/irc-logs / freenode / #whatwg / 2008-02-16 / end


  1. # Session Start: Sat Feb 16 00:00:00 2008
  2. # Session Ident: #whatwg
  3. # [00:00] * Joins: eseidel_ (n=eseidel@
  4. # [00:00] <hsivonen> Hixie: and that Mosaic law on money lending and agriculture are bad for the poorest in Israel
  5. # [00:01] <hsivonen> Hixie: and how protecting habitats of endangered species creates an incentive for landowners to clear their land pre-emptively
  6. # [00:01] <Hixie> and how requiring 'alt' makes people add bogus values to shut up validators? :-)
  7. # [00:03] <hsivonen> I guess the economists haven't examined HTML yet
  8. # [00:04] <Hixie> i think anyone who would realise the implications of that article are likely already convinced
  9. # [00:16] * Quits: eseidel (n=eseidel@ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  10. # [00:17] <jgraham> Hixie: I was considering saying that the critical take away message is that we have to operate a feedback loop: a) do things that we think are a good idea b) assess the _actual_ impact of those things c) make changes where it urns out things didn't have the desired impact
  11. # [00:17] <jgraham> We are at satge b
  12. # [00:17] <jgraham> s/satge/stage/
  13. # [00:17] <Hixie> we're at all three stages on different parts of the spec
  14. # [00:18] <Hixie> but the above should go without saying for all spec development work
  15. # [00:18] <Hixie> and indeed, almost all work of any knid
  16. # [00:19] <jgraham> I guess that's not obvious to everyone. I really just want people to understand that stages b) and c) have to happen as part of HTML5
  17. # [00:19] <jgraham> unless we want it to be no better than HTML 4
  18. # [00:19] <hsivonen> Hixie: evidence suggests that a lot of stuff that should go without saying given suitable economics or tecnology strategy background doesn't go without saying
  19. # [00:20] <gsnedders> anyone any better way to achieve <http://pastebin.ca/905674>?
  20. # [00:20] <Hixie> jgraham: i encourage you to advocate this; i'm just skeptical that there are people who are still unconvinced who can be convinced.
  21. # [00:21] <jgraham> gsnedders: Define better. You could do it non-recursively which would prevent stack overflow
  22. # [00:21] <hober> gsnedders: (sorry to bikeshed, but) wouldn't 'descendents' be a better name than 'children' in this case?
  23. # [00:21] <Hixie> i think a lot of people in the w3c think that standards _shouldn't_ have a feedback loop; that standards should be written by experts whose knowledge is by definition perfect and that therefore there cannot be anything to learn.
  24. # [00:21] <gsnedders> jgraham: silly Python with it's stack :)
  25. # [00:21] <jgraham> Does anyone know if NYT print versions are registration-free?
  26. # [00:22] <gsnedders> hober: ironically, I just renamed it from that. I'm still toying between the two.
  27. # [00:22] <gsnedders> jgraham: more seriously, it copes with HTML 5 fine
  28. # [00:22] <jgraham> gsnedders: In practice you'd get a RecursionError or something
  29. # [00:23] <jgraham> (fwiw I'd write the code in the same way but I don't claim to be a particularly good programmer)
  30. # [00:23] * gsnedders thought of how to do it non-recursively, then promptly forgot
  31. # [00:23] * Joins: jwalden (n=waldo@RANDOM-THREE-O-EIGHT.MIT.EDU)
  32. # [00:23] <gsnedders> and now all I think of has major flaws.
  33. # [00:23] <jgraham> Can people access http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/20/magazine/20wwln-freak-t.html?_r=5&oref=login&ref=magazine&pagewanted=print ?
  34. # [00:24] <hsivonen> jgraham: that one is behind login too
  35. # [00:24] <hsivonen> however, having a referer might work
  36. # [00:24] <Hixie> i thought there was some magic "partner" argument one could set
  37. # [00:25] <hsivonen> nope, tinyurling doesn't work
  38. # [00:25] <annevk> Hixie, Acid3 test 69: "Statement on line 2502: Undefined variable: numberOfChars"
  39. # [00:25] <hsivonen> Tantek had a magic tinyurl-like URL for that article that worked magically
  40. # [00:25] * Quits: eseidel_ (n=eseidel@
  41. # [00:26] * Dashiva blinks
  42. # [00:26] * hsivonen found the article tantek's tweet
  43. # [00:26] <Dashiva> The I18N WG expects every single JS author using selectors API to implement unicode case folding?
  44. # [00:26] <hsivonen> Dashiva: or normalization
  45. # [00:26] <hsivonen> or did I misread?
  46. # [00:26] <jwalden> case-insensitivity was a bad idea
  47. # [00:26] <billmason> NYT link w/o login. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/20/magazine/20wwln-freak-t.html?_r=1&ex=1358485200&en=0d05099c03c97375&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss&pagewanted=all&oref=slogin
  48. # [00:27] * gsnedders now can't think of to do it non-recursively
  49. # [00:27] <Philip`> jgraham: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/20/magazine/20wwln-freak-t.html?_r=5&oref=login&ref=magazine&pagewanted=print works for me without login
  50. # [00:27] <jgraham> billmason: Thanks :)
  51. # [00:28] <billmason> You're welcome. I use http://nytimes.blogspace.com/genlink to get those links, btw. Comes in handy.
  52. # [00:28] <Dashiva> hsivonen: Yeah, that's the next point, I see
  53. # [00:28] <Hixie> anne: line 2502 is a comment
  54. # [00:28] <Hixie> annevk: fixed
  55. # [00:29] <annevk> hmm
  56. # [00:30] <annevk> ah yeah, now I get the error i was expecting
  57. # [00:31] <annevk> not sure i'm going to debug it though, SVG is no fun
  58. # [00:31] <Hixie> hah
  59. # [00:32] <annevk> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=379461 dbaron ftw!
