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# Session Start: Thu Jan 12 00:00:00 2012
# Session Ident: #html5
# [00:00] <Mircea> Just se the text as you wish from that
# [00:00] <FiestaSmash> Thanks a bunch, much better than what I was getting. http://jsfiddle.net/2UFvs/
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# [00:01] <Mircea> :)
# [00:01] <Pomax> you don't add script tags to the javascript panel in jsfiddle.
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# [00:01] <Pomax> you simply write the plain JS, and then tell it (on the left) how/where it should be loaded
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# [00:05] <FiestaSmash> ah thanks. here I was just ctrl-C ctrl-V 'ing all over the place.
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# [00:08] <FiestaSmash> Oh dear, does this jsfiddle actually attempt to solve my issues or just offer another method of pasting code?
# [00:08] <laczek> http://www.amazon.com/Smashing-HTML5-Magazine-Book-ebook/dp/B004D4Y33E is this book worth buying?
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# [00:10] <Mircea> laczek I would go with Bruce and Remy Sharp book - its a classic
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# [00:15] <laczek> thanks Mircea
# [00:16] <Mircea> u r wellcome
# [00:17] <FiestaSmash> Whoo! It works now, thanks again Mircea.
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# [00:18] <Mircea> :)
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# [00:29] <FiestaSmash> Oh, shoot, answered my own question before I even asked.
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# [00:33] <philihp> FiestaSmash has talent.
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# [04:22] <JohnnyL> does <audio> upload a ,say an mp3, to the client?
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# [04:26] <Pomax> that question implies a working of http that is completely the opposite of how it works =)
# [04:27] <Pomax> short answer: yes. longer answer: no, the client sees the <audio> element, and will download the, for instance, mp3 file indicated as source for playback.
# [04:27] <Pomax> so there is "uploading to the client", the client instead "downloads from the server"
# [04:28] <Pomax> *so there is no
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# [04:29] <JohnnyL> basically you don't know.
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# [05:01] <[knight01]> heya, does anyone know a framework that accomplishes a visual simialr to this: http://udk.com/elements/img/galleries/features-scripting-hero.jpg
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# [05:41] <abraxas> [knight01]: we have played with jsplumb, but its performance is really bad.. good feature set though
# [05:41] <abraxas> [knight01]: would love to hear if you find something better
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# [05:45] <jayar> do i have to make 2 dif pages? one html5 and one not so everyone can view it?
# [05:46] <jayar> i mean should i wait to start developing html5 pages, or should i use a script to test browser and then pick an html5 page, or whats the consensus
# [05:49] <[knight01]> abraxas nice forward
# [05:49] <[knight01]> yea - even the examples seem rather slow
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# [05:49] <[knight01]> did you estimate the dev time to create from-scratch?
# [05:53] <tw2113> jayar what parts are you wanting to use?
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# [05:58] <jayar> i just wanted to start gettin into the habit of the basic layout
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# [05:59] <jayar> *using
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# [06:19] <abraxas> [knight01]: from start? no
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# [06:22] <tw2113> evening jacine
# [06:22] <jacine> hey tw2113 :)
# [06:23] <tw2113> sup
# [06:23] <jacine> tired.
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# [06:25] <tw2113> going to bed soon?
# [06:25] <tw2113> or is there drupal work to do?
# [06:25] <jacine> no, busy with work today :(
# [06:25] <jacine> trying to push through it. lol.
# [06:26] <tw2113> need me to brew some coffee?
# [06:26] <jacine> yes plz. :)
# [06:27] * tw2113 scampers off
# [06:27] <jacine> ;)
# [06:27] <tw2113> and back *hands over the cup*
# [06:27] * jacine hugs tw2113
# [06:28] <tw2113> :D
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# [07:57] <mari00> hi all, got a question about correct usage of sectioning elements...
# [07:59] <mari00> i have a site, and a page witih blog format. there is a main content area surrounded by a div with <article> elements. and then a sidebar area. i've used <aside> for the sidebar and then am using <section> elements within the sidebar <aside>. but i'm not sure that this is the right way to go...
