove.nl/lab/threejs/
- # [05:03] * Joins: niftylettuce (~niftylett@h247.119.232.68.ip.windstream.net)
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- # [05:18] * Joins: miketaylr (~miketaylr@user-160vrg5.cable.mindspring.com)
- # [05:18] <nimbupani> HAWWT
- # [05:19] * Quits: realityking (~rouven@f049180156.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit: realityking)
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- # [05:20] <niftylettuce> scrolling up I see many women vs men flamin'
- # [05:20] <niftylettuce> we all know nimbupani is a flamingo, paul is a hot pink crayon, and grant is a crocodile
- # [05:20] * niftylettuce SPOTS A WILD PSD
- # [05:21] <paul_irish> sounds about right.
- # [05:21] <nimbupani> hahahaaha
- # [05:21] <cgcardona> wow that link is amazing
- # [05:21] <paul_irish> which
- # [05:22] <cgcardona> the threejs
- # [05:22] <paul_irish> hey heads up.. me and nimbu will be rocking different nicks tomorrow. oldschool ones.
- # [05:22] <cgcardona> any clue on what they'll be?
- # [05:23] <nimbupani> hahaha thats for you to find out :)
- # [05:23] <niftylettuce> why diff nicks?
- # [05:23] <nimbupani> its a game
- # [05:24] <paul_irish> not so much a game as a DAY
- # [05:24] <paul_irish> special day
- # [05:24] <uf0> paul_irish: in your template you're using @media in the main style sheet style.css
- # [05:25] <uf0> why not seperate it?
- # [05:25] <paul_irish> fewer http requests is the #1 thing to make your site faster.
- # [05:25] <uf0> i read iphone will load the images up if it's all in one, and it won't be it's seperate
- # [05:25] <paul_irish> oh those.
- # [05:26] <uf0> am I wrong here?
- # [05:26] <paul_irish> you'd still have that problem. iOS will load all background images in the cascade.
- # [05:26] <paul_irish> so even if you use a separate file to define your mobile overrides
- # [05:26] <paul_irish> it'd still read the earlier ones and grab those
- # [05:26] <paul_irish> unless you did the yiibu style mobile-first thing
- # [05:26] <nimbupani> yeah
- # [05:27] <paul_irish> with a respond.js polyfill
- # [05:27] <paul_irish> man that's starting to make more sense to me
- # [05:27] <nimbupani> FINALLY
- # [05:27] <nimbupani> GAWD
- # [05:27] <uf0> interesting, cool so I'll so do all in one
- # [05:27] <uf0> i never heard of yiibu style
- # [05:27] <paul_irish> still too early for h5bp
- # [05:27] <nimbupani> ?g yiibu
- # [05:27] <bot-t> nimbupani, Yiibu - Lovingly crafted mobile experiences - http://yiibu.com/
- # [05:27] <paul_irish> bryan reiger style
- # [05:27] <nimbupani> view source uf0
- # [05:27] <nimbupani> and look at their css
- # [05:28] <paul_irish> ?g bryan reiger slideshare
- # [05:28] <bot-t> paul_irish, Rethinking the Mobile Web by Yiibu - SlideShare - http://www.slideshare.net/bryanrieger/rethinking-the-mobile-web-by-yiibu
- # [05:28] <paul_irish> thats it ^
- # [05:28] <nimbupani> yahh but the yiibu css contains the meat of what that presentatin is :P
- # [05:28] <nimbupani> presentation*
- # [05:28] <paul_irish> rightright
- # [05:28] <paul_irish> they combo
- # [05:28] <uf0> so you guys are advocating for this instead of your html5boilerplate?
- # [05:28] <uf0> way
- # [05:28] <nimbupani> no no uf0!
- # [05:28] <uf0> for mobile taht is*****
- # [05:28] <uf0> that is**
- # [05:28] <nimbupani> its not different
- # [05:29] <nimbupani> its just a different way of doing your author styles
- # [05:29] <nimbupani> the base styles are the same.
- # [05:29] <uf0> ohhh
- # [05:29] <nimbupani> basically when you customize boilerplate css, yiibu advocates you do so for mobile first
- # [05:29] <nimbupani> in the sense target the least capable device first
- # [05:29] <nimbupani> and use media queries to target more capable ones
- # [05:30] <uf0> oh I see so it's backwards
- # [05:30] <uf0> hmm..
- # [05:31] <nimbupani> only IE8- cannot understand mediaqueries
- # [05:31] <nimbupani> so you could use respond.js as a polyfill for it.
- # [05:31] <nimbupani> though i dont see why that is necessary :)
- # [05:32] <uf0> why is it not necessary?
- # [05:32] <uf0> and what is a polyfill
- # [05:32] <nimbupani> ?g modernizr github polyfill
- # [05:32] <bot-t> nimbupani, HTML5 Cross browser Polyfills - GitHub - https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/wiki/HTML5-Cross-browser-Polyfills
- # [05:32] <shichuan> i start to realize respond.js is very basic
- # [05:32] <nimbupani> yeah it def is
- # [05:33] <paul_irish> ?g respond.js
- # [05:33] <bot-t> paul_irish, scottjehl/Respond - GitHub - https://github.com/scottjehl/Respond
- # [05:33] <uf0> oh that's great, so media queries can work in all ies with that script?
- # [05:33] <uf0> as I read..
- # [05:33] <paul_irish> yarup
- # [05:33] <nimbupani> yeah
- # [05:34] <uf0> awesome
- # [05:34] <paul_irish> even has a resize debouncer. nice
- # [05:34] <shichuan> windows mobile uses ie7
- # [05:34] <uf0> so brings up another question.. I viewed source for yiibu
- # [05:34] <shichuan> but they did mention they gonna use ie9 soon
- # [05:34] <uf0> and saw this:
- # [05:34] <uf0> .<meta charset="utf-8">
- # [05:34] <uf0> and this. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
- # [05:34] <nimbupani> yeah i hope they use it shichuan :|
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- # [05:35] <uf0> why they have both
- # [05:35] <uf0> why not just the first one
- # [05:35] <nimbupani> i haave no idea :/
- # [05:35] <uf0> :)
- # [05:35] <nimbupani> it could be
- # [05:35] <nimbupani> actually no idea
- # [05:35] <nimbupani> i dont want to randomly throw ideas
- # [05:35] <uf0> lmao
- # [05:35] <uf0> ok
- # [05:36] <shichuan> nimbupani: yea, there has been plenty empty promises made by other os makers in the past, let's hope the execution goes well with ie team :)
- # [05:36] <nimbupani> :)))
- # [05:39] * Quits: ben225 (~ben2225@ (Remote host closed the connection)
- # [05:42] <niftylettuce> rename it... hip hop for html5
- # [05:43] <niftylettuce> rip the fb doods
- # [05:43] <niftylettuce> QQ
- # [05:52] <paul_irish> http://www.browserrank.com/
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- # [05:53] <nimbupani> omg terrible https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/--Xy1dttjkW4/TWz5JzZ7VpI/AAAAAAAAAXk/y-SYqYfrEDU/s1600/popular.png
- # [05:54] <paul_irish> GO ARMENIA!
- # [05:56] <tw2113> wow, even opera is kicking ass in a few countries
- # [05:57] <nimbupani> its pretty much opera here: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-vAFkrTpjmKU/TWz4LEeMI2I/AAAAAAAAAXY/s19u7SV-CEg/s1600/mobilebrowser.png
- # [05:57] <tw2113> yeah, they kind of dove headfirst in that area
- # [05:58] <tw2113> i question the america being mostly android though, i still perceive iphones as being more popular
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- # [06:06] <uf0> ummm... the only thing I don't like about yiibu style
- # [06:07] <uf0> I guess it makes sense functionality wise :)
- # [06:07] <uf0> but the current boilerplate is much simpler
- # [06:08] <uf0> but then of course you'll be loading up stuff not necessary for mobile
- # [06:08] <paul_irish> hypothetically
- # [06:08] <uf0> tuff one..
- # [06:08] <paul_irish> only background images.
- # [06:08] <paul_irish> and only background images that you are redefining withing your mobile MQ
- # [06:08] <uf0> what's MQ
- # [06:09] <paul_irish> and only for webkit.. Android < 3, iOS < 4
- # [06:09] <paul_irish> media query
- # [06:09] <uf0> oh
- # [06:09] <uf0> i see..
- # [06:10] <paul_irish> it's a bug that was fixed. and ios4 will fix
- # [06:10] <tw2113> interesting...same versions, different computers, one of my FF4's has the inspect element option, the other doesn't
- # [06:10] <paul_irish> diff versions of firebug? always changes.
- # [06:11] <tw2113> that may be it, i noticed i didn't have the firebug beta on the desktop
- # [06:11] <tw2113> that must be where it comes from
- # [06:18] <shichuan> the default android browser is really slow with 3G
- # [06:18] <shichuan> is it just me or anyone else also experience it?
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- # [06:19] <shichuan> on android, i can only use opera
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- # [06:23] <tuxnani> can this kind of effect be brought in using canvas? http://www.peterengland.com/
- # [06:25] <shichuan> tuxnani: yes
- # [06:26] <tuxnani> shichuan, i have to complete one such site for my highschool, where to start with? Can you guide me?
