/irc-logs / freenode / #html5 / 2014-07-26 / end


  1. # Session Start: Sat Jul 26 00:00:00 2014
  2. # Session Ident: #html5
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  158. # [02:23] <jlyndon> for displaying pngs, does anyone have an opinion on displaying the same png and scaling different sizes via css, versus using multiple pngs already scaled to those sizes?
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  380. # [11:13] <dahlfors1> depends on the type of site really. if you got a lot of low-bandwidth mobile users, serving smaller files is useful. scaling algorithms are fairly ok these days for photos. depending on what kind of graphics you have in the pngs, they will scale better/worse.
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  630. # [19:55] <Salatfreak> Hey guys! Is there any special tag I would use for a block that contains inputs to select the content to be shown or do I just use a div for that?
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  657. # [20:30] <langezwieper> Hi, I’m looking for some frontend support, correct channel?
  658. # [20:32] <boogyman> sure
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  660. # [20:33] <langezwieper> nice I’m working with freewall, do you know it?
  661. # [20:33] <langezwieper> I have a problem with I cant identify
  662. # [20:33] <langezwieper> its working fine on my local machine but not online, i think it has something to do with images and that are loaded slower
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  743. # [22:41] <exelan> Hey guys, is there anyone here interested in helping deploy a website in HTML5? I'm a new using a template and would like to hire some professional services...
  744. # [22:41] <exelan> ... is this the right forum for that?
  745. # [22:42] <exelan> newb* not now.
  746. # [22:42] <exelan> ... even more apparent.
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The end :)