# [07:59] <mari00> am i using these elements in the right way?
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# [08:01] <tw2113> the problem with semantics is that a lot of it is based on interpretation
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# [08:01] <tw2113> ?g html5doctor
# [08:01] <bot-t> tw2113, HTML5 Doctor, helping you implement HTML5 today - http://html5doctor.com/
# [08:01] <mari00> i'm wondering if based on the spec description of <article> i'd better use that: "a composition that forms an independent part of a document, page, application, or site. This could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a Web log entry, a user-submitted comment, an interactive widget, or any other independent item of content"
# [08:02] <tw2113> might be a good place to read as they do a lot of tag discussion there
# [08:02] <mari00> tw2113: i've been reading that site on this problem already, but i'm still not sure...
# [08:02] <vladikoff> mari00, "a section is a thematic grouping of content"
# [08:02] <tw2113> best analogy i can think of is to think of it all like a newspaper
# [08:02] <mari00> i'd found this: http://html5doctor.com/the-section-element/
# [08:03] <tw2113> you have your opinion section, sports section, etc
# [08:03] <tw2113> and they can all hold articles and asides and blockquotes etc
# [08:03] <mari00> so in that case it's not appropriate to use to enclose what are essentially wordpress widgets?
# [08:03] <vladikoff> mari00, basically I'd say that a sidebar can have grouped content, therefore i used <section>
# [08:03] <mari00> ie. an email submit form, and a twitter feed?
# [08:03] <tw2113> personally, i can't say i use <section> much
# [08:03] <tw2113> but i do use <aside> for my WP sidebars
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# [08:04] <tw2113> and <article> <footer> <nav> <header> etc
# [08:04] <tw2113> just not section much
# [08:04] <mari00> tw2113: right i thought about using aside, but i already used that for the whole sidebar area. then i wasn't sure what to do with the individual widget areas within the sidebar. wasn't sure namely if i should use aside again. somehow it seemed strange to me to have asides witin an aside.
# [08:04] <tw2113> but i figure, sections are for logical groupings of things
# [08:05] <tw2113> mari00 don't forget that divs aren't suddenly obsolete
# [08:05] <mari00> the problem with <section> is that it seems almost vague enough to be <div>
# [08:05] <tw2113> probably part of why i don't bother yet
# [08:05] <mari00> yes that's my other question about how and when to use <div>s
# [08:05] <mari00> for exapmle...
# [08:05] <tw2113> whenever the other tags are not the most appropriate
# [08:06] <mari00> when i have elected to use another tag, say <aside>, should i also use a div to attach the styling.
# [08:06] <mari00> the spect seems to say that section elements are not for styling
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# [08:06] <mari00> but does that mean that styles should not be attached?
# [08:06] <mari00> in the case that i've used anothe relement, i'd rather not also add a <div> just for styling...
# [08:06] <tw2113> i attach styles to the tags all the time
# [08:06] <tw2113> nav li { float: left; }
# [08:07] <tw2113> for example
# [08:07] <mari00> right
# [08:07] <mari00> ok
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# [08:07] <mari00> it's hard to understand where all this is leading with sectioning elements
# [08:07] <tw2113> i think the spec intends that to be not used JUST for styling
# [08:07] <tw2113> make it have actual purpose for being <section>
# [08:07] <mari00> as you said, it seems at this point to be just about interpretation.
# [08:08] <mari00> tw2113: right that makes sense re styling...
# [08:08] <mari00> but perhaps, in the case of these widget areas, i'd best use <article> and not <section>?
# [08:09] <mari00> since based on this: "a composition that forms an independent part of a document, page, application, or site. This could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a Web log entry, a user-submitted comment, an interactive widget, or any other independent item of content
# [08:09] <tw2113> widgets...i'd just fall back to div myself
# [08:09] <mari00> --ie that definition of the <article>
# [08:09] <mari00> based on that an <article> can also surround a widget...
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# [08:09] <mari00> and <section> seems to be higher level, ie major thematic content?
# [08:09] <tw2113> i think the definition of widget would be different
# [08:10] <mari00> they need a <widget> tag perhaps.
# [08:10] <mari00> haha
# [08:10] <tw2113> they need to define widget in terms of computing
# [08:10] <mari00> html5 is strange and beguiling
# [08:10] <tw2113> widget is too objective for exactly what it is
# [08:13] <mari00> right
# [08:14] <mari00> what do you think about <article> v. <section> in the case of sidebar areas within a sidebar area that is an <aside>
# [08:14] <mari00> ?
# [08:15] <tw2113> i just use aside and leave it at that
# [08:15] <tw2113> article for the page/posts
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# [08:19] <mari00> tw2113: right, but what i mean is that my entire sidebar area is an <aside>. then i face the question of what to use for each individual widget area wtihin the sidebar. or are you suggesting that for each widget area, i could just use div?