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- # [06:40] <paul_irish> tuxnani: http://mrdoob.github.com/three.js/examples/canvas_materials_video.html
- # [06:40] <paul_irish> look into three.js
- # [06:45] <tuxnani> paul_irish, thanks
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- # [11:44] <phrearch> hey
- # [11:44] <phrearch> anyone knows how to style a span so it has one character width?
- # [11:47] <niftylettuce> nn all \o/
- # [11:47] <niftylettuce> 542 AM EST :S :S :S
- # [11:48] <samot__> html5 is great
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- # [12:26] <beevi7> is there a way to determine which functions are bound to the DOMContentReady event of a document?
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- # [12:48] <moo_> what's the trick of triggering ajax call when element becomes visible?
- # [12:48] <moo_> i.e. what Disqus is doing
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- # [13:18] <paul424> http://zajfon.pl/rozmowa I wanna write script which would click automatically on banners so one can talk longer ... is it possible in AS ?
- # [13:18] <paul424> or in JS ?
- # [13:21] * Joins: davidmurdoch (434ef46a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
- # [13:24] <davidmurdoch> anyone awake yet?
- # [13:26] * Quits: paul424 (~chatzilla@ (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/2010120300])
- # [13:28] * Joins: kataire (~kataire@cable-78-35-115-245.netcologne.de)
- # [13:28] <kataire> euphorias: You around?
- # [13:32] <davidmurdoch> geeze! CKEditor is freaking annoying to download. Just give me the source.js, index.htm, and with an example of the most basic usage. Don't give me a freaking encyclopidia.
- # [13:35] <davidmurdoch> From the Docs: "Extract (decompress) the downloaded archive to a directory called ckeditor in the root of your website."
- # [13:37] <davidmurdoch> how bout no. Get your dirty 6MB directory of crap files no one will ever need out of my root.
- # [13:42] <kataire> davidmurdoch: I take it you're not a PHP programmer?
- # [13:42] <davidmurdoch> haha. ?g Coding Hoor PHP Sucks But It Doesn't Matter
- # [13:42] <kataire> Because that sounds like pretty much every installation instruction I've ever come across when working with PHP ;)
- # [13:42] <davidmurdoch> ?g Coding Horror PHP Sucks But It Doesn't Matter
- # [13:42] <bot-t> davidmurdoch, Coding Horror: PHP Sucks, But It Doesn't Matter - http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2008/05/php-sucks-but-it-doesnt-matter.html
- # [13:43] <kataire> Ugh. Atwood.
- # [13:44] <davidmurdoch> I absolutely HATE PHP with every fiber of my being
- # [13:44] <davidmurdoch> and I've got 2 projects coming up with it.
- # [13:44] * davidmurdoch crys
- # [13:44] * Quits: daveluke (~davidluke@cpe-72-225-202-168.nyc.res.rr.com) (Quit: daveluke)
- # [13:44] <kataire> I hate PHP and ActionScript, but right now that's where most of my money comes from.
- # [13:45] <kataire> My preference is definitely Python. I refuse to work with Java and its ilk.
- # [13:45] <davidmurdoch> yah, anytime i have to work with flash i get so frustrated.
- # [13:46] <davidmurdoch> like today, in about 4 hours when I have to wrap this application in AIR
- # [13:46] <kataire> I think Flash is a bigger problem for me than ActionScript. It's just so fundamentally fucked up. Like, there's a dictionary class because unlike JS you shouldn't use objects as maps, but there's no way to iterate over its keys.
- # [13:46] <davidmurdoch> Have you worked with .net? Specifically .net 4 with MVC 3 and LINQ to SQL?
- # [13:47] <kataire> Also, the cache and all that crap. Or loading external resources. Ugh. Don't get me started.
- # [13:47] <kataire> I haven't worked with .Net because I refuse to develop for something that doesn't run on Linux servers.
- # [13:47] <davidmurdoch> Linq to Sql saves WEEKS
- # [13:47] <kataire> *properly
- # [13:48] <kataire> Actually, that's not entirely true. My main point is that I see no benefit in picking up a language I can't properly use without shifting to a different OS.
- # [13:49] <kataire> Also, I already dislike Java. I don't see how picking up C# would help me ;)
- # [13:49] <davidmurdoch> Write database, Click Button. write query: `var widget = new Widget(){ Name="Foo", Type="Bar"}; Data.Widgets.InsertOnSubmit(widget); Data.SubmitChanges();`
- # [13:49] <kataire> Oh, that. MVC. A good ORM can go a long way.
- # [13:50] <kataire> I haven't written SQL queries inside applications since ... maybe a year ago.
- # [13:50] <kataire> (querying the DB manually with SQL is a different thing)
- # [13:51] <davidmurdoch> psh, i just THINK what I want and it is displayed for me.
- # [13:51] <kataire> Sounds like Python.
- # [13:51] <davidmurdoch> haha
- # [13:52] <davidmurdoch> I don't know any Python... so I wouldn't know.
- # [13:53] <kataire> I really want to learn Erlang. It's a complete brainfuck. I learned some Prolog a few years back and the concept of defining the problem rather than the solution is pretty crazy.
- # [13:53] <kataire> Also, there's something amazing about a language that only responds with "Yes" and "No".
- # [13:53] <davidmurdoch> Ook
- # [13:54] <kataire> Anyway. Current project I work on uses Python and CouchDB. It's pretty awesome.
- # [13:54] <davidmurdoch> http://www.dangermouse.net/esoteric/ook.html
- # [13:55] <kataire> davidmurdoch: Unlike Ook Prolog and Erlang actually have some viable use cases, though ;)
- # [13:55] <kataire> Well, I'm not sure about Prolog. I think it didn't get enough traction.
- # [13:57] * Joins: okaycool (~okaycool@
- # [13:58] <davidmurdoch> So, WYSYWIG editors...recommend any? jQuery plugins are a plug
- # [13:58] <davidmurdoch> plus*
- # [14:00] <kataire> You don't want a WYSIWYG editor.
- # [14:00] <kataire> Try markdown instead.
- # [14:01] <kataire> Don't ever give the client control over the layout. If they knew what they were doing, they wouldn't need to hire you.
- # [14:03] * Parts: okaycool (~okaycool@
- # [14:03] <davidmurdoch> Yah, markdown's not going to work here.
- # [14:06] * Joins: boaz (~boaz@c-24-128-79-120.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
- # [14:11] <samot__> we use ckeditors
- # [14:11] <samot__> ckeditor
- # [14:12] <samot__> and its jquery supported
- # [14:12] <samot__> this iconarchive.com remake
- # [14:12] <samot__> is damn amazing
- # [14:20] * Joins: cesarstafe (~cesarstaf@200-127-99-254.cab.prima.net.ar)
- # [14:20] <kataire> Why do you need a WYSIWYG editor anyway?
- # [14:21] * Joins: JKarsrud (~JKarsrud@
- # [14:21] * Joins: Fyrd (c68fe94e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
- # [14:22] <davidmurdoch> A bunch of MS Office-type numpties will be using this application. The pages they create will be displayed to their end users; after being reviewed by my company.
- # [14:23] <kataire> Egads.
- # [14:23] <kataire> Run while you can.
- # [14:24] <davidmurdoch> haha. its not that bad. It will be for Welcome messages, Terms of Use, ect. Markdown WOULD suffice...if they didn't first give me the middle finger when I told them they had to learn something new.
- # [14:24] <davidmurdoch> :-)
- # [14:24] * Quits: boaz (~boaz@c-24-128-79-120.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: boaz)
- # [14:25] <samot__> im using a wysiwyg for my latest startup to
- # [14:25] <samot__> ckeditor is the bomb
- # [14:26] <davidmurdoch> it is HEAVY though
- # [14:26] * Quits: tuxnani (~rahimanud@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
- # [14:26] <davidmurdoch> and they still provide a "packed" version
- # [14:27] <samot__> yeah lol
- # [14:27] <samot__> works well for us because our app is one page
- # [14:27] <samot__> and we just load it in later
- # [14:28] <samot__> delayed
- # [14:29] * Joins: daveluke (~davidluke@cpe-72-225-202-168.nyc.res.rr.com)
- # [14:30] <davidmurdoch> does it pollute the global namespace with anything other than ckeditor?
- # [14:33] <samot__> not that ive come across
- # [14:33] <samot__> and using a lot of js
- # [14:34] <samot__> i just like how it handles the actual mark up
- # [14:35] <samot__> because we export to pdf api's
- # [14:35] <samot__> and other editors turn the html into shit after a while
- # [14:36] <davidmurdoch> so, does ckeditor's pretty much always HTML validate?
- # [14:37] <davidmurdoch> I have a feeling the Paste from Word will be the best part in my use-case
- # [14:38] * Joins: davidmurdoch_ (434ef46a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
- # [14:39] <davidmurdoch_> with webchat.freednode.net's captcha if you can't read one of the words and are confident no one else can either you can enter whatever the heck you want and it doesn't care.
