/irc-logs / w3c / #webapps / 2013-05-08 / end


  1. # Session Start: Wed May 08 00:00:00 2013
  2. # Session Ident: #webapps
  3. # [00:12] * Joins: Travis (~Travis@public.cloak)
  4. # [00:23] * Quits: smaug (~chatzilla@public.cloak) (Client closed connection)
  5. # [00:25] * Joins: masayuki (~masayuki@public.cloak)
  6. # [00:29] * ArtB waves to Travis
  7. # [00:31] * Joins: marcosc (~marcosc@public.cloak)
  8. # [00:31] <ArtB> Travis, FYI, a Zakim and RRSAgent cheat sheet at http://www.w3.org/wiki/PointerEvents/Meetings#IRC_and_Meeting_Resources
  9. # [00:31] * Joins: garykac (~garykac@public.cloak)
  10. # [00:31] <ArtB> (I won't be able to join your call)
  11. # [00:32] <ArtB> garykac, FYI, a Zakim and RRSAgent cheat sheet at http://www.w3.org/wiki/PointerEvents/Meetings#IRC_and_Meeting_Resources
  12. # [00:32] <Travis> Thanks Art.
  13. # [00:32] <garykac> artb: Thanks!
  14. # [00:32] <ArtB> I can help you set Zakim and RRSAgent but I won't be able to actually join the call (at least not today)
  15. # [00:33] <Travis> ArtB: Next time, how do I setup a telco? Do I email adminreq? That didn't seem to work last time...
  16. # [00:33] <ArtB> Travis, send an email to team-webapps and I can take care of the request to adminreq
  17. # [00:33] <Travis> (oh, I see your email response now)
  18. # [00:34] <ArtB> ;)
  19. # [00:35] * ArtB needs to help his daughter study for a science test; bet you never heard that excuse used before to get out of a work meeting ;-)
  20. # [00:35] * Joins: Zakim (zakim@public.cloak)
  21. # [00:36] <ArtB> travis, garykac - how many people do you think will join your call?
  22. # [00:36] <ArtB> zakim, room for 12
  23. # [00:36] <Zakim> I don't understand 'room for 12', ArtB
  24. # [00:37] <ArtB> zakim, room for 12?
  25. # [00:37] <Zakim> ok, ArtB; conference Team_(webapps)22:36Z scheduled with code 26632 (CONF2) for 60 minutes until 2336Z
  26. # [00:37] <ArtB> PIN is 26632
  27. # [00:37] <ArtB> I'll reply to the related thread on www-dom and give the PIN
  28. # [00:39] * Joins: RRSAgent (rrsagent@public.cloak)
  29. # [00:39] <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/05/07-webapps-irc
  30. # [00:39] <ArtB> Meeting: DOM 3 Events
  31. # [00:39] <ArtB> Chair: Travis
  32. # [00:40] <ArtB> Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2013AprJun/0076.html
  33. # [00:40] <ArtB> RRSAgent, make minutes
  34. # [00:40] <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/05/07-webapps-minutes.html ArtB
  35. # [00:40] <ArtB> RRSAgent, make log Public
  36. # [00:40] <RRSAgent> I have made the request, ArtB
  37. # [00:40] <ArtB> RRSAgent, make minutes
  38. # [00:40] <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/05/07-webapps-minutes.html ArtB
  39. # [00:41] * ArtB Travis, Garykac - when you determine the scribe, please set the Scribe: and ScribeNick macros
  40. # [00:41] * ArtB is now known as _ArtB
  41. # [00:54] * Joins: smaug (~chatzilla@public.cloak)
  42. # [00:55] * Quits: Lachy_ (~Lachy@public.cloak) ("Computer has gone to sleep.")
  43. # [01:00] <Zakim> Team_(webapps)22:36Z has now started
  44. # [01:00] <Zakim> +[Microsoft]
  45. # [01:00] <Travis> Zakim, Microsoft is me
  46. # [01:00] <Zakim> +Travis; got it
  47. # [01:00] <Travis> Zakim, this is DOM 3 Events
  48. # [01:00] <Zakim> sorry, Travis, I do not see a conference named 'DOM 3 Events' in progress or scheduled at this time
  49. # [01:00] * Joins: kochi (~kochi@public.cloak)
  50. # [01:00] * Joins: real_wez (~realwez@public.cloak)
  51. # [01:00] <Travis> Zakim, this is DOM3
  52. # [01:00] <Zakim> sorry, Travis, I do not see a conference named 'DOM3' in progress or scheduled at this time
  53. # [01:00] * Travis fine Zakim...
