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# Session Start: Wed Aug 31 00:00:00 2011
# Session Ident: #html5
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# [00:25] <krijn> cheilmann: first Fronteers 2011 sessions are on http://fronteers.nl/congres/2011/sessions - it's going to be awesome again!
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# [00:45] <danbeam> krijn: sweet - "HTML5 Semantics: you too can be a bedwetting antfucker by Bruce Lawson"
# [00:46] <danbeam> krijn: (talk at Fronteers)
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# [01:01] <temhawk> hey, isn't this a bit bs? http://www.wolfram.com/cdf/compare-cdf/how-cdf-compares.html
# [01:02] <temhawk> they shouldn't be comparing to JS and HTML separately, but as one, right?
# [01:03] <temhawk> and for "Customizable user interfaces" they have put only a "partially" for HTML and JS, i mean wtf you can do pretty much anything with HTML and JS right?
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# [01:10] <cheilmann> everything with Wolfram Alpha costs money
# [01:10] <cheilmann> Surely the best way to compete with Google :)
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# [01:12] <temhawk> i thought Wolfram Alpha was a great thing
# [01:13] <temhawk> smells of business ploy now
# [01:13] <temhawk> i don't want to give them my email address to download their player
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# [01:32] <Formfeed> hi, does anyone know of a file upload script which has a database on the backend to record uploads? got some drag and drop stuff but it just puts files in the filesystem without indexing them
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# [01:44] <temhawk> Formfeed: not really something HTML can help you with
# [01:45] <Formfeed> yeah i tried on some other channels as well, mysql say its not a mysql issue haha
# [01:45] <Formfeed> was hoping to find something drag and drop as is new for html5
# [01:45] <Formfeed> but the problem is that most that do that don't record in a database
# [01:45] <Formfeed> which for me is essential because i have geocoded images, so i can't just search using filesystem alone
# [01:46] <temhawk> well what are you using to handle the uploads, PHP?
# [01:47] <Formfeed> yeah, and there are php/mysql file managers with poor ui because they don't use a modern front end
# [01:47] <temhawk> or what do you want to use? (aside from HTML, which is sadly not possible)
# [01:47] <Formfeed> its lots of technologies i know
# [01:47] <Formfeed> just fancied a nice ui on the front and proper db on the back, and some php in the middle
# [01:48] <Formfeed> the php doesn't worry me, done a bit of that
# [01:48] <Formfeed> but the front end i can't do
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# [01:49] <temhawk> oh i think i understand you know, you are asking for how to make a directory listing and upload form thing in web browser?
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# [01:50] <temhawk> oh wait
# [01:50] <temhawk> i'm actually pretty tired already :)
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# [01:51] <Formfeed> i'm trying to find some open source stuff that will do most of what i want
# [01:51] <Formfeed> before i start programming it myself
# [01:51] <Formfeed> looks like to get exactly what i want i need to do that
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# [01:51] <Formfeed> but before i can get motivation to do it i need to make double sure there's not something suitable out there
# [01:51] <Formfeed> would be somewhat disappointing to do all that work and find someone has already done it and probably better
# [01:52] <temhawk> Formfeed: hm, maybe something like jQuery?
# [01:52] <Formfeed> found ckfinder - http://ckfinder.com/
# [01:53] <Formfeed> its lovely
# [01:53] <temhawk> that's just JS but it makes form-making pretty easier, especially with some certain plugins
# [01:53] <Formfeed> but no database on the back of it
# [01:53] <Formfeed> there are scripts that get close to what i want
# [01:53] <Formfeed> but not so close that i don't have to hack them abuot
# [01:53] <Formfeed> and if i'm doing any programming i'm probably quicker doing it on my own code rather than learning someone elses
# [01:54] <temhawk> Formfeed: y i suggest you do it yourself it's also a lot more rewarding when you have it done yourself
# [01:54] <Formfeed> haha
# [01:55] <Formfeed> i wrote the last one myself years ago
# [01:55] <Formfeed> but it's ugly and not particularly well featured
# [01:55] <Formfeed> hence wanting to upgrade
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# [01:55] <Formfeed> and i hate that i cut loads of corners and bodged it because i'm lazy haha
# [01:55] <Formfeed> but yeah
# [01:55] <Formfeed> it's looking that way
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# [01:57] <temhawk> my last recommendation is searching for "php upload script" or similar
# [01:57] <temhawk> on google
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# [01:57] <temhawk> there's quite many scripts around the web, maybe one is suitable
# [01:58] <temhawk> or we can work together
# [01:58] <temhawk> i can help you personally
# [01:59] <temhawk> i can write some code and you can write some code
# [01:59] <temhawk> and our code will be awesome
# [01:59] <temhawk> haha, good night :)
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# [03:09] <acidjazz> is there a freenode ch annel for raphael?
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# [03:11] <danielfilho> hm
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# [03:11] <danielfilho> I'm not sure, but a few days before I saw the twitter profile answering some questions. that's not a good way, but I think it might work, depending on the question
# [03:12] <danielfilho> oh
# [03:12] <danielfilho> there is :D
# [03:12] <danielfilho> acidjazz: #raphael.js
# [03:13] <danielfilho> it's on the homepage of the lib :)
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# [05:49] <paul_irish> http://blog.chromium.org/2011/08/non-admin-chrome-frame-reaches-stable.html
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# [05:51] <tw2113> paul_irish: glad to see the new yayquery
# [05:52] <paul_irish> >_>
# [05:52] <paul_irish> define: new
# [05:52] <tw2113> The latest one
# [05:52] <paul_irish> oic
# [05:52] <tw2113> After 3 months
# [05:54] <tw2113> ;)
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# [05:58] <tw2113> Woohoo xampp while I lack internet away from my droid
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# [07:52] <tw2113> paul_irish: what are some interesting js libraries to tinker with that don't need a live net connection?
# [07:56] <paul_irish> d3
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# [07:59] <tw2113> Noted
# [08:00] <crash1hd> hey all just wondering I have been noticing that a lot of html5 source codes using the script tag <script> and not the <script type="text/javascript"> I know that in html5 its now optional and it chooses the text/javascript by default but I was wondering if anyone could shed some light as to why everyone is dropping the type tag?
