- # Session Start: Mon May 23 00:00:00 2011
- # Session Ident: #whatwg
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- # [09:30] <hsivonen> did the LC poll reach quorum?
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- # [09:40] <abarth> hsivonen: i think i've lost my ability to vote
- # [09:40] <zcorpan> abarth: the poll closed yesterday
- # [09:41] <abarth> (i was more explaining why I didn't participate)
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- # [09:47] <zcorpan> hsivonen: do you have a clue as to how a questionmark appeared as favicon for your feed in my feedreader?
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- # [09:55] <hsivonen> zcorpan: is your browser your feed reader?
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- # [10:03] <zcorpan> hsivonen: yep, opera
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- # [10:17] <hsivonen> zcorpan: could it be that you looked at my rel="shortcut icon" test cases and Opera decided to use the favicon declared in those files for any other URLs from hsivonen.iki.fi that don't have an explicit favicon?
- # [10:18] * Quits: CvP (CvP@ (Disconnected by services)
- # [10:18] <zcorpan> hsivonen: it's indeed that icon. but opera doesn't show that icon when browsing your site, just the feed. weird
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- # [10:18] * zcorpan files a bug
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- # [10:50] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: the poll did reach quorum, yeah
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- # [11:10] <zcorpan> MikeSmith: for all documents?
- # [11:12] <zcorpan> heycam|away: wait what happened with sequence<T> and MessagePortArray?
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- # [11:55] <MikeSmith> zcorpan: yeah, for all documents
- # [11:55] <MikeSmith> as far as I can tell
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- # [12:26] <MikeSmith> any opinions on whether it would be a good idea to set up a mailbot that would automatically create HTML5 spec bugs from new messages posted to the public-html-comments list?
- # [12:26] <MikeSmith> that is, non-reply messages
- # [12:26] <Ms2ger> Hmm
- # [12:27] <MikeSmith> I can't see that it would be much of a problem as far as risk of malicious spam
- # [12:27] <MikeSmith> certainly not more than the current comment form
- # [12:28] * Quits: MrOpposite (~mropposit@unaffiliated/mropposite) (Remote host closed the connection)
- # [12:28] <MikeSmith> because to post to that list, users basically need to first do the archive-approval step
- # [12:29] <MikeSmith> which essentially also works as an authentication mechanism to verify that they aren't spoofing an e-mail address
- # [12:30] <MikeSmith> the main problem I'd see is that some messages posted to that list may not actually be intended as comments
- # [12:30] <MikeSmith> but for those, it'd be easy enough to just move them to resolved-invalid
- # [12:31] <MikeSmith> so I guess it's a question of how much of them would be of that type
- # [12:31] <MikeSmith> what the signal-to-noise ratio would be
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- # [12:32] <Ms2ger> I think there's little enough traffic to try it
- # [12:32] <MikeSmith> OK
- # [12:33] <MikeSmith> I can mess around with setting something up
- # [12:34] <MikeSmith> hmm
- # [12:34] <MikeSmith> as long as I'm not misunderstanding you
- # [12:34] <MikeSmith> Ms2ger: did you mean you think it's worth trying, or not worth trying?
- # [12:35] <Ms2ger> Worth trying
- # [12:35] <MikeSmith> ok
- # [12:35] <MikeSmith> thanks
- # [12:37] <MikeSmith> http://vkontakte.ru/photo63802_263023722?all=1
- # [12:38] <Ms2ger> I do!
- # [12:40] <MikeSmith> heh
- # [12:41] <MikeSmith> I speak pidgin Javascript
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- # [13:48] <_bga> gsnedders are you here?
- # [13:54] <gsnedders> _bga: yes
- # [13:55] <_bga> what proseccors is supported by carakan
- # [13:55] <_bga> i mean jit
- # [13:55] <_bga> only x86?
- # [13:57] <gsnedders> x86, x86_64, and ARM.
- # [13:58] <_bga> what about jvm bytecode?