  54. # [01:01] <Travis> garykac: Call the W3C Bridge instead of the info I sent you...
  55. # [01:01] <Travis> 6177616200
  56. # [01:02] <Travis> zakim, who is on the phone
  57. # [01:02] <Zakim> I don't understand 'who is on the phone', Travis
  58. # [01:02] <Travis> zakim, who is on the phone?
  59. # [01:02] <Zakim> On the phone I see Travis
  60. # [01:02] <Zakim> + +1.425.893.aaaa
  61. # [01:02] * Travis :-)
  62. # [01:02] <Travis> zakim, +1.425.893 is garykac
  63. # [01:02] <Zakim> +garykac; got it
  64. # [01:03] <Travis> masayuki: You alive?
  65. # [01:03] <masayuki> Travis: Yes. Thank you for inviting me.
  66. # [01:04] <Travis> Scribe: Travis
  67. # [01:04] <Travis> ScribeNick: Travis
  68. # [01:05] <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
  69. # [01:05] <real_wez> Hello all
  70. # [01:05] * Travis hey!
  71. # [01:05] <Travis> zakim, ipcaller is kochi
  72. # [01:05] <Zakim> +kochi; got it
  73. # [01:06] <garykac> travis: start by creating an agenda
  74. # [01:06] <garykac> travis: then we need to talk about timelines for action items
  75. # [01:06] <garykac> start with spec update
  76. # [01:06] <Travis> Topic: spec update
  77. # [01:07] <garykac> started with existing dom3 spec
  78. # [01:07] * Joins: Lachy (~Lachy@public.cloak)
  79. # [01:07] <Travis> garykac: ... was being edited by hand. Required tedius changes
  80. # [01:07] <Travis> ... coverted to ReSpec
  81. # [01:07] <Travis> ... (with no changes)
  82. # [01:07] <Travis> ... Then changed to ReSpec IDL
  83. # [01:07] <Travis> ... Fixed some typos
  84. # [01:08] <Travis> ... JS expands out the table now.
  85. # [01:08] <Travis> ... waiting for new repro to be ready
  86. # [01:08] <Travis> ... then we can start adding/explaining existing stuff
  87. # [01:08] * Quits: jeffh (~d871a880@public.cloak) ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client")
  88. # [01:08] <Travis> ... CVS repo is moving to Mercurial for ease/convenience
  89. # [01:09] <Travis> ... masayuki found some errors where some things weren't labelled
  90. # [01:09] <Travis> ... this will put us in a better position moving forward.
  91. # [01:10] <Travis> ... Found 15/20 issues that still need to be filed in bugzilla.
  92. # [01:10] <Travis> ... a couple are significant, I can talk about them here once we get through our other items.
  93. # [01:11] <Travis> ... the ReSpec is sittting locally...
  94. # [01:11] <Travis> ... should be only a few days till it's ready.
  95. # [01:11] <Travis> I'd like to just wait until the Repro is ready to check it in.
  96. # [01:12] <Travis> Anything else on this topic?
  97. # [01:12] <Travis> garykac: Should be it; waiting until spec is ready before filing the next round of issues.
  98. # [01:13] <Travis> Topic: Bugs!
  99. # [01:13] <Travis> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?product=WebAppsWG&component=DOM3%20Events&resolution=---&list_id=10169
  100. # [01:13] * chaals skips dialling in, because he has little to add and Travis is doing a sterling job scribing
  101. # [01:13] <Travis> I see 27 bugs, plus the 15/20 that Gary will deposit soon
  102. # [01:14] <Travis> I'd like a call for discussion on any of these bugs?
  103. # [01:14] <Travis> masayuki: Do you have any you'd like to talk about?
  104. # [01:15] <masayuki> Yeah, there are a lot of issues for naming .key values.
  105. # [01:15] <masayuki> If browser venderos can name it originally, it will break compatibility between browsers in the future.
  106. # [01:15] <Travis> garykac: We might get into bikeshedding on those...
  107. # [01:16] <Travis> ... are there any larger issues?
  108. # [01:16] <masayuki> Is vender prefixed name better for not predefined key names?
  109. # [01:16] * Quits: marcosc (~marcosc@public.cloak) (Client closed connection)
  110. # [01:16] <garykac> I would rather define them in the spec if at all possible.