# [08:00] <tw2113> Smaller file sizes, cleaner markup
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# [08:01] <tw2113> Browsers are smart enough not to need them
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# [08:01] <paul_irish> ^
# [08:01] <paul_irish> markup looks better w/o em
# [08:02] <crash1hd> hmm I must just be thinking old school cause I find it looks better with lol but thats just me
# [08:02] <crash1hd> I guess thats why its optional lol :) but yeah was wondering what the consenses is lol :)
# [08:03] <paul_irish> amen.
# [08:04] <nimbu> lol lol lol
# [08:05] <crash1hd> thanks for the opinions :) and logic
# [08:05] <crash1hd> I know its one of those things just like tabs vs spaces lol
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# [08:06] <crash1hd> or having the { inline or on the next line
# [08:07] <paul_irish> INLINE
# [08:07] <paul_irish> ARE YOU KIDDING ME
# [08:07] <nimbu> LOL
# [08:07] <crash1hd> ok so are you pro for inline or not? not sure I can decyfer that
# [08:08] <paul_irish> pro inline. pro space.s
# [08:08] <crash1hd> I prefer inline myself always have
# [08:08] <paul_irish> yeah FUCK newlines
# [08:08] <crash1hd> but I have the bad habit of tabs
# [08:08] <crash1hd> lol
# [08:08] <nimbu> LOL
# [08:08] <paul_irish> people seem to think i have all the time in the world to scroll
# [08:08] <crash1hd> exactly
# [08:08] <paul_irish> asses
# [08:08] <nimbu> ASSES
# [08:09] <crash1hd> same with if I can use a canonical if statement I will
# [08:09] <tw2113> Deal with it *smirk*
# [08:10] <crash1hd> Its funny to think that someday I might write an article all about these quirks :)
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# [08:11] <tw2113> I'm debating pulling an irish and see if I can find some cool hidden gems in the wordpress core code
# [08:11] <crash1hd> paul_irish, I take it you do or have done perl coding lol :)
# [08:11] <tw2113> Underused functions that provide a lot of utility
# [08:11] <crash1hd> oh there are plenty of those in almost every project
# [08:13] <nimbu> crash1hd: curious why you end sentences with lols
# [08:14] <crash1hd> nimbu, well usually because I find humor in the simplest of things :)
# [08:15] <crash1hd> now I might not be actually lauging out loud but I am chuckling sadly though if I ended everything with c2ms no one would know what I was talking about
# [08:15] <crash1hd> c2ms = chuckling 2 myself and yes I realize now that would be just c2m
# [08:15] <crash1hd> or ctm
# [08:15] <nimbu> haha
# [08:15] <crash1hd> :)
# [08:15] <paul_irish> c2m :D
# [08:15] <paul_irish> luv it
# [08:16] <tw2113> Good interview with heilmann, nimbu
# [08:16] <crash1hd> lol maybe we can start a new one :)
# [08:16] <nimbu> thnc tw2113
# [08:16] <nimbu> yes c2m
# [08:16] <crash1hd> or should I say c2m
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# [08:17] <crash1hd> again thank you all for your thoughts :) now back to my research
# [08:18] <ryanseddon> any mozilla peeps here?
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# [08:19] <ryanseddon> more specifically any mozilla peeps that know how to use crossfire?
# [08:19] <crash1hd> paul_irish, I just realized that I have 2 of your blog post sitting in my to read, digest and implement tabs c2m "Conditional stylesheets vs CSS hacks" and "Avoiding the FOUC v3.0"
# [08:19] <paul_irish> oh
# [08:19] <paul_irish> both are great!
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# [08:19] <crash1hd> very
# [08:19] <paul_irish> and both put classes on the html tag
# [08:19] <paul_irish> soooooooo
# [08:19] <paul_irish> that's fun
# [08:20] <paul_irish> also modernizr
# [08:20] <crash1hd> :) thats the part I love about it
# [08:20] <crash1hd> yep that is another tab I have open
# [08:20] <paul_irish> i am clearly a fan of <html> classes.
# [08:20] <crash1hd> :) I am learning
# [08:20] <crash1hd> and I will have an article on my blog at somepoint
# [08:20] <crash1hd> but seeing as how my own blog is a white canvis right now its going to be awhile
# [08:21] <ryanseddon> crash1hd: starting a blog is the best thing you can do to push yourself
# [08:21] <paul_irish> ++
# [08:21] <crash1hd> <--- is new to the whole blogging thing (but I am doing it for myself mostly as an advanced bookmarking system)
# [08:21] <tw2113> Yo ryanseddon
# [08:21] <crash1hd> :)
# [08:21] <tw2113> I need to blog more
# [08:21] <ryanseddon> hey tw2113
# [08:22] <crash1hd> tw2113, whats the url?
# [08:22] <crash1hd> ryanseddon, I am sure you have one too :) share share share :) please c2m
# [08:22] <ryanseddon> http://thecssninja.com/
# [08:23] <ryanseddon> as you can see i'm very modest
# [08:23] <tw2113> For my blog?
# [08:23] <crash1hd> yes :)
# [08:23] <tw2113> michaelbox.net
# [08:23] <crash1hd> ryanseddon, well you are 1 step ahead of me :)
# [08:24] <crash1hd> haha I just googled internet acronyms to see if c2m has been used and check this out http://www.gaarde.org/acronyms/?lookup=c2m this was the first site and they dont have it :)
# [08:24] <nimbu> ?ud c2m
# [08:24] <bot-t> nimbu, C2M - Abbreviation for "Chuckling to Myself", used to express laughter via instant messages and text messages. More accurate and honest than the commonly (mis)used "lol" in regard to to the actual physical act of text-derived laughter.
# [08:25] <crash1hd> cool :)
# [08:25] <crash1hd> learning something new again :)
# [08:25] <paul_irish> TIL c2m exists.
# [08:25] <nimbu> ^^
# [08:25] <tw2113> C2m reminds me of the late 90s
# [08:26] <tw2113> All sorts of those existed
# [08:26] <crash1hd> yep :)
# [08:28] <crash1hd> your sites look great :) have already added them to bookmarks :)
# [08:29] <tw2113> Its a downloaded theme. Someday I hope to get my own design
# [08:29] <crash1hd> tw2113, well thats I guess why mine doesnt exsist I figure I better do something custom right away :)
# [08:30] <crash1hd> as well I am actually going to create it with MODx revo :)
# [08:30] <tw2113> I grew tired of not having a site cause I don't claim to be a designer
# [08:30] <tw2113> So I downloaded and modified
# [08:30] <crash1hd> I dont either :) but I am grabbing what I love from specific sites and mashing them together :)
# [08:31] <crash1hd> love sites like templatemonster etc.
# [08:31] <crash1hd> lol but since all my code and images will be original there is no worry about being sued :)
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# [08:32] <crash1hd> but again you all have blogs and I dont. I do however have a site just not a blog site http://www.lycosidea.com
# [08:33] <crash1hd> and that site is a unique design (partly ripped off from apples iphone swipe concept)
# [08:34] <crash1hd> but its time for change and well since this perticular design does not really support very much in the way of a blog :) its time for a whole know approach
# [08:34] <crash1hd> I really like this site though :) http://www.scriptiny.com/
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# [08:36] <crash1hd> tw2113, haha :) love it <!-- Sarcasm/Pirate lang declaration not possible but is desired-->
# [08:37] <crash1hd> tw2113, also check out paul_irish article here http://paulirish.com/2008/conditional-stylesheets-vs-css-hacks-answer-neither/ great article :)
# [08:37] <tw2113> And how
# [08:38] <tw2113> I know of it I just haven't needed to add it to my own site
# [08:38] <crash1hd> :)
# [08:38] <tw2113> Other sites usually get it tho
# [08:40] <crash1hd> well all my sites will from now on :) and I also need to redo my site as well :) but then again I need to upgrade mysite to html5 c2m
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# [08:40] <tw2113> The api's or the markup?
