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# Session Start: Tue Apr 30 00:00:00 2013
# Session Ident: #microformats
# [00:00] <@tantek> https://twitter.com/microformats/status/328992420463271936
# [00:00] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/microformats :: Nicely done @Svbtle and @AppDotNet! Both launched rel=me support, e.g. http://t.co/ExGLChW9O5 and https://t.co/ZJm50nZfzL
# [00:19] * Joins: barnabywalters (~barnabywa@89-160-138-106.du.xdsl.is)
# [00:21] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/Martin_Cooney :: Chk this one: Review of Author hReview for Serious Bloggers http://www.cooney.com.au/review-of-author-hreview-for-serious-bloggers
# [00:21] <Loqi> #authorrating
# [00:30] * Joins: bnvk (~bnvk@85-220-20-44.dsl.dynamic.simnet.is)
# [00:38] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/urrrecords :: RT @blogengage @hishaman Author hReview the #hottest new plug-ins http://www.blogengage.com/blogger/enrich-your-product-reviews-with-author-hreview-plug-in/ to hit the #market #bloggers @FamousBloggers
# [00:39] * Quits: barnabywalters (~barnabywa@89-160-138-106.du.xdsl.is) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
# [00:41] * Quits: jalbertbowdenii (~albert@ip98-183-198-165.hr.hr.cox.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
# [00:44] <Loqi> [[y yo llevamos una semana petandoos el TL diciendo que nos vemos hoy y sabéis qué HOY NOS hair loss VEMOOOOOS Oc me callo ya]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=y_yo_llevamos_una_semana_petandoos_el_TL_diciendo_que_nos_vemos_hoy_y_sab%C3%A9is_qu%C3%A9_HOY_NOS_hair_loss_VEMOOOOOS_Oc_me_callo_ya&rcid=73096 * EliasBarnett1 * (+1751) New page: [[Image:hair_loss_790.jpg|thumb|]]
# [00:45] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:EliasBarnett1]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [00:45] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Tantek * deleted "[[y yo llevamos una semana petandoos el TL diciendo que nos vemos hoy y sabéis qué HOY NOS hair loss VEMOOOOOS Oc me callo ya]]": content was spam
# [00:52] <aaronpk> tantek: I'm struggling with the in-reply-to markup on my replies
# [00:53] <aaronpk> see this example: http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2013/04/25/1/indieweb-qs
# [00:53] <aaronpk> the permalink to barnaby's post is inside the h-entry for his post
# [00:53] <aaronpk> which means it's not inside my own h-entry as a 'u-in-reply-to' URL
# [00:53] * Joins: colares (~colares@186-244-200-22.user.veloxzone.com.br)
# [00:55] <aaronpk> I believe I need to add a hidden in-reply-to link inside my h-entry to solve this, does that sound reasonable?
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# [01:02] <@tantek> yikes - hidden link!
# [01:03] <@tantek> so here's a question - what's the value in having the h-entry on barnaby's post on your post? since his is only there for context
# [01:03] <@tantek> you're not resyndicating his post (or shouldn't be), so I'm not sure it makes sense to mark it up
# [01:03] <aaronpk> aha!
# [01:03] <aaronpk> that would solve it
# [01:04] <@tantek> the reply context is *almost* just presentational anyway
# [01:05] <aaronpk> isn't it entirely presentational actually?
# [01:05] <@tantek> like should it really show up as the top of the page summary in search results for your reply?
# [01:05] <@tantek> also here's the thing - the power (and curse) of rel values is that they *do* apply to the page as a whole
# [01:06] <@tantek> so if your page as a whole represents your post
# [01:06] <aaronpk> yes, with the new mf2 parsing we discussed using the rel value solves it
# [01:06] <@tantek> then the rel=in-reply-to works at the your page to the other page level
# [01:06] <@tantek> ah ok
# [01:06] <@tantek> don't know if you saw the iterating with barnaby very late last night / early this morning (~4am PDT)
# [01:06] <@tantek> (on IRC)
# [01:06] <aaronpk> I did a bit
# [01:06] <@tantek> cool - I think we have it figured out
# [01:07] <aaronpk> what was the final resolution? was there a gist?
# [01:09] <aaronpk> oh and yes I don't want barnaby's text showing up as the page summary on my URL, for example https://www.google.com/search?q=%22replies/2013/04/25/1/indieweb-qs%22
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# [01:25] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/istiaak :: Author hReview: Show Google Rich Snippet Star Rating in Search Results http://roadtoblogging.com/show-star-rating-in-google-search/
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# [01:59] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/html5devconf :: RT @marakana: #microformats2 & #HTML5: The Next Evolutionary Step For Web Data - @t of @mozilla's video from @html5devconf -...