  111. # [01:17] <Travis> wes: Direction we were thinking with not defined key names is to add them into the spec; vendor prefixes are dangerous because they persist.
  112. # [01:17] <garykac> It's hard to remove vender prefix once the've been added to some implementations.
  113. # [01:18] <Travis> real_wez: One topic to split up the key table into sections.
  114. # [01:18] <masayuki> I think that web apps can remove vender prefix before comparing the values, that is difference from CSS's vendor prefix.
  115. # [01:18] <Travis> ... yes, garykac had some thoughts on how to do this...
  116. # [01:18] <Travis> ... like color keys (red,blue,...) ect. seems reasonable to have a key value for those
  117. # [01:18] * Joins: marcosc (~marcosc@public.cloak)
  118. # [01:18] <Travis> ... right now, they're just all mixed into the jumbo table.
  119. # [01:19] <Travis> ... garykac wanted to split into sections.
  120. # [01:19] <Travis> garykac: Right now the key table was one gigantic table.
  121. # [01:19] <Travis> ... there was categories, but it didn't help much
  122. # [01:19] <Travis> ... additionally, we're going to want to augment this table over time
  123. # [01:19] <Travis> ... e.g., there's the Android bug to map the keys to Android..
  124. # [01:20] <masayuki> And I want a rule for browser vendoers who want to add new key value. I'd like to suggest that file a bug for new key value before implementing it.
  125. # [01:20] <Travis> ... so having some easy way of adding sub-categories (addendums) to the spec without having to re-publish the w3c spec.
  126. # [01:20] <garykac> Filing a bug for that is a good idea
  127. # [01:20] <Travis> That sounds good.
  128. # [01:20] <real_wez> Agreed
  129. # [01:20] <Travis> garykac: That's how we'd track all these issues.
  130. # [01:21] <Travis> ... if we forgot to add it to DOM3, then we may have to add it to some other place (UI Events?)
  131. # [01:21] <real_wez> The Android keys example is a good one
  132. # [01:21] <real_wez> There are a variety of Android devices
  133. # [01:21] <Travis> ... once we say we are done with DOM3, we are done--there should be some other means to augment.
  134. # [01:21] <real_wez> From different manufacturers
  135. # [01:21] <real_wez> And they all have different keys
  136. # [01:22] <masayuki> FYI: Gecko's .key value mapping table: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2013AprJun/0079.html
  137. # [01:22] <Travis> garykac: We do want these to be interoperable, and just need to come up with a process.
  138. # [01:22] <real_wez> So how do we allow those to be added in a way that's not super painful for vendors, and not super confusing for content?
  139. # [01:22] <Travis> ... we should get a bug filed to create that process.
  140. # [01:23] <Travis> real_wez: It's not just mappings, but new keys as well.
  141. # [01:23] <garykac> action: create bug in Bugzilla to figure out the best way to have addendum key tables (eg: for Android)
  142. # [01:23] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION.
  143. # [01:23] <trackbot> Error finding 'create'. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/track/users>.
  144. # [01:23] * RRSAgent records action 1
  145. # [01:24] <garykac> masayuki: Thanks for sharing the mapping table. We'll be looking at that to make sure the spec covers as much as possible.
  146. # [01:25] <Travis> I see the KeyboardEvent.locale bug...
  147. # [01:25] <kochi> Does the 'locale' issue apply to all inputevent, composition events?
  148. # [01:25] <garykac> The locale field needs to be specified properly in the DOM3 spec.
  149. # [01:25] <Travis> garykac: Yes, it's too general at the moment.
  150. # [01:25] <Travis> real_wez: masayuki made the point that it's not clear when you have a custom layout
  151. # [01:26] <kochi> if so, it also applies to IME API spec.
  152. # [01:26] <Travis> ... if you have users with their own changed keyboard
  153. # [01:26] <garykac> wez: Masayuki brought up point of custom keyboards - what is the proper way to handle that
  154. # [01:26] <Travis> ... if we're relying on that layout and JS to understand layout--makes it much more fragile.
  155. # [01:26] <Travis> garykac: it's a keyboard event, not a core event--applies not to composition event.
  156. # [01:27] <Travis> garykac: locale (we have a bug tracking that)
  157. # [01:27] <masayuki> Travis: composition event has .locale too.
  158. # [01:27] <Travis> real_wez: would we be better off having a way to get the current state of the keyboard?
  159. # [01:28] <Travis> ... a code to keyvalue, low-level API?