# [08:19] <tw2113> a div
# [08:19] <tw2113> they're NOT obsolete
# [08:19] <mari00> got it
# [08:19] <tw2113> if something else doesn't fit, use divs
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# [08:20] <mari00> word ;)
# [08:21] <mari00> thanks for putting up with my peppering of questions....
# [08:21] <tw2113> don't fear the div
# [08:21] <tw2113> that may have to be a new phrase with html5 buzz still picking up
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# [08:25] <mari00> indeed
# [08:25] <mari00> the role of the div would be a lot easier to understand if the semantics of the sectioning elements were easier to grasp
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# [08:26] <mari00> maybe that will be resolved as the support for these elements becomes more widespread...
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# [08:28] <tw2113> the role of the div is the meaningless container that can be styled
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# [08:46] <mari00> tw2113: interesting thing: if i use an <aside> for the sidebar and <divs> with <h1>s for each widget area (eg <aside id="sidebar"><div><h1>widget area 1</h1></div></aside>), then the outlining tool seems to ignore the hierarchical relationship between the sidebar area and the <div>s with <h1>s.
# [08:46] <mari00> if i change the <div>s to sections it appears in the right way...
# [08:46] <tw2113> *shrug*
# [08:47] <tw2113> if anything, i'd wrap the whole widget area with section, not the individual widgets
# [08:47] <tw2113> <section><div>Widget 1</div><div>Widget 2</div></section>
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# [08:49] <mari00> right, but that is essentially what i did but using <aside> instead of <section>...
# [08:49] <sasori> is there a problem if my <input type="submit" stuff is above the input texts of the form ?
# [08:50] <mari00> what is strange is that the <h1> implicit sections showed up on the same level as the <aside>
# [08:50] <mari00> maybe becasue i used <h1>
# [08:50] <mari00> ?
# [08:50] <tw2113> but you can have stuff below the section, but still inside the aside
# [08:51] <mari00> that's what i had: eg. <aside><div><h1>widget1</h1></aside>
# [08:51] <tw2113> *shrug*
# [08:51] <mari00> sorry: <aside><div><h1>widget1</h1></div></aside>
# [08:51] <tw2113> see why i give the finger to <section> ?
# [08:52] <mari00> i think so hehe.
# [08:52] <tw2113> i may be using aside wrong, but if i am, i can fix later
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# [08:55] <mari00> tw2113: how do you use it again?D
# [08:55] <tw2113> sidebar wrapper
# [08:55] <tw2113> like you are
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# [08:56] <mari00> right
# [08:56] <mari00> i found the problem re teh outlining algorithm
# [08:57] <mari00> actually, for styling purposes, i had: <aside><div><div><h1>widget1</h1</div></div></aside>
# [08:57] <mari00> the second nested div somehow throws the algorithm off...
# [08:57] <mari00> which is strange
# [08:58] <mari00> if <div> are just styling wrappers, shouldn't the outlining algortihm ignorethem?
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# [09:00] <tw2113> you'd have to ask the algorithm people
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# [14:12] <ryan_tait> morning ppls
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# [14:35] <sasori> question: are we able to disabled an <input type="image" ?
# [14:37] <ryan_tait> nope
# [14:37] <ryan_tait> you can use a lil js to hide it or possibly change the image
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# [14:39] <ryan_tait> i may be wrong though last time i dealt with an image input was a while ago.. :)
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# [14:40] <moo^_^> which browsers support type="image" nowadays?
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# [14:40] <sasori> why ask that ? is type image obsolete already ?
# [14:41] <moo^_^> I mean
# [14:41] <JakeA> https://developer.mozilla.org/en/HTML/Element/Input suggests that disabled is supported on image inputs
# [14:41] <moo^_^> will there be a way to natively upload images on mobile phones in the future with HTML5? :)
# [14:41] <ryan_tait> http://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/Elements/input/image
# [14:41] <JakeA> However, I find it's better to use <button><span>Whatever</span></button> and apply the imagery to the inner span
# [14:42] <JakeA> <button type="submit"> even. Only works if there's only one submit button per form, due to IE bugs
# [14:42] <JakeA> IE6 that is
# [14:43] <JakeA> ryan_tait: Ahh yes, you're right
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# [14:48] <mantas322> Hi,
# [14:48] <ryan_tait> yeah i would go with a button instead
# [14:48] <ryan_tait> hi mantas
# [14:48] <mantas322> how can i programmatically fire the cacher manifest without having to include at the top <!DOCTYPE html> <html manifest="./manifests/custom_manifest.cfm">
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# [14:49] <moo^_^> mantas322: you cant
# [14:49] <moo^_^> that's it
# [14:50] <Trisox> what JakeA said
# [14:51] <mantas322> You said yesterday I can!
# [14:51] <mantas322> u lie!
# [14:51] <mantas322> show me your code that u where gonna
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# [14:51] <mantas322> surprised ur here btw, u work same hours as me or something
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# [14:53] <ryan_tait> hey mantas how do you mean .. client side or server?
