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# Session Start: Fri Oct 26 00:00:00 2012
# Session Ident: #webplatform
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# [00:46] <ericelliott> Ruisu: remove browser extensions?
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# [01:18] <plamoni> Good evening folks...
# [01:20] <plamoni> Anyone have any idea why, in Chrome (checking on other browsers), the expression ((199.975).toFixed(2)) resolves to "199.97" whereas the expression ((199.985).toFixed(2)) resolves to "199.99"?
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# [01:20] <plamoni> I checked on what the ECMAScript spec has to say on ".toFixed" and it's pretty incomprehensable...
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# [01:29] <metasansana> people actually read that spec?
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# [01:32] <truckle> metasansana: it's probbably something you need to do in order to become a language expert, is to read its specification
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# [01:38] <metasansana> Last time I read the spec if felt like it was trying to become its own little branch of computer science
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# [01:53] <plamoni> I've actually read most of the ECMAScript spec... but parts are just a nightmare to work out... I feel bad for browser programmers :-P
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# [02:17] <metasansana> Don't be, they get paid to put up with it, plus I'm sure they are involved somehow
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# [03:09] <GregK> Question on wiki markup... if we're referring to HTML elements inline, should they be enclosed in a <code> element?
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# [03:37] <GregK> nvm, answered my own question
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# [06:26] <@desbenoit> hello!
# [06:29] <@arkhi> Salut desbenoit. :)
# [06:29] <@desbenoit> Bonjour Arhi!
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# [06:30] <@desbenoit> Bonne nuit Ordona :)
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# [08:05] <Castor_T> Hello
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# [08:07] <Castor_T> I know this has been asked before, but has the mediawiki skin used on webstandard.org available for download?
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# [08:12] <@arkhi> Hello Castor_T
# [08:12] <Castor_T> hello arkhi
# [08:13] <@arkhi> This will probably be made available at some point, I think there is discussions about the topic.
# [08:13] <@arkhi> Maybe using github.
# [08:13] <Castor_T> yes, i created a ticket on this a while back
# [08:13] <@arkhi> But for now, the main focus is cleaning the content.
# [08:13] <@varl> Castor_T: don't know if it's available for download, but I think the themes used are creative common licensed so you can reverse engineer the css used
# [08:14] <@varl> for example: http://blog.webplatform.org/wp-content/themes/webplatform/style.css
# [08:14] <Castor_T> I guess, we still need a .php file
# [08:14] <@varl> put in a little time and effort, and release a WPD-inspired theme of your own and gain e-cred. :^)
# [08:16] <Castor_T> I am not that efficient to reverse engineer the code :)
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# [08:17] <Castor_T> Moreover, it's just a couple of files... so I guess webplatform.org could make it available on some location temporarily... doesnt take much time and effort i believe
# [08:18] <@varl> it takes time away from more pressing concerns. even 30 min spent on cleaning up articles is preferable to making themes/skins available to the public.
# [08:18] <Castor_T> I get it
# [08:18] <@varl> sorry
# [08:19] <Castor_T> i agree... the interests of the larger community is more important :)
# [08:20] <Castor_T> But varl, if you can spare 5 mins and have access to the code. you could email me the skin files.. just a request.
# [08:21] <@varl> I'm not a developer on WPD, just a happy volunteer moderator. :)
# [08:21] <Castor_T> ok.. thank you.. keep up the good work
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# [08:24] <Castor_T> thank you guys... logging off.. have a good one
# [08:24] <@varl> cheers
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# [09:06] <@ravenzz> morning
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# [09:08] <@ravenzz> Hi arkhi
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# [09:10] <@ravenzz> I see that someone cleaned up the CSS page, good job. It still need a better organization but good improvement
# [09:11] <@ravenzz> why don't we use the caniuse.com API for the compatibility overview?
# [09:13] <manuchill> ravenzz, that has been discussed and the outcome for now was iirc: dont want to rely on a third party api for the info on wp
# [09:14] <@ravenzz> you would cache ofc
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# [09:14] <manuchill> i'm in favor, but it has some technical issues that has to be addressed prior to implementing it
# [09:15] <@ravenzz> yeah I can think of some possible issues
# [09:15] <@ravenzz> np
# [09:16] <@ravenzz> just saying.. because I saw plenty of blank tables
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# [09:18] <manuchill> as i said: i'm in favor and would love to see some integration, hope it doesnt disappear from the radar
# [09:18] <@ravenzz> yep
# [09:18] <manuchill> same goes html5test.com
# [09:19] <@arkhi> Hey hey
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# [09:52] <@chrismills> Hello there!