# [08:41] <crash1hd> markup
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# [08:41] <tw2113> I still don't understand why some people treat html5 like some massive update
# [08:41] <crash1hd> technically its not but it is the new and like all things new its the prefered for most
# [08:41] <tw2113> I dare say 60%+ of html4 is still valid
# [08:41] <crash1hd> I am still happy doing strict html4 sites :)
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# [08:42] <crash1hd> but when you want to do mobile then it would be silly to do anything but 5 I would think
# [08:43] <tw2113> Once I figured out how to get the markup to work to IE6 I stopped making a huge deal of that part
# [08:43] <crash1hd> :)
# [08:43] <crash1hd> yeah and I just stopped supporting ie6 :)
# [08:43] <tw2113> And just went with it
# [08:44] <tw2113> I'm curious if its safe to use this json class in wp-includes
# [08:45] <crash1hd> which json class?
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# [08:45] <Daemonik1> Is there a good HTML5 diagram / chart app out there?
# [08:46] <tw2113> Class.json.php
# [08:46] <tw2113> Er class-json.php
# [08:47] <crash1hd> ahh
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# [08:56] <crash1hd> ok so opinions again on the html5boilertemplate?
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# [08:58] <tw2113> I steal some parts of it sometimes
# [08:59] <nimbu> its html5boilerpalte
# [08:59] <nimbu> hahaha
# [08:59] <nimbu> i am a joke
# [09:00] <crash1hd> nice
# [09:00] <tw2113> C2m lolwaffle
# [09:00] <nimbu> :)
# [09:03] <crash1hd> :) ok thoughts on base href?
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# [09:06] <dr0id> base href is really not cool, but I have to use it at work :|
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# [09:07] <crash1hd> oh?
# [09:07] <crash1hd> yeah I find it interesting that MODx seems to have it in there default template
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# [09:10] <crash1hd> dr0id, why dont you like the base href? just curious
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# [09:35] <mokush> anybody has any ideea what screen.width is reporting on these new large-resolution phones?
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# [09:39] <manuchill> mokush, i know this one http://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/viewports2.html
# [09:43] <mokush> manuchill: thanks!
# [09:44] <mokush> sounds better than using user agents, for redirects
# [09:47] <manuchill> mokush, i know ppk has done a lot of testing the past months on mobile devices
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# [10:10] <paul_irish> Do "new Audio()" and "document.createElement('audio')" spawn exactly same object?
# [10:10] <paul_irish> The former returns <audio preload="auto"></audio>, while the latter returns <audio></audio>.
# [10:10] <paul_irish> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-video-element.html#the-audio-element
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# [11:41] <niftylettuce> nimbu: excellent interview \o
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# [12:12] <Vivid> I need a stripped down HTML5 audio player. All i need is a play/pause toggle button. What should I do? Has someone coded this thing before that I could take a look at?
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# [12:27] <krijn> danbeam__: yeah :)
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# [12:34] <Vivid> super simple play/pause audio control, anyone help me out with a nudge in the right direction?
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# [12:36] <Ms2ger> Vivid, how about using the browser's built-in controls?
# [12:36] <Vivid> it's too big, here's what i've got, i would just like to have a small button... http://corranraa.co.uk/cd.php
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# [12:37] <sean`> ?twss @ Vivid
# [12:37] <bot-t> Vivid, <iainvdw> was fiddling with it for a while, got close a few times, but didn't do exaclty what i wanted, thx!
# [12:37] <sean`> oh
# [12:37] <sean`> Vivid, that's what she said!
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# [12:38] <Vivid> sean`: heh heh heh
# [12:38] <Vivid> I'm checking this out... http://www.brianhadaway.com/html5-audio-player-with-flash-fallback/
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# [12:39] <Vivid> looks pretty neat
# [12:39] <sean`> yup
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# [12:40] <Vivid> sean`: here's an example of it in use http://trumpetmoments.com/episodes.php very cool. Think i'll go with this for now
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# [14:49] <xarotheone> Hey all :).
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# [17:36] <nimbu> bot-t: tell niftylettuce thnx!
# [17:36] <bot-t> nimbu, Okay.
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# [17:48] <mokush> can anybody tell me what date format is this in? "1314772201"
# [17:49] <CoverSlide> unix time?
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# [17:51] <nimbu> ?tias @ mokush
# [17:51] <bot-t> mokush, Try It And See
# [17:51] <mokush> CoverSlide: thanks! that was it
# [17:51] <mokush> nimbu: what do you mean tias? try it where?
# [17:52] <nimbu> ?g unix timestamp converter
# [17:52] <bot-t> nimbu, Epoch Converter - Unix Timestamp Converter - http://www.epochconverter.com/
# [17:54] <mokush> nimbu: cool, thanks! though I see you like the bot better than people
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# [17:55] <nimbu> haha i just prefer to google
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# [18:05] <msafi> I have a document with prev and next links as well as a list of all the links in the series, should I define two nav blocks or just one that includes both prev/next and all links?
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# [18:12] <tw2113> not sure i'd even use the nav tag for that use
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# [18:12] <msafi> tw2113, y not?
# [18:12] <tw2113> because i don't consider those important enough for that tag
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# [18:13] <CoverSlide> that's rather opinionated
# [18:13] <tw2113> http://html5doctor.com/nav-element/
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# [18:14] <msafi> tw2113, My understanding is that <nav> can be used to group a bunch of navigation links, which those are...
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# [18:14] <tw2113> my mind reserves that tag for major navigation elements
# [18:14] <tw2113> BUT i just looked over that link i pasted a bit closer
# [18:15] <tw2113> and they do mention prev/next links
# [18:15] <tw2113> so ignore me
# [18:15] <tw2113> :D
# [18:15] * tw2113 goes to his corner
# [18:15] <tw2113> depending on who you ask, all of the semantic tags are opinionated, btw
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# [18:15] <msafi> Hehe, it's okay. But I still don't know whether I should create two <nav> blocks or just one...I think I'll make two...