# [14:53] <mantas322> client
# [14:53] <mantas322> from a page that is not included in the manifest
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# [14:53] <mantas322> i foudn something like this var appCache = window.applicationCache; appCache.update();
# [14:54] <mantas322> maybe that will help somehow
# [14:55] <ryan_tait> that looks correct to me and you can check the status via appCache.status
# [14:56] <mantas322> Uncaught Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11
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# [14:57] <ryan_tait> without the manifest in the html attribute i dont think it will work
# [14:57] <mantas322> NOOOOOOO!
# [14:57] <mantas322> i'll MAKE it work
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# [14:58] <ryan_tait> well you could try using client side to add it to the html
# [14:58] <ryan_tait> and then try updating it
# [14:58] <mantas322> but if i go that then I wont be able to do it again
# [14:58] <mantas322> it will only work for the first time
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# [15:00] <shwetank> mantas322 you will have to include the manifest attribute
# [15:00] <mantas322> what the GUFF is this invalid state error
# [15:00] <mantas322> 11
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# [15:01] <moo^_^> mantas322: yesterday your question was different
# [15:01] <moo^_^> it was "how I can read manifest with javascript"
# [15:01] <moo^_^> ryan_tait: adding manifest on the client side does not have effect
# [15:02] <moo^_^> it must be present when HTML is being parsed
# [15:02] <ryan_tait> yeah thst why i have only done it server side
# [15:02] <ryan_tait> wasnt sure if client side would be possible
# [15:03] <mantas322> so okay
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# [15:03] <mantas322> on one page I have a an Ext.Ajax.request({ call to a page that creates a cache manifest file
# [15:03] <ryan_tait> @mantas322 : are you using a set interval
# [15:03] <mantas322> no
# [15:04] <mantas322> the first time it does it it works
# [15:04] <mantas322> if i do it again I get back some sort of "communication failure"
# [15:04] <moo^_^> mantas322: what you are doing does not make sense: why don't you generate cache manifest on the server side when you create the file which uses the manifest?
# [15:04] <mantas322> because i allow the user to have his own custom unique cache manifest file
# [15:05] <mantas322> I allow the user to pick and chooose what he wants to cache
# [15:05] <moo^_^> mantas322: then you re-generate HTML + manifest based on unique HTTP GET query parameters
# [15:05] <moo^_^> on the server side
# [15:05] <mantas322> right
# [15:05] <mantas322> I do
# [15:05] <mantas322> but I get that individual 11 exception
# [15:05] <mantas322> so originally I had this
# [15:06] <mantas322> 1 page redirects to another page which creates the cache manifest then redirect to another "launch" page which references the manifest and caches it then goes back to the original page
# [15:06] <mantas322> now im trying to merge all those pages into 1 ajax call
# [15:06] <mantas322> and keep running into all these crapseptions
# [15:06] <mantas322> harumphf!
# [15:07] <mantas322> and it works the first time
# [15:07] <mantas322> but not the second
# [15:07] <mantas322> >:O
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# [15:07] <moo^_^> because the second time follows manifest cache rules and you are having something preventing it to make network calls?
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# [15:08] <mantas322> could be
# [15:08] <mantas322> not sure
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# [15:08] <mantas322> in the response failure i get "communication failure"
# [15:09] <moo^_^> mantas322: here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5824549/cannot-access-manifest-cached-files-with-ajax-from-webapp-saved-to-home-screen-i