  60. # [00:32] <annevk> my memory says we fixed it too, so that makes two out of three browsers
  61. # [00:33] <Philip`> gsnedders: r=[]; c=[Node]; while c: c += c[0].childNodes; r.append(c.pop(0)) or something roughly like that, I think
  62. # [00:35] <Philip`> (Python isn't entirely good at one-liners, sadly)
  63. # [00:36] * Joins: eseidel (n=eseidel@
  64. # [00:36] * Joins: dbaron (n=dbaron@corp-241.mountainview.mozilla.com)
  65. # [00:36] <jgraham> I think if you want to be really fancy you can do it without an explicit stack; basically for each node you go to the first child, if there is one, otherwise go to the next sibling otherwise go to the parent (but not back to he first child)
  66. # [00:38] <Philip`> That doesn't seem entirely necessary unless the current DOM is using more than 50% of your RAM and you can't afford to make another copy of it
  67. # [00:38] <Philip`> and then it's probably easier and cheaper just to stick another 2GB of RAM in so you won't have to worry about it
  68. # [00:39] <jgraham> :)
  69. # [00:39] <gsnedders> Philip`: my recursive version is twice as fast going over HTML 5. peh.
  70. # [00:39] <gsnedders> jgraham: yeah, that's what I was thinking of doing
  71. # [00:40] <Philip`> Does Python do something silly like not use double-linked lists for 'list'?
  72. # [00:40] <gsnedders> double-linked lists?
  73. # [00:40] <jgraham> Philip`: list == array
  74. # [00:41] <Philip`> Hmm, that'd probably make .pop(0) quite expensive then
  75. # [00:41] <jgraham> gsnedders: You could investigate the deque class in the collections module
  76. # [00:41] <gsnedders> Philip`: pop seems perfectly cheap
  77. # [00:41] <jgraham> Yeah, I guess pop(0) will be O(N) but pop(-1) will be cheap
  78. # [00:42] <gsnedders> 97901 0.479 0.000 0.479 0.000 {method 'pop' of 'list' objects}
  79. # [00:43] <gsnedders> (i.e., percall is 0.00 sec)
  80. # [00:43] <jgraham> gsnedders: Is that pop(0)?
  81. # [00:43] <gsnedders> ya
  82. # [00:44] * jgraham still suggests looking up deque
  83. # [00:44] <gsnedders> http://pastebin.ca/905707 (top is non-recursive)
  84. # [00:45] <Philip`> from collections import deque; r=[]; c=deque([node]); while c: t=c.popleft(); c.extend(t.childNodes); r.append(t) maybe
  85. # [00:47] <jgraham> gsnedders: It looks like function call overhead is killing you
  86. # [00:48] * Quits: virtuelv (n=virtuelv@109.80-202-65.nextgentel.com) ("Leaving")
  87. # [00:48] <gsnedders> deque is back up to speed
  88. # [00:48] <jgraham> specifically __getattr__
  89. # [00:48] <gsnedders> yeah
  90. # [00:48] <gsnedders> that's what I thought
  91. # [00:50] * Philip` still suggests using Psyco :-)
  92. # [00:52] <gsnedders> Philip`: peh. at least I'm not actually parsing about ten/fifteen times like the real spec-gen
  93. # [00:53] <Philip`> (I think html5lib goes about twice as fast under Psyco)
  94. # [00:53] <gsnedders> .extend() instead of += cuts out a lot of the function calls, so that makes the standard non-recursive one quicker
  95. # [00:53] * jgraham still suggests lxml
  96. # [00:53] <gsnedders> Philip`: (that would make a difference)
  97. # [00:53] * Joins: eseidel_ (n=eseidel@nat/google/x-8ab1dc73a05d99ff)
  98. # [00:53] * gsnedders tries to remember why he didn't use lxml
  99. # [00:54] <Philip`> cssutils does some fun "c = self.text.pop(0)" for every single character while tokenising stylesheets, which completely destroys performance because of the O(n) thing
  100. # [00:54] * Quits: eseidel (n=eseidel@ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  101. # [00:54] <Philip`> ...though it looks like that code is rewritten in the latest version, so maybe they fixed that problem
  102. # [00:55] * gsnedders really ought to get his head around big-O notation
  103. # [00:59] <Philip`> It's easy - O(1) means you're hiding the expensive operations on your data structure, O(n) means you're using the expensive operations on your data structure, O(n log n) means you're using trees, and O(e^n) means you're working on an interesting problem
  104. # [00:59] * gsnedders headdesks
  105. # [01:00] <jgraham> O(N^2) means the interviewer wants you to think of a different solution :)
  106. # [01:02] * Quits: eseidel_ (n=eseidel@nat/google/x-8ab1dc73a05d99ff)
  107. # [01:04] <gsnedders> Can I get a serious explanation?
  108. # [01:05] <takkaria> http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FBig_O_notation&ei=Qyi2R8u7IaWwwQHGwJDICg&usg=AFQjCNFsPl2CW_acj-E5rq3PZ17cwqaJ2g&sig2=K2R1u4iESPxXmFtCt8TmqQ
  109. # [01:05] <takkaria> er
  110. # [01:05] <takkaria> I didn't realise google did horrible redirects on its own urls thesedays
  111. # [01:05] <gsnedders> takkaria: I've been trying to get my head around that article for a while. I've still failed.
  112. # [01:05] <Philip`> It rewrites the href just as you click on the link
  113. # [01:06] <Philip`> so it works alright if you right-click-and-copy-link before following the link
  114. # [01:06] <jgraham> N is the number of elements you feed in to the algorithm. O(foo(N)) means that as N changes the running time scales like foo(N)
  115. # [01:06] <Philip`> Oops, I broke it
  116. # [01:06] <Philip`> Oh, wrong window
  117. # [01:07] <gsnedders> jgraham: and there's nothing more complex than that?
  118. # [01:07] <jgraham> gsnedders: working out what foo is for a given algorithm
  119. # [01:07] <gsnedders> jgraham: well, obviously :)
  120. # [01:07] * jgraham should probably leave this to someone with a CS background
  121. # [01:08] <SadEagle> gsnedders: that's pretty much it, though there is math involved. Short conceptual summary, though.. Let n = 10^6.
  122. # [01:08] <Philip`> O(foo(N)) means the running time scales like foo(N) in the limit of large N
  123. # [01:08] <Philip`> (except it's stupid because for large N you're going to run out of memory)
  124. # [01:09] <jgraham> (unless you're Google)
  125. # [01:09] <gsnedders> Philip`: how does it deal with memory too?
