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# Session Start: Fri Aug 01 00:00:00 2008
# Session Ident: #whatwg
# [00:13] * aroben|away is now known as aroben
# [00:15] * Quits: eseidel (n=eseidel@
# [00:22] * Hixie adds a ten-day moving average to http://www.whatwg.org/issues/data.html for no apparently reason
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# [00:31] * gsnedders doesn't really want to write, "normally, the normal string substitutions areā¦"
# [00:36] * gsnedders wonders how to avoid [DATE] being parsed
# [00:36] <gsnedders> This is making it rather hard to document
# [00:37] <gsnedders> Hixie: Is <!----> the shortest conforming comment?
# [00:38] <Hixie> i believe so
# [00:38] <gsnedders> Because although the text can't start with U+002D, the text is optional?
# [00:39] <Hixie> right
# [00:39] <Hixie> well
# [00:39] <Hixie> iirc, the text isn't optional, but it can be the empty string
# [00:39] <Hixie> which is the same thing!
# [00:40] <gsnedders> Hixie: text is may
# [00:40] <gsnedders> Hixie: Thus it isn't required
# [00:42] <Hixie> ah ok
# [00:42] <Hixie> well there you go then
# [00:42] <gsnedders> (string subs must be contained within a single text node, thus having a comment that is empty stops it from being repalced)
# [00:42] <gsnedders> *replaced
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# [01:17] <Hixie> maybe i should spend more time fixing the spec and less time responding to sam and insulting the tag.
# [01:18] <hober> I must have missed the TAG insult email
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# [01:18] <Hixie> just sent it
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# [01:24] * Quits: Maurice (i=copyman@cc90688-a.emmen1.dr.home.nl) ("Disconnected...")
# [01:25] * gsnedders sighs
# [01:25] <gsnedders> Is it silly the sub. docs is longer than xref and TOC/numbering docs put together?
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# [01:50] <Hixie> http://www.whatwg.org/issues/data.html now shows labels in browsers that support the html5 fillText() api
# [01:52] <takkaria> damn, I have to go and download one now...
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# [02:04] * eseidel_ is now known as eseidel
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# [02:24] * gsnedders realises he's completely screwed up 1.0b1 spec-gen docs by having no external links
# [02:24] <gsnedders> Nevertheless, go get now!
# [02:25] <gsnedders> Also, if there's anyone who should be in the ack but isn't, do email me
# [02:26] * Joins: roc (n=roc@conference/mozilla-summit/x-8c46440a4229d019)
# [02:26] <gsnedders> http://hg.gsnedders.com/hgwebdir.cgi/spec-gen/rev/fab6bfa129aa (see the bzip/zip/gz links to download)
# [02:26] <gsnedders> Oh dear.
# [02:26] <gsnedders> The docs say 1.0b1-dev to
# [02:26] <gsnedders> *too
# [02:27] <gsnedders> I really am too tired :P
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# [02:52] <Hixie> sam is rich
# [02:52] <Hixie> "please don't dismiss me" he says, after not replying to almost any of the questions i ask him
# [02:53] <Hixie> like, i write an e-mail "here's how you could help us move forward: X. So far you haven't helped us move forward."
# [02:53] <Hixie> and he replies "You say I haven't helped you move forward! Whine whine whine."
# [02:53] <takkaria> I think that thread is a waste of your time, fwiw, and you should probably stop replying
# [02:53] <Hixie> i'm gonna see if he replies to the questions i asked
# [02:53] <Hixie> if he does, we could make progress
# [02:54] <Hixie> if he doesn't, i'll add him to my filter that labels e-mails as being "AAA IMPORTANT/CRITICAL"
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# [03:01] <takkaria> Hixie, I assume you saw the posts about getting WF2 integrated? have you plans to do that soon now that we seem to have some consensus on it?
# [03:02] <Hixie> yeah gonna do that after we publish next month
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# [03:03] <takkaria> awesome. :)
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# [04:13] <kangax> is it possible to modify image opacity (after it was rendered on canvas)?
