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# Session Start: Sun Sep 06 00:00:00 2015
# Session Ident: #html5
# [00:04] * Quits: manuelbieh (~manuelbie@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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# [00:08] <ThePolarCat> test
# [00:08] <ThePolarCat> hello
# [00:09] <ErrorCode> hello test
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# [03:36] <garyserj> when on http://ge.tt you click and a file open dialog box comes up, what language is that?
# [03:36] <garyserj> is it HTML5? javascript?
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# [04:14] <millican> exit
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# [04:50] * Parts: stardiviner (~stardivin@unaffiliated/stardiviner) ("Coding...now, reply later, or call my girlfriend/boyfriend to stop ML.")
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# [11:46] <kn0wledge> Hi can someone take a look at my HTML5 script and tell me what I've done wrong for almost everything you hover over on the page to link to the video page?
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# [13:09] <dave_the_rave> anyone on?
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# [13:47] <ropo> under the <video> tag, what does preload="metadata" do?
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# [13:49] <ropo> under the <video> tag, what does preload="metadata" do?
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# [14:24] <garyserj> when on http://ge.tt you click and a file open dialog box comes up, what language is that?
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# [17:16] <pewpau> href="a file with spaces.avi" do I urlencode that?
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# [19:35] <mr_lou> pewpau, Just put %20 instead of spaces.
# [19:35] <mr_lou> href="a%20file%20with%20spaces.avi"
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# [19:35] <mr_lou> pewpau, Better safe than sorry.
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# Session Close: Mon Sep 07 00:00:00 2015
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