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# Session Start: Fri Feb 13 00:00:00 2009
# Session Ident: #whatwg
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# [00:32] * heycam only just realised that the names of the CSS 2.1 appendices all begin with their appendix letter
# [00:37] <Philip`> I guess that's why there's no appendix H
# [00:38] <heycam> yeah, Index is a nice one to finish on
# [00:38] <Hixie> there is an appendix H
# [00:38] <heycam> oh
# [00:38] <heycam> oops
# [00:38] <heycam> i missed that...
# [00:38] <Hixie> no, you didn't :-)
# [00:38] <heycam> and also overlooked the fact that H is before I :)
# [00:39] <heycam> H for the Hidden Appendix?
# [00:39] <Hixie> almost
# [00:39] <Hixie> but there actually is a page for it
# [00:39] <Hixie> it's just not listed in the table of contents
# [00:40] <heycam> ahaha
# [00:40] <Hixie> i'm quite proud that the wg actually ended up with the joke around the appendix names
# [00:40] <heycam> i see it :)
# [00:40] * doublec_ is now known as doublec
# [00:40] <Hixie> it was a lot easier to slide jokes into html5 :-P
# [00:40] <Hixie> selectors also has joke sections, though actually in the case of selectors it was completely unintentional
# [00:40] <Hixie> (look for the section after :empty)
# [00:41] <Philip`> http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/leftblank.html ?
# [00:41] <Hixie> yup, that's H
# [00:41] <heycam> i notice you can get to it from the next/previous chapter links
# [00:41] <Philip`> Oh, I didn't see the next/previous links
# [00:42] <Hixie> appendix E in CSS2.1, and to a less extent F, were the only ones that we had to really stretch for
# [00:42] <Hixie> lesser rather
# [00:42] <heycam> that section after :empty thing reminds me of the discussion about the hebrew numbering system on www-style recently
# [00:42] <Hixie> heh
# [00:42] <Hixie> you wouldn't believe the number of private e-mails i've gotten about that section telling me how stupid i am for leaving it blank
# [00:43] <heycam> heh really
# [00:43] <Hixie> but actually it was just a coincidence -- we wanted to remove that section (it defined :contains(), which we removed in CR) and we didn't want to renumber things
# [00:44] <Lachy> Hixie, wasn't that section 6.6.6 in Selectors, not Appenix H in CSS21?
# [00:45] <Hixie> yes, that's what i'm talking about
# [00:45] <Hixie> i was responding to heycam
# [00:45] <Lachy> oh, I didn't see a mention of selectors spec. Now I see he mentioned :empty
# [00:45] <Hixie> so is anyone in the same country as jgraham
# [00:47] <Philip`> I'm not aware of any countries with a population of 1, so almost certainly there is someone
# [00:47] <Lachy> he's in Sweden. There's probalby some people from Opera's swedish office hanging around in here
# [00:47] <Lachy> though zcorpan isn't here
# [00:48] <Hixie> Philip`: i meant anyone here :-P
# [00:49] <Lachy> Hixie, why do you need someone from the same country?
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# [00:49] <Hixie> so they can go and see if he's awake
# [00:50] <Philip`> "This expression has type 'a * 'b * 'c * int * int but is here used with type ((int * int * int * int) * node * 'd) * int * int * int * int * ((int * int * int * int) * ((int * int * int * int) * node * 'd) * 'e) list"
# [00:50] <Philip`> OCaml is great
# [00:51] <jwalden> Hindley-Milner really is pretty cool, until you screw it up
# [00:51] <Philip`> Oh, I forgot to add one function argument
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# [00:52] <Lachy> oh, so you'd want someone who also knows where he lives and is willing to go out in the cold snow, go over to his place and knock on his door. That reduces the number of candidates significantly
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# [00:53] <Hixie> Lachy: actually i'm not sure it really does, of the people in this channel :-)
# [00:53] <Lachy> well, if it goes from 0 down to 0, then that's no change I guess
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# [00:59] <ojan> Hixie: ping