# [18:16] <CoverSlide> huzzah!
# [18:16] <CoverSlide> be safe and make three
# [18:16] <msafi> lol
# [18:19] <msafi> But I'm not sure I feel comfortable using <h1> inside <nav> just becase <nav> creates its own section...
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# [18:23] <CoverSlide> ... yeah I can't think of a case where nav should have an h1
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# [18:29] <CoverSlide> i think I'll propose a new tag
# [18:29] <CoverSlide> the <n1> tag
# [18:29] <CoverSlide> just so I can have <h1><n1> wherever I want
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# [18:45] <pandeiro> anyone know any hacks for dealing with page flow when using position:fixed; elements of variable height?
# [18:45] <Ms2ger> Er, don't use position:fixed?
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# [18:48] <pandeiro> Ms2ger: or just don't use CSS at all right?
# [18:48] <Ms2ger> That works too :)
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# [18:48] <pandeiro> just throw my computer out the window
# [18:48] <Ms2ger> Just don't hit anybody
# [18:52] <tw2113> what's the point then?
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# [18:54] <pandeiro> tw2113: sorry was that directed at me?
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# [18:54] <tw2113> mostly the "don't hit anyone" part :D
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# [18:55] <pandeiro> ah yes obviously
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# [19:14] <tw2113> sheesh moderizr gets a ton of github traffic
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# [19:14] <sharustar> who is he?
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# [19:15] <sharustar> link?
# [19:15] <thnee> <video autoplay controls src="stuxnet.mov"></video> wtf am i doing wrong lol? it just shows a cross and doesnt play the video (yes, the file exists)
# [19:15] <tw2113> ?g modernizr github
# [19:15] <bot-t> tw2113, Modernizr/Modernizr - GitHub - https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr
# [19:15] <sharustar> ya
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# [19:18] <eduardoinsweden> is this chan for css3 to?
# [19:18] <sharustar> tw2113: paul is the last commiter?
# [19:19] <sharustar> tw2113: I am still getting use to github. I am new to it
# [19:19] <thnee> eduardoinsweden: there is also #css
# [19:19] <thnee> i would recommend that for specific css questions
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# [19:20] <tw2113> sharustar i'm just saying i have a subscription to my github activity feed and half the time it's all modernizr stuff
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# [19:22] <Ms2ger> thnee, .mov is not widely supported
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# [19:22] <sharustar> tw2113: understood brother.
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# [19:23] <sharustar> tw2113: are you one of the creators of modernizer?
# [19:23] <danbeam__> tw2113: maybe you should be doing more on github, :P, or being involed with open source projects
# [19:23] * danbeam__ is now known as danbeam
# [19:23] <danbeam> involved*
# [19:23] <eduardoinsweden> php chan is invited only, is there any other good chan?
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# [19:26] <CoverSlide> it's not invite only
# [19:26] <CoverSlide> you just need to register your nick
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# [19:29] <tw2113> nope sharustar
# [19:29] <tw2113> just commenting
# [19:29] <tw2113> danbeam isn't that what fedora is for? :P
# [19:29] <tw2113> jk i need to focus on open source web dev stuff
# [19:29] <danbeam> tw2113: you contribute to Fedora?
# [19:29] <tw2113> but i'm internetless at home for a week still, so i'm coffee shoppin' it right now
# [19:30] <tw2113> i used to be a design team contributor
# [19:30] <tw2113> brb
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# [19:31] <JoshManders> Hey paul_irish you available?
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# [19:33] <tw2113> back
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# [19:37] <rhelic> I've never even seen this place
# [19:37] <Cradam> me neither
# [19:37] <paul_irish> JoshManders:
# [19:37] <Cradam> paul_irish: good work on the boiler plate, i dont actually use it but good work nonetheless
# [19:37] <paul_irish> thanksss
# [19:38] <JoshManders> paul_irish: rhelic and I are debating if it's possible to fake your geolocation by making a Chrome Plugin.
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# [19:38] <rhelic> heh, I was justing typing that
# [19:38] <JoshManders> You were the first person I thought of when I was thinking about it.
# [19:38] <rhelic> will a Chrome plugin give me access to the Javascript, to push my own pre-set location?
# [19:38] <Cradam> while i am just here to doss around slagging off xhtml :P jk
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# [19:39] <rhelic> such as perhaps intercept the returned value of google.loader.ClientLocation.*
# [19:39] <paul_irish> JoshManders: navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition = function(){ return { fakeshit : 'omg' } }
# [19:39] <Jayflux> ^^ thought so
# [19:39] <JoshManders> rhelic: ^
# [19:39] <rhelic> paul_irish: I'm more interested in something more user friendly, freetexting, not modifying the backend/js
# [19:39] <JoshManders> Paul, has anyone told you how extremely sexy you are? Because I'm hardly able to contain myself. No homo.
# [19:39] <paul_irish> rhelic: i dont follow. why?
# [19:39] <rhelic> but let me play with that
# [19:39] <paul_irish> JoshManders: ♡
# [19:39] <Cradam> rhelic: a webkit favourites button maybe?
# [19:40] <rhelic> paul_irish: mobile apps we write, that use current location... would be nice if the testers can just freetext it, they don't have access to modif the code
# [19:40] <paul_irish> oh right. fake stubbed back geo data for testing
# [19:40] <paul_irish> i saw someone else wanted to do that the other day
# [19:40] * tw2113 goes to his corner
# [19:40] <JoshManders> rhelic: build a plugin that you click the icon, and it pops open a form to type in location, and it saves to LocalStorage, then use that.
# [19:40] <thnee> Ms2ger: thanks for replying. turns out my webserver wasnt serving mime types correctly :S damn readynas :)
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# [19:40] <rhelic> JoshManders: yea that's what I was already thinking
# [19:40] <paul_irish> poke around to see if anyone else has done it.. it's common enough. but yeah i think that's a worthwhile endeavor
# [19:41] <rhelic> paul_irish: I've never written a Chrome plugin to do it, not scared too, gives me a reason to finally write one... I just want to be sure it can be done before I go down this path
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# [19:41] <paul_irish> other than the ability to inject script on everypage (a la greasemonkey) i dont think being a chrome extension nets you much advantages here
# [19:41] <paul_irish> but i may be wrongggg
# [19:42] <rhelic> paul_irish: yea I'm being pessimistic, the abilities I need seem to open the door for malicious plugins
# [19:42] <paul_irish> okkk
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# [19:43] <rhelic> brb 10mins
# [19:43] <Cradam> just worked out what i am going to do for html5 unless someone has already done it, SMB1 ported to html canvas
# [19:44] <paul_irish> NES ?
# [19:44] <Cradam> yes
# [19:44] <paul_irish> http://benfirshman.com/projects/jsnes/
# [19:44] <Cradam> http://html5tutorial.net/general/new-canvas-examples.html
# [19:44] <paul_irish> i think you'll have to do N64 to find something that hasnt been ported to canvas yet
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# [19:45] <paul_irish> :)
# [19:45] <Cradam> never had an n64
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# [19:46] <JoshManders> Paul you see that SMB1 + Portal game being made? Shit is cash.
