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# Session Start: Fri Aug 31 00:00:00 2012
# Session Ident: #html5
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# [00:07] <todun> Jon47: any suggestions what database will be good to work with html5?
# [00:07] <todun> right now I will just be putting a few images into the database.
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# [00:08] <Jon47> todun the "proper" way to store an image in HTML is to host the resource on the cool URL
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# [00:09] <todun> Jon47: you mean this: http://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI.html ?
# [00:10] <Jon47> there ya go
# [00:10] <Jon47> why would you want to put it into a database
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# [00:11] <Jon47> html is designed to be used with interoperable web applications
# [00:11] <Jon47> it might just not be the right technology for your idea
# [00:12] <todun> alternatively, drawing an image, I just want to be able to have some picture come-up depending on what location(gps coordinates) the user of the browser is at.
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# [00:13] <todun> the only reason I brought up a db is that I was thinking along the lines of google static maps api. you have a coordinate and you get a static map.
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# [00:46] <RLa> is it possible to offer user a file (generated in the browser) to download?
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# [00:50] <thatryan> what kind of file? pdf?
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# [00:53] <RLa> thatryan, could be just a text file
# [00:54] <RLa> hm, this can be done with data urls?
# [00:58] <thatryan> RLa: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/742271/generating-pdf-files-with-javascript
# [00:58] <thatryan> may help
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# [01:33] <RLa> thatryan, thanks
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# [02:50] <lucass_> hi
# [02:50] <lucass_> \o/
# [02:50] <lucass_> jsbrazil
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# [02:52] <lucass_> olá
# [02:52] <lucass_> hola
# [02:52] <lucass_> hello
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# [02:52] <lucass_> \o/
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# [02:55] <lucass_> hihihihihihihi
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# [04:08] <Prometheus> Hello, I was wondering about the viability of using HTML5 to make a game usable on mobile devices as well as in a web browser.
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# [04:15] <Prometheus> Found something called directCanvas after some googleing and blog searching. Says it converts html5 into apps. Peace.
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# [04:44] <thatryan> anyone used http://impactjs.com ? for games
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# [05:06] <flockonus> using jQuery for a turn based game
# [05:06] <flockonus> & node.js
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# [07:39] <paul_irish> in case anyone was curious. YUI Compressor isn't maintained anymore : https://github.com/h5bp/mobile-boilerplate/issues/73#issuecomment-7828896
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# [09:03] <moo-_-> there are users
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# [14:13] <lolmaus> Is <map> still actual? Is there some modern technique to replace <map>?
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# [17:34] <defaultro_> hey folks, I'm getting this "this is most likely due to security restrictions on reading canvass pixel data with loca or cross domain imagesl"
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# [17:42] <moo-_-> defaultro_: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CORS_Enabled_Image
# [17:42] <defaultro_> looking
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# [18:35] <Trisox> any one experience with something like http://warpspire.com/kss/
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# [20:51] <thatryan> where does everyone hang out nowadays...so quiet in here
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# [21:00] <Pomax> I can't speak for others, but I count 26 channels on 8 servers including this one. Don't think I could pinpoint a chan I use "most"
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# [21:01] <tw2113> my focus is still more WP than just html5
# [21:01] <tw2113> but i tend to hang out in coffee shops a lot :D
# [21:05] <David_Bradbury> I'm currently in 11 channels, and that's light compared to most here I believe
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# [21:05] <thatryan> what are the other good ones? :)
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# [21:05] <tw2113> i'm in #fedora-social, here, #jquery, 3 wordpress ones, and then on mozilla's IRC for their MDN room and dev tools
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# [23:56] <rythmic> Hi! I have a very newbie question on mobile web interfaces. I have this app where I on a computer can select an <li> element by clicking it. How can I achieve the same thing touching it on my ipad?
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# [23:57] <rythmic> perhaps app is misused in this context. Let's change app to html5 document
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# Session Close: Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 2012
The end :)