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# Session Start: Sun Feb 03 00:00:00 2013
# Session Ident: #html5
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# [00:11] <Troy^> mokush: that editor looks really good, i'm currently using sublime text 2 just sort of getting use to it.
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# [00:21] <Troy^> the devlopment version of brackets looks even better then sublime
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# [00:39] <dekiss> guys
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# [00:39] <dekiss> are you in conflict with html guys ^^
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# [03:51] <hellyeah> hey
# [03:51] <hellyeah> i just need pretty straighforward svg clock tutorial can you suggest one
# [03:53] <shepazu> hellyeah, I don't know of a tutorial, but I could show you how to make a clock in SVG
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# [03:55] <shepazu> here's a silly example http://svg-whiz.com/svg/DigilogClock.svg
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# [03:56] <hellyeah> haahah
# [03:56] <hellyeah> it is cool anyways so childish
# [03:56] <hellyeah> :D
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# [03:58] <shepazu> for the tick marks, you could use a circle with stroke-dasharray
# [03:58] <shepazu> and obviously, you would use a rotation animation transform for the hands
# [03:59] <hellyeah> actually i dont know much about svg first i have to read some svg tutorial and than make some clocks :D
# [04:00] <shepazu> hellyeah, is this an assignment?
# [04:00] <hellyeah> no
# [04:00] <hellyeah> i just want to learn for myself
# [04:01] <hellyeah> i am serious
# [04:01] <shepazu> so, you know how to make a circle?
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# [04:03] <hellyeah> actually i dont know anything to be honest but to know svg for website is important i guess so i wanna know something
# [04:04] <shepazu> ok
# [04:05] <hellyeah> i guess i need to learn from basics
# [04:05] <hellyeah> do you have some link
# [04:06] <shepazu> http://www.svgbasics.com/index.html is pretty good
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# [04:08] <hellyeah> shepazu: thanks
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# [04:10] <shepazu> hellyeah, you can also try https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/SVG/Tutorial
# [04:11] <hellyeah> should i read both what is your suggestion about that
# [04:11] <shepazu> mdn is more complete
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# [04:13] <hellyeah> thanks
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# [11:26] <LumberCartel> Hello. I'm experiencing a problem with HTML5 (<!doctype html>) with tables. If I set the height of a table to 100% it is slightly larger than the page. How can I set a table height to fit properly? Thanks in advance.
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# [11:32] <kvarley> LumberCartel: Are you using any CSS resets?
# [11:33] <kvarley> LumberCartel: Can you paste your source code anywhere?
# [11:37] <LumberCartel> kvarley: Thanks. Here's my code: http://www.inter-corporate.com/height.html
# [11:37] <LumberCartel> I also noticed that another table with in a cell has the same problem.
# [11:38] <LumberCartel> I've experimented with a variety of CSS options, but getting the table to stretch into the viewable area just isn't working for me.
# [11:38] <LumberCartel> Of course, if I remove the doctype then it all works just fine, but I want to get things converted to HTML5.
# [11:38] <kerozene> LumberCartel: you've set height: 100% on body, which has padding also
# [11:38] <kerozene> tip: * { box-sizing: border-box; }
# [11:39] <LumberCartel> kerozene: If I remove the padding, the table fits, but then another table within that table's cell has the same problem.
# [11:39] <kvarley> LumberCartel: Remove your height 100% rules and add this instead. html, body {width:100%;height:100%;border:0;margin:0;padding:0;} and it will fix the issue
# [11:39] <LumberCartel> Hmm, I'll try that, kerozene.
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# [11:46] * LumberCartel confirms that kvarley's solution works well for the main table.
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# [11:52] <LumberCartel> It's strange that width=100% works as expected but height=100% doesn't.
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# [12:04] <LumberCartel> kerozene: I'm trying to use the CSS you suggested, but it doesn't seem to be cooperating with the inner table. Updated code is here: http://www.inter-corporate.com/height.html
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# [12:06] <kerozene> in what sense?
# [12:06] <LumberCartel> Well, the inner table is set to 100% height as well, but it doesn't fill in its parent cell (even though the background image for that cell is appearing).