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# [02:03] * Joins: tealmage (~tealmage@wsip-72-214-82-253.hr.hr.cox.net)
# [02:05] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/adamedoe :: RT @html5devconf: RT @marakana: #microformats2 & #HTML5: The Next Evolutionary Step For Web Data - @t of @mozilla's video from @html5de…
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# [03:16] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/henriquemccosta :: @Luiz_HCard eu li na voz do cara kkkkkkkkkk
# [03:26] <Loqi> [[The Need For A Good Quality Vacuuming Machine]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=The_Need_For_A_Good_Quality_Vacuuming_Machine&rcid=73099 * Bjeffrey23 * (+3400) To clean traffic aisles or enhance dull parts, use a item specifically designed for surface-treated timber surfaces, such as the GHRI-favorite Bona All-in-One Hardwood Floor Mop and Cleaner
# [04:16] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/JacksonRomeu :: @Luiz_HCard kkkkkkk nao viaja ganhemos sim #ForaCOlombo
# [04:16] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/JacksonRomeu :: @Luiz_HCard perdeu as 4 ne ahruehreaurea fora o do chico kkkkkkkkk #ForaColombo
# [04:18] * Joins: danielfilho (~danielfil@
# [04:31] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/lucas_guadagnin :: RT @Joohh_Criciuma: #DescascadorDeRepolho #ForaDelfim #ForaColombo #CedupManda HAHAHAHA @Luiz_HCard
# [04:31] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/Joohh_Criciuma :: #DescascadorDeRepolho #ForaDelfim #ForaColombo #CedupManda HAHAHAHA @Luiz_HCard
# [04:31] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/Joohh_Criciuma :: @Luiz_HCard Agora sim kkk
# [04:31] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/Joohh_Criciuma :: @Luiz_HCard Aqui não tá em primeiro ainda kkk
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# [05:57] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * ChristopheDucamp * blocked [[User:Bjeffrey23]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [05:58] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * ChristopheDucamp * deleted "[[The Need For A Good Quality Vacuuming Machine]]": content was spam
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# [06:30] <Loqi> [[The Vegan Diet And Living The Vegan Life Post Dashboard]] N http://www.microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=The_Vegan_Diet_And_Living_The_Vegan_Life_Post_Dashboard&rcid=73102 * Henrywebbpml * (+3218) New page: The Vegan Diet And Living The Vegan Life<br/><br/>A healthful [http://youtu.be/6CVpP55m-I0 vegan diet] is one particular that consists of all organic plant matter. Not only is get
# [06:37] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/ALettertoMomo :: @halu1224 http://extmovie.com/zbxe/hreview/3504102 안녕하세요 저의 감상입니다^^ 감독님께서 원작소설을 쓰셨나요?
# [06:37] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/StepUpWeb :: hCard — формат, предназначенный для публикации контактной информации http://www.step-up-web.ru/hcard/
# [06:53] * Quits: colares (~colares@186-244-200-22.user.veloxzone.com.br) (Quit: colares)
# [07:11] * Joins: tantek (~tantek@m830536d0.tmodns.net)
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# [07:27] <Loqi> [[from last sat night me buy youtube views to bro]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=from_last_sat_night_me_buy_youtube_views_to_bro&rcid=73103 * ApostleBergman * (+1988) New page: [[Image:buy_youtube_views_4074.jpg|thumb|]] ATTH news out last night. Corp video with updates. Click here to view the video: I think Eleanor must make a twittah account. Right, ? :)) xx F...