- # [14:41] <kataire> That's just reCaptcha
- # [14:41] <kataire> I think you only have to get half of it right. The other half is used for learning.
- # [14:42] * Quits: davidmurdoch (434ef46a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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- # [14:44] <davidmurdoch_> so, what do you all think of the new scroll-your-web-page-in-crazy-ways craze thats been going on?
- # [14:44] * Joins: tuxnani (~rahimanud@
- # [14:44] <samot__> so far html has worked perfect but thats just us developers testing
- # [14:45] <samot__> i really like that TED scroll effect
- # [14:45] <davidmurdoch_> I feel like it is cool for a sec, and them i'm like: "Ugh, stop hogging my CPU and let me scroll"!
- # [14:45] <samot__> lol just use chrome
- # [14:45] <samot__> and everything is fast
- # [14:46] <davidmurdoch_> not if your computer sucks.
- # [14:47] <davidmurdoch_> Single Core 2.1 GHz AMD proc
- # [14:47] <samot__> fair enough lol
- # [14:47] <samot__> i always buy the cheapest parts i can find
- # [14:47] <samot__> haven't been to a slow website in years
- # [14:48] <samot__> can't wait to finish this app
- # [14:49] <samot__> 14 hour days suck
- # [14:49] <DJazz> anyone wanna try a html5 game im making?
- # [14:49] <samot__> i will!
- # [14:49] <DJazz> http://jazzjackrabbit.net/DJ/WebJJ2/
- # [14:50] <davidmurdoch_> samot__, i agree. i'm at 52 hours so far this week.
- # [14:51] <davidmurdoch_> drool: http://easeljs.com/demos/MusicVisualizer/index2.html
- # [14:51] <samot__> lol shit
- # [14:51] * Quits: gliese581 (~ManOnTheM@ (Read error: Operation timed out)
- # [14:51] <samot__> ive just been working every waking hour, because i have no friends, partner or anything else to do lol
- # [14:51] <samot__> looks like bugzby
- # [14:51] <davidmurdoch_> i have a wife who probably doesn't rmember what I look like anymore. haha
- # [14:52] <davidmurdoch_> DJazz: since when does space bar not make you jump?
- # [14:52] <samot__> lol
- # [14:52] <samot__> how to jump
- # [14:52] <DJazz> since its intended for fire
- # [14:52] <DJazz> Ctrl jump
- # [14:52] <samot__> AHHH
- # [14:52] <samot__> IS THIS BUGZBY?
- # [14:53] <DJazz> http://jazz2online.com this is a HTML5 port of that game
- # [14:53] <davidmurdoch_> ctrl is supposed to be for fire. argh. My brains all wackbards now.
- # [14:53] <davidmurdoch_> shoot isn't working
- # [14:54] <samot__> pretty sure im loosing this shit
- # [14:54] <samot__> i give up
- # [14:54] <davidmurdoch_> haha, me too
- # [14:55] * Joins: gliese581 (~ManOnTheM@
- # [14:55] <samot__> i just jumped around for 2mins lol
- # [14:55] <samot__> what was i suppose to be testing
- # [14:55] <davidmurdoch_> collision detection for walking is a bit too sensitive. the hills shouldn't require a jump
- # [14:55] <davidmurdoch_> but man, I wish i could jump that high
- # [14:55] <samot__> though it was quite fun jumping around for those 2 mins good job
- # [14:56] <DJazz> :P
- # [14:56] * davidmurdoch_ Shift+Esc -> Processes -> [devenv.exe] -> End Process
- # [14:56] <davidmurdoch_> take THAT Visual Studio
- # [14:56] * Quits: DJazz (d4d655a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)
- # [14:57] * Joins: miketaylr (~miketaylr@
- # [14:58] <samot__> what languages you using david
- # [14:59] <davidmurdoch_> C#. Its a Web Application on MVC 3
- # [15:00] <samot__> personally sounds like torture to me lol
- # [15:01] <davidmurdoch_> haha. no way. MVC 3 is awesome
- # [15:01] * Quits: ben_h (~ben@ (Quit: ben_h)
- # [15:01] <samot__> lol yeah it does look great
- # [15:01] <samot__> just been so long since i used an ide
- # [15:01] <samot__> im always relocating and working everywhere
- # [15:01] <davidmurdoch_> and I'm using Linq to Sql with is even awesomer, yes awesomer.
- # [15:01] <samot__> that i just load up whatever editor the computer has
- # [15:02] <samot__> Also harder to keep up with the technologies when locked in like that
- # [15:02] <davidmurdoch_> I'd love a "cloud" version of Visual Studio.
- # [15:02] <samot__> that would be awesomest
- # [15:03] <davidmurdoch_> what's your dev weapon of choice?
- # [15:04] <samot__> notepad++/vim/geany
- # [15:04] <samot__> node.js/couchdb/backbone.js currently
- # [15:05] * miketaylr is now known as so1980
- # [15:05] <kataire> I used to recommend Komodo IDE, but I'm using Fossil as VCS these days and the code intelligence and debugging is worthless when I run all my Python and JS code on a development server rather than locally...
- # [15:05] <samot__> kohana and mysql orm
- # [15:05] <samot__> probably stick with node.js/couchdb and backbone.js for a while
- # [15:05] <samot__> language agnostic
- # [15:06] <samot__> all i need to know is js
- # [15:06] <kataire> samot__: Know a good ORM for PHP? It seems Pork.DB is the best you can get without picking up an entire MVC framework with all its XML configuration and bullshit like that (it's PHP FFS).
- # [15:06] * Joins: komputes (~komputes@ubuntu/member/komputes)
- # [15:06] <samot__> yeah i kinda think most of the ORMs for PHP suck
- # [15:07] <davidmurdoch_> nice, I haven't tried node.js yet.
- # [15:07] <kataire> davidmurdoch_: It's pretty neat.
- # [15:07] <kataire> samot__: Most anything for PHP sucks, tbh.
- # [15:07] <samot__> i'd only recommend the ones attached to Kohana, which is quite light weight and has some beautiful code
- # [15:07] <davidmurdoch_> Yah, i've looked into it a bit.
- # [15:07] <kataire> samot__: I was thinking about writing my own ORM for PHP, but I don't have the time at the moment.
- # [15:07] <samot__> redbean is a funny ORM if your slack and just working on a muck around app
- # [15:08] <samot__> i wouldn't bother writing one lol
- # [15:09] <samot__> redbean is a file include
- # [15:09] <samot__> and lets you do pretty much everything
- # [15:09] <samot__> don't think I will use mysql much more though
- # [15:10] <samot__> but if you have to use a php framework make sure you try Kohana those guys are smart
- # [15:11] <kataire> I'd rather not use PHP at all.
- # [15:12] <davidmurdoch_> ++
- # [15:12] <davidmurdoch_> ++++
- # [15:12] <phrearch> hm, no-one mentioned python yet? O:-)
- # [15:12] <davidmurdoch_> kataire did
- # [15:12] <samot__> node.js just seems like the best choice
- # [15:12] <davidmurdoch_> well, a long time ago
- # [15:13] <davidmurdoch_> If only I could keep msSQL with node.js
- # [15:13] <davidmurdoch_> :-p
- # [15:13] <kataire> phrearch: I really prefer Python these days. I only use PHP when I have to. And for the stuff I use PHP for, frameworks are usually overkill.
- # [15:13] <kataire> davidmurdoch_: If you only need one server, you might as well use SQLite
- # [15:13] <phrearch> kataire: same here. django, twisted and i want to use pypy as deployment server
- # [15:13] <phrearch> err runtime
- # [15:13] <phrearch> twisted as webserver
- # [15:13] <kataire> phrearch: Django? Pfsht. I use Flask.
- # [15:14] <samot__> https://github.com/orenmazor/node-tds
- # [15:14] <samot__> mssql and nodejs
- # [15:14] <davidmurdoch_> wait, what?
- # [15:14] <davidmurdoch_> really?!??!?!
- # [15:14] <kataire> The stack for my current app is nginx->green unicorn->flask and couchdb.
- # [15:14] <phrearch> aha, didnt know that one yet
- # [15:14] <davidmurdoch_> freaking a
- # [15:14] <phrearch> yea, couchdb/mongodb is on my wishlist as well
- # [15:15] <davidmurdoch_> is it stable?
- # [15:15] <kataire> What? CouchDB? Yes.
- # [15:15] <samot__> couchdb is somewhat stable lol
- # [15:15] <davidmurdoch_> no, node-tds (msSQL for node.js)
- # [15:15] <phrearch> any reason you didnt go for mongodb instead of couchdb?
- # [15:15] <samot__> i use couchdb also
- # [15:15] * davidmurdoch_ considers deleting entire project and starting over on node.js with msSQL
- # [15:16] <kataire> phrearch: Mostly because CouchDB is a bit more lightweight and I like the view system. I don't need complex queries or anything like that.
- # [15:16] <phrearch> kataire: ah ok
- # [15:16] <kataire> phrearch: Also, the attachments system is quite neat.
