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# Session Start: Tue Dec 08 00:00:00 2015
# Session Ident: #microformats
# [00:06] * Joins: KartikPrabhu (~kartik@2602:306:3859:10e0:2c07:8fbf:5655:7cbc)
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# [02:26] <Loqi> [[hrecipe]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=hrecipe&diff=65340&oldid=65338&rcid=101729 * Hendriklee * (+392) /* related pages */
# [02:28] <Loqi> [[hrecipe]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=hrecipe&diff=65341&oldid=65340&rcid=101730 * Hendriklee * (-188) /* related pages */
# [02:54] * Joins: davidmead (~davidmead@cpe-71-66-114-193.neo.res.rr.com)
# [03:29] <Loqi> [[jf2]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=jf2&diff=65342&oldid=65293&rcid=101731 * Benthatmustbeme * (-30) correct links for jf2
# [03:44] <Loqi> [@wpulsarblog] Author hReview Plugin Review http://www.wpulsar.com/author-hreview-plugin/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #WordPress, #wp (http://twtr.io/16t9fEvcvcb )
# [03:49] <Loqi> [@rida_shah] Author hReview Plugin Review http://www.wpulsar.com/author-hreview-plugin/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #WordPress, #wp (http://twtr.io/16tA6FEPJBC )
# [04:10] * Quits: TallTed (~Thud@c-98-216-254-6.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
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# [04:29] <Loqi> [@mrcoulson] @jgarber Awesome! I'm working on an app that I think could totally benefit from hcalendar (which I see is now h-event). Thanks! (http://twtr.io/16tDgpd5jbG )
# [04:40] * Parts: davidmead (~davidmead@cpe-71-66-114-193.neo.res.rr.com)
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# [05:39] <Loqi> [@jgarber] @mrcoulson Ah, yeah, there’s a lot of good stuff in microformats v2. Much easier to implement, as well. Let me know if I can be of any help! (http://twtr.io/16tL0UU84yf )
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# [08:02] <Loqi> [[hcard-examples-in-wild]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=hcard-examples-in-wild&diff=65343&oldid=65316&rcid=101732 * Eamon123 * (+120)
# [08:04] <Loqi> [[hcard-examples-in-wild]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=hcard-examples-in-wild&diff=65344&oldid=65343&rcid=101733 * Eamon123 * (+2)
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# [09:02] <Loqi> [@Experis_IT_fr] ManpowerGroup.fr : au service des entreprises, à l’écoute du marché http://www.manpowergroup.fr/atelier-de-lemploi-devient-hreview/#.VmaOnTpkA7I.twitter (http://twtr.io/16tdFo2hoxb )
# [09:16] <Loqi> [@Experis_IT_fr] ManpowerGroup.fr : au service des entreprises, à l’écoute du marché http://www.manpowergroup.fr/atelier-de-lemploi-devient-hreview/#.VmaOqAbvkhM.facebook (http://twtr.io/16tdHHnzjML )
# [09:25] * Joins: KevinMarks (~yaaic@c-67-164-14-200.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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# [09:31] <Loqi> [@FuturSkill] .@ManpowerGroupFR : Au service des entreprises, à l’écoute du marché | Nouveau site web : http://www.manpowergroup.fr/atelier-de-lemploi-devient-hreview/ https://twitter.com/FuturSkill/status/674144314109349888/photo/1 (http://twtr.io/16tfsGTSzQo )
# [09:34] <Loqi> [@Experis_IT_fr] RT @FuturSkill: .@ManpowerGroupFR : Au service des entreprises, à l’écoute du marché | Nouveau site web : http://www.manpowergroup.fr/atelier-de-lemploi-devient-hreview/ https://t… (http://twtr.io/16tg8DMqLij )
# [10:27] <Loqi> [[hcard-examples-in-wild]] http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=hcard-examples-in-wild&diff=65345&oldid=65344&rcid=101734 * Piing * (+69) /* new and uncategorized examples */
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# [13:01] <Loqi> [@momdo_] まあ、そんなもんかなあ、みたいな/>第11章 microformats はほとんど使われていません。現在 microformats の代わりになるものが Microdata や RDFa Lite です。第12章 Atom もあまり使われていませんが、 (http://twtr.io/16tz4x67j4G )
# [13:01] <Loqi> [@momdo_] RT @tmhwq: Microformats と Atom に関する書きっぷりが哀しい / “RESTful#とは勉強会12 · GitHub” https://gist.github.com/tkawa/c33b7c265afdd5c3c827 (http://twtr.io/16tz03RBujG )
# [13:01] <Loqi> [@tmhwq] Microformats と Atom に関する書きっぷりが哀しい / “RESTful#とは勉強会12 · GitHub” https://gist.github.com/tkawa/c33b7c265afdd5c3c827 (http://twtr.io/16tyMGjTFGG )
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# [15:31] <Loqi> [@krystal45200] RT @ManpowerGroupFR: ManpowerGroup.fr : au service des entreprises, à l’écoute du marché >> http://www.manpowergroup.fr/atelier-de-lemploi-devient-hreview/ https://twitter.com/ManpowerGroupFR/status/673891515530354690/photo/1 (http://twtr.io/16uCjp89Mmf )
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# [22:01] <Loqi> [@ManpowerGroupFR] ManpowerGroup.fr : au service des entreprises, à l’écoute du marché >> http://www.manpowergroup.fr/atelier-de-lemploi-devient-hreview/ https://twitter.com/ManpowerGroupFR/status/673891515530354690/photo/1 (http://twtr.io/16un3oELpRL )
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# Session Close: Wed Dec 09 00:00:00 2015
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