/irc-logs / freenode / #whatwg / 2007-10-26 / end


  1. # Session Start: Fri Oct 26 00:00:00 2007
  2. # Session Ident: #whatwg
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  17. # [00:48] <jacobolus> putting type="text/javascript" in <script …> is redundant and unnecessary, correct?
  18. # [00:49] <Philip`> Yes, since everyone defaults to JS
  19. # [00:52] <jacobolus> thx
  20. # [00:53] <jacobolus> it's very nice when writing tutorials to be able to drop all the BS extra voodoo characters normally used
  21. # [00:56] <Philip`> (<style type> is the same - it's really not useful to explicitly tell the browser that you want the same stylesheet language as 100% of other web pages)
  22. # [00:57] <jacobolus> ah, hadn't thought of that one. thanks :)
  23. # [00:59] <Philip`> http://www.centralfloridaregional.com/ - that has a strangely excessive use of 'xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:ehcCopyright="http://www.ehc.com" xmlns:ehcOpenCube="http://www.ehc.com" xmlns:ehcSiteSearch="http://www.ehc.com"'
  24. # [01:00] <jacobolus> good god
  25. # [01:01] <jacobolus> does that do anything at all?
  26. # [01:01] <jacobolus> maybe it helps their back-end tools?
  27. # [01:03] <Philip`> The output isn't trying to be XML, so I expect they're not intending to read it back in and process it, and it looks like it's just leaking out of whatever backend tools they're using
  28. # [01:03] <jacobolus> right
  29. # [01:04] <Philip`> so I think it doesn't help anything, and it just looks really ugly :-)
  30. # [01:06] <jacobolus> so should type="text/css" be dropped from <link rel="stylesheet" …> as well then?
  31. # [01:08] <jacobolus> Philip`: ↑
  32. # [01:10] <Philip`> I don't see any value in keeping it, unless there's some reason that I'm missing
  33. # [01:10] <jacobolus> okay. :)
  34. # [01:11] <Philip`> jacobolus: My font doesn't have that glyph :-p
  35. # [01:11] <jacobolus> the unicode up arrow? :)
  36. # [01:12] <jacobolus> sorry, i'll stick to --^ in the future ;)
  37. # [01:12] <Hixie> right. <video>.
  38. # [01:12] <jacobolus> Hixie: hrm?
  39. # [01:12] <Hixie> jacobolus: my next target in dealing with spec feedback.
  40. # [01:13] <jacobolus> ah, okay. so nothing to do with whether type="text/css" is needed in <link rel="stylesheet" …> then :)
  41. # [01:13] <Hixie> no, sorry, was just talking to myself :-)
  42. # [01:13] <jacobolus> Hixie: how many outstanding emails do you have? :)
  43. # [01:14] <Hixie> not counting the issues on the htmlwg wiki, http://www.whatwg.org/issues/data.csv
  44. # [01:14] <Hixie> (third column)
  45. # [01:14] <jacobolus> ack
  46. # [01:14] <jacobolus> good luck :)
  47. # [01:14] <Hixie> i'm aiming to reach 3500 by dec31, though i'm not sure if i'll shoot past that target or not
  48. # [01:15] <Hixie> i don't know how many i can do per quarter yet
  49. # [01:15] <Philip`> How predictable is the rate of new issues?
  50. # [01:15] <Hixie> still, the trend is downwards currently
  51. # [01:15] <Hixie> Philip`: hard to say
  52. # [01:16] <Hixie> Philip`: but that number is (new issues)-(completed issues)
  53. # [01:16] <Hixie> so right now the rate of replying is > the rate of new issues
  54. # [01:16] <Hixie> on average
  55. # [01:18] <Hixie> hm. i should get an LED display that shows this number and hang it in my cube
  56. # [01:22] <jacobolus> sounds depressing
  57. # [01:23] <Hixie> why?