- # [13:58] <_bga> as rhino
- # [13:58] <gsnedders> (Well, x86 with x87 (though this has never been shipped), x86 with SSE2, x86_64, ARM with/without VFP)
- # [13:58] <gsnedders> _bga: Why would we?
- # [13:59] <_bga> opera mobile
- # [13:59] <gsnedders> _bga: Opera Mobile is C++
- # [14:01] <_bga> i thought its java
- # [14:01] <_bga> ok
- # [14:01] <gsnedders> _bga: We don't have two separate web browsers here.
- # [14:02] <_bga> only opera mini is java based?
- # [14:02] <Philip`> (So on x86 without SSE2 it'll disable the JIT entirely?)
- # [14:03] <gsnedders> Philip`: (Yeah)
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- # [14:03] <gsnedders> _bga: Mini is just a thin-client, Presto runs on server.
- # [14:03] <_bga> understand
- # [14:04] <Philip`> (That seems unfortunate for some percents of users)
- # [14:05] <gsnedders> Philip`: (Everyone, except Chrome which just refuses to run, does that.)
- # [14:06] <gsnedders> Philip`: (And x86/x87 would effectively be yet another arch to support, maybe it'll be finished some day…)
- # [14:07] * Philip` knows SpiderMonkey has x87 JIT but has no idea if/how it's exposed via the browser
- # [14:08] <gsnedders> Philip`: It does?
- # [14:08] * Philip` knows because it had bugs that broke his SpiderMonkey-embedding game for non-SSE2 users :-(
- # [14:08] <gsnedders> Philip`: Are you sure it was doing that and not just using x87 for doubles in the interpreter?
- # [14:09] <_bga> i see superh is another popular processor
- # [14:09] <_bga> jscore and sm support it
- # [14:09] <Philip`> nanojit/Nativei386.cpp has paths for "if (!_config.i386_sse2)" etc
- # [14:10] <gsnedders> Philip`: Heh, I thought it didn't. JSC certainly doesn't.
- # [14:11] <gsnedders> _bga: SuperH seems to be being used less and less
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- # [16:11] <hsivonen> TabAtkins: you wondered about double line breaks when copying from View Source
- # [16:11] <hsivonen> TabAtkins: double line breaks appear where a pre ends and a new one starts
- # [16:12] <hsivonen> TabAtkins: since pre serializes as a block, there's an extra line break
- # [16:13] <hsivonen> TabAtkins: there are multiple pre elements, because that way the bidi algorithm runs on smaller chunks
- # [16:13] <hsivonen> TabAtkins: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=649613
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- # [17:30] <TabAtkins> hsivonen: Ah, that makes sense. Cool.
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- # [17:43] * jgraham wonders who exactly the people demanding more ways to submit LC feedback expect to build the system they are demanding
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- # [17:44] * jgraham suggests that the WG would be rather happy to adopt a system they build that meets their requirements
- # [17:44] <jgraham> In fact it really wouldn't require anyone to adopt anything
- # [17:44] <jgraham> It would just exist
- # [17:45] <jgraham> It could be linked to from useful places of course
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- # [18:32] <beowulf> anyone any ideas on how I could determine the zoom level (window.innerWidth/screen.width) of a webpage on a handheld device that wasn't reporting innerWidth correctly? the device is a samsung galaxy s
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- # [18:37] <bga_> beowulf <span style="font-size: 1em">a</span> trick?
- # [18:38] <beowulf> bga_: will try that
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- # [18:58] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: I'm trying to figure out what part of the validator.nu schema allows data-* attributes
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- # [19:39] <AryehGregor> What's a good reference for using @font-face in practice, like all the gotchas you need to be aware of? People are discussing it on wikitech-l.
- # [19:41] <miketaylr> paul_irish has a post or two
- # [19:41] <AryehGregor> Ooh, Firefox 4.0 has an XSS filter that relies on a modal prompt to determine whether you can continue. :(
- # [19:42] <AryehGregor> "Load contents passed in the query part? The contents may contain malicious scripts.