- # [15:17] <samot__> we went with couchdb because of the documentation
- # [15:17] <kataire> That, too.
- # [15:17] <kataire> I think CouchDB was a bit more stable, too. MongoDB is built for multi-server environments.
- # [15:17] <phrearch> i like to ditch relational dbs asap, but for now havent gave it much priority yet
- # [15:17] <samot__> ditching relational dbs is fun
- # [15:17] <kataire> CouchDB is built to recover from crashes.
- # [15:17] <samot__> makes developing really fun
- # [15:18] <samot__> don't have to worry about your "schema":
- # [15:18] <samot__> makes you plan more to instead of just throwing queries here and there
- # [15:18] <kataire> I'm thinking about using SQLite instead of MySQL from now on. I just can't think of any use cases I wouldn't use CouchDB for instead. At least not for the projects coming up.
- # [15:19] * Joins: DJazz (4e46f390@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
- # [15:19] <samot__> i wish couchdb had single documentation authentication
- # [15:19] <samot__> wouldn't even need a middle man server
- # [15:19] <kataire> A what?
- # [15:20] <samot__> the only reason we put node.js between couchdb and our app
- # [15:20] <phrearch> the only reason i would consider node.js, is if its performance would be much better than twisted for websocket handling
- # [15:20] <samot__> was because you can't authenticate to a single document
- # [15:20] <phrearch> but right now, i enjoy all the python batteries included
- # [15:20] <kataire> You could replicate with filters.
- # [15:21] * Joins: boaz (~boaz@75-150-66-254-NewEngland.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
- # [15:21] <kataire> I haven't actually used this, but I think you can have multiple DBs that replicate into each other but use filters to restrict what gets in. That allows you to have different authentication requirements for different datasets or something.
- # [15:23] <kataire> phrearch: I'm thinking of writing a small website with node.js just for variety's sake. It's good to diversify your skillset these days.
- # [15:23] * Quits: phrearch (~phrearch_@82-136-229-19.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
- # [15:23] * Quits: tomh (~tom@unaffiliated/tomh) (Quit: Leaving)
- # [15:25] <samot__> survival of the fittest
- # [15:25] <samot__> gotta keep up with the times
- # [15:26] <kataire> samot__: redbean seems pretty neat. Do I understand correctly that it doesn't really rely on an existing schema?
- # [15:26] <samot__> it can
- # [15:26] <samot__> but i think its designer to work from the ground up
- # [15:26] <samot__> designed*
- # [15:26] <samot__> it maps all your php objects automagically if you wish
- # [15:26] <samot__> kinda cool
- # [15:27] <kataire> I'm looking for a dumb store (I would use CouchDB if I could) for a PHP project I have on hold. I need to store objects with somewhat dynamic properties. I thought about just dumping them as JSON blobs originally.
- # [15:28] <kataire> Basically, I want to serialize and deserialize widgets to/from SQLite or MySQL.
- # [15:28] <samot__> redbean would make that pretty damn easy
- # [15:28] <samot__> but depending on the schema so would raw sql
- # [15:28] * Joins: ferr_ (~ferr@114-54.echostar.pl)
- # [15:28] <kataire> Yay. Bookmarked.
- # [15:28] <kataire> Well, the problem is that the widgets can be nested.
- # [15:29] <kataire> Well, some of them-.
- # [15:30] <samot__> surprised we haven't started a war in here
- # [15:30] <samot__> from all this preferred language talk
- # [15:30] <kataire> My problem with traditional RDB structure was that it isn't suited for arbitrary nesting. Some widgets can be nested, others can't.
- # [15:30] <kataire> Ruby sucks!
- # [15:30] <kataire> There. Happy now?
- # [15:30] * Joins: phrearch (~phrearch_@82-136-229-19.ip.telfort.nl)
- # [15:30] <samot__> r0fk
- # [15:31] <samot__> i really want
- # [15:31] <phrearch> kataire: yea good idea
- # [15:31] <kataire> r0fk?
- # [15:31] <samot__> lol r0fl
- # [15:31] <kataire> At least you didn't say "roffle"
- # [15:31] <phrearch> i guess learning node.js makes one a better js-coder as well
- # [15:31] <samot__> well
- # [15:31] <kataire> Possibly.
- # [15:32] <phrearch> i only use it clientside for now, but extensively
- # [15:32] <samot__> i love building single page web apps which are mainly javascript
- # [15:32] <samot__> then i code my server in javascript
- # [15:32] <samot__> and then i code my database calls in javascript
- # [15:32] <phrearch> same here
- # [15:32] <phrearch> currently working on a websocket cms
- # [15:32] * Joins: skqr (~skqr@extwdig.dig.com)
- # [15:32] <phrearch> http is so 2010 :)
- # [15:32] <samot__> ooo
- # [15:32] <samot__> lol
- # [15:32] <samot__> i do not have confidence in microsoft
- # [15:32] <samot__> so for now
- # [15:32] <samot__> long polling
- # [15:33] * Quits: skqr (~skqr@extwdig.dig.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
- # [15:33] <samot__> i want to build a acid js database that works well with something like backbone.js
- # [15:33] <samot__> so on app load, it pulls down all the users data
- # [15:33] * Joins: skqr (~skqr@extwdig.dig.com)
- # [15:33] <phrearch> that should be a reason not to use ie, but work with webkit/gecko :)
- # [15:33] <samot__> and you only send changes to the server
- # [15:33] <phrearch> long polling is killing every server
- # [15:33] <phrearch> ow nice
- # [15:34] <samot__> but to get acid properties with a client side json database
- # [15:34] <phrearch> im using a simular approach. only the bootstrapping is done with one http call
- # [15:34] <samot__> need websockets or long polling
- # [15:34] <kataire> I'm wondering how I could use web sockets in the set up I currently have. Is nginx okay with them?
- # [15:34] <phrearch> i prefer websockets. im using a url-based json protocol as websocket router
- # [15:34] <phrearch> like you can call urls to the client as well
- # [15:34] <samot__> thats what i would do to
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- # [15:35] <samot__> but what about IE lol
- # [15:35] <kataire> I guess I could bypass nginx for that. Hm...
- # [15:35] <samot__> cbf implementing a fallback -.-
- # [15:35] <phrearch> ie? wasnt that abolished by all developers in 2010? :)
- # [15:35] <samot__> lol
- # [15:35] <samot__> me and my co founder
- # [15:35] <samot__> have decided to offer 50% discount if you use anything but ie
- # [15:35] <kataire> IE9 is the new IE6?
- # [15:36] <samot__> and provide download links
- # [15:36] <kataire> MSIE turned 360 degrees spells SHIT.
- # [15:36] <phrearch> webkit and ff rule atm
- # [15:36] <samot__> r0fl
- # [15:36] <samot__> webkit is the bomb
- # [15:36] * Joins: BigKing (~BigKing@p5DCE8645.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
- # [15:36] <phrearch> yea, i cant wait until the device element is in webkit
- # [15:36] <samot__> lol i work on http://cdnjs.com
- # [15:37] <kataire> Webkit is awesome. A shame that Chrome's print engine is useless.
- # [15:37] <samot__> less then 2% of traffic is from IE
- # [15:37] * Joins: petersendidit (~petersend@twdp-174-109-185-191.nc.res.rr.com)
- # [15:38] <kataire> samot__: Why should I trust a minor third party CDN for my production servers? How can I trust you to continue service?
- # [15:38] <phrearch> two other features i would really like to see is full touch support and sound api
- # [15:38] * Quits: kor (~kor@ip146-53-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) (Quit: kor)
- # [15:38] <samot__> well its still an idea in works kataire
- # [15:39] <samot__> either we remain private and stable
- # [15:39] <kataire> samot__: Not trying to kick your dog or anything. Just an honest concern.
- # [15:39] <samot__> yes definitely
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- # [15:40] <samot__> its tricky and at the very least might breed innovation
- # [15:40] <samot__> but i find it highly useful when doing quick mockups or small scale apps
- # [15:40] <samot__> to be able to include some of those libraries
- # [15:40] * Joins: phrearch (~phrearch_@82-136-229-19.ip.telfort.nl)
- # [15:41] <kataire> I think what the html5boilerplate does is a good idea: use a CDN by default and fall back to local if the CDN is unresponsive.
- # [15:41] <samot__> yeah working on a section for the site
- # [15:41] <phrearch> cdn's are used to reduce bandwidth i guess?
- # [15:41] <samot__> to promote that approach
- # [15:41] <samot__> that was the next step kataire
- # [15:43] <themiddleman_> I dong understand all the <video> hype, just use an animated gif dummy
- # [15:44] <samot__> phreach cdns are used for many reasons
- # [15:44] <samot__> reducing bandwidth wouldn't be one of the stronger points imo
- # [15:44] <phrearch> samot__: ok, never read up about those really.
- # [15:45] <samot__> but is indeed a point
- # [15:45] * so1980 is now known as miketaylr
- # [15:45] <phrearch> aha ok
- # [15:45] <kataire> phrearch: Part of the idea is that the client can cache it, so it reduces redundancy.
