/irc-logs / w3c / #webapps / 2008-11-13 / end
- # Session Start: Thu Nov 13 00:00:00 2008
- # Session Ident: #webapps
- # [00:00] * Joins: ArtB (c0646811@
- # [00:01] * Quits: tlr (tlr@ (Quit: tlr)
- # [00:04] * Joins: heycam (cam@
- # [00:54] * Joins: MikeSmith (MikeSmith@mcclure.w3.org)
- # [01:11] <MikeSmith> sicking: you there?
- # [01:11] <sicking> hey
- # [01:11] <MikeSmith> hey man
- # [01:12] <MikeSmith> I was just reading Alexey Proskuryakov's posting about the "Combining the DedicatedWorker and SharedWorker interfaces" on the whatwg list
- # [01:12] <sicking> yeah, actually writing reply to that thread right now
- # [01:13] <sicking> well, temporarily i'm doing other things, but i'll return to it soon
- # [01:13] <MikeSmith> http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2008-November/017130.html
- # [01:13] <sicking> not sure that i'll have anything too enlightning to say though :)
- # [01:13] <MikeSmith> sicking: OK
- # [01:14] <sicking> oh, hadn't seen that particular one yet, but it's true, it's already very hard for us to change anything
- # [01:15] <Hixie> i'm responding to all the worker feedback as we speak
- # [01:15] <Hixie> but i'm not really sure what to do since nobody seems to agree.
- # [01:16] <Hixie> even on what we previously agreed on.
- # [01:16] <sicking> hmm.. so one thing that i don't understand is, if both FF and webkit is doing just dedicated workers
- # [01:16] <sicking> why optimize, or even have at all, the API for shared ones
- # [01:17] <Hixie> shared workers are a pretty important feature
- # [01:17] <Hixie> i mean, things like gmail basically don't have a use for workers at all unless we have a shared worker mechanism.
- # [01:18] <sicking> yeah, we've more worried about heavy computational stuff, which gmail doesn't do
- # [01:18] <sicking> (we == moz)
- # [01:18] <Hixie> right
- # [01:19] <Hixie> that's what the dedicated ones are mostly for
- # [01:19] <Hixie> important stuff too
- # [01:22] <MikeSmith> sicking: the Mozilla implementation planned to ship in 3.1?
- # [01:23] <sicking> yes
- # [01:37] * Joins: shepazu (schepers@
- # [01:38] <Hixie> man, dealing with this feedback on workers is depressing
- # [01:38] <Hixie> half the feedback is "why don't we do X?" where X is something that the spec used to do, which got the feedback "why don't we do Y?"
- # [01:38] <Dashiva> Set up a feedback loop that forwards mail from one group to the other
- # [01:39] <sicking> i haven't read the last 5 or so messages that got posted over the last couple of days
- # [01:39] <Hixie> Dashiva: there's only one group!
- # [01:39] <Dashiva> Hixie: Even better
- # [01:39] <Hixie> i'm talking about the feedback from last september right now
- # [01:39] <sicking> but before that i don't think there was ever proposals to revert to previous versions of the spec
- # [01:39] <Dashiva> Just grab a random message from the previous iteration and use that as reply
- # [01:41] <sicking> Hixie, so just fyi, it's entirely possible that we won't be able to make any changes at this point
- # [01:41] <MikeSmith> sicking: why is that?
- # [01:41] <sicking> very close to shipping
- # [01:41] <Hixie> sicking: and what you have now is what the spec says?
- # [01:41] <sicking> Hixie, yes
- # [01:42] <Hixie> works for me!
- # [01:42] <Hixie> :-P
- # [01:42] <Hixie> i'm reluctant to change the spec unless there's a good reason anyway, given that the spec comes from considering all the use cases together
- # [01:42] <sicking> Hixie, if we do get agreement really quickly, i can ask for permission to make changes
- # [01:42] * Quits: aroben (aroben@ (Connection reset by peer)
- # [01:42] <MikeSmith> perhaps this is a (rare) case where it might mike sense to have a conference calls among the implementors to discuss disagreements and try to figure out if there is a way to get past them
- # [01:42] <MikeSmith> might make
- # [01:43] <Hixie> we had a face-to-face meeting about the api
- # [01:43] <Hixie> to get the current api
- # [01:43] <Hixie> about 2 months ago
- # [01:43] <MikeSmith> yeah
- # [01:45] <sicking> the big problem is introducing new objects and such since we have to test for leaks etc. All of our existing GC infrastructure doesn't work since this is on threads
- # [01:45] <sicking> so we had to write all new stuff
- # [01:45] <sicking> so it's scary to muck around with
- # [01:50] <MikeSmith> sicking: I would like to try to help get this resolved quickly, but not not sure what I could do to help.
- # [01:50] <MikeSmith> perhaps it'd help to talk with Maciej soon
- # [02:05] * Quits: adrianba (adrianba@ (Quit: leaving)
- # [02:50] * Quits: ArtB (c0646811@ (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
- # [04:28] * Quits: MikeSmith (MikeSmith@mcclure.w3.org) (Quit: Less talk, more pimp walk.)