# [07:29] * Quits: danielfilho (~danielfil@ (Remote host closed the connection)
# [07:35] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:Henrywebbpml]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [07:35] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:ApostleBergman]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [07:35] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Tantek * deleted "[[The Vegan Diet And Living The Vegan Life Post Dashboard]]": content was spam
# [07:35] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Tantek * deleted "[[from last sat night me buy youtube views to bro]]": content was spam
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# [10:26] <Loqi> [[KKK Porque você faz isso ai eu não payroll company aguento né Rsrs Coisa Maixxxxxx linda]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=KKK_Porque_voc%C3%AA_faz_isso_ai_eu_n%C3%A3o_payroll_company_aguento_n%C3%A9_Rsrs_Coisa_Maixxxxxx_linda&rcid=73108 * TobeBentley8 * (+2095) New page: [[Image:payroll_company_4094.jpg|thumb|]] If you are employing staff members, have the lawyer prep
# [10:29] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:TobeBentley8]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [10:29] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Tantek * deleted "[[KKK Porque você faz isso ai eu não payroll company aguento né Rsrs Coisa Maixxxxxx linda]]": content was spam
# [10:38] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/feryardiant :: I liked a @YouTube video from @marakana http://www.youtube.com/ microformats2 & HTML5: The Next Evolutionary Step For Web Data
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# [11:39] <Loqi> [[User:Moddys1951]] NM http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=User:Moddys1951&rcid=73111 * Moddys1951 * (+388) Ooty Homemade Chocolate,ooty chocolate,chocolate in ooty,ooty tea,green tea,chocolate gifts
# [11:39] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * TomMorris * deleted "[[User:Moddys1951]]": Vandalism
# [11:39] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * TomMorris * blocked [[User:Moddys1951]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [11:54] <Loqi> [[h-card-fr]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=h-card-fr&rcid=73114 * ChristopheDucamp * (+37) #redirect:[[microformats2-fr#h-card]]
# [12:19] <Loqi> [[User:mcniesep]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=User:mcniesep&rcid=73115 * Mcniesep * (+2105) Nike Air Force Ones Cheap Favors If there is
# [12:19] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:Mcniesep]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [12:19] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Tantek * deleted "[[User:mcniesep]]": content was spam
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# [13:57] <Loqi> [[introduction-ru]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=introduction-ru&diff=53080&oldid=34245&rcid=73118 * Morecc puppay * (+0)
# [14:01] <Loqi> [[introduction-ru]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=introduction-ru&diff=53081&oldid=53080&rcid=73119 * Morecc puppay * (-340)
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# [15:22] <Loqi> [[Impressionné par la cérémonie de clôture http://www.nutriresano.com de la CAN Toute la magie de lAfrique Sons et lumières]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=Impressionn%C3%A9_par_la_c%C3%A9r%C3%A9monie_de_cl%C3%B4ture_http://www.nutriresano.com_de_la_CAN_Toute_la_magie_de_lAfrique_Sons_et_lumi%C3%A8res&rcid=73120 * BrooksArredondo * (+1793) New page: [[Image:http://www
# [15:34] * Parts: adambezemek (~Adium@
# [15:47] <Loqi> [[Impressionné par la cérémonie de clôture http://www.nutriresano.com de la CAN Toute la magie de lAfrique Sons et lumières]] M http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=Impressionn%C3%A9_par_la_c%C3%A9r%C3%A9monie_de_cl%C3%B4ture_http://www.nutriresano.com_de_la_CAN_Toute_la_magie_de_lAfrique_Sons_et_lumi%C3%A8res&diff=53083&oldid=53082&rcid=73121 * ChiefRA * (-1793) spammy cont
# [15:47] * Chief|AFK is now known as ChiefRA
# [15:52] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * TomMorris * deleted "[[Impressionné par la cérémonie de clôture http://www.nutriresano.com de la CAN Toute la magie de lAfrique Sons et lumières]]": Vandalism
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# [18:07] <mwunsch> HI, just wrote out a bunch of notes about what I'm thinking about for the next version of Prism (Ruby microformat/html parser toolkit): https://github.com/mwunsch/prism/wiki/The-next-version-of-Prism
# [18:07] <Loqi> [[Le code promo conforama vous aide à posséder de tous les meilleurs raccommodées en certaines interviews de maison]] N http://www.microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=Le_code_promo_conforama_vous_aide_%C3%A0_poss%C3%A9der_de_tous_les_meilleurs_raccommod%C3%A9es_en_certaines_interviews_de_maison&rcid=73124 * Haroldahmedwvp * (+1186) New page: en compagnie de accomplir vos espaces accu
# [18:08] <Loqi> [[Le code promo conforama vous aide à posséder de tous les meilleurs raccommodées en certaines interviews de maison]] M http://www.microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=Le_code_promo_conforama_vous_aide_%C3%A0_poss%C3%A9der_de_tous_les_meilleurs_raccommod%C3%A9es_en_certaines_interviews_de_maison&diff=53085&oldid=53084&rcid=73125 * ChiefRA * (-1186) spammy content
# [18:08] <ChiefRA> mwunsch it will t ake a while until someone will come on-line but that will be read by tantek and co.