  126. # [01:09] <gsnedders> (or me)
  127. # [01:09] <gsnedders> :P
  128. # [01:09] * gsnedders needs more memory, badly.
  129. # [01:09] <SadEagle> gsnedders: An O(1) algorithm will take some small number of operations... An O(n) will do ~1 million. O(n^2) one will do ~10^12, a trillion... An O(log n) one will do something to the order of 20, etc.
  130. # [01:09] <SadEagle> Philip`: not really. Quadratic complexity shows up easily for very small input sizes.
  131. # [01:10] <SadEagle> gsnedders: it can be applied to that, yes, though that's not as common.
  132. # [01:10] <Philip`> gsnedders: You can say you're measuring memory rather than processing time, like saying that an array of size n requires O(n) memory
  133. # [01:10] <gsnedders> SadEagle: surely the number of ops. depends on the size of n?
  134. # [01:10] * gsnedders squints
  135. # [01:11] <SadEagle> gsnedders: yes. but if you look at my examples, something that does about n^2 operations does a lot more work then something that does about n operations, when n is large enough.
  136. # [01:11] * gsnedders forgot you stated what value n was
  137. # [01:12] * gsnedders is too tired
  138. # [01:12] <SadEagle> 1 million for illustrative purposes..
  139. # [01:12] <SadEagle> hmm, surely someone made a nice chart someplace.. Like probably on the WP article takkaria linked to.
  140. # [01:12] * gsnedders needs to go sleep
  141. # [01:12] <gsnedders> g'nite
  142. # [01:13] * Quits: billmason (n=billmaso@ip129.unival.com) (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  143. # [01:13] <jgraham> goodnight
  144. # [01:14] * Joins: billmason (n=billmaso@ip129.unival.com)
  145. # [01:17] * Quits: weinig (n=weinig@
  146. # [01:19] <annevk> Hixie, Acid3 loads xhtml.1 three times
  147. # [01:19] <Hixie> duh
  148. # [01:19] <Hixie> suck, i do
  149. # [01:19] <Hixie> fixed, it is
  150. # [01:19] <Hixie> thanks
  151. # [01:22] <annevk> good, we still pass :)
  152. # [01:23] <jwalden> gsnedders: so, for O(f(n)), that implies that, given an input of size n, the algorithm runs in time/uses space in the range [c_1 * f(n), c_2 * f(n)], for all n > some k
  153. # [01:23] <jwalden> basically, long-run the runtime/space is proportional to f(n)
  154. # [01:24] <jwalden> oh, he left
  155. # [01:24] <Dashiva> Strictly speaking that's theta, not O
  156. # [01:24] <Philip`> O is only an upper bound
  157. # [01:24] <SadEagle> I am pretty sure he went to sleep :-)
  158. # [01:24] <jwalden> wrong; I said "in", not bounded by on both sides
  159. # [01:25] <Philip`> If it's in a range then that's bounding it on both sides
  160. # [01:25] <Philip`> (if it's a finite range, anyway)
  161. # [01:25] <SadEagle> well, he did permit c_1 to be 0, but also c_1 wasn't constraint to be positive :-)
  162. # [01:25] <jwalden> har har
  163. # [01:25] * jwalden pulls out clrs
  164. # [01:25] <Philip`> What's wrong with an algorithm that takes negative time?
  165. # [01:26] <Philip`> You're dragging down the theory with mere practical concerns
  166. # [01:26] <Dashiva> There are algorithms based on answers from the future
  167. # [01:26] <Dashiva> Does that count as negative time?
  168. # [01:26] <SadEagle> f(n) = O(g(n)) iff \exists c > 0, n_0 >= 0. \forall n >= n_0. f(n) <= cg(n).
  169. # [01:27] <Philip`> What happens if your algorithm involves extreme gravitational forces and causes time itself to change as a function of n?
  170. # [01:27] <SadEagle> Philip`: yeah, it's probably extraneous if you actually want O and not theta :-)
  171. # [01:27] <Hixie> er guys, i don't want to worry y'all, but it looks like your keyboards have got errors
  172. # [01:27] <Hixie> the text you're writing is all coming out with lots of weird punctuation
  173. # [01:27] <jwalden> latex ftw
  174. # [01:28] <jwalden> yeah, I did mistype the bounds for O
  175. # [01:28] <jwalden> I meant the right thing, tho!
  176. # [01:28] * jgraham notes there have been far too few \ for latex
  177. # [01:29] <jwalden> c_0 is totally latex
  178. # [01:29] <Dashiva> Intelligent sort is O(0), I wonder if you could make it negative somehow
  179. # [01:29] <jgraham> jwalden: Only in $ or some other math mode :)
  180. # [01:29] <SadEagle> Hixie: would you prefer MathML?
  181. # [01:30] <jwalden> heh
  182. # [01:30] <Hixie> SadEagle: :-P
  183. # [01:30] <SadEagle> (I guess that's one way of making me shut up :-) )
  184. # [01:31] <Hixie> so, not to drag the topic of conversation back to html5 or anything, but i think i'm gonna have to make it so documents in session history always know what the last state object (from pushState) that was activated on that document is
  185. # [01:40] <Hixie> wow, i didn't mean to kill the conversation
  186. # [01:42] * Quits: kingryan (n=ryan@dsl092-219-050.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net)
  187. # [01:50] <jgraham> Hixie: What's the use case?
  188. # [01:50] <Hixie> making state objects work at all in the face of session history navigation
  189. # [01:50] <Hixie> the current algorithm is complete BS
  190. # [01:51] <Hixie> (this doesn't affect the APIs at all)
  191. # [01:56] * Quits: jgraham (n=james@cpc1-flee2-0-0-cust327.glfd.cable.ntl.com) ("I get eaten by the worms")
  192. # [02:03] * Quits: Charl (n=charlvn@196-209-214-215-esdw-esr-3.dynamic.isadsl.co.za) ("Leaving")
  193. # [02:05] <Hixie> jgraham__: very well expressed
  194. # [02:07] * Quits: SadEagle (n=maksim@kde/orlovich) (Remote closed the connection)
  195. # [02:14] * Quits: tndH (i=Rob@ ("ChatZilla 0.9.80-rdmsoft [XULRunner]")
  196. # [02:17] <Hixie> i checked in the aforementioned change
  197. # [02:24] * Quits: billmason (n=billmaso@ip129.unival.com) (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  198. # [03:53] * Quits: dbaron (n=dbaron@corp-241.mountainview.mozilla.com) ("8403864 bytes have been tenured, next gc will be global.")