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# [19:46] <Cradam> paul_irish: that isnt full speed
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# [19:49] <Cradam> unless they sped up the snes version
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# [19:54] <Cradam> ahh i see the problem, he isnt skipping any frames
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# [19:55] * CoverSlide hopes shit is never cash
# [19:55] <CoverSlide> I don't want that shit in my pockets
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# [19:58] <rhelic> ok
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# [20:00] <rhelic> Cradam: that's because your parents didn't love you
# [20:00] <rhelic> or you're so young that N64 was old by the time you were a kid
# [20:00] <rhelic> iow, PS1 was your first console when you were like 7
# [20:00] <Cradam> i had a snes
# [20:01] <CoverSlide> was it your dad's?
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# [20:01] <Cradam> i had a snes then a ps1 then a ps2 then nothing
# [20:01] <Cradam> no it was mine
# [20:01] <Cradam> carboot sale
# [20:01] <rhelic> I had a shooting game, then an atari 2600, 7800, N64, Dreamcast, Gamecube, Xbox 360
# [20:01] <Cradam> rhelic: where the hell was your nes/snes
# [20:02] <CoverSlide> I had a fucking hoop and a stick motherfuckers
# [20:02] <rhelic> my parents refused to get me a NES because I had 100 games for my Atari, they didn't understand the vast improvement
# [20:02] <Cradam> lol
# [20:02] <Cradam> so why did they get you the upgrade from n64?
# [20:02] <rhelic> plus when NES came out, every kid sold their atari stuff, I could get games, there would be boxes at garage sales, $1 each
# [20:03] <Cradam> lol
# [20:03] <rhelic> Cradam: I bought the N64, I had a job by then
# [20:03] <rhelic> I pre-ordered it actually
# [20:05] <rhelic> i gotajobubum
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# [20:43] <sgrover> With canvas, is it possible to draw a line behind a rectangle that has already been added to the drawing?
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# [20:45] <Moo^_^> sgrover:
# [20:46] <Moo^_^> draw line first then rectangle
# [20:46] <Moo^_^> canvas is a raw pixel data
# [20:46] <Moo^_^> not vector
# [20:46] <Moo^_^> you can manipulate it any way you wish
# [20:46] <andrewjbaker> Or you'd need to draw two lines. And calculate where the start and end points need to be to avoid the rectangle.
# [20:46] <sgrover> Moo^_^: need to draw the rectangle first so I know where to draw the line from. Found reference to globalCompositeOperation that may be able to do this.
# [20:48] <Moo^_^> sgrover: hmm how can't you calculate line position beforehand?
# [20:49] <sgrover> If it helps I'm trying to build a connector line that joins two rectangles.
# [20:49] <sgrover> Moo^_^: I could, but it seems easiest to just draw the line from the center of the rect, but behind it, so I don't need to worry about moving the start point to the edge of the rectangle.
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# [20:50] <Moo^_^> sgrover: I think your worry is a simple plus calculation :)
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# [20:50] <Moo^_^> sgrover: you haven't done a lot of graphics stuff before?
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# [20:50] <sgrover> nope. I'm a newbie here... :) But have a good coding background...
# [20:51] <Moo^_^> it should pretty trivial algebra to figure out where rectangle and line intersect
# [20:51] <Moo^_^> not just trivial
# [20:51] <Moo^_^> exciting and trivial :)
# [20:51] <andrewjbaker> LOL.
# [20:52] <andrewjbaker> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_interpolation
# [20:52] <sgrover> well, that's where my problem lies. I don't know the origin of the rectangle until after I draw it. THEN I know the start point, and the height width.
# [20:52] <sgrover> thanks for the link andrewjbaker
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# [20:54] <Moo^_^> sgrover: how you cannot know it before hand?
# [20:54] * Quits: tw2113 (~tw2113@fedora/tw2113) (Quit: I was raided by the FBI and all I got to keep was this lousy quit message!)
# [20:54] <Moo^_^> you know what rectangle draw operation will output
# [20:54] <Moo^_^> just output the line first :)
# [20:54] <andrewjbaker> Is there any specific reason you're using canvas?
# [20:55] <sgrover> The code is drawing a database diagram. My routine draws the tables in one function, then draws the foreign key connections in another function.
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# [20:55] <sgrover> I've tried doing this with SVG and found the browser support to be a little flakey.
# [20:55] <sgrover> canvas seems to be more uniformly supported (at least moving forward)
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# [20:58] <andrewjbaker> At which point are the relationships drawn from the rectangle? The centre?
# [20:58] <Vivid> Hello. Me again. It looks like early FF version don't like my menu coding. See here http://cl.ly/9lNC . Anything I can do about that? See my markup here http://corranraa.co.uk
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# [21:00] <sgrover> andrewjbaker: I'm starting on that code now so can change my mind. But I was thinking of drawing the relationship connector from/to the center of the tables.
# [21:01] <andrewjbaker> OK, cool.
# [21:01] <andrewjbaker> So you know that the centre of the rectangle is half the width and half the height.
# [21:02] <andrewjbaker> Presumably these rectangles aren't aligned horizontally or vertically w/ one another?
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# [21:02] <andrewjbaker> So you'll likely end up w/ diagonal lines?
# [21:03] <andrewjbaker> You want the inverse of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_clipping
# [21:03] <andrewjbaker> Where the line begins and ends at the centre of two rectangles.
# [21:04] <Vivid> any html 5 gurus knocking about here?
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# [21:05] <andrewjbaker> Actually, thinking about it...