# [15:11] <mantas322> exactly
# [15:12] <mantas322> from what im reading
# [15:12] <mantas322> is if the page your using to make the ajax call happens to be cached
# [15:12] <mantas322> they wont work maybe?
# [15:12] <moo^_^> more http://opensourcehacker.com/2011/03/20/android-webkit-xhr-status-code-0-and-expires-headers/
# [15:12] <moo^_^> no, the target of ajax call is cached
# [15:12] <mantas322> yes
# [15:12] <mantas322> FUDGE
# [15:12] <moo^_^> you can probably whitelist using NETWORK: section in manifest
# [15:12] <mantas322> maybe I need a random number geneerator appended to the url im calling
# [15:13] <mantas322> LOL!
# [15:13] <mantas322> u think that would fix it
# [15:13] <mantas322> we gonna get to the bottom of shit today moo
# [15:13] <mantas322> i'll skip lunch if i have to
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# [15:13] <mantas322> wait wait
# [15:14] <mantas322> hwo do i do that?
# [15:14] <mantas322> whitelist
# [15:14] <mantas322> a page from being cached???
# [15:14] <tktiddle> Is there some software that will help me compile html5 content as apps for different devices?
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# [15:14] <mantas322> I've heard of phonegap
# [15:14] <moo^_^> mantas322: you go and find authoritative source (e.g. w3c site) and read manifest specification
# [15:14] <mantas322> ur my authoritative source
# [15:15] <moo^_^> mantas322: I don't do reading for others :)
# [15:15] <moo^_^> it's called "NETWORK:" section
# [15:15] <mantas322> what if I compliment you really well
# [15:15] <moo^_^> you can find it from google
# [15:15] <moo^_^> I don't remember details or have links
# [15:15] <moo^_^> and I don't bother Google either :)
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# [15:19] <mantas322> I dont think we where correct to guess that the page im callign with ajax has been cached
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# [15:21] <mantas322> so everything works fine without caching
# [15:21] <mantas322> as far as creating my cache manifest and appending new stuff to it
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# [15:22] <mantas322> all I need to do now somehow is figure out I can cachethe manifest OUTSIDE of a page that includes <!DOCTYPE html> <html manifest="./manifests/custom_manifest.cfm">
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# [15:23] <mantas322> can i have an ajax call in an ajax call?
# [15:23] <mantas322> hmm
# [15:24] <ryan_tait> mantas: would this help? http://www.bennadel.com/blog/1946-Non-Cached-Pages-Cannot-Access-Resources-Cached-In-The-Cache-Manifest.htm
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# [15:25] <ryan_tait> oh maybe not that uses coldfusion
# [15:25] <mantas322> that works for me
# [15:25] <mantas322> im using coldfusion
# [15:25] <ryan_tait> oh haha
# [15:25] <mantas322> and ben nadal is always hugging people :>
# [15:25] <mantas322> I havent read it yet
# [15:25] <mantas322> im trying my own craziness atm
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# [16:31] <mantas322> Manifest changed during update, scheduling retry
# [16:31] <mantas322> what now!
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# [17:10] <kevindougans> thought i just got my brain in an infinite loop thinking about mantas322 question "can i have an ajax call in an ajax call?"
# [17:10] <kevindougans> weird.
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# [17:10] <mantas322> lol sorry
# [17:10] <mantas322> I've decided what i was trying to do is impossible
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# [17:12] <JakeA> mantas322: How about inserting a hidden iframe that contains a page linking to the manifest?
# [17:12] <JakeA> That works, done that before
# [17:12] <mantas322> I've washed my hands of this
# [17:12] <mantas322> no more ideas
# [17:12] <JakeA> That way you can trigger the start/update of appcache without the main page itself ending up in the cache
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# [17:13] <mantas322> thanks for the idea and your interest jakeA
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# [18:36] <franksalim> hello
# [18:37] <ryan_tait> hey hey
# [18:37] * Quits: bot-t1 (~bot-t@unaffiliated/temp01/bot/bot-t) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
# [18:39] <Conexion> Apparently the boys at Sencha thought that Emoji was part of the HTML5 standard =/
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# [18:41] <franksalim> Conexion: link?
# [18:41] <Conexion> franksalim: http://www.sencha.com/blog/galaxy-nexus-the-html5-developer-scorecard/ - I had to notify them in order for them to correct it
# [18:42] <franksalim> interesting
# [18:42] <Conexion> They were knocking Android for not having it
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# [19:01] <Porpado> any way to get specify the fill(like a pattern or image) of a shape thats in an svg element,
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# [19:03] <shepazu> Porpado: yes, you can use a pattern (which could be a non-repeating image)
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# [19:04] <shepazu> http://apike.ca/prog_svg_patterns.html
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# [19:30] <ryaz> how do you break an html tag into multiple lines? is there a character that lets me continue writing on the next line? i keep seeing an extra space in the generated output and am trying to keep my markup within a manageable number of columns.