  199. # [04:02] * Joins: jruderman_ (n=jruderma@c-67-180-15-227.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
  200. # [04:16] * Quits: jruderman (n=jruderma@c-67-180-15-227.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  201. # [04:19] * Joins: jruderman (n=jruderma@c-67-180-15-227.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
  202. # [04:32] <Hixie> hmmm
  203. # [04:32] * Hixie investigates .query = '' and .hash = ''
  204. # [04:34] * Quits: jruderman_ (n=jruderma@c-67-180-15-227.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  205. # [04:42] <Hixie> (s/query/search/. blame netscape people. probably brendan.)
  206. # [05:02] * Quits: jruderman (n=jruderma@c-67-180-15-227.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  207. # [05:03] <Lachy> I wonder how the i18n WG realistically expects selectors api to require unicode case folding, given that an implementation of that in JavaScript is not trivial and would be ignored by most authros.
  208. # [05:16] <Hixie> what would it mean?
  209. # [05:16] <Hixie> case folding for what?
  210. # [05:16] <Hixie> prefixes?
  211. # [05:16] <Lachy> yes
  212. # [05:16] <Hixie> i thought the csswg had agreed to making that case-sensitive or something
  213. # [05:16] <Hixie> or ascii-only
  214. # [05:16] <Lachy> they somehow expect authors to implement that in their NSResolver
  215. # [05:17] <Lachy> the CSSWG agreed to make case sensitivity dependent upon the mechanism used to declare it
  216. # [05:17] <Hixie> oh
  217. # [05:17] <Hixie> so just make it sensitive
  218. # [05:17] <Hixie> and be done
  219. # [05:17] <Lachy> it basically is
  220. # [05:17] <Hixie> so what's the problem?
  221. # [05:18] <Lachy> did you read the mail from i18n WG on public-webapi?
  222. # [05:18] <Hixie> i read enough of it to know it wasn't my problem :-)
  223. # [05:18] * Hixie looks again
  224. # [05:19] <Hixie> oh i see
  225. # [05:19] <Lachy> from the point of view of the UA, prefixes need to be treated case sensitively, so "foo" and "FOO" prefixes would need to be resolved separately.
  226. # [05:19] <Hixie> right
  227. # [05:19] <Hixie> but NSResolver can do whatever
  228. # [05:20] <Hixie> I would just remove all mention of the fact that the resolver can fold case
  229. # [05:20] <Hixie> since effectively that just means it's defining a set of prefixes
  230. # [05:20] <Lachy> yeah, so if the author implements a case insensitive NSResolver, they're effectively just declaring all variants of "foo", "Foo", "FOO", etc.
  231. # [05:20] <Hixie> right
  232. # [05:21] <Hixie> that removes your issue with the i18nguys
  233. # [05:21] <Lachy> I just need to figure out how to adjust the spec, without actually changing any requirements to keep them happy, and to respond to their mail
  234. # [05:22] * Joins: heycam|sydney (n=cam@124-168-78-30.dyn.iinet.net.au)
  235. # [05:22] * Joins: jruderman (n=jruderma@c-67-180-15-227.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
  236. # [05:23] * heycam|sydney is now known as heycam
  237. # [05:23] <Hixie> hehe
  238. # [05:28] * Hixie checks in his weird .search = '' issue
  239. # [05:29] <Lachy> I changed the first note to read: "Although prefixes are case sensitive, the implementation of the NSResolver object may internally handle them case insensitively. However, such an approach is effectively the same as declaring all case variants of the prefix with the same namespace URI."
  240. # [05:30] <Hixie> i think they'll still complain
  241. # [05:30] <Hixie> if they do, i'd just remove the note altogether :-)
  242. # [05:30] <Hixie> (after all, does it really help with anything?)
  243. # [05:30] <Hixie> brb
  244. # [05:34] <Lachy> I think I can resolve it in a way that they won't complain
  245. # [05:35] <Lachy> I think the original reason for the note was because Selectors required case insensitive prefixes
  246. # [05:35] <Lachy> but that's no longer the case
  247. # [05:38] <Hixie> right
  248. # [05:41] * Quits: jwalden (n=waldo@RANDOM-THREE-O-EIGHT.MIT.EDU) (Remote closed the connection)
  249. # [05:48] <Hixie> ok let
  250. # [05:48] <Hixie> us
  251. # [05:48] <Hixie> look
  252. # [05:48] <Hixie> at...
  253. # [05:48] <Hixie> the <m> element
  254. # [05:49] <Hixie> anyone have any opinions i should consider in addition to the tons of feedback?
  255. # [05:56] <Lachy> keep it!
  256. # [05:57] <Lachy> ignore everyone's feedback that disagrees with my opinion
  257. # [05:57] <Hixie> yeah, reading this i'm convinced there are good use cases for it
  258. # [05:57] * Joins: myakura (n=myakura@p2098-ipbf4207marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp)
  259. # [05:57] <Hixie> i think we should change the name though
  260. # [05:57] <Lachy> to what?
  261. # [05:57] <Hixie> <m> is too short given that this won't be used that much
  262. # [05:57] <Hixie> i dunno
  263. # [05:58] <Hixie> <mark> maybe. <highlight> would be way too misspelt...
  264. # [05:59] <Lachy> <mark> is ok
  265. # [05:59] <Lachy> highlight also suffers from the perception of being presentational, which tends to receive a lot of complaints
  266. # [06:01] <Hixie> yes
  267. # [06:05] * Joins: jwalden (n=waldo@RANDOM-THREE-O-EIGHT.MIT.EDU)
  268. # [06:07] <Hixie> http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2007-February/009286.html is a great UI idea
  269. # [06:13] <Hixie> jesus, a lot of people mailed about <m>
  270. # [06:24] <Lachy> do you mean the aural example of the UA saying "begin mark. (content) end mark.", or the UI of skipping between marked text?
