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# Session Start: Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 2015
# Session Ident: #html5
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# [02:50] <canonprinter> not sure which channel this goes in, but how can you use SVG to modify the clickable area of an element?
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# [09:53] <canonprinter> ill post this here too, basically just a general html question
# [09:53] <canonprinter> if you want a link (<a>) to not link to anywhere, do you just do href=""? or href="#"? or what
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# [10:43] <dahlfors> href="" is not valid IIRC, hence people tend to use href="" and disabling the link through js. if it's for something that shouldn't be a link to a page, there are elements like <button>
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# [10:51] <D_Gerich> good evening everyone, I have a few questions, I am just getting into web development, but with a strong programming background mainly in Java/SQL, and I would like to start working on a personal project (gaming community website) I plan to learn and implement standard features like user accounts and DB communication, forum, and a few other smaller features, my question is I know that lots of things changed for web development and I
# [10:51] <D_Gerich> see websites mostly use HTML/CSS/JS and PHP for Forums or just PHP for everything, and I am not sure where should i start, should website be based on HTML/CSS/JS for all functionality but the forum or should i study PHP and implement everything from it (I might be confused, sorry if my question does not make sense)
# [10:53] <D_Gerich> would appretiate any commends/suggestions
# [10:56] <Sharaal> D_Gerich: standard webpage and forum? I would not implement anything, I would use available things like wordpress, phpbb or something else (evaluate the things, I'm not at up to date with my recommendations) :)
# [10:56] <Sharaal> for the most available things you will need some PHP knowledge to extend them
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# [10:57] <Sharaal> for own implementations, especially if they are not normal webpages or standard things, if they are web applications, there are better alternatives for PHP
# [10:57] <D_Gerich> I wasnt planning to write the whole forum myself, i do plan to use open source libraries and so on, its just there is so many to choice from that it becomes confusing where to start and what to focus on
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# [10:59] <D_Gerich> I already have a lot implemented in the backend, I collect gaming information via addon for the games my community playes, and store it in a database on my server, and working on teamspeak integration to use the same database of users, now the website should fit within this system, and from what i understand I can extend the forum/user account management to use the information about the players
# [10:59] <Sharaal> if you want to stay near the java world you can have a look at scala with play framework. otherwise for applications node.js + single page applications with angular.js, react, … works pretty good. for a forum I would use node.js, but especially for open source PHP is easier to use if you want to publish it
# [10:59] <D_Gerich> problem is I cant figure out what language/technology I should study to simply get started on making the front page etc
# [11:01] <D_Gerich> thank you, ill google about those
# [11:01] <D_Gerich> applications will probably not be on the website/user end, and mostly will happen on the server, with website just getting the information from the DB to complement user profiles, and output some statistics
# [11:02] <Sharaal> seo relevant or is seo not important?
# [11:03] <D_Gerich> somewhat but probably not at the moment, i plan to work on the site for as long as it takes and use it as a learning tool, before actually publishing it, when it does become better than the templated website we use now from enjin platform
# [11:04] <D_Gerich> seo could be added later on as far as I understand, and since its not a commercial website, most people who will see it already know where it is, so no i guess seo is not at all important
# [11:05] <D_Gerich> sorry, just finished watching about 7~ hours of educational videos and my mind is all over the place
# [11:05] <Sharaal> I used node.js + swig first time for my last freelancer project and was really charmed by it. but all technologies will work somehow, some are better in this things, some are better in other things
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# [11:06] <Sharaal> the thing I ask about seo, seo means it should be server side rendered. single page applications with seo are not that easy/nice
# [11:06] <D_Gerich> that what i keep on reading, every technology group/creators boast about how good they are at something, but I cant figure out which one of them will be good for my needs
# [11:07] <Sharaal> other thing I used node.js + swig is my landingpage for my current private project, if you want to show: http://dragonuniverse.de
# [11:07] <Sharaal> the source code is available by the link in the footer :)
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# [11:08] <D_Gerich> thank you ill take a look at it for sure
# [11:09] <D_Gerich> this is the current website we use guildvnv.com
# [11:09] <D_Gerich> basicly I am trying to make something similar, but since it wont be locked to some platform, id like to expand it with my own code to add the functionality like i described
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# [11:14] <Sharaal> I would try node.js, but for me its more show how the technology will perform and whats the bad things for it because currently I switch professional from php to node.js, so I try all my things in node.js :)
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