# [09:53] <@ravenzz> hey Chris, sup
# [09:54] <@chrismills> Hey! I'm back to work today for the first time in a week
# [09:54] <@chrismills> I was in the studio, recording drums for my band's new album
# [09:55] <@ravenzz> oh cool, it is nice to come back to work on Friday :D
# [09:55] <@ravenzz> what's your band name? genre?
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# [09:55] <@chrismills> it is pretty cool, yes ;-)
# [09:56] <@chrismills> My band is called conquest of steel … heavy metal, funnily enough ;-)
# [09:56] <@ravenzz> I came back yesterday from 1 week vacation in fr, so I know the feeling
# [09:57] <@ravenzz> oh cool stuff, are you from Norway?
# [09:58] <@Sandkorn> mmmh.. vacation...
# [09:58] <@Sandkorn> *jealous*
# [09:59] <@chrismills> ravenzz: nah, I work from home, in the UK
# [10:00] <@chrismills> but I visit Norway a lot to go to the opera head office
# [10:00] <@chrismills> Sandkorn: my time off was sort of a vacation, but not really. I wasn't at work ;-)
# [10:00] <@ravenzz> ah I didn't know that they have offices in the UK too
# [10:00] <manuchill> to me that equals to vacantion chrismills ;)
# [10:01] <@chrismills> ravenzz: they don't! Their UK office is my living room ;-)
# [10:01] <@ravenzz> ahah
# [10:01] <@chrismills> manuchill: I guess ;-)
# [10:01] <@ravenzz> ok that's awesome then
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# [10:01] <@arkhi> Heya chrismills
# [10:01] <@arkhi> Anywhere we can listen to your fairy tunes?
# [10:01] <@arkhi> chrismills: A lot of people for a living room…
# [10:01] <@chrismills> arkhi: well, I just took our web site down, and am in the process of rebuilding it
# [10:02] <@Sandkorn> mmh, but on the opera note.. since FF is implementing h264/mp4 support.. any news if opera is going to do the same? :>
# [10:02] <@chrismills> arkhi: http://www.myspace.com/conquestofsteel
# [10:03] <@chrismills> Sandkorn: I doubt we will; implementing h264/mp4 will be too expensive
# [10:03] <@chrismills> because those formats are patent encumbered, we would have to pay big money to support them
# [10:04] <@Sandkorn> FF is relying on OS implementations (no h264 on winXP for ex.) .. so that shouldnt be (more or less) a problem .. AFAIK
# [10:04] <@chrismills> Sandkorn: oh, they're taking that route? Right, makes sense.
# [10:04] <@chrismills> I think we are doing that soon, at least on mobile
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# [10:06] <@Sandkorn> mobile is almost a must-have.. was hoping you'd know a bit more about whats going on for the desktop version :-) .. thanks! :)
# [10:07] <@chrismills> Sandkorn: last I heard, we weren't. I'll do some digging and see what I can find out
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# [10:08] <@Sandkorn> no worries, i'm just looking forward to a time where i dont have to have 2 web-derivates to support all browsers.. =)
# [10:08] <@chrismills> me too ;-)
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# [10:09] <@Sandkorn> (but if you talk to somebody, mention the workds "frame accuracy" a few times :P)
# [10:10] <@chrismills> ok ;-)
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# [10:11] <@arkhi> Thanks chrismills… What do you play?
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# [10:11] <@chrismills> arkhi: I play the drums
# [10:12] <@arkhi> (sounds really good…)
# [10:12] <@chrismills> cheers mate ;-)
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# [10:50] <_WiZZarD> morning
# [10:50] <_WiZZarD> finally .. irc again
# [10:51] <_WiZZarD> some idiot thought it would be nice to ddos my vps :S
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# [10:52] <@chrismills> _WiZZarD: hey there!