  271. # [06:24] <Hixie> ui
  272. # [06:26] <Lachy> how do I deal with the unicode normalisation issue?
  273. # [06:27] <Lachy> I obviously can't require the NSResolver to normalise the prefix. Could I require the UA to normalise the prefix before passing it to the resolver?
  274. # [06:29] <Lachy> I would rather not, since that would create more surface area for bugs, and be really annoying for authors if one UA had a bug in its normalisation algorithm, resulting in a different string being passed from other UAs
  275. # [06:30] * Joins: weinig (n=weinig@c-71-198-176-23.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
  276. # [06:43] <Hixie> well
  277. # [06:44] <Hixie> it depends on whether you want to require that UAs normalise before parsing the selectors, or whether you want to require that they not normalise
  278. # [06:44] <Hixie> might be easiest to jus check what implemenations are doing
  279. # [06:45] <Lachy> yeah.
  280. # [06:45] <Lachy> weinig, what does webkit do?
  281. # [06:46] <weinig> Lachy: sorry, i missed the beginning of the conversation. What is the question?
  282. # [06:47] <Hixie> Lachy: i wouldn't rely on implementors knowing what they do :-P
  283. # [06:47] <weinig> Hixie: :(
  284. # [06:47] <Lachy> [06:25] <Lachy> I obviously can't require the NSResolver to normalise the prefix. Could I require the UA to normalise the prefix before passing it to the resolver?
  285. # [06:47] <Lachy> [06:27] <Lachy> I would rather not, since that would create more surface area for bugs, and be really annoying for authors if one UA had a bug in its normalisation algorithm, resulting in a different string being passed from other UAs
  286. # [06:47] <Hixie> weinig: when it comes to unicode normalisation, am i wrong? :-)
  287. # [06:47] <weinig> Lachy: we have not implemented the NSResolver part of the spec yet
  288. # [06:47] * Quits: wakaba (n=w@ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  289. # [06:47] <weinig> Hixie: no, you are not wrong :)
  290. # [06:47] <Hixie> see :-D
  291. # [06:48] <Lachy> oops, missed [06:24] <Lachy> how do I deal with the unicode normalisation issue?
  292. # [06:48] * Joins: wakaba (n=w@
  293. # [06:49] <Lachy> weinig, see point 3 in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapi/2008Feb/0095.html
  294. # [06:49] * Quits: wakaba (n=w@ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  295. # [06:50] <Lachy> so, basically, the question is should the UA pass the prefix to the resolver in normalised form or exactly as it was used in the selector
  296. # [06:51] * Joins: wakaba (n=w@
  297. # [06:51] <Hixie> Lachy: xml requires normalisation of tag names right?
  298. # [06:51] <Hixie> Lachy: so the selector has to be normalised to that normalisation form anyway
  299. # [06:51] <Hixie> Lachy: so i'd say require that the selector be normalised to whatever normalisation form xml requires
  300. # [06:52] <weinig> Lachy: hm, it seems that if we normalization of the prefix, that also means we have to normalize the selectors
  301. # [06:52] <Lachy> I'm not sure what XML says about normalisation
  302. # [06:52] <Hixie> check :-)
  303. # [06:52] <weinig> Lachy: oh, I see Hixie just said that :)
  304. # [06:52] <Lachy> do you normalise the selectors?
  305. # [06:52] <weinig> Lachy: I don't believe so
  306. # [06:53] <weinig> Lachy: though, as Hixie noted, I may not know :)
  307. # [06:53] <Hixie> spec writing involves doing a lot of study work, examining implementations and other specs :-P
  308. # [06:53] * weinig nods
  309. # [06:53] * Lachy is too lazy for that :-)
  310. # [06:54] <Hixie> could be a problem :-)
  311. # [06:54] <weinig> I am going to say that we in fact do not normalize the string before parsing the selector
  312. # [06:55] <Hixie> you sure? i wouldn't bet in your js layer did it for you...
  313. # [06:55] <Hixie> er
  314. # [06:55] <Hixie> s/bet/be surprised/
  315. # [06:55] * weinig checks there
  316. # [06:56] <Hixie> afk
  317. # [06:56] * Lachy wonders how to write a test to see how browsers handle normalisation
  318. # [06:57] <weinig> Lachy: that could obviate most of these questions :)
  319. # [06:57] <Lachy> the Selectors spec says nothing about normalisation
  320. # [06:57] <weinig> I didn't think ECMAScript required normalization of strings
  321. # [06:58] <Lachy> I don't think it does either
  322. # [06:59] <weinig> in that case, I really don't think we normalize, but I would still like to test it
  323. # [06:59] <weinig> ap would know for sure
  324. # [07:00] <Lachy> can you find out from whoever knows and send feedback about it to public-webapi?
  325. # [07:01] <weinig> Lachy: yes
  326. # [07:01] * Lachy needs to discuss it with the devs at opera
  327. # [07:01] <Lachy> thanks
  328. # [07:01] <weinig> no problem
  329. # [07:55] * Quits: myakura (n=myakura@p2098-ipbf4207marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) ("Leaving...")