# [00:59] <Hixie> hey
# [01:00] <ojan> why did you spec execCommand("InsertHTML") to not fire mutation events?
# [01:00] <ojan> is taht just what FF does?
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# [01:07] <ojan> just curious :)
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# [01:11] <Lachy> it's nice when people present problems for which we already have solutions in HTML5 :-) http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2009/02/12/selector-blocks/
# [01:11] <Lachy> scoped stylesheets should work nicely for that use case
# [01:14] <Hixie> ojan: the mutation events stuff is all up in the ir
# [01:14] <Hixie> air
# [01:14] <Hixie> ojan: i don't think it matches firefox
# [01:14] <Hixie> ojan: i'm waiting for the dom events spec to mature before looking at them again
# [01:16] <ojan> Hixie: got it.
# [01:16] * Quits: Lachy (n=Lachlan@ ("This computer has gone to sleep")
# [01:24] <jruderman> scoped stylesheets are coming? sweet
# [01:25] <jruderman> i've been wanting that for blog posts
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# [01:35] <Philip`> Hixie: Am I being stupid in thinking that the logic for opaque headers seems to be the wrong way around?
# [01:35] <Hixie> ?
# [01:36] <Philip`> If I have a table like <tr><th>A<tr><td>B and look at cell B and do the internal algorithm for scanning and assigning header cells, then in the first iteration at step 9.4 the opaque headers list will be empty ...
# [01:36] <Philip`> which means that "there is no cell in the opaque headers list anchored with the same (stuff)"
# [01:36] <Philip`> which means blocked is set to true
# [01:37] <Philip`> which means the cell (A) isn't added to the headers list
# [01:37] <Hixie> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6438 ?
# [01:38] <Philip`> Oh
# [01:38] <Philip`> Yes
# [01:38] <Philip`> I agree with that bug report :-)
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# [01:56] * Hixie wonders what to do about his not having a working anolis anymore
# [01:58] <heycam> svn up -rPREV?
# [02:02] * Quits: shepazu (n=schepers@m1d0436d0.tmodns.net) (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
# [02:02] <Hixie> i don't have the code myself
# [02:02] <Hixie> it's on pimpmyspect.net
# [02:02] <Hixie> pimpmyspec.net
# [02:02] <heycam> pimp my spectacles, elton john style
# [02:03] <Dashiva> Pimp my spec still doesn't add bling
# [02:09] <Hixie> jgraham: disregard my earlier whining. the three regressions i see on pimpmyspec.net (after fixing it to use the new urls etc) are:
# [02:09] <Hixie> jgraham: 1. it's slower
# [02:09] <Hixie> jgraham: 2. it doesn't omit as many start tags (see the diff i just committed)
# [02:10] * Quits: KevinMarks (n=KevinMar@nat/google/x-6f623af23fb508ef) ("The computer fell asleep")
# [02:10] <Hixie> jgraham: 3. it doesn't use entity references for characters outside of ascii (i don't trust all the servers involved to do utf-8 correctly)
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# [02:18] <Hixie> jeez windows sucks
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# [09:35] <zcorpan> the xhtml media types note has " <script>//<![CDATA[" in an example which is invalid xhtml 1.x
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# [10:02] <jgraham> Hixie: So, I am here now
# [10:02] * jgraham is still waiting for the internet fairies to visit his flat
# [10:07] <jgraham> The repo for pms.net is http://hg.hoppipolla.co.uk/hgwebdir.cgi/aquarium/ although that has almost no history for reasons best explained as incompetance
# [10:24] * olliej_ is now known as olliej
# [10:25] <zcorpan> hey it's friday 13th today
# [10:26] <zcorpan> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Feb/0032.html
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# [10:30] <yecril71> krijnh! Would it be much trouble to turn the channel in the log path to a hyperlink?
# [10:31] <yecril71> I think the METER element would be appropriate for specifying price.
# [10:31] <yecril71> And INPUT[type=currency], where appropriate.
# [10:32] <hsivonen> yecril71: in practice, people don't use a widget for price. <meter> is the gauge widget.
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# [10:35] <annevk5> Hixie, any particular reason why C in filename had to be lowercase?
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# [10:38] <fearphage> annevk5: may i pm you an opera-centric question?