- # [19:42] <AryehGregor> Continue only if you're aware that this may trigger a XSS attack and the author of this page does not take any responsibility for loading this contents"
- # [19:42] <AryehGregor> (I assume that's part of Firefox, dunno where else it could have come from)
- # [19:42] <miketaylr> http://paulirish.com/2010/font-face-gotchas/
- # [19:42] <Rik`> AryehGregor: I don't think that's part of Firefox 4
- # [19:43] <Rik`> AryehGregor: or maybe it's CSP in action ?
- # [19:43] <AryehGregor> Then where could it have come from?
- # [19:43] * AryehGregor can't give the name of the site, since it seems like it's supposed to be private)
- # [19:43] <AryehGregor> s/\)$//
- # [19:43] <Philip`> An XSS protection script in the page itself?
- # [19:44] * Philip` doubts Firefox would have UI with such bad grammar, or that expects users to understand what "XSS" means
- # [19:45] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: data-* is a pre-schema filter, IIRC
- # [19:45] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: ah
- # [19:45] <AryehGregor> It only triggered in Firefox.
- # [19:45] <AryehGregor> Maybe some kind of extension or something.
- # [19:45] <Philip`> A non-portable XSS protection script in the page itself?
- # [19:46] <AryehGregor> Maybe. :P
- # [19:46] <Philip`> NoScript?
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- # [19:48] <ako> In IE6-8, using createStyleSheet and then setting styleElem.styleSheet.cssText to a text value that includes a @font-face declaration going into will crash IE6-8.
- # [19:48] <ako> sweet
- # [19:48] <AryehGregor> The only extension I have active is Firebug 1.7.1.
- # [19:49] <ako> hope they un-break ctrl+shift+c soon
- # [19:49] * MikeSmith finds util/classes/nu/validator/xml/dataattributes/DataAttributeDroppingContentHandlerWrapper.java
- # [19:51] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: wondered how you did that. :) nice
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- # [19:52] <MikeSmith> good thing there are no special restrictions on the values of data-* attributes
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- # [20:16] <AryehGregor> Does Opera not support <wbr>? data:text/html,<!doctype html><div style="width:1em;border:1px solid black">a<wbr>b<wbr>c</div>
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- # [21:37] <TabAtkins> What's a normal sort of resolution for a high-res image used in printing?
- # [21:37] <TabAtkins> (I want something reasonable for this example I'm writing.)
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- # [21:42] <zcorpan> 300dpi?
- # [21:42] <TabAtkins> That's pretty much what I was thinking. kk.
- # [21:43] <gsnedders> 300dpi is the low end, FWIW
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- # [21:45] <Philip`> Seems to depend somewhat on how the printer works - if it's doing colours by dithering then it probably needs higher print resolution than the original image resolution
- # [21:46] <TabAtkins> 300dpi works for the example, which is just to demonstrate how you can use 'image-resolution' to embed a high-res image into a page so it looks good both on-screen and in print.
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- # [21:55] <heycam> zcorpan, it sounds like MessagePortArray should be a read only array (http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#dfn-read-only-array) instead of a sequence, since you don't want a new object being created every time you access the property
- # [21:55] <heycam> zcorpan, but I'll reply on the list later this morning once I've woken up
- # [21:59] <zcorpan> heycam: ok
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- # [22:00] <Hixie> didn't we already talk about that and didn't i already fix it?
- # [22:00] <Hixie> or was that something else that i fixed
- # [22:00] <Hixie> hm
- # [22:01] <TabAtkins> If only you had some sort of history of your revisions that you could search for this sort of thing.
- # [22:01] <heycam> it's quite possible MessagePortArray was the reason that bug was filed in the first place -- at least, there was something that was in html you suggested removing sequence attributes because of
- # [22:02] <Hixie> i think it was some microdata thing
- # [22:02] <Hixie> i guess i missed this one
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- # [22:45] <aho> TabAtkins, wouldnt some CC licensed icons work?
- # [22:46] <aho> well, you can always just go with triangle, square, dot, circle :>
- # [22:46] <TabAtkins> aho: For my twitter post? Sure. But I'm just building my own right now.