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  333. # [09:35] <annevk> Lachy, no need to do normalization
  334. # [09:35] <annevk> Lachy, nobody does that
  335. # [09:41] <hsivonen> jgraham++
  336. # [09:42] * Quits: csarven (n=nevrasc@modemcable130.251-202-24.mc.videotron.ca) ("http://www.csarven.ca/")
  337. # [09:45] <Hixie> annevk: it's done more than you think
  338. # [09:46] <Hixie> (and there are multiple types of normalisation)
  339. # [09:46] <Hixie> (some of which make a lot of sense to do at certain points, others don't)
  340. # [09:47] <Hixie> however, it seems xml doesn't require normalisation
  341. # [09:47] <Hixie> so it would seem best to not do it here
  342. # [09:47] <Hixie> why am i doing this research :-P
  343. # [09:48] * Hixie goes back to doing the research for his own spec :-P
  344. # [09:49] <annevk> I'd be interested to know where NFC is applied in specifications authors deal with and authors provide the strings
  345. # [09:50] <Hixie> NFKC is applied when creating the punycode form of IDN, iirc
  346. # [09:52] <annevk> ah, yeah
  347. # [09:53] <annevk> I guess that's because i18n experts have been actively involved in that
  348. # [09:53] <Hixie> it would be a security disaster if it wasn't
  349. # [09:53] <Hixie> it's bad enough as it is
  350. # [09:54] <annevk> true
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  359. # [12:22] <annevk> heycam, any chance you can make an update for test 69 in Acid3? the summary for instance is bogus now
  360. # [12:22] <annevk> well, partially bogus
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  362. # [12:36] <webben> Lachy: Hi there, with http://lachy.id.au/log/2005/05/script-comments in the "The Correct Method for XHTML" what's the // in //]]> for? contrasting with http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#h-4.8
  363. # [12:37] <Lachy> that applies when serving as text/html, as the article should point out
  364. # [12:37] <Lachy> it's to comment it out so it doesn't cause a JS error
  365. # [12:38] <Lachy> oh, oops
  366. # [12:38] <Lachy> yeah, it's not needed.
  367. # [12:38] <Lachy> but harmless
  368. # [12:38] * Quits: roc (n=roc@121-72-31-57.dsl.telstraclear.net)
  369. # [12:38] <hsivonen> What's the browser support status of http://contentlabel.org/ ?
  370. # [12:39] <hsivonen> (the technology advocated--not the site itself)
  371. # [12:42] <Lachy> Since it uses RDF and believes it can some how use it to increase trust (highly unlikely), I'm going to guess zero support
  372. # [12:42] * Quits: peepo (n=Jay@wavelan86.doc.ic.ac.uk)
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  374. # [12:45] <webben> I http://contentlabel.org/firefox-extension-that-reads-semantic-labelled-sites/
  375. # [12:46] <webben> so it's vapourware except for their own Fx extension
  376. # [12:47] <webben> (which isn't as bad as some things, I guess)
  377. # [12:48] <hsivonen> it's not clear to me what the motivation is. 1) Protecting children? 2) Causing an illusion of porn self-regulation in order to lessen government interest in statutory regulation 3) find a nail for a SemWeb hammer. 4) something else?
  378. # [12:49] <gsnedders> It's possible to filter the web. kthxbai.
  379. # [12:49] <webben> hsivonen: Sell Segala trust labels I suspect.
  380. # [12:50] <hsivonen> webben: hmm. yeah, that's a very plausible explanation
  381. # [12:51] <webben> I think currently their main customer is O2.
  382. # [12:52] <webben> how useful segala certification is perhaps open to doubt however: http://www.blether.com/archives/2006/06/da_vinci_code_t.php
  383. # [12:52] <annevk> "Using W3C standards such as RDF makes mass adoption for Content Labels more seamless in our opinion." hmm
  384. # [12:53] <webben> well, using standards /should/ help adoption (at least, assuming the standards are workable)
  385. # [12:55] <webben> and there are plenty of tools that can extract stuff from RDF
  386. # [12:55] <gsnedders> All W3C standards are totally widespread.
  387. # [12:55] <webben> gsnedders: well, all w3c standards are at least open to implementors
  388. # [12:55] <gsnedders> webben: That's not overly relevant if nobody uses them, though
  389. # [12:56] <annevk> though not all are implementable
  390. # [12:56] <webben> like I said: "assuming the standards are workable"
  391. # [12:56] <webben> RDF has been implemented, so it is workable.
  392. # [12:58] <Lachy> RDF is too complicated and only solves imaginary problems
  393. # [12:58] <webben> indeed, it's even implemented in browsers to some degree.
  394. # [13:02] <webben> 'saying stuff about stuff in a machine-readable manner" is an imaginary problem?
  395. # [13:03] <webben> or do you mean the added complications only solve imaginary problems in that task?
  396. # [13:09] <hsivonen> hmm. looks like Segala is into the MobileOK stuff as well
  397. # [13:09] <hsivonen> I don't like MobileOK at all
  398. # [13:10] <webben> how come?
  399. # [13:10] * webben hasn't looked at it.
  400. # [13:11] <webben> http://www.w3.org/TR/mobileOK-basic10-tests/ ... interesting worked on by a google fellow and someone who used to work at Segala
  401. # [13:11] <hsivonen> webben: the Mobile OK thing is based on the assumption that mobile browsers suck and that content needs to be dumbed down
  402. # [13:12] <webben> well, that's probably true of a lot of current deployment
  403. # [13:13] <webben> hopefully not so true in future
  404. # [13:13] <hsivonen> webben: The mobile browsers I use can do much more than what is assumed by Mobile OK
  405. # [13:13] <webben> yes, I'd tend to assume web-loving folk would use better clients than average
  406. # [13:13] <hsivonen> webben: the mobile browsers I use are based on Gecko, Opera and WebKit
  407. # [13:14] <webben> yes, but those are very much a new breed aren't they?
  408. # [13:15] <webben> guess it depends how fast such devices get rolled out into growth markets
  409. # [13:15] <hsivonen> webben: I have about zero sympathy for bad products when at least three better ones are available
  410. # [13:16] <hsivonen> webben: Opera Mini works on remarkably sucky phones
  411. # [13:16] <webben> opera mini is good
  412. # [13:16] <webben> dunno what the state of its localization is though
  413. # [13:19] <webben> http://operawatch.com/news/2007/11/opera-mini-translated-into-over-50-languages-15-more-to-come-later-this-month.html
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  417. # [14:11] <hsivonen> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-comments/2008Feb/0011.html
  418. # [14:11] <hsivonen> I'm not sure how I should react
  419. # [14:13] <annevk> http://annevankesteren.nl/2007/04/html-red-pill
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  423. # [14:31] * Philip` wonders why Opera uses 1005MB of memory and then takes two minutes to exit
  424. # [14:36] <hsivonen> well, replied anyway.