  160. # [01:28] <Travis> ... would be harder for implementors.
  161. # [01:28] <Travis> masayuki: Yes, same general problem for composition events too. (It's too general)
  162. # [01:29] <kochi> travis, masayuki: then it also applies to IME API as it is basically combined with composition events
  163. # [01:29] <garykac> ugh. yes. CompositionEvents have locale as well. :-(
  164. # [01:29] <real_wez> If you look at the note on the "locale" field what you see is that it makes clear that it's not necessarily "correct" in a lot of cases
  165. # [01:30] <real_wez> So my question is what is "locale" _intended_ to solve? :)
  166. # [01:31] <masayuki> I tried to implement .locale on Gecko at the end of April. However, on Mac, we cannot get country/area code. So, on Mac, nobody can return "en-US" like IE. Just "en".
  167. # [01:32] <garykac> masayuki: that's sad to hear.
  168. # [01:32] <garykac> we need to have a locale spec that can actually be implemented on all platforms
  169. # [01:32] <Travis> kochi: To predict LTR/RTL key based on locale (another use case)
  170. # [01:32] * Joins: glenn (~gadams@public.cloak)
  171. # [01:33] <Travis> real_wez: Is it the case that the locale can be associated with the window, not the events.
  172. # [01:33] <Travis> ... does it help?
  173. # [01:33] <garykac> does that help?
  174. # [01:33] <Travis> ... It helps know the state of the input system.
  175. # [01:33] <masayuki> I'm not sure whether we can implement .locale on Linux. I have a hint for that https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=680832#c8 but I don't check it actually.
  176. # [01:34] <garykac> We'll want to have a proof-of-concept on each platform before signing off on the locale spec
  177. # [01:35] <Travis> IME API will expose locale as a state object on an input context. Might be worth considering this in the big picture.
  178. # [01:35] <garykac> is the locale exposed by the IME API is a BCP-47 string?
  179. # [01:35] <Travis> kochi: The locale should be BCP47 based. (on the IME API)
  180. # [01:35] <garykac> kochi: it should be
  181. # [01:35] <kochi> IME API defines it is BCP-47 string
  182. # [01:36] <Travis> garykac: locale might be the riskiest part of the spec, since it's the least understood (by me)
  183. # [01:36] <Travis> ... one other big thing:
  184. # [01:36] <Travis> ... what we do with keypress vs textinput (and the char attribute)
  185. # [01:37] <Travis> ... keypress is deprecated
  186. # [01:37] <Travis> ... textinput was removed because HTML5 input event subsumed it's behavior.
  187. # [01:37] <Travis> ... but it doesn't work quite the same way
  188. # [01:37] <Travis> ... I think we need to add textinput back in. For folks currently using keypress
  189. # [01:37] <Travis> ... additionally, if keypress is deprecated, then char attribute is useless
  190. # [01:38] <Travis> ... if we don't have keypress then the char discussion are irrelevant.
  191. # [01:38] <Travis> ... textinput event just gives you data (the string)
  192. # [01:38] <Travis> The keydown/up events describe the char that will happen, no?
  193. # [01:39] <Travis> garykac: Dead keys violate this assumption (can cause multiple keypresses)
  194. # [01:39] <Travis> ... in the common case you can, but in general no you can't.
  195. # [01:39] <garykac> There isn't a 1-1 correspondence between keydown/keyup and keypress
  196. # [01:39] <masayuki> Travis: textinput event you said is fired *before* text editor's content is changed?
  197. # [01:40] <Travis> garykac: What we have in the spec is that dead keys should be implemented as composition events!
  198. # [01:40] <Travis> ... (I was surprised by this.)
  199. # [01:40] <Travis> ... section 2.2.3
  200. # [01:40] <garykac> 6.2.3 Dead keys
  201. # [01:40] * Quits: marcosc (~marcosc@public.cloak) (Client closed connection)
  202. # [01:40] <garykac> http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#keys-DeadKeys
  203. # [01:40] <Travis> masayuki: Yes, that is correct.
  204. # [01:41] <garykac> YEs, the textinput can be canceled because it happens before the text field is updated
  205. # [01:42] <masayuki> Okay, thank you.
  206. # [01:42] <Travis> ... there was some weirdness in the examples (combining circumflex unicode instead of dead_acute)
  207. # [01:42] <Travis> ... These examples need fixing
  208. # [01:43] <Travis> Anyone else want to discuss a bug or bug category?