# [21:06] <andrewjbaker> There'll be a third rectangle formed between the two other rectangles.
# [21:06] <andrewjbaker> That third rectangle represents the viewport.
# [21:06] <andrewjbaker> So the line clipping algo you select can take advantage of exactly that.
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# [21:10] <Vivid> reposting from above for the new folk. It looks like early FF version don't like my menu coding. See here http://cl.ly/9lNC . Anything I can do about that? See my markup here http://corranraa.co.uk
# [21:11] <Moo^_^> Vivid: "early" as?
# [21:11] <Moo^_^> probably pre-html5 and not interpretring nav as a block element or something along the lines
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# [21:12] <Moo^_^> hmm it says it should be block
# [21:12] <andrewjbaker> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2967286/degradation-issues-for-html5-semantic-tags-article-footer-header
# [21:13] <Vivid> Moo^_^: well i haven't tested myself but browsershots has so far return a borked SeaMonkey 1.1.16, it has the shiv, is that not enough?
# [21:14] <Vivid> these browser may have javscript disabled perhaps?
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# [21:15] <Vivid> andrewjbaker: thanks but I have the shiv in my header so mot sure
# [21:15] <Vivid> *not sure
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# [21:16] <Moo^_^> Vivid: are you really really that worried about old browsers?
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# [21:16] <Vivid> i know, it sucks but my client sent me a screenshot. It must be FF 2 or 3 :(
# [21:16] <sgrover> andrewjbaker: sorry for the delay - another conversation in the office took place.
# [21:17] <andrewjbaker> sgrover, yeah, so the way I see it, you know where the position of both rectangles have been drawn. You know how wide and high they are.
# [21:17] <sgrover> andrewjbaker: there is no guarantee on the position of the tables relative to each other. So, if I go with a single line segment, there would be diagonal lines.
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# [21:18] <andrewjbaker> sgrover, yup. So imagine that there's a third rectangle formed between the other two visible ones.
# [21:19] <andrewjbaker> That represents the viewport in the line clipping link I gave.
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# [21:19] <sgrover> This may be made simpler by simply setting the globalCompositeOperation to source-out and draw the line. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/html5/canvas_composition.htm
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# [21:22] <andrewjbaker> You can give it a go, but to me it looks like source-out would potentially remove the existing content.
# [21:22] <andrewjbaker> Maybe destination-over would be more suitable.
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# [21:23] <sgrover> possibly, I was going to play with it a bit and see. I think the logic behind that takes into account the line-clipping bit automatically.
# [21:23] <sgrover> andrewjbaker: I do appreciate your efforts though, and Moo^_^'s too. Thanks.
# [21:23] <andrewjbaker> You're welcome mate.
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# [21:27] <chrisdev> If I .load an HTML snippet with jquery, should I be able to reference the elements in that HTML? It seems I cant
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# [21:29] <sgrover> andrewjbaker: destination-over did the trick. Now I can get a little fancier and try to segment the joining lines.
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# [21:32] <simenbrekken> I need a table inside a table, should I nest tbodies or actual tables? I'm trying to create expanding/collapsing blocks inside a parent row
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# [21:35] <sgrover> simenbrekken: a full table should go within the td of the parent table.
# [21:35] <sgrover> or a div within the parent td...
# [21:36] <sgrover> i.e. <td><div><table><tbody><tr><td>inner</td></tr></tbody></table></div></td>
# [21:36] <sgrover> then you can collapse/expand the div for a bit cleaner coding.
# [21:37] <sgrover> chrisdev: you can't reference the elements until they are on the DOM, depending on how you want to use them.
# [21:38] <chrisdev> I want to be able to hide() some id's in the .load'd snippet
# [21:38] <sgrover> if you load the html content into a variable called 'results', then you can do something like $('p', results).hide();
# [21:38] <chrisdev> sgrover thanks I will try that!
# [21:39] <sgrover> but it won't become visible until you add the content to the page. you could follow that command with something like $('body').append(results); and the items should be hidden.
# [21:39] <andrewjbaker> sgrover, excellent mate.
# [21:39] <sgrover> #jquery is a good place for these sorts of questions. great resource there.
# [21:40] <chrisdev> sgrover: yes thanks, I accidentally posted here first and then there
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# [22:15] <taylorRichie> can anyone here recommend a good IRC channel for discussing storage options (RAID, DROBO, WhiteBox w/ FreeNas etc(
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# [22:23] <colinsullivan> #freenas ?
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# [22:24] <taylorRichie> Ha I'm there now…
# [22:25] <taylorRichie> I just gave it a shot, and sure enough good people there.. Thanks for the recommendation!
# [22:25] <paul_irish> HO SHIT
# [22:25] <paul_irish> offline gmail wassssupppp https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ejidjjhkpiempkbhmpbfngldlkglhimk
# [22:26] <CoverSlide> nice
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# [22:27] <CoverSlide> paul_irish: something you worked on?
# [22:27] <paul_irish> no but i used it :)
# [22:28] <CoverSlide> oh cool
# [22:28] <CoverSlide> so i imagine it uses the local storage
# [22:28] <CoverSlide> well database rather
# [22:29] <paul_irish> yes and yes
# [22:29] <paul_irish> it uses lots shit
# [22:29] <CoverSlide> is there a size limit for the dbs?
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# [22:35] * Joins: Niels77 (~Niels77@cpc2-stav10-0-0-cust74.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com)
# [22:36] <Cradam> hasnt offline gmail existed for a while
# [22:36] <Cradam> 2009 i think
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# [22:37] <JoshManders> Paul, your infinitescroll jquery plugin is making me want to stab the sleeping girl on my couch. :(
# [22:37] <JoshManders> I keep getting "Navigation selector not found." even though it's correct. :(
# [22:38] * Quits: erichynds (~ehynds@venkman.brightcove.com)
# [22:39] <paul_irish> ugh wurfl just dropped its opensource license. http://sourceforge.net/projects/wurfl/files/WURFL/2.2/
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# [22:39] <paul_irish> JoshManders: ISNT FOUND BRO
# [22:39] <paul_irish> JoshManders: test page plz
# [22:39] <paul_irish> CoverSlide: generally 5mb
# [22:40] <JoshManders> Sec
# [22:40] <cheilmann> Yeah offline gmail will rock
# [22:41] <cheilmann> reader had offline features but they somehow got lost?
# [22:41] <Cradam> offline gmail has existed for ages
# [22:42] <JoshManders> paul_irish: http://devrology.com/
# [22:42] <Cradam> you just need a connection to get on gmail then you can just keep the window open
# [22:43] * Quits: shipit (~shipit@c-67-180-23-104.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
# [22:43] <Cradam> JoshManders: hmm i could be wrong but werent you always ....
# [22:44] * Quits: Niels77 (~Niels77@cpc2-stav10-0-0-cust74.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com) (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - http://colloquy.mobi )
# [22:44] <JoshManders> O_O
# [22:44] <JoshManders> YUNO BE NICE TO ME CRADAM?!
# [22:44] <Cradam> what?
# [22:44] <Cradam> i said always "smart"
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# [22:45] <JoshManders> Let's hug it out, brah.
