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# Session Start: Sat Jun 06 00:00:00 2015
# Session Ident: #html5
# [00:03] * Joins: laurensc_ (~laurenscl@d54C5C6EF.access.telenet.be)
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# [00:46] <siervo> hello
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# [01:31] * Butt3rfly is now known as Ametrine
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# [01:48] * Betal_i is now known as Betal
# [01:51] * Quits: mellybean (~Adium@ (Quit: Leaving.)
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# [03:06] * Ametrine is now known as Butt3rfly
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# [05:23] <jj2212> Is there a tool to help visualize/parse your document outline?
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# [05:42] <chovy> is it possible to overlay something ontop of a video player in fullscreen mode?
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# [05:57] <Prelude2004c> hey everyone.. can i get some help on something.. is it possible to set up a webpage to only load an icon if someone is online.. eg.. i have a chat button for life chat
# [05:57] <Prelude2004c> i dont wnat to show the live chat ( offline ) button
# [05:57] <Prelude2004c> when agents are offline, it hides the icon
# [05:57] <Prelude2004c> when they are online it shows up
# [05:57] <Prelude2004c> any way to do that ?
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# [06:22] <Prelude2004c> nevermind ..
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# [12:35] <DjMadness> hi guys i was wondering would <section></section> be bad practice for the content of a page ? (dividing up into header, footer, nav and section)
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