/irc-logs / freenode / #microformats / 2011-10-03 / end


  1. # Session Start: Mon Oct 03 00:00:00 2011
  2. # Session Ident: #microformats
  3. # [00:03] * Quits: danbri (~danbri@ip176-48-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) (Remote host closed the connection)
  4. # [00:05] * Quits: jwalling (~jwalling@64-40-60-249.nocharge.com)
  5. # [00:06] <Loqi> [[MediaWiki]] NM http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=MediaWiki&rcid=57927 * Tantek * (+23) redir
  6. # [00:07] <Loqi> [[Mediawiki]] NM http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=Mediawiki&rcid=57928 * Tantek * (+23) redir
  7. # [00:08] <Loqi> [[parsers]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=parsers&diff=44726&oldid=43623&rcid=57929 * Tantek * (+4) /* Microtron */ main
  8. # [00:11] <Loqi> [[articles]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=articles&diff=44727&oldid=43522&rcid=57930 * Tantek * (+452) /* 2011 */ Search Engine Land: Employing Microformats & Structured Data For Enhanced Search Engine Visibility
  9. # [00:14] <Loqi> [[foswiki]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=foswiki&diff=44728&oldid=44721&rcid=57931 * Tantek * (+294) note diaspora dialogue's use of foswiki with microformatsplugin
  10. # [00:14] <Loqi> [[Diaspora]] NM http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=Diaspora&rcid=57932 * Tantek * (+22) redir
  11. # [00:22] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/microformats] @Bolster @Armstrong #hCard is a profile format, both G+ and FB export it, tons of sites support it: http://t.co/j81a60D3
  12. # [00:24] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/TaichiSakasi] bit.ly/9sQiZi Extension:RDFa: see also microformats
  13. # [00:24] <Loqi> ← Older revision
  14. # [00:24] <Loqi> Revision as of 21:53, 2 October 2011
  15. # [00:24] <Loqi> Line 236:
  16. # [00:24] <Loqi> Line 236:
  17. # [00:24] <Loqi> ...
  18. # [00:25] <@tantek> Loqi block TaichiSakasi
  19. # [00:25] * Loqi :)
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  28. # [00:29] <@tantek> Loqi !spammer @TaichiSakasi
  29. # [00:30] <@tantek> aaronpk - did I get that right? no confirmation from Loqi?
  30. # [00:32] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/Armstrong] @microformats true, but I meant something that would include all conversation data etc too /cc @bolster
  31. # [00:35] <Loqi> [[robots-exclusion]] M http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=robots-exclusion&diff=44730&oldid=44698&rcid=57933 * Tantek * (-40) Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/Parpaitas|Parpaitas]] ([[User talk:Parpaitas|Talk]]) to last version by [[User:Tantek|Tantek]]
  32. # [00:35] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:Parpaitas]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
  33. # [00:36] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/microformats] @Armstrong @bolster conversation data is included in both G+ and FB exports with #hAtom microformat. Join IRC for more: http://t.co/uiyKuuQK
  34. # [00:36] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/campuscodi] Microformat-Shiv 0.2.4 http://t.co/vMoKLwPX
  35. # [00:37] <aaronpk> hm I thought he was supposde to confirm it
  36. # [00:37] <aaronpk> oh, just !spammer:
  37. # [00:37] <aaronpk> !spammer @TaichiSakasi
  38. # [00:37] <Loqi> Got it! There are now 12 spammers blacklisted
  39. # [00:39] * Quits: quiron (~juli@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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  46. # [00:46] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/Armstrong] @microformats oh really? Didn't know that! Can't join IRC right now but thanks /cc@bolster
  47. # [00:48] <Loqi> [[hcard-examples-in-wild]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=hcard-examples-in-wild&diff=44731&oldid=44715&rcid=57935 * Tantek * (+23) move Dutch daycare hCard to orgs section in new international seciton
  48. # [00:48] * Joins: chiui (~chiui@
  49. # [00:52] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/Umionia] The Umiônia Daily is out! http://t.co/SlgOqJGV ▸ Top stories today via @wired_jp @microformats @brazil_news_j
  50. # [01:03] * Joins: Amorphous (jan@unaffiliated/amorphous)
  51. # [01:08] * Quits: @tantek (~tantek@108-199-4-64.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: tantek)
  52. # [01:08] * Quits: csarven (~csarven@ (Quit: Leaving.)