# [10:38] <annevk5> i suppose
# [10:39] <fearphage> don't be so enthusiastic next time :)
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# [10:56] * jgraham hopes Hixie is not trying to gen the spec right now
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# [11:09] <jgraham> Hixie: OK the ascii thing is fixed. It is now another option :(
# [11:09] * jgraham hates options
# [11:10] <jgraham> I don't know why it should omit fewer start tags
# [11:11] <jgraham> It does seem a bit slow
# [11:12] <jgraham> annevk5: Do you have the old anolis.py from quuz.org somewhere? I could compare notes with that
# [11:12] <annevk5> http://anolis.quuz.org/source is still there
# [11:13] <annevk5> comparing notes with code I write is not recommended though
# [11:14] <jgraham> annevk5: More to see which options were being passed and whether it is really slower
# [11:15] <annevk5> fearphage, I'm generally wary of people asking to ask questions ;)
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# [11:26] <krijnh> yecril71: what do you mean?
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# [11:34] <jgraham> gsnedders: I assume you are not around
# [11:36] <fearphage> annevk5: people seemed to get offended by people pm'ing them freely at times
# [11:38] <jgraham> fearphage: Usually the best solution is to just ask
# [11:38] <jgraham> "beg forgiveness not permission"
# [11:39] <jgraham> Also there are a number of people here who might be able to help with something Opera related (or s/Opera/$Browser/) so it seems a bit unfair to pick on annevk5
# [11:44] <fearphage> never thought of it that way
# [11:44] <virtuelv> instead of asking to ask a question, I'd say "just ask it"
# [11:45] <virtuelv> fearphage: there is also an #opera channel on freenode, I just discovered
# [11:48] <yecril71> Krijnh! The log page header contains the path to the log.
# [11:48] <krijnh> Yes
# [11:49] <yecril71> It would be awesome if the channel component were a hyperlink.
# [11:49] <krijnh> Where to?
# [11:49] <yecril71> Just at the main page.
# [11:49] <yecril71> Just as at the main page.
# [11:49] <yecril71> To IRC.
# [11:49] <krijnh> /irc-logs/ has that link already ?
# [11:49] <annevk5> you mean on individual archive pages?
# [11:50] <annevk5> you're not being very clear
# [11:50] <yecril71> The channel names on the main page are hyperlinked.
# [11:50] <yecril71> Whereas in log pages they are not.
# [11:51] <yecril71> I hope you would not have to pay Amazon for that :-)
# [11:52] <yecril71> My remark about METER and price was triggered by a request for a PRICE element.
# [11:56] <Lachy> krijnh, if you're going to update the IRC logs, then please add the links to the next and previous days in the logs
# [11:58] * Philip` is usually happy with just editing the URL to switch dates
# [12:02] <Lachy> Philip`, that takes too long
# [12:03] <Philip`> Lachy: It takes much less time than reading the page
# [12:04] <Philip`> and if you're skipping past lots of pages without reading them, changing the URL is quicker than clicking next/previous lots of times
# [12:06] <Lachy> Philip`, the use case I'm trying to address is where the transition from one day to the next occurs in the middle of a conversation, splitting it in half
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# [12:07] <Philip`> Lachy: Ah, okay
# [12:16] <jgraham> Hixie: I think something like http://tinyurl.com/b8zs92 is roughly what PimpMySpec used to do for html5
# [12:17] <jgraham> I guess I should run a diff against something to be sure but I don't quite know what
# [12:18] <krijnh> Lachy: yeah, and Ben's styling too
# [12:18] <krijnh> yecril71: done
# [12:19] * Quits: roc (n=roc@www.mahurangi.school.nz)
# [12:19] <yecril71> Thx :-)
# [12:20] * Quits: Lachy (n=Lachlan@ ("This computer has gone to sleep")
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# [13:06] <hsivonen> Does rubys have a license for his SVG icons somewhere?
# [13:20] * Quits: weinig (n=weinig@c-67-180-35-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
# [13:22] * jgraham doesn't hold out too much hope for other people writing table tests
# [13:23] * Quits: virtuelv (n=virtuelv@ ("Leaving")
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# [13:39] <Philip`> jgraham: Yesterday I was kind of attempting to write an independent implementation of the table stuff, so its output could be compared to yours
# [13:40] <Philip`> and I could probably mostly finish that today
# [13:42] <jgraham> Philip`: Cool. You can now have an entirely trivial set of testcases that cover almost nothing useful
# [13:45] <Philip`> jgraham: The test case format is not entirely helpful to me, since it uses HTML and I don't have an HTML parser easily available
# [13:45] <Philip`> I suppose I don't actually have an XML parser or any kind of parser at all, but I presume I could find an XML library fairly easily...