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# [09:43] <hsivonen> apparently, browsers don't treat a bogus internal encoding decl after a BOM as an error in XML: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Bahia_Municip_Itapicuru.svg
# [09:44] <hsivonen> nzkoz: you were looking for me?
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# [10:11] <hsivonen> I had dinner with friends who write software.
# [10:12] <hsivonen> it seems to me that when people who have had to deal with Namespaces in XML can talk freely, they never have anecdotes about how Namespaces have helped them
# [10:12] <hsivonen> instead, they have negative comments
# [10:13] <hsivonen> OTOH, devil's advocate scenarios where Namespaces could help come from people who don't have to deal with Namespaces as part of their work
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# [10:23] <othermaciej> Namespaces are an example of the Fundamental Software Engineering Error
# [10:23] <othermaciej> which is that something too terrible to actually use can be fixed by adding a level of indirection
# [10:24] <othermaciej> sometimes that is true but software engineers try to do it even when it clearly is not
# [10:31] <hsivonen> othermaciej: do you mean that URI-based extensibility is the too terrible thing in this case?
# [10:31] <othermaciej> using URIs as a namespace identifier for tags in a markup language
# [10:31] <othermaciej> is the terrible thing
# [10:32] <othermaciej> if you had to mention the URI on every tag it would be clearly unusable
# [10:32] <othermaciej> but since URIs are *obviously* the one true form of unique identifier, you add a level of indirection instead of rethinking why you are using them
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# [10:33] <othermaciej> or why URIs that are not meant to be dereferenced should start with http: and have a hostname
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# [10:46] <hsivonen> Hixie: if Google Translate isn't observing <code> now, why would it observe some other "do not translate" marker?
# [10:49] <hsivonen> I wonder if Web authors would bother to annotate their stuff for machine translation
# [10:50] <Philip`> If sometimes there are <code>s it ought to translate, it could just default to not translating and have some popup UI when you move the mouse over that text to offer to translate it
# [10:54] <Hixie> hsivonen: good question
# [10:55] <Hixie> hsivonen: though it wouldn't help with the wikipedia example, since that's not marked up right
# [11:01] * hsivonen expects a new round of Distributed Extensibility around ITS
# [11:03] * Quits: jruderman (n=jruderma@conference/mozilla-summit/x-26acc94696c43864)
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# [11:19] * Joins: KevinMarks (n=KevinMar@c-98-207-134-151.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
# [11:23] <hsivonen> In case anyone is wondering about Validator.nu weirdness, the DNS server that Validator.nu use for resolving addresses for outgoing connections is being really slow to respond today
# [11:23] <Hixie> is it being attacked?
# [11:23] <Hixie> i hear there are attacks going on now
# [11:23] <hsivonen> I don't know.
# [11:26] * Joins: Lachy (n=Lachlan@pat-tdc.opera.com)
# [11:27] <virtuelv> are the mozilla devs still trapped in Whistler?
# [11:27] <virtuelv> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=448604
# [11:29] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: I just updated my local validator.nu and now getting "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/mortbay/jetty/Connector" error
# [11:30] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: did you run build.py with target 'all' or 'dldeps'?
# [11:30] <MikeSmith> with "run"
# [11:30] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: try dldeps first and then run again
# [11:30] <MikeSmith> k
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# [11:31] <MikeSmith> OK, I see it's downloading the new dependencies now
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# [11:35] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: btw, the dldeps can sometimes be a PITA because certain downloads often fail with "Connection reset by peer" messages, and the download doesn't retry, so I have to go back and retry it manually
# [11:35] <MikeSmith> happening now with the http://download.icu-project.org/files/icu4j/4.0/icu4j-4_0.jar download
# [11:36] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: yeah, I'm experiencing problems with DNS right now. It has worked until now, so there hasn't been a need to make it retry before...