# [22:45] <Cradam> *hug**no homo*
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# [22:51] <paul_irish> JoshManders: kill the `.min` on the script ref
# [22:52] <JoshManders> That makes a difference?
# [22:52] <paul_irish> 'div#paginate a#next' not found
# [22:52] <paul_irish> 'div#paginate a:first' // maybe ?
# [22:52] <JoshManders> FML I forgot to put the class on the a tag :S
# [22:52] <paul_irish> YOU LOSE
# [22:52] <cheilmann> hahaha
# [22:52] <JoshManders> This is why I don't go back freelancing, haha
# [22:53] <cheilmann> This will be powerful: http://www.flickr.com/photos/codepo8/6100537101/in/photostream
# [22:53] <cheilmann> HTML5 context menus
# [22:53] <JoshManders> Refresh.
# [22:54] <JoshManders> Paul, once again, you rock.
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# [22:54] <Cradam> lol
# [22:54] <Cradam> this channels primary goal is to serve as a paul_irish you rock place
# [22:55] <JoshManders> Haha to be honest, I barely ever pay attention in here, unless I'm either talking to Paul, or asking him for help... Heh.
# [22:56] <paul_irish> cheilmann: hottt
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# [22:56] <cheilmann> yeah with Chrome's Growl notifications and that we can build awesome apps
# [22:57] <cheilmann> I just come here to stare at him and sigh
# [22:57] <cheilmann> :)
# [22:57] <newz2000> Anyone recommend a mobile starting template, such as HTML5 boilerplate, but targeted at just mobile (not responsive desktop+mobile)
# [22:57] <newz2000> emphasis on "recommend"
# [22:57] <paul_irish> ?g mobile boilerplate
# [22:57] <bot-t> paul_irish, Mobile Boilerplate - http://html5boilerplate.com/mobile/
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# [22:58] <paul_irish> thanks botty
# [22:58] <newz2000> paul_irish: I've seen that, you like it then?
# [22:58] <paul_irish> i think its pretty good, yup!
# [22:58] <Cradam> lol
# [22:59] <Cradam> newz2000: asking the creator if he likes it, smart
# [22:59] <newz2000> Ah, so he might be a bit biased. ;-)
# [22:59] <newz2000> Still, if he made it, presumably he looked around and couldn't find anything quite good enough.
# [23:00] <Cradam> actually if it is like his desktop boiler plate, it is very good
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# [23:00] <newz2000> I've looked into, but not used yet, v2 of boilerplate. Will some of those improvements be relevant to the mobile version?
# [23:01] <Cradam> dont know i was looking at v1 i didnt actually use his boilerplate
# [23:02] <paul_irish> v2's changes havent trickled into MBP yet, but it's still very solid. not missing anything critical, newz2000
# [23:03] <newz2000> ooh, just got an "aw, snap!" while checking out the site
# [23:03] <paul_irish> what a terrible browser
# [23:03] <paul_irish> newz2000: you're on lion?
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# [23:03] <newz2000> yes, sadly. :-(
# [23:03] <paul_irish> rawr.
# [23:03] <paul_irish> THIS IS WHAT YOU GET
# [23:04] <paul_irish> newz2000: use chrome canary, which.. funnily enough.. has less awsnaps
# [23:04] <cheilmann> OK, now I need to write a talk after Bruce Lawson - and avoid overlap
# [23:04] <cheilmann> damn those double billings
# [23:04] <paul_irish> for fronteers?
# [23:05] <manuchill> cheilmann, you'll manage ;)
# [23:05] * Quits: Ms2ger (~Ms2ger@ (Quit: nn)
# [23:05] <cheilmann> probably
# [23:05] <cheilmann> no for html5 live
# [23:05] * Quits: kurrent (kurrent@unaffiliated/kurrent) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
# [23:05] <cheilmann> forgot I am both at the one in NYC and London
# [23:05] <cheilmann> well, London makes sense if I think about it again :)
# [23:06] <Cradam> cheilmann: html5live?
# [23:07] <cheilmann> http://html5live.org/html5-london-2011/
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# [23:07] <cheilmann> Hmm someone from Adobe is there, too
# [23:07] <cheilmann> maybe I just debug Edge output live
# [23:08] <andrewjbaker> No games. :-(
# [23:08] <paul_irish> haha good idea, cheilmann
# [23:09] <cheilmann> "today we will rewrite allisnotlo.st so it runs on my chromebook"
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# [23:11] <Cradam> grr october... i wont be able to afford to get to london
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# [23:11] <newz2000> Yeah, that looks great. I wonder if I can convince my company to bring me over to the office just in time for that.
# [23:12] * newz2000 doubts it
# [23:12] <Jayflux> hmm looks interesting
# [23:12] <paul_irish> http://cake23.de/logarithmic-polar-spiral.html
# [23:12] <Jayflux> Cradam you won't need too much
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# [23:14] <Cradam> Jayflux: what?
# [23:14] <Cradam> its a couple of hundred quid isnt it
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# [23:14] <Jayflux> paul_irish offline Gmail app looks hawwt
# [23:15] <Jayflux> £150
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# [23:17] <Cradam> Jayflux: exactly
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# [23:18] <cheilmann> my offline Gmail app is Thunderbird so far
# [23:18] <cheilmann> cradam there is another one in NYC
# [23:19] <cheilmann> first of November
# [23:19] <Cradam> cheilmann: lol
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# [23:19] <Cradam> if london is a pain how do you expect me to get to nyc without a passport
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# [23:25] <Cradam> cheilmann: in your conference do you mind saying if you have questions you can find me on irc
# [23:25] <cheilmann> haha
# [23:25] <cheilmann> :)
# [23:25] <manuchill> cheilmann, which browser supports html5 context menu yet?
# [23:25] <Cradam> well irc only has a tiny fraction of the geek populationm it should have way more
# [23:26] <cheilmann> why don't you have no passport?
# [23:26] <cheilmann> manuchill: Firefox Aurora, it will come out in Firefox 9
# [23:26] <Cradam> because i am 18 and parents never took me abroad
# [23:27] <manuchill> cheilmann, mmm testing it in aurora but cant seem to get it working yet
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# [23:28] <newz2000> Cradam: that's OK. Conf are fun but there you'll just learn what others already know. Instead, stay home and invent stuff they've never heard of.
