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# Session Start: Mon Aug 01 00:00:00 2011
# Session Ident: #html5
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# [00:20] <paul_irish> lotsa action goin on lately. https://github.com/paulirish/html5-boilerplate/commits/master wooo
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# [01:40] <danbeam_> niftylettuce: I unfortunately don't have access to logging tickets anymore at Yahoo!
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# [01:54] <niftylettuce> danbeam_: ty
# 06[01:55] * tw2113 debated and then shrugged off the idea of signing up for AWS stuff
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# [01:56] <danbeam_> niftylettuce: sorry dawg
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# [01:56] <danbeam_> paul_irish: https://github.com/paulirish/html5-boilerplate/pull/621#issuecomment-1693518 <-- don't think my chnages landed, remember?
# [01:57] <danbeam_> paul_irish: changes*
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# [01:58] <paul_irish> they did
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# [01:59] <paul_irish> or not
# [02:01] <niftylettuce> image/svg chrome error is annoying
# [02:02] <danbeam> paul_irish: lol
# [02:02] <danbeam> paul_irish: you said you'd rebase/squash my commits
# [02:02] <danbeam> paul_irish: if you remember when you closed he PR
# [02:02] <danbeam> paul_irish: the PR*
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# [02:45] <paul_irish> danbeam: https://github.com/paulirish/html5-boilerplate/pull/485/files
# [02:45] <paul_irish> aiight im just gonna do this manually now
# [02:45] <paul_irish> its impossible to merge at this point
# [02:45] <paul_irish> do you want to author the commit for proper attrib?
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# [02:59] <tw2113> wow danbeam you finally posted a photo :P
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# [07:22] <bourbaki> im trying to debug with firebug but it always says that the script panel was disabled when the page loaded, but in the panel drop down its checked
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# [07:36] <abhishekb> hi all, anyone knows about google chart api
# [07:36] <abhishekb> ??
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# [07:38] <abhishekb> ??
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# [07:40] <tw2113> sweet, 3 minutes is too long, granted he would have spent even longer waiting, it's a silent room tonight
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# [07:56] <grantg> hey
# [07:56] <grantg> just put up http://www.grantgalitz.org/gamecenter/
# [07:57] <grantg> Basically a new GUI for GameBoy Online (JS GBC)
# [07:57] <grantg> with roms preloaded in. :D
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# [08:21] <danbeam> paul_irish: it doesn't matter to me if I have the original authorship of the commit
# [08:21] <grantg> hey danbeam :D
# [08:21] <danbeam> grantg: yo
# [08:21] <danbeam> tw2113: ya, I posted a photo
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# [08:24] <danbeam> tw2113: there's alot of pic of me on Google+, but I'd guess the one uploading them (my gf) maybe didn't share them into her "Public" circle
# [08:24] <danbeam> tw2113: (similarly on FB and some on the Twitters)
# [08:24] <danbeam> tw2113: as well as http://danbeam.org/#!about
# [08:25] <danbeam> tw2113: so if you wanted me to post one so you could see what I looked like IRL you weren't trying hard enough, lulz
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# [08:30] <tw2113> leave me alone with your teasing danbeam this is a very trying time for me
# [08:31] <tw2113> i can't get a jquery fade in to work like i need it
# [08:31] <tw2113> *sob*
# [08:31] <grantg> tw2113: You mean a ;_;
# [08:31] <tw2113> and what can i say, i like looking at people i talk to online
# [08:31] <tw2113> sure grantg
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# [08:34] <tw2113> :D
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# [09:15] <danbeam> tw2113: sorry, dawg, you need to post your jQuery mood more often on your LiveJournal entries, lol
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# [09:20] <tw2113> livejournal is too oldschool
# [09:20] <tw2113> i'm twitter type
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# [09:27] <grantg> ping: xonecas
# [09:27] <grantg> xonecas: You no longer have to keep a local copy - http://www.grantgalitz.org/gamecenter/
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# [09:36] <mokush> is there a way to get the active-class-setting effect on scroll (like http://conceptboard.com/__/features#teamwork ) without javascript?
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# [09:53] <mokush> anybody know the cool google website with a rocket on the right side?