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- # [22:46] <aho> http://kaioa.com/k/test/svgsprites/index.html
- # [22:46] <aho> works for me ;>
- # [22:47] * Quits: gavin (~gavin@firefox/developer/gavin) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
- # [22:49] <aho> http://youtu.be/IPwCH8WQ8Qo <- webkit's input type=color thingy
- # [22:49] <aho> interesting that they added a color picker
- # [22:50] <aho> eh.. some pipette thingy
- # [22:53] <Hixie> ok i fixed that CORS thing from last week
- # [22:53] <Hixie> anything else urgent for me to work on?
- # [22:53] * Parts: shichuan (~Shi_Chuan@cm182.eta124.maxonline.com.sg)
- # [22:53] <Hixie> or should i go back to the regular pile of feedback
- # [22:54] <Hixie> dglazkov: yt?
- # [22:54] * Joins: ako (~nya@fuld-590c762d.pool.mediaWays.net)
- # [22:54] <dglazkov> Hixie: I certainly am
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- # [22:54] <Hixie> dglazkov: re the scoped thing, keep in mind that there's more to scoping <style> than just scoping the selectors. For example, @font-face rules have to not leak to the outer scope.
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- # [22:55] <Hixie> dglazkov: otherwise, someone who is syndicating content that gets scoped elsewhere could screw around with the font of the whole page
- # [22:55] <dglazkov> Hixie: oh. where do I read about this?
- # [22:55] * Joins: sicking (~chatzilla@2620:101:8003:200:226:bbff:fe05:3fe1)
- # [22:55] <Hixie> dglazkov: "For scoped CSS resources, the effect of @-rules must be scoped to the scoped sheet and its subresources, even if the @-rule in question would ordinarily apply to all style sheets that affect the Document. Any '@page' rules in scoped CSS resources must be ignored."
- # [22:55] <zcorpan> Hixie: there were some bugs about cross-origin
- # [22:55] * Quits: aho (~nya@fuld-590c7589.pool.mediaWays.net) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
- # [22:56] <Hixie> dglazkov: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete.html#attr-style-scoped
- # [22:56] <Hixie> zcorpan: ah, let me check those out
- # [22:56] <dglazkov> Hixie: awesome
- # [22:56] <dglazkov> throw it on the bug
- # [22:56] <Hixie> dglazkov: i deleted the bugmail, do you recall the number?
- # [22:57] <dglazkov> Hixie: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49142
- # [22:58] <Ms2ger> Hixie, http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12724 maybe? :)
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- # [23:04] <Hixie> Ms2ger: that is like the _definition_ of not urgent. :-P
- # [23:04] <Ms2ger> :)
- # [23:05] * Quits: msucan (~robod@ (Quit: .)
- # [23:07] * Hixie comments in the other bug to suggest it be changed to be the other way around
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- # [23:10] <zcorpan> everyone, bring paint for the bikeshed http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=12679
- # [23:11] <Hixie> :-)
- # [23:11] <Hixie> zcorpan: i only found three bugs including that one
- # [23:12] <Hixie> zcorpan: let me know if i missed any
- # [23:12] <Philip`> Surely it should be "xorigin"
- # [23:12] <Hixie> you're supposed to put the paint on the shed, not sniff it
- # [23:13] <zcorpan> Philip`: not xdomain?
- # [23:13] <TabAtkins> ×origin
- # [23:13] * Quits: yusukes (~yusukes@2401:fa00:4:1000:224:81ff:fec1:6444) (Remote host closed the connection)
- # [23:13] <TabAtkins> We should embrace unicode!
- # [23:13] <zewt> nandigin
- # [23:13] <Hixie> maybe xoxoxo="" would make the spec more approachable to teen girls?
- # [23:13] <TabAtkins> ✝origin
- # [23:14] <Hixie> has to be ascii
- # [23:14] <TabAtkins> Bah.