- # [15:45] <kataire> And less redundancy == faster page rendering
- # [15:45] <phrearch> yea indeed
- # [15:46] * Joins: Bass10 (~Bass10@c-76-113-194-7.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
- # [15:46] <samot__> also geolocation serving
- # [15:46] <kataire> So 1. it saves you bandwidth and 2. it saves the client bandwidth
- # [15:46] <samot__> if im in australia and your server is in america
- # [15:46] <samot__> i can fetch one of the required files from an australia server instead of your american server
- # [15:46] <phrearch> kataire: the client can cache it from your own server as well right?
- # [15:47] * Quits: daveluke (~davidluke@cpe-72-225-202-168.nyc.res.rr.com) (Quit: daveluke)
- # [15:47] <samot__> yes
- # [15:47] <kataire> phrearch: Yes, but they spend 99% of their time not looking at your site.
- # [15:47] <kataire> So if everyone uses CDNs, they probably already have it when they visit your site.
- # [15:47] <phrearch> aaah ok
- # [15:47] <kataire> i.e. using a CDN is good for everyone.
- # [15:47] <phrearch> yea that makes sense
- # [15:47] <samot__> i want someone or myself to make a chrome addon
- # [15:47] <samot__> which just downloads most of the popular libraries
- # [15:48] <samot__> into your cache
- # [15:48] * Joins: grantg_ (42e5650f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
- # [15:48] <samot__> and changes all sites code to use your local resources instead of theirs
- # [15:48] <phrearch> read today about a javascript implementation of map reduce
- # [15:48] <phrearch> pretty cool stuff
- # [15:48] <kataire> samot__: But how would you recognize requests for non-CDN copies of the same library? E-Tags and such won't help you.
- # [15:49] <phrearch> http://www.igvita.com/2009/03/03/collaborative-map-reduce-in-the-browser/
- # [15:49] <samot__> if i edited jquery.js?
- # [15:49] <samot__> you could do checksums?
- # [15:49] <grantg_> paul_irish: Did you retweet the stuff on http://twitter.com/html5 ?
- # [15:49] <socialhapy> Twitter says there's no such user. Don't blame me. :|
- # [15:49] * Quits: Bass10 (~Bass10@c-76-113-194-7.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
- # [15:49] <kataire> samot__: But how would you get the server-side checksum without downloading it first? You can't request by checksum.
- # [15:49] <grantg_> oh wait
- # [15:49] <samot__> oh yeah lol
- # [15:49] <grantg_> he's not here
- # [15:49] <kataire> grantg_: He's euphorias
- # [15:50] <davidmurdoch_> samot__ https://github.com/paulirish/html5-boilerplate/issues#issue/252/comment/614395
- # [15:50] <grantg_> kataire: Who ever controls @html5 on twitter just RT'd http://twitter.com/volkerkannacher/status/43552799555993600
- # [15:50] <socialhapy> http://bit.ly/eqZNGi @volkerkannacher: @html5 Zelda on @facebook ZING! - http://apps.facebook.com/jszelda/
- # [15:50] <grantg_> oh god
- # [15:50] <davidmurdoch_> <script src="cache://jquery-1.4.4.js?//static.example.com/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script> would be cool
- # [15:50] <davidmurdoch_> but it wouldn't be backwards compatible
- # [15:51] <kataire> grantg_: So?
- # [15:51] <grantg_> b/c now zelda really does need to be taken down
- # [15:51] <kataire> Copyright issues?
- # [15:51] <samot__> nice idea murdoch
- # [15:52] <grantg_> kataire: It's a gameboy color emulator in js that loads the zelda rom in
- # [15:52] <kataire> grantg_: i.e. copyright issues?
- # [15:53] * Joins: mike5w3c (~MikeSmith@EM114-48-177-229.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp)
- # [15:54] <samot__> lol who are these people making game boy emulators in javascript
- # [15:54] <samot__> that sh** is amazing
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- # [15:56] <phrearch> hm, could take some time before ps3 is emulateable in js :)
- # [15:56] <phrearch> impressive stuff
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- # [15:59] <kataire> samot__: Zelda was lagging like hell and making popping noises for me in Chrome 9, tho.
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- # [16:00] <samot__> yeah same lol
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- # [16:36] <DJazz> zelda experiment: http://jazzjackrabbit.net/DJ/NewZelda/
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- # [16:38] <jetienne_> DJazz: how do you get the graphics?
- # [16:38] * Joins: daveluke (~davidluke@cpe-72-225-202-168.nyc.res.rr.com)
- # [16:39] <DJazz> from the .jar
- # [16:39] <DJazz> its a mobile game originally
- # [16:39] <DJazz> click the link below it
- # [16:39] * nimbupani is now known as div_sg
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- # [16:40] <jetienne_> DJazz: excelent
- # [16:40] * Parts: vladikoff (~vladikoff@bas1-woodbridge48-2925279768.dsl.bell.ca)
- # [16:41] <DJazz> if you want to fight some enemies, try the old version: http://jazzjackrabbit.net/DJ/Zelda/
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- # [16:47] <DJazz> other experiment: http://jazzjackrabbit.net/DJ/Epsile/
- # [16:47] <DJazz> :P
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- # [16:59] <phrearch> anyone mind testing this collabeditor?
- # [16:59] <phrearch>
- # [17:00] <phrearch> just added prelimenary remote caret support to it
- # [17:00] <phrearch> chromium only
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- # [17:43] <davidmurdoch> samot__: remember that javascript-library client-side cache extension idea idea you were talking about?
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- # [17:43] <davidmurdoch> your dream may come true VERY soon: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/developers/design-documents/extensions/notifications-of-web-request-and-navigation
- # [17:44] <davidmurdoch> Right now the APIs are notification only (and experimental) but they are considering allowing for the callbacks to respond to the events...you know, like redirect to cache
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- # [17:56] <DJazz> .... http://jazzjackrabbit.net/DJ/Collabdraw/ :D
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- # [18:11] <daleharvey> ok, now I need to make stuff draggable, and for that to work on the phone :)
- # [18:11] <daleharvey> any pointers?
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- # [18:18] <davidmurdoch> http://www.stevefenton.co.uk/cmsfiles/assets/File/mobiledragdrop.html
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- # [18:21] <daleharvey> yeh I seen that, kinda sucks on mobile though
- # [18:23] <jetienne__> i cant get what would be a dragdrop on such small screen
- # [18:25] <daleharvey> a sortable list
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- # [18:26] <uf0> how do you pronounce the word "charset"
- # [18:26] <uf0> do you say "car set" ?
- # [18:26] <daleharvey> no, like charcoal
- # [18:27] <digitalfiz> DJazz, thats pretty neat
- # [18:27] <davidmurdoch> "car set"
- # [18:27] <davidmurdoch> you don't say CHAR-acter, you say CAR-acter
- # [18:28] <JNZ> So apparently using iframes is a really bad idea becase most browsers render them really poorly even in seamless mode
- # [18:28] <DJazz> thanx
- # [18:28] <uf0> so daleharvey says like "char (as in charlie) set" and davidmurdoch says "car set"
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- # [18:28] <uf0> i'm going with car-set
- # [18:28] <uf0> thanks guys
- # [18:28] <JNZ> I literally just want a C include-like behavior and I was hoping an iframe could do that for me :p
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- # [18:33] <Michael> Anyone know if the maps api lets you overlay your own map image?
- # [18:33] <bot-t> (15 hours 40 mins ago) <paul_irish> tell Michael http://eu.techcrunch.com/2011/03/03/disney-acquires-gaming-engine-startup-to-build-html5-games-outside-of-app-stores/ woowoo!
- # [18:33] <Michael> tell paul_irish I saw that article yesterday! Very good acquisition :)
- # [18:33] <Michael> bot-t: tell paul_irish I saw that article yesterday! Very good acquisition :)
- # [18:33] <bot-t> Michael, Okay.
- # [18:33] <Michael> bot-t: ok?
- # [18:33] <bot-t> Michael, As I see it, yes.
- # [18:33] <Michael> hmm
- # [18:33] <Michael> `tell paul_irish I saw that article yesterday! Very good acquisition :)
- # [18:34] <Michael> oh well.
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- # [18:35] <althie> 2/win 40
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- # [18:43] <jetienne__> Michael: why is it so good ?
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- # [18:45] <uf0> what kind of bugs happen if I leave out '<meta charset="utf-8">' in a basic html page
- # [18:45] <uf0> just curious
- # [18:45] <uf0> ?
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- # [18:47] <gamestreamer> Hey all, wondering, the article element seems to automatically close paragraph elements when nested inside of them(on Chrome/OSX), is this behavior intentional or a possible issue in HTML5 support with Chrome?
- # [18:51] <Michael> jetienne__, Because it seems like a good engine that will be easy to develop with
- # [18:51] <Michael> I work for TWDC so it affects my work :)
- # [18:51] <Michael> And I like how it sounds
- # [18:54] <jetienne__> ok
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- # [19:15] <Michael> Anyone implement feature bits/feature toggling?
- # [19:16] <euphorias> wat
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- # [19:22] <mrchrisadams> hi guys - is there a particular irc channel to for asking questions about html, and in particular tabindex?