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# [10:06] <skylamer`> mokush u mean html5 rocks? :)
# [10:07] <mokush> skylamer`: no, it's something related to pagespeed I think
# [10:07] <mokush> it's a one-page site set in space with this cool fixed rocket on the right side
# [10:07] <mokush> saw it last week and can't find it any more
# [10:08] <skylamer`> mmmmmmmmmm
# [10:08] <skylamer`> then just look at the code google page speed page and look then at the references there :)
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# [10:55] <graingert> does anybody know a good site to direct people to, that will link them to the most resent release of their particular browser
# [10:56] <graingert> there are a few but they force Firefox or Chrome on their users
# [10:56] <graingert> but my site runs fine in any reasonable HTML5 attempt such as IE9
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# [10:59] <Moo--> graingert: a good question
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# [10:59] <Moo--> graingert: for IE users, I'd just ask to install Google Chrome Frame
# [10:59] <graingert> Moo--: it needs to be polite and not "inyoface"
# [10:59] <graingert> Moo--: yeah chrome frame is also fine
# [10:59] <Moo--> they understand better "you need a plug-in" than "you need to update your browser"
# [11:00] <graingert> Moo--: Okay I am using jQuery.support to check for the feature I need, and then sending them a link to this "upgrade page"
# [11:00] <skylamer`> graingert, just people click to 'update' on browser and ther're the 'most recent' stable version ...
# [11:00] <graingert> I was hopping for one that handles it for them
# [11:00] <graingert> goes through all the options, Upgrade, Chrome-Frame
# [11:00] <graingert> etc
# [11:01] <graingert> if the user is on XP only show chrome frame
# [11:01] <graingert> maybe with a slight hint of switching to something like Opera Firefox Safari and Chrome
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# [11:02] <graingert> this is a reasonable attempt: http://www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/answer.py?answer=175292 but a bit too googly
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# [11:04] <graingert> This page is sort of good, but assumes IE6. but my site has issue with 6-8 and fx2-3 http://www.quirksmode.org/upgrade.html
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# [11:19] <[E]sc> when i link from one html page into another that has an editable textarea, there seems to be ghost/whitespaces that suddenly appear, is there any way around that? or perhaps that's a known bug? not sure how to search for that online...
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# [11:22] <[E]sc> nevermind, for some reason, the textarea takes into account the whitespaces during line breaks.
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# [12:58] <tigerpaw> any of you guys dig .io TLD?
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# [13:19] <superos> How can I see a list of all off line cache files in Firefox?
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# [13:37] <Taftse> hello all
# [13:37] <Moo--> hey hey hey
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# [14:13] <obert> http://beta.theexpressiveweb.com/ :)
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# [14:15] <obert> impressive.. a Moo programmer :)
# 06[14:16] * Moo-- licks obert
# [14:17] <obert> :)
# 06[14:17] * Moo-- runs to the plains to bleach some hay
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# [14:29] <abhishekb> hi can any body tell me how to create live charts using google charts api?
# [14:31] <Moo--> abhishekb: I suggest asking the question to google charts specific forum to get more potential answer
# [14:32] <abhishekb> @Moo-- i cannot find one
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# [14:33] <Moo--> well
# [14:33] <Moo--> life is pain, get used to it
# [14:37] <obert> http://code.google.com/intl/it-IT/apis/chart/interactive/docs/dev/gadgets.html :P
# [14:39] <Moo--> obert: did you google it? :P
# [14:39] <obert> first resoult :P
# [14:39] <obert> Moo--: look the query :) http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=google+charts+specific+forum&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
# [14:40] <Moo--> yes
# [14:40] <obert> heh
# [14:40] <obert> sometimes it is easier to googling that enter ina chan
# [14:41] <obert> but still if people leave a chan without say anything like thanks..well..
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# [14:44] <Moo--> I am on another community support chat channel
# [14:44] <Moo--> and it is strange how people find it with totally unrelated purposes
# [14:44] <Moo--> they just enter any chat room they find to ask questions
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# [16:31] <atrigent> when using HTML5 drag and drop, is it possible to obtain the dom node of the element being dragged on drop?
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# [17:12] <atrigent> another questions: can <button> tags be draggable?
# [17:12] <atrigent> because I'm not having any success
# [17:12] <amigojapan> how can I take a snapshot of a canvas and set it back later to what I saved?
# [17:12] <Aric> no idea atrigent but you might get lucky and get an answer from someone like nimbu ;)
# [17:13] <atrigent> Aric: haha, thanks
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# [17:15] <nimbu> Aric: no idea did you set the draggable attr?
