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# Session Start: Sat Sep 24 00:00:00 2011
# Session Ident: #microformats
# [00:07] * Parts: jwalling (~jwalling@64-40-61-94.nocharge.com) ("Konversation terminated!")
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# [03:25] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/graywolf] Archives: HCards, Microformats and Address Data does it Matter for SEO http://t.co/F0WH3C8W
# [04:05] * Quits: KevinMarks (~KevinMark@c-71-204-145-244.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: The computer fell asleep)
# [04:47] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/Dari0014] Mañana pa HatoM no wiriii pa las patronales
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# [07:05] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/Nelso] For some reason, this post on microformats: http://t.co/FThp7nkg is one of the most popular on the Nelso blog.
# [07:18] * Joins: tantek (~tantek@dhcp50-94-128-31.hil-ausdthx.aus.wayport.net)
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# [09:11] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/ruub23] Zo naar microformat x
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# [10:21] <Loqi> [[User:SEOMark]] N https://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=User:SEOMark&rcid=57866 * SEOMark * (+228) New page: Search Engine Optimisation Leicester is a Leicester based online marketing agency specialising in [http://searchengineoptimisationleicester.com '''SEO Leicester'''],mobile web design, webs...
# [11:13] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/jmuletalbiach] Microformats , RDFa and next steps to follow http://t.co/ykTrtIbu
# [11:22] * Joins: quiron (~juli@
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# [12:43] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/ruub23] In de auto terug naar microformat en dan naar huis
# [12:57] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/p2kholndsmidden] 12:50:41 Prio 1 Microformat systems BV HEEREWE 331 LSE PA{ brandmelding 66636
# [12:59] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/24DutchNieuws] Prio 1 Microformat systems BV HEEREWEG 331 LISSE (LSE) PAC brandmelding 66636: BRAN | Hollands Midden | 1503330 ... http://t.co/PXnVHOaR
# [13:01] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/LisseNL] Prio 1 Microformat systems BV HEEREWEG 331 LISSE PAC brandmelding 66636 http://t.co/mylCIgpx
# [13:07] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/mens32] Da's vlak bij de kapper waar ik zit RT @LisseNL Prio 1 Microformat systems BV HEEREWEG 331 LISSE PAC brandmelding 66636 http://t.co/joeiIcmA
# [13:07] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/AzifahSaf] Lale lae gotanyo lale hana jantate umeukan tuha puteh ngojanggot kunengon mise hatom ta combe tika musala
# [13:09] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/fikisugianto81] Bahasa apa ini cobaRT @AzifahSaf: Lale lae gotanyo lale hana jantate umeukan tuha puteh ngojanggot kunengon mise hatom ta combe tika musala
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# [14:06] * Quits: quiron (~juli@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
# [14:23] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/hervebasset] Semantic web: a very nice introduction by Martin Belam @currybet in FUMSI
# [14:23] <Loqi> http://t.co/n7H0Kike
# [14:23] <Loqi> #semantic #HTML5 #opendata #microformats
# [14:37] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/Nannaafranco] Várias pessoas lendo Milton Hatom e eu com Lolita na bolsa!
# [15:37] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/Szokecica92] @_Nicole_D legalább nekes jól megy sorod :) én ba*hatom a pasikat ahogy vannak xdd
# [15:47] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/su_i_cr4ck] 트위터에 명령어 엄청 많네 -_- 자세한건 http://t.co/qtsjDk9g
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# [18:29] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/Heima_fr] Microformats http://t.co/urkzB2Zc via @alsacreations
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# [18:39] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/javascriptalert] rest: http://t.co/lM6IH6Up
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# [19:55] * Joins: kennyluck (~kennyluck@
# [19:55] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/badams] Bookmarked & Shared: Extending HTML5 — Microformats http://t.co/UsiDg0Px
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# [20:06] * Joins: jwalling (~jwalling@
# [20:07] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/studip101] Microformats-like HTML schemas that search engines will parse. Really extensive & wonderful. http://t.co/P5bI1CIc
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# [20:43] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/elilu_princesss] @t: #schemaorg syntax session: @benadida acknowledges #RDFa rel=license was based on @microformats rel-license. #history (ttk.me/t4Dy8)
# [21:14] * Quits: @tantek (~tantek@rrcs-97-79-135-130.sw.biz.rr.com) (Quit: tantek)
# [21:35] * Quits: danbri (~danbri@adsl-76-192-131-73.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
# [21:37] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/DocSheldon] @badams Bookmarked & Shared: Extending HTML5 — Microformats http://t.co/Xp5D8SpE - Nice find, Barry!
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# [23:31] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/sleslie] speculation: has someone thought to create a microformat to indicate "how to's", or is such just not needed
# Session Close: Sun Sep 25 00:00:00 2011
The end :)