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# Session Start: Wed Jul 29 00:00:00 2009
# Session Ident: #microformats
# [00:11] <mfbot> JordanClark edited hcard-examples-in-wild "Added link to my hCard page" (+162) http://is.gd/1REJZ
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# [00:32] <mfbot> Rohit edited weekly-meetup "/* San Francisco */ " (+146) http://is.gd/1RG5h
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# [00:34] <Guest64484> no meetup tonight, right?
# [00:34] <Guest64484> er, Rohit here. Don't knwo what's with my irc client
# [00:35] <singpolyma> I've not heard anything about one. I would expect not, since we just came off the devcamp
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# [00:40] <@tantek> Rohit - you need to register your nickname with nickserv per http://microformats.org/wiki/irc#Creating_a_registered_nickname
# [00:48] <mfbot> Tantek edited weekly-meetup "/* San Francisco */ cafe style helps" (+410) http://is.gd/1RH4u
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# [20:46] <hober> Is it OK to use the headers="" parsing stuff with microformats other than hCalendar? http://microformats.org/wiki/hcalendar-brainstorming#Tabular_event_calendars
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# [21:54] <@tantek> hober - yes I think it is
# [21:55] <@tantek> I believe X2V implements it in a generic fashion
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# [22:08] <hober> operator too
# [22:11] <@tantek> yes, that sounds right.
# [22:11] <@tantek> In general, X2V seems to implement things first, and the Operator quickly follows suit (as well as Optimus)
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# [22:12] <@tantek> I think the path forward at this point is to write more simple/modular test cases
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# [23:18] <@tantek> e.g. http://microformats.org/wiki/value-class-pattern-tests
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# Session Close: Thu Jul 30 00:00:00 2009
The end :)