  53. # [01:28] * Quits: chiui (~chiui@ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  54. # [02:04] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/seancarlos] Move over Basic Search Results, Google Rich Snippets are here http://t.co/tvfkCa9H #articlefromthecrypt
  55. # [02:10] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/Webprotech] Move over Basic Search Results, Google Rich Snippets are here http://t.co/YtXjOpI7 via @seancarlos
  56. # [02:13] * Joins: milk (~milk@94-193-93-226.zone7.bethere.co.uk)
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  58. # [03:17] * Quits: nonge (~nonge@p5082B291.dip.t-dialin.net) (Quit: Verlassend)
  59. # [03:18] <Loqi> [[microformats-2]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats-2&diff=44732&oldid=44657&rcid=57936 * Tantek * (+1417) start drafting explicit lists of v2 vocabularies with h-card partial property list and respective compat properties
  60. # [03:21] * Joins: kennyluck (~kennyluck@114-43-112-116.dynamic.hinet.net)
  61. # [03:38] <Loqi> [[microformats-2]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats-2&diff=44733&oldid=44732&rcid=57937 * Tantek * (+78) /* Summary */ add "properties" to group properties to JSON equivalents, similar to microdata JSON data model
  62. # [03:42] <Loqi> [[microformats-2]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats-2&diff=44734&oldid=44733&rcid=57938 * Tantek * (-49) /* h-card */ root class name same as the name
  63. # [03:57] * Quits: milk (~milk@94-193-93-226.zone7.bethere.co.uk) (Quit: baaaiiii)
  64. # [04:04] * Joins: tantek (~tantek@70-36-139-219.dsl.dynamic.sonic.net)
  65. # [04:04] * ChanServ sets mode: +o tantek
  66. # [04:25] <Loqi> [[microformats-2]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats-2&diff=44735&oldid=44734&rcid=57939 * Tantek * (+1354) /* h-card */ add h-adr vocabulary and compat adr
  67. # [05:06] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/HaggleSearch] Weekend Review: Enhance Search Engine Visibility With Microformats & Structured Data http://t.co/opfXEsMS via @sengineland
  68. # [05:56] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/bigskinnyboy] Sometimes I go to add hcard microformats but change my mind because I know the client will fuck it up as it's editable.
  69. # [05:56] * Quits: quiron (~juli@ (Remote host closed the connection)
  70. # [06:04] * Joins: danbri (~danbri@ip176-48-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl)
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  72. # [06:22] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/jessicabowman] For those getting resistance on microformats, interesting article you may want to forward. http://t.co/zD2fUn5C
  73. # [06:26] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/nuttakorn] For those getting resistance on microformats, interesting article you may want to forward. http://t.co/7VwIbv5d via @jessicabowman
  74. # [07:00] * Quits: reidab (~reidab@174-143-158-98.static.cloud-ips.com) (Excess Flood)
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  77. # [07:13] <@tantek> benward, I just ran some tests and it looks like it *is* possible to have a mix of strings and objects in a JS array.
  78. # [07:14] <@tantek> so I'm thinking it's better to keep the simple property case (something that turns into a string) quite simple (without needing ".value" to access it)
  79. # [07:15] <@tantek> and thus consider using the array of values to also store the dual string+object versions of a property value
  80. # [07:17] <@tantek> the simplest case is a property has one value, which is then easy, you just get [0] and you know it's a string
  81. # [07:23] <@tantek> if/when iterating through the values array of a property, if you see an object (typeof x === "object"), then treat it as a structured version of the previous string value, rather than another value.