  209. # [01:43] <Travis> garykac: keypress and char is my biggest open question.
  210. # [01:43] <masayuki> me too.
  211. # [01:44] <Travis> real_wez: DOM3 event seems to indicate that char is valid on keyup/down, but is not generally the case outside of latin characters
  212. # [01:44] <Travis> garykac: you'd have to have JS implement a full IME just to figure it all out.
  213. # [01:45] <Travis> real_wez: given that composition events have to indicate that character event has been generated...
  214. # [01:45] <Travis> ... one option is to fold the composition event model into the textinput model
  215. # [01:45] <Travis> garykac: What's nice is that you listen to one event. But with composition events, you have a begin/end pair.
  216. # [01:46] <Travis> ... you end up with two events. Unless we allow the compositionend event existed without a start.
  217. # [01:46] <Travis> ... I've heard folks don't want to fire more events than necessary.
  218. # [01:46] <Travis> I agree too
  219. # [01:49] <Travis> real_wez: We could drop char entirely if we have a separate event that contains the "char".
  220. # [01:49] <Travis> ... with char on keydown/up, you can use that to see if those will generate character input or not; but in general, it's not reliable.
  221. # [01:49] <masayuki> For i18n and better a11y of Web Apps, textinput approach is better since it doesn't depend on input device.
  222. # [01:49] <Travis> ... composition events give that information via another route. So the key -> character mapping is not always clear.
  223. # [01:49] <real_wez> You mean better than keypress+char?
  224. # [01:50] <Travis> garykac: New question
  225. # [01:50] <masayuki> real_wez: yes.
  226. # [01:50] <real_wez> OK, I totally agree :)
  227. # [01:50] * heycam is now known as heycam|away
  228. # [01:50] <Travis> ... instead of using textinput, what about compositionend by itself?
  229. # [01:51] <Travis> It doesn't semantically feel right...
  230. # [01:51] <Travis> real_wez: Could adress this by a new compositiontext...
  231. # [01:51] <masayuki> Travis: compositionstart and compositionend pair is important for some apps which want to stop its handler during composition.
  232. # [01:51] <Travis> garykac: But pressing 'k' , it seems too complex for an entire composiion event sequence.
  233. # [01:51] <garykac> The 'composition' part seems semantically wrong to me
  234. # [01:52] <real_wez> Right; we wouldn't actually get rid of compositionstart
  235. # [01:52] <Travis> So, we could confuse apps that expect a pair of events.
  236. # [01:52] <Travis> garykac: So noted.
  237. # [01:52] <real_wez> We'd just rename compositionend to compositiontext and then generate that stand-alone for simple input like Latin-1
  238. # [01:52] <garykac> BTW, I'm not sure if I like the proposal - I just wanted to throw it out there to get opinions.
  239. # [01:52] <real_wez> Yes, confusing apps that already understand composition could be an issue
  240. # [01:53] <garykac> One thing I like about it is that it might encourage more apps to properly support composition events.
  241. # [01:54] <masayuki> Hmm, renaming compositionend sounds risky. It might be used on some websites already.
  242. # [01:54] <garykac> masayuki: agreed
  243. # [01:54] <garykac> It's probably too late to consider at this point
  244. # [01:55] <Travis> real_wez: If you're doing composed input (dead keys), you'd be generating more events (textintput, keypress, etc.)
  245. # [01:55] <Travis> garykac: (looking back; textinput removed in 2012, added in 2003)
  246. # [01:55] <masayuki> it might be better that textinput event is fired immediately before compositionend event.
  247. # [01:55] <Travis> Would like to popup from bugs...
  248. # [01:56] <Travis> What are the next steps and when should we reconvene to talk about progress
  249. # [01:56] <Travis> garykac: Some of the bugs are editoral, some are naming discussions
  250. # [01:56] <masayuki> Then, web apps can cancel the composition with the textinput event.
  251. # [01:56] <Travis> ... others are bigger bugs which require more thought.
  252. # [01:56] <Travis> ... discussion will probably happen in the bugs.
  253. # [01:57] <Travis> ... I'd like to prune down the list (maybe 10)?
  254. # [01:57] <Travis> I had proposed meeting every 2 weeks.
  255. # [01:57] <Travis> garykac: Most concerned about locale stuff.
  256. # [01:58] <Travis> Anyone we can enlist for locale help (BCP47)?
  257. # [01:58] <Travis> garykac: I'm not sure I know anyone who's an expert there.
