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# Session Start: Mon Sep 14 00:00:00 2015
# Session Ident: #html5
# [00:02] * Joins: Betal (~Betal@unaffiliated/betal)
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# [03:37] <_faa> Hi all. Is a Macintosh necessary to get a mobile html5 app published on Apple AppStore? I have never developed app running on ios before
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# [08:58] <ozd> hi
# [08:58] <ozd> i have got an input of type number with min and max properties
# [08:58] <ozd> if I use arrows to increase and decrease it stops in the limits
# [08:58] <ozd> but by my keyboard I can enter any number I wnat
# [08:58] <ozd> is there any way to avoid that?
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# [11:04] <pbiendl> Hey Guys, is there a CSS-Selektor to select all <a>-Tags with <img>s inside (without jQuery)?
# [11:06] <pbiendl> "img + a" only selects a-tags which are directly following after images - but i need this if the image is *inside* the a
# [11:07] <pbiendl> And "a > img" selects the img, not the a
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# [11:12] <Ms2ger> No
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# [11:27] <atmosx> hello
# [11:27] <atmosx> I'm using https://validator.w3.org/ to validate my blog's HTML ... but I keep getting this error
# [11:28] <atmosx> A meta element with an http-equiv attribute whose value is X-UA-Compatible must have a content attribute with the value IE=edge. .. I'm using <meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
# [11:28] <atmosx> but for some reason the validator complaints, any ideas?
# [11:28] <atmosx> here https://validator.w3.org/nu/?showsource=yes&doc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.convalesco.org%2F
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# [11:42] <Sendoushi> hey guys... anyone into svg animation?
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# [11:47] <swahili> Hi
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# [11:49] <swahili> Q: I'm doing some research for a project that I'll use getUserMedia, capture a snapshot, place it on canvas. Ideally, I'd like to crop this image, in a circular shape or other. I'd like to know if there's any recommendations to work on canvas, any good libraries ? I've found about fabric.js and easel.js so far.
# [11:49] <swahili> Any suggestions are appreciated, thank you!
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# [12:36] <chilversc> can I force a specific field order when posting data separate from the document order without using javascript?
# [12:36] <chilversc> eg, with a multipart/form-data, force all the file fields to be sent last, after the other form fields
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# [16:12] <asw_> Hi. Suppose I have a floor plan. I want to place a html button on a specific location on the image, say on the door. When the button is pressed, some action is performed. Can this be done? https://www.quora.com/Is-it-possible-to-place-html-buttons-on-an-image-floorplan
# [16:14] <dahlfors> yes you can perform actions by pressing certain locations in an image. there are many ways of doing it. image maps or canvas element would probably be the preferred ways
# [16:16] <asw_> dahlfors: Thanks. That is a relief. But what if the webpage needs to be viewed on mobile devices? Will the button appear on different locations on the image on different screen-sizes?
# [16:16] <dahlfors> I'd say google for something like "jquery split image into clickable zones"
# [16:16] <dahlfors> you can probably find a jquery plugin that has the functionality you need
# [16:17] <asw_> dahlfors: would angularjs be able to do the job?
# [16:17] <dahlfors> that's not what angular js is
# [16:17] <dahlfors> so no, not by itself
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# [16:18] <asw_> dahlfors: some ready angularjs library?
# [16:18] <dahlfors> but you can load in jquery and other js frameworks and use them in something built with angular js
# [16:18] <dahlfors> what are you trying to do? no offense, but you sound lost
# [16:18] <asw_> dahlfors: can jquery work together with angularjs at the same time? No conflict?
# [16:19] <asw_> dahlfors: i'm lost, indeed. Not familiar with web application.
# [16:21] <dahlfors> yes, you can use both
# [16:22] <dahlfors> anyway. you'll find plugins that can split up an image into clickable zones for whatever use
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# [16:22] <dahlfors> doing that in a responsive way that works on mobile means that you'll have to quite a few things into account
# [16:23] <dahlfors> touch areas should never get too small
# [16:23] <dahlfors> and doing something like that on mobile might make you end up with a mess
# [16:24] <dahlfors> the trend today is to make things responsive and mobile-first. clickable areas to me sounds like something that would be more useful on a full desktop - not on a mobile
# [16:24] <dahlfors> so you'll have to find some alternative method for mobile
# [16:24] <dahlfors> if this is the first thing you're doing with html5 and frameworks you might be taking water over your head... so keep it simple
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# [16:28] <asw_> Someone came out with a solution. http://codepen.io/anon/pen/pjgNwM
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# [19:16] <gadlol> Hi guys. I face a strange problem with html5 fileapi. First time I drag n drop an image to canvas works fine but second time the e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files is empty. Do you may know why that happens?
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# [19:25] <gadlol_> Hi guys. I face a strange problem with html5 fileapi. First time I drag n drop an image to canvas works fine but second time the e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files is empty. Do you may know why that happens?
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# [20:23] <Katharsis> how use grayscale(100%) on IE11?
# [20:23] <Katharsis> i need to transform my hole website (<html>) to grayscale
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# [20:25] <hapi> lol
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# [20:26] <Katharsis> yeap ;)
# [20:26] <hapi> try with svg filter
# [20:26] <hapi> http://jsfiddle.net/KatieK/qhU7d/2/
# [20:26] <Katharsis> i need funeral version of my website
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# [20:26] <Katharsis> if somebody died
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# [20:27] <Katharsis> hapi: but its only on image
# [20:27] <Katharsis> i need css colors too
# [20:27] <hapi> you have to define your own styles to do that
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# [20:29] <Katharsis> hapi: i don't, grayscale(100%) on <html> gives me what i need
# [20:29] <Katharsis> but it doesn't work on IE11
# [20:33] <hapi> i never tried anything like this :D
# [20:33] <hapi> and it's a strange idea. these filters are really heavies and takes much cpu load
# [20:33] <hapi> easily kill any older pc/browser
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