# [10:52] <@chrismills> Sorry to hear that you got screwed over.
# [10:53] <_WiZZarD> well, my suplier blocked most traffic almost instantly
# [10:53] <_WiZZarD> and it seems my bouncer kept running as well
# [10:53] <_WiZZarD> but i couldnt connect to it for almost a day :S
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# [10:54] <@chrismills> arrrrgh
# [10:54] <_WiZZarD> but this rant is slightly offtopic here .. I'll just keep cursing at the wall for a bit ;)
# [10:54] <@chrismills> ;-)
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# [10:56] <@ravenzz> I remember many years ago I had a v6 bnc, I also add an A record so the vhost would resolve to the cia.gov IP
# [10:57] <@ravenzz> and a guy having fun DDoSing "me"
# [10:57] <_WiZZarD> lol
# [10:58] <@arkhi> ravenzz: THAT WAS YOU!
# [10:58] <@arkhi> :)
# [10:59] <@ravenzz> ahah
# [10:59] <@ravenzz> ircnet was a dangerous wild back in the 90s
# [11:00] <@ravenzz> +place
# [11:00] <@ravenzz> coffee break, bbl
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# [17:05] <@Garbee> ravenzz: On canisue usage it is now in the Mailing List for discussion.
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# [17:13] <Dini> Does anyone know why the link to the jQuery ajax bring content has a space before the #?
# [17:13] <@chrismills> Dini can you drop me a link to it, so I cna have a look?
# [17:13] <@chrismills> can*
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# [17:16] <Dini> In my opnion disrupts a Javascript fallback if this does not exist, as it would link with the anchor of the content.
# [17:16] <@chrismills> yeah, doesn't sound good to me
# [17:17] <@chrismills> drop me a link, and I'll try to fix it
# [17:17] <Dini> http://capitalsoleil.com.br/ the link in footer "Fale conosco"
# [17:18] <Dini> The site not have a good struture, but is a good example of this
# [17:19] <@chrismills> Oh, I see! I thought you were talking about a webplatform.org page, sorry ;-)
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# [17:19] <@chrismills> I am not sure about this. It looks like some kind of weird .net thing (I see the page is an ASPX)
# [17:20] <Dini> Not the same Ajax function
# [17:20] <mstalfoort> Dini, its in the global.js defined to do so
# [17:20] <mstalfoort> this line to be specific
# [17:20] <mstalfoort> $(".cb_ajax.c_fale_conosco").attr("href","fale-conosco.aspx #content");
# [17:20] <Dini> Yes
# [17:21] <mstalfoort> there is you space
# [17:21] <@chrismills> ah - there you go ;-)
# [17:21] <mstalfoort> s/you/your
# [17:21] <Dini> Because if no have the space the Ajax no works
# [17:22] <Dini> This is the solution I gave
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# [17:26] <Dini> But does anyone know why this space? Well I guess he could not exist ...
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# [17:32] * mstalfoort is looking into it trying to find it Dini
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# [17:35] <Dini> mstalfoort funod?
# [17:35] <Dini> found*
# [17:35] <Dini> This is the function
# [17:35] <Dini> http://api.jquery.com/load/
# [17:35] <Dini> And this is a example
# [17:35] <Dini> $('#result').load('ajax/test.html #container');
# [17:37] <Dini> Before the container exist a space in the link, and this in my opnion not is good option :s
# [17:37] <mstalfoort> so its jquery related you're saying Dini
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# [17:38] <Dini> Yes, about Jquery
# [17:38] <mstalfoort> as far as i found up till now is that it indeed performs an ajax call to a different page and extracts the part from that response based on the give id="content"
# [17:39] <Dini> Yes, but you not have Javascript this link is bad
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# [17:39] <Dini> Understand?
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# [18:32] <@eternicode> Sanity check on this answer: http://talk.webplatform.org/forums/index.php/2226/what-is-the-most-reliable-browser-statistics-source?show=2251#a2251 It was flagged, I'm wondering if I should edit to remove LMGTFY line (it *is* pretty rude... and the results don't add to the conversation) or hide altogether (the slashdot they link is 5yr old...)
