/irc-logs / freenode / #microformats / 2013-09-13 / end


  1. # Session Start: Fri Sep 13 00:00:00 2013
  2. # Session Ident: #microformats
  3. # [00:04] * Quits: jgay (~jgay@fsf/staff/jgay) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
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  9. # [01:25] * Joins: oliveiraev (~Evandro@
  10. # [01:55] <Loqi> [@iammarianat] 5 Ways the hCard Can Help Your Organization or Team's Fundraiser http://networkedblogs.com/P0d8o (http://twtr.io/cYKsBt8Jqf)
  11. # [01:55] <Loqi> [@JJIBOtoolbox] 5 Ways the hCard Can Help Your Organization or Team's Fundraiser http://networkedblogs.com/P0d8o (http://twtr.io/cYKsSZ64aD)
  12. # [01:56] <Loqi> [@NSPmatamoros] 5 Ways the hCard Can Help Your Organization or Team's Fundraiser http://networkedblogs.com/P0d8o (http://twtr.io/cYKsxGqgZs)
  13. # [02:02] * Quits: oliveiraev (~Evandro@ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  14. # [02:10] <Loqi> [[microformats2-parsing]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats2-parsing&diff=63245&oldid=59006&rcid=98806 * Tantek * (+5) /* parsing a u- property */ move when to look for value class pattern to *after* URL specific parsing, just before abbr parsing where p- parsing does it too
  15. # [02:28] * Quits: @tantek (~tantek@AMontsouris-554-1-115-143.w92-128.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: tantek)
  16. # [02:33] * Quits: ChiefRA (~RA@unaffiliated/chiefra)
  17. # [02:42] <Loqi> [@Timvmarketing] #IBOtoolbox 5 Ways the hCard Can Help Your Organization or Team's Fundraiser http://www.ibosocial.com/sburn10/blog.aspx?blogid=301184 (http://twtr.io/cYQ2QCYX_Q)
  18. # [03:45] * Quits: shaners (~shaners@cpe-76-174-8-229.socal.res.rr.com) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
  19. # [04:35] <Loqi> [@SEOmaha] what do you think? Reviews: Author HReview Plugin http://graywolfseo.com/reviews/author-hreview-plugin/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Wolf-howl+%28Graywolfs+SEO+Blog%29 (http://twtr.io/cY_Bho02qf)
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  24. # [08:28] * Joins: tobyink (~tai@host109-152-230-140.range109-152.btcentralplus.com)
  25. # [08:51] <Loqi> [@kimoftheworld] Reviews: Author HReview Plugin http://graywolfseo.com/reviews/author-hreview-plugin/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Wolf-howl+%28Graywolfs+SEO+Blog%29 (http://twtr.io/cYxD6RxjTj)
  26. # [09:05] * Joins: eschnou (~eschnou@
  27. # [09:08] <Loqi> [@tripletupla] Uso de los #microformatos y datos estructurados en páginas web http://www.latripletupla.net/2013/09/usos-microformatos-paginas-web/ #microformats #hcalendar #hcard #hreview (http://twtr.io/cYynbgeFgs)
  28. # [09:08] <Loqi> [@alfresneda] Uso de los #microformatos y datos estructurados en páginas web http://www.latripletupla.net/2013/09/usos-microformatos-paginas-web/ #microformats #hcalendar #hcard #hreview (http://twtr.io/cYynbuvVqw)
  29. # [09:13] <Loqi> [[User:ivuetcnfii]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=User:ivuetcnfii&diff=63284&oldid=63283&rcid=98845 * Ivuetcnfii * (+4838) /* or seek the services of someone */ new section
  30. # [09:14] <Loqi> [[User:ivuetcnfii]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=User:ivuetcnfii&diff=63285&oldid=63284&rcid=98846 * Ivuetcnfii * (+5870) /* First */ new section
  31. # [09:14] <Loqi> [[User:ivuetcnfii]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=User:ivuetcnfii&diff=63286&oldid=63285&rcid=98847 * Ivuetcnfii * (+5596) /* |Still|But|Nonetheless|Nevertheless */ new section
  32. # [09:15] <Loqi> [[User:ivuetcnfii]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=User:ivuetcnfii&diff=63287&oldid=63286&rcid=98848 * Ivuetcnfii * (+5537) /* relatively */ new section
  33. # [10:04] * Joins: tantek (~tantek@
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  52. # [13:18] * Joins: ChiefRA (~RA@unaffiliated/chiefra)
  53. # [13:58] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/protect]] protect * Tantek * protected "[[Effortless Advice In films free - An Analysis]]": block spam [create=sysop]
  54. # [13:58] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/protect]] protect * Tantek * protected "[[Bail Bonds and Knowing What You're Getting]]": block spam [create=sysop]
  55. # [14:30] * Joins: jschweinsberg (~user@2a02:908:f022:aa00:21c:bfff:fe73:a313)
  56. # [14:37] <Loqi> [[User:rkywsrokynwtsl]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=User:rkywsrokynwtsl&diff=63327&oldid=63319&rcid=98977 * Rkywsrokynwtsl * (+1855) /* cooperholoweski.com cheap ray bans msm665 */ new section
  57. # [14:38] <Loqi> [[User:rkywsrokynwtsl]] M http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=User:rkywsrokynwtsl&diff=63328&oldid=63327&rcid=98978 * ChiefRA * (-3768) spammy content
  58. # [14:40] <Loqi> [[Special:Log/protect]] protect * Tantek * protected "[[User:rkywsrokynwtsl]]": block spam [create=sysop]
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  65. # [15:26] <Loqi> [[events/2013-09-14-microformats2-parsing]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=events/2013-09-14-microformats2-parsing&diff=63331&oldid=63330&rcid=98988 * Tantek * (+102) linky linky
  66. # [15:30] * Quits: gjones (~gjones@cpc22-brig15-2-0-cust92.3-3.cable.virginmedia.com) (Quit: gjones)
  67. # [15:35] <ChiefRA> tantek niiiiice :) please post in the channel an update after the meeting, looking forward for you guys to come up with a proper mf2 parser.
  68. # [15:36] * Quits: eschnou (~eschnou@ (Remote host closed the connection)
  69. # [16:02] <@tantek> ChiefRA - there are several proper microformats2 parsers!
  70. # [16:02] <@tantek> that's how we're down to only a couple of issues to resolve
  71. # [16:02] <@tantek> php-mf2 is solid
  72. # [16:03] <@tantek> see http://microformats.org/wiki/parsers#microformats2_parsers for more
  73. # [16:04] <ChiefRA> hmmm thanks.
  74. # [16:04] <ChiefRA> I'll take a look :)
  75. # [16:12] * Quits: singpolyma (~singpolym@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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  80. # [17:59] <Loqi> [@richquick] “Making Microdata Sexy” I’m slightly worried this guy is gonna demo an hCard Stare app. (http://twtr.io/cZmVT6tAkM)
  81. # [18:20] <Loqi> [@richquick] Jesus. HCard. Christ. Did someone mention Microformats AGAIN?! #brightonSEO (http://twtr.io/cZoLyi4VSQ)
  82. # [18:26] * Quits: jgay (~jgay@fsf/staff/jgay) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
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  84. # [18:39] <Loqi> [[User:Pavlo3ih8f]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=User:Pavlo3ih8f&diff=63345&oldid=63313&rcid=99002 * Pavlo3ih8f * (+4059) /* cheap authentic jerseys?from chinaJox89tc - Of December 27 */ new section
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  103. # Session Close: Sat Sep 14 00:00:00 2013

The end :)