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# Session Start: Sat Sep 05 00:00:00 2009
# Session Ident: #microformats
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# [11:55] <to_> hi, in my hcard, I don't want to display my name directly, but I'd like to embed it in my photo with the alt attribute of the img tag, eg: <img class="fn" src="http://gravatar.com/me " alt="Antoine BERNIER" />. But how to embed my nickname too in this img tag?
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# [13:03] <to_> I'm making a identity page on my website http://www.abernier.name/id.html in order to embed hcard which points to this ID page on different webpages I can write. On this page, I'd like to show up my twitter URL, with which hcard element can I specify it's a twitter URL ?
# [13:03] <to_> is there a way to specify the type of a URL ?
# [13:04] <to_> for example, my twitter account, my flickr one...
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# [19:58] <to_> tantek: hi, just want to tell you I love your http://tantek.com/CSS/Examples/bathroomtiles.html
# [19:58] <to_> very neat idea
# [19:58] <@tantek> heh thanks!
# [20:01] <to_> can I show you a design from me?
# [20:02] <to_> tantek: http://www.abernier.name/griddesign
# [20:06] <@tantek> pretty
# [20:06] <@tantek> have you taken a look at the licensing microformat work in progress?
# [20:07] <@tantek> take a look at the item-license brainstorm: http://microformats.org/wiki/licensing-brainstorming#item_as_container
# [20:08] <to_> you mean to license each page separatly?
# [20:08] <TabAtkins> Ooh, to_, I like that. Very slick.
# [20:08] <to_> TabAtkins: thank you :)
# [20:12] <TabAtkins> I might watch for a resize event and reposition the viewport - as it is, when the screen resizes the grid does as well, but the viewport stays in the original position which won't align to the cell boundaries.
# [20:13] <to_> TabAtkins: yeah but it's a browser limitation
# [20:13] * TabAtkins keeps this in mind for slideshow purposes, too.
# [20:14] <TabAtkins> Well, not really. Browsers aren't *supposed* to reposition the screen to keep the anchor at the same place at all times.
# [20:14] <to_> TabAtkins: we may add some js to fix this
# [20:15] <TabAtkins> Yeah, you're already leaning on a bit of js to style the active cell in the nav. This is similarly small of an effect, and can be addressed through js no problem.
# [20:16] <to_> TabAtkins: you may also like http://www.abernier.name/horizontaldesign/ :)
# [20:17] <TabAtkins> Heh, yup. Very cool design. I like it.
# [20:20] <to_> anchors power :)
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# [20:28] <to_> what html tag would you use in the legend "horizontaldesign by abernier is licensed under a Creative Commons Licens" to display 'horizontaldesign: <em> ?
# [20:34] <TabAtkins> Nah, probably just a <p>. Or if you're getting all HTML5-y, a <footer>.
# [20:39] <to_> TabAtkins: no but for the "product" title, mean 'horizontaldesign' or 'griddesign'... shouldn't I emphasis them?
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# [20:39] <TabAtkins> You could. You're not really *emphasizing* them, though, but rather calling them out as important. So <strong>.
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# [20:39] <TabAtkins> Or <b>/<i>.
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# [20:40] <to_> ok, strong ;) thank you
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# [20:52] * to_ is wondering if tantek bathroom walls look like http://tantek.com/CSS/Examples/bathroomtiles.html ...
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# [20:59] * gsnedders wonders how they implement the :hover
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# [21:39] <TabAtkins> gsnedders: gaze tracking. Tantek already had a series of webcams covering his bathroom, so it was fairly simple to layer this on top.
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# Session Close: Sun Sep 06 00:00:00 2009
The end :)