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- # Session Start: Thu Nov 27 00:00:00 2014
- # Session Ident: #whatwg
- # [00:01] * Quits: Una (~Una@66-90-144-135.dyn.grandenetworks.net) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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- # [00:22] <Mathuin> Searching for cairocffi and IRC brought up a hit on this channel -- is this the right place to ask cairocffi-related questions?
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- # [00:27] <Ms2ger> Not quite
- # [00:28] <Mathuin> can you recommend another one?
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- # [00:43] <MikeSmith> SimonSapin: ↑
- # [00:44] <SimonSapin> Hi Mathuin. Let’s try #cairo
- # [00:44] <SimonSapin> (What lead you to this channel?)
- # [00:46] <Mathuin> Actually something you mentioned in the channel about it got logged and searchable on google. :-) heading to #cairo now... :-)
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- # [00:59] <jamesr_> Hixie: ^_^ ==> http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs45/i/2009/068/1/8/Emoticon_WP___04_by_elusive.jpg
- # [00:59] <TabAtkins> Its actual source is anime, where the "triangle eyes" indicate happiness.
- # [00:59] <Hixie> wouldn't that be ^u^ or something
- # [00:59] <Hixie> i thought it was supposed to be a cat :-P
- # [01:00] <jamesr_> http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/RiA/yyX/RiAyyXeoT.jpeg mebbe?
- # [01:01] <jamesr_> i am shocked at how hard it is to find the happy anime face i want on the internet
- # [01:02] <jamesr_> http://keikakudoori.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/happy-face.jpg ?
- # [01:02] <jamesr_> even bing isn't helping here
- # [01:02] <Hixie> anime is weird
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- # [01:02] <zewt_> window.is_mobile = (function (a) {
- # [01:02] <zewt_> return (/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i.test(a)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er
- # [01:03] <Hixie> these people look like something between being cross and being asleep
- # [01:03] <zewt_> |oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|
- # [01:03] <zewt_> avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom
- # [01:03] <zewt_> ^ that being 50% of one line of code makes me sad for the internet
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- # [01:04] <TabAtkins> =^_^= is a cat, due to the whiskers.
- # [01:05] <TabAtkins> zewt_: Looks like someone did some regex golfing on it?
- # [01:05] <zewt_> ψ(`∇´)ψ is the double-bird
- # [01:05] <TabAtkins> It's a bird giving the double bird, making it a triple bird.
- # [01:05] * Quits: annevk (~annevk@80-218-216-100.dclient.hispeed.ch) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
- # [01:05] <zewt_> which makes me wonder why it's an ios built-in
- # [01:06] * Quits: Una (~Una@cpe-70-117-78-235.austin.res.rr.com) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
- # [01:06] <zewt_> for *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* you'll have to draw your own conclusions
- # [01:07] <jamesr_> zewt_: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- # [01:09] * Quits: espadrine (~espadrine@dan75-7-88-166-187-54.fbx.proxad.net) (Quit: espadrine)
- # [01:09] <Hixie> surely >^_^< is more catlike than =^_^=
- # [01:09] <TabAtkins> Man, don't argue with idioms.
- # [01:09] * Quits: ehsan (~ehsan@2001:450:1f:224:5800:4938:d666:4aa0) (Remote host closed the connection)
- # [01:09] <Hixie> >^o^<
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- # [01:20] <jamesr_> /^_^\
- # [01:21] <astearns_> ^ↀᴥↀ^
- # [01:21] <jamesr_> woah, bustin' out the big codepoints
- # [01:22] <TabAtkins> ^̸̈́_̵̊^̷̀
- # [01:23] <Hixie> ☺
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- # [02:04] <MikeSmith> Hixie: what's the status on landing the loading stuff in the HTML spec
- # [02:04] <MikeSmith> Hixie: blocked on TC39?
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- # [02:12] <Hixie> MikeSmith: abandoned, as far as i'm aware.
