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# Session Start: Wed Apr 20 00:00:00 2011
# Session Ident: #microformats
# [00:05] * Quits: Soopaman (~soopaman@surf3.net.rss.rogers.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
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# [01:09] * Joins: rocky1138 (~chatzilla@dsl-173-248-193-214.acanac.net)
# [01:11] <rocky1138> Question about rel="me": the wiki / microformats rel registry defines it as "used on hyperlinks from one page about a person to other pages about that same person."
# [01:11] <rocky1138> but what about if the 'person' is a company
# [01:12] <rocky1138> e.g., a company's website links to their twitter account with rel="me"
# [01:12] <rocky1138> seems like the whole point of rel="me" is to define actual people on the web/net
# [01:19] * Joins: Amorphous (jan@unaffiliated/amorphous)
# [01:39] <csarven> rocky1138 I believe rel=me is applicable to one profile to another. It is commonly used for people but orgs are okay too.
# [02:27] <rocky1138> brilliant. thank you
# [02:45] <csarven> rocky1138 I'm not sure about its brilliance. You get others' view as well or preferably source to some sort of a documentation about it whether the concept of identity for people is disjoint with the concept of identity for organizations. I think most of the documentation seems to use wording to describe it around peoples profiles, but in the end it might simply be about profiles in general and applicable to all sorts of enti
# [02:48] <rocky1138> I'm leery of using it since, to me, data integrity is paramount
# [02:48] <csarven> In the past I've used it for groups as well
# [02:49] <csarven> e.g., http://identi.ca/group/ux
# [02:51] <csarven> And apparently I've used it for orgs too e.g., http://www.more.ca/
# [02:52] <rocky1138> does rel="me" affect SEO?
# [02:54] <csarven> Does anything? =)
# [02:54] <csarven> I haven't seen any evidence for either way.
# [02:54] <rocky1138> fair enough :)
# [03:08] * Joins: Soopaman (~soopaman@dsl-69-171-137-165.acanac.net)
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# [06:28] * Quits: Askarii (~Askarii@ (Quit: Leaving.)
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# [16:36] <Askarii> I know google has support for product microdata markup
# [16:36] <Askarii> but what about professional services?
# [16:50] <Askarii> ...
# [18:05] * Joins: csarven (~csarven@dhcp-0-18-f8-35-d5-97.cpe.quickclic.net)
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# [19:29] <rocky1138> @Askarii I'm not sure if a distinction is made between products and services in microdata
# [19:30] <rocky1138> Makes sense to me but I've not heard or seen anything
# [19:48] <Askarii> alright
# [19:48] <Askarii> thx rocky1138
# [21:30] * Joins: milk_ (~milk@94-193-93-226.zone7.bethere.co.uk)
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# Session Close: Thu Apr 21 00:00:03 2011
The end :)