# [13:45] <Philip`> (Also using HTML is bad because you can't test <tr> outside of <tbody>)
# [13:50] <jgraham> Philip`: My assumption is that you have already parsed the table in accord with the table model in the spec
# [13:50] <jgraham> s/have/have a way to/
# [13:51] <Philip`> jgraham: I violate your assumption :-)
# [13:51] <jgraham> Philip`: This is too often the case
# [13:52] <Philip`> but I could write a script to parse the test format into something I can understand, so that's not really a problem
# [13:52] <Philip`> but the inability to test <tr> outside <tbody> seems like a real problem, because it makes some of the spec untestable
# [13:53] * Joins: zalan (n=kvirc@catv-89-133-232-199.catv.broadband.hu)
# [13:53] <jgraham> Philip`: My second assumption was that it would not be so hard to do that
# [14:01] <Philip`> jgraham: Would it be good for the tests to all include the expected slot assignments, rather than simply the headers?
# [14:01] <Philip`> since all that stuff is kind of mixed up together, so maybe it's sensible to test all of it
# [14:02] * Quits: pauld (n=pauld@host81-130-12-99.in-addr.btopenworld.com)
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# [14:06] <jgraham> Philip`: My goal was to make it as trivial as possible to write the tests. If you can think of a way to do it whereby both things get tested for little increase in complexity, I'm very much open to it
# [14:07] <Philip`> jgraham: I suppose that's an issue
# [14:08] <zcorpan> have two formats, one html and one xml, where the xml one is used for the no-tbody tests
# [14:09] * Philip` might just try generating a load of random test cases and comparing the output from implementations, rather than doing any actual work and writing tests by hand
# [14:09] <zcorpan> (and flag the xml with e.g. "#input xml")
# [14:17] <Philip`> (XML is also needed for testing that non-table elements get skipped properly, I guess)
# [14:17] <Philip`> (Though all this is presumably only relevant for the slot-assignment tests, not the header-assignment tests)
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# [14:43] <zcorpan> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Jan/0010.html
# [14:44] <annevk42> he's looking for "mu" but if you're working on XHTML2 it seems pretty tough to reach markup enlightenment
# [14:53] * Quits: hober (n=ted@unaffiliated/hober) (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
# [14:56] <zcorpan> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Feb/0000.html - wonder why lang is not more attractive than xml:lang if the desire is to have just one of them in the end
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# [15:30] <annevk42> http://coolepochcountdown.com/
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# [15:32] * Joins: hallvors (n=hallvord@pat-tdc.opera.com)
# [15:41] <krijnh> Zeker een coole poch countdown :)
# [15:45] <Dashiva> It's such a ripoff of 12:34:56 on 7/8-90
# [15:47] <Lachy> JohnResig, yt?
# [15:48] <Lachy> JohnResig, webkit is still failing 1 test: "FAIL Inside Element: :target selector". There must be a rounding error in your script that calculates 2162 out of 2163 as 100%
# [15:49] <JohnResig> Lachy: you have to access it directly
# [15:49] <JohnResig> http://ejohn.org/apps/selectortest/#
# [15:49] <JohnResig> oops
# [15:49] <JohnResig> http://ejohn.org/apps/selectortest/
# [15:49] <JohnResig> Lachy: just hitting reload on it is not sufficient
# [15:50] <Lachy> oh, why?
# [15:52] <JohnResig> Lachy: *shrug*
# [16:02] * Quits: hallvors (n=hallvord@pat-tdc.opera.com)
# [16:06] * Quits: yecril71 (n=giecrilj@piekna-gts.2a.pl)
# [16:07] <hsivonen> now I've filled 45 min with boring history and design principles
# [16:07] <hsivonen> now I need to figure out a nicer way to use the other 45 min to talk about new features
# [16:07] <hsivonen> just enumerating them is boring
# [16:08] <hsivonen> and demos are always a risk when presenting
# [16:08] <jgraham> OTOH demos are kind of fun
# [16:08] <jgraham> You could prerecord the demos using some screengrab software
# [16:08] <Dashiva> Nothing says bleeding edge like a non-working demo
# [16:09] <hsivonen> do we have a wiki repo of links to demos so that I don't need to write them?
# [16:09] * Joins: svl (n=me@ip565744a7.direct-adsl.nl)
# [16:09] <jgraham> where by "screengrab" I mean "one of those things for recording your screen to video"
# [16:09] <hsivonen> should I just use Hixie's demos?
# [16:10] <annevk42> oh fun, more namespace confusion; I should hang out more often in the Oslo office
# [16:11] <annevk42> Core developer just came asking about a certain testcase that tested that namespaced attributes were not considered the same as attributes not in a namespace...
