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# Session Start: Fri Aug 28 00:00:00 2015
# Session Ident: #html5
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# [05:30] <Jimu> need some help with capturing video from a tablet camera. The problem is the resolution is too low. Far lower than the camera is capable of. Changing the dimensions in the video options seem to have no effect
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# [08:17] <JamesHalliday__> anyone willing to spend 2 min. looking into an issue I'm having w/ a video demo page and video.js (thumbnails / playlists) ?
# [08:19] <JamesHalliday__> might be easy to identify just via javascript console I'm just not too familiar with video.js or the CSS I'm applying to it
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# [09:15] <mr_lou> I have a contextmenu (as in right-click-able) div. Works fine.
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# [09:15] <mr_lou> The I add a <a href> also with a contextmenu.
# [09:15] <mr_lou> But right-clicking my anchor href gives me the context menu of the div.
# [09:16] <mr_lou> Does anyone have any ideas about how I can fix this?
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# [23:28] <skcin7> Ok so my web app has 3 sections: <header>, <div class="main">, and <footer>. What's a tag I can use instead of <div class="main"> ?
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# Session Close: Sat Aug 29 00:00:00 2015
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