# [17:15] <bot-t> (1 hour 23 mins ago) <nlogax> tell nimbu http://i.imgur.com/snJNu.jpg
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# 06[17:16] * Aric points nimbu to atrigent (unless that was a tab mistake)
# [17:16] <nimbu> oops
# [17:16] <atrigent> :)
# [17:16] <nimbu> atrigent: ^
# [17:16] <atrigent> nimbu: yeah, I did
# [17:16] <atrigent> and added a dragstart handler with jquery
# [17:16] <nimbu> i see. not sure you could paste a reduced code to jsfiddle.net
# [17:17] <atrigent> sure one sec
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# [17:22] <atrigent> nimbu: http://jsfiddle.net/EvwPV/
# [17:23] <paul_irish> robhawkes: :) hahahah
# [17:23] <robhawkes> paul_irish: Mate, I'm in a proper HTML5 rage today
# [17:23] <paul_irish> yeah seems like it!
# [17:23] <paul_irish> KEEP IT UP!
# [17:23] <paul_irish> RAWR
# [17:23] <robhawkes> Haven't felt like this since the Google balls last year ;)
# [17:23] <paul_irish> hahahahaaha
# [17:24] <robhawkes> Did you see the crazy comment about you on the Edge forum?
# [17:24] <paul_irish> haha yes
# [17:24] <paul_irish> love it
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# [17:26] <paul_irish> i am impressed with edge so far http://tobi-x.com/adobe_edge_test/
# [17:26] <atrigent> nimbu: the event handler doesn't even seem to be called, so I don't know if setting it via jquery doesn't work or what
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# [17:27] <robhawkes> paul_irish: That is entirely a joke that demo (In case you didn't know ;))
# [17:27] <paul_irish> ;)
# [17:27] <robhawkes> Right… I need a tea to chill out a bit. Then time to blog about today's events
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# [17:34] <thatryan> lol just read the forum, i love how edge became about paul_irish
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# [17:51] <Aric> link to said forum?
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# [17:54] <thatryan> you will probably have to log in http://forums.adobe.com/thread/884527?tstart=0
# [17:56] <Aric> thatryan = Unavailable1970?
# [17:57] <thatryan> hmm
# [17:57] <thatryan> http://forums.adobe.com/community/labs/edge
# [17:57] <thatryan> yeah
# [17:58] <Aric> i like how that thread has the most views
# [17:59] <thatryan> lol i know
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# [18:14] <Taftse> http://mashable.com/2011/08/01/adobe-edge/?utm_source=pulsenews&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Mashable+%28Mashable%29
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# [18:16] <Michael> Taftse, Nice to see they finally made that public
# [18:16] <Michael> That's one of the cool tools we saw at the Disney/Adobe conference here back in February. Looked very promising
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# [18:17] <Michael> paul_irish, ^^
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# [18:23] <Taftse> http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/edge/
# [18:25] <Michael> Installed :D
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# [18:28] <Michael> I think that's a very smart thing for Adobe to have made
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# [19:12] <Hiro_Protagonist> http://www.pcworld.com/article/237014/european_security_group_issues_warning_on_html5.html
# [19:12] <Hiro_Protagonist> any comments?
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# [19:16] <trumpetmic> what is the best html5 framework to use for b-list browser compatibility
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# [19:29] <Ms2ger> Hiro_Protagonist, it's saying that if you allow an attacker to insert arbitrary code into your website, you're in trouble
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# [19:31] <tantek> lol - someone is schooling Hiro_Protagonist about hacks?