# [16:11] <Lachy> hsivonen, I have some video demos
# [16:11] * Parts: erlehmann (n=erlehman@
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# [16:12] <Lachy> hsivonen, http://lachy.id.au/dev/markup/examples/video/
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# [16:44] <hsivonen> Lachy: thanks
# [16:45] <hsivonen> Lachy: your links to Ogg claim to be links to MPEG-4
# [16:47] <Lachy> really? I thought I had fixed that bug before
# [16:47] <Lachy> d'oh. Either I forgot to upload the changes, or I never fixed it
# [16:48] <Lachy> I will fix it later when I get home
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# [16:54] <Lachy> wtf? PTW is complaining about the spec being published and not knowing about it, but I distinctly remember it being discussed weeks ago
# [16:54] <Lachy> besides, it's just another WD. We shouldn't need to go through too much bureaucracy each time they're published
# [16:54] <annevk42> somebody else's problem :)
# [16:55] <Lachy> indeed.
# [16:55] * Lachy errects a Somebody Else's Problem field around it and makes it disappear.
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# [17:44] <Philip`> jgraham: Is http://james.html5.org/tables/table_inspector.html meant to die with an AttributeError on input like <table><tr><th scope="row">A</table> ?
# [17:50] <jgraham> Philip`: Yes.
# [17:50] <jgraham> No wait, I mean no.
# [17:50] <jgraham> :-p
# [17:54] * Quits: virtuelv (n=virtuelv@ ("Leaving")
# [17:54] <jgraham> Philip`: Fixed?
# [17:56] <Philip`> jgraham: It appears so
# [17:58] * Quits: dave_levin (n=dave_lev@c-98-203-247-78.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
# [18:00] <Philip`> The HTML5 spec doesn't seem to define algorithms in a way that perfectly matches functional programming languages :-(
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# [18:06] <Philip`> Hmm, the algorithm for processing rows says "To establish which header cells apply to the current cell element, use the algorithm for assigning header cells described in the next section" which sounds to me like you should run that algorithm immediately to find the headers
# [18:06] <Philip`> but that algorithms needs to check if the current cell is part of a row group
# [18:06] * Joins: tantek (n=tantek@adsl-63-195-114-133.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net)
# [18:07] <Philip`> and row groups are only computed after the algorithm for processing rows has completed
# [18:08] * Philip` wonders if jgraham avoids that problem by processing the whole table before looking for any headers
# [18:14] <Philip`> (...or if I'm just misreading the spec)
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# [18:25] <virtuelv> hm
# [18:26] <virtuelv> http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2009/02/specify-your-canonical.html
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# [18:39] <Philip`> That blog post breaks in Opera :-(
# [18:42] <wilhelm> Philip`: How? WFM in the O10 alpha.
# [18:43] <Philip`> wilhelm: Unclosed <code> makes the rest of the page code-coloured, in 9.63
# [18:43] <wilhelm> Ah, didn't see that.
# [18:44] <wilhelm> Still broken.
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# [18:58] <gsnedders> jgraham: You assumed correctly. I was in another city.
# [18:59] <gsnedders> jgraham: For patch the second, change "lxml" to "lxml.html" or some such string. Need to cope with both HTML and XML parsers in lxml