# [12:06] <kerozene> also: tables for layout? no way!
# [12:07] <kerozene> it does in chrome
# [12:07] <LumberCartel> I've been using tables since the early days. Never had a problem until HTML5.
# [12:08] <LumberCartel> Hmm, yes I just fired it up in Chrome and it's okay there. Not working in Opera or Internet Exploder though.
# [12:08] <kerozene> yeah. I have no idea what you're talking about
# [12:09] <kerozene> what is it about your page that is html5?
# [12:09] <LumberCartel> Ah, okay, so this is actually a problem with Opera.
# [12:09] <LumberCartel> As far as I know, just the first line: <!doctype html>
# [12:09] <kerozene> so, in effect, nothing
# [12:10] <LumberCartel> Your box-sizing tip is very helpful.
# [12:10] <LumberCartel> Seems to solve the problem in other browsers.
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# [13:55] <mokush> what do you guys think about http://www.deployd.com/ ?
# [13:56] <mokush> I'm trying to find a solution to having as little work to do on the backend as possible. I've originally tried working with CouchDB (for the rest api), but I don't think it's ready for my use case yet.
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# [16:55] <craigrich> Afternoon all
# [16:55] <craigrich> Anyone know if you can Resize and crop images without using Javascript? check these examples
# [16:56] <craigrich> http://resize-crop.galik.it/
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# [19:04] <paulrouget> craigrich: use background-position (CSS)
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# [20:21] <djQuery> anyone know of some kinda java framework that makes using indexeddb or web sql look the same to my code
# [20:22] <djQuery> basicaly half the browsers support indexeddb and the other half support web sql
# [20:22] <djQuery> is there a plugin to where I can write the same code for either
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# [20:56] <hashpuppy_> are sites using html5 drag and drop? i need drag and drop functionality, and don't want to use jquery-ui. i thought i saw only opera doesn't support this? if that's the case why are people still using jquery-ui?
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# [21:11] <Mosselman> hashpuppy_: drag-and-drop is not the only functionality in jquery….
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# [21:12] <hashpuppy_> i know. i don't want to introduce jquery-ui for just one component
# [21:12] <hashpuppy_> i just hear that the native drag and drop isn't good
# [21:12] <hashpuppy_> but looking at some examples, you can deal with it, but just have to be aware of the gotchas
# [21:12] <hashpuppy_> http://pxdraw.com/HTML5DragAndDropSucks.com/
# [21:13] <Mosselman> hashpuppy_: I believe you can download query with a bare minimum of functions, sort of 'roll-your-own' on their site.
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# [21:13] <Mosselman> jquery
# [21:13] <hashpuppy_> yeah. still debating
# [21:13] <Mosselman> http://jqueryui.com/download/
# [21:13] <Mosselman> hashpuppy_: what is your concern? download time or loading into the environment?
# [21:14] <Mosselman> because you could use the CDN link if you are concerned about download time and fallback to a local copy.
# [21:14] <hashpuppy_> yeah, that's true
# [21:14] <hashpuppy_> parsing it and loading it takes time too
# [21:14] <Mosselman> true, but very little
# [21:14] <hashpuppy_> and i'm not sure i need jquery at all
# [21:15] <hashpuppy_> but we'll see
# [21:15] <djQuery> hashpuppy_, you do know that jquery ui has a modular download builder so that you can get only the parts that dragable needs right?
# [21:15] <Mosselman> Also, I think there are some small libs for drag-drop, but I'd stick with jquery because if you decide at some point that you want some other thing as well, and then another one, at least you'd be using a consistent library
# [21:15] <hashpuppy_> yep. looking at the dependencies
# [21:15] <hashpuppy_> not too much
# [21:15] <Mosselman> djQuery: ^^
# [21:16] <djQuery> hashpuppy_, and if u just use a CDN most the time they allreay have it downloaded
# [21:16] <Mosselman> ^^
# [21:16] <Mosselman> djQuery: ^^
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# [21:17] <djQuery> Mosselman, sorry catching up I see you made some of the same commnets now
# [21:18] <Mosselman> djQuery: haha no worries :)
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# [23:54] <quidnunc> What are my options for retrieving non-executable cross-domain content?
# [23:55] <quidnunc> Anything besides Allow-Cross-Site-Origin and JSONP?
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# Session Close: Mon Feb 04 00:00:00 2013
The end :)