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- # [19:23] <euphorias> #html should do it
- # [19:24] * Quits: Evet (~Evet@pdpc/supporter/active/evet) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
- # [19:26] <euphorias> Michael: what you askin foo
- # [19:27] <gamestreamer> Hey all, wondering, the article element seems to automatically close paragraph elements when nested inside of them(on Chrome/OSX), is this behavior intentional or a possible issue in HTML5 support with Chrome?
- # [19:27] <Michael> euphorias, http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Feature-Bits
- # [19:27] <Michael> Just toggling features on/off rather than having feature branches
- # [19:27] <Michael> Everything goes into the same repo
- # [19:27] <euphorias> gamestreamer: <article><p>omgomg </article> gamestreamer ?
- # [19:27] <Michael> I'm exploring this idea for our growing studios
- # [19:28] <gamestreamer> euphorias: No is <p>lorem<article>ipsum</article></p>
- # [19:28] <gamestreamer> Turns into: <p>lorem</p><article>ipsum</article><p></p> in Chrome/OSX
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- # [19:28] <euphorias> Michael: ah. i like that yeah. flickr and typekit do that. paul hammond was the lead guy behind that at flickr.
- # [19:29] <Michael> yep! I was just reading his article
- # [19:29] <gamestreamer> euphorias: W3C doesn't really say much, their example has paragraphs inside the article element but, wondering if it's chrome misbehaving or not because FF/Safari runs it correctly
- # [19:29] <euphorias> gamestreamer: same should happen in FF4
- # [19:29] <gamestreamer> euphorias: negative
- # [19:29] <euphorias> comeonnnn
- # [19:29] <div_sg> yeah srsly gamestreamer
- # [19:29] <Michael> euphorias, Basically our merging strategy is not scaling with so many new cast members and studios coming on.. we have 7 studios all trying to merge into main in the same 24 hour periuod
- # [19:29] <Michael> period
- # [19:29] <euphorias> sounds sexy
- # [19:29] <div_sg> lemme try in Opera html5 parser build
- # [19:30] <gamestreamer> div_sg: go for it, weird but true
- # [19:30] * Quits: daveluke (~davidluke@cpe-72-225-202-168.nyc.res.rr.com) (Client Quit)
- # [19:30] <gamestreamer> The real question I have is, if Chrome is not parsing it correctly, or if article elements close paragraph elements and this is the standard
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- # [19:32] <div_sg> same behaviour in Opera html-parser build gamestreamer
- # [19:32] <div_sg> gamestreamer: did you try on FF 4 and safari 5?
- # [19:32] <div_sg> coz those are the only builds that implement html-parser
- # [19:32] <gamestreamer> div_sg: yeah ff4 and safari both allow articles inside of paragraphs
- # [19:32] <div_sg> apart from Chrome 9 onwards?
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- # [19:32] <div_sg> really gamestreamer that sounds odd.
- # [19:32] <div_sg> they shouldnt.
- # [19:33] <gamestreamer> div_sg: it's super odd but, I'm guessing since opera and chrome both release more frequently, this is the standard
- # [19:33] <div_sg> well gamestreamer minefield def follows chrome
- # [19:34] <div_sg> http://gyazo.com/d68f1d097c731e8fab39e47e383c0a29.png
- # [19:34] <div_sg> and Opera.
- # [19:34] <gamestreamer> div_sg: s'true
- # [19:34] <div_sg> so I think its just not using the right html-parser
- # [19:34] <div_sg> article should not be within a p
- # [19:35] <gamestreamer> div_sg: appearently :0
- # [19:36] <gamestreamer> div_sg: alright well, safari 5.0.3 -- deff. allows it, just a heads up :P
- # [19:36] <div_sg> gamestreamer: it wont soon
- # [19:36] <euphorias> div_sg: http://translate.google.com/#fr|fr|Louis-R%C3%A9mi%20Bab%C3%A9
- # [19:36] <gamestreamer> div_sg: truth
- # [19:36] <euphorias> i emailed him to get the pronounciation
- # [19:37] <gamestreamer> div_sg: tyty for your help, this is what I get for using HTML5 early :\
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- # [19:53] <danielfilho> ?g omg paul
- # [19:53] <bot-t> danielfilho, Paul McCartney - omg! on Yahoo! - http://omg.yahoo.com/celebs/paul-mccartney/227
- # [19:53] <danielfilho> oh, can't remember that pic :(
- # [19:56] <phrearch> hm, gotta love this demomusic ^_^ http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/85046
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- # [19:57] <phrearch> wonder if cc non-commercial can be used in bsd projects
- # [19:57] <phrearch> this would be an excellent about screen background tune :)
- # [19:59] * Quits: mrchrisadams (~mrchrisad@ (Quit: mrchrisadams)
- # [19:59] <euphorias> danielfilho: see ?omgpaul
- # [19:59] <bot-t> danielfilho, http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs456.snc3/26108_532014511782_29100413_31383464_6948266_n.jpg
- # [19:59] <danielfilho> THAT! hahaha
- # [20:00] <euphorias> btw me and divya are participating in /nick YOURFIRSTSCREENNAME DAY !!!
- # [20:01] <danielfilho> what?
- # [20:01] <digitalfiz> interesting
- # [20:01] <danielfilho> wtf is that?
- # [20:01] * digitalfiz is now known as Fizucked-Up
- # [20:01] <Fizucked-Up> :D
- # [20:01] <danielfilho> my first screenname was logan_x
- # [20:02] <danielfilho> and still is in some old services like delicious and last.fm :)
- # [20:02] <Fizucked-Up> this was my screenname on starcraft
- # [20:02] <danielfilho> and who are you?
- # [20:02] <Fizucked-Up> no body
- # [20:02] <danielfilho> and who is euphorias and digitalfiz?
- # [20:02] <danielfilho> I'm lost.
- # [20:02] * danielfilho is now known as logan_x
- # [20:03] <Fizucked-Up> euphorias is paul
- # [20:03] <div_sg> :)
- # [20:03] <logan_x> paul? you mean THE_PAUL? The Irish Paul? ?omgpaul
- # [20:03] <logan_x> lolz
- # [20:03] <Fizucked-Up> yes
- # [20:03] <logan_x> and Fizucked-Up is divya?
- # [20:03] <div_sg> lawls no
- # [20:03] <Fizucked-Up> no lol Fizucked-Up is digitalfiz
- # [20:03] <logan_x> oh, div_sg makes sense.
- # [20:04] <Fizucked-Up> im just a lurker here im not special like them guys
- # [20:04] <logan_x> I see.
- # [20:04] <logan_x> :D
- # [20:08] * Quits: jeremyselier (~Jeremy@pro75-4-82-238-200-10.fbx.proxad.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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- # [20:13] <Fyrd> /nick JKAD
- # [20:13] <Fyrd> Oops.
- # [20:13] <Fyrd> How's this thing work again? :)
- # [20:14] <euphorias> haha that's how it works.. maybe you did double slash?
- # [20:14] <euphorias> try again.
- # [20:14] * Fyrd is now known as JKAD
- # [20:14] <Fizucked-Up> looks like a space
- # [20:14] <euphorias> \o/
- # [20:14] <JKAD> Ah, had a space for some reason
- # [20:14] <JKAD> Yay, brings back memories.
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- # [20:15] * JKAD met his future wife as JKAD
- # [20:16] <euphorias> awww happy
- # [20:17] <euphorias> a few of us started going into our old livejournals last night... wow that was a bad idea
- # [20:17] <euphorias> sooo emo back then.
- # [20:17] <JKAD> 8 years going strong. :)
- # [20:17] * Quits: felcom (~felcom@rrcs-71-43-19-2.se.biz.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
- # [20:17] <JKAD> Heh.
- # [20:17] * Joins: kataire` (~kataire@cable-78-35-115-245.netcologne.de)
- # [20:17] <div_sg> so chain mail loving back then
- # [20:17] <JKAD> I didn't do any blogging back then.
- # [20:17] <euphorias> ?trout div_sg
- # [20:17] <bot-t> euphorias, Couldn't find "trout div_sg" in jQuery Docs.
- # [20:17] <div_sg> :D
- # [20:17] <euphorias> hahahah
- # [20:18] <JKAD> But we did do a lot of chat and ICQ logging
- # [20:18] <euphorias> yeah ICQ!!
- # [20:18] * euphorias had the lowest number ever
- # [20:18] <euphorias> div_sg: im thinking about coming to SEA
- # [20:18] * Joins: Bj_o_rn (~Bjorn@h-61-23.A163.priv.bahnhof.se)
- # [20:18] <div_sg> WHEN?
- # [20:18] <euphorias> tonight
- # [20:18] <div_sg> WAT
- # [20:18] * Quits: foca (~foca@li25-211.members.linode.com) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
- # [20:19] <div_sg> ARE YOU CRAZY?
- # [20:19] <JKAD> Mide had like 6 chars, that was pretty low at the time.
- # [20:19] <euphorias> whoa 6char! high-five!
- # [20:19] <JKAD> Maybe 7.
