- # Session Start: Sun Aug 26 00:00:01 2012
- # Session Ident: #html5
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- # [00:11] <gnarf> mappum: try reversing the path?
- # [00:11] <mappum> what do you mean?
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- # [00:16] <gnarf> mappum: could you use a globalCompositeOperation ?
- # [00:16] <gnarf> mappum: warning, I've never really looked at canvas :)
- # [00:17] <gnarf> mappum: in some graphics programming, a path is filled inside/outside based on the clockwise/counterclockwiseness of the path
- # [00:17] <gnarf> which is why i was saying to try reversing it
- # [00:18] <gnarf> doesn't seem this is the case with canvas clip tho
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- # [00:21] <gnarf> seems compositing is what you need
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- # [04:07] <Bitgod> You don't have permission to access /avatars/ on this server.
- # [04:07] <Bitgod> why cant i access mysite.com/avatars
- # [04:11] <Bitgod> http://www.i-wwe.net/viewpage.php?page_id=9
- # [04:11] <Bitgod> no matter what i do
- # [04:11] <Bitgod> the pictures dont show up
- # [04:11] <Bitgod> even though they are in /avatars/
- # [04:11] <tw2113> http://www.i-wwe.net/avatars/Bitgod.jpg
- # [04:12] <tw2113> "the image cannot be displayed because it contains errors"
- # [04:13] <Bitgod> but i also uploaded a new picture
- # [04:13] <Bitgod> and it still wont show
- # [04:14] <Bitgod> Dan Mason: http://www.i-wwe.net/users.cgi
- # [04:14] <Bitgod> Dan Mason: works fine
- # [04:14] <Bitgod> he said it works fine
- # [04:14] <Bitgod> but i dont see anything fixed???
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- # [04:16] <Bitgod> ok it works
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- # [04:18] <tw2113> still seeing that error I typed above, whenever i try to directly view the images
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- # [08:23] <garthdb> hey - anyone awake in here?
- # [08:23] <garthdb> I'm doing some drag and drop and I'm getting some odd stuff
- # [08:24] <garthdb> I simplified the problem in a fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/Eu2mz/4/
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- # [08:24] <garthdb> if you checkout the console you'll see the last x position when the drag is released is wrong
- # [08:25] <garthdb> like it suddenly switch coordinate spaces when you release the drag
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- # [09:02] <MitchC21> Hey everyone
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- # [09:03] <netecho> hey MitchC21
- # [09:04] <MitchC21> How are you?
- # [09:04] <netecho> not bad just working on my first site in HTML5, hoping I'm grasping the concepts properly
- # [09:05] <MitchC21> Right on
- # [09:05] <MitchC21> Is it working for you?
- # [09:06] <netecho> we'll see in a few mins
- # [09:06] <MitchC21> Sweet sweet
- # [09:06] <netecho> I'm doing the first page then I'm gonna need someone to look at it and let me know if I'm actually using the new tags correctly
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- # [09:07] <netecho> then I'll work on CSS
- # [09:08] <tw2113> for help interpreting the semantics of the new tags http://html5doctor.com/
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- # [09:08] <netecho> tw2113: I've read a lot of sites including that and W3C's web education course
- # [09:08] <netecho> so hopefully I'm doing this right
- # [09:08] <tw2113> then i wouldn't be worrying :P
- # [09:09] <netecho> I'll have the site markup done in a few mins
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- # [09:13] <garthdb> hey
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- # [09:18] <netecho> tw2113: this is what I've come up with
- # [09:19] <tw2113> your top sidebar list is missing the closing ul
- # [09:19] <netecho> shouldn't be
- # [09:19] <tw2113> why not put both in 1 nav tag and apply that IDs to the unordered lists?
- # [09:19] <netecho> oops didn't save
- # [09:20] <tw2113> missing span tag in the postHead
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- # [09:20] <netecho> tw2113: because topNav is going to be a navigation menu horizontally under the logo and sideNav is going to be a sideBar navigation
- # [09:20] <tw2113> <span> <h2>Some Subject Line</h2> </section>
- # [09:21] <netecho> fixed lol
- # [09:21] <netecho> but semantically is this the proper way to go around it?
- # [09:21] <netecho> err about it
- # [09:21] <tw2113> looks fine to me otherwise
- # [09:21] <netecho> yay :D
- # [09:21] <tw2113> at least from my point of view
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- # [09:22] <tw2113> the joys of semantics?partially up to interpretation
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- # [09:22] <netecho> yea most of the HTML is going to be populated by PHP so I need to get all my layouts done in just plain old HTML first so I know how I'm going to attack it in php
- # [09:23] <tw2113> not completely sure about all the spans
- # [09:23] <netecho> yea that was just tossed in there for now
- # [09:24] <netecho> once I know more of how I'm going to put the data there I can clean that up nicer
- # [09:24] <netecho> potentially just a single <span> with everything
- # [09:24] <tw2113> paragraph tags?
- # [09:24] <netecho> or that
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- # [09:32] <vikash> netecho, You can see once <figure> & <figcaption> too. See here ->https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTML/Element/figure
- # [09:32] <vikash> You might wanna replace the <div id="headLogo">
- # [09:32] * Quits: thatryan (~thatryan@c-24-7-104-15.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
- # [09:33] <tw2113> divs are still perfectly valid, good to use when one of the new tags isn't appropriate
- # [09:33] <vikash> tw2113, Hey. good morning :-)
- # [09:34] <vikash> Its just a healthy suggestion though :-)
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- # [09:37] <vikash> netecho, For *few* CSS examples you can refer https://github.com/ivikash/Examples-for-the-web in src/
- # [09:37] * Joins: BigKing (~BigKing@dslb-084-061-105-145.pools.arcor-ip.net)
- # [09:38] <vikash> and feel free to file bugs or pull request :-)
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- # [09:59] <netecho> vikash: thanks :)
- # [10:00] <netecho> vikash: you mean replace the div for headLogo with <figure>
- # [10:01] <vikash> netecho, I would suggest that, as tw2113 said <div> is no bad! what say tw2113 ?