- # [02:13] <MikeSmith> wha
- # [02:13] <MikeSmith> I guess I missed that memo
- # [02:14] <Hixie> nobody showed any interest :-(
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- # [02:14] <MikeSmith> well that sucks
- # [02:15] <Hixie> i'm still up for speccing it if it's something people want
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- # [03:45] <MikeSmith> for anybody here who might be interested, I just set up an TLS-enabled instance of the web-platform-tests runner, at https://w3c-test.org:9443
- # [03:45] <MikeSmith> based on code from a pending PR from jgraham https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/1302
- # [03:47] <MikeSmith> at this point the TLS support is intended just for tests that specifically require, not in general for the overall testsuite
- # [03:49] <MikeSmith> first thing I realize is that we if we were to want to TLS-enable the running of the whole testsuite, we've got tons of mixed-content cases in there we'd need to fix
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- # [09:06] <MikeSmith> how come in gecko MessageChannel is still under a flag
- # [09:10] <MikeSmith> just blocked on getting it enabled in workers?
- # [09:10] <MikeSmith> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=952139&hide_resolved=1
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- # [09:19] <foolip> Hixie: pong
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- # [09:24] <foolip> I saw https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27102 and will update WebVTT to match
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- # [09:40] <annevk_> MikeSmith: hmm, BroadcastChannel is due to blobs
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- # [09:42] <MikeSmith> annevk_: seems like smaug is on it
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- # [09:42] <MikeSmith> (based on bugzilla comments)
- # [09:42] <MikeSmith> I mean just as far as knowing what the status isu
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- # [09:44] <MikeSmith> fyi for anybody interested, I move the TLS-enabled instance of the web-platform-tests runner to port 443, so https://w3c-test.org works now (and https://w3c-test.org:9443 no longer does)
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- # [09:47] <annevk_> Hmm
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- # [09:48] * annevk_ is now known as annevk
- # [09:48] <annevk> It seems when running https://w3c-test.org/encoding/single-byte-decoder.html online a bunch of tests timeout
- # [09:48] <MikeSmith> annevk: yeah
- # [09:48] <MikeSmith> but they also timeout at http://w3c-test.org/encoding/single-byte-decoder.html
- # [09:49] <MikeSmith> annevk: I was telling you this myself here yesterday :)
- # [09:49] <annevk> MikeSmith: apparently I can't actually read
- # [09:50] <annevk> MikeSmith: should we fix that somehow?
- # [09:50] * Quits: sicking (~sicking@c-98-210-159-193.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: sicking)
- # [09:50] <MikeSmith> sure
- # [09:50] <MikeSmith> question is, how
- # [09:51] <MikeSmith> I don't know why it's timing out
- # [09:51] <MikeSmith> haven't even looked at the console output yet
- # [09:53] * Quits: jdaggett (~jdaggett@61-121-216-2.bitcat.net) (Quit: jdaggett)
- # [09:53] <annevk> MikeSmith: I think all the fetches just take too long and the harness decides to call it a day
- # [09:53] <MikeSmith> annevk: nothing at all logged to console in firefox as far as I can see
- # [09:54] <MikeSmith> ah ok
- # [09:54] <annevk> MikeSmith: so we need to signal to the harness it takes longer I guess
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- # [09:55] <MikeSmith> yeah the harness provides some option for doing exactly like that but I forget what it is
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- # [09:55] <annevk> the downloading of those files btw violates mimesniff
- # [09:56] <annevk> I have no sympathy for that
- # [09:57] <zcorpan_> Hixie: i know some web developers want the "lazyload" aspect for images at least
- # [09:57] <MikeSmith> annevk: I have no sympathy or whatever engineer decided to make it do that
- # [09:59] <zcorpan_> MikeSmith: jgraham: about tls, do we have a way to indicate that a test should be run as https?
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- # [10:02] <MikeSmith> zcorpan_: nope
- # [10:02] <MikeSmith> not as far as I know
- # [10:02] <MikeSmith> but I think we don't yet have many tests in that category, do we?