- # [20:19] <euphorias> yeah 7 character people always thought they were early.. PSHHH
- # [20:19] <euphorias> i had 721422
- # [20:20] <JKAD> Mine was something like 6069106
- # [20:20] * Quits: Nakre (thend@ (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
- # [20:20] * Quits: mr_daniel (~irssi@d220253.adsl.hansenet.de) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
- # [20:20] <JKAD> Can't recall exactly, but it had 3 6s
- # [20:20] * Quits: Quilck (~Quilck@ (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
- # [20:20] * Quits: kataire (~kataire@cable-78-35-115-245.netcologne.de) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
- # [20:20] <JKAD> My wife key calling me the devil.
- # [20:20] * Parts: Bj_o_rn (~Bjorn@h-61-23.A163.priv.bahnhof.se) ("Leaving")
- # [20:20] <JKAD> kept
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- # [20:21] <euphorias> seemed to work out for her.
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- # [20:22] <JKAD> mmhm
- # [20:25] * Joins: Quilck (~Quilck@
- # [20:25] <JKAD> The ol' chatroom where we met is still around, too: http://outpost10f.com/tenforward/
- # [20:26] <JKAD> Largely still looks the same.
- # [20:26] * Quits: inimino (~inimino@boshi.inimino.org) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
- # [20:26] <JKAD> Time went by sooo slowly back in '97.
- # [20:27] <JKAD> Though maybe that was 'cause of the dial up.
- # [20:27] <euphorias> thanks earthlink!
- # [20:27] <div_sg> hahahahaha JKAD so nerdy
- # [20:28] <JKAD> div_sg: I know, right? :D
- # [20:30] <JKAD> Come on, lets here some other stories.
- # [20:30] <JKAD> (this is why I don't like to stay logged into IRC, I tend to get chatty)
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- # [20:39] <euphorias> and then make girls fall in love with you
- # [20:39] * Joins: sebastiangr (~sebastian@bas1-burlington02-1176191813.dsl.bell.ca)
- # [20:40] <tw2113> haha, from the html5doctor.com site "Choose from the answers below please. Make sure you show your working out. Escape your HTML, please, or we’ll put a severed unicorn head in your bed."
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- # [20:41] <JKAD> euphorias: Ha ha, yeah exactly. :)
- # [20:42] <JKAD> Actually it took like 3 years. All the more reason to get started.
- # [20:42] <JKAD> Well except for the being happily married part.
- # [20:43] * Joins: PrgmrBill^ (~PrgmrBill@prgmrbill.com)
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- # [20:44] <logan_x> sorry about the timing
- # [20:45] <logan_x> but my icq was reaaaally small
- # [20:45] <logan_x> was 718382, 'til an idiot italian stole it. i have no idea how.
- # [20:45] <logan_x> now, it is 1462071.
- # [20:47] <JKAD> Nice, logan_x. Here I thought I was something.
- # [20:48] <logan_x> HAHAHA
- # [20:48] <logan_x> you are, you are.
- # [20:48] <logan_x> you mean a lot to us. your UIN number inside our hearts have only 3 digits, ok?
- # [20:48] <JKAD> logan_x: :)
- # [20:49] <sebastiangr> hello... anybody familiar with websql?
- # [20:49] <sebastiangr> i need some help
- # [20:49] <logan_x> hm, I never played with it, but you can ask
- # [20:50] <sebastiangr> k... well...
- # [20:50] <JKAD> sebastiangr: Before you get too comfortable with it, note that it's a dying tech.
- # [20:50] <logan_x> yup. that's a point too.
- # [20:50] <logan_x> http://www.w3.org/TR/webdatabase/
- # [20:51] <sebastiangr> i have been able to create a table and insert content to a table... but only if the INSERT statements are within the same bloc of code as the CREATE TABLE statement... otherwise chrome ignores it
- # [20:51] <logan_x> "Beware. This specification is no longer in active maintenance and the Web Applications Working Group does not intend to maintain it further."
- # [20:51] <sebastiangr> i know its deprecated but blackberry seems to be using it quite a lot
- # [20:51] <euphorias> still useful on mobile.
- # [20:51] <logan_x> euphorias: they will not deprecate it?
- # [20:51] <logan_x> i mean, on mobile?
- # [20:52] <sebastiangr> not sure... but its all they use at this point
- # [20:52] <sebastiangr> not indexdb
- # [20:52] <euphorias> logan_x: http://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-html5/browse_thread/thread/f4af6a55c558b91b?hl=en#
- # [20:52] <sebastiangr> my code is at http://pastebin.com/HJXkzKb7
- # [20:53] * Joins: phrearch_ (~phrearch_@82-136-229-19.ip.telfort.nl)
- # [20:54] <sebastiangr> i cant get an independent function for just inserting into the table
- # [20:54] <logan_x> nice, thanks euphorias :D
- # [20:59] * Joins: bentruyman (~bentruyma@li159-104.members.linode.com)
- # [20:59] <daleharvey> do you know what would be cool in fact
- # [21:00] <daleharvey> debugging mobile browser is pretty hard to implement, but it seems like making a browser plugin that makes it act more like a mobile browser would be possible
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- # [21:09] <sebastiangr> any thoughts?
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- # [21:23] <davidmurdoch> anyone in here familiar with Adobe AIR?
- # [21:24] * Quits: phrearch_ (~phrearch_@82-136-229-19.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
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- # [21:29] <davidmurdoch> anyone at all? even a little bit?
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- # [21:50] * kataire` is now known as kataire
- # [21:51] * Joins: JKAD (c68fe94e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
- # [21:51] <moo_> davidmurdoch: a little
- # [21:52] <moo_> did one app some time ago
- # [21:52] <davidmurdoch> I've got an HTML application I want to run in air. Its basically just a browser but the UI is implemented in CSS, JS, and HTML.
- # [21:53] * Parts: eichi (~eichi@stgt-5f73b930.pool.mediaWays.net) ("Leaving.")
- # [21:53] <davidmurdoch> The problem is that the iframe knows that it is not the `top` window (top !== window)
- # [21:53] <moo_> davidmurdoch: AIR implements webkit
- # [21:53] <moo_> davidmurdoch: so it should not be a problem
- # [21:53] <davidmurdoch> so frame-busting sites can take over the "browser" pretty easily
- # [21:53] <moo_> davidmurdoch: don't go to frame busting sites then? :)
- # [21:54] <davidmurdoch> haha
- # [21:54] <davidmurdoch> facebook.com doesn't work either.
- # [21:54] <davidmurdoch> any ideas?
- # [21:54] <moo_> davidmurdoch: my recommenadtion
- # [21:54] <moo_> stay away from AIR :)
- # [21:55] * Quits: petersendidit (~petersend@twdp-174-109-185-191.nc.res.rr.com) (Quit: Linkinus - http://linkinus.com)
- # [21:55] <davidmurdoch> any other recommendations to accomplish this?
- # [21:55] <davidmurdoch> MUST run on linux
- # [21:55] <moo_> davidmurdoch: google if facebook JSDK works with AIR
- # [21:57] <jetienne> davidmurdoch: chrome+opera+firefox got single site browser
- # [21:57] <jetienne> davidmurdoch: or maybe i misunderstood what you wanted completly
- # [21:58] * Joins: Bruce_Wayne (~rushyang@
- # [21:58] <davidmurdoch> Yah, i've got a custom chrome for a browser implemented in JS/HTML/CSS
- # [21:58] <davidmurdoch> right now, the "tabs" run within iframes....but those can be frame-busted
- # [21:59] * Quits: jetienne (~jerome@ivr94-6-82-230-255-246.fbx.proxad.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
- # [21:59] <davidmurdoch> so, i was hoping that when running an iframe from within AIR that this wouldn't be an issue (actually iframes can't be frame busted within AIR. But the iframes can still detect that they are not the `top` window)
- # [22:01] * Joins: Lynn (~Lynn@pool-74-107-70-172.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net)
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- # [22:04] <moo_> davidmurdoch: do you want to wrap it as a desktop application?
- # [22:05] <davidmurdoch> yup
- # [22:05] * Quits: Lynn (~Lynn@pool-74-107-70-172.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
- # [22:06] <moo_> davidmurdoch: try qt and qwebkit or whatever it is
- # [22:06] <moo_> you can have 100% control over it
- # [22:07] <moo_> qt should be quite is to wrap up
- # [22:10] <davidmurdoch> interesting. have you used it?
- # [22:10] <moo_> davidmurdoch: yeah
- # [22:10] <moo_> we built a mobile phone browser simulator out of it
- # [22:10] <moo_> using python
- # [22:12] * Parts: DJazz (~Daniel@78-70-243-144-no186.tbcn.telia.com)
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- # [22:14] <davidmurdoch> hm, can you lock it down. running it like a kiosk application?