# [19:31] <Hiro_Protagonist> XD
# [19:31] <Hiro_Protagonist> that's true of everything not just HTML5 ;D
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# [19:35] <tantek> Hiro_Protagonist, an architect of the Metaverse would not require schooling about such simple things as HTML5. :P
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# [19:38] <Hiro_Protagonist> Oh I wasn't being schooled or looking for schooling; I was actually hoping there might be an HTML5 architect on-hand to refute the suppositions in the article, or to over clever advice on avoiding those pitfalls
# [19:39] <Hiro_Protagonist> s/over/offer
# [19:39] <Hiro_Protagonist> in an HTML5 context, of course ;)
# [19:39] <Michael> Hiro_Protagonist, #whatwg
# [19:40] <Ms2ger> Solution: don't put untrusted code on your site
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# [19:40] <Hiro_Protagonist> that's fairly obvious; I was looking for something *clevber*
# [19:40] <Hiro_Protagonist> clever, even heh
# [19:41] <Hiro_Protagonist> oh well, back to folding origami koi from dollar bills
# [19:41] <Ms2ger> Well, it's not a clever comment, afaict from the summary
# [19:41] <Hiro_Protagonist> I mean slinging php/codeigniter
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# [19:59] <irae_> Hiro_Protagonist: this talk offer some strategies to rise the security within browsers http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Secure-Distributed-Programming
# [19:59] <Hiro_Protagonist> thanks irae_
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# [20:20] <BrianBlakely> Hey bros and bro-ettes. PhoneGap 1.0 is out, and I was wondering that the best desktop equivalent is. I'm not a fan of Appcelerator Titanium (proprietary API bleh)
# [20:21] <BrianBlakely> Chrome Web Store is terrific, but I would also like to get into the Mac App Store (+ the eventual Windows store!)
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# [20:43] <manu_> i havin problems with cas objectnva
# [20:43] <manu_> im facing troubles with canvas object
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# [20:44] <manu_> when i try to paint any figure in a canvas object i get this error in the browser
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# [20:44] <manu_> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getContext' of undefined
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# [20:45] <manu_> please any one knows what about this error
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# [20:47] <paul_irish> sounds like you're calling that on something that isnt a canvas
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# [20:57] <Michael> "bro-ette" really? :/
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# [20:57] <BrianBlakely> ;P
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# [20:57] <BrianBlakely> Would you prefer "bra"?
# [20:58] <Michael> You're sexist hu
# [20:58] <Michael> huh
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# [21:02] <atrigent> does anyone know why this isn't working: http://jsfiddle.net/EvwPV/1/ ?
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# [21:56] <BrianBlakely> atrigent: I'm pretty sure dataTransfer is only when you're dragging actual files onto a thing
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# [21:57] <BrianBlakely> atrigent: Setup a <div> to support the "drop" event, and drag files onto it
# [21:57] <atrigent> BrianBlakely: well you can definitely specify other things
# [21:57] <atrigent> I'm pretty sure this is just how the HTML5 dragndrop stuff works
# [21:57] <atrigent> it does that so that you can drag to different documents and stuff
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# [21:58] <atrigent> and even outside of the web browser
# [21:58] <BrianBlakely> atrigent: There's no dataTransfer property on that button in Chrome
# [21:59] <atrigent> it's not being set on the button...
# [22:00] <BrianBlakely> atrigent: In that fiddle, it is being used in the dragstart event which is only attached to the "Stuff" button
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# [22:00] <atrigent> yes..
# [22:00] <BrianBlakely> And because that button isn't a file, or the target of a file, there is no dataTransfer property
# [22:01] <atrigent> it's not using dataTransfer on the button
# [22:01] <atrigent> it's using dataTransfer on the event that is sent to the button on dragstart
# [22:01] <atrigent> the event object
# [22:02] <BrianBlakely> That event only fires when you drag the button, so the data you Transfer is the button's. It doesn't have any, though
# [22:02] <BrianBlakely> I think you want the "drop" event, but I may be misreading your intentions...
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# [22:02] <atrigent> I'd like to start with being able to drag the button
# [22:02] <BrianBlakely> Oh
# [22:02] <BrianBlakely> That part works for me, in Chrome
# [22:03] <BrianBlakely> Immediately after dragging, however, the error fires, due to the non-existence of dataTransfer on the event object
# [22:03] <atrigent> hmm ok
# [22:04] <atrigent> it doesn't drag in firefox, which is what I use
# [22:04] <atrigent> damn
# [22:05] <atrigent> ah ok, that's because it's a jQuery event object
# [22:06] <atrigent> one sec
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# [22:08] <atrigent> BrianBlakely: http://jsfiddle.net/EvwPV/2/
# [22:09] <atrigent> I guess firefox just can't drag buttons
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# [23:24] <WILDsharustar> paul_irish are you around bud. Im gonna pm you.
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# [23:30] <BrianBlakely> atrigent: Oh, that worked. Cool!
# [23:31] <BrianBlakely> I thought jQ just applied its own properties on top of the original event object, not replaced it wholesale
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# Session Close: Tue Aug 02 00:00:00 2011
The end :)