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# [19:35] <ryaz> most of the time simply continuing on the next line works, but often it does not e.g. when you are in the middle of a long attribute value. is there a continuation character in html like there is in most programming languages? (pardon my ignorance, i did google my question but could find no help on the matter.)
# [19:36] <ryaz> also pardon me for asking in #html5. i searched for but could not find a general html channel.
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# [19:45] <joepie91> ryaz: try #web
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# [19:45] <ryaz> thanks i will
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# [19:49] <ryaz> joepie91: i tried posting my question to #web and got the response "cannot send to channel."
# [19:49] <joepie91> ah, you probably need to be identified first
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# [19:50] <ryaz> hmm ok. googling that now...
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# [19:51] <ryaz> got it. thanks.
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# [20:30] <kevindougans> home time
# [20:30] <kevindougans> smell y'all later
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# [20:35] <Conexion> ryaz: "most of the time simply continuing on the next line works, but often it does not " That sounds a tad silly :p
# [20:35] <Conexion> Most of the time it works, but often it does not
# [20:35] <Conexion> Also, #html should work
# [20:36] <ryan_tait> sometimes it might possibly work and on occasion it might not
# [20:36] <ryan_tait> :)
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# [22:08] <thatryan> anyone use the chrome page speed?
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# [22:09] <tw2113> nope
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# [22:12] <thatryan> yslow?
# [22:13] <tw2113> yup
# [22:14] <tw2113> well, at least if it seemed to work with Aurora
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# [22:22] <barh> hello everyone
# [22:22] <barh> i need help with HTML5 boxes
# [22:22] <barh> does anybody in here?
# [22:23] <barh> i am trying to move up the left lower box - http://joomlademos.co.uk/bar/#
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# [22:23] <barh> so i won't have this huge white space below
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# [22:26] <Pomax> you may want a column layout, then, because right now it's lined up with the box to the right of it, due to "בר התקנות תקשורת"'s size
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# [22:28] <barh> pomax i dont get you
# [22:28] <barh> how do I do column layout?
# [22:29] <Pomax> you're now using a horizontal layout, so the first section and aside are on "line" 1, and the second section and aside are on line
# [22:29] <Pomax> *"line" 2
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# [22:29] <Pomax> you can move the aside up if you really want, by setting "position: relative; top: -2em;" or some other value that works for this specific page, but it'll be a kind of manual hack
# [22:30] <barh> ok
# [22:30] <barh> and there is another solution?
# [22:30] <barh> how do i change to column instead of "lines"
# [22:31] <Pomax> it depends a little on what you want, design wise. do you want the asides and sections lined up, or do you want the sections and asides to independently fill up the vertical space?
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# [22:33] <barh> i want the asides 50% 50% and the sections 60% 40%
# [22:33] <barh> is it possible without "hacks"?
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# [22:33] <Pomax> it is, then you need to group the things that sum up to 100%
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# [22:35] <barh> i've tried
# [22:35] <Pomax> so you get something like <div id="asides"><aside>...</aside><aside>...</aside></div> and another <div id="sections"><section>...</section><section>...</section></div> -- if your content is always going to be two asides and two sections, then that's a perfectly valid structure, which you can CSS style fairly simple
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# [22:36] <barh> i'll try with the DIVS
# [22:36] <barh> should i use floating?
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# [22:39] <Pomax> http://jsfiddle.net/dWzES/
# [22:41] <barh> well, thanks a lot, is that matters whether aside comes first or section?
# [22:42] <barh> i am floating to right
# [22:42] <barh> becasue it's RTL
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# [22:42] <Pomax> not really, you can change the order
# [22:42] <Pomax> (I forgot to set RTL for this fiddle)
# [22:43] <barh> ok thank you
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# [22:44] <barh> by the way, did you see my image slide? i know it is possible to make this one with html5, do you know any understandable reference i can learn how to make this images circulator on html5?
# [22:44] <barh> right know it works with AJAX
# [22:45] <Pomax> I would just keep using one of the many, many image slider JS things out there.
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# [22:49] <barh> do you know any straightforward image slider like this one? without buttons, just fading
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# [22:57] <Pomax> not off hand, but there's probably twenty jquery plugins that will do the trick for you
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# Session Close: Fri Jan 13 00:00:00 2012
The end :)