# [11:36] <MikeSmith> OK
# [11:36] <hsivonen> but yeah, I should probably make it retry
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# [11:41] <Hixie> MikeSmith: the subversion link is so that people can use a svn client to get the complete log, blame, diffs, etc (it's not supposed to be accessed from a browser)
# [11:42] <Hixie> MikeSmith: would it make sense to expose it as a non-hyperlinked url, maybe?
# [11:42] <Hixie> MikeSmith: (other changes look fine)
# [11:43] <MikeSmith> great
# [11:43] <MikeSmith> Hixie: yeah, I think a non-hyperlinked "svn checkout http://svn.whatwg.org/webapps/ " would be good
# [11:43] <Hixie> cool, will do that then
# [11:43] <MikeSmith> thanks
# [11:46] <Philip`> 'svn blame' isn't very useful, since it blames Hixie for everything
# [11:46] <gDashiva> You mean it isn't all his fault?
# [11:46] <Hixie> i use it a lot to track which version number a line was last edited in
# [11:47] <Philip`> gDashiva: It is, but we know that already
# [11:47] <hsivonen> Philip`: I deployed a new XML serializer. Feel free to try to break it.
# [11:48] <Philip`> hsivonen: I might have a look when I have fewer urgent things to work on :-)
# [11:49] <Hixie> MikeSmith: "choice of means" kind of sounds kooky to me so i'm changing that paragraph
# [11:50] <Hixie> now it just reads: <p>There are various ways to follow the change history for the specification:</p>
# [11:50] <MikeSmith> Hixie: yeah, sounded funny to me too :) I just couldn't think of better wording..
# [11:50] <MikeSmith> your revision sounds great to me
# [11:53] <Hixie> i also changed your <dd><ul><li> construct to just a list of <dd>s, since <dl>s can have multiple <dd>s per <dt>s
# [11:54] <MikeSmith> yeah, that's cleaner
# [11:55] <Hixie> hey there's no link to the issues list either
# [11:55] <Hixie> should we add taht?
# [11:55] <Hixie> i guess i forgot to add it when i added it to the whatwg copy when daniel asked
# [11:57] <MikeSmith> Hixie: yeah, seems like that would definitely be good to have too
# [11:59] <Hixie> ok here's what i have so far: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/.w3c/Overview.html
# [12:00] * MikeSmith looks now
# [12:00] * Hixie isn't sure he likes the text of the "HTML 5 bug/issue-tracking service" link but doesn't have a better suggestion
# [12:00] <Hixie> too many capitals, numbers, and types of punctuation in short successon
# [12:00] <Hixie> succession
# [12:02] <MikeSmith> Hixie: yeah, that "HTML 5 bug/issue-tracking service" wording definitely klunky
# [12:02] <MikeSmith> anyway, revised SOTD overall looks great
# [12:02] <Hixie> how about just "our public bug tracker"?
# [12:02] <Hixie> or database
# [12:03] <MikeSmith> "public bug database" sound best, i think
# [12:04] <MikeSmith> "submit them to our public bug database"
# [12:04] <Hixie> ok: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/.w3c/Overview.html
# [12:04] <Hixie> oh you think s/using/to/? i can do that too if you want
# [12:04] <MikeSmith> beautiful
# [12:05] <MikeSmith> nah, "using" is fine
# [12:05] <Hixie> oh i should probably update the link to the bug list to not be the list that i use but hte list that includes all the bugs i am hiding from myself too!
# [12:05] <Hixie> e.g. the ones i reassign to you :-)
# [12:05] <MikeSmith> heh, yeah
# [12:06] <hsivonen> hmm. the resolf.conf on the validator.nu machine is interesting
# [12:08] <MikeSmith> Hixie: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=ALL+product:HTML+-status:RESOLVED+-status:CLOSED
# [12:08] <MikeSmith> I think
# [12:08] <MikeSmith> for the "bug database" link
# [12:08] <MikeSmith> hmm, though I see that picks up the authoring-guide also
# [12:09] <MikeSmith> anyway, some form that quicksearch feature would seem best
# [12:11] <Hixie> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?component=Spec%20bugs&component=Spec%20proposals&product=HTML%20WG&resolution=NEEDSINFO&resolution=LATER&resolution=REMIND&resolution=---&order=bugs.resolution%2Cbugs.priority%2C%20bugs.bug_severity
# [12:12] <Hixie> checked in
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# [12:47] <Lachy> wow, so Dean Edridge might be becoming an editor? http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2008Aug/0002.html
# [12:47] <Lachy> it'll be interest to see how well he manages
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# [13:01] <hsivonen> hmm. Jigsaw is pretty seriously vintage Java...