- # [22:14] <moo_> davidmurdoch: of course
- # [22:14] <moo_> it is open source
- # [22:14] <moo_> you can do whatever you wish
- # [22:14] <moo_> hack even webkit itself if needed
- # [22:15] * miketaylr is now known as so1980
- # [22:15] <moo_> davidmurdoch: but I think most can be accomplished by adding some custom handlers for page loading
- # [22:15] <moo_> i.e. refuse load after timeout
- # [22:15] <davidmurdoch> hm, I've only got an hour and hald
- # [22:15] <davidmurdoch> half
- # [22:15] <davidmurdoch> ...for a presentation
- # [22:15] <moo_> davidmurdoch: that's little too short :(
- # [22:15] <davidmurdoch> yah
- # [22:16] <davidmurdoch> and my IDE installed just corrupted itself
- # [22:16] <moo_> davidmurdoch: http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2010-May/026653.html
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- # [22:23] <davidmurdoch> hmm. Well, I'll just run it in AIR for my presentation and avoid webpages that frame-bust
- # [22:23] * Quits: Bruce_Wayne (~rushyang@ (Quit: Ex-Chat)
- # [22:25] <davidmurdoch> maybe next week i'll be able to mess around with QT and all that
- # [22:25] <davidmurdoch> oh, and learn python
- # [22:25] <moo_> :)
- # [22:25] <moo_> that's big +
- # [22:27] <grantg> Wasn't Qt killed off by Nokia?
- # [22:27] <moo_> grantg: only in nokia mobile phones
- # [22:28] <moo_> grantg: Qt is used by Skype, Opera, etc. desktop software
- # [22:28] <grantg> heh
- # [22:28] <moo_> in KDE
- # [22:28] <moo_> it is hardly dying
- # [22:28] <grantg> heh
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- # [22:36] <davidmurdoch> IDE is back. Man I wish cloud9ide supported .net.
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- # [22:38] <JKarsrud> davidmurdoch: compiling .net might be a bit heavy on the cloud :)
- # [22:39] <JKarsrud> which languages does it support?
- # [22:39] <moo_> heavy clouds make rain
- # [22:39] <davidmurdoch> JKarsrud. true...but it wouldn't be my problem. :-)
- # [22:40] <JKarsrud> true dat
- # [22:40] <JKarsrud> It sucks to have to use VS to program in .net, but it's becoming a pretty sweet ide imo
- # [22:40] * Joins: dguttman_ (~dguttman@gige.bur.digisynd.com)
- # [22:41] <davidmurdoch> It is, especially with ReSharper...which just screwed me over for the last 3 hours. Uninstalling fixed it.
- # [22:41] <JKarsrud> lol
- # [22:41] <JKarsrud> resharper is a must
- # [22:41] <davidmurdoch> They need to release 6.0 so it works with MVC 3 and razr
- # [22:41] * Quits: gliese581 (~ManOnTheM@ (Quit: Lost terminal)
- # [22:42] <JKarsrud> isn't 6.0 out in eap?
- # [22:42] * peol is now known as yoe_
- # [22:43] <davidmurdoch> i dunno
- # [22:43] <davidmurdoch> i have no idea what eap is
- # [22:43] <davidmurdoch> lol
- # [22:43] <grantg> Nintendo: goo.gl/vBJiL U MAD?
- # [22:44] <JKarsrud> http://blogs.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2010/12/resharper-6-eap-is-open-details-on-javascript-support/
- # [22:44] <JKarsrud> davidmurdoch: early access program
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- # [22:44] <JKarsrud> I'm pretty excited to see how well the JS and CSS support in re# really is
- # [22:46] <JKarsrud> davidmurdoch: you worked much with mvc3?
- # [22:46] <davidmurdoch> sweet. downloading now. Hopefully whatever happend to the last install won't be a problem
- # [22:46] <davidmurdoch> For like 2 months now
- # [22:47] <JKarsrud> k
- # [22:47] <davidmurdoch> but i had never used MVC * before that
- # [22:47] <JKarsrud> Haven't really had the opportunity to work much with it, we're kinda stuck on mvc2 atm :(
- # [22:47] <JKarsrud> because we don't have the time to upgrade our massive projects to 3 :p
- # [22:47] <davidmurdoch> Razr is incredible.
- # [22:48] <JKarsrud> it's pretty nice, yeah
- # [22:48] <JKarsrud> I'm a sucker for Spark tho
- # [22:48] <davidmurdoch> have used it
- # [22:48] <davidmurdoch> since Razr came with MVC 3 i've just been using that
- # [22:48] * Quits: grantg (42e5650f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)
- # [22:48] <JKarsrud> yeah, and it's way better than the old asp view engine
- # [22:49] <JKarsrud> I just like spark for it's clean syntax
- # [22:49] <JKarsrud> http://ironshay.com/post/The-Big-View-Engine-Comparison-e28093-Razor-vs-Spark-vs-NHaml-vs-Web-Forms-View-Engine.aspx
- # [22:50] <JKarsrud> because you can put conditionals directly on elements as attributes etc, makes the view code seem more like actual markup, without a bunch of weird stuff wrapping elements :)
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- # [22:52] <moo_> JKarsrud: read about TAL :)
- # [22:53] <moo_> JKarsrud: it's similar mark-up, but for Python
- # [22:53] <moo_> I have been using it
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- # [22:53] <moo_> and I prefer plain-text templates over XML'ish templates
- # [22:53] * Joins: Bass10 (Bass10@c-76-113-194-7.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
- # [22:53] <moo_> http://docs.zope.org/zope2/zope2book/AppendixC.html
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- # [22:54] <JKarsrud> moo_: hmm, pretty nice
- # [22:55] <moo_> it has limitations
- # [22:55] <moo_> like
- # [22:55] <moo_> try create an plain-text email with that <_
- # [22:55] <moo_> <_<
- # [22:55] <JKarsrud> as does all view engines / template languages tho
- # [22:55] <JKarsrud> heh
- # [22:55] <moo_> it is like creating email with XSLT!
- # [22:56] <moo_> so if you need to pick XML'ish language
- # [22:56] <moo_> pick XSLT
- # [22:56] <moo_> it is a standard
- # [22:56] <moo_> well known
- # [22:56] <moo_> supported by every run-tmie
- # [22:56] <moo_> fast, compiles to native code
- # [22:56] <moo_> and so on
- # [22:56] <JKarsrud> mm
- # [22:56] <moo_> we did XSLT templates as far back as 2000
- # [22:57] <JKarsrud> we still use xslt templates in our cms
- # [22:57] <JKarsrud> but that's pretty old now, so I don't know what we'll use in the new version, but I'm guessing xslt there too, maybe. But I guess that depeneds on how the data is stored in the DB
- # [22:58] * so1980 is now known as miketaylr
- # [22:59] <moo_> JKarsrud: but that link you gave me
- # [23:00] <moo_> it gives some terrying PHP shivers in my back :)
- # [23:00] <moo_> does not look good... :)
- # [23:00] <moo_> at least make HTML tags as HTML
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- # [23:02] <JKarsrud> Well, that's what I like about spark, which was really what I pasted the link for. Showing how spark is compared to other popular view engines in .net
- # [23:02] <davidmurdoch> with MVC you can: ViewData.Message
- # [23:02] <davidmurdoch> wait, no thats because of .net 4
- # [23:02] <JKarsrud> yup
- # [23:03] <JKarsrud> nothing to do with mvc :)
- # [23:04] <davidmurdoch> Yah yah yah....i've had 15 hours of sleep over the last 3 days and worked about 38 hours. gimme a break.
- # [23:05] <davidmurdoch> well, off to my presentation. adios!
- # [23:05] * Quits: davidmurdoch (434ef46a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)
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- # [23:14] <uf0> why is it in pauls template he has @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px)
- # [23:14] <uf0> and not @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)
- # [23:14] <uf0> not the 'only' ?
- # [23:15] <div_sg> who does only?
- # [23:16] <uf0> i google and I see only recommendation
- # [23:16] <uf0> some not all
- # [23:16] <uf0> just wondering what's the point of it, what's its use
- # [23:16] <uf0> why use versus why not
- # [23:17] <div_sg> http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#media1
- # [23:17] * Quits: figital (~figital@75-150-66-254-NewEngland.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
- # [23:17] <div_sg> is all you need
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- # [23:21] * Quits: Mussious (~kamil@dfn17.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
- # [23:23] <uf0> ok
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- # [23:32] <euphorias> i like questions like that :)
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- # [23:43] <tw2113> what are some good interest areas to put on a resume? I have W3C/WhatWG web standards, helping further evolve the internet and how its used, and then API interaction and data utilization
- # [23:44] <tw2113> ooh "the open web"
- # [23:45] <tw2113> even better "semantic, accessible, open web"
- # [23:46] * Joins: Senix (~look@unaffiliated/look)
- # [23:46] <div_sg> i dunno who reads interest areas
- # [23:47] <div_sg> what people care about is what you know.
- # [23:47] <tw2113> i figure it'd be better than "activities" which listed drama club in college
- # [23:48] * Quits: techrush (~techrush@rrcs-173-198-32-146.west.biz.rr.com) (Read error: Operation timed out)
- # [23:49] <div_sg> as long as you have websites, work, references, tools, technologies down
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- # [23:50] <tw2113> thanks for the input div_sg
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- # Session Close: Sat Mar 05 00:00:00 2011
The end :)