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# [18:50] <David_Bradbury> Hmm, my first reaction was to just edit it
# [18:51] <David_Bradbury> But yeah, that link is pretty old
# [18:51] <David_Bradbury> 5 real years is like 20 internet years
# [18:51] <David_Bradbury> I'd hide it
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# [18:53] <David_Bradbury> That's funny
# [18:54] <David_Bradbury> I am able to edit and hide people's posts as an admin. But I go to vote somebody's answer up, and it makes me log in again.
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# [18:56] <@eternicode> I get that a lot, too. Perform some actions, then randomly some action will treat me like an anon. Really annoying...
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# [19:32] <@Garbee> David_Bradbury: The login stuff is due to sessions issues. Everyone is affected.
# [19:32] <David_Bradbury> Figured as much :)
# [19:35] <@Garbee> I think I'm going to flip the switch to sort answers by votes vs time. At this point that should be more useful.
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# [19:38] <@Garbee> And why do people keep thinking multiple H1 tags affect SEO? If done *properly* (i.e. to *spec*) it has no affect and your page is still just as proper as using the old top-down flow of tags.
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# [19:56] <sonotos> Garbee: cause somebody started telling it and many people belive every shit without proofing if it's right i guess
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# [20:08] <@Garbee> sonotos: Let's please try to watch our language in this room.
# [20:08] <@Garbee> And it *used* to be that you were only to have one H1 tag. It has sinced changed but people don't want to change their thinking on it.
# [20:09] <@Garbee> It really depends on how you structure the page now.
# [20:09] <sonotos> sry, that kind of belives are just sometimes a little frustrating especially if customers think they know things better than you
# [20:11] <sonotos> on the other side, i don't see to much usecases to have more than one h1 per page
# [20:16] <@ravenzz> sonotos http://html5doctor.com/outlines/
# [20:19] <sonotos> hm ok, now i know 1
# [20:19] <sonotos> thx
# [20:19] <@Garbee> Yea, I think they are pushing to only use H1 now, which seems silly to me.
# [20:21] <sonotos> well would also be possible to restructure it to use h1-h6
# [20:24] <sonotos> hm ok forget the last line
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# [21:02] <David_Bradbury> Garbee: I was actually wondering if there had been a discussion about that.
# [21:02] <David_Bradbury> Sorting by votes, that is
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# [21:04] <David_Bradbury> Allowing for using more than h1 has actually come in handy quite a bit when using sections and subsections. It's better than having to remember /Okay, I'm two sub-sections down, that must mean I need to use an h3 for a header/
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# [21:22] <@Garbee> David, it did come up but we never did anything about it.
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# [21:23] <@Garbee> Yea, that is the point behind the new structure too. Just use H1 and Sections compared to remembering what heading to use.
# [21:24] <@Garbee> I try to just plan my pages out before writing them so that the headings flow for the Wiki. As far as other sites where I may use sections it hasn't come up yet.
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# [21:30] <a_java_fan> hy
# [21:31] <a_java_fan> hyy?
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# [21:38] <_WiZZarD> ello
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# [21:50] <eighty4> _WiZZarD: evening
# [21:51] <eighty4> David_Bradbury: Google have actually talked about multiple h1s and are very much for it from what I understand
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# [22:04] <lampe2> good evening
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# [22:04] <David_Bradbury> Evening
# [22:04] <David_Bradbury> Well, afternoon
# [22:07] <eighty4> Evening here
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# [23:25] <Salt> so I was directed to this website by w3fools, after browsing around for a short while I've come across a major item that I use at w3s and don't see here, that being a single page reference for all css properties. Is this perhaps hiding somewhere or is it just available in form of http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/css/properties ?
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# [23:29] <eighty4> Salt: webplatform is under heavy development so if you can't find something it might just be that noone have had the time to write it yet
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# [23:31] <Salt> eighty4, and things are pretty much a jump in if you see something? no formal process, discussion, etc?
# [23:32] <eighty4> Salt: you have both this channel and the email list where you can discuss
# [23:33] <eighty4> as well as https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/describecomponents.cgi?product=webplatform.org
# [23:34] <Salt> thanks eighty4
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# [23:40] <@NotTomato> Salt, you could check out Category:CSS for every CSS page too.
# [23:41] <@NotTomato> http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/Category:CSS
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The end :)