  82. # [07:32] <@tantek> and if you don't care about structured property values, then you can skip all the objects and just use the strings
  83. # [07:41] * Quits: patcito (~123@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  88. # [09:07] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/pramodwbcom] Local Search SEO Contact Page displays business information and also adds a QR code, hCard/vCard, Google map. http://t.co/MKJiR6Qm
  89. # [09:07] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/GovindWbcom] Local Search SEO Contact Page displays business information and also adds a QR code, hCard/vCard, Google map. http:/… http://t.co/M9oxXS7a
  90. # [09:07] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/GovindWbcom] Local Search SEO Contact Page displays business information and also adds a QR code, hCard/vCard, Google map. http://t.co/SiTy2A2Y
  91. # [09:10] * Joins: tlr (~tlr@
  92. # [09:53] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/johncusack39] Employing Microformats & Structured Data For Enhanced Search Engine Visibility http://t.co/LamS4aRK via @sengineland
  93. # [09:57] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/apprentice1234] Employing Microformats & Structured Data For Enhanced Search Engine Visibility http://t.co/cMcpFmGJ via @sengineland
  94. # [10:16] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/shokun0803] @shinichiN この辺じゃないっすか http://t.co/fqTCHuuu google先生にもあります http://t.co/ZqcjMn6V 使わないなら必要ないですけど、最近のブログなどでは利用されているようです。
  95. # [10:21] <@tantek> benward - continued - ah I remembered that I'd figured out how to put both string value and object types+properties into the same object, so amended:
  96. # [10:21] <@tantek> the array of values for a property has either a string or an object for each value
  97. # [10:23] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/frozenminds] @microformats and @portenkirchner: Thanx for the retweet. Much appreciated.
  98. # [10:24] <@tantek> if it's an object, then its .value has the string representation
  99. # [10:26] <@tantek> that's a bit neater/cleaner, that is
  100. # [10:27] <@tantek> if/when iterating through the values array of a property, if you see an object (typeof x === "object"), then treat it as value that has *both* a string value in its .value, and is an object of .types with .properties.
  101. # [10:27] <@tantek> this has two nice advantages:
  102. # [10:28] <@tantek> 1. the array of values of a property contains one entry for each value of the property from the markup
  103. # [10:28] <@tantek> 2. in the simple/common case of just string values, each entry in the array is just a string and needs no further dereferencing.
  104. # [10:36] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/frozenminds] @microformats thanx for the tweet and @portenkirchner for the retweet. Much appreciated.
  105. # [10:53] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/htmlmicrodata] The difference! Microdata, microformats and RDFa? Bottomline: RDFa = hard, microf. = unofficial microd. = official http://t.co/I0Lht9O2
  106. # [10:54] * Joins: csarven (~csarven@wlan-nat.fwgal01.deri.ie)
  107. # [11:13] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/ma2shita] microdataとmicroformatsには対応したので、あとはGoogleショッピングでどう出るか。
  108. # [11:49] * Joins: quiron (~juli@75.pool62-37-152.dynamic.orange.es)
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  110. # [12:55] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/funkyproject] @nico_somb il me semble que les http://t.co/LF8qlpyt sont plus standards mais je connais pas plus que ça schema.org
  111. # [13:07] * Quits: kennyluck (~kennyluck@114-43-112-116.dynamic.hinet.net) (Quit: kennyluck)
  112. # [13:07] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/webase] Schema.org Workshop – A Path Forward - http://t.co/YOUwpTbE #semantics #RDFa #Microdata #Microformats
  113. # [13:08] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/memimedia] Schema.org Workshop – A Path Forward - http://t.co/B1RKkGv4 #semantics #RDFa #Microdata #Microformats