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- # [10:05] <zcorpan_> some websocket tests at least iirc
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- # [10:07] <MikeSmith> yeah
- # [10:07] <MikeSmith> those are the only ones I remember specifically
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- # [10:10] <MikeSmith> zcorpan_: but I think we do probably have quite a few tests that are coded in way that assumes they're being served over normal http
- # [10:11] <MikeSmith> the webmessaging tests do at least
- # [10:11] <foolip> zcorpan_: do you have tools for grepping a large body of real Web content?
- # [10:12] * Quits: beverloo (beverloo@nat/google/x-pwacpfastlxphuey) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
- # [10:12] <zcorpan_> foolip: 100,000 pages from last year not including external resources
- # [10:12] * Quits: hasather_ (~hasather@guest.schibsted.no) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
- # [10:12] <foolip> zcorpan_: can you check how createCDATASection is typically used?
- # [10:13] <zcorpan_> sure
- # [10:14] <foolip> and can I get the data myself somehow?
- # [10:15] * Joins: beverloo (beverloo@nat/google/x-migidvniqwotxrps)
- # [10:15] <zcorpan_> also see https://github.com/search?l=javascript&o=desc&q=createcdatasection&s=&type=Code&utf8=✓
- # [10:15] <zcorpan_> yep, http://webdevdata.org (data set 2013-09-01 102,000 pages is the one i have)
- # [10:16] <foolip> GitHub search usually finds mostly WebKit/Blink test cases, but sometimes it works, sure
- # [10:16] * Joins: Smylers (~smylers@
- # [10:16] <Ms2ger> And Gecko test cases
- # [10:16] <zcorpan_> httparchive+bigquery is supposedly kickass but i haven't tried to use that yet
- # [10:17] <foolip> I'm trying to figure out if httparchive actually has the response body
- # [10:18] <zcorpan_> it does somewhere, but i think you want to use bigquery to interact with it instead of downloading it
- # [10:18] * zcorpan_ finds https://www.igvita.com/2013/06/20/http-archive-bigquery-web-performance-answers/ - not sure if it's still accurate
- # [10:19] <foolip> I've read that before, but the example looks like it's polling the URL only
- # [10:19] <foolip> "all you need to do is download and import ~400GB of raw SQL/CSV data" actually seems like not a problem, if I could just find where to download it :)
- # [10:19] <zcorpan_> ./4b/charter97.org_4bb84556534ed2034958e8fd4799058f.html.txt:targetNode.appendChild(document.createCDATASection(elementsObject[key]));
- # [10:19] <zcorpan_> ./57/awaytravel.ru_57db32e4f1d4a1b51b513efd9913fd14.c++:targetNode.appendChild(document.createCDATASection(elementsObject[key]));
- # [10:19] <zcorpan_> ./8f/16fan.com_8fe9894282996630af7e47dc04f1d27f.html.txt: targetNode.appendChild(document.createCDATASection(elementsObject[key]));
- # [10:19] <zcorpan_> ./cb/italia-ru.com_cb56b23a7ef834095755d9c071b7fd69.c++:targetNode.appendChild(document.createCDATASection(elementsObject[key]));
- # [10:19] <zcorpan_> ./d4/pegipegi.com_d43dca92b28b3ea685371ef18a89b7d6.html.txt:targetNode.appendChild(document.createCDATASection(elementsObject[key]));
- # [10:20] <Ms2ger> Looks like a library
- # [10:20] <foolip> yep, and that case would work fine if createCDATASection were aliased to createTextNode
- # [10:21] * Quits: karlcow (~karl@nerval.la-grange.net) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
- # [10:24] <zcorpan_> foolip: https://github.com/HTTPArchive/httparchive/issues/6#issuecomment-32502849
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- # [10:25] <foolip> zcorpan_: interesting!
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- # [10:37] <jgraham> zcorpan_: The websockets tests don't rely on th etop level html file being served over https, do they?
- # [10:38] * Quits: Lachy (~Lachy@ (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
- # [10:39] <foolip> zcorpan_: http://httparchive.webpagetest.org/habodies.php?run=20141015 is the most recent with complete data it seems
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- # [10:41] <jgraham> annevk: <meta name=timeout content=long> or whatever <meta> syntax is
- # [10:42] <jgraham> (before the <script> elements)
- # [10:42] <jgraham> Running the whole testsuite over https seems like a non-goal
- # [10:45] <annevk> jgraham: will add
- # [10:45] <MikeSmith> jgraham: wouldbe nice at least if any new tests didn't be hardcoded with assumptions that they're being run over normal http
- # [10:46] * Quits: beverloo (beverloo@nat/google/x-migidvniqwotxrps) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
- # [10:46] <MikeSmith> plus, TLS is more fun
- # [10:46] <foolip> zcorpan_: well actually, I'm not finding the actualy bodies, just a large number of identical .har files in the end
- # [10:47] <darobin> foolip: it hid the bodies, looked at you, then went ".har .har .har!"? RUN!
- # [10:47] <zcorpan_> foolip: weird. ask in the bug
- # [10:47] * darobin gets his coat
- # [10:50] <annevk> MikeSmith: jgraham: https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/1421
- # [10:51] <annevk> jgraham: actually, running the test suite over TLS should be a goal
- # [10:51] * Joins: dshwang (dshwang@nat/intel/x-vkqdsgcvdjfibjra)
- # [10:51] <annevk> jgraham: e.g. if HTTP/2 ends up requiring HTTPS
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- # [10:54] <jgraham> AFAICT the only effect of running the testsuite over TLS is that debugging gets harder because e.g. Wireshark no longer works
- # [10:54] * Joins: ohaibbq (~ohaibbq@2601:9:a80:a8f:3409:155f:9c74:e1c)
- # [10:55] <jgraham> This is a testsuite that is primarilly designed to be run on your local computer so there is no integrity concern
- # [10:56] * Joins: hendry_ (~hendry@
- # [10:56] <jgraham> And in cases where you *are* testing HTTPS/cross protocol forcing the top level file to be protocol agnostic makes writing tests much harder because you need to detect whether you're doing http->https or viceversa
- # [10:56] * Joins: diffalot (~diffalot@unaffiliated/papyromancer)
- # [10:57] <jgraham> HTTP/2 is a whole different kettle of fish
- # [10:57] * Quits: hendry_ (~hendry@ (Client Quit)
- # [10:57] <jgraham> We will need a seperate HTTP/2 server and… I don't know what, exactly
- # [10:58] <annevk> It seems useful to run all these tests over HTTP/2, especially network-sensitive tests
- # [11:01] <jgraham> In practice it seems unlikely that we are going to run all 200,000 tests over two different protocols
- # [11:01] * Quits: ohaibbq (~ohaibbq@2601:9:a80:a8f:3409:155f:9c74:e1c) (Quit: Leaving...)
- # [11:01] <jgraham> But this might be a thing to worry about when we actually have a HTTP/2 server
- # [11:02] * Joins: caitp (~caitp@173-167-187-65-illinois.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
- # [11:02] <MikeSmith> annevk: nice, now 501 passes
- # [11:05] <MikeSmith> annevk: tested and reviewed and merged your PR all from Firefox Nightly running on my phone, on a train
- # [11:05] <annevk> heh
- # [11:05] * Quits: hendry (~hendry@sg.webconverger.com) (Quit: leaving)
- # [11:06] <MikeSmith> I tried it in Chrome on my phone but here also it does the download thing
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- # [11:11] <zcorpan_> MikeSmith: while you're at it, can you write a testsuite for dir="" rendering rules on your phone?
- # [11:11] <jgraham> MikeSmith: I think that's zcorpan_ for "Fuck You"
- # [11:12] <jgraham> ;)
- # [11:12] <zcorpan_> heh
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- # [11:14] <MikeSmith> zcorpan_: in the words of my idol Doug Crockford, Don't harsh my mellow
- # [11:14] <zcorpan_> (i'm not looking forward to testing dir="" but i have it on my todo)
- # [11:17] <annevk> zcorpan_: can't you use some of Hixie's work?
- # [11:18] <zcorpan_> annevk: possibly, i'm not aware of his work
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- # [11:21] <Ms2ger> annevk, btw, we should run all tests with application/xhtml+xml too
- # [11:22] <annevk> Ms2ger: why?
- # [11:22] * Quits: diffalot (~diffalot@unaffiliated/papyromancer) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
- # [11:23] <jgraham> Well some of them certainly depend on xhtmlness
- # [11:24] <jgraham> Or htmlness, rather
- # [11:24] <jgraham> So having all tests run in both document types ensures that you test those cases
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- # [11:25] <jgraham> ofc having everything run in 2 document formats over 2 protocols starts to balloon your runtime enormously for relatively small benefit
- # [11:27] <annevk> It seems like a strange comparison
- # [11:28] <jgraham> Well it's actually a thing that CSS does today
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- # [11:32] <annevk> They still do that? wow
- # [11:32] * Quits: Ms2ger (~Ms2ger@ (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
- # [11:32] <annevk> When was the last time we found a bug that way?
- # [11:32] <jgraham> No idea
- # [11:38] <zcorpan_> also quirks mode, almost standards mode
- # [11:38] <zcorpan_> different encodings
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- # [11:48] <zcorpan_> i think it makes more sense to use a single version of a test for the bulk of the tests, and have opt-in to several versions for specific tests somehow
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- # [11:49] <zcorpan_> so far the opt-in is in the test itself or having several files for a test
- # [11:51] <zcorpan_> possibly the opt-in should be different for tests that should run over several protocols
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- # [11:57] <jgraham> A long time ago the plan was to have per-directory manifest overrides mapping files to tests
- # [11:58] <jgraham> e.g. {foo.html: [foo.html?bar=baz]}
- # [11:58] <jgraham> You can imagine adapting that idea to get top-level files served over https or http/2, although it becomes cumbersome if that becomes the default
- # [11:59] <jgraham> Or s/default/very common/
- # [12:02] <zcorpan_> i guess it's possible at some point in the future that http/2 is more interesting than http
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- # [12:17] <annevk> That's certainly the goal
- # [12:17] <annevk> And unlike XHTML it has the incentives
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- # [12:46] <zcorpan_> annevk: https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-document-characterset is there a reason to do it this way instead of making the right column the canonical case in the encoding spec?
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- # [12:47] <zcorpan_> having different case for different APIs seems annoying
- # [12:49] <gsnedders> the ones in DOM are required for compat… I'd rather we just changed the canonical cases in the encoding spec to match what is used elsewhere…
- # [13:00] <zcorpan_> seems like there's big overlap between /dom/nodes/Document-characterSet-normalization.html and /encoding/single-byte-decoder.html
- # [13:02] <gsnedders> well yeah, annevk changed it all in the encoding spec to have a predictable case
- # [13:02] <jgraham> I think seitching the default to http/2 is more plausible than running everything over both, and can be dealt with once it becomes clear it's the right thing to do
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- # [13:19] <annevk> zcorpan_: I don't want any new APIs to expose the weird legacy casing
- # [13:19] <annevk> zcorpan_: e.g. TextDecoder
- # [13:20] <zcorpan_> annevk: why?
- # [13:20] <annevk> zcorpan_: so you don't have to know the casing rules
- # [13:22] <zcorpan_> annevk: having the case be different between APIs means i can't compare the output without lowercasing or uppercasing both first
- # [13:22] <annevk> zcorpan_: there's no reason to use characterSet so I don't think that's a problem
- # [13:24] <foolip> how sure are we that making characterSet return lowercase isn't Web compatible?
- # [13:24] <annevk> foolip: hsivonen argued that Chrome + Safari + Firefox > IE
- # [13:25] <annevk> foolip: bz said that inputEncoding should return "UTF-8"
- # [13:25] <zcorpan_> does IE return lowercase?
- # [13:25] <annevk> foolip: I don't have actual data, only a lot of scars from things we thought we could change
- # [13:25] <annevk> zcorpan_: I'm not actually sure
- # [13:25] <annevk> zcorpan_: I have a vague recollection that IE and old Opera did that
- # [13:26] * Quits: danbri (~Adium@2001:450:1d:232:b49c:8061:1a20:dfae) (Quit: Leaving.)
- # [13:26] <foolip> IE11 returns lowercase "utf-8" for both characterSet and charset
- # [13:27] <foolip> but it sure seems like a change that would cause some breakage for whoever makes a change
- # [13:28] <foolip> honestly it seems like changing the canonical case in the Encoding Standard might be less weird long-term
- # [13:28] <foolip> but I don't plan to fiddle with this myself any time soon, so... yeah.
- # [13:29] <Ms2ger> zcorpan, you managed to fix the tests before I even got around to adding it to my todo list :)
- # [13:29] * Quits: zcorpan (~zcorpan@90-230-218-37-no135.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: Bye)
- # [13:30] <zcorpan_> Ms2ger: :-)
- # [13:30] <zcorpan_> presto returns lowercase for window-1252 at least for characterSet (inputEncoding is undefined)
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- # [13:42] <annevk> foolip: why put it in the Encoding Standard? I don't really want this to leak beyond characterSet & friends
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- # [13:47] <foolip> annevk: it just that there's currently no big list of special-cased labels in the characterSet getter, and I expect some frowning if some other API is added where the capitalization must be different
- # [13:47] * Quits: diffalot (~diffalot@unaffiliated/papyromancer) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
- # [13:48] <foolip> unless those APIs only ever return lowercase strings, in which case one could have the characterSet-compatible labels as the canonical names internally, not bothering with the canonical names of the Encoding Standard
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- # [13:51] <foolip> annevk: yep, I see that TextDecoder.encoding getter actually lowercases the returned string in Blink
- # [13:52] <foolip> so it's already the way I thought it would end up :)
- # [13:52] <foolip> I'm clairvoyant
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- # [14:19] <annevk> foolip: yeah, makes sense for a legacy impl
- # [14:19] <annevk> foolip: I would expect a saner setup in say, Servo
- # [14:21] * Quits: Ms2ger (~Ms2ger@nata206.ugent.be) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
- # [14:21] <annevk> rubys: when I run make I get a very different url.html from you again
- # [14:21] <annevk> rubys: e.g. mine removes bikeshed.css, but adds <script async src=//resources.whatwg.org/file-bug.js></script>
- # [14:22] <annevk> rubys: mine adds title attributes all over
- # [14:22] <annevk> rubys: references www.whatwg.org over whatwg.org
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- # [14:58] * Quits: plutoniix (~plutoniix@61-91-87-100.static.asianet.co.th) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
- # [15:04] <rubys> annevk: did you update bikeshed? We might need TabAtkin's help
- # [15:09] <zcorpan_> what is the "context object" for things on Window? is it the Window or WindowProxy?
- # [15:12] <annevk> rubys: yes I ran bikeshed update
- # [15:13] <zcorpan_> hmm http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/3317
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- # [15:16] <annevk> rubys: I also updated the repository, apparently that doesn't go automatically
- # [15:16] <annevk> rubys: still minor differences
- # [15:16] <rubys> These are the commands I use:
- # [15:16] <rubys> cd ~/git/bikeshed
- # [15:16] <rubys> git checkout .
- # [15:16] <rubys> git pull --rebase
- # [15:16] <rubys> bikeshed update
- # [15:17] <annevk> yeah
- # [15:17] * Joins: BigBangUDR (~Thunderbi@
- # [15:17] <rubys> annevk: you are on mac
- # [15:17] <rubys> ?
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- # [15:18] * rubys is down to 5 errors and 1 warning on the first-cut rough merge of my peg.js work and the url standard
- # [15:18] <annevk> rubys: yes
- # [15:19] <rubys> annevk: ok, I'll try on mac later today
- # [15:20] <zcorpan_> seems like blink associates the active document with the MediaQueryList while gecko associates the WindowProxy
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- # [15:24] <zcorpan_> i think i prefer associating with the document so the object stops working while the frame is navigated to a different document
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- # [15:52] <annevk> zcorpan_: WindowProxy most likely
- # [15:52] * Quits: yoav (~yoav@sdo26-1-78-245-148-181.fbx.proxad.net) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
- # [15:53] <rubys> darobin: I pushed to https://github.com/webspecs/url and https://specs.webplatform.org/url/webspecs/develop/ didn't update
- # [15:54] <rubys> darobin: just a guess, but bikeshed needed to make a fix for this to work
- # [15:56] * Parts: Hunter14895 (~Ken@ ("Leaving")
- # [16:01] <darobin> rubys: looking at the logs
- # [16:02] <annevk> "update several hundred billion users of Chrome" horse-blink-dev
- # [16:02] <zcorpan_> annevk: yeah that jumped out at me also :-)
- # [16:03] <zcorpan_> chrome must be really successful with so many users
- # [16:04] <darobin> rubys: ah, I found an interesting bug
- # [16:04] * darobin slaps himself for supporting caching at this stage
- # [16:06] <zcorpan_> maybe some ants are using chrome?
- # [16:06] * Parts: rillian (giles@mf4-xiph.osuosl.org)
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- # [16:26] <darobin> rubys: should be updated now, lmk
- # [16:27] * Quits: jungkees (uid24208@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bqtrnjybwslnzugy) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
- # [16:29] <darobin> rubys: also, about an hour ago it looks like you pull in a looooong list of commits from annevk
- # [16:30] <darobin> the resulting JSON payload from the hook is so large that it was rejected by the server's security policy :)
- # [16:31] <darobin> but I just retriggered more recent hook calls and they worked fine
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- # [16:34] <rubys> darobin: indeed I did. Started the merge :-)
- # [16:36] <darobin> rubys: yeah, I figured :) So, just in case you do a megamerge again don't be surprised if it doesn't work (I don't want to remove the protection, we shouldn't be getting megabytes of JSON all the time), just trigger a small change afterwards and it'll just work
- # [16:36] * Quits: annevk (~annevk@80-218-216-100.dclient.hispeed.ch) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
- # [16:36] <darobin> I'm eventually going to replace the clunky GH hooks with something simpler from Travis that just sends the repo and branch
- # [16:36] <rubys> there must have been another problem as I did trigger a small change afterwards
- # [16:37] <darobin> rubys: oh yes, the two issues are unrelated
- # [16:37] <darobin> the other one is fixed
- # [16:37] <rubys> I'm planning to use Travis for regression testing
- # [16:37] <darobin> I shot myself in the face with caching basically
- # [16:38] <rubys> in any case: thanks! And merges from here on out should be smaller
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- # [20:18] <zewt_> heh well here's a nasty one: http://download.autodesk.com/us/support/report_a_bug.html?SelProduct=Maya autodesk's bug reporting form has ... no submit button in Chrome
- # [20:18] * Quits: bnicholson (~bnicholso@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
- # [20:18] <zewt_> (it's outside of the iframe, for me at least)
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- # [20:19] <zewt_> "i hope you didn't expect to be able to actually send that detailed bug report you just put together"
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- # [20:38] <caitp> web development is hard zewt_
- # [20:38] <caitp> why is it so hard
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- # [21:11] <Ms2ger> Hixie, around?
- # [21:14] <Hixie> vaguely
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- # [21:16] <Hixie> sup?
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- # [21:19] <Ms2ger> Hixie, I found the bit of spec I was looking for myself, thanks anyway :)
- # [21:19] <Hixie> cool
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- # [21:19] <Ms2ger> For future reference, the "all attributes are in no namespace" requirement is in the XML section
- # [21:22] <Hixie> which attributes?
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- # [21:27] <Ms2ger> Content attributes
- # [21:27] <Ms2ger> I was looking at .dataset in this case
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- # [21:34] <Hixie> k
- # [21:35] <Hixie> not really sure what you mean but whatever :-)
- # [21:35] <Hixie> so long as you're happy :-)
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- # Session Close: Fri Nov 28 00:00:00 2014
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