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# Session Start: Thu Sep 15 00:00:00 2011
# Session Ident: #microformats
# [00:36] * Quits: Amorphous (jan@unaffiliated/amorphous) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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# [02:10] * Quits: @tantek (~tantek@c-76-105-159-199.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: tantek)
# [02:21] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/jrgarou] Meta tags, trackEvent, titles, <hX>, microformats, microdata, semântica tinindo, enfim, tudo lindo. Alguém já recebeu um feedback disso?
# [02:29] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/delicious_feed] Extending HTML5 — Microformats | HTML5 Doctor http://t.co/BkZF62zT
# [02:34] * Quits: Askarii (~Askarii@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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# [02:52] * Joins: Askarii (~Askarii@
# [03:10] <Loqi> [[bing-search]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=bing-search&diff=44583&oldid=44554&rcid=57773 * Tantek * (+104) note since date
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# [05:05] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/hirafa] Vou tomar 1 banho! @JuioRikochet Quand ofor sair call me hatom
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# [07:31] <Loqi> [[bing-search]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=bing-search&diff=44584&oldid=44583&rcid=57774 * Tantek * (+334) add sections, note breadcrumb format
# [07:31] * Parts: jwalling (~jwalling@64-40-60-34.nocharge.com) ("Konversation terminated!")
# [07:32] <Loqi> [[bing-search]] M http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=bing-search&diff=44585&oldid=44584&rcid=57775 * Tantek * (+1) /* supported formats */ s
# [08:02] * Joins: quiron (~juli@psicol-143-205.uab.es)
# [08:23] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/decshofun] The BBC, microformats, RDFa and Resig | wp2 http://t.co/66N6qRxh
# [08:38] <Loqi> [[existing-rel-values]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=existing-rel-values&diff=44586&oldid=44514&rcid=57776 * Nebestpal * (+189) /* formats */
# [08:40] <Loqi> [[existing-rel-values]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=existing-rel-values&diff=44587&oldid=44586&rcid=57777 * Nebestpal * (-6) /* formats */
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# [10:53] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/Epiphanysol] Latest blog post by @richlawre - What are @microformats and How Can They Benefit You? http://t.co/Mq6V7PIZ
# [10:55] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/SEOSubscribe] What are Microformats and How Can They Benefit You?: Microformats are the current step on the road tow... http://t.co/PrjrQbwh #Epiphany
# [10:55] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/Epiphanysol] @microformats Check out our blog post on Microformats! http://t.co/Mq6V7PIZ
# [11:01] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/SEOLinkTagstic] What are Microformats and How Can They Benefit You http://t.co/SY8w03iK #seo #sem #serps #seo #webdevelopment
# [11:01] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/jdelahousse] #temis #textmining Integration share point nuxeo drupal alfresco : tres utile. Supporte les standards web sémantique rdf rdfa microformat
# [11:03] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/HaikuCoup] @ryan_digital Interesting little post on microformats http://t.co/XIfnEw6l #seo
# [11:39] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/ITBlogNet] #Semantic #Blogs What are Microformats and How Can They Benefit You? – Epiphany ...: Microformats are the curren... http://t.co/5Ok82MzA
# [11:39] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/SemanticBlogs] #Semantic #Blogs What are Microformats and How Can They Benefit You? – Epiphany ...: Microformats are the curren... http://t.co/kh35j8Ku
# [11:49] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/saschel] @rcallewaert talking bout microformats at #info11 #ttt conf http://t.co/Y8Y1iD6E
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# [14:03] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/mortlin] Har lige læst Microformats "adresseklynger" http://t.co/AKJZTlbg Godt eks. på #ODIS ! Borgerne finder fejl i offentlige grunddata
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# [15:17] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/Katrinskaya] @owenbarder GrantsFire includes an easy-to-implement microformat that yields better data, see for instance htt… (cont) http://t.co/NQSmcL0r
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# [17:15] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/akamike] @josnow Read http://t.co/qjumLITT and have a look at hCard (microformats): http://t.co/g3yHE0qw
# [17:33] <Loqi> [[existing-rel-values]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=existing-rel-values&diff=44588&oldid=44587&rcid=57778 * Tantek * (+160) more clarification for use of the "formats" table (especially vs. HTML5 link type extensions), moved pingback accordingly, removed rel-shadowbox (no spec for keyword)
# [17:33] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/medicalcumulus] What are Microformats and How Can They Benefit You? – Epiphany ... http://t.co/VaAYVo5J
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# [17:52] <Loqi> [[existing-rel-values]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=existing-rel-values&diff=44589&oldid=44588&rcid=57779 * Maximdesign * (+157) /* HTML5 link type extensions */
# [17:53] <Loqi> [[existing-rel-values]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=existing-rel-values&diff=44590&oldid=44589&rcid=57780 * Tantek * (-157) removed rel-gallery proposal, URL provided does not specify anything about rel-gallery. Undo revision 44589 by [[Special:Contributions/Maximdesign|Maximdesign]] ([[User talk:Maximdesign|Talk]])
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# [18:43] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/richlawre] Plus my blog :) - What are Microformats and How Can They Benefit You? http://t.co/8cl2KIpz
# [18:45] <Loqi> [[microformats-2]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats-2&diff=44591&oldid=44582&rcid=57781 * Tantek * (+1563) /* flat sets of properties */ distinguishing properties from other classes
# [18:49] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/nlescure] #SEO et #microformats : méconnu, mais tellement pratique : http://t.co/0a4EwcGF
# [18:49] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/Heather64] What are Microformats and How Can They Benefit You? – Epiphany Solutions Digital M.. http://t.co/zKIrolbS
# [19:01] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/iricelino] How Does RDF Work in Drupal 7? http://t.co/386zDjJt | #semanticweb #drupal #RDF #RDFa #microformats #microdata
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# [19:33] <Loqi> [[breadcrumbs]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=breadcrumbs&rcid=57782 * Tantek * (+753) stub
# [19:33] <Loqi> [[breadcrumbs]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=breadcrumbs&diff=44593&oldid=44592&rcid=57783 * Tantek * (+18) see also
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# [20:41] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/bovejgaard] @soerens De brugte en halv session på at snakke om det til SMX i går, i forbindelse med Rich snippets og microformats.
# [20:43] * Quits: Askarii (~Askarii@ (Client Quit)
# [20:52] <Loqi> [[breadcrumbs-examples]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=breadcrumbs-examples&rcid=57784 * Tantek * (+477) draft started with one (classic) example
# [20:53] <Loqi> [[breadcrumbs-formats]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=breadcrumbs-formats&rcid=57785 * Tantek * (+91) stub
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# [22:46] <Loqi> [[breadcrumbs-formats]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=breadcrumbs-formats&diff=44596&oldid=44595&rcid=57786 * Tantek * (+342) add sections
# [22:46] <Loqi> [[breadcrumbs-examples]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=breadcrumbs-examples&diff=44597&oldid=44594&rcid=57787 * Tantek * (+47) process
# [22:47] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/lindzie] I'm looking for a few good examples of microdata (not microformat) showing up nicely in the SERPs. Have any to share?
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# [23:35] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/germanfrassa] Google's microformat-based rich snippets on SERPs as of date: shopping, recipes, reviews, video, events, music, and apps http://ow.ly/6vKXa
# Session Close: Fri Sep 16 00:00:00 2011
The end :)