  114. # [13:20] <Loqi> [[microformats-2-implied-properties]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats-2-implied-properties&rcid=57940 * Tantek * (+7158) moved from [[microformats-2-brainstorming]], wrote-up proper copy, provided JSON parsed data examples, additional patterns, rejected patterns
  115. # [13:21] <Loqi> [[microformats-2-implied-properties]] M http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats-2-implied-properties&diff=44737&oldid=44736&rcid=57941 * Tantek * (-1) cr
  116. # [13:24] <Loqi> [[microformats-2-brainstorming]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats-2-brainstorming&diff=44738&oldid=44661&rcid=57942 * Tantek * (-2563) move further simplifications to [[microformats-2-implied-properties]]
  117. # [13:29] <Loqi> [[microformats-2]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats-2&diff=44739&oldid=44735&rcid=57943 * Tantek * (+88) /* Summary */ note more details at microformats-2-implied-properties and all properties optional
  118. # [13:35] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/dicarve] Semua serba semantik di zaman Web 2.0, Microformat adalah salah satu usaha men-sematik-an HTML #libraryscience
  119. # [14:33] * Quits: jrodgers (~jrodgers@CPE000d93221ae3-CM0012c99f023e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
  120. # [15:02] <Loqi> [[microformats-2]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats-2&diff=44740&oldid=44739&rcid=57944 * Tantek * (+807) add h-geo vocabulary
  121. # [15:16] * Joins: kennyluck (~kennyluck@
  122. # [15:18] <Loqi> [[microformats-2]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats-2&diff=44741&oldid=44740&rcid=57945 * Tantek * (+1141) add h-event vocabulary start
  123. # [15:20] * Joins: MacTed (~Thud@
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  125. # [15:22] <ChiefRA> re all
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  130. # [15:53] <jaymyers> hello all
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  132. # [15:54] <jaymyers> can anyone provide me with some information on language support in microformats?
  133. # [15:55] <jaymyers> i see a brainstorming page on the wiki, not sure if concepts are actually used in practice
  134. # [15:57] <jaymyers> from what i can see people are using lang attribute
  135. # [16:06] <jaymyers> also, would lang attribute support extend to microformats 2?
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  137. # [16:28] <Loqi> [[microformats-2]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats-2&diff=44742&oldid=44741&rcid=57946 * Tantek * (+1447) add h-entry vocabulary start
  138. # [16:32] * Quits: jaymyers (~a576844@h69-11-135-206.mntimn.dedicated.static.tds.net) (Quit: jaymyers)
  139. # [16:41] <ChiefRA> tantek do you happen to know if any Search Engines support microformats 2 yet?
  140. # [16:54] <Loqi> [[parsers]] M http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=parsers&diff=44743&oldid=44726&rcid=57947 * ChiefRA * (+288) Added Rich Snippets Tool from Google
  141. # [16:55] <Loqi> [[parsers]] M http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=parsers&diff=44744&oldid=44743&rcid=57948 * ChiefRA * (+8) grammar correction
  142. # [16:55] <@tantek> hi ChiefRA
  143. # [16:55] <ChiefRA> hi tantek
  144. # [16:56] <@tantek> I don't know if any search engine has started on microformats 2 support yet - however we did discuss microformats 2 at the recent schema.org workshop with many representatives from Google, Bing, Yahoo, and a few others (Yondex, Baidu) as well.
  145. # [16:58] <@tantek> btw the Google Rich Snippets Tool is not really a standalone parser that you can programmatically use - it's more of a validator for testing purposes.
  146. # [16:59] <@tantek> ChiefRA, rather than put it on the "parsers" page, it would be more appropriate for the http://microformats.org/wiki/validators page.
  147. # [17:00] <@tantek> also note that Transformr does deliberately omit the trailing "e" - https://github.com/WebOrganics/TransFormr
  148. # [17:00] <ChiefRA> ahhh ok, my mistake.
  149. # [17:00] <ChiefRA> I'll correct that.
  150. # [17:00] <ChiefRA> I'll place the Google tool to the validators
  151. # [17:02] <ChiefRA> I'll link the Validators page also at the bottom of the Parsers page, for usability.