- # [04:38] * Joins: MikeSmith (MikeSmith@mcclure.w3.org)
- # [06:51] * Quits: MikeSmith (MikeSmith@mcclure.w3.org) (Ping timeout)
- # [07:25] * Quits: heycam (cam@ (Quit: bye)
- # [07:44] * Joins: heycam (cam@
- # [08:40] * Joins: MikeSmith (MikeSmith@mcclure.w3.org)
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- # [12:04] * Joins: ArtB (ce846302@
- # [13:05] <MikeSmith> sicking++ (for http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2008-November/017138.html)
- # [13:08] <MikeSmith> trackbot, start meeting
- # [13:08] * trackbot is starting a teleconference
- # [13:08] * Joins: RRSAgent (rrs-loggee@
- # [13:08] <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/11/13-webapps-irc
- # [13:08] <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs public
- # [13:08] <RRSAgent> I have made the request, trackbot
- # [13:08] * Joins: Zakim (rrs-bridgg@
- # [13:09] <trackbot> Zakim, this will be WAPP
- # [13:09] <Zakim> I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot
- # [13:09] <trackbot> Meeting: Web Applications Working Group Teleconference
- # [13:09] <trackbot> Date: 13 November 2008
- # [13:09] <MikeSmith> ArtB: we having a widgets call today, or not?
- # [13:09] * MikeSmith finds not arveb
- # [13:09] <ArtB> MikeSmith - yes, it is started in #wam; please stop this meeting :)
- # [13:09] <MikeSmith> ah
- # [13:09] <MikeSmith> sorry
- # [13:09] <MikeSmith> trackbot, stop meeting
- # [13:09] <trackbot> Sorry, MikeSmith, I don't understand 'trackbot, stop meeting'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help
- # [13:09] <MikeSmith> trackbot, end meeting
- # [13:09] * trackbot is ending a teleconference
- # [13:09] <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees
- # [13:09] <Zakim> sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is
- # [13:09] <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes
- # [13:09] <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/11/13-webapps-minutes.html trackbot
- # [13:09] <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye
- # [13:09] <RRSAgent> I see no action items
- # [13:09] * Parts: RRSAgent (rrs-loggee@
- # [13:17] <MikeSmith> maxf: you around?
- # [13:17] <ArtB> maxf: are you going to participate in WebApps?
- # [13:18] <maxf> MikeSmith, yes
- # [13:18] <maxf> ArtB, hoping not
- # [13:18] <ArtB> maxf, is Arve around?
- # [13:18] <maxf> should I leave the channel?
- # [13:18] <ArtB> ... and available?
- # [13:18] <MikeSmith> maxf: no, no
- # [13:18] <MikeSmith> we are just having a Widgets call now
- # [13:18] <maxf> oh
- # [13:18] <ArtB> this channel is open to EVERYONE!
- # [13:18] <MikeSmith> and were pondering if you might want to join
- # [13:19] <MikeSmith> but sounds like not
- # [13:19] <maxf> I'm not seeing arve's on internal irc
- # [13:19] <MikeSmith> wilhelm says arve not in the office
- # [13:19] <MikeSmith> no biggy
- # [13:19] <maxf> I would be happy to join, but I expect more work eslewhere and I would quickly be in bad standing
- # [13:19] <maxf> besides, I understand arve's staying on for now
- # [13:20] <MikeSmith> maxf: yep
- # [13:20] <MikeSmith> 了解
- # [13:20] <MikeSmith> roger that
- # [13:36] <ArtB> "bad standing"?
- # [13:37] <ArtB> If WebApps Chairs enforced Bad Standing we might as well close the WG :-)
- # [13:39] <MikeSmith> ArtB: I've never liked the "bad standing" thing
- # [13:40] <MikeSmith> I think it discourages people from participating, if they can't participate every week or whatever
- # [13:40] <MikeSmith> kind of "all or nothing"
- # [13:42] <ArtB> agree
- # [13:42] <ArtB> It does make sense, however, for Editors
- # [13:42] <maxf> +1
- # [13:43] <MikeSmith> ArtB: yeah, for editors, of course
- # [13:43] <MikeSmith> editors who aren't participating should just be removed as editors
- # [13:43] <MikeSmith> plus, they should get a spanking
- # [13:51] <MikeSmith> I wonder if we should have "bad standing" status for team contacts
- # [13:51] <MikeSmith> ...or chairs...
- # [13:52] <MikeSmith> we should have a "badass standing" status
- # [14:45] * Quits: shepazu (schepers@ (Quit: Core Breach)
- # [14:45] * Joins: shepazu (schepers@
- # [14:57] * Joins: tlr (tlr@
- # [15:37] * Zakim excuses himself; his presence no longer seems to be needed
- # [15:37] * Parts: Zakim (rrs-bridgg@
- # [16:01] * Joins: aroben (aroben@
- # [16:15] * Quits: aroben (aroben@ (Connection reset by peer)
- # [16:19] * Joins: aroben (aroben@
- # [16:25] <MikeSmith> ArtB: you around?
- # [16:55] * Joins: arve (arve@
- # [17:02] * Quits: shepazu (schepers@ (Quit: shepazu)
- # [17:45] * Joins: adrianba (adrianba@
- # [19:07] * Quits: adrianba (adrianba@ (Quit: leaving)
- # [19:53] * Quits: sicking (chatzilla@ (Client exited)
- # [20:06] * Joins: arve_ (arve@
- # [20:08] * Quits: arve (arve@ (Ping timeout)
- # [20:11] * Quits: arve_ (arve@ (Quit: Leaving)
- # [20:37] * Joins: Lachy (Lachlan@
- # [20:45] * Quits: heycam (cam@ (Ping timeout)
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- # [21:57] * Quits: ArtB (ce846302@ (Quit: CGI:IRC)
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- # [23:16] * Joins: heycam (cam@
- # [23:31] * Quits: tlr (tlr@ (Quit: tlr)
- # [23:39] * Joins: sicking (chatzilla@
- # [23:53] <smaug> anyone seen Anne?
- # [23:53] <Hixie> not recently
- # Session Close: Fri Nov 14 00:00:00 2008
The end :)