# [23:28] <newz2000> ;-)
# [23:28] <Cradam> lol
# [23:29] <cheilmann> and NEVER EVER TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT
# [23:29] <cheilmann> then you are awesome :)
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# [23:30] <newz2000> meh. Brag like crazy. If you do it well then you get paid to go to the conf and tell people what you know. :-)
# [23:30] <newz2000> (seems that way at least)
# [23:30] <newz2000> others here would probably know better than me
# [23:31] <Cradam> like cheil
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# [23:35] <Cradam> cheilmann: evangelist?
# [23:36] <Cradam> CHRISTIAN HEILMANN,
# [23:36] <cheilmann> yeah that is my title
# [23:36] <Cradam> what does it mean
# [23:37] <newz2000> he wants you to build cool stuff that uses mozilla tools
# [23:37] <Cradam> ehh no
# [23:37] <cheilmann> Luckily I wrote a handbook on it: http://developer-evangelism.com/
# [23:37] <cheilmann> newz2000: no, not really. My main topic is HTML5 and the open web.
# [23:37] <cheilmann> you can use whatever you want
# [23:38] <newz2000> cheilmann: right. I was going to leave that last bit off.
# [23:38] <manuchill> cheilmann, care 2 share a gist of the code from your screenshot regarding context menu?
# [23:38] <Cradam> i love semantic html5
# [23:39] <cheilmann> manuchill: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=617528 there is a demo.html attached
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# [23:39] <Cradam> my favourite mozilla app is filezilla!
# [23:40] <cheilmann> been a while since I used it
# [23:40] <cheilmann> cyberduck and forklift for FTP here
# [23:40] <manuchill> cheilmann, sweet thx
# [23:40] <newz2000> cheilmann: do you know much about the new mobile platform I've been hearing about? Supposedly it's going to allow new breeds of mobile web apps.
# [23:41] <cheilmann> webapis?
# [23:41] <Cradam> my only problem with Fz is that sometimes i have to reconnect to my server because something wont upload correctly
# [23:41] <newz2000> Sounds right
# [23:41] <cheilmann> generally whatever is on hacks.mozilla.org is what we know
# [23:41] <_moz-art_> Cradam: same here, I use Fz too and that's the only thing I don't like about it
# [23:41] <cheilmann> and is baked enough to tell people about it
# [23:42] <cheilmann> so yeah I am looking forward to the camera and microphone APIs
# [23:42] <CoverSlide> I am looking forward to the oven and fireplace apis
# [23:42] <newz2000> yeah, me too.
# [23:42] <Cradam> cheilmann: comments on firefox's stupid new version system?
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# [23:43] <cheilmann> why would I? Seems you already made up your mind. :)
# [23:43] <Cradam> :P
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# [23:44] <Cradam> actually i dont like it in chrome either
# [23:44] <cheilmann> that's like going to a restaurant and asking the waiter which of their awful shit food is special today
# [23:44] <_moz-art_> lol
# [23:44] <Cradam> but seriously we should be on 4.2 or something not 6
# [23:44] <cheilmann> "we"
# [23:44] <cheilmann> ?
# [23:45] <newz2000> I'll be interested to see how the versioning affects systems like Ubuntu who like to freeze on a version at release time.
# [23:45] <Cradam> *us as people who use the browser
# [23:45] <CoverSlide> haha
# [23:45] <CoverSlide> yeah
# [23:45] <cheilmann> you who use the browser should not have to care about version numbers at all
# [23:45] <CoverSlide> 'buntu users will be like 10 versions behind before upgrading
# [23:45] <cheilmann> IMHO
# [23:45] * newz2000 agrees
# [23:45] <_moz-art_> That's the reason everybody should use Opera :)
# [23:45] <CoverSlide> everybody should use uzbl
# [23:46] <CoverSlide> >:(
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# [23:46] <Cradam> *us as the people who work with the browser because we are web design coders
# [23:46] <cheilmann> I just deleted the HD of my old Desktop to donate it to the local school
# [23:46] <cheilmann> and I was amazed I had Firebird as the browser on it :)
# [23:46] <andrewjbaker> I don't have a problem w/ the version... cos' at the pace these browsers are accommodating new features, it's well behind the time it's taking me to write my game.
# [23:46] <cheilmann> web design coders is a term I never heard before. That *is* cool
# [23:47] <Cradam> cheilmann: its people who cant design for toffee but you tell them what to design and they can do it
# [23:47] <Cradam> *what to cssify
# [23:47] <Cradam> :P
# [23:47] <cheilmann> well, there is your issue
# [23:48] <cheilmann> we should stop starting web products from a PSD and a final design
# [23:48] <cheilmann> then the whole problem of browser testing becomes much less of a problem
# [23:48] <newz2000> +1
# [23:48] <cheilmann> Divya will talk about this at Fronteers.
# [23:48] <cheilmann> Me, too.
# [23:48] <_moz-art_> Is there any spanish HTML5/CSS3/PHP/JS channel?
# [23:48] <CoverSlide> yes when a designer hands me a psd full of filters and crap I can't export
# [23:48] <cheilmann> she made some good points in the interview: http://hacks.mozilla.org/2011/08/people-of-html5-divya-manian/
# [23:49] <nimbu> :)
# [23:49] <Cradam> i have a guy who mainly works in print media who asks me whether i can make it
# [23:49] <cheilmann> ah her evil alter ego lurks here :)
# [23:49] <andrewjbaker> ^^
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# [23:53] <andrewjbaker> W/ Web dev, it's a constantly moving target. So something akin to CI for Web devs should really be the norm. Trying to educate the client sponsoring projects is the tough part.
# [23:53] <Cradam> cheilmann: i see you use skype
# [23:55] <Cradam> :)
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# [23:55] <Cradam> andrewjbaker: CI?
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# [23:56] <andrewjbaker> Continuous integration... of course, we're really talking about ensuring that stuff doesn't break. ;-)
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# [23:56] <cheilmann> yeah for recording videos it works well
# [23:56] <Cradam> andrewjbaker: what?
# [23:57] <newz2000> cheilmann: you use skype to record video?
# [23:57] <Cradam> laymans terms please
# [23:57] * newz2000 didn't know you could record
# [23:57] <cheilmann> to record the videos
# [23:57] <cheilmann> I bought a software
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# [23:58] <newz2000> I use screenflow to record, sometimes I record skype or web conferencing software
# [23:58] <cheilmann> documented there: http://www.wait-till-i.com/2011/01/05/recording-interviews-on-skype-and-converting-to-html5-friendly-formats-the-easy-way/
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# [23:59] <andrewjbaker> Cradam, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration
# [23:59] <newz2000> thanks cheilmann, nice article
# [23:59] <Cradam> look after this interview
# Session Close: Thu Sep 01 00:00:00 2011
The end :)