  58. # [01:24] <Hixie> having this much feedback is awesome
  59. # [01:24] <Hixie> it means people care about the spec
  60. # [01:24] <Hixie> and means the spec stands a chance of being good
  61. # [01:25] <Philip`> You could get a big bucket and fill it with 3723 small items of food, and refill/eat as necessary to keep the number in sync with the number of outstanding issues, to provide a visual indication of progress
  62. # [01:26] <Hixie> mmm
  63. # [01:26] <Hixie> i don't think that would work well with the kind of food i eat
  64. # [01:29] <jacobolus> you need something very small, that never goes bad
  65. # [01:29] <Hixie> peanuts
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  112. # [08:16] <hsivonen> jacobolus: IIRC, <meta charset=''> was said to work in IE/Gecko/WebKit/Opera but not in iCab
  113. # [08:17] <jacobolus> hsivonen: okay. fine by me :)
  114. # [08:17] <jacobolus> thanks for the followup :)
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  136. # [10:38] <Hixie> i love replying to dozens of messages at once
  137. # [10:38] <Hixie> it goes so much faster
  138. # [10:38] <Hixie> so much easier than when each mail requires major surgery to the spec
  139. # [10:39] <Hixie> ok everyone? Focus on bikeshed issues, not on powerplant issues!
  140. # [10:39] <othermaciej> heh
  141. # [10:39] <othermaciej> I hope you get to the s/cue points/cue ranges/ one soon
  142. # [10:40] <othermaciej> I can provide more justification if the email on that is insufficient
  143. # [10:40] <Hixie> just 15 issues left on video
  144. # [10:41] <Hixie> and that one is #9
  145. # [10:41] <Hixie> i imagine i'll do it
  146. # [10:41] <Hixie> it seems reasonable
  147. # [10:41] <Hixie> unless i find some problem when speccing it
  148. # [10:41] <othermaciej> always a good caveat
  149. # [10:42] <Hixie> oh actually it's #8 too, dave sent me a headsup first which also ended up in my pile
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  151. # [10:42] <othermaciej> heh
  152. # [10:43] <Hixie> the next issue is about the naming of the looping attributes
  153. # [10:43] <Hixie> which is a REALLY INTERESTING issue
  154. # [10:43] <othermaciej> heh
  155. # [10:43] * Dashiva gets the shed paint ready
  156. # [10:43] <othermaciej> you did ask for bikeshed issues!
  157. # [10:43] <Hixie> true
  158. # [10:44] <annevk> our engineers wondered what we wasted our time on when I forwarded that
  159. # [10:45] <Hixie> hah
  160. # [10:45] <Hixie> i think i'll change loopcount to playcount and leave the rest as is
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  170. # [11:15] <Lachy> Hixie, it seems strange for a media element to keep playing once it's been removed from the document and all references to it have been removed.
  171. # [11:16] <Lachy> especially since in such a case, it's impossible to ever access it again and stop it via script
  172. # [11:16] <OmegaJunior> I agree... would you send the player a stop message?
  173. # [11:16] <OmegaJunior> Or maybe even a kill message, so the player can free its memory as well?
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  175. # [11:17] <Lachy> OmegaJunior, how would you access the player if the element is gone? The element provides the API. Without it, there's nothing
  176. # [11:17] <OmegaJunior> onbeforeunload?
  177. # [11:18] <OmegaJunior> there needs to be some kind of mechanism that recognises "oops it's gone"
  178. # [11:18] <OmegaJunior> Otherwise the media will continue to play, and retain memory
  179. # [11:19] <Lachy> I would hope browsers would stop playing it automatically once the user left the page, regardless
  180. # [11:21] <OmegaJunior> If the player is a plug-in or native, closing the page should destroy it and thus stop the playing. But when removing an element, that might not be the case. One can imagine a page-close to be handled far more aggressively in terms of clean-up than an element removal.
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  188. # [12:12] <Lachy> I suppose the reason for keeping media elements playing must be because you don't know when the element no longer has any references until garbage collection is performed, and that's unpredictable when that will occur
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  230. # [20:01] <Hixie> xhtml2 finally updated their draft to use the xhtml1 namespace http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2007/ED-xhtml2-20071024/conformance.html#s_conform
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  234. # [20:13] <hsivonen> Hixie: interesting that they put the namespace URI in schemaLocation as well.
  235. # [20:21] <hsivonen> there are now LEIRIs in addition to URI, IRI and HRRI?
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The end :)