# [19:00] * Joins: dimich (n=dimich@
# [19:00] <gsnedders> jgraham: Equally, I assume you are not here now.
# [19:02] * gsnedders only looked for two seconds so he hasn't looked very closely
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# [19:04] <Hixie> uh oh
# [19:05] <Hixie> pms changed again
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# [19:05] <Hixie> uh
# [19:05] <Hixie> it's returning nothing
# [19:05] <Hixie> that seems bad
# [19:06] <jgraham> Hixie: Fuck. Sorry.
# [19:06] <jgraham> I need to go though
# [19:06] <Hixie> heh
# [19:06] <Hixie> no worries
# [19:06] <jgraham> Try quuz.org or whatever annevk42's site is
# [19:06] <jgraham> I will fix it tommorrow
# [19:06] <Hixie> k
# [19:07] <jgraham> Hixie: It rturns something for me btw
# [19:08] <Hixie> i'll poke at it
# [19:08] <Hixie> no worries
# [19:08] * Joins: mpt_ (n=mpt@canonical/launchpad/mpt)
# [19:08] <gsnedders> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/ — is that meant to happen?
# [19:08] <gsnedders> :P
# [19:08] * Quits: mpt_ (n=mpt@canonical/launchpad/mpt) (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
# [19:08] <Hixie> that's the error it now returns
# [19:09] <gsnedders> jgraham is awesome.
# [19:09] <jgraham> gsnedders: :-p
# [19:09] <Hixie> i don't understand the error log though
# [19:09] * Quits: virtuelv (n=virtuelv@ ("Leaving")
# [19:10] <jgraham> gsnedders: BTW, if you want to email me about the patch for whatever reason it is easier to use my email address @hoppipolla
# [19:11] <jgraham> (over the weekend)
# [19:11] <gsnedders> Hixie: Re: r2812, is the violation of ECMAScript a result of following UTS22?
# [19:12] <Hixie> no, unrelated changes
# [19:12] <gsnedders> Hixie: That was unclear from the commit message
# [19:13] <gsnedders> Esp. the use of the word "Trade"
# [19:13] * Joins: virtuelv (n=virtuelv@
# [19:13] <Hixie> gsnedders: yeah
# [19:13] <Hixie> i know
# [19:13] * gsnedders slaps Hixie
# [19:13] <Hixie> i was having issues with anolis at the time
# [19:13] * Quits: slightlyoff (n=slightly@nat/google/x-103a78f31b1b6fc6) (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
# [19:13] <Hixie> still am :-)
# [19:13] <Hixie> can you explain what that message meas?
# [19:13] <gsnedders> Hixie: No, you were having with jgraham's web service, not Anolis :)
# [19:14] <jgraham> Hixie: Does http://pimpmyspec.net/aquarium.py/output?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.whatwg.org%2Fspecs%2Fweb-apps%2Fcurrent-work%2Fsource&process_toc=on&process_xref=on&process_sub=on&newline_char=LF&tab_char=SPACE&min_depth=2&max_depth=6&w3c_compat_xref_a_placement=on&parser=lxml&serializer=html5lib&inject_meta_charset=on&omit_optional_tags=on&use_best_quote_char=on&encoding=utf-8 work for you? Then does it still work if you use the whatwg version of the sou
# [19:15] <gsnedders> jgraham: Did we really have so many W3C compat options on by default before?
# [19:15] * Quits: Lachy (n=Lachlan@pat-tdc.opera.com) ("This computer has gone to sleep")
# [19:15] <jgraham> gsnedders: I took the defaults from the command line version defaults, I thought
# [19:15] <gsnedders> By default they are all off
# [19:15] <jgraham> They are not what HTML 5 was using
# [19:15] <gsnedders> HTML 5 only uses "W3C compatible cross-reference anchor placement"
# [19:15] <jgraham> Oh well maybe I am an idiot then
# [19:16] <jgraham> Or the js messes something up
# [19:16] <jgraham> Which is still my fault
# [19:16] <annevk42> for everyone in Europe, it's sort of time to go out right now :)
# [19:16] * Joins: rubys1 (n=rubys@cpe-075-182-092-038.nc.res.rr.com)
# [19:16] <annevk42> or at least get food and prepare
# [19:16] * Parts: annevk42 (n=annevk@pat-tdc.opera.com)
# [19:17] * jgraham wonders what annevk42 is preparing for
# [19:17] <jgraham> Vogons?
# [19:17] <gsnedders> jgraham: Also, you probably want to hide all the html5lib serialization options when the serializer is not html5lib
# [19:17] <Hixie> jgraham: those options seem to work. i'll figure out how to get the usual ones to work.
# [19:18] <jgraham> gsnedders: They were all disabled before but my code didn't like the change to a dropdown and I thought I should do some real work rather than rewrite it