  425. # [14:50] * Quits: jgraham (n=james@cpc1-flee2-0-0-cust327.glfd.cable.ntl.com) ("I'll hit the bottom and escape")
  426. # [14:50] <jwalden> "The reference image for Acid3 as rendered by WebKit r30069." wow, Wikipedia, thanks for telling me that this *reference image* screenshot was done with WebKit, and with a revision number too!
  427. # [14:56] <annevk> you can fix that :p
  428. # [14:57] <annevk> I wonder why they took out the screen shots of beta releases though
  429. # [15:01] <krijnh> Philip`: I have that constantly
  430. # [15:04] <krijnh> Hope it's fixed with 9.5
  431. # [15:05] * Quits: peepo (n=Jay@wavelan86.doc.ic.ac.uk) ("later")
  432. # [15:07] <annevk> for real?
  433. # [15:07] * annevk doesn't have that problem at all
  434. # [15:07] <krijnh> I haven't installed 9.2
  435. # [15:08] <krijnh> Perhaps that's the problem
  436. # [15:08] <Philip`> Steps to reproduce: Visit lots of web pages for a couple of days
  437. # [15:08] <krijnh> I had a laptop crash, bought a new one, and copied the Opera dir from my other disk
  438. # [15:08] <Philip`> (I'm using 9.2something)
  439. # [15:08] <krijnh> (which is one of the best things Opera provides)
  440. # [15:08] <Philip`> (It's not a problem with e.g. Flash, because I've got plugins disabled since Flash didn't work anyway)
  441. # [15:09] <krijnh> (and we both like parentheses)
  442. # [15:10] <Philip`> (They are an aesthetically pleasing curve)
  443. # [15:10] <krijnh> Perhaps it's Vista
  444. # [15:10] * Philip` is using Linux
  445. # [15:11] <krijnh> I don't think it's Vista
  446. # [15:11] <krijnh> :p
  447. # [15:11] <krijnh> Mem usage here is around 200MB, even after closing Opera
  448. # [15:11] <krijnh> And it drops after a few minutes
  449. # [15:12] <krijnh> And if you restart it when it's not closed down yet, I get a mail init error
  450. # [15:12] <krijnh> s/you/I
  451. # [15:13] <krijnh> Anyway, I'm still alive, so it's probably not a big issue :)
  452. # [15:21] <annevk> Philip`, I almost never reboot Opera and I don't encounter this problem (I'm on Linux too, Opera 9.2x)
  453. # [15:21] <annevk> hopefully it's better in 9.5
  454. # [15:26] <krijnh> annevk: you also use M2?
  455. # [15:26] <annevk> yeah
  456. # [15:27] <annevk> and IRC
  457. # [15:27] <krijnh> Hmm
  458. # [15:27] <krijnh> 9.5 also takes a while to close down for me, on a different machine
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  460. # [15:53] <annevk> hmm, I can project my laptop on my TV, but not both at the same time :(
  461. # [16:03] <Philip`> The laptop display switches off when you connect the TV?
  462. # [16:05] <annevk> some distorted display, now it sort of works
  463. # [16:06] <annevk> it's not perfect though as my TV only shows 2/3 of the screen
  464. # [16:07] <annevk> tv has a res of 1360x768 and the laptop has 1680x1080
  465. # [16:08] <annevk> but I can watch movies now, sort of
  466. # [16:09] <annevk> (oh also sound isn't patched through, but I guess that's to be expected with a VGA connector :) )
  467. # [16:14] <hsivonen> annevk: hmm. 1080p laptop. nice. what are the physical dimensions?
  468. # [16:15] <Philip`> 1080p is usually 1920x1080, so it's a bit misleading to call it that
  469. # [16:16] <hsivonen> oh. right
  470. # [16:19] * Philip` discovers that Ubuntu's do-release-upgrade is not foolproof, as it failed with "Could not install the upgrades. The upgrade aborts now. Your system could be in an unusable state."
  471. # [16:19] <hsivonen> I went to a home eletronics store the other day. they had a wall full of flat 720p and 1080p TVs and the same blu-ray 1080p feed into all of them
  472. # [16:19] <hsivonen> I couldn't tell the difference between 1080p and 720p
  473. # [16:20] <hsivonen> and I couldn't tell the difference between 890 euro models and 1700 euro models
  474. # [16:20] <hsivonen> makes one go hmm.
  475. # [16:23] <Philip`> The only TV I watch is over streaming Flash and costs me £0 (plus no TV Licence fee) and the quality seems perfectly adequate :-)
  476. # [16:24] <Philip`> But movies are different, since quality is often much more important there
  477. # [16:28] <jwalden> Philip`: exactly what drugs were you on when you decided you wanted to do Element.setAttribute(":", ...) anyway? :-P
  478. # [16:29] <Philip`> jwalden: I just wanted to do things http://philip.html5.org/tools/parser/?%3Ctest%3Atest%20test%3Atest%20%3Atest%3E and detect when I was about to create an invalid attribute so I could get rid of the offending characters
  479. # [16:30] <Philip`> s/things/things like/
  480. # [16:31] <Philip`> but that turns out to be impossible because "invalid attribute" varies between browsers, rather than following any standard
  481. # [16:34] <jwalden> not like anyone actually specified that at the time browsers implemented it, really
  482. # [16:34] * jwalden wonders why hand-waving is so prevalent in specs
  483. # [16:34] <Philip`> I'd be happiest if nothing was considered an invalid attribute, since otherwise it's impossible to write a conforming HTML5 parser using the JS DOM
  484. # [16:35] <jwalden> Element.setAttribute(" foo='bar' baz", "quux")
  485. # [16:35] <jwalden> attribute injection!