- # [23:14] <Philip`> "xs", as in XSS
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- # [23:17] * Quits: jacobolus (~jacobolus@208-90-212-203.PUBLIC.monkeybrains.net) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
- # [23:17] <Philip`> zcorpan: Consistency with XDomainRequest is a good argument in favour of that
- # [23:17] * Quits: simplicity- (~simpli@unaffiliated/simplicity-) (Quit: simplicity-)
- # [23:17] <zcorpan> Hixie: iirc jgraham made the case that http-equiv and accept-charset are legacy and data-* and aria-* use hyphen because they are different to "normal" attributes
- # [23:18] * Joins: jacobolus (~jacobolus@208-90-212-203.PUBLIC.monkeybrains.net)
- # [23:18] <Hixie> cross-origin: tomorrow's legacy, today!
- # [23:20] <zcorpan> Hixie: people will go "why did Hixie not use a hyphen in formnovalidate but used a hyphen in cross-origin?"
- # [23:20] <Hixie> dude, HTML's attributes have every manner of quirks and idiosyncracies
- # [23:21] <zcorpan> so?
- # [23:21] <Hixie> anyone looking for logic in the naming scheme there has already embarked on a fool's errand long before i come along
- # [23:22] <Hixie> (you're going to win this argument, i'm just stalling for time because i'm editing another e-mail at the moment)
- # [23:22] * Quits: othermaciej (~mjs@ (Quit: othermaciej)
- # [23:23] <TabAtkins> Well, I went ahead and pushed zcorpan's argument into the bug, so you can agree with it there. ^_^
- # [23:23] <zcorpan> heh
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- # [23:32] <gsnedders> Hixie: (you know how to win arguments and write emails quickly, I see)
- # [23:33] * Quits: matijsb (~matijsb@5353CD69.cm-6-4d.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Leaving.)
- # [23:33] <Hixie> hm?
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- # [23:43] <zcorpan> Hixie: the dfn bug is a result of id renaming and putting id on span/dfn in the heading
- # [23:43] <zcorpan> Hixie: which also makes the status box misaligned in http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/the-iframe-element.html#the-video-element
- # [23:44] <Hixie> ah
- # [23:44] <Hixie> bummer
- # [23:44] <Hixie> any suggestions on how to fix it?
- # [23:44] <Hixie> i could tweak the database i guess
- # [23:44] <zcorpan> ...that's what i was going to suggest :)
- # [23:44] <Hixie> that's a pain
- # [23:44] <Hixie> wanna do it? :-)
- # [23:45] <zcorpan> no :)
- # [23:45] <Hixie> anyone else want to poke at the mysql database behind the status boxes? :-)
- # [23:45] <zcorpan> you could implement UI to change the id for the boxes
- # [23:45] <zcorpan> if that's less painful
- # [23:45] <Hixie> yeah i'll get right on that as soon as i've finished dealing with this feedback
- # [23:46] <Hixie> only 1931 e-mails left
- # [23:46] <zcorpan> okie dokie
- # [23:46] <Hixie> (if anyone does want to fix this let me know and i'll send you the username/password to the mysql box)
- # [23:48] * zcorpan adds crossorigin to html-elements
- # [23:49] <Hixie> ifette: is websockets ready for the api update?
- # [23:53] <AryehGregor> Oh, it looks like insertparagraph is meant to be basically the same as hitting Enter. Interesting.
- # [23:53] <AryehGregor> So I can spec that easily now, at least for non-Gecko.
- # [23:55] * Quits: gavin__ (~gavin@CPE001346f5db49-CM0018c0db9a8a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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- # [23:55] <zcorpan> AryehGregor: makes sense (re formatblock)
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- # [23:59] <zcorpan> AryehGregor: what if you start with <body contenteditable></body> and do insertparagraph? opera gives two <p>s, ie and firefox just one, iirc
- # [23:59] <AryehGregor> zcorpan, Firefox treats insertparagraph like formatBlock with argument "p", so it's not comparable.
- # Session Close: Tue May 24 00:00:00 2011
The end :)