# [13:04] <hsivonen> Namespaces (java packages) don't solve the problem of the contents of the namespace being different in 2000 and 2008
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# [13:09] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: I have another question about the http://svn.versiondude.net/whattf/syntax/trunk/relaxng HTML5 schema
# [13:11] <MikeSmith> does it actually capture the content-model constraints around phrasing prose/phrase/flow content?
# [13:11] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: it should
# [13:11] <hsivonen> subject to bugs, of course
# [13:11] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: however, exclusions are handled in Schematron
# [13:12] <hsivonen> and it doesn't capture the new transparent <a> thing yet
# [13:12] <MikeSmith> OK. maybe I need to look at the assertions. I haven't much yet.
# [13:12] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: do you have a test case that misvalidates?
# [13:12] <MikeSmith> for a specific for example, where is the constraint that a <p> can't have a <ul> as a child?
# [13:13] * hsivonen looks
# [13:13] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: <p><ul><li>foo</li></ul></p> doesn't misvalidate, but validator.nu doesn't actually seem to get to the point of validating it
# [13:14] <MikeSmith> because it seems that the parser fixes it before it gets to the validation stage
# [13:14] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: in block.rnc, p.inner is defined to be ( common.inner.phrase )
# [13:15] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: right, and common.inner.phrase = text & common.elem.phrase*
# [13:15] <MikeSmith> and common.elem.phrase = common.elem.embedded
# [13:15] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: yeah, in that case, stuff happens according to the parsing algorithm before it reaches the schema layer
# [13:15] <MikeSmith> and common.elem.embedded = notAllowed
# [13:15] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: right, that's what I meant for that particular case
# [13:15] <MikeSmith> the </p> gets implied
# [13:16] <MikeSmith> before the <ul>
# [13:16] <hsivonen> that has nothing to do with the schema
# [13:16] <MikeSmith> right, I understand that
# [13:17] <MikeSmith> it seems like with a conformant HTML5 parser, there are many such cases
# [13:17] <MikeSmith> with one consequence being that the error messages aren't going to be very helpful
# [13:17] <hsivonen> but for XHTML5, the restriction is that common.elem.prose |= ul.elem does not end up augmenting common.inner.phrase
# [13:18] <MikeSmith> OK
# [13:18] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: there's a pending feature request to get warnings on implied tags
# [13:18] <MikeSmith> ah
# [13:18] <MikeSmith> that would be great to have
# [13:19] <MikeSmith> ideally I think a user should see a message saying, e.g., "the <p> element cannot contain a <ul> as a child"
# [13:19] <MikeSmith> or whatever
# [13:19] <MikeSmith> that makes it very explicit
# [13:20] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: the thing is, that omitting </p> is a legitimate way to end the <p>
# [13:20] <MikeSmith> hmm, yeah, I realize that now
# [13:21] <MikeSmith> god, all this stuff must make building a conformance checker a major PITA
# [13:21] <MikeSmith> :)
# [13:23] <hsivonen> right now, the PITA is that Jigsaw doesn't print informative diagnostics when stuff fails :-)
# [13:24] <MikeSmith> I saw you had mentioned Jigsaw but I'm clueless so far about what you need it for
# [13:24] <MikeSmith> what problem does it potentially solve for you?
# [13:24] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: getting the W3C run an instance of Validator.nu under their preferred container
# [13:25] <MikeSmith> ah
# [13:25] <MikeSmith> that would definitely be really nice to have
# [13:28] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: getting back to the HTML5 schema, am I confused, or is it the case that if you expand the content-model references out, common.inner.phrase just amounts to text & notAllowed
# [13:28] <hsivonen> hmm. interesting. when the servlet-relative path is "/", Jigsaw gives it as null
# [13:29] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: each phrase-level element definition augments that stub definition
# [13:29] <MikeSmith> OK
# [13:31] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: I see now... I just need to quit being lazy and to actually read the schema
# [13:42] <hsivonen> do all browsers default to submitting the form to base uri if the action attribute on the form is missing?
# [13:42] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: do you know of any tools that are able to generate a flattened version of an rng/rnc schema with the combine=choice definitions for a pattern actually combined into a single definition?