  486. # [16:37] <Philip`> Wouldn't it be easier to do Element.setAttribute('foo', 'bar') if you're able to control the arguments? :-p
  487. # [16:37] <jwalden> not necessarily, if the first argument was checked against a blacklist
  488. # [16:38] <jwalden> I don't presume to expect rational behavior in random web apps
  489. # [16:38] <jwalden> cf. ":" ;-)
  490. # [16:39] <Philip`> IE and Opera users would already be vulnerable if a web app did that
  491. # [16:39] <Philip`> hence web apps can't do that
  492. # [16:40] <Philip`> hence it's not a security problem :-)
  493. # [16:40] * jwalden defines security problems out of existence
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  515. # [21:06] * MacDome is now known as MacDomeOut
  516. # [21:45] * Joins: Fiboknight (n=ttyboy@
  517. # [21:46] <Fiboknight> hello
  518. # [21:46] <Lachy> Fiboknight, hi
  519. # [21:46] <Fiboknight> how may i get access to your irc log script?
  520. # [21:46] <Lachy> ask krijnh
  521. # [21:46] <Lachy> he runs it
  522. # [21:47] <Fiboknight> oh ok
  523. # [21:47] <Fiboknight> are you a dev as well?
  524. # [21:48] <Lachy> I was a web developer
  525. # [21:50] <Fiboknight> cool
  526. # [21:56] * Joins: jgraham (n=james@cpc4-farn1-0-0-cust402.glfd.cable.ntl.com)
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  530. # [23:01] <gsnedders> do adjacent text nodes have implicit whitespace between the two?
  531. # [23:02] <gsnedders> Lachy: see the email I sent?
  532. # [23:16] <Hixie> they do not
  533. # [23:19] <gsnedders> that's what I expected
  534. # [23:19] <gsnedders> Why would (in Python) `else Element.textContent:` cause a syntaxerror?
  535. # [23:19] <Dashiva> why not?
  536. # [23:20] <hasather> gsnedders: elif
  537. # [23:20] <gsnedders> hasather: oh duh.
  538. # [23:20] * gsnedders headdesks
  539. # [23:20] <gsnedders> thx
  540. # [23:20] <Dashiva> This is not the syntax you're looking for *handwave*
  541. # [23:21] <gsnedders> Dashiva: hey! I'm allowed to be dumb at times! :)
  542. # [23:21] <gsnedders> Dashiva: don't be mean to the kid!
  543. # [23:22] <Dashiva> I'm just trying to lighten the mood with some humor
  544. # [23:23] <gsnedders> And I'm being totally serious :)
  545. # [23:23] <gsnedders> (obviously)
  546. # [23:23] <gsnedders> </sarcasm>
  547. # [23:23] <Dashiva> Parse error
  548. # [23:23] <gsnedders> Dashiva: what? you think you need a start tag! Silly XML making you think such things.
  549. # [23:23] <Hixie> <sarcasm> is an optional start tag
  550. # [23:24] <gsnedders> like <html>, <head>, and <body>
  551. # [23:24] * gsnedders actually saw a real site which omitted the opening head tag, but not the closing one, a few weeks ago
  552. # [23:24] <Dashiva> gsnedders: Since when is IRC sent as text/html? :P
  553. # [23:24] * Joins: jgraham (n=james@cpc1-flee2-0-0-cust327.glfd.cable.ntl.com)
  554. # [23:25] <gsnedders> Dashiva: it's text/plain;charset=unknown, so why any parser error ever? :P
  555. # [23:26] <Dashiva> I have to parse your writing to understand it
  556. # [23:26] <gsnedders> peh!
  557. # [23:26] <gsnedders> parsing is overrated.
  558. # [23:27] <Hixie> wow, the whatwg copy of html5 sure has dropped down the rankings
  559. # [23:27] <gsnedders> Hixie: talking of HTML 5, you have any need for ul.toc on _every_ nested ul in the TOC?
  560. # [23:28] <gsnedders> actually, why isn't it an ol?
  561. # [23:29] <Hixie> no idea on either point
  562. # [23:29] <gsnedders> it should be an ol, no?
  563. # [23:29] <Hixie> probably
  564. # [23:30] * gsnedders goes back to designing an algorithm to actually create the TOC
  565. # [23:30] <Hixie> the html5 spec has one of those :-)
  566. # [23:31] <Hixie> though it's hard to understand
  567. # [23:31] <gsnedders> it does?
  568. # [23:31] <gsnedders> oh, that one
  569. # [23:31] * gsnedders totally forgot
  570. # [23:33] <gsnedders> the creating an outline section?
  571. # [23:34] <Lachy> gsnedders, the proxy script you sent me doesn't correctly pass the username and password
  572. # [23:34] <gsnedders> Lachy: I just realised that
  573. # [23:36] * jgraham has an imp. of the HTML 5 algorithm somewhere but doesn't recommend it
  574. # [23:39] * gsnedders emails Lachy the "don't write PHP scripts quickly thinking you can write them fine" edition.
  575. # [23:39] <Hixie> jgraham: the alg, or the results?
  576. # [23:39] * Quits: Thezilch (n=fuz007@ip68-111-154-116.sd.sd.cox.net) (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
  577. # [23:40] <jgraham> Hixie: What do you mean results?
  578. # [23:40] <jgraham> I think the algorithm does the right thing
  579. # [23:40] <jgraham> (more or less)
  580. # [23:40] <Hixie> that's what i meant by results
  581. # [23:42] <jgraham> I mostly meant that I don't recommend my implementation, although I have no particular love for the way the algorithm is expressed either
  582. # [23:42] * gsnedders is scratching his head at parts of the description
  583. # [23:43] <Hixie> jgraham: k
  584. # [23:43] <Hixie> bbl
  585. # [23:43] <gsnedders> bye
  586. # [23:43] * Joins: virtuelv (n=virtuelv@109.80-202-65.nextgentel.com)
  587. # [23:45] <gsnedders> (I actually meant creating the actual TOC output, not creating it internally, but hey)
  588. # [23:47] <Lachy> gsnedders, you still didn't get it quite right :-)
  589. # [23:47] <Lachy> but I fixed it
  590. # [23:47] <gsnedders> Lachy: what now?
  591. # [23:47] <gsnedders> oh. ).
  592. # [23:47] <Lachy> yeah
  593. # [23:47] <Lachy> it all works
  594. # [23:48] <gsnedders> A change so minor that "nothing" can go wrong. But of course it now causes parse errors. Typical :)
  595. # [23:54] * gsnedders waves g'nite
  596. # Session Close: Sun Feb 17 00:00:00 2008

The end :)