- # [10:01] <netecho> once I have the css done you'll probably have a better idea of what I'm trying to achieve
- # [10:02] <vikash> Sure!
- # [10:04] <tw2113> i usually don't spend a huge amount of time debating markup
- # [10:07] <vikash> :-)
- # [10:09] <tw2113> if anything, it's spent trying to determine ways to reduce my markup
- # [10:09] <vikash> tw2113++
- # [10:09] <netecho> :)
- # [10:10] * Joins: cub949 (~cub@
- # [10:11] <cub949> Does anyone know what this is called? It can't be an array? (ie. var canvas_ = { width: 500, height: 300 })
- # [10:11] <cub949> A table?
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- # [10:12] <tw2113> json?
- # [10:13] <asher^> its just a javascript object literal
- # [10:13] <cub949> oh wow
- # [10:13] <cub949> I'm surprised it parses it properly
- # [10:13] <asher^> why?
- # [10:14] <cub949> no reason, I've heard of it but never really seen it
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- # [10:14] <tw2113> welcome to javascript
- # [10:16] * Quits: Ms2ger (~Ms2ger@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
- # [10:16] <netecho> ugh lol
- # [10:17] <netecho> my first css issue
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- # [10:18] <netecho> I'm trying to have the box that encloses "headLong" to be a separate box from "headLogo" on the same line but distinctly its own box with a 1.5em border between them
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- # [10:19] <netecho> ah got it
- # [10:20] <netecho> just getting them to do what I want heh
- # [10:20] * Quits: machicola (~thetentma@cpe-98-154-165-171.socal.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
- # [10:20] <tw2113> now to reduce headLong to 75% or so
- # [10:21] <netecho> tw2113: the problem is headLogo is set in pixels
- # [10:21] <netecho> I just can't seem to get headLong to occupy the rest of the space
- # [10:22] <tw2113> sounds like something flexbox would be perfect for
- # [10:22] <netecho> flexbox?
- # [10:23] <tw2113> ?mdn flexbox
- # [10:23] <bot-t> tw2113, Couldn't find "mdn flexbox" in jQuery Docs.
- # [10:23] <tw2113> boo
- # [10:23] <netecho> lol
- # [10:23] <tw2113> ?g mdn flexbox
- # [10:23] <bot-t> tw2113, Using CSS Flexbox | Mozilla Developer Network - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Using_flexbox
- # [10:23] <tw2113> not the best support yet still
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- # [10:27] <tw2113> ?caniuse calc
- # [10:27] <bot-t> tw2113, jQuery.map() - Translate all items in an array or array-like object to another array of items. http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.map/
- # [10:27] <tw2113> boo
- # [10:28] <tw2113> you could probably use calc() as well, with a bit better support
- # [10:28] <tw2113> chrome 19+, firefox4+ with prefix, 16+ without
- # [10:28] <tw2113> IE9
- # [10:28] <tw2113> not sure on opera/safari
- # [10:30] <tw2113> width: calc(100% - 189px - 1.5em);
- # [10:33] <netecho> we got it :D
- # [10:33] <netecho> I was just using float wrong and needed overflow: hidden;
- # [10:34] <tw2113> clearfix finally started clicking in my head recently
- # [10:34] <tw2113> and solves issues when i need to not have overflow hidden
- # [10:34] <tw2113> took me a few years for that one
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- # [10:35] <tw2113> maybe i was just lucky not to have too many things sticking out on me to need it
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- # [10:35] * hemanth review request -> http://h3manth.com/content/convert-any-image-html5-canvas
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- # [11:04] <netecho> almost there heh
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- # [13:15] <Luky> Hello everybody, i have a kinda problem with the facebook.com/sharer/share.php?u=XX | on a html5 game.. did you know how to proceed to share a something, by a link, and add automatically text into the <textarea> ?
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- # [13:18] <Luky> Hum.. ?
- # [13:19] <Dasleah> not unless you pass that info in the url and parse that yourself
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- # [13:53] <coellobranco> saludos
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- # [20:25] <cub_> Anyone know why e.clientX doesn't register the "actual" x position of the cursor? http://skiddies.info/canvas/
- # [20:25] <cub_> It's offset by quite a bit
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- # [20:28] <cub_> I can subtract -8 to fix it though, but that's still fucking garbage HTML5
- # [20:29] <asher^> looks like its just getting the position relative to the window, not the canvas
- # [20:30] <cub_> That would make sense, but why?
- # [20:30] <cub_> I guess I'm using a window listener, derp
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- # [20:30] <asher^> :)
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- # [21:14] <bgresham> Has anyone played around with the Web Audio API?
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- # [23:07] <Woet> I'm using html5 to play a sound using javascript. HTML: <audio id="sound" src="new_chat.mp3"></audio> Javascript: var oAudio = document.getElementById('sound'); oAudio.play();
- # [23:07] <Woet> for some reason, it only works the first time. any idea?
- # [23:08] <moo-_-> Woet: you probably need to rewind the audio position back to zero?
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- # Session Close: Mon Aug 27 00:00:00 2012
The end :)