# [18:09] <ChiefRA> If you intend to bring your contribution you can remain here on this channel even idling here is ok and as soon as tantek will get online or anybody else, you'll receive a feedback.
# [18:09] <barnabywalters> hi mwunsch — I’ll have a read through in a minute
# [18:09] <ChiefRA> oh great :)
# [18:09] <mwunsch> Nothing is very microformat specific, but it explains why Prism development kind of stalled
# [18:09] <mwunsch> And some of my approach to designing the API to be more robust
# [18:09] <ChiefRA> boys have a great week and happy Easter :) See you next week. cheers.
# [18:09] <mwunsch> thanks ChiefRA
# [18:10] <barnabywalters> happy easter ChiefRA :)
# [18:10] <ChiefRA> you're welcome mwunsch
# [18:10] * Parts: adambezemek (~Adium@75-121-155-249.dyn.centurytel.net)
# [18:21] <barnabywalters> mwunsch: unfortunately I’m not a rubyist and so can’t really add anything helpful to the discussion :)
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# [18:24] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/GnosisArts :: Just added the #hReview #microformat (a.k.a. rich snippet) to a client site. #Winning #seochat #crochat
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# [18:29] <mwunsch> barnabywalters: that's alright :-). Just trying to figure out how to build a rich html format parser in a declarative way
# [18:36] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * TomMorris * deleted "[[Le code promo conforama vous aide à posséder de tous les meilleurs raccommodées en certaines interviews de maison]]": Vandalism
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# [18:37] <@tantek> mwunsch - you may want to take a look at the ruby microformats2 parser that jlsuttles has been developing
# [18:37] <mwunsch> https://github.com/G5/microformats2 ?
# [18:38] <@tantek> yes - that's it
# [18:38] <mwunsch> I have :-)
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# [18:38] <@tantek> awesome - please help contribute! or feel free to incorporate into Prism - either way - there's good potential
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# [18:40] <mwunsch> Yeah, I think Prism is slightly different, in that Prism is trying to make it easy to build micforomat parsers, so it's likely that microformats2 might be able to build their parsers on top of Prism
# [18:41] <@tantek> mwunsch - except that microformats2 is *much* simpler to parse
# [18:41] <@tantek> so it likely doesn't need the full power of Prism
# [18:41] <mwunsch> Fantastic :-)
# [18:42] <@tantek> we've defined the parsing model independent of any particular microformats vocabulary, so there's also less reason to make it continuously extensible
# [18:42] <@tantek> and we've frozen the set of supported microformats1 vocabularies
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# [18:48] <Loqi> [[recently-in-microformats]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=recently-in-microformats&diff=53086&oldid=52901&rcid=73128 * Tantek * (+689) a few more new implementations, and recent microformats in development
# [18:50] <Loqi> [[recently-in-microformats]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=recently-in-microformats&diff=53087&oldid=53086&rcid=73129 * Tantek * (+93) /* Face-to-Face */
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# [20:36] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/Martin_Cooney :: Chk this one: Review of Author hReview for Serious Bloggers http://www.cooney.com.au/review-of-author-hreview-for-serious-bloggers
# [20:36] <Loqi> #authorrating
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# [20:56] <Loqi> [[events]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=events&diff=53088&oldid=52621&rcid=73130 * Tantek * (+470) add today's Panel: Web Standards: Myths and Realities at Data 2.0 Summit
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# [22:54] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/blackartdepot :: RT @kadirnelson: SPECIAL PUBLIC EVENT @ California African American Museum - 11:00 AM on 05/18/2013 #helioscal http://www.caamuseum.org/hcalendar/events/index.php?com=detail&eID=3443
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# Session Close: Wed May 01 00:00:00 2013
The end :)