# [02:29] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:Wcjapw701]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [04:34] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:JuliaHorton5]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [04:34] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Tantek * deleted "[[DavosKlostersda Supertalent Showgece kayakci ve boardcularin led light bulbs enfes gosterisi]]": content was spam
# [05:07] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:Flood6vessel]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [05:07] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Tantek * deleted "[[Working as a cocktail waitress in New York? while she was trying to pursue an occupation in music? a man handed her a card for an escort service. There no way these girls can break your heart.]]": content was spam
# [08:19] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * TomMorris * blocked [[User:Mu2115ywee]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [08:19] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * TomMorris * blocked [[User:Meigyzfwc]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [11:01] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * TomMorris * blocked [[User:Jingl1SHdB]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [11:02] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * TomMorris * deleted "[[Beautie headphone just got from my billets D happy greatttt small business coach]]": Vandalism
# [11:02] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * TomMorris * blocked [[User:JoannaHorne8]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [12:40] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * TomMorris * blocked [[User:BlanchSchulz4]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [12:40] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * TomMorris * deleted "[[because every time you block one they start another I realize its http://www.nutriresano.com/ odd coming from me but the inanimate objects are out of control]]": Vandalism
# [13:34] <Loqi> [[Preparing the final Car Present]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=Preparing_the_final_Car_Present&rcid=74283 * Nickmorales8621 * (+4219) Car shows are always fun events and often they are also considered fabulous family events as well. Ensuring that you plan the ultimate car show is not always easy, but with a basic strategy in effect first you can usually make the proces
# [13:53] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * TomMorris * deleted "[[Quebrada Guidetti posted outsourcing payroll a photo As she did he tried unsuccessfully to bite back a groan]]": Vandalism
# [13:53] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * TomMorris * blocked [[User:VinaCummins2]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [13:53] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * TomMorris * deleted "[[Preparing the final Car Present]]": Vandalism
# [13:53] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * TomMorris * blocked [[User:Nickmorales8621]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [14:03] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * TomMorris * blocked [[User:Jingl4ONTm]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [15:47] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * TomMorris * blocked [[User:Jingl4KnBn]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [16:28] <Loqi> https://twitter.com/magicrob :: @ismepete yeah, same. hReview working fine, hProduct is valid but no price snippet. Now struggling to find prev working examples of hprod..
# [16:43] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:Jingl4V5YS]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [16:45] <Loqi> [[How You Can Destroy Approach Fear]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=How_You_Can_Destroy_Approach_Fear&rcid=74298 * Ryakilq6ku * (+4041) New page: Approach fear must be the number one reason why some men cannot get the success they desire with girls. If you're terrified to approach women, there's no way that you will be capable of ch...
# [16:45] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:Ryakilq6ku]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [16:45] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Tantek * deleted "[[How You Can Destroy Approach Fear]]": content was spam
# [17:20] <Loqi> [[Premium Adult Cams]] N http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=Premium_Adult_Cams&rcid=74301 * Zoervin9 * (+2985) We know for sure that live xxx cams are able to offer a lot to guys who prefer to have some sexual enjoyment inside their comfort zone. You should understand that sex live cams are the simplest way for you to get relief from sexual stress. Every time
# [21:05] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:Zoervin9]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [21:05] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:Coat66close]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [21:05] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:Webportal]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
# [22:07] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Tantek * blocked [[User:Jingl1BGtU]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites