/irc-logs / freenode / #whatwg / 2013-08-26 / end


  1. # Session Start: Mon Aug 26 00:00:00 2013
  2. # Session Ident: #whatwg
  3. # [00:05] * Quits: jdaggett (~jdaggett@y230006.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) (Quit: jdaggett)
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  12. # [00:49] * heycam|away is now known as heycam
  13. # [00:49] <heycam> TabAtkins, cool
  14. # [00:50] <heycam> (I got my quote style wrong yesterday in irc)
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  85. # [06:54] <MikeSmith> kochi1: I only just now finally had a chance to looks at your slides
  86. # [06:54] <MikeSmith> they look great
  87. # [06:55] <MikeSmith> the screenshots are great
  88. # [06:55] <MikeSmith> I think you'll be fine
  89. # [06:59] <TabAtkins> heycam: Yeah, but the token characters are just single guillemets, so you were close enough. ^_^
  90. # [06:59] <heycam> all these different angle-looking brackets to get confused betwee :)
  91. # [06:59] <heycam> *between
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  171. # [11:28] <annevk> ah shit, missed heycam
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  219. # [14:09] <Ms2ger> zcorpan, if you ever are looking for something to test, I'd love to see what you'd come up with for the named getter on form / form.elements
  220. # [14:10] <zcorpan> Ms2ger: i've probably written tests for named getters on document and window, but maybe not on form
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  225. # [14:33] <Ms2ger> Anyone with IE?
  226. # [14:33] <Ms2ger> Would be interested in its behaviour on http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/2484
  227. # [14:37] <gsnedders> Are there really no tests for document.cookie?
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  232. # [14:41] <Ms2ger> Hrm, didn't I create a PR for https://github.com/Ms2ger/web-platform-tests/compare/form-named-item ?
  233. # [14:42] <Ms2ger> Or did I
  234. # [14:43] <Ms2ger> https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/111
  235. # [14:43] <Ms2ger> So, r? zcorpan gsnedders jgraham :)
  236. # [14:44] <gsnedders> If you tell me whether or not there are really no document.cookie tests?
  237. # [14:44] <Ms2ger> Where?
  238. # [14:44] <gsnedders> On web-platofmr-tests
  239. # [14:45] <Ms2ger> I see some
  240. # [14:45] <gsnedders> There are a few, but only indirectly
  241. # [14:45] <Ms2ger> Some about sandboxed iframes
  242. # [14:45] <gsnedders> And otherwise mostly used for the sake of implementing the tests.
  243. # [14:45] <Ms2ger> Some for websockets and eventsource
  244. # [14:47] <Ms2ger> ./XMLHttpRequest/responsexml-document-properties.htm
  245. # [14:47] <Ms2ger> ./old-tests/submission/W3C/domhtml/HTMLDocument12.html
  246. # [14:47] <Ms2ger> And that's about it
  247. # [14:53] * Joins: krawchyk (~krawchyk@
  248. # [14:54] <gsnedders> Someone should write some.
  249. # [14:55] <Ms2ger> Yeah, someone
  250. # [14:55] <zcorpan> get on it already, someone!
  251. # [14:55] <gsnedders> Someone is such a slacker.
  252. # [14:55] <Ms2ger> gsnedders, so I told you ;)
  253. # [14:56] <zcorpan> watcha waitin watcha waitin watcha waitin watcha waitin watcha waitin watcha waitin foooor?!
  254. # [14:56] <gsnedders> Ms2ger: I didn't say I would straight away. ;)
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  257. # [14:57] <zcorpan> Ms2ger: critic link?
  258. # [14:58] * Ms2ger tries to get one
  259. # [14:58] <Ms2ger> Ah, https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/116
  260. # [14:58] <Ms2ger> Oh, jgraham reviewed it
  261. # [14:59] * Ms2ger looks at his comments
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  264. # [15:05] <Ms2ger> jgraham, addressed your comments
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  268. # [15:16] <zcorpan> ok, in css spirit, please bikeshed https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=23066
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  275. # [15:26] <hsivonen> Ms2ger: I find it amusing that https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=909188 was about the daily WTF
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  278. # [15:27] <Ms2ger> Ha
  279. # [15:28] <Ms2ger> I hadn't even noticed that
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  281. # [15:28] <Ms2ger> zcorpan, contrary to popular belief, bz and dbaron are different people
  282. # [15:31] <zcorpan> Ms2ger: yeah. i wonder if i have misattributed earlier without noticing. i seem to store them in the same bucket in my head. :-/
  283. # [15:31] <Ms2ger> How about roc?
  284. # [15:31] <zcorpan> no he has a bucket of his own
  285. # [15:38] <Ms2ger> Oh, I guess the Brits take today off for some reason
  286. # [15:46] * Joins: enr (~enr@static-
  287. # [15:55] <matjas> hsivonen: re: http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/etago#comment-8, as long as the string literal is closed correctly, is `<!--` really harmful?
  288. # [15:56] <matjas> i.e. http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/2485 seems safe
  289. # [15:56] <matjas> as long as the closing `"` is there
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  296. # [16:12] <gsnedders> Ms2ger: s/Brits/English/
  297. # [16:12] <gsnedders> Ms2ger: "Summer Bank Holiday (Not Scotland)"
  298. # [16:12] <Ms2ger> gsnedders, apologies
  299. # [16:12] <gsnedders> So actually s/Brits/English, Welsh, and Northern Irish/
  300. # [16:13] * Ms2ger is left wondering if the republicans in NI can take the day off
  301. # [16:18] <gsnedders> They probably use it to protest or something
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  321. # [16:57] <baku> question about MessagePort: there are 2 flags: shipped and messagePortEnabled. shipped is set to true when the port is cloned. messagePortEnabled is set to true when start() is called. It's not clear to me what happens when: shipped=true and messagePortEnabled=false, shipped=false and messagePortEnabled=true, shipped=false and messagePortEnabled=false
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  333. # [17:07] <annevk> zcorpan: ^^
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  335. # [17:09] <zcorpan> baku: shipped is only relevant for determining which task source to use
  336. # [17:10] <baku> zcorpan, so in which queue stores the task. is it?
  337. # [17:10] <baku> s/stores/to store/
  338. # [17:10] <zcorpan> baku: e.g. if you create several MessageChannels in a document and post lots of messages on them, they all use the same task source so they are processed in the same order as posted
  339. # [17:11] <zcorpan> baku: but if you pass on the ports to other documents they use separate task sources so order is not guaranteed
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  341. # [17:13] <zcorpan> matjas: your test case doesn't demonstrate the problem. also, behavior differs in pre-HTML5-parser browsers
  342. # [17:14] <baku> zcorpan, so, if a MessagePort is shipped (==cloned) the messages are enqueued to its port message queue.
  343. # [17:14] <zcorpan> matjas: it has nothing to do with the "
  344. # [17:14] <baku> zcorpan, otherwise we have to use this unshipped port message queue that is per event loop.
  345. # [17:15] <zcorpan> baku: yeah. although it's not quite 'per event loop'
  346. # [17:16] <baku> well.. this is what the spec says :) 'Each event loop has a task source called the unshipped port message queue'
  347. # [17:16] <zcorpan> oh. maybe you're right then :-)
  348. # [17:17] <baku> zcorpan, but I don't understand the porpoise ofthis unshipped port message queue and when it should be used.
  349. # [17:17] <baku> zcorpan, I mean, I understand when elements are appended, but it's not clear when I should use its content.
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  351. # [17:19] <zcorpan> baku: before the spec used separate task sources for all ports, but then people started using lots of MessageChannels within a single document as a poor man's setImmediate(), and so the spec had a problem that the order was not guaranteed
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  354. # [17:22] <zcorpan> matjas: e.g. http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/2486
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  356. # [17:23] <matjas> zcorpan: yeah, but at that point it’s not part of a string literal anymore
  357. # [17:23] <zcorpan> matjas: not relevant. http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/2487
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  359. # [17:24] <matjas> zcorpan: but http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/2489 is safe
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  361. # [17:25] <matjas> so, it seems that as long as </script> is escaped as <\/script> (or similar), there’s no need to escape <!-- if it’s to be injected as part of a string literal
  362. # [17:25] <zcorpan> matjas: only in browsers with html5 parser
  363. # [17:25] <matjas> zcorpan: ah, so _that_’s the gotcha
  364. # [17:25] <matjas> thanks!
  365. # [17:26] <zcorpan> matjas: e.g. http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/2490 would make old browsers treat the whole thing as a big script
  366. # [17:26] <zcorpan> (if the last script end tag is missing they reparse)
  367. # [17:27] * Quits: newtron_work (~newtron@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  368. # [17:27] <matjas> confirmed, http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?saved=2489 displays the alert in e.g. Firefox 2
  369. # [17:27] <zcorpan> matjas: since it's easy to get a confusing result even in html5-parser browsers, the html spec makes unmatched <!-- an error
  370. # [17:27] * Quits: newtron (~newtron@ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  371. # [17:28] <zcorpan> which v.nu checks
  372. # [17:28] * Quits: ^esc_ (~esc-ape@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  373. # [17:29] <matjas> cool
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  400. # [18:36] <dglazkov> good morning, Whatwg!
  401. # [18:36] <Ms2ger> Good evening
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  405. # [18:41] <TabAtkins> heycam|away: The confusion is why there's a markup shortcut for tokens if you use bikeshed - <<<foo>>> generates a token link with the appropriate brackets.
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  434. # [19:40] <smaug____> so how is "unshipped port message queue" supposed to work
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  437. # [19:42] <smaug____> say there are two channels A and B, and ports a1, a2, b1, b2. Then one does a1.postMessage(...), b2.onmessage = function() {}; b2.postMessage(...);
  438. # [19:42] <smaug____> er, b1.postMessage()
  439. # [19:43] <smaug____> so b2 should get the message
  440. # [19:43] <smaug____> but what ends up to the "unshipped port message queue" ?
  441. # [19:43] <smaug____> what happens to the message posted to a1?
  442. # [19:43] <smaug____> Hixie_: ^
  443. # [19:44] <Hixie_> what's the relationship between a and b?
  444. # [19:44] <Hixie_> like, why does b affect a at all?
  445. # [19:45] <Hixie_> all the unshipped port message queue does is make sure that messages on channels that haven't been sent through channels are delivered in relative order
  446. # [19:45] <smaug____> Hixie_: well, the spec says "Each event loop has a task source called the unshipped port message queue. "
  447. # [19:46] <smaug____> relative to what?
  448. # [19:46] <Hixie_> to other things in that queue
  449. # [19:47] <smaug____> Hixie_: so, if there is just one document/browsing context, there is one unshipped port message queue
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  451. # [19:47] <smaug____> when does something end up to that queue?
  452. # [19:47] <Hixie_> right
  453. # [19:47] <Hixie_> it means that when you do a1.postMessage(); b1.postMessage();, you first fire a message at a2, and then you fire a message at b2. you never fire on b2 before a2.
  454. # [19:48] <Hixie_> this isn't guaranteed once you have shipped, say, b2 across a1 to a2.
  455. # [19:48] <smaug____> ahaa, so if a2 is never started, b2
  456. # [19:48] <smaug____> never gets the message
  457. # [19:48] <Hixie_> what? no
  458. # [19:48] <smaug____> I'm trying to understand why not
  459. # [19:49] <smaug____> (note, I care only about the case when nothing is shipped)
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  462. # [19:49] <Hixie_> looks like the spec is buggy in the case of unstarted ports
  463. # [19:49] <baku> another unclear stuff is what about if the port is sent to the same window: window.postMessage(a.port1); do we consider it as shipped?
  464. # [19:49] <smaug____> baku: ^
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  466. # [19:50] <baku> because we are still in the same document/browsing context.
  467. # [19:50] <Hixie_> baku: "shipped" is clearly defined -- you only consider something shipped once you run a step that says "Set new port's has been shipped flag to true"
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  474. # [19:52] <baku> Hixie_, right. but what is not clear to me is that: the unshipped port message queue is used to keep messages in order when they are 'dispatched' in the same event loop/browser context. shipped flag is set to true when the port is cloned.
  475. # [19:52] <Hixie_> smaug____: ok, fixed. the unshipped port message queue ignores disabled port message queues.
  476. # [19:53] <smaug____> ok, thanks
  477. # [19:53] <baku> so it means that, cloning a port changes the queue for the messages also when the event loop/browser context doesn't change.
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  479. # [19:53] <Hixie_> smaug____: good catch, thank _you_!
  480. # [19:53] <Hixie_> baku: yes
  481. # [19:53] <Hixie_> baku: the idea is that you don't know if the message channel you're sending the port through goes to the same event loop or not
  482. # [19:53] <Hixie_> baku: so you should be ready for the order to get unreliable either way
  483. # [19:54] <baku> Hixie_, ok
  484. # [19:54] <Hixie_> baku: in particular, some implementations turn all channels that have ever gone through another channel into a channel to a different "grand central station" thread
  485. # [19:54] <Hixie_> baku: so they actually can't guarantee order at that point anyway
  486. # [19:54] <Hixie_> (once you can cross threads, managing the messages when the end-points are flying around as well becomes kind of tricky)
  487. # [19:55] <Hixie_> (you either want a central dispatch thread to manage it, or you need to start setting up redirects to catch late messages)
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  489. # [19:55] <baku> Hixie_, sure
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  493. # [19:56] <Hixie_> note that once a message port's queue gets enabled, the relative order of messages does come back into play
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  496. # [19:57] <Hixie_> so e.g. b2.start(); a1.postMessage(); b1.postMessage(); a2.start(); delivers a's message before b's.
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  498. # [19:57] <Hixie_> you just silently ignore the disabled ones until it's started
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  504. # [20:00] <Hixie_> smaug____: also moved some paragraphs around to try to make that area clearer.
  505. # [20:00] <smaug____> k
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  508. # [20:00] <smaug____> will, re-read when reviewing the patch
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  578. # [21:58] <MikeSmith> anybody have a clue why the following document would be causing a fatal parse error in the validator?
  579. # [21:58] <MikeSmith> http://w3c-test.org/web-platform-tests/master/html/semantics/forms/the-form-element/form-elements-nameditem-02.html
  580. # [21:59] <MikeSmith> http://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http://w3c-test.org/web-platform-tests/master/html/semantics/forms/the-form-element/form-elements-nameditem-02.htmla
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  582. # [21:59] <MikeSmith> http://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http://w3c-test.org/web-platform-tests/master/html/semantics/forms/the-form-element/form-elements-nameditem-02.html
  583. # [22:00] <Ms2ger> Heh, I know that test
  584. # [22:00] <Ms2ger> Streaming
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  587. # [22:02] <Ms2ger> MikeSmith, try <table><input></table>
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  589. # [22:05] <MikeSmith> Ms2ger: ok
  590. # [22:05] <MikeSmith> the validator fails on it without indicating what the cause was
  591. # [22:05] <Ms2ger> The DOM you need is <input><table></table>
  592. # [22:05] <Ms2ger> But once you streamed the start of the table, you can't do that anymore
  593. # [22:06] <MikeSmith> I see
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  603. # [22:14] <zcorpan> yeah, v.nu's parser is configured to fatal error on errors that require doing stuff that are already streamed
  604. # [22:15] <zcorpan> e.g. </head><!----><link> or <body><body foo> or <table>x
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  606. # [22:16] <zcorpan> (i guess the comment isn't required)
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  616. # [22:29] <Hixie_> wycats: yt?
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  619. # [22:35] <Hixie_> anyone have a pointer to the latest thinking on ES6 modules?
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  634. # [22:55] <Hixie_> does anyone know how es6 module loading interacts with synchronous reentrant script execution?
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  639. # [22:59] <wycats> Hixie: I'm here
  640. # [22:59] <Hixie_> wycats: hey
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  642. # [23:00] <Hixie_> wycats: originally i was going to say "please don't call ondemand that, it sounds like an event handler"
  643. # [23:00] <Hixie_> wycats: but now i have so many more questions about es6 modules and module loading
  644. # [23:00] <wycats> ES6 module imports are always async (except during sync eval, when they must be importing modules that are already in the registry)
  645. # [23:00] <wycats> And we're not going to call it on demand; it's an intentionally absurd name so we fix it before shipping
  646. # [23:01] <Hixie_> wycats: so what happens if you document.appendChild() an inline script that attempts to import something that's not loaded?
  647. # [23:01] <wycats> Syntax error
  648. # [23:02] <Hixie_> where would that be defined? do i have to say something in HTML to the effect of "this kind of script load is not allowed to be async", or do you automatically figure it out from the way there's JS on the stack?
  649. # [23:02] <Hixie_> i mean, at the spec level
  650. # [23:02] <wycats> the loader hooks are eval and evalAsync
  651. # [23:02] <wycats> So you'd want to decide which of those hooks to use from any given place in HTML
  652. # [23:03] <Hixie_> oh, i'm supposed to be invoking those from the html spec somehow?
  653. # [23:03] <Hixie_> interesting
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  655. # [23:03] <wycats> The spec language for this is coming shortly
  656. # [23:03] <Hixie_> how about the fetching, is the interaction with HTTP done straight from JS, or will there be a hook i can use to say "use fetch.spec.whatwg.org" ?
  657. # [23:03] <wycats> The loader API really tightens up the semantics
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  660. # [23:04] <wycats> The browser loader will define what its fetch hook does
  661. # [23:04] <wycats> The ES spec just calls into the fetch hook
  662. # [23:04] <wycats> Which is user overridable
  663. # [23:04] <Hixie_> ah, excellent
  664. # [23:04] <wycats> So theoretically you could use XHR
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  666. # [23:05] <wycats> all the hooks but normalize are async
  667. # [23:06] <Hixie_> so the background here is that i'm trying to define some sort of better script loading mechanism in html
  668. # [23:06] <Hixie_> but i want to make sure it works with modules
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  670. # [23:06] <Hixie_> is there some way i can prefill es6's notion of what modules are available, without having to fetch them all? e.g. we could have <script module="jquery" src="http://cdn.example.com/jquery.js"> ?
  671. # [23:07] <wycats> Yep
  672. # [23:07] <wycats> There's an exposed registry
  673. # [23:07] <wycats> Module names are simple strings
  674. # [23:07] <wycats> So you can put in "web/dom"
  675. # [23:08] <Ms2ger> r? http://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/286
  676. # [23:08] <Hixie_> wycats: "web/dom"?
  677. # [23:09] <wycats> An example module name
  678. # [23:09] <Hixie_> oh ok
  679. # [23:09] <wycats> import { document } from "web/Dom"
  680. # [23:09] <wycats> document.getElementById etc
  681. # [23:09] <Hixie_> let's not confuse matters by having examples that sound like web apis :-)
  682. # [23:10] <wycats> Your hook for prepopulation is the registry
  683. # [23:10] <wycats> Oh I was intentionally using a web api
  684. # [23:10] <Hixie_> i'm confused
  685. # [23:10] * Quits: Ms2ger (~Ms2ger@188.192-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) (Quit: nn)
  686. # [23:10] <Hixie_> i meant a page that has many scripts
  687. # [23:10] <Hixie_> would maybe want this registry populated with those scripts, right?
  688. # [23:10] <Hixie_> rather than wait until they are parsed
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  690. # [23:10] <wycats> Scripts aren't modules :/
  691. # [23:11] <Hixie_> oh? what's the difference
  692. # [23:11] <wycats> You're saying you want to populate the registry with module strings but not trigger an eager parse?
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  694. # [23:11] <Hixie_> suppose the page has five scripts from CDNs
  695. # [23:11] <Hixie_> and they haven't arrived yet
  696. # [23:11] <wycats> Scripts are just top level programs. Modules are scoped
  697. # [23:11] <Hixie_> oh i mean <script>s
  698. # [23:12] * Quits: miketaylr (~mtaylor@ (Quit: Leaving...)
  699. # [23:12] <Hixie_> they could be modules
  700. # [23:12] <Hixie_> assume they are modules
  701. # [23:12] * Quits: zdobersek (~zdobersek@cpe- (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
  702. # [23:12] <Hixie_> anyway, there's also an inline <script> that says to import jquery or whatever
  703. # [23:12] <Hixie_> without some mechanism in the markup, the browser has no idea which of the five CDN-hosted files has jquery
  704. # [23:13] <Hixie_> since it won't even hear back from the CDN for another 200ms
  705. # [23:13] <wycats> I'm on my phone ATM... There are specific things to discuss here but they're hard to type on a phone
  706. # [23:13] <wycats> Tonight?
  707. # [23:14] <Hixie_> sure
  708. # [23:14] <Hixie_> ping me whenever
  709. # [23:15] * Quits: hasather (~hasather@cm- (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  710. # [23:15] <wycats> tl;dr there are thoughts on bundling that are related to what you're doing
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  732. # Session Close: Tue Aug 27 00:00:00 2013

The end :)