# [13:43] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: I'm not aware of such a tool, but here's a guess
# [13:43] <hsivonen> you might get that result if
# [13:43] <hsivonen> you run Trang to convert the schema to RELAX NG XML syntax
# [13:44] <hsivonen> and then run Kohsuke Kawaguchi's schema converter to convert the schema from RELAX NG to RELAX NG
# [13:45] <hsivonen> but that's just a guess
# [13:45] <hsivonen> then you could run Trang againg to compact syntax to make the result human-readable :-)
# [13:45] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: Trang preserves the structure of the schema
# [13:46] <MikeSmith> yeah, tried trang .. doesn't do it, unfortunately -- or fortunately, depending on how you look at it. trang faithfully preserves the RNC structure in RNG output in such a way that is seems like it's actually round-trippable
# [13:46] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: Kohsuke Kawaguchi's converter builds an abstact model and reserializes it without preserving structure
# [13:46] <hsivonen> but IIRC, him tool doesn't read compact syntax
# [13:47] <MikeSmith> I tried Dave Tolpin's incelim and it doesn't combine them either
# [13:47] <hsivonen> hence, the need to use Trang, too
# [13:47] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: OK
# [13:47] <MikeSmith> will try Kohsuke's tool
# [13:48] * MikeSmith apologizes again for not actually reading carefullywhat hsivonen wrote above
# [13:48] <MikeSmith> I'll shut up now :)
# [13:48] <MikeSmith> for a while at least
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# [13:54] <hsivonen> w00t. I got Validator.nu to run inside Jigsaw. (without file upload support, without gzip support and without non-ASCII input support)
# [13:57] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: congats
# [13:57] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: thanks. now I need to document what I did. :-)
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# [17:26] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: any clues on getting Kohsuke's rngconv working with the HTML datatype library?
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# [17:27] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: I'm trying to run a conversion, but I'm getting "http://whattf.org/datatype-draft " is not a recognized data type vocabulary"
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# [17:37] <tantek> hsivonen, othermaciej just saw your dialog re: namespaces earlier (last night) http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20080801#l-154
# [17:38] <tantek> feel free to add a new section (or sections), like "implementation experience" and/or "fundamental software engineering error" to http://microformats.org/wiki/namespaces-considered-harmful
# [17:42] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: no clue. do you have the library in classpath?
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# [17:43] <hsivonen> tantek: I recently started a wiki page, too: http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Namespace_confusion
# [17:43] <hsivonen> not much there yet
# [17:44] <tantek> still, a good collection
# [17:44] <tantek> feel free to link to your page also from http://microformats.org/wiki/namespaces-considered-harmful
# [17:45] <hsivonen> tantek: ok. I will. (gotta run now, though)
# [17:52] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: yeah, I got the dist/html5-datatypes.jar subdir of my http://svn.versiondude.net/whattf/syntax/trunk/relaxng/datatype/java working directory
# [17:52] <MikeSmith> it's just that one jar file, right?
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# [20:16] * hober wonders if getting involved with this thread was a good idea after all
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# [20:43] <takkaria> it wasn't
# [20:44] <takkaria> neither is the way trackback/pingback have been brought up at all
# [20:50] <hober> maybe I should set a cron job to email http://xkcd.com/386/ to me every morning...
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# [20:53] <takkaria> the debate on extensibility is fundamentally a religious one, I don't see how either side will ever buckle
# [20:54] <takkaria> I have this suspicion that HTML5 will never become a W3C recommendation as a result of this and other permadiscussions
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# [22:37] <takkaria> libxml2's APIs suck a little bit
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# [23:21] <Lachy> "And authors want to add metadata. Instead of forcing it into containers that haven't been designed for it (@title, @data-*), let them do it properly." -- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2008Aug/0023.html
# [23:21] <Lachy> I don't get what other way would be considered the proper way to embed metadata, beyond the mechanisms designed for adding metadata?!
# [23:23] <Lachy> if, as Julian claims, title and data-* weren't designed for adding some type of metadata, then I must be missing something.
# Session Close: Sat Aug 02 00:00:00 2008
The end :)