  258. # [01:58] <Travis> real_wez: Boils down to what is locale for?
  259. # [01:58] <Travis> garykac: We could remove locale.
  260. # [01:59] <Travis> ... that complicates the UI Events getKeyCaps method.
  261. # [01:59] <Travis> ... I haven't thought too much about that.
  262. # [01:59] <Travis> ... who else wanted locale?
  263. # [01:59] <Travis> ... anyone know what motivated it?
  264. # [01:59] <Travis> Wondering if anyone would object to pulling it out of the spec?
  265. # [02:00] <Travis> garykac: I can track that as a bug to file.
  266. # [02:00] <Travis> garykac: How well did this telco time work for our friends from Japan?
  267. # [02:01] <masayuki> I have no idea of a way to use .locale... So, I agree to drop it from the spec.
  268. # [02:01] <real_wez> :D
  269. # [02:01] <garykac> ^_^
  270. # [02:01] <Travis> masayuki: Does this time work for you?
  271. # [02:01] <Travis> (Time to have a telco)
  272. # [02:02] <Travis> real_wez: Is this a good work model?
  273. # [02:02] <Travis> garykac: We'll have to make it work :-|
  274. # [02:02] <Travis> real_wez: We should probably focus more on IRC next time...
  275. # [02:03] <masayuki> Travis: This time is not bad. If more one hour later, it's better. But perhaps, it's too late for some locales.
  276. # [02:03] <Travis> I can make one hour later work...
  277. # [02:04] * heycam|away is now known as heycam
  278. # [02:05] <garykac> We're going to try to have the wiki set up so that we can propose agenda items before the next meeting
  279. # [02:06] <Travis> I will setup a wiki for an agenda... put notes from the telco there.
  280. # [02:06] <Travis> Any last comments?
  281. # [02:06] <Travis> kochi: Quick update on IME API
  282. # [02:06] <Travis> ... taking MS feedback
  283. # [02:06] <garykac> I'll be adding more bugs in bugzilla so that all issues are being tracked there.
  284. # [02:06] <Zakim> -Travis
  285. # [02:06] <Zakim> -garykac
  286. # [02:06] <Zakim> -kochi
  287. # [02:06] <Zakim> Team_(webapps)22:36Z has ended
  288. # [02:06] <Zakim> Attendees were Travis, +1.425.893.aaaa, garykac, kochi
  289. # [02:07] * Quits: kochi (~kochi@public.cloak) (Client closed connection)
  290. # [02:07] <Travis> rrsagent, please generate the minutes
  291. # [02:07] <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/05/08-webapps-minutes.html Travis
  292. # [02:10] <Travis> rrsagent, create minutes
  293. # [02:10] <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/05/08-webapps-minutes.html Travis
  294. # [02:12] <Travis> rrsagent, pointer
  295. # [02:12] <RRSAgent> See http://www.w3.org/2013/05/08-webapps-irc#T00-11-23
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  303. # [02:44] <Travis> rrsagent, generate mintues for http://www.w3.org/2013/05/07-webapps-irc
  304. # [02:44] <RRSAgent> I'm logging. I don't understand 'generate mintues for http://www.w3.org/2013/05/07-webapps-irc', Travis. Try /msg RRSAgent help
  305. # [02:45] <Travis> rrsagent, generate mintues for yesterday
  306. # [02:45] <RRSAgent> I'm logging. I don't understand 'generate mintues for yesterday', Travis. Try /msg RRSAgent help
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  311. # [02:55] <_ArtB> rrsagent, make minutes
  312. # [02:55] <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/05/08-webapps-minutes.html _ArtB
  313. # [02:57] * Quits: _ArtB (~abarsto@public.cloak) ("Leaving.")
  314. # [02:58] <Travis> rrsagent, bye
  315. # [02:58] <RRSAgent> I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2013/05/07-webapps-actions.rdf :
  316. # [02:58] <RRSAgent> ACTION: create bug in Bugzilla to figure out the best way to have addendum key tables (eg: for Android) [1]
  317. # [02:58] <RRSAgent> recorded in http://www.w3.org/2013/05/07-webapps-irc#T23-22-22
  318. # [02:58] * Parts: RRSAgent (rrsagent@public.cloak) (RRSAgent)
  319. # [02:58] <Travis> zakim, bye
  320. # [02:58] * Parts: Zakim (zakim@public.cloak) (Zakim)
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  428. # Session Close: Thu May 09 00:00:00 2013

The end :)