# [19:18] <gsnedders> jgraham: heh
# [19:18] <gsnedders> jgraham: Is the code in any sort of repo?
# [19:19] <jgraham> gsnedders: http://hg.hoppipolla.co.uk/hgwebdir.cgi/aquarium/
# [19:19] * Quits: virtuelv (n=virtuelv@ ("Leaving")
# [19:19] <jgraham> But it looks like I need to hg ci]
# [19:19] <jgraham> Or move my changes from the live copy over or something
# [19:19] <jgraham> which I will do tommorrow
# [19:19] * Joins: virtuelv (n=virtuelv@
# [19:20] <jgraham> Hixie: If you let me know exactly which options are b0rked I will try and fix in the morning
# [19:20] * jgraham really is going
# [19:21] <Hixie> jgraham: thanks
# [19:23] * gsnedders would hack away at it this weekend if it weren't for looming coursework deadlines
# [19:24] * gsnedders really ought to have started on more of the coursework earlier in the (academic) year
# [19:24] <Hixie> jgraham: the problem was i wasn't including all the arguments and so you had no serialiser/parser picked out and crashed instead
# [19:25] <gsnedders> http://pimpmyspec.net/aquarium.py/output?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.whatwg.org%2Fspecs%2Fweb-apps%2Fcurrent-work%2Fsource&w3c_compat_xref_a_placement=on&parser=lxml&serializer=html5lib&inject_meta_charset=off&omit_optional_tags=off&encoding=us-ascii
# [19:25] <gsnedders> That's probably closer to what you had before
# [19:27] <gsnedders> http://pimpmyspec.net/aquarium.py/output?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.whatwg.org%2Fspecs%2Fweb-apps%2Fcurrent-work%2Fsource&w3c_compat_xref_a_placement=on&parser=lxml&serializer=html5lib&encoding=us-ascii
# [19:27] <gsnedders> That's I think what you want.
# [19:27] <Hixie> i set parser to html5lib and it crashed again, weird
# [19:28] * gsnedders thinks jgraham should stick to the astrophysics
# [19:28] * gsnedders ducks
# [19:28] <Hixie> the error log is uniquely usless
# [19:32] <Hixie> oh the error log has the error in a comment
# [19:32] <Hixie> much more useful
# [19:32] <Hixie> UndefinedError: HTTPError() has no member named "reason"
# [19:34] <Philip`> I guess it's an unreasonable error
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# [19:41] <Hixie> it seems using html5lib as the parser is all that is needed to fail
# [19:46] <Hixie> that, and the script doesn't handle missing parameters or bogus parameters in a helpful way at all
# [19:50] <dglazkov> Hixie!!!
# [19:50] <dglazkov> have a sec?
# [19:52] <Hixie> sure
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# [19:53] <dglazkov> so get spammed by the sysbot to update my status
# [19:54] <dglazkov> I give up: I want do update my status
# [19:54] <dglazkov> it's a very persistent little sysbot
# [19:55] <Hixie> ?
# [19:55] <Hixie> "sysbot"?
# [19:55] <Hixie> status?
# [19:55] <dglazkov> status in HTML WG as invited expert.
# [19:55] <Hixie> ah that has nothing to do with me
# [19:55] <dglazkov> excellent
# [19:55] <dglazkov> who do I bug?
# [19:55] <Hixie> you want DanC in #htmlwg on irc.w3.org port 6665
# [19:55] <krijnh> It has got to do with Hixie though, cause he invited us all to the HTML WG party :)
# [19:55] <Philip`> #html-wg
# [19:56] <dglazkov> very helpful!
# [19:56] <dglazkov> thanks
# [19:57] <Hixie> er, what Philip` said
# [19:57] <Hixie> my bad
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# [20:38] <Hixie> well you gotta give the bespin guys credit
# [20:38] <Hixie> they certainly got canvas to do more than i expected them to
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# [20:51] <inimino> slick.
# [20:54] <Philip`> Bespin guys like Lando?
# [20:54] <Hixie> Lando?
# [20:54] <inimino> hehe
# [20:54] <inimino> Calrissian
# [20:55] <inimino> Philip`: https://bespin.mozilla.com/
# [20:55] * gsnedders is way too tempted to go to sleep
# [20:56] <Philip`> inimino: Ah, right
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# [21:30] <annevk42> Hixie, there is no "simple color" that represents 'transparent', is there?
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# [22:08] <Hixie> annevk42: crap
# [22:08] <Hixie> hm
# [22:09] <Hixie> how did zcorpan determine that 'transparent' was actually supported?
# [22:09] <Hixie> i can't think of a test case that would show this
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# Session Close: Sat Feb 14 00:00:01 2009
The end :)