  152. # [17:02] <@tantek> yes that's a good idea
  153. # [17:03] <Loqi> [[parsers]] M http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=parsers&diff=44745&oldid=44744&rcid=57949 * ChiefRA * (-295) moved the GoogleTool to Validators page and a small grammar correction reverted
  154. # [17:04] <Loqi> [[parsers]] M http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=parsers&diff=44746&oldid=44745&rcid=57950 * ChiefRA * (+17) added validators page link for usability
  155. # [17:04] * Quits: jrodgers (~jrodgers@ (Quit: jrodgers)
  156. # [17:05] <Loqi> [[validators]] M http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=validators&diff=44747&oldid=43243&rcid=57951 * ChiefRA * (+300) added Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool as a microformats validator
  157. # [17:05] <ChiefRA> tantek see if you like it this way.
  158. # [17:06] <Loqi> [[validators]] M http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=validators&diff=44748&oldid=44747&rcid=57952 * ChiefRA * (+14) added link to parsers for usability
  159. # [17:09] <Loqi> [[parsers]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=parsers&diff=44749&oldid=44746&rcid=57953 * Tantek * (+44) add reference to validators to intro paragraph, sort see also
  160. # [17:09] <@tantek> looks good made a few tweaks
  161. # [17:19] <Loqi> [[validators]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=validators&diff=44750&oldid=44748&rcid=57954 * Tantek * (+160) more details for Google Rich Snippets tool, put after Optimus since it checks fewer microformats and properties than Optimus
  162. # [17:19] <@tantek> ChiefRA - made a few tweaks there too - take a look and let me know what you think!
  163. # [17:24] <Loqi> [[validators]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=validators&diff=44751&oldid=44750&rcid=57955 * Tantek * (+44) /* Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool */ also tests rel-author and rel-me indirectly
  164. # [17:39] <ChiefRA> tantek it looks nice, thanks :)
  165. # [17:39] <@tantek> Thanks for documenting it!
  166. # [17:40] <ChiefRA> yw
  167. # [17:40] <ChiefRA> tantek how can I delete the spammers pages? I don;t see any option, am I missing something from there ?
  168. # [17:40] <@tantek> where do you see them?
  169. # [17:40] <@tantek> URL?
  170. # [17:41] <ChiefRA> yeah
  171. # [17:41] <ChiefRA> they create also pages for their respective products spamming.
  172. # [17:41] <ChiefRA> I can delete the entire page content, but I don;t know how to remove the implied page.
  173. # [17:42] <@tantek> deleting the page content helps - you can replace it with just "delete me" if you want and then ask for "adminhelp" here in the channel
  174. # [17:42] <@tantek> one of the wiki admins will take care of deleting the page and blocking the spam account
  175. # [17:46] <Loqi> [[microformats-2]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats-2&diff=44752&oldid=44742&rcid=57956 * Tantek * (+1685) document sample h-event location h-card combination with parsed JSON output also
  176. # [17:47] <@tantek> benward - when you get back - I believe I've documented a fairly sufficient example of how nested microformats 2 microformats are both expressed in markup and parsed into JSON.
  177. # [17:47] <@tantek> see: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats-2#combining_microformats
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  179. # [18:08] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/neogeografen] Nu de nye ministre og folketingsmedlemer i online mashup http://t.co/AkGXzPGd #googlemapsapi #imagecutter
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  188. # [19:37] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/JudyBellem] Weekend Review: Enhance Search Engine Visibility With Microformats & Structured Data -- http://t.co/dt9oHoEy -- via @sengineland
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  193. # [21:05] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/internuts] @laurakalbag The speaker portraits are stellar, the subtle opacity via rgba is ace and i LOVE the use of microformats on speakers/schedule.
  194. # [21:07] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/laurakalbag] @internuts oh you're lovely! I appreciate your noticing the microformats, I'm a semantics obsessive :D
  195. # [21:07] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/internuts] http://t.co/fKWHHLrI Gorgeous, responsive design by @laurakalbag - Clean, semantic markup, uses microformats and looks ace.
  196. # [21:37] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/jessicabowman] For those getting resistance on microformats, interesting article you may want to forward. http://t.co/Yonp8wm7
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  206. # [22:25] <Loqi> [http://twitter.com/wjonthomas] Feels good to finally start implementing microformats and WAI-ARIA roles in sites. #hardboiled
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  222. # Session Close: